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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jan 1924, p. 7

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3111i puntivs thv blood. Ove ,11 torms n: suffming that “ 3% nanms a \xoakwnm! and mnm‘ 5'52"“). 1: is madv trom hath. ."lwtx Lark and wavm and COntam rm mv-r""..r‘\. imth‘h ”1‘ habit form; .r o p“ >6 1 .‘ Dreco is being speciafifly intl‘oduca in Durham bv McFadden’s Dru. ,Stcre a: ‘d is soldby agood drum ;-'eex. :wt here w Silver :- Black Foxes Fatsup here this week 1nd Sell for Cash Le 52 {Hockev Shoes for All bins this week $1.65 LAD EVERY DAY. ases and Satisfies. Sodas. :cheaper. Just as good ectric Washer {'0 LAST ++"°++'!'++ as ( hambrays and is week. W atch for ODS at LOW PRICES Right Prices Service WEAR I'I‘RM ‘1‘; \‘HEQS ck and blue stripe Priceviile Fox Co., 3 ’ Limited I Pncevme. Ont. I! at 3100. Par Value .. All registered pure bred 5 stock. Low capitaliza- tion. All comon stock. . Absolutely no watered E stock. Ten years ex- E perience breeding. 5; Stock from P.E.I. Write for further particulars to PRICEVILLE FOX COMM“. PRICEVILLE. ONT. Now Is the Time L2,; 3-, give you a few ex- amples to show how well the hite Cap Washer is made. Thursday. January 17, 192‘. A limited number of shares for sale. in Best Qualitv Sunkist Oranges, doz. 39C 111 kinds of the Right Prices. :hildren. H) xmu'h thicker mm and al- H mo! hvavy «I smooth M1 wnrk- wry part 1» a rinck. tub nvver Ino! cun- 21S snme‘ [tilt t «wed H l" . ,;ln _‘â€"'"‘ZII'S DRS. JAMIESON JAMIESON .,:';':(-v md residence a short dist- - - was: nr the Hahn House on a';.:..:.:_un Street. Lower Town. Dur- zn'i'ivn hours 2 to 5') 0.111., 7 to 'o-xccmt Sundays). 'VI ..lt. DR. BURT. Lulv Assistant Royal London Up- :mim'u- Hospital, England. and to widen Square Throat and Nose Hos- uml. Spocialist: Eye. Ear. Throat .\'« so. Office: 13 Fmst Street, :‘mvn Sound. C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLlVRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. i‘hw Scimce that adds life to years ..:»i wars to life. Consultation free. r»: run-ham 'l‘uosdays. 'l‘hursdays and «.umwlays. 61423“ .“ J. G. BUTTON, M. D., C. 11!. ”3mg nvm‘ A. B. Currey‘s office, upposite the Registry Office. “MA-mm : Second house south of ; 41‘} «mice on East side of Albert 'mt :m‘im hours : 9 t0 Ma.m.., 2 . 1 ;~.m. and 7 to 9 pm. Telephone ,xmmmwation between office and .‘;.wzzuc at. all hours. xw‘DUEd DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST HtTiu'w, owl" J. .l. Hunter's store, maximum. Ontario. J. F. GHAN'I, U. U. 0., u. u. u. Hum-r Graduate University of Tor- mm. Hraduato Royal College Dental .<m';:mms uf Ontario. Dentistr in an its, branches. ()fl'ice, over 1. C. 'ann‘s .h‘éwellery Store. H Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. \‘uvvmsm's to A. B. Currey. '. .2. C. I.\_li(.ld‘lebr4f is permanently 7 na:..,.. Mr «I. Middlemo 15 pt 1m Men! at Dmh'am Ofi'ice. Barristers. Soiicitors, etc. A mem- tu-r 0f the firm will be in Durham on 'l‘uosday of each week. Appointments may be made with the Clerk in the office. #--~-â€" DAN. IcLBAN ' L:vvx\.~‘¢,*(_l Auctioneer for Count; of cm)“. Satisfaction guaranteed. ea- wizu‘nlé’ wrms. Dates of sales made wt ’i’hv Chi-unicle Office or with him- ‘0'”. I. L. SMITH, M. B., M. C. P. S. O. zji'im- and residence: corner of :a:_(-.-.< and Lambton Streets, oppo- - um Post, ()ll‘icé. OtIive hours : . H u.m.. 1.30 tn 1; p.m.. 710 0 pm. :miays and Thursday afternoons Thursday, January 17, 192‘. NORTH PART LOTS - ’ I‘vremont, contain .5. .9- “1‘5 (1031‘ Pd. 13312 push: in good state Med 1m! Directorv. AME DWELLâ€" hard and soft electric lights, etc. Applv on pretmses to Mrs. Geo. 10M! .. Young. Durham. u__.____________..__â€"-â€" GOOD 2-STOREY FR my; on Lamhton SL: water. bath. furnace, Walk slowly. stranger, past. we bier. for here is buried Wter Grier. -made stufl FARMS FOR Licensed efluctioneer Dental Directory GRANT, D. Legal ‘Directorv NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham I] .F. 0. Live Stock As- snciation will ship stock from Dur- ham or. Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to gixe three days’ notice. Clifiord Howell, Manager. Phone 21 11. Durham, BUR 1. SHIPPING EVERY SATURDAY Arnold D. Nobi'c will ship Hogs from Durham every Saturday foreâ€" noon. Highest prices paid. M 23tf LITMBER FOR SALEâ€"«HEMIJ’. 1K. mm inch thick. Apply to Charles. Mortloy. Durham. RR. 1. 1 10H" BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL A'l‘ Smith Bras. It‘s good. Try it. 1 '10 (f VIOLIN FOR SALE. GOOD AS NP-ZNV~ with 0339. Appiy a! The Chrmxivlv (Hfivv for particulars. 1 LINJAS HENRY’S LAW OFFICE.â€" )pen every day for business. A mem- bM‘ of the firm will be in the office every Tuesday. Special appoint- nwnts may be made at the office. 5 3t, MEN‘S 'I‘AILORIM}.«â€"-(‘xl“.N'l"S SUITS hand tailored. I am prepared to. muko your suit. and guarantoo firs:- rlass workmanship. My prices aro right. Loavv your ordprs with 11M. Saumlvrs. Gont‘s Furnishvr, Durham. «4W. .1. Honuing, 'I’ailor. 1 17 tf WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUM‘J'A‘ITY. Highest price. People‘s Mills. 3 162% GRAIN WANTEDâ€"BARLEY, BUCK- whcat. Peas. Oats and Mixed Grain wanted. Highest prices paidâ€"Rob Roy Mills Limited, Durham. 11 2t: ROB ROY GRAIN PRICESâ€"We are paying 40c... t«..>.’:5('. I'm' Oats. 60v. M 656. for 83110}: 759. to 866. for Buckâ€" wheat and $1.25 to $1.50 fpr Peas .at our elevator.â€"Rob Roy Mxlls Limitâ€" ed. Durham, Ont. WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short. order. . tf SHEEP ESTRAY.â€"â€"FOUR SHEEP strayed to the premises of the un- dersigned about. threP weeks ago. Owner may have same on prm‘ing property and paying expenses.â€"-Otiu Bauer. Bentinck Township. R. R. 3, i Durham. 1 3 :30. FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"A COME‘)R'J‘- able brick hnuso with modern con- \‘ChiOHCPSZ eight moms: about quar- ter acre of land. Apply to J. J. At- kinson, Durham, Ont. '13"le iii: ARTICLES WANTED Seaho! Tenders tn be marked “Ala-I {ilit'ntinn Fur .â€"\.~'.~‘essm'." will he mu? ('eived by the undersigned up til!‘ neon. February 8th. 1924. for the mf- liee nf Assessm' fur the 'I‘mvnsixip ui’ Glenelg for I923. Salary 13“.").001 One. Hundred Dollars. Duties tn eommenee nu February 15.311ci Roll in be returned tn the Clerk cum- pletecl. 011 May 15L 1924. Tenders ,tn be opened at, meeting of Council inn Saturday noon, February 9. MISCELLANEOUS MUNICIPAL OFFICER WANTED FOR SALE OR RENT The School is thoroughly equipped to lake up the following courses : (1) Junior Matriculation. (2i Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Slafl‘ is a Uni- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to LOST OR FOUND Saturday noon. February 9. By order of the Council. Hector 1!. McDonald, Clerk. Tp. of Glenelg. R. R. '1, Durham. have been placed to date and still there are calls for more. Get your course NOW. If you do not get it you pay for it anyway in smaller earnings and lost opportunities. Enter any~day. Write, can 01‘ phone for information. CRETBAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford and Mount Forest FOR SALE HERNIA IN YOUNG PIGS Single Scrotal Rupture Common Among the Maies. ‘ What [3 