West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Jan 1924, p. 8

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It was with rag “f the dvath Of 01 this I‘Ontv. “'e kind and obliging. The l.’.F.W.O. held their monthly meoting in thn hnmv of Mrs. R“ ”4.2.934 pa 3.2.x .346 :27. EL 2.... $51.“. CE. 7.1.2.: $.21. 3 2. :34. :7. 23.x. 22.1. 3: .122... ”.3. _ c: 2:. QUUI' uwn 1'0‘X‘t'spfn’iolo'inl. Again “1- aro- annz'ml with Sumo- xiii-v WPZIUNBI'. and if. is nun-l1 appur- l'iilh'd after tho- \ri'y sM'i-ro- \wuk 0f smi'ms. \V’oathvi' predictions re- «"o_-i\'o-._l a scwx'c jolt. last weak. “'0 are glml tn lio-ai‘ that 311 ”UP ailing unvs an- un llio' rum! in ['0- wwcry again. Mrs. Irwin ancl littlv :ii'l. tho; )iatln-i' family. llw )li'lizu'h- r'l'li family. and ANN} lh-iivy. all uf whom are doing fairly \wll again. Mr. and Mrs. Mali-nlm .‘lclu‘illl hull :‘m- misfnrtuni- tn lusv iht'll‘ infant 'lzmulih-i'. \\'o- s-xto'ncl Hlll' syingmthy ‘n flwm. Mr. and Mrs. Cranston of Lucknow are \isiti1.: Mrs. Cranstnns mother. “ho is ii at present at Mr. Rich- ardson's. Holstein, iLawson on January 16, with a gond (Our own correspondent; *tuxnout. h eiybod} enjoy ed the re- Mrs. Andruu \iurduch of 393 tile port of the com ention gixen by Miss M :cphail. M. P.. “hich was \erV in- to-i vsting. 'iio- next meeting will be ihe- d at tlw home of Mrs. L. McLean ‘01} hébwar} 8. with has spunt a couple m mom!” with hwr parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hiscm‘k. hvrv. Wt on Mnndav fm he! hnmv. . the «Into-s, Jmmurv Ii :mfi 26. 21w Wm. ”mat, Ci Sun. 6’: .22 pnunris: 1m- Hd 8mm», 43. 7.3: .'l dmvs‘ .\. Smith. 32.66; James Silt‘i.. .591)”, This is (110 first. season than Hu- t'zu‘tnl‘y has DH'H «um-at-o-oi during le- “into-1‘ mnmhs. and if. is pl'nVHlf.’ :t suo-m-ss. The past week has how. very 5101‘â€" my and our mm] coux‘im- has mm!“ two trips this fan: and trim! In make. a few mforo‘. but was m‘»nu~-H.-d :n turn and make home. Me‘ssl‘s, J. Buy. A. Richardsun, R. \\';];,snn. J. “.llitt‘. J. Plvstt‘l‘. N. M('- Lend, \V. Mason and J. Unl‘ho‘tt wm‘n n. ‘he city this week with stock. .‘h‘. \V. Knox had a very success- f'nl bee cutllng wood. and the young frcome gathered in the evening and had a SQciaI evening dancing. BOI‘nr-BTO Mr. and Mrs. George l’ortf'r. 'un\Jammr}' 26th, 192 . a daughter. l Mrs. J. K. Hamilton Hf Muunt Fur- »st. spvnt a day with her pan-Hts. new. moontly. Mr. and Mrs Arch. McMillan of Big sandy. \1 nntana. were recent Visit- ors at! tho» homv of Mr. and Mrs. Colin McMillan. Mr. William Lawrencm we under- ~:,aiioi. has decided to quit. the farm mm: and is: having an auction sale "! tho- nmr future. A so-i'ivs of i'o-vival services aw- be- :m; le in tho- Presbyterian church :incivi' tho: '“l‘PCUOH of Messrs. Wood and lfii'o-tany. Um- mail couriers have had hard gum“; recently. Rural route.- .\'0. 2 was hlmrkmi fur two days. Trains ascorx‘o' lute. which into'x't'o-i'o-«l with tt-ail'ii- and the mails. The star“) was é~-ri'iii(-. Evm'ytiiing is normal again. Tim {our patrons of thv Egi-vmi‘mf Lz'ifilnli'l'y so-iieiiiig Hu- iiigho-st imm- xmi- Hf pounds 0f buttrr-fat iwiww-n \dau; ht»! ar-‘xiwsl at the hume- of MI. and 311s. tux-t Eccles on Munday of ”Us week. Tlu- village trustees have had a ~nnwplnugl1 built, and cleared the rlthfivalk.‘ hf snow on Saturday. Horse-[mworr is used. Hur own corro‘spnndent.~ Mrs. )1. Richardson is vritivally ill a! prosvnt. but at, th ‘ hmv Hf writing 1“ much imprnwml. Sh» is with lwr mu. \\'. .\. 'l'ln- 1’1'1-s11yh11'11111 111111141 was 1-11.151111 {111' last Sunday 11\\'111;.- tn H111 t-owvro: storms. It. was thought use- ?vrss to haw 11 ministm- 1-11111» 11mm. r1s mums \wrn blocked 15111111111”): and '111: attendance would I111 511 small that it would not 1111 justicv 11111111111 '11111151111 111'1'11111.:1-:._'11t11_111. Radiu enthusiasts in «1111- 11111211in report some execrllcnt concerts and musical uncertainmonts H1139» oven- 'HL’S. Ginm'uw \\'atsnn .S llildt‘l' thr- doc- tor's ware and is confined to hxs DEG a “9.91;. but he is making good grrwa’roRS and “in soon be able to be Uut' bankm- made) both trips last vvo-vk to this branch from Durham. mm unbroken roads. This certainly “Rims "schicv." ,- PAGE EIGHT Swinton Park t Fromk an- a; 21in lmsx. us: “wk mu] nu: this Priceville rngwt. that we learned 1' our mail courier on \‘e always found him Is clnso'ul for a muplc‘ m'k. us ihn “mamm- fHI' the “HIP fulks t“ Ilfl I“. iil't‘ gmunds: 1m- 5 .\. Smith. This is 1110 H'l“!'}' has The following item of interesting municipal history showing the Reeves oilArtemesia Township since its incor'p‘bration in 1852, was recent- ly supplied by Clerk Bellamy to The Advance here. The'Reeves and years Ironice were as follows : Elias Gray. fl‘lwro‘ was a large wnmvgaticm at t e Muthoo'list church on Sunday night. at the union moetmg in behalf of the Bibl» Society. Rm: H. H. Eaton comluctwl the o'lowotional ex- ercises and R‘W. J. Han-rower gave a very interesting address. The col- lection was in behalf of the Bible Society. and collectors will also make a canvass. s:1.~.-inn Hf tho- (Inuntyi Council and presents i :1 I‘vsnhltion that had 1mm 101‘1110101 :21ch avlnptml by L110 \Vomen S lnstitutws m hrm «‘nunh that the « ‘hihhwm s Shoiter locate-d at Owen Nmnol should hv entirely maintaifiml hy fin1 County of Hwy and not by «innutiulh 01' Tag Dav milecthms. which haw1 pron 011 unsatisfactory. Tho- \\ 111111111 gaw tho1 11:1111'61Sc1nta- Li\ PS «a uni mu «)uragemm‘ 1 . Flesherton. (Our own correspondent.) '1’1111 n111.~‘1 511111-11ss1'111 1111111111! 1111 1111111 111' 11111 1111111 11111111111111 11115 111311. 1111 '1’11111'511111' 11111111111: 11151 11111111 11 111;; 1-1'1111'11 1111\‘111'1111 11111 i111- 11'1111'11 11'11.~' 111 111111111111111111111.1111111111: 51111111,.1111 111111 111111.1s111'11. '1‘11111'11 11111'11 sixty-1111111) 111 1111s.1111111.~'. 11111 111111113 111'1‘111111111111111131. 111111 111 1111- 11111131 1'111.~'.~'11.