West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Jan 1924, p. 6

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were neglected or abused. or 111 other ways did not haxe a normal . The work of "the agent of the societv, Mr. Trout, he felt sure was weil known to final il. Th.e society“ members of the Counc uu- bUUHCH was appealed to by Mrs. Down. President of the Grey County Women‘s Institute. and Mr. H. H. Burgess. President of the Grey County Children's Aid Society. to make a grant this year toward the work which would obviate the ne- cessity 01’ having to make appeals for. assistance to the public. Mrs. Down was introduced bv M I Big Lot of Work Done. No loss than ten hy-Iaws worn giv- i-n two readings and were conshlormt in the committee of the whole at the Friday session. A clcputatim was heard as well. and committoc Imports were prcsented. The County Trcas- urer. County Crown Attorucy and Sheriff also addressed the Council briefly on matters of importance and the entire aftcrnoon was out). till- nrt full of business in an endeavor to get the business of the county clean- ed up after a Iatc start on account or‘ thc weather. Thv tendvr ut‘ A, R. Lumly was ac- cepted fur tlw tiro- vsczuw at tho' Childrmx‘s Sheltm' at 3-126. and Hm vompany will be paid this amount when its \mrk has l‘mcn passml by a rompotmt inspnctm'. Mr. Trout was given authority In hav sary repairs mad». 0‘ W'Ct‘s- ln tlw 0:15» ut’ the flmn' l'nx' tho North Grey otl'icn. a 00an llnnr hail hmrn laid and a cmnpositinn asphalt had been laid on tOp «if the cvmont at a rust Hf $1.75. Thn I'opnrt 1w?- o‘immvndml that tlw ilnni' lw linishml with a mat of shellac m' varnish. The cummitto-n harl advertisml the old Cliiloli-vn's Sho-ltnr building <alv. but there were no tenders. Tho lwating plant in thv South Hi‘vy longish-y Office had been whanrzml. at a cost. 01’ S110. and it. is "-stimatml that thn plant will save vnuugli t'no-l in two years in pay for the changv. fl) 1' 01 MW "001' III the NUI‘HI (hwy RI-gis- I'Wfirv. thI‘ I‘Ppah‘s to) “In Chihh'vn's Shelter, thv I-hanfzvs In tho» Snuth IIIm Regisuv ()ffII P lIvatin: “stem and the“ attvmptml >81“ 01' tht‘ «ml 0 “Md“!!! 5 Shfllh‘l‘ IIInpo‘I Ly :It HWI'n Smmd. Bx-Reeve Hunt Makes Report. Ex-Rm-w H. \\'. Hunt of antim'k. whn last. yvar was chairman ut' thu County l'rnpm'ty Cnmmittm'. and chairman uf spm'ial cmnmittm's in comwrtiun with thn rnnnty 1m qu'h' sent in fnur rulmrts cm thv \an'k ut‘ thaw fnur committees. which warn read by RMWP Calder 01' Durham. Thesv H‘pnrls (loan with thv laying of tho‘ flour in the Nnrth (hwy Ro-gis- RI-MII Imhn III Usprv \ hit :I hap- py mI-Ihum xxhvn hI- suggnslml that “116 H‘. nth H‘l IZIIIIIIiiI-s Iiis‘l I Iminatwl against, HI'I‘V I'onmh mI'II. IiI'm Count) shIIIIhl Ilisuimi: lfliI' ainnst men in thaw I'IIIIIIItiIs. and this “as what was aL'I'III-Il In Sinu" w IIIIIIIIh nae. ”GUIDIPII tht‘ 1le IN 101' IIlIiSiIiI'I'n. and IIIIII {HIP-UIHU'I” “Int“ Ihn IIIIIIII- (:-il (liking: that I'II'I-v PIIIIIII'iI III) the samI» 3:. ainst UlliSiIii‘lS HP alsn sug- "IISIPII thaI‘ thv ratI- iIII (iI'I-y Ijmmh men III' I'tIIIhIImi m 0" III‘ iI-II IIHH:.