Known As the Method of Castration (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) is of a very common occurrence in young male pigs. It may affect one or both sides of the scrotum. Single. or one-sided rupture is, however, the one which is most commonly seen. It may be present at birth or make its appearance soon after, and usually before castration. When it occurs after castration it is often the result of a poor method of operating. The presence of rupture in pigs is always 5 plainly noticeable by a tumor-like ‘ enlargement of the scrotum and in- ! creased bulging of the parts behind. larger than is natural. Treatment. I ! Scrotal Hernia. or rupture behind,‘ The best and most successful ~ ‘fi' means of remedying this detect in ,1 pigs is by the covered method of cas- , V tration. In performing this opera-i, tion the pig should be so secured and E . held that its hind parts are kept at} a much higher level. This can be;‘ done by holding the pig up by the';« hind legs with the head downwards. This allows the bowels to recede out. , of the bag, or scrotum, into the ‘i' belly. The scrotum should be washed', on clean with soap and warm water; and the skin then painted with a lit-i tle tincture of iodine. l An incision, two or three inches? long, is then made with a sharp; knife just through the skin down to? the inner covering sac, which con-i ; tains the testicle. This inner sac is' easily recognizable by its smooth,‘ shiny appearance. The inner sac is not i cut into but is left intact, covering} the testicle. Through the incision in! the skin, the testicle in its covering sac is drawn out as far as possible. Care is taken to see that the bowel is not drawn out, but kept confined inside. As soon as this is assured, a string, or ligature, is tied tightly around the coverings and the cord of the testicle, as high up as possible. The needle threaded with the liga- ture should also be passed through the cord and its covering, and the ligature tied tightly around, thus securing it against the possibility of slipping oil. The testicle and its cov- and Recommended â€" Mouldy Creamery But}erâ€"-Control of Black Scarf of Potatoes. Grins sac are then removed by cut- ting through the cord about half an inch below the place where the liga- ture is tied. The opening in the scro- tum can then be partly closed by putting a stitch or two through the skin. The operation is then com- plated and the pig may then be let go. As a rule, little attention is afterwards required, other, than plac- ing on light diet for that day.â€"-C. D. IcGilvray, M.D.V., Ont. Vet. College, Guelph. Where cream has been pasteurized, ! moldiness of butter is almost always 3 due to surface contaminations which take place after the butter has been: removed from the churn. The airi during the summer is always a po-i tential source of infection, loaded asi it is, depending on the surroundings, ' with a larger or smaller number of mold spores. Untreated or inem- ciently treated print wrappers and box liners are frequently the cause. Infection has also been traced in some cases to the unparaflined and untreated wood of the boxes in which the butter prints are stored. Walls and ceilings of the box storage space above some creameries, due to the warm andmoist conditions which pre- | vail during the summer, are freâ€" t quently green with molds, from . which crop after crop of ripened ! spores becomes scattered around. Until such time as buttermakers take complete and thorough steps to destroy mold spores, which otherwise would come in close contact with but- ter surfaces, moldiness of butter will continue to occur.â€"D. H. Jones. O.A. College, Guelph. Control of Rhizoctonia or Bhok Sour! of Potatoes. Experiments have been conducted for four years with the object of de- termining if the amount of black court or rhizoctonia. can be reduced by selecting tubers free from the characteristic little black lumps or sclerotia, and if treating them with corrosive sublimate and what strengths of corrosive sublimate, and what immersion, gives the best re- sults, in the control of the disease. From results on these experiments we recommend immersion of seed tubers before they are cut in corro- sive sublimate of a strength of one part by weight to one thousand of water for two hours. This treatment 51â€"3-0 _ controls potato scabâ€"J. Hewitt, 0. A. College, Guelph. Feather-less Hens. Hens may lose their neck feathers ‘ from a variety of causes. Either mites, chmw 1:1 feed, or individual cussedniz- ramse feathers to be removed neck. If caused by a (9.. -vd you can rectify this as. if it is a case of feather . ..;;is may be overcome by giving . nird more range and a little more animal protein in the ration. If it is a case of mites you should purchase an ointment consist. ing or five parts of vaseline and one part of oil of caraway. This material should be thoroughly rubbed on the parts affected. This treatment should “be repeated in three or four days i until the mites have disappeared. Farm credits are not a national cureâ€"all. Credit can help only the man who is making money, or has a. good chance :0 make money in the immedmze future. -- .- no...“ Moldy Creamery Butter. THE DU Rm (KRONICLE h1(wnnonnflahng “H‘BDUVP lhu synuuuh§ (fl CanadknlihynNMS-ufin lunlnuknpdly go or“ to thoso lasers. Canadian farmers fortunately have IH)SUCh_ confimfious (n' hflbofious oiisvasos horn. \Vhat of tho omit‘u-tiniiiy i'ni' xviâ€"l ting: mum! Canadian cattle to Britahi‘?‘ FM 30 years an vmhargo was im-i posed npon our breeders. It. has boon removed, but tho Opposition n": imposed regulations Vm'y difl'icnlt In overconw. Perhaps nuw is tho time for action when restraints may 1w IPSS enforcmi. Lot merit, rather ,than wrangling win tho removal of | . . l't‘Stl‘lCthIlS. The opportunity offered is mumpâ€" tional. But have Canadian breeders prepared for such? Is- the. daii‘yl slock tested for tuberculosis? Have? tho scales and Babcock test boon used persistently and .consistently so that Official records can be given? ls the visible quality which attracts so developed that the Old Country ‘hrcwdm's, should they 00an to Can- lada to replenish their hm-ds, will Inot only be satisfied, but strongly l t dwsit‘o'bnr cattle? Farmers of Canada, tho day has} come when higher pinnaclvs mnsl‘ hv sought so that a gl“(‘al(‘l‘ cmlcvpâ€" lion of your opportunities, a deeper insight. into your possibilities and an enlarged vision of the futgre of agriculture will be Obtained, Lot 192:"; lw the brightest year by having (-E-muls 01‘ discouragomoni smitnrml h_\' tho sunshine «if succvss which AUCTION SALE or FARM STOCK IMPLEMENTS 'l'hvrv will lw suld by Public Aucâ€" tinn at, Lot 55, Concession 1, S. D. R., Bentinck, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 25TH, 1924 (he t‘nllqnx'mg' I Mare 9 years old; Hume. 7 years old; (20w, summsmi due Feb. 17.): (low. 51.11_)posed due March 2-8; Cow. sunâ€" posed due April '1; COW, supposed due, May 10; Cow, SllppOSCd due June 20: Cow. supposed due August 20: (km, supposed due Sept. 10: (low. sumwsed due Sept. ‘15; 2 two-yearâ€" nld Steers; 4 one-year-old Steers; 1â€" year-old Heifer; 6 spring Calves; Brood Sow, 6 young; pigs at that: About 30 Hens, Derring Binder, 6ft. cut, bundle-r1 and truck complete; Frost Wood vaer; Massey-Harris Drill, li-hoo, grass seeder attached; Bissvll Disc Harrow: Set Diamondâ€"loom Harâ€" ruws; Land Roller; Hay Bake; '1‘ ur- nip Sower; Scufflor; Walking Plow; Wagon; Wagon Box. new; Gravel Bux: 'l‘np Buggy; Sol Sloighs. with lmlstrrs and bunks; Double Demoâ€" rrat. 2- suats; Set Heavy Harness; Set; 'Singlv Hal-moss: Wagcm Rack. St gar livltlt‘b; 2 Daisy Chums, N0. 3; Dash (Zhurn; Wihovlbarrow: Turnip Pulp- {rrz Fanning Mill: (Zroam. Separator, awarly m-w: (lmvk Slow". good as 110W; Box Stow. new; Extension Ta- hit". Kitchen Table; Sideboard; Clothes Rack; Cross-cut Saw; 5-piece I’uvlm' Suite; Mail Box; Rocking Chair; Number of Chairs; Lamp: Whifl'letreos, Neckyokes, Chains, Forks. Shovels and other articles. Everything must be sold as the‘ Proprietor has disposed of his farm and is moving to Durham. 1 Sale commences at 1 o’clock sharp. Terms of Saleâ€"All sums of $5.00 and under, Cash; over that amount, any time up to 12 months’ credit. on approved joint notes bearing inter- est at 6 per cent. per annum. David Adlam, “Rom. Brigham, PrOprietor. Auctioneer. farmers will have in the future. The following taken from the. let- tor mailed b\ the Industrial and Deâ€" \clopmont, Council of the Canadian \Ieat Pacl {01's is, a criticism of the hogs dolh orod at 1111‘ packing; plants. her} farmor should ponrlvr (\m.‘ the remarks mtido : “There is a :rmw‘ fvaturv in tho disclosurvs Hf the first year 01' grad- i117. This is tho vnm‘mnus propanâ€" (‘lm‘ancv 01' thick smooth hugs hving produced an farms. A lot of this grad? is 01' fairly gnmi quality but does not 111qu thv gmeh‘ 0f ‘\\’i1t- shire sidr‘.‘ (m \Vhivh (izmadian hncon rvputuiiun m'vrsoas mnsi sii‘: hv built up and mmandmi. in the 21hâ€" ;svncv ul' :1 hottm' wmmrtinn of} i‘svlovtr‘.‘ hm'tm cut frnm thick; ‘smmths must hv 115ml i'm' tlw British imm‘kvt. l‘nt'm'mnah‘ly. it duos not ‘lmui to im‘rvnsv thn «inmand for our l hamm Hr Ming." m'tmtahlv w'icvs. lwâ€" [musv such hamn wampvlos with vast gmmniitivs hf lhv sump quality. 'l'hn «lil‘l'vrvnm- in lzl‘iW‘. in MM. is u’i‘tvn as much as '20 sl‘nihinrxs a humh'miâ€" ‘\\‘("f._.ff|li against this sum. “Packer‘s undm‘twk to pay tho prmninm fur tho hvst in (MIN 10 {'mmute' a largvr vxw'zx't, 11min in Results of One Year’s Hag Grgdqu. “Packers IIndIIIItL‘IIIk to IiIav IIII‘II IIIIImIIIm fIIII IIIII IIIIst In I:IIIIIIIII 10" IIIIIIIIIIIIII a IIIIIIIIIII IIxIIIIIt II IIIII iIII 'good bacon nut 10 got IIIIIIIII IHIL'S III I Ian ”I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII sIIIIi AII IIII III II~II ' :IlIIII IIIIIIIIII. III IIIII IIIIIIII aIly hIIIII\\ IIIIII~ I‘III‘II‘IIUH III' IhIIIk smIInIIIs \xill IIHI\ iIII‘IM II IIIII IIIIII fIIII \\IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIm-I iI‘I‘IlII szIIm \\:IS 'IIIIIIIIIIIII: IIIIII Is. EII will III IIIII :1 Hunt SUCH I 21111 III' :IH‘ICOII :Is IaIIIIIII lIII IIxIIIIIItIIII IIIIII 1I_ImsumI-III in our IIIInIII<tIII IIIIIIIIIIIII. "IIhHS III\\'I"IIIIII2 IIIII IIIIIIIII\ \\IIII-‘ .I I'IIIII'. ‘ixinlI IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII Iii IIII .IIIIIII I‘IIII IIIII sIIIIIIIE IIIIIIIIII III-I.- (‘I IIIII2. IIII‘IIIIIIIIIIIII' IIIIIIIII must IIII an IIIHTI‘I‘IBSI‘ iII IIII2‘ III'I‘IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII I! {must IIII IIf ‘IIIIIIIIII lIIIIIII-II‘ 2IIIaIIII. S "For 11111 1ig‘hi i111 11x11:111.<i1111 11! {111 1 (21111111111111 !111::1 111isi11;__ i111111si1j111111” for tho export. bacon ll‘adDâ€"fm' farm- 1 1111 111111 11110111111 are indissolubly inter- linked in interestâ€"the ratio of 'selec-ts’ to thick 8111111111153111111111 h1- rexorsed. iFheie rnust bo1incre ased ’xolumo in order- to get sucha hold of tiu1ikrflish t1ado that‘will<n\1e(hu1- adian bacon a commanding 1111si!i1:11 (nfly by lu¢hufing quahty 1n hogs can expm't \‘11lum1- in 113191111 11:1 1.. creased)’ Grading In Canada. This articlv appeared in Tho Brecders‘ Gazettv in Nuvvmhm'. 10in! this carefully : “Compulsory grading:r of hogsi which came into effect. in Canada about :1 year ago. is beginning to bear fruit. The recent. fail in bacon prices in Great Britain has been halted, so far as the Canadian pro- duct. is concerned. and packers and government officials largely attribâ€" ute. the cheek to the, better quality [now being exported. as f1 result of the 10 per cent. premium being paid on all tOp quality or seiect haeon hogs weighing 180 to '22!) pounds marketed in the Dominion. As mmof the winning of the first. prize for the. best bacon exhibit. in the colonial section of the recent National lirit- ish l’armers' Dairy Show in London by a consignment. from Mann's. Lim- itcd, Of 'l‘ign'i‘mtn. is quoted. 1“ill'iil“1’- more. at the same show the first prizes for honey, cheese and eggs in the colonial section all went to 1111- 1111111. It is not a mere 1.111112111101161: that. all the products mentioned, with the exception of honey, must i111 11111111111 according to 3 gm ernment 11111011111. before being exported It is also signific mt that hogs have made 111111 a slight deciine 111 131111111111 :1111.e 311111111: \\ as established. and are 338111 1111 the. upturn. the 311111121 type. 11111111115111: 1111111111! $511.50 {1111' MN. at, "1'01‘1111111 at present." It We Lose the Bacon 1109. "'1‘111‘11'11 is 110 #1111111 argument to? {111‘ tii'nitllt'tim‘. 111' H111 fat hug in (11111111111. 111111111 is 11 1111111111 111.1111 111tn11'1 1111111111111 1111- 11111' i'at bugs but 115 5111111 115 this 111111111111 has been 11111- \1111111 111111 the attempt 1111111- to disâ€" ipose 111 the 5111111115 111 Great Britain H111 5111111111 111111 ourwh 11 out, of 111181-- 1111-58 111;“‘111111111111 111111111titi11n. [t we lose the 1131011 hog \\ 0 Sign the i1t1'ath \1111'1 111111 (ti 11111' 11111111 t1111i1) 1111 bog 1’11‘1111111‘tws 11' \1'11 are to 111111111 0111 Canadian 11111111011 the bacon ot' the B1 iti~h 1111011111 then the \xor1l< Canadian “’1 ltshiio Side. must be a I.‘g'namntee of standard type and quat- tity.” ~.â€"â€"V“ \ h" ‘ Y graul'f: ga i 1% hri 6.1;: ' O I om: These remarkc are worth vonsid- eri1 3*. Is the moscnt. of more mn- mcnt than the future? The farmers must answer. DUNDALK’S NEW RBCTOR HAS BEEN APPOINTED “('V. .l. H. Pugsnn nl' Pnl‘t \V‘hitby is Hm nvwly-appuinlNi clergyman 0f Dundalk parish. in takv Ihv place of PH‘V. \V.(':. Blarkwvll. who has Dem :mpnintmi by Hishm» \ViLinms‘ 10 1.1)I‘f‘s'dt‘l". .\Il;.'li('tm 63.111111]. Ml'. Blavkwvll has hm-n :1 sm cossful min- istn in hunual k in. <i;._. In walls. and lure-:ulud his 11 mun] smmun Sun-â€" day night in St. James" Anglican chm'vh. lmndnlk. recently rebuilt by the congregation. Custom Sawing. Mr. W. R. Mnrrisnn has charge of Mr. Rolmrt Smith’s mill in town and is pruparwl 10 do (‘uslnm sawing. 12 27 1f Is Your Battery in Tip-Top Shape? Start the Cold Weather with a fullyâ€"charged Battery and be safe from all possible injury from Frost. NOBLE’S BATTERY SERVICE Better get it Recharged before the Cold Weather comes along. Mr. J aek Frost and a runâ€"down Battery don’t agree, and the Bat,- tery always comes ofi‘ second best. Agents for Studebaker, Chevrolet and Other Good Cars. ( )ILS G REASES GASOLINE Carafraxa Street, Dubai PAGE SEVEN

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