West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jan 1924, p. 2

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PAGE TWO Owing to delay in transportation a shipment of paper from George- town made about a week ago is not yet to hand and we are consequently late this week. There is a strong probability that 005.] will replace wood in another year or so for manufacturing and heating purposes.. It is now used in Smith’s Foundry, the Furniture Fac- tory, The Durham Manufacturing Company and the Cement Works. The Flcshorton stage seems to have a hard time of it this winter. It reached here Tuesday about one o’clock and did not attempt the return trip till Wednesday. Frum reports on the condition of the. roads we am) not surprised to hear of it'- regularities. A load left here yesterday to at.- tvnd the funeral of M 1's. PvtcArthur at Priceville, but were forced to turn back at Bunossan owing to the con- dition of the roads. and did not reach lwre till five u‘clock. Wv regret, to learn that Mr. Allan Bell is in a vow dangerous state from appendicitis and OUIPI‘ compliâ€" cations. _ \Ve have men badly used this week. First, the Grand Trunk kept us \Vaitiig for paper that should have been here a week ago; then \rehie MCI)OI.,.1"3H \\ ent to a funeral, got stuck in the sun“ and hasnt Ie- turned. To add to this .laek Shaw had to go and get Sick. and he‘s (HIKE There is onlv one more and the devil left. and there’s ' no telling how soon they may act up, and then. what? Billy Caldwell‘s rig wasn’t fast enough for Archie and he started at Bunessan to hoof it to Priceville. and by the time the load decided to turn back Archie had disappeared and they had to let him go. Nothing of ithe crawling kind will suit. the members of The Chronicle stati'. If they can’t get something swif t. they prefer to go on foot. The milk business changed hands this week, Mr. J. H. Brown having snld out. to Mr. John Marshall. The train from here had its first, real trouble on Tuesday. the morn- ing train being unable to reach Palmerston until afternoon. Dr. Thomas Norton, an eminent physician, died on the 111th inst. at Shelhurne. In barefoot boyhood days we attended school together at Hoathcote. He was born in Montreal in 1852 and graduated in medicine from McGill in 1874. (Walkerton Herald.) .1. I). Babcock, a Paisley youth who was remanded to the Walkerton jail on the charge of stealing candy, gloves and other articles from Bal- lachey's general store. and also with swiping a revolver and some cartâ€" ridges from Charlesworth’s hard-, ware store in Paisley, appeared he-‘ GAVE YOUTH ANOTHER CHANCE \ fnre Magistrate MeNab here on Fri- day last. and pleaded guilty to the oil‘ences. As restitution had been made. and a largely signed petition from the citizens of Paisley urged that the accused. who is a returned .man who was gassed at. the front be 'given another chance. the Magis- lirate. after severely reprimanding the prisoner. let him off on suspend- etl sentence. His father, who was absent from Paisley on a farm he. had taken up in Northern thitariol when the stealing was done, was present at the court here on Friday and pledged that if his son were‘ freed he would take him up to his Northern Ontario farm and keep a fatherly eye over him, which, in View of the boy having got in trou- ble before, seemed a wise more in lthe eyes of the court. The father paid the costs of the action and the lad departed to go north with him. Elmer Rankin. aged 15, of Paisley, who was also implicated in the thefts was let off by the court. as he was merely thought to have been the dupe ot' the older boy. About Umbrellas. Nowr open an umbrella to dry it, as thv stick is likely, to stifl'cn and crack. Dry it. shut, up, with the handle down. If the handle is up, the water will collect in the bottom 01' the umbrella and rot the silk. Now and Then ‘l 10-day