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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jan 1924, p. 5

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Eciipse Flour .1sz Hour nd Rolled Oats Sm? Quality. and our Prices right for Cash heat delivered at the Mill )wn Every Afternoon .ght or Day. BRH’PlEU BY # RHEUMAEISM The Medicine Madajmm flit \\ IS 3 Leaf of Bread >uld fairly Eat hrough it. e Loaf and it is Home Town a: )OD BREAD w«.-r.h *E.-- n I can now wdk'about’two YY; i ..; :1 ‘ i do chomuonnd the place” ALEX. HUNRO, Lorne, Out. 30- a‘oox, Bforflqm trialsize2bc. .v liwiers or 1mm Fruits-fives 1‘11“. 1:621 0th", “‘0 of 1' \. READ Bargain Day GOVVAN Began to improve After Taking ‘jggiL-a-tives” )UM‘EAM MARKET ES MILLS Love Better Than Cake. 5 Bakery AF M 'uL-a-tivea” will drive the cause matism out of the system and )1; permanent relief. 1‘ over three years, I was ad to bed with Rheumatism. ' I decided to try “Fruit-a- . .Before using half a box, I .i improvement. I continued - " Fruit-a-tives” improving al and Poultry Feeds .r Oat Chop \cd Chop a get rid of Rheumatism. 9 free of nâ€"of swollen UH Corrected January Durham, Ont. we use only the yf milk. sugar. qual, 3.; r 17. 3924; \ Em is “n the ~... Calmiunia. hr \VMI' and H5 thw Wow-k. holiday at his- «'6. c6 31.” 13') 6 18 runsurs hv *hiK't- 4 H {8W8 :30 Q1 45 (34' a: 6;) '. 193k 30 DURHAM’S NEW councn. STARTED YEAR’S WORK ;,,....1 m o-scapc a 55-min rate. and ”.‘zhn‘dght thvy should start. at once .\ N, m.- i-«msiahle’s position. Conn-i .‘;:.,;- {Ml took exception to this :wmvni and said that when the -: was \vithmit a constable. the n.--r:i\\'s \vwi‘c Openly broken, drunk- mvn \w-W common on the St’rePtS M1 in. fur one was not willing to .;;r:'§ih’o‘ the morals of the town for .4!“ mkn of a constahlo's salary. It‘ _~ 1mm that Councillor Macdonald :..mtmi out that towns the size of [myizzim worn rompoIimi by law to ame- :1 (-onstahlo, no manor what h. 11' HWY! opinions might be. Being ”Hump tn (-mmter on the flow of ora- mz-y «hi-octpd against him, and not 3mm: ah!» to get a secondcr to his ”Minn tn abolish the position. the muo- nt‘ H. Falconer was insvrted it: tiw hy-law, who u. in a somewhat sax-rustic tom). the Rome suggestod *hut they also appoint. an assistant. Mr. W. Lake appeared ‘for the titizms‘ Rand, requesting extra mghts for the band to be allowed to martice in the Town Hall. The Band is doing well. they have a gmul leader. have a number of beâ€" ginners. and want to get whipped mto shape. for the spring months. It funk the Council about thirty secâ€" muls to give the Band the necessary pvt-mission to use the Hall for two nights a week, They would have :0? it had tht‘y said fOIII'. 'l‘ho Committev appointed in the mnrning to strike tho Standing Com- mittws far ”If“ ymr‘ pro-80mm! their I'O'pfll’t. and the final result is given uise’wvhere in this issue. Councillor Macdonald laid a few suggvstit‘ms on the tabla 1'0 tlw conâ€" dition of tho twp-fighting servicn of Hw town which he went into Very tlmmmghly. with the rvsult that the (mmpiaint. will he looked mm. Cnnhnuml from page 1.} 2-.-twnch in its Pxpenditure if it Rwove (Jaldm‘ took up tho qsttiun 0t \\ atvrumks and sum“, stmt thata committw unit on Ml. Sm H and 300 what he? intvmlmt tn (in in ttw mattm' and whom. 