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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Jan 1924, p. 5

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H.133 VHRKET g ‘ .' F’.“.00Mm Of I’ll mfififl Ended 132â€"23-?2‘193” ’i' Medicine i3} size 25c. ruit-a-tives Hour :, “For yearsI r from Constipa- tu‘. I was miser- ”(king in the way to help me. gives” and the m1 after taking :35 completeb' e1 like a new Twat Durham :i)’ the “agar. 1924. z}; miserable 1. ' Llh Head- \' L0 get any ‘9; will be in” of Mrs. XE. arv s wn route 11ml play- rlvx's lwre ~n trains. ‘nd game I) wham- 'hvad “as 31. 19%- 6t W 9 46 ,U. " W 9 1 Problq a a t g 3 «go nu‘ibutet ; O Jepartmen _'.'_..,. ....uo-.M C31 :' :rnia Rai h c:1;:'n.rnia Raisin Growers Active. W‘ a - sun Maid.Raisin Growers ot' la .ynia. with headquarters at A: n. .me of the most active and -‘c ”I t i iilt‘ many difl'erent CO- era . organizations existing in :c ”to lot the marketing of farm a! _.-;s_ This is one of the organi- p, as ivasilrr its success and its 013- U Hes upon what has now come to c .~..\ e. as the “California” plan ofia. -:-;-.t'.un: and information v« .-1;:H‘:.'-" this oti'ice recently indi- 0: . . that. not onlv is this company bi z... .e w; its mv.n hut ll. is taking more ti _...,..,!\.- steps each war. A re- a? :-.-e.-ntly made by the crop con- 3- .z. ,1 avian-intent. of the Sun Maid i] ;; pm (irowvl's indicates that there \- t. W. 1.. en as manv acres planted to I. ;-..:~m s in it"alitoinia since the tirst o :zw present vear as would equal a «gilt times the present. acreage. of (I new“ in the whole of the Niagara z i’t'flllls‘llitl of Ontario. There. it "I W”... approximately $00,000 acres 3 my \.:tto'}'ttrti$ in the State of Cali- '1 f'l't‘IEiIt, \\'ilil'h is approximately 100.- f {Mitt “Lut't' aeres than was shown by m. repm-t. from thee crOp contract .ivt’nz-tment a year a"o. Over half .q‘ the Vineyards of the State are to- vztfo' i the tintintv of Fresno. which ‘ 'l . .It'» at res. \vhiie second in! “1; “m . 0" is tthe Count} of Tulare l ‘.\.‘l; ‘7 3H, nues. l the Min Maid Raisin Growers have ligwb-r of Educational Activities. 1 .\':~ \ .ti'e informed has planned ' m "\w-t'sive edinational campaign; '12» winter which will includei .; rs totl' mattilallv all of the! ~ -' 9 meetings. In this way. car- _' the parable of Mahomet nwnntain. -t~he asset-iation wart-y to its members full ': an of all current activities . - . :1 .1 and instruct them in their xx .. \. a mark of endeavor to se-. . W'iem'y in the marketing of ;'~ «.‘zt‘ts the association recentlv s. -'-_w l l of its agents in the [nit- s’uws and Lanada to the San . _ Valley for a week's inten- ~ '. s"l~:\ ut‘ the industry. These - . 1' i.» called upon during the 7.; months to market in the , -i’.~ "ilttttti Hi 225 000 tons 0t I‘aiSâ€" ' ~. ~: : If is expected that their in-‘ l ‘ ~ vi Exmnvledge 0f the raisin _- _ industry will make them tin-tent salesmen. The com- .- also «.vpening up offices in ‘ Wham-n tillti Amsterdam for the: vs: wt' the Scandanavian coun- ii‘wi t'er Holland. France and HM. respectively. These plans extension of markets are - necessary by the ever-increasâ€" - ~ of the raisin crop of Cali- The company already has a ' sf! nti'lt‘t‘. s company has also anneuneml .:.-st advertising amirepria- attt united by anv producer ' . l.‘"it‘ teml piodmt and during Problems of the Farm Thursday, January 31, 192‘. -.,;;..nzrihuted by Gray County Lnepartment of Agriculture “ 1. ; :'.:t:‘. :‘s. are "coming into ‘ HIP 13-y93râ€"Old boy. . =‘iraz'kson. fed and showed -‘~ I T7- \‘I‘OSS-bl‘i‘d steer “'hiCh TIw :I‘nnd vhampionship at the ‘ .x 11', 15-27; lit 'l‘m'onto. The animal ‘.\ as «mum! ‘ny Mr. F. T, Stabbart 0f \\‘.~,-ton. n' mun-in. It. was a fine W99! «'3' t'i'OSS. ShM‘thm‘n cow and Abe?" ~ioen Angus sire. It. led its class, and, of course, in the grand champion- ship won in competition with the best beef types from Eastern and \X‘estern Canada. At the auction sale which followed the Fair the steer brought a price " “1 [000. - mp )‘11111' m 1922- ‘33 it “iii 11x- . 111 :11! parts nf the \\01‘ld the' . ~1‘ 52:100110. There is a 11111- .:1i 1 1101111“ 111' of last “1211’s crop 1'! MHinn t0 the big CI‘Op of this; . 1'! 0f \xhich must be marketed: to) this and the association 1111-; #31 announced :1 considerableg ;~ 111 raisin prices. This decisioni - 111:1.i11 1101' auso it was felt "better; 1n11111 urice \\ 111111 “011111 move 11111111 11‘011 iathor than a higher: “111111 “01111! lane a holdowr: ‘1» beginning of next year.“ ' How About. It? lks 33 ant fwsh eggs in \\’illtt‘l‘â€"-â€" film 310 33 illing to gun the price twinâ€"and if thc3 are shipped ‘ u 13 to the (‘0-0perati3c house mt 3011mm the statement the .ati3o presents its patrons at 'tnnal mpeting would be much .. ztvicsting. The CO-Operati3e “*ty much like Bidd3â€"ill it .'\ '~ 1* :1 chance. Big Business. ' an farmers haw an imest- . . iiw stock amounting to "W“U'm. and an equipment and - “We'miing 3600300000. The ~ Ensign: industrv Of Canada ‘ " f~‘ :m inve<tmont Of $200.- a pa} roll of 315.000000 ‘. ‘N‘. \\)§'| \.l The Youthful Farmers. - ‘ - c. This industry depends E'H‘.\ Acme 111mm. i], 0! which is easily a. record for the Dominion, $1,240, about. $1.35 a potluck. The boy took charge of the ..-'x I l' -. I U _ -â€" vâ€"â€"â€"-c\a VA LIJD calf almost from birth and has been assiduous in his care and attention. Ho' cvrtainly proved What the rising generation can do. ' It is hnped in the near future to intt‘wst hrev Countv bovs in this \\01k. Details “in be sent at a lath' «late. Advertising Pays In Selling 'l‘wenty-six farmers’ business or- ganizntions handling boxed apples sold more than 6.000.000 boxes of apples of the 1922 (TOD, valued at ap- prnximately 518000.000. says the United States Department of Agri- culture. Sixteen of the associations advertised their products. the ad- vertising: assessments ranging from one-half cent. a box to four cents a hex. Some of the larger appropria- tions fr)‘ advertising the 1923 crop o Smokingâ€"lo Sunyinoâ€"lo Suufl Just Swalfiaw a capsule are : $35,000, $39,000, $32,700, anal $7,200. In the last. ten years more than 8750.000 has been spent to ad- vertise one well-known brand of ap- ples alone. Pooling seems to be an- other of the secrets of success of the apple-growing co-operatives. the department says. Of the 26 organi- zations reporting to the department, 24 associations pool the returns for similar varieties and similar grades. The pools are for periods ranging I from two months to one year. Fifty years ago Ramsay MacDonald was a poverty-stricken stable buy. Eighteen years ago he became the loadm' of the Independent. Labor party. Nine“ wars ago he was hooted the stmmts of London with cries “coward" and “traitor." -\ fvw divs ago he was summtmcd to Buckingham Palam 'l‘hm‘v have hm‘n carom's in the history of (twat Britain more“ dra- matic than thc- amazing rise and call and i'vtm'n to power than this dour, pm'svvm'ing Smtsman. who is to go down in history as Great Britain's first. Ifll‘mt' pi'vmier. Loader of the British Labor party, he was himself new? a laborer in tho) tmw senso of tho word. His \vlmlv life is a'pal‘aciox. Born in pnx’vrty. hn nmv has plenty. HP might. we‘ll be said to possess the elegance uf Mr. Balfour. the In- cidity of Mr. Asquith and the fervor of MP. Lloyd Gnm‘gm but it is only in his spn-vchos that he shows any fire or spirit. UNTIDY DANCERS AT FBRGUS (Fergus News-Record). Last Saturday morning we met ReeVe Gregson and Councillor Bailey . at the post office. both full of right.- eous indignation. Councillor Bailey is chairman of the property commitâ€" tee and both had inst returned from a \ sit to the to“ 11 hall “here. on the 1 prexious night a dance had been hold. The chairs had been placed outside contrary to all orders. snow was drifting upon them. thus slack- ening: the glue. and several were broken trom had usage. In one. of 1 the smal ex rooms the tlnm 11nd surâ€" | =1oun1iiugs weie littered \xith eixai-l ;ett1~ stubs and burnt matches. One} ;ce1tain result “in he the doubling :ot' the 11ml. of the hall for dances, :which. in the opinion of the general ilmbiir should ha\ e h en 1 one long 3:11:11. 115 1‘\'1‘l} «lan1 e means :1 11113111: 1al ‘loss to the town through damage gsustainml to pronerly. It doe» not Hake many broken chairs at $2.00 {each to consume the rent now im- posed. THE NEW BRITISH PREMIER GUARANTEED RELIEF 5" for Sale by S. MacBeth and T. M McFadden. Restores normal breathing, stops mucus gatherings in the bronchial tubes, gives long nights of quiet sleep; contains no hath-forming drug. $1.00 at your druggists. Send 4c in stamps for a generous sample. Templetons. 142 King: West. Toronto. Corn Syrup. 5ft) can . . . . Pork 5: Beans, 36 oz. can Canned Corn ............ Canned Cod Fish ........ Canned Pumpkin ...... GROCERIES AT RIGHT PRICES Highest Prices Paid for Bauer and £995 m of Dr. A. P. Coleman of the Provincial l'niversitv has' been addressing "atheiings in the province. on the 1 history 01 the Great Lakes and the 1 Chicago Drainage Canal, and alto- t £391,th apart from the drainage canal } he has created renewed interest in i one of the most fascinatin'. 11111011 111115 . in (1111 local geology Geologicali} . 5peaking. it is a purely ten1p11rary condition that. provides for the Hy- droelectric power developments with , a steady and constant 5111111131 111‘ waâ€" A ter. t i5 also one of the must arti- hcial th111;.5 111 the 1w n11l1l. beginni 111.: Ei1piol1alplv 1.0111111111511111 ago. and it man itakes no mat in it,prnhal_1ly certain to 131 ml in 25.000 years 111111111. it was all on account of an event that oc- curred a million 3'111115 ago and 11111!â€" ‘ed 25.000 year5 hackâ€"the great 1111.1 ageâ€"that. we time the present state of affairs. We have to put. away all our present conceptions of the geog- l‘allhy 11f the province as it. is 10-day .and try to imagine a country in an entirely olitt‘erent. aslwct. when a great river tlowed down from Lake Superior and Lake Huron, coming: \fnit and dischargitg into the sea I Where Toronto now is. The old chan- nel of the river is marked by the wells (lug to serve the towns along: its course. The river was abolished. the lakes took its place in some 1111.51- 1111ct5 and these 11l1a111,:e.5 1111115tit11t11 the geological l1i.5t1.111.\' of the last 1 271.000 years. The 112.1 glaciers brought. \':l.~‘i 111115511151 of material 1 which tilled the 11111 Valleys. making “dams of earth and rocks and creating: ‘mm'aines. The ice reached 70 milee ”south ot‘ 11.51 here. and in 51111111 11115115 ~â€" hundreds (if miivs suuth, Win-n the im‘ hvg’an in l'o'h'vai if tonk 20.000 yvars to «In it. and as it tlmwvd it bluvkml thc- walto‘rs again. The Father of the Lakes. 'l'hm‘v \\'Q'l'¢' m: lake-s nl' x'inI's whpn tlw iv» was lwrv. Ullv has to think of onvsvlf tiw tn 31'an l'wt. iwlow the ulnar. hhu- ivv. 'l‘horv was then nu “atom in flow. 1m mum‘â€" mnnt of “MW at all until tiw ice? {again to mclt gradually t‘rum the south. 'I‘hv 1310' first tlnwml “all at The Great Lakes In The Ice Age THE DURHAM ;; ; , the ice rcuggathl the waters 3 ”.7772; ‘1 Outlet by the Trent Yéliey' 17:; ’11:; mm at, thon of Quinte. - let's crossing at. Trenton giluuld look out amt SH: the insignilic'mlt little river «wriggling along at {4.1" bottom at the magnifi- cent. Valley: \\h'\:‘0 llw gl'vat I‘lu'l' from 1110 \éysi ._..-.- mass uncv mum down. 'I‘hn .se'asuu it did av: mn- tinuc to flow 35:1 this din-Minn was bocausv tho. old: stmrn \va: tiltml up towards the north-east. my? 5111’- faco of the. mutt) hati lurcn‘umtwl with ivv and sand boimv the (-6351. Land \VllmLttm ice thawed the earth.- cumv 11;» again. .\.~: tho. land Was eff.- lightonod 0f tlw icv load it hog-an to PEP. This dvstl‘uyvd Um 't‘l‘t-‘HL t‘i‘flit- no! and thv I'ivm‘, as the ice 1110!!th took thc- Ottawa outlet. \Vllih- tjw n-ntm- Hc‘.\\'ml in that (“H‘L‘UUH It 511111111111 [11111111111411 11111 as 11111 1111 11111111111 111111111 111111 mm 11 tho 1111111 1.111111- uUh1UM1UH1mN141ho“aU4Vuml1 in (1113“ 11 111111 111114 b\ 11111 81.1111111 111111 [1314 by Chicago. \. 1111111:1111 11111-1 {1111111 was n'1ai11t11i11111l \\ 111111 11111 11111111 11111111 Agassiz 111' 100.000 3111111111 11111118. as 111;: as 1111 11111 (11111111 Lakes. 111111 11.1 , 11111111. 111111143. \Vllicll should 111111.0m11 11111 11111111 11111114"? '1‘1111 1111111 110111111â€" 111111 to 14811 111111 \\‘11111‘ began to pass 1111111113111 11111 Niagara 1111111111111. B11111w 11111 111119 the gorge six 111111 11 111111 11111115 11111;; is 11101111 interesting 1111111 11111 Falls 11111111501115, The Falls 1111\‘11 11111. 11111111 way 111111111 frnm (Juvvnstnn at 1hr rate uf«1.2 hu4 a “"3114 1111\\'1.‘1l in that, 1111111411111 1‘11[ 1 l war. Menace to Navigation. 2 Why are Niagara F3225 just “22222-22; lhm 22222 and not iarthm 2202th 02'l suulh? .\ “120122. host 221 problems, 221222 i22\'22l\222l in this 212222>li2222. If; lh222-22 \\'222'22 2222 2222gi2222222°s tn i22t222'l'22r22l th22 Falls will finally out their way} hack in Lake Erie, which would 1222' 2l2'ai22222l. 'l‘l2222'22 \Vmihl 2222 12222::2'22' I222 falls. but 22:2l2i2ls. :222'2l Lakv l'l2'i22. “hich is \‘2‘l\’ 51222112.,2\\' a222l 22asilv 2222212ti222l.\\222212lgiw l2l2C22 to 21 NW 2‘ 2222222i22;: thinngh th22 21222222225t pal'l 22l 2ts h22l. A 212ml (2l il222 lakv 122\22l.~ shnws that Hwy 221222222222 from timv 122 li22222 a222l th22 lin22 22f th22 2'l2222't 'guns 2212 and down like saw t2222th. with a rise and fall of five or sixth. .v\l th22 12222232222t tim22 H222 lewl is at 11222 bottom 22f 1222 1(2\\' l22\'22l. lt‘ li\'2'2 n22 si\ i222-l222s more “222222, drawn 2221“ it \\ 2222l2l he. a sex-ions. thing 1222‘ max i272â€" _._._.. 1011 and.wnuld afl'ect (wary naviâ€" st .g'v mvss uncv mum .se'asou it did :10: mm- 3'311 this din-«lion was wide simrn \va:~ liltvd up gable harbor on the lakes. At W e1- land 'less than three months ago some vessels wei‘o going aground. If the water sank twelve inches they would all lu- 9111011. The low water comes at. lhr worst limbâ€"at the end of summor whvn tho rat'goos are going to Montreal. A A... At the. southâ€"east. side of Chicagol: may he seen a broad depression like 1 that. 01‘ the 'l’i'ent. When Chicago : was started the creek was muddy. “amt turbid. and they decided it}- WHUM he a neat thing to put. affairs ‘ lihihtf old position. and insteaffl 0f draining,r north, to let the lake run into Des Plaines, andso into the 11- linois and tl'ienee into the Mississip- pi. The upper lakes did at one time flow in this direction. and if the land had risen 50 feet more the \VhOlt‘ of the lakes would have drainâ€" l .vd mm the Mississippi. It would. not. he a ditl'icult matter now for an engineer of the capacity Chicago ;|‘)HSS(“SSDS to deepen the canal and {drain all the water that way. I Might Turn Lakes South. i This. is the serious asi‘mct of the. ‘siination. n. is entirely possible to nlrain the whole of the l'pper Lakes into the Mississimii with the result ‘that the. Niagara would be. reduced :tn one-tit‘temth its flow. If the Niâ€" agara were potlucml to the size of the Ottawa, our navigation and power facilities would he ended. Already they are planning,r for}! ship canal 't.+++++++++++++M++MM++WM+MW {mm Chicago to New Orleans. At first it xx mild be a shallow canal, but. it. \\ ould be deepened. Dr. Coleman said he had wondered wh} St. Louis ciid nut. protest at having the Chicago svwagv ilnw down. upon it. That. was not. a \rvry (insirahle mixture in their \Vatx‘l‘ supply. but. the prospect ul‘ '3 ship canal might. nxplain lhpir com- placouce in St. Louis. He thou hi all the. Stains in the West. and the Prox‘inces shnulcl combine and pm,- vent the. mal‘w "Oil {:7 am furthu'. The Chicago so.“ 1:.7‘. umlll 1w. tr al- ed in sumo. other ma}. 1h: Cnlvman has published a study of the lake rogiun during lhu last 23,000 wars. in which he mmmui‘i'zvs thv conclu- sion of Um gvnlngical rvgai-ding the various changes that have occurred thorn. Ho (obtaining the i-iianuos un- (l-e'i' the hoods of the Ontario Basin the l'npov Lakt‘s Basins. the Hudson Bay Slow. and Eastern u‘fi'lntai'io. As; the ice l'l‘tl‘Pflt-(‘d it. left many great lakos; which have changed their-10v- (his and lmumlni‘ios from time 1.0 limv. 'l‘iwso lakos haw been named .anJ outlinod : Duluth. Chicago. Ag- !assiz. \V’nr‘i'vn. Algimquin, Iroquois. il4'i‘0nii-zitlc. Admiralty. Nipissing. and finally Ontario. Lake Iroquois lwai'li is continuous from Quay’s sid- ing. sown miles north of Port Hope. to Hamilton. The lwznrh deposits at tho I.)osjardins canal out reach a depth of 83 foot. and many fossil ro- lmains have been found. PAGE FIVE

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