if at the same time you‘hre estébfishjng financial backin for tomorrow oy gradually ac. cumulatipg savmgs. Youth can spare what old age THERE will be an added zwt to your enjoyment h-LAgu 3‘ 2% Han camp fimp vnn arn nefakliclninn will need. - Open a savings account with this Bank now. THE STAN DA RD BAN K Aâ€"- GLENBLG COUNCIL Council met Monday, January 14. as per statute, the newly-elected members present and, having taken their. declaration of ofi‘ice and of qualification. took their seats as follows : Reeve, William Weir, Esq; Coun- cillors, A. A. Aljoe, Mal. Black, T. J. Brodie and John McGrath, Esqs. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Communications woro read from : Owen Sound. Marine Hospital. and Durham Red Cross Hospital, re: claims of indigent persons; Sick‘ Children‘s HUSpllal. ".l‘oronto. 'ro aid to hospital: account for election smmlios and stationery from Muni- cipal W'orld; Messrs. Thomas Nichol. Joi‘m McKochnio and A. 1). McLeod, roprosonting Pricox'illo school soc- tion. presented petition protesting against ro‘mioval of Lots 41 and 42, (loncvssion l. S.l’).R.. inio [7.8.8. No. '10, By-lawswm‘v intrmlucm'l and read a first. timv as follows : 6/19. appoint- ing Auditors for 1924; 6:31. apminting caretaker ul’ 'l‘mvnsl‘lip Hail, and 65:2, appointing local Board of Hoatlh. (lonmlissinns pmt'scntm their 1'9- ports of special jobs, which were ad- Opted and arderml paid as follows: \V‘al'd '1, $1.20; \Vard 2. $17.90; Ward 3 $33.00; Ward 4, $2.00 Al,ioeâ€"â€"â€"Blzwk-â€"â€"'I‘hat Commissioners be assigned to the different \Vards for 192": ‘as follows: \Vard 1, A. A. Aljoo; Ward '2. John MoGi'ath; Ward 3. Mal. Black; Ware? 4, 'l‘. J. Brodie, and that tho meo iw Commissioner of Bri ( igos .â€"â€"â€"(jm'1‘ i (Pd. or " CANE)». Alj('wâ€"â€"-:\Idiruthâ€"«That. clcwtitgm 0x- [wnsos 1w paid as t'ollt’m's : Pull N4).- 1. $111.50: NH. 2. $14.50; No. 3, $111.50; No, 4, $14.50; No. 5. $9.50, and Adam Anderson $5.00 for ('icliwring ballot. boxes. T ota'l $72.50.â€"Carried. .~\1j00-â€"â€"Mc(}rath-â€"â€"-’I‘hat By-law 649 for Amiitors. kw. filled in with the names of Henry Braton and John Mc- Gix'r and road a second time.â€"Cur. _ By-law 651 was ordered tilled in with thv name of Alf O’Neil, as the caretaker and road a second time. The local Board of Health was apâ€" pointed as follows: J. G. Hutton, M.D., M.0.H.; William Weir, Reeve, member ox-oll'icio, George Binnie, member, and H. H. McDonald, Secreâ€" tarv. Sanitary InSpectors were appoint- ed as follows: Div. '1, Wm. Weir; No. 2, George Binnie; N0. 3, R. J. Torry; N0. 4. John Ellison; N0. 5, H. H. McDonald. Aljoeâ€"McGrath-«That' By-laws 649, 651, and 652 be read a third time signed, sealed and engrossed in By- law bookâ€"«Carried. Aljoeâ€"McGrathâ€"{I‘hat the claim of Durham Hospital be left over till next meeting of Council.â€"-Carried. Brodieâ€"Blackâ€"That Clerk notify General and Marine Hospital, Owen Sound, that we will not entertain their claimâ€"Carried. Aljoeâ€"Bl:lckâ€"'I‘hat Byâ€"law 641, commuting statute labor on County and Provincial roads in the Town- ship be rescindedâ€"Carried. Brod i eâ€"M CG Pathâ€"Th a t, By-I aw 6/11, commuting statute labor on the County and Provincial Highways re- main 0n By-law bookâ€"«Lost. The Clerk was instructed to pre- pare a Dy-law rescim‘ling By-law No. 641. for the February meeting, Aljoewlh‘odieâ€"{I‘hat commission on exiimuiitm'o in 1923 be paid as follows : Ward 2, J. .1. Black, $1.40; Ward 3, M. Black, $14.60.â€"-Carricd. A]j00-â€"-Blauk-'l‘hat this Council donate $10.00 to the Sick Children’s Hospital, Toronto.â€"â€"C‘arried. :leoeâ€"Black-qulat. the Treasurer be paid $6.00 for preparing Financial Statement and A. MacCuaig $3.00 for assistingâ€"Carried. Brodieâ€"McGrathâ€"fl‘hat the Clerk notify the secretary of U.S.S. 10 to have trustees of said section meet the Council at the Township Hall on February 9 next re transfer of Lots ll and '2 Gen 1, SWDRâ€"Carried. Aljoeâ€"-McGrathâ€"That the Clerk be instructed to advertise in local papers for Assessor for 1924, salary $100.00. applications to be opened at Council meeting. February 9.â€"4C.ar. Aljoeâ€"Blackâ€"That time for re- turn of Collectors’ Rolls be extended to January 2:"), 1924, and all- taxes to be paid with 5 per cent. addedâ€"Car. The following accounts were pass- ed and ordered paid: Wes Brady, sheep killed. $11.00, 1 injured, $2.00; 1‘ v“ at“ L. McLean, '1 killed. $9.00; (Min M'râ€"g Arthur. two inspections. $3.00: Mum. icipal \Vorld, 7 copies. $7.00; Grey; 8; Bruce Fire. Insurance Company. payment poiiry on 'l‘ownship Hall, $4.80; Municipal World. election supplies and statimn‘r)’. $10.82; Alex. McQuarrie-. bonus. 40 rods fence. S10; '1‘. G. Lainior. refund dog tax, $2.00; Wm. Banks, winter work on Side- road '10. $1.20; B. H. Walden. repairs to whom} scram-9r. $1.77): Wm. Low. brushing town iino (“(‘I'H‘lg and Hoiâ€" land. $15.12; W. Wilson, putting in culvert. $5.00; VV'altor '.l.‘ibbutt_. '3 rods ,grawlling and gravel. $2.10. Blarkâ€"Brodioâ€"Jl‘hat. Mex. A. A1â€" joo ho appointed with the Auditm‘s to examine the 'l‘reasuror‘s securiâ€" t ios .â€"â€"Carricd. ‘_...__ McGratthljowâ€"lhat the: Mark- dale Standald be a“ aldcd the 'l‘wp. printing for 1924.â€"-Carriod. l Cfluncil adjnulned to l(‘.Â¥hlllal\ at 10 a ..m See the Point? Snn.â€"â€"“\Vfl1=1t is a wast. father?" Fathmnâ€"«X roost is :1 mm- rm which chickons roost at night." “And what. is a porch. papa?" “A porch is what chicknns [WWI] on at night.” “Well, papa. couldn't. (-vhickvns roost on a perch ‘2” “Why, Of course." “And couldn‘t they pmwh on a roost?” a perch, wouldn’t it?" “Oh, heavens! Yes, I suppose so.” “But if after somv chickens had pvrched on a roost and made it a “Certainly.” “But if the chickens [)(H'Cth on roost, that would makv tlm most. H. H. Mchnald. Clerk Kw ch some rhickvns mmw along- am? on Uw M‘H‘i' and madv if 2.; hen thv mus! would b0 a W ironstod :1";OSL t ‘pvrch and tho {WITH WHIHI‘ MP A ‘rm'ystand sum“ «of thw ('hivkvni lvmuhl ho rcmstvrs ‘zm'i :m nihmx iwould ho pvx'chm's. 31Dt]â€"-â€"â€"-" “For hvawn‘s sukws. Susan. tukw I this child 101ml a. mum!" Just However You Like It. If you wish a tvmlm' (‘l‘lh‘i «m hl'vad. 3°11}: 1hr warm 1””th hull“? but. if you pl'var at wisp ('I'ust 1'11!» the“ warm Inaf with iwah'}! \\'hit<- Hf h" . .. M :4 Thursday, January 17, 192‘. EVE H478 A.~â€"â€"It is nstimatmi :h approximate-1y «m.- “my Canada whn \wrc- imz‘; ‘ States. or :iimm I: (Luâ€"How man) .‘nn there in Canada? Dominion pnmlluiwlz, \1.“ are U) h" Mum] n2! 2:1!‘1‘ \Vestm‘n Pwnmvm, X.- hundred ll'lilii‘m m'é'm n' Canadian land hm :wvn \. homustoadm: and mm United Statw lume- w .w 30 per CNN. 01' Mh'h against 20 1n-1‘ rum. :‘ British. in :ll'Mxtiun I‘31: citizens arr vach ,wuz- in purchasm-s Hf [mm‘io-l} hr proved lands 2111;] 111?!!!» Canada’s Wine Industr Q.â€"â€"\Vhat i>ti1vvxzvtw MM wine industry 1’ A.-â€"-ln 1921 Culxuuis hut the capital u: xxhn-é ; \\:1~ #1 and the \allh‘ H‘. i‘EH-lih'fl The First Cenbua. Q.-â€"'l'0 whom «in» :in the first. (‘01th bvlunu‘.’ A.â€"-â€"Th€ (‘I‘o'dit 01‘ “I" HI'S' belongs m thw Fru'xu-h-Ua who in 166) shmxmi Hz. wus‘. 3,91 3 sunls. Q.-â€"J\\"h« HUHSP‘? pm up by Mommy-uh as folinws : gailant {HM 111532‘ the Royal Highim Regimvnt . in (In ican Rmmulum. fer thc- County u ada. 1792-97): gislatiw -\>'>« Lic-utmmulâ€"‘I Sccnnd “aim Yoinntc‘vl's, ' mmuim: 1h“ 08: Livntunu A.-â€"~hi\ ”1'! l)’ incn'asm in 1922. Proof that nut : was passvd nut 1 poisonous is "Hi Q.---Hn‘ in Cunad ISSUP that, mos1 Hr Us I'alu (}<')nmwrma Thursday, January 17. 1! Americans In Canada Patents Issued In Ca: «How many gutzvlsh \\‘ at In 19. md what 1)‘ I! H H ll 1308 ll X! D? J ER‘ LITT ha m ll Ill id H m

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