'l‘n (mecillcin' McQueen. who uskml what. would kw done; for tho- svrving of l'mwr Town with watt-r. Mr. mm” <uggvstmt a dwap pumping statiun nf snmv kind nn which ho was not very e'xplicit. hut "0t himself out m it kw stating that he did not think thm'o \urm) t“ entv-t'ne pvnpiv in Ippt 1' Tm Whn would takv the smwicv, anyway. Evidvntly Mayor Smith did not‘ apprm-iate Durham's Sir Johnstone Forhos-Rotwrtsons in tho making. for ho suggvstod that somv ono make a motion to stOp this usolvss talking and got. down to husinnss. Council- lot“ McFaddon was also. apparently. of the same opinion. for ho said it: was his opinion that tho Council had sti'aymt a long way from tho matter in handutho lixing of tho water tanksâ€"and that it would he advis- ahlo to stay at tho onv ,iol» until it was completed. The Mayor. Know and Councillor Hlllllt'l’ worn amiointml a committee to wait. on Mr. Snell. Rm, \V. H. Smith was w-appointod member of the} Library Board. and Mr. John Morrison was x'c‘appoiuted 0n tlw 'l‘rusiue Boat"! of the High school. Thursday, January 1'7, 192‘». t Mi. (Lilldel' then started in 011 tllei .l: ieksnn plant 1e-0pening. and asked :iie conditions on xxhich the Council non d allmx the plant t” be takenl oxer. “In this the Council Iepliedt that the \ thought it “as in line fortl Mi. (IzildeI to submit any p1‘0p05iti0nu he had to make. Ma} or Smith stat- ing that until some definite plan was 1 submitted he i-ouldn't see that the Council could do anything. He could say. however. for himself. that if any reasonable pI‘OpnsitiOII was laid before the Council. it would certain- I} get serious consideration In this he xx as backed up h} othe1 members of the Council. Mr. Calder then laid a plan before ; the Council that a company which 1 he had in mind would be willing to i take up the Jackson plant on the same terms as the Jackson company got it. They would not. however, pay any back debenturesâ€"the town would have to lose theseâ€"but they would take up the remaining ones as they fell due. The company would give the town a first mortgage on, all the holdings of the company. in-' cluding any new machinery or ma-‘ terial that. might. be purchased. andl would take up the Jackson agree- ment. as to the number of men em- ployed. pay the insurance and school taexs. Mayor Smith thanked the Reeve for his statement and said that now the Council had something definite before them they could go ahead and do business. Mr. Calder said he didn't care who started the Jackson building so long as it was started. He said that he had threwn this challenge to Mr. Allan on the platform and had Mr. Allan accept- ed it he (Mr. Calder) would not now be in the Reeve’s chair. To this lat-- “if statement, the Mayor requested Mr. Calder to keep on talking busi- nessâ€"cunt election talk. On the sug- gestion of a member of the Council that Mr. Calder put his statement in writing. the Reeve said that this wnuht he done. He stated definitely that the Cnmpany was prepared to take Up the 1924 debentures, and furnish the town with the proper security. but would give no bond. Mr. Calder further stated that if. in a month or so. the Council thought the new company was not going a- head fast enough. and some other Opportunity presented itself, it would be right and proper for the Coum'il to hand it over to the party that was apparently the better able to ran-y out its contract. This was the last order of business on the table and the Council ad- journod. Karl Homuth. who ran. on the U.F. nit-Labor ticket, was unseaied as the member for South Waterloo in the Provincial Legislature, by a judgâ€" ment given Tuesday at Osgoode Hall {by Justices Kelly and Masten. They voided the election owing to certain‘ irregularities, but do not find cor- rupt intent and. therefore, do not. disqualify him from seeking re-elec- tion. The petition against the