~',II' nut this \\‘£I.~ IIIII I'I‘IiI‘IiiliIlHi h)’ the CmIIIItil. These l‘t.‘1_’u)l'ts “Tro- mee .lnlm 'l‘. MiHm' Ihuught tho' idea. of olnubling thv hm hm nutsido-rs 1L 8".)061 ”HP, Sinm- it prim-Mm] Un- Grny- County mvn I'rum uutsuln rum- pwtihnn. The report at first recomnwnded that a” outsiders km changl <50 but this “as objm tool to by he putv Rem» John Lockhart of 05va; \\ hn stated that in his township an auc- tionm-r was often seemed from Duf- t'min («mum and that thus» hunting: sales \\ 011M haxr tn pm 0 \Ha if “10' ticensn \wu- pain] Ho- puinml nut; that Dutl'cnn did mt «limznninutui against. mm limmt) mo-n. Outside Auctioneers Pay Double. Aurtimzw’rs from o utsido' [lu- county will haw tn pay $50 fur the priyilngo- it they wish to do business in Grey County. provided that they MVP in countivs whero- Um x'ato-s are higher for din-y Olnunty auctimwm's. Auctiom‘wrs whn “3'0 and ups-mt:- within thv hounds nf the. rnunty \viil still pay tho- amumi $23 f0». Such was Um dvcisinn 0f the1 COUIN'“ com- mitt?» 01' Hip wholv on £110 matter when it was Draught up in a z'o‘porti 0f the Financor Cnmmitten. l {Continued from page 1;?- Children’s Hospital. Toronto. was granted $50.00. the grant to the Sal- vation Army was cut down from PAGE 811 Council was m "D ghad hopvs (ha; the Council w ld Bl; WEEK’S WM; [mt it. on £11» 53111» {voting ké the mome in Markdale. It required about an adopted and Marvin or April. Tim tlnunty Histm‘y was making some progress alsu. and the committee in charge had «Incidod to make it into one good sizml vnlumv. A canvass 0f the County is to be mad.) for subscribers tn thv hook. than supervise the work of the County lil‘btistahles. There, are about rune hundred of them in various parts of the County. and he regretted to say that many of them had ceased to he a~< etfii ient as the} once were. He suggested that. ear h municipality send in to the Sheriff 3 list of two or three gum] men who could be ap- pointed as constables. He pointed out that the municipal councils can appoint these same men as. ofl‘icers uncler the Ontario 'I'emperance Act, and that anv lines collected through their \wrk “oulil go to the munici- pality instead of to the prox ince. His object in having the office brought up to the mark is to cut crime down as hm as possible in the l Iountx ofI {IPP\ l Thu County 'l‘rvzisui-m: Mr. .lnlm .ll Parkm'. mm. :1 ln‘ivl' i'M'io-w ol' the ‘lpx'oso-nt linam-ial sl_.:1ldlll;: 01' .‘lm {Gaunt}: In complinnm with the rule {Hf tlw munty. tho. taxi-s of tho mun- g’ ty haw» all born vullncle-c'l in at'lvancn.‘ ,‘Thv lulul lax l3 $333,710.38. all of ;\\‘lll('ll has lwvn willvctml. at tho min l ml 8 mills nn tln- .lnllzu‘ an an user‘s;â€" j nwnt nt' 2‘.) inillinn ulnllal‘f‘. 'l‘lin amnunt i-Xpo-iulml nn llnunlyii _ {Halls in I923 was $179,634.88: 01! ih‘uhurlian Are-a Roads. 343.7 7.76: on! l’i-nvim-ial Higlnvays. $26,326.25. Mn; 'l’urkrr pninlwl nut lliw inm'vnsv in‘ tho» amount (if mnnvy spmt nn uln- (“atiurn ’l'liis your ”in «jammy spvnt, ag‘ipr‘nxinialfily $36.5m nn c'wlucntinn. “hill“ in 1903 only $9.000 was spent! anal in 1913. $31.0“). 'l‘hvso iiguros cln nnl inclliolv (hiwx'nmnnt grants. 'l‘lw tntztl «lviwntux'v 114'!” Of the) County at, ”I" pi-vsvnl limp is 3335.000 against \Vhlc'll ”ll‘l'l‘ is a sinking fund nl' $70.00!). Mr. l’nrkvl‘ gave OU‘WI‘ lixurws imlicating tlne vuunly's iinan~ via! standing. (2' unty lirnwn Allnrnv)’ llyl'n ad- oli'vssml the Cuum'il on Ull‘ matter of ”in lirmnly Constalmlary. Since tho lligi llunstabln of “in «Iimnty had ("vasvll tn npvl‘alv. Hlv Sheriff had lmcnmn tlw High llnnstnliln. It is nut, ‘ llw o‘lnly I)!’ ”ll‘ shm‘iff in do more- 1 '8 Hw report of the Roads and Brid- 311's. Down mad» :1 strong appeal fru- thé society. and slip o-xplainmi the aims and ubjwts nt‘ ”in \V'omnn‘s Institntvs. Sh» stated that tin-r0 was nut a tHWIlShip in tlw mmnty which had not hmm lwnnfitcd by the work. The donations help. but they are not. satisfactnry. She pointed out that utiwi' countivs in tin» provincv \vm'o' maintaining thvir Childron's Sin-Ito'rs in this way, \Vfardvn Mr- 'l'a\'ish pi'nmismi Mrs. Dawn that tiw appeal wauld haw tho. mnsioivrntinn 01' “In (Immi'ii. ‘pnt it on the same tvotingké the 1 home in Markdale. It required about $5.000 per year to meet the: expenses of the work. and he explained the sources from which the funds came. It is necessary enci: year to raise , from 81.500 to 552.000 by collecting in ismall amounts. With the voluntary icontributions falling off. the societv :was finding great difficulty in meet- ing the expenses of the work. Ho'- Mt that the amount asked. $2.000. Would he unly fine-fifteenth part of a mill Ln tlw assessment. The num- cy 3.‘ spent entirely among thw ti“- prnrtent children Hf the County. c“..- sentatiw pending further informaâ€" tion and consideration. The report Zlis‘n .l-ecommendml that a resolution ho- passwl ronrurringr with the PP- quvsl of the Hastings Council that ai'tinn he taken to have the Provin- cial lwgislzltllrv sci amend the Act .that niunil-ipalities will be relieved inf liability in runnertinn with arriâ€"‘ {dent’s nu graded roads. i Thorn was some discussion on the ; matter of the Advisory Board of Ag- kriruiturc'. hut the report was finally passed without living," amended. Thu. Warden's Committee report was presented by Reeve Bothwell. This was used as a reply to the \Var- all-n's address. The report l'umpli- menu-d the Warden on his elevation to the high other. and the munici- pality from which llv came. The mnnnitten worn satisfied that the heartiest spirit. of vo-operation would be manifested. It was noted with pleasure- thu remark in the re- port regarding the spirit of coâ€"oper- atinn which was springingr up he- i.\\'t'l‘ll rural and urban centres. and the. inc-reusing interest. which is he- The? Communications and Memorâ€" ials Gommiltcc rcpurt was read by Mr. Noil Calder. It recommended that tho Council take no action in the matter of the request from the Council of Ontario County asking Git-y Council to concur in memorialâ€" i/.ing tlu: Provincial Legislature in ronnm'lion with Hydroelectric Powâ€" vr and 'l'ransmissiun. The report ummintmi the members lo the Advisory Board of Agriculture for H)» County and rccommcndcd that action be llL‘fL’I‘l‘Otl to the Juno scssinn on thv rvquvst of the repro- T he Printing Committee! reports presented by Deputy Reevé Hogarth, also dealt with accounts and recom- mended that the Clerk ad"'ertise for tenders for the printintiUf the min- utes and at the promothon examina- tion papers. The repfirt gave the clerk and the chairman power to award the contract. The report was adopted. 30$ Committee, dealing entir 1y with accounts. was presented Reeve Miller of Emplu‘asia, and adapted. __ v‘. ‘I\' “I - ed out. ROASI’ER~F01- gener- al and special use. TEA KETI‘LES. large and small. wry USP- ful. SEAMIESS KE’I‘TLE, for gonon'al conking 1 [’aUI‘pOSPS. : PRESERVING KET- tlos for the) annual proserving season. useful at all times. GRAVY LADLES. for soups and gravy. WATER FAILSâ€"Win not rust: handy for special kitchen vse and washing. MILK FAILS. for sani- tary purposes: pro- tection against dis- ease. DISH PANâ€"Very ne- cessary. KNEADING FANSâ€"- For the one who does home baking. BAKE PARISâ€"{For gen- eral oven work. SMICEP.»L\’Sâ€"The kit- ‘ chen utility: al-l siz- es; have more than one handy. PIE PLATES. ETC.â€" Always useful. POTATO PMSâ€"For general vegetable use: lid holds on when contents pour- ER fm' vegutableS. MILK 0R VEGETA- BLE BDILER for Milk. Rice and ad- junct, vngotablu boil- or. MIXING BOWLS for baking days and tho (mcasional piv crust. WASH BOW‘LS for «iisi‘m'ashing and ndd jobs. 111 'LLI‘INDERS for gen- m'ai c’iraining of VC- grviablvs. MC. CEREAL {MUKER fur mn‘ricigv. ("t-C. Bif’l‘Tl'IR DISHES limp the buttor from from ; flies. otc. WINDSOR DIPPERS ‘ for general work. SOAP DISHES i'uI' kil- chml and bathroom. I’IFNNELS for pouring liquids from one __ 395591 to anotiwr. An Ideal Outfit }3(“)‘I_{JI7:R and STEAM- Pudding Dishes 150. up No less than ten by-Iaws were given their first and second read- ings, and were considered in com- mittee of the whole, with Reeve Smith of Shallow Lake in the chair. int: taken in matters of agricuiture which, the report stated. would hasten the day when all Canadians would be co-operators in the highest sense of the word. The report advis- ed caution in the maintenance and construction on the plan of ability to pay, in the County Roads system. Other clauses in the \Viarden’s com- prehensive address were commented upon favorably. The report was ad- opted without discussion. ' White Granite - A Pitchers A Genuine Opportunity to Save Money--- t9 buy a useful Enameled Lt a worth-while re- !A sincere effort on 12-Qt. ieavy Granite Pails $1.40 city of Owen Sound shall pay half the cost, outside of the Provincial grants, and the city‘s share is not to run over $14,000. County Auditors were appointed, with a salary of $150 each and 10 makers of Enameled Ware for over seventy years. It has the famous glassy, flinblike finish. The surface makers of E This Potato Pot is made by McClary’s cents per mile one way for distance travelled, the County to pay for flu; typewriting of their reports. Tim appointees were W. R. Cole of Dug-1M. and Walter Hastio of Holstein. ‘ Saucepans, 35¢ Thursday, January 3!, Ayton (Continued on page 7.) M" . . mix 3 p.m. â€"â€"â€"~ I. G. HUTTOI‘: M ' Ofl'icc, UU'x' A. f . nearly ()1);)¢)<§tu 'i, Besidvmrv 2 Su- .1 Registry «pm-.- . ;. _ SWGCL (Hrim- 31”,; . $0 4 pm. and I 1-- ' sommwxiuahm: ; reSidcncv at :11! 7:“ _.‘ Office and 21-»er Gountcss and Lamb? site am PM Hum. 9L0 11 a.m.. 1.1:“ 1.. :2 (Sunday- :mci I excepted I’atc Asgistill‘n E thalmic “MW golden Sqn 11'! I' aim], Sum 1mm 1 and N‘N‘L UH!“ Omen Sound. C. G. AND BESSIE MCGILLIVRAY Chiropractors Durham Omar: c The SCIPHCC Hid. 1mm \ t; and )ears in m.- t ~ .im‘. .; . [11 Durham Immiuv 'l‘u;.:-g.;u\\ :. é‘klturda}K "2531:: DR. W. C. PICKERING, DENTIST Ofl'ice on: ..I .\ .' 2! H. \ Durham. Untax u HOImI‘ Hrmhlatv I mu out". Grmiuatu Izm'u‘r <1 Surgenns‘ «-1‘ mum-u. an its hrmu‘lws. H1Tw~ Town's .lv\\¢“l]m‘.\' Shaw Legal (Dll‘edon' ,__'â€"â€"â€"â€". Barristers, Solicitors. Sm-cvsmrs tn .~\. H. 4. up: Mr. (I. (I. )hddlvlmf .~ . lacatmi at Durham (Ifl'lw. Etc. . V‘-'\I ‘ llk;‘\. . THU: " Barristm's. Solicitors. 0 her of ihv firm will luv u '17uesday or much week. A may he maciv with tha- nfTitC. LOT 7, CON. 2!. EGREHIQH'I‘. (LUN- tain'mg 100 acres: 85 acres ”11d": uuHiVatinn. balance hardwumi hush. mmonimxt to schnol: m: the WW“- isos arr a frame hm’n 42x65 ft. \vfl’.‘ stone funndafion: ('«mrrvtv swim-s also hay ham 30x50 with smnw haw- mcml W“; P0“ 20““: {\Vvh’wa'm’m‘ brick hnusw. hu‘naw hmhwi. aw Frame wmwkhf‘d: drmmi \VPH UHF-J t0 house. with windmill: wmm'wt water tanks: 30 acres seeded in ha) {0 acres to sweet clox'cr: me far: is well fvncnd and in a mud >711? - < cultivatiun. For ihfm'mtmm‘. um» Io \Vatsmu‘s Dmry. RM. 4'. hux'hm 4n r." . . I .0 “"3190wa HaH‘y. [1,“, .,, Qntarm. 1 NORTH I‘AHT LOT.“ 7 AN!» 32. Egl‘vnn’vnt. vmflmnin: 139'. : acres ('h'tn'vd. hulz’nxm- h 3. L. SMITH, M. 5.. :r aCl‘f‘S t‘H'ilI'c‘H. w... bush: in gmul Shh frame hum “\fd‘. concx‘oto stuMM‘: ‘ cement Mink ‘ Hi hm 4. Sh.‘ Mining 110 an" V. and 7. (14m. 1 and in good 24334" w the 1‘v1‘0111iw< uh" ;-: Mining: MWMZ. :tn frame \\'<|<H3~'l|m§ ; Wellai.dnm‘1www- this farm. nmkn: igrm. This mm... fight to quirk pm: hculars apply at RR. 4. Durham. m WYSALL w r ®n° 3.- ]‘1'.(;.R.. ”1 HIV " G‘enelg,kl10“1\ an 1h.- 3?? {m comprising 100 u fibres cleared and ”1;sz ; LOT 66. 0’18. L’. \V n 1-; 2%milcs frmn 15‘1"“;w % aCX‘PSZ 70 éh'l'tW 1. balance haquu-d 21'. u barn with vxh-ztsrw‘ #1.. Stables;7-1‘hnmmi 1w 5" QXLCHSion klh’ht'l; well \Vnhn‘vd by },r\ at rear of farm; ax. ~. cement. trough urn: .. cement Cln‘hm‘x \Vri . furfiher pamh‘umrk a. ; Smxth, RR. 3. Dnflm: . . O x FARMS FOR MM 255 acres in Twin ‘~'.~ acres. a.) mum m N Township «f 1.x: east Of \"arnvy. 1h ‘ ham. Fnl‘ |~1i!'%‘('\.": - '.F.GBANT.D: propriety-Ms FARM Fun MH‘ .. Lot 28. Cum, 7. V." miles from DIN: mile {mm svhrm'fi. - acres; 80 m'x'm .~ m. hardwood hush; ' and good sprang tWO-StON‘y IH'H'R barn \Vitl'l (‘o‘mi-H' fall ploughing «in: \V. J. Atkimam. ‘ Med [all .. JAMIESO?‘ 6-. Dental Dlmforz . 1, Durham. LUCAS HENRY 1y, January 34., 1924. \‘arnvFl i'“ DR. V.‘ tion; 40 acres full ,. on premises 10 “Milk H BURT “(mt «m 11 and \Vut‘ (H 'vllcgv Dc'm ir 9h 0V \V a I‘TNTIN “PM In ram tme H WI!“ .H H plt‘

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