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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Feb 1924, p. 8

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_ {Our own correspondent.) Again our hilltop is being visited " by the old Storm King and he is giv- us everything in the way of variety on his card. To-ilay the roads are again blocked and prospects for op- ening; are very vague as it is rather a useless. pastime. with the terrible winds howling around our village. This («immunity was deeply stirm red on hearing 01' the death of their old friend. the. late Dr. Hutton. of Dtirham who. during the earlier years «if his practice. was a Very useful and influential citizen of 0111‘ conunuzxity. "So great was the res- pert for him that many families up till wry recently were likely to send to" the late Dr. when their homes. were visited by illness. He was al- ways a familiar figure at our gather-g mge and was a never-failing visitor!l and friend to bereaved families in? nur lncality. The report of his death ram.- w-ry unexvectedly and were it. nut for tho- wry severe weather on Mc'vnday we believe that this com- munity would have been much het- tc-r represented than it was. How- ever. the. bereaved ones have all the sympathy of this district as. their sum-cm is tn 3 wr great extent. ours “"la- 1 also. as he was a friend of all and will lung: 1w rvambm'c-d as a gvnial. lnyal and practical fl'ile “l 0111' mmmunity. Roi-Y. Ml'. Lm'klml’l. of [1310410le East ows'upiml UH' l’wsbyterian pulpit her-v last Sunday in a wry ahlv man- “f‘l'. \\ 0* :II P aw all in hnpo' i0! mcmt. [)1'. Curr 5111111 1111' \wekâ€"t'ml 0111 111' tnwn. 51155 .\‘.l1o'1'121 Ann-urn 15' homo from 11111 “1'51 haVing 111011 called back owing 1n the 111111155- 111 1101' aunt. )11'5. Hr'aw 511111.11 Vth ’15 iiVing “1111 311'. «1111111, l’:11-'5lu\\. 1 1.1).R.. 11151. 3112811115 McKinnnn 11:11:! 115' :1 fly- 1ng \‘151 1351 \\1‘1‘1\ Mr. 1.1!.Ho1gg 15' 51111 {11151111 1mm duty at the) LJ’JL 5111111111. \M- bpâ€" 11er 1111111111 will 5111111 1w hack 0 gain. M Mrs. Kalv MCAI‘UHU‘ is Visiting frivmls amuml Pricuvivllv for a few days. {1“ .23.. .x. 3. wréyia; .5 57.33... Em :97... 2:4,... 7:. .._.A.:.:.:v.. $.53 I snap w PAGE BIG HT Holstein. (Our own correspondent.) [he 1m put 5mm» stm‘ms 11: He in- terfered \\ ith business in gonm ral. Mrs. Alex. Dodds is spending a f c-w .lavs in the \illag 0n account of the storm un Tue-s- day no stock was shipped. LA~ -â€"~._ M1". and Mrs, Gmrgv spent. Um van-1y part 0f with her parvnts. Mr. an Calder. Fl‘hc annual meeting of the H01- stein Public Lihtan was held on Friday :".Ittmnnmx 01 last \ka “hem thv following nflic'ms “mo elected: Hon. D11t‘ttfllsâ€"R‘N G. 8 Shin Rm. L. E. “est and L. B .Nichulsnn: Dir-i nc'tmql R Philp F.. I)ing\\all. (i1 BHI‘IO“S. \\. B. Rifn \\. .-.\ Reid. Mrs. A. Tuck. Mrs. R. .1. Ami”. .\US. R. Irvin. Mrs. W. “'l‘. Pt‘tl'it‘, 'l‘hv sacramvnt «If “It“ Lord's Sup- [u‘l‘ was Ilislwusnd in Hw .\lvthodist I‘-hux‘ch last Sabbath. Mr. .1. R. 1’11in made 3 0115111055 trip to Toronto on Tuesday. The spwial services are being mntinuml in tho‘ Presbyterian church this work. The storms have vaused a falling 011‘ in attendance to sumo oxlont. The annual supply of irv is bving secured. Th0 Creamery icv-housc has been fillml and local sturagv is also being attc‘mlmi tn. Mr. J, \‘V. Reid has «101w the tuning. Mr. David Allan has re- his farm which he sold tn 3 Guire a few weeks ago. \‘u..\l \- -vâ€"v Mr. \\ illiam Moore. fireman in the Bullet Brpbner handle 131mm. 11sceixml a mvssagv stating that his daughter. Mrs. 9109\1‘3. 11f l"1..1mnt0 was seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Moore left at. once for the city. William Lawrence‘s 5318 w: attended on W'ednesday last. good prices were realized. :III‘ "lad tn lIIIaI thv sick tnlks l impruving: nicely again \V‘I i'm' thvil' I'UIIHIIUIIII impl'OVtI- Mr. am spending Mr. James Watson intends leaving Thursday for a month's visit with his sons in Detroit. M}. 511a Mrs. John Morice visit last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Dav Hamilton. in Glenelg. a.- â€"-vvâ€"_, Albert. Mearns last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fