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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Jan 1924, p. 2

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PAGE TWO Dr. .Iamieson went to anonto last week. but owing to the irregulari- ties and uncertainties 0n the Grand Trunk. he deserted Jimmy Lavolle at A by-iaw was missed by tlw (loun- cil Monday night: Prohibiting dogs runnin' at largo from. 10 p.111. 11: o a.m.: prohibiting crueltv to dumb animals; prohibiting: gambling hous- (1s: prohibiting biaw ling and fighting in public places: making indoconcv a iriminal omini'o with sewn: non- alty; prohibiting Spitting on side- \\ alks: prohibiting keoping of goats and pigs within 100 foot. of any dwelling in t1’1wn:and SU\L‘1‘I other piohibitions too numerous to men- “on. 21mm). porfmmnd tlu- pléasant duh nl assisting: the c011t1m.ti11;_. paxties tlunugh the trying (_>I‘d(_‘8]."-COI‘DOI‘ Concerns correspum‘lcnce. Although \w said last week the marriage of Miss Amanda Matthews to Mr. Alnx. Mm'vhant. was quietly gntto'n up. it. was I'ICVUI'HIPIUSS well (10110. and a \‘vr'y plvasant event tu all DIV‘SL'HL llvv. Mr. Ryan tied the knot. in HM) [H't‘sollvo of a llousufui 01' near t‘I‘iomls and I'vlaliws. Mr. W. If. Matthews. ln‘otlu‘i‘ 01' [hr bride, and Miss Morn-chant. sister ml“ the A few days ago we had a pleasant (38“ from Mr. 'I‘homas Fulton of Hampdon. He told us of his recent trip to Ireland and of the singular way in which he met a sister he had not soon since she was at more child. He was going: from the station with a woman who was a strai ger to him. in search of his sister’s home. when. to his astouishmvnt, she inquired if ho was Thomas Fulton from Amer- ira. Ho. replied in the ufl'irmative and she illi'Hl‘nlcd him'shr was his sistol'. The meeting was a mutual plnasurv from the delightml way in which Mr. Fulton tells the story. Mr. Hugh Ridden of \\':clbeck has purchased the Malcolm Stewart, farm adjoining his own. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Meredith of Regina, now visiting in town, on the arrival of a young son at a bright and early hour on Monday morning last. Fuel is getting very scarce in town and we learn that even farm- ers have difficulty in supplying their own needs. It is reported that a farmer living near Hanover charg- ed a laboring man $7.00 2: cord for short wood during the blockade. We are? pleased to report that Mrs. Inh11.\ld1'cd has undergom success- fulh a critical Operation “Men “as porloxmcd In In. Mucdonaid. For some “1110 Rev. Mr. Stewart has been in a low stalv at health and little how is entertainml for his revm‘m'y. He? is now owr 90 years of age. We regret to learn of the death (if the infant son of ;\l 1'. and M 1‘s. Robert Alllam 01' Allan Park. The ehild was ill «mly about a week with pneumo- nia. He was just six muntlls old to the. day. On Monday evening last a number of otl‘icers and members of the South Urey Agricultural Society tll'OVe out to the home 01‘ Mr. amt Mrs. James Edge to express their gratitude to Mr. Edge for his valuable services as President. Mr. George Binnie act- ed as spokesman, and two handsome chairs and a hall rack were present- ed to the venerable COUple'. On \Vcdncsday 0f lust week Mr. William Grant had the misfortune to lose two head of cattle at the Val- um unussing being run into by a .'.I‘ R. Slumplough. Courteous Serv 1C8 We congratulate Ben. D'. Firth of Leduc, Alberta, an his recent entry into the band of benedicts. The snow blockade is something terrible of late and the train service is completely disorganized. Trains run just when they can and we'ai'e never sure of when they are coming. SIIO\\'-SllO\'cl101‘s and train hands generally, are nearly exhausted. The fuel supply is getting low and a few more weeks of this kind Hf weather will put some of us in a had iix. The magazines. 3 numbnr of duâ€" plicated books, and the piano. will be offered for sale to-mox-mw {Fri- day} evening at the Public Library. Mr. Allan Bell is recovering rapid- ly after his Operation for appendi- citis. TWENTY YEARS AGO From The Chronicle File of February 4, 1904. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Hamill-cum as Directors. With this writ. the local i! an: lm'oming suspi corned as to the pro ting any return fro: H101”. It is nnifn nr of ()l‘angeville where for a site for the pr and chose certain in ever ywhere. "I am a new man altogether and feel that Dreco has added several years to my life. I cannot praise it too highly. as it is rapidly ending the pains and sulferings that caused me so much misery and once more I am able to enjoy living.” Dreeo contains no mercury, potash, or habit forming drugs. It is made from pure herbs, roots, bark, and leaves and is a reliable corrective for all (.lisorilers of the stomach. liver. bowels and kidneys, and puri- fies the blood. Dreco is being specially introduced in Durham by McFadden’s Drug Store, and is sold by a good druggist Ausg inâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"L - “ “l sutfered from stnmaeh trouble. weak kidneys. sluggish liver. «unstiâ€" mtinn and impure blood." says Mr. Hanson. “and was generally in pret- ty hail shape as :1 result. Nothing seemed to help me, but. one day l fortunately read of Drew 11nd ile- cideil to see what it could do with my (2351‘. “'l'wn bottles at“ this g'tat medi- cine liaxe made a \xomlertul change in n1e.'I‘hev hit the spot My rheu- matic pains haxe g1 eatlv lessened. I sleep SOUINHV and haxea agood appe- tite. The pains in my back haxe dis- appealed and m} be“ e15 310 regular. 'Many a hard \mrkingman finds himself handicapped in earning a living by sulfering he seems unable (.0 ('Hnlrnl. He is tired, rheumatic, cannnt. eat. ancl'l'eels generally wret- ched; Dreen works \x'omlers in cases like this. for such sufferings are al- most invariably «111“ to a run-down digestive system that does not ex- tx-uel. proper nourishment. frem the fund. nnr em-ry nll‘ imp1.1rities. Read how Drew cleansed the system ml “1‘. Fred Ramsnm 01' 12?) ()xfunl St... Lomlun. ()ntarin. and tonml and strengthened his m'gans tn proper. healthy functioning. Amazing Improvement In Health of London Man Barns His Heartfelt Gratitude For Dreco, the Famous System-Builder. Mal'l'ied.â€"At the residence of the bridv‘s father. Bgremont, by Rev. Rural Dean Ryan. Miss Amanda Victoria Matthou's to Mr. Akixamlor Merchant of Holstein. Mzn~1'ic«l.â€"~At Lcdur. Allwrta. Doc. '32. 1903. 1)} Box. A. l). I‘lnvd. Miss Anna M Kil‘f‘kpatxick. of LPdm'. to Mt ’wn. 1). FM] 0f Calgm} DRECO ADDS YEARS TO HIS LIFE Barnsâ€"In Durham. on Monday mul'ning. to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. More- dith. a son. Mount Forest {01 the C.P.R.. which never failed to ho on time. The C. P. R. conductor assmed him rlnle would be in Toronto at 11.308 according to schedule, and so it wams, but it “a: 2'1 hours late. It stuck in a s11oxxd1ift at. A'fi1ti1111'and it took a day and a night to make a £0“ hours run. Tho ‘1'. returned Grand Trunk. Bomâ€"In Du1ham..121nuar\ 26, to Mr. and M19. Robmt Turner. 8 daughtm' BOWLâ€"In Glcnolg, January 2.5, to Mr. and Mrs. 'l_‘.u,>mas Glencross. a daughter. .\ Waiking‘ stick with vquimwi toiwhnrw system dovismi m aid thf' deaf. I ancv. it. is vxactiy similar dinary walking: stick. sirumvnls be ing come In tho knuh is u highl vplmnv H'cviwr. (m stick with a fullyâ€" rhunv systvm has been 111“ (loaf. In aappoar- 0th similm to an orâ€" g: stick.a11 of the in- lg concealed inside it. a highh sensitixe tel- [‘l‘. (mu sidv Of [[113 W ghould buy the @fifié $3 fully- nd most scientifically sold today. â€" Try it. knob is flat and perforated. Th,- placnd against thv (*al' wlwn SH’ at. a concvrt. ur taiking with u 1),. in the sin-rt. Hy turning a q. silwr SCI'OW. Hw instrument mu: adjusted to tlu- hearing capm-w the. person using it. Elovtl'icrit‘ supplied by ”mm flashlight 1m" ies in tho 1ka 0f the cane. Thursday, January 31, 1924, WW 3600 “gunman VILLAGE sun BY MUSKOKA HOSPITA Writ Has Been Issued my 31.. . for Treatment Given You} Who Is Alleged to Ham from That Village. The last mm; .Flesherton A! i m r u .‘ summer Ulc‘ Gram“; people sued thv Van, for $00.00 fur 11w 3. Youngebluu \th‘ came fmm 1%4‘... WOrked in Ulv \‘mw sbme timn hm ’ - Normanhy. and in after him. I: ;- -. ”out/11.5 SUJHI;;';; ;“ Gravenlmrsr. \~ there it wa~ :m, tuberculm' um“ i .ficulty was in Lb Ori'llia and 11:14.23. {OHOVViIL‘J‘ “'11 :4' f9 hospital and 7..- .f , when; hv Ln- and drawn): \\ :4; facts as Hwy . and constitut- which thi< .-..;~,.,, ,1 ing U) 13m Mvoi ?. critins‘, I’lugiufl The l:i\\‘}'..;-. deutly unduzsm. were in m g abandonvd Th“ nothing mm» - until l'o‘"¢'w1‘zti\~ ' other \x'mt 2w municipzm: z~ - Normanhy mu considm-mi :1 ‘iSCOVOI‘ “'13. A “18 M'Ukhku "} making: 133%.. the. 38\\' \’~ in Operatic-uh 5,. H a '0‘ (of "33;“. ‘f idcncn \Vh'at mm , mflVt'. [HZ]; changvs m mOtOI' \‘o’hh'i these. nmmyr vehivlu (‘hu~. the SUQL’O ~’ W ' a result H! 1:: “ODS “f le :n' was shmm; hea‘uy [N'TELY oxide gas. 'I'E exhaust«n::z Shane or a; cone vxh4uia 0f the vxhzm-r wOVC Sh‘w“ recently m:..‘:.v SO“ 8110“ Tim" the air n». Hy. of NP“. YQ‘}: , ’imlt 0f :1 \\ ,.“ al‘d, 811‘: ~..;;;.- 3- E'l‘f'zl? I?"‘:~‘ OXiciu is _' a Cill‘hlil'w‘. maximum mixtmw- \\.e~‘. Vain“ HT .. mum «'xv. .- ethw i“. ‘ EXHAUST PIPES OF MOTORS ARE BECOMING A EifaNGEL Fumes From: Car». Esp Larger Centreé. Po.» Leave Danger Luz}; Thursday. January 31, 1924 this D131 (5r. JERRY U\' Ll pecxall 'ECAL LI

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