~' 11111 111111'1115 11‘1-1'1- 11111411. 3111111 111' 1111- 0115111111115 111-1'11 111'11111 111111 511 1111111111111111' 1111- «1.1111111 111111 11111 ,11111141-s. .\11'. 111111111 11111! .‘111'. 12111». 1.1111111 11111111121115 11111'11. 11.111 11 1:11 '11 1111111 $1111'1111111: 11111 11111- 11111'5. 111111'11 1111111 :15 1111111113: B1151- 111'11551-11 111111. 1111111111 111-â€"-.1111111 .\1111111.~'. .\11;1'11 111111.1'11; 1:111 111111111'1' 11‘1511111'. 11111-11111 111151. H1151 1"111 $11111 ~---\\'. 11. 7111111111 \\'. .\. 111111111111, {1151 121111111“ '1'1111111' 111111151111. 1111111_1 “1111-111. 151151 411011;). 111111111‘ 7» 11'1111113' INVKSOII. Hus-1 1911111111111 11111111111~~.\l1'.~i. K1111111111y 1111.] 7111's. 111111111: .\11'. 111111 Mrs. Alf. 11111111. 1111.41 '1'1'11111]1~â€"1\\'11s Arm- Mr. and Mrs. Grim-n Boyd Spent a «hy rpcnntly with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Br”. 1.2..._E.. 9.... 7.75.7. 2.1 ./...m.~.:.l 31:: 122:... :21 3.4;. ~:.:.r.:.:.x_ 2:; 2232::;173;}.(31. 2512...? 3.1.1:. 74.5.22“ 22:25? 5:33.. ’4. 3:7...“3:._1..:.._..: 5.1.. :5. $2522.. .552...“ ~3V.----_.UE...~..... flirt... :.:.:Z :3... 753. 0325?. ,._.;._.< 3:7. =1: F..:E:.<H :l: . _:.. £2.25; fi.. :52.“ .21-.- . :2. 2:22;. 5:5 w......x:::: .3.4;: :23}. :37 3:13. #7:..7 3.7.”. .H:v.:_:_..._ .H::_.r..-u_:.. 2:; .57.. KEV 3.4.1... 2:; :7. F3315. $17.. 1.2:»: :55? fi.. .x. 132?? 5.... 3.13:7. 5.2... :42. mun? -w:...:_3. 12.413; 4:: :: Evenszzz. :34 73.). :1... ::.::::n .55? :.;..._:...z.. ’3: 7.. :1; 7:1... '1 'l‘hvro‘ was a gum] gaJwring at the dobatv hold at the school last \Ved- mrsday night. Miss Macphail gave tho-m a few good 111195 to be ré'mem- bmw! for thus» whn takc: part in tho' dvhato‘as. ' " _\i (Luunty Council and salutiou that had 1mm 1852: \V. K. F lusher. 1853-1864; James Law, 186'); w. K. Flesher. 1866-1869; W. Lackie. 1870-1874; Dr. Christoe. 75-1890: M. K. Richardson. 1891-92; .lnlm 1101;111:1893-1897; Dr. Christoe, 1898; John McArthur, 1899; D. ‘11:- ”laxish. 1900-1903; Alex. Muir, 1904; .lulm A. B0}d. 1907); Alex. Muir, 1906- 1908: John Boyd, 1909-1910; Alex. Muir. 1911; T. R. McKenzie. 1912-20; \' J..\1eads. 19:21; T. R. McKenzie. 1922- 24. lH'. mm .m's. rig-cl Murray, :1 sun. Mrs. D. Mv'l’misli Illlli 311's. (3. A. Mr'l‘nvish <1wnl purl uf lasl wwk will: x'e'lalix'vs in van Snmul. Mr. 41. .l. Hullamy spun! :1 l'vw «lays in 'l'ni'nnlc) last. woo-k. .“l‘S. .\. l‘I. Bullnmy has l‘l‘llll‘lltPll l'z'nm .~]N‘Il ling :i mnnlli :il HHHI‘V- wnml musing" lwr mullwi \\':l 0 is ill but slightly imprmod. Mr. Milton Hnmum. 'l'm'flnto Line. mulo_-t°\\'«.-I\t u' critical mwration last mm]; for intustinal trunbln. Dr. Hx‘uws of l‘W-x'gus and Dr. 'l'urnbull, hvro‘. pvt'fnrmml the win-ration at tho- patiwnt's hNnv. 11v is reported improving ands mime-mun l'rio-mls n:u'1w.~'tl,\‘ Imjn: fur his romuwry. ' “'0‘ \\'t‘l'v plo'aswl In 1‘04““in a ('nmnmmmtinn am Saturday {rum 312-..11vah '1'. Clark. mlitm'iul writvr nn ”:0 'l'nt'nmn lmily Star. aml.tn lvzn‘n Hmt ln- was rumn'ux'ing from itho-ss wim'h c-nntinml him to his humv for nwnrl)’ a month. thnugh The Young Ladies‘ Bible Class in the.» Methodist Sunday school, which is growing in intm-ost and numbers, coxnprotml organization last. week wlivn officers were: elected as fol- lnwst Pros" Mrs. G. \V'. Konedy; View-Pros" Miss Reynolds; Teacher, Mrs. Dr. Murray: Asst" Mrs. C. J. Bellamy: Svc}'.-’l'i°vas.. Miss Rota l-zi-liamy: Social llunmiitloo. Miss Al- vrla Miwhnll. Miss .- :_:nos Hem-,lvrsmi. Miss livmln \\'il.~'n:i: Visiting llom- mittw. Mrs. l'Ixn-rvtt Honry, Miss Run;- liai'umu Mrs. W. J. Alt-ads ro-lurnm‘l from 'l'nrnntn inst Saturday after spenc'ling a mnnth with new scm-in-law and dnnghto-I‘. Mr. and Mrs..lan1vs Fvl'ris. tn \x’hum was 1mm :1 daughter 011 Mm 15th inst. }3n!°n.â€"â€";\t thw anwrul Huslpitzll. 'l’mwmn. um Saturday. January 26. tn hr. and Mrs. Hm! .‘Jm'x'm'. a sun. Wu \vwx'u [m-asml lust \wok to n:- x-o-iw an inh'l't-SHHL" mnmumivatim from :1 WWW l-‘luslu-I'tml lmy, [{M'. Fer A. lmtvh. nuw pastul' of :l largo. MPthmlisi church at Amhurst. Mass" who-w 1.27m sflldo‘llts :ltU‘Ht] onllngvs anal :u'v curwfuliy lunko-cl uftwr by the H. -‘.. MNI'nx‘ish and Hmrgv Brack- wnhmgx‘ :Utumimi a Elnnvrulnt sales- mwn mnwntinn at Huvlph last week. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE churches. That‘Rev. Leitch’s church is a live one is evident from the exâ€" cellent cards, the best we have seen, issued to the students. Mr. Leitch informs us that his brother Edwin of Winnipeg is holidaying in Caliâ€" fornia. having made the trip from home in his car. At the inaugural meeting of the Village Council, S. E. deCudmore and A. E. Bellamy were appointed Audit- ors. and are doing their work this week. Mr. \V‘. Turney has been apâ€" pointed electric light m-erseer and metre reader. Another F leshei-ton buy. Mr. W. J. Strain of Great Falls. MonL, who, with his wife and daughter. are spending the wintvvr in California, who‘re his sister. Mrs. Lind. lives. writes us of thv «lvligtni‘iil climate and 1‘)li‘-asu1°v in ”in South «luring wintm'. MP. Jnhn \\ . Davis. a fm'mm' I'I‘Sitlt‘lit- how. nnw living in \Vash- ington Stat“. was a i'vcont cailvi' on 111'. Strain 011 his way u.» ViSH his SiStPI'S in Southern Calil'ni'nia. .1335 .8: :36 3...: £53.: $5.355: .5: ES. :cmaom E: :59. .2: .uEEE 535:: E “7.17.: .2; mmizmzz E:.:...... :3, 7:52:81 mmz‘m .Erfgzcy, c5 .55 Lexi: A. .._... .17. .7. 7.37:“ .1: 1.5.? 5.7.: .7552: .35....“ ._.:E::E./. v.17. ...;::.S.r E 1.37:: ES .277. .5: 9:5: g :22; 5.5:. E: 5.3; 11:27; E: .2? Er. $72.5 :5 E37. .72.? i: E n.5,: >6: E; 5.7.: 1.12.25 >..Eoc.§ i: E >._.SE._:.« .2335 tatâ€"5’ 5? Miss )‘Iilfil‘m‘l POtTUaI' \‘iSihN'l her :rumlmntlw and other relative: part. of last week. Row. F. D. Gofl' of Clarksburg‘ visit- w] relatives hero on Monday. Mr. James \Vllitv of St. Thomas is on a short. Visit. with relatives and ”M friends ~hM'P. Mr. Pi-estnn. student in McMaster- I nix'm iix \\ 1m “in graduate in the spring. sulplimi the i’ziptist pulpit. on Runday and will probably be givmi :1 cal! to this charge. M 1', \\'. H. Crnss. :Im I‘lt‘\\’ managm‘ of the Bank ”1' Manama“. who has found if, difl'ionlt tn gm :1 lmuso hvrv. has wvm'ml upzn'tmemts in Dr. Mur- ray‘s mnmwlitms x'csirlvncv and will mcwu his Pfl'vcts from :tiwslvy 90011. M County Council last. week Mr. (h-orgv Mih'lwll was L'e-olccteql on the High school hard here. A bad chimney fire in Mzalvolm Mc- D«:mul«1‘s rosicilqmw on Friday morn- ing 'last gaw the! inmates a scarv hofm'o it was thinmished. Miss Dufl' 0f the liducatitmal Do- pzu‘tmvnt paid (110 Public and High 50.110445 3 Visit last week and gave intvlvstinu HIMH‘SS PS to tho studontS. Mrs. Jmnvs Fishc‘r, \th I'c'letly mot witha fall and sprainml her wrist badly. is rpcnvm'ing' nicely fmm lwr mishap. A Impresont.ativ:~ of the Toronto [wily Star vas in town on Monday Sm'ux'ing spwial matter for that paper. of ' success. The After 74 years . . Guelph Herald ceased pubhcahon (at The Mercury the and 0f the year. having purchased the 8'00“ “'i“ andl amiélgamatod tho. two papers. For! more than half a century The Hcr‘aldi defbmlod and Th0 MN'cul‘y ODDOSGJE the policy of tho (Innsm'vatlvc party: Sometimes :I gmul «M11 01' fig“? “'35. (lisplaym'l. In fulurv. if the amalgaâ€" mation {alluws this coursv adopted under similar cit-mmstancos else- whc-rv. 'l‘hv Mum-my will become one “1' tlw "gum! lhx'll. gum] «'lM'il" pnl‘ulivalirms. 521in g :1 kind word for tho Grits tmlay and an equally gen- vrnus (mu l'nl‘ llu- 'l‘ories t,0â€"n‘n‘n'1-«m'. Ul‘ llw tanty small ('itivs of Ontario (\wlw ham l\'\’n dailies Pighl. yoal‘s :lgn. va in unly t\\'«_»-.-l{i11gst011 and Bl'l!(‘\’illv---:U‘l' twn publishml. In Canada ll)” «lzzily muwrs haw disapâ€" pvm'ml in Jlnn yvm's. Eightevn 01' the twvnty smallur vilivs haw hut- «mo daily. 'l’lu- high ms! of publishing has mvanl lhl' «lisamwm'ancv of tlm Hlllvl's. 'l‘llv Dill days nl‘ jmll'naljslic m’mllivl hm] at lc-ust. tl’w vll'm'l Hf vnlig'hlvnln: tlw public on publir all‘airs. and 0f zu'uusiug an intmwsl in lln-sv whivh was lu-leicial tn the (‘Hl'mmmilivs win-w llll‘ cuntrm-ur- ““5 :Il'fisv. 'l‘llv ulismnpvarzmcn of “I“ “Mm: Humid is a loss to mo. (“Sll‘ivl ll .~'wl‘\'ml Sn lung, I‘Hflitioally 'ch‘ Hllvhth “PM!“ is dislrivt. it sul'le SH III and gmwmlly. Irene Castle’s Husbands. \\'inglllml Advancv. lm'no" (Izlsllo Hl' llu' nimblv fw‘t. first marriml u liwutmanl. thou a captain. and HH\\' her latest, acqui- sitlnn as a mnjmn lLtHJkS likn :1 rank busino‘ss all llll"'ll:.'ll, lividvntly. 100. “In Nb of kiln." Hl' lhO (28th inslvad of living 1: lilllu SlllN'lll‘P is a little lnsucurv. BORN McNaughtonâ€"At \\'illuws. Sash“ Dutfr'mho-I' I3. 1923. t.» Mr. mnl Mrs. R. H. Mt‘Nzulg'htcm. :1 daughter (ii-Elsie Mmumwt I l 9 Premier r‘ergusou a uuavlwauug ”I surprising celerity with which jug- ,l-3_]_ L7‘J- ll- â€"_ ice is dispensed in outside p‘mmm of the Province has led to (2mm:â€" ment, consideration of a plan to 1'“- organize the whole judicial-y 5.).” tom, the main Object of which is 1‘, fI‘m.‘ mnrn judgvs. for work ”MSW. of Toronto. The. Promier doés not believe Hm. the docket of a score or more ms.“ can b0 disposed or rightly by ans-s judge in the matter Of a few day; This is said to have been dome law; at somv outside points, and his in“ wstigntions have led him to the (inn- clusion that the hearings of ms“, haw boon necessarily hurried .m. to the few judges. free to lean» Ha. godde Hall. Premier P 61‘9 Plan to Reorgantze the Whom J udiciar)’ - uson Is At Work On Man is the only creatum 1mm. vnrmgh (.0 have a conscience, or surâ€" ry unrmgh to need mm. Thursday. my; mom: JUDGES ron ou'rsrm: wonx Ferguson’s observance ”1' Jinn”? 3" SUDDEN DEATH OF DR. J. G. HUTTON WA SHOCK T0 COMMUNE Well-known Durham PL; -. Since Last Spring, 111 > At. His Home FIEda: " Interment Mad-2 Man ham Cemetery. Friday muz'nmz; : Sho('k “I “I! 4W3}! knmm fut .wn ' “'3.‘ "Hi 4192.1, :,.; that ”I“ "IN: \\'I' Last. swim 11w had 10 gin 9,. spondin; swxwz-ui under thu {In-:1: n“ he was 31'1“!” and was lmu:-;a under UH mu Elizabeth 11mm. Of 'I‘OI‘HMH. 111.; " Drs. Jamivmn A .2 evvl'y mwnw - hvaHh. A fvw mm practim: :nuz night \‘iSlfs‘ trips. H“. (H his uwn «now 113510ij in h Things $00111. IHH weoks mm again fun-r “(UP “”1” turttzinmi Dr. Huzt. ViNC‘, no-HI' a 54m Hf 112w bm' mun-1m in Huh“: 1} being Kw \. Ship HI 4.1! timn \\:4: .: Aftz'l' !'--w';‘. training m 11-..- dvcnawnl ~11.»- Bollvvillea \vlst-M' or 11mm NW?“ ‘A.’ a full muzr' :1.1\. mg «m 1111 +1114 at (‘1)110‘21' '11' h loan» fur :1 turn- instead “1' 1mm: emvxw-q Hu- I‘mw cinv. 11'qu \Vhivl in1 ‘7. In 115$ ville, \th-v I... 1 Sion with 11mm to [Durham 11: 1!: many”! :11 121w .11: In 1891 11w 111:1 “"1i;._ln.1'1_u11'th «: many”! M “W mm In 1891 hw mu “'rig. '.ht fuurth «inn; [‘el‘g‘US‘m “'11;le \\ get! 1m with :1 mi danght: 1'. My» \1: n _' leth‘S t\\H ivy-HM]. .-_ cial mum in killlr“ .. ”H0 :nml nut saw. N0“ lush” vial) and :1; 0f ”l" tlc‘t'w who \Vv'l‘I‘ fl1'()f¢‘.~‘.~ll‘ll. hardship. Shtmwi '1 x the «all 0f thv rm; and twlniw xx'noatlu . 3 in thv ‘1 ~« ’ (11's shn stafl’. ‘1:" it. Cumpzzzpy :Ez~-‘ [urn-1' h": Cammwi. .. ‘ mean-u: m . MP8. “0‘;;.'.~. \1 mily. M): :a: and MI". I. W mily :n m. ;=. McAnnHy and John 31(1me Hahn. thv PM“ and ()tho'l‘s‘ \\! unahlc- tn px'eu' ()Uts'ilio‘ H'f Hi" We doubt 12' um” Of Dr. Huh-1: 12w" Jam'iosun, Mun .«m: .- 10 for tho- {1122mm known In: Hun ‘- WaSmm his auhiw u 63.1110 tn Durham 4. in." was his ummszzwz; practice. and :nw ‘ .Jamiesnn sum. in ~:- Chl‘onich.*: "'l‘hc-x'o- '.~ say that wxll lu- - ., either as a 2mm] (’HI/I'TL. ;. Mica] m‘a('mauw._ 7:: fair and gonmnnh “j'; v' ' BefOI‘O'diSnlIS‘ita.‘ 13,- ~ {361 it a duty tn pit) :1 1w: butt: of Pas-D001 tn 1hr Whom we haw kIlH\\II during the whole. of his 1‘! met. “70 m0: him \'_'I 'I'lw suddvn do Th 0H HIP 5H («legv h‘ \‘I‘ ft" :1 t mad M w (‘I'mi HI“ 'I v. {rum \\' 1' ‘7. In nm m It \\' an mu h El ll 1'0:

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