valid- ‘ ity of the election was made by Arâ€" ithur W. Mercer, the Conservative candidate, and a by-election will follow. The court found that 21 persons had voted illegally, some of whom. cast a ballot whose names were not‘ on the list. and others. though on the list. had not been residents for three months immediately preceding elec- tion «lay. The'et.»urt found that such were not correct. practices within the meaning of the Act. but as Homuth ‘was elected by 15 votes only. the throwing out of the ‘21 irregular votes unsealed him automatically. There were nther irregularities. but nnthing to merit. a. charge of corruption against the candidate. He may run again in the hy-eiection to follow. and sympathy under the cir- cumstances may result in his elec- tien. Charged With Stealing Poultry. Mrs. M. \V’iloy of Tara. wife of an Arran Township farmer. appeared in police com-t. recently charged with the theft of poultry from her brother-in-law. She was sent up for trial and the case will be heard before a jury at. the general sessions at. \Valkorton in June. HOMUTH’S ELECTION VOID (Orillia Packet.) "Whatever we may think of prohiâ€" hibition. it evidently is not driving‘, away the summer tourists," said to\ Mr. Leon Frazer. secretary of the‘ Trent Waterways Development As- sociation. in his address to the Board of Trade at the November meetinv, after quoting: figures to show that ’more than twice as much money is lbeing brought into Ontario by the tautnmohiles from the United States I as into Quebec. He might. have add- ed that the ratio in favor of this province has increased Very rapidly in recent years, PROHIBITION AND TOURISTS '\ ‘. ! i FATHER WILL BE LASHED FOR HEINOUS CRIME Tm) veins imprisonment in the Prisun laim :it Guelph, \xith five: lashes in he. inflicted when he. enters the institution, and five more a month before he is dia-harged. was the sentence imposed on Charles \Viilisnn. an Aylmer man, charged with a serious Oflence against his daughter. a 'igii-l not. quite fifteen yeais ut {we He told the court offiâ€" cials that the liquor he had pur- .chased from an Aylmer man made a i beast of him. i i -_.__â€"â€"â€"- All Right, Butâ€"â€" “Miss Founder,” said the manager, “you are a very handsome young woman." "Oh," said the typist. blushing. “You dress neatly, and you have a well-modulated voice. I might add that your deportment is also above reproachi’ "You shouldn‘t pay me so many compliments.“ she said. “Oh. that‘s all right." said the manager, "I merely want to put you in a cheerful frame of mind before taking up the matter of your punc- tuation and spelling."-â€"â€"-Chicago News. phone : I "Hello. the club! Is. my husband there? Not. there. you say? But waitâ€"I haven‘t. told you my name." “Say. lady, there ain’t anybody’s husband here never!" was the dar- ky's Pepl}. This is the time of year when a New Year‘s resolution goes into the same class as a pre-election prom- ise.â€"â€"St. Catharines Standard. Duv- Thew conricspondents in the vicinity of Old King Tut’s tomb cannot be accused of “lying down on the job.” â€"â€"Hamilton Spectator. Yes, He’s Not Present. feminine voice over the tele- Flesherton. (Our own correspondent.) The members of Ceylon Farmers' Club and their families spent an en- joyable and profitable time at a s0- eial evening held in the High school here on the 4th inst. The President. Mr. Thomas Sled, presided. A part ‘ of the prOgram was a report of the recent l'â€".F.O. convention, and an adâ€" dress by Miss Agnes McPhail. Mix-1. Later, in the. science l'oum. Principal ICarroll gave an interesting talk with demonstrations of accurate milk testing. On the screen. types of dairy and beef cows were shown and in- formation given on how to know the profitable animal. Rel‘resm‘nents ”were served and all enjoyed the ev- [ening together. At the annual meeting ut‘ Artemvâ€" sia L.0.L. held here on Tuesday af- ternoon last week, the fullmving 0fâ€" tieers were elected: \\'..\l.. (LJ. Bei- lamy, Flesm'rton; I.P.M._. Jae. Beat,- tie, Grange Valley; DAL, John Davis. \‘andeleur; Chaplain, Rev. A. Rich- ardson, Markdale; Rec. Sec., Li. W. {Littlejohna Orange Valley; Fin. Sec. J. E. McKee, Orange Valley; Treas..! Samuel Sherson, Proton Station; 1). of (3., G. H. Cairns, Ceylon; Lecturers. Harold Lever, W. Alcox. Orange Val- ley; Committee, the \V.M., and Mast- . ers of the primary lodges; Auditors. IJoseph Blekely, Henry Down. At the {conclusion of business luncheon was served'and all enjoyed the $0631 hour. Mr. Alex. Findlay, who mm'mll from his farm near this village. two \vooks ago has, we learn, completed the purchase of an apartmvnt house on Quoboc avenue. for 5.327000. ’l‘hv pt-mmrty has a f rontage of 34 foot. is thm-oe storeys high and contains six suitns. Mr. Findlay will employ his time looking after the apartment. .\ real estate deal was completed here a few days ago when Mr. Sam- uel Osborne of Maxwell purchased a line building lot, on Toronto street from Mr. G. B. Welton and will build a neat. residence thereon. Mr. Uslmrne is giving up business and will retire here. A meeting of the representatives of the Farmers“ Clubs at Ceylon, Eugen-i in and Osprey was held here recent- ly. An organization named the Arteâ€" mesia and Osprey Lix'e Stock Ship- ping: Association was formed with officers as follows : President, Thus. sled: Vice-president, Edgar Betts; Sena-Treats, Alex. Cameron; Direct- \ HI‘S. James Ferris, W. T. Genoe, Gar- |net Magee. Flesherton has suffered the loss of another highlywespected resident in the person of Mr. Joseph H. Clinton. who died at his home here on the first our of Monday morning, after only a week‘s illness with pleuro- pneumonia. Dr. Turnbull and Nurse THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Wilson did all they could to save him but his vitality was low and the mal ady could not be OVercome. Th1} 1l11- ceased, VV ho was in his “fist y.ear “‘85 11111-1 in Hope Township, County 1 of Durham, f1 om where in his soc- 1 (1nd year he was brought by his par ‘ ; 11nts the late Mr. and Mrs. John Llinton. to Osprey Township, VVhora ' 1111 groVV 111 manhood, and after helpâ€"l: ing; to 1111a1 the 11111 homestead 1111.11.11 l1'11mm11nco11 farming for 31111131111. in 1901 1111 VVas married to Mrs. ’l‘ H111VVn1 111110 of 05111111V.an1l tho lol- I l11VV1ng V1131 the 11ste11-11111l c111111'1;1 z1sttl111l hero and VV 111-11 good c11i::vns.1 ‘Mrs Clinton. VV ho VVas um :11 91V11 in? J I l l 1 1 i 1 l l l 1 hiistian VV o1k. VV as {1111:1th 1111~s11l 1 Mr. Clinton is SUl‘\l\-‘(â€".‘tl 11)" “.1111”; l1111tl1111s and thre11 sisters : John. at g ! Edmonton; \Villiam and \V'e-sloy. 'l‘11â€" 1, l 111ntzn IVlrs. Joseph (lnmoy, 'l‘orontoz', :Mrs. R, D. Moldrum. near léfloshor-s ton, and sister, Miss Bella Clinton.{ "who is an invalid and resides with; her. All but the latter and John are; 11111111 for the funeral. which 11111119 'place to Flesherton cemetery thz< Tuesday afternoon. when 5111'V'i1111 ”will he held in the Mothodist chmmh conducted by Rev. H. H. Eaton. 'l‘h11 (1111311331111 was 11. lifelong Methodist ;‘ and in politics was a Conser'atiV'e. Mrs. (Dr) Murray gave hvr Sun- day school class a. leap yvar skating: Wrty 011 Mm rink on Friday uwnâ€" ing last. About. fiftmm complrs wrrr present and after skating the com- pany was entertainmi at, tho homo of Mrs. Murray and. with music and games, a jolly time was. Spent. Editor and Mrs. \V. H. 'i‘liurston.'; who have been for 35 years l‘iighly'l i esteemed citizens here. celehraled': O the 40th annix‘ersary of their wed-i ding day on Monday and were the! subjects of congratulations l‘roml their family and friends. 'l‘hi-ir semi Editor A. S. 'l‘l‘iurston ol‘ isleail‘ord.’ land daughlm'. Mrs. Durrant and children of Mitchell. were Week-end \‘iSitOl‘S at the parental home. to-i 'gether with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurston of town. who, by the way. celebrated the first.‘anni\'ersar,\' of their wedding day on Friday last. We offer very hearty congratulations to all. Mr. Thurston purchased The Flesherton Advance 35 years ago and has succeeded. With his well- equipped office and son Frank now associated with him, the paper is going strong. At the \V‘Omen’s Institute meeting; last week at the home of Mrs. W. Inkster, over 30 ladies were present, and after business a very pleasant social time was spent. The next meeting will be at the. home of Mr. Hickling, when gentlemen will be in- vited to take part in discussing: an important matter. Miss Lavina Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Watson of Mt. Zion, Artemesia. passed awav 011 Mondu \xith heart failure. but we haAe not 10“:th other pa: ticulars. At the Presbytmian church on Sundav the postponed special com- munion was dispensed. 1‘ here \\ as a. goo: t attendance and the sacrament the. tirst administered b\ the nexx pastor, was impressixe. ”No no“ members were received. Mr. Robeit Sharp east 01‘ the vilâ€" Sage. had an auction sale of his stock, implements. etc“ on Fridax last Mr. Sharp intends «foing to Toronto for the “inter. Mrs. Sharp Sr., \\e learn. purposes Visiting her daughter at. Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. J. Inkster of Lusoâ€" land. Susk“ aro visiting the farmer’s brother. Mr. W. lnkstm', and family. in town. Mrs. (Rovi- Eaton returned on Monday from throw \vccks’ visit with her parents in Toronto. Mr. Fred Stuart is nn 3 stock-buyâ€" ing; trip up in New (mtario. Mrs. McKinnon has returned from Visiting in Tor-unto, Mrs. \V. J. Meads is visiting her daughter in Toronto. The hockey boys hora played :1 match at Dundalk on Thursday last but lost in tho gilmt', which was not \‘M‘y fast. Rev. Mr. Eatlm conducted special meetings at. Inistiog¢_~ last. week and travelled well with his auto sled car + 1 ++Ao+++$+++++++.v+.v+++¢.v*++++.v++++:+.v++ on. which some new improvements have been made by the mechanic at the Down garage. The mechanic- at. the Mc'l‘avish garage has also added some new invention to their auto sled. which is said to render splen- {iid service. Apparently snow will soon be but liitiv drvaded. He) ownmi a handsome touring car T0 ride in it was hoawn. H0 "an across sumo broken g 33%» Bill, $14.97. H0 took some f rivnds nut for a tide- "l‘was- good to be alive. The carbm‘oivr throw a litâ€"- Bill, $20.85. He started on a littlv. tour. Tim tinost sort of fun. H9 shipped too quick an Bi l 1. $90.61. H0 {or To save carfaro was great; Ho. jammed into a mumâ€"postâ€" mm. #268 Ho. spent about, all that ho had, And thvn in anguish cried : “I‘ll put. a mortgage on the house Ami take just one more ride.” THE RULING PASSION :‘rk his \vifv downtown to shop. upped too quick and strimw his gears-m l'AU-E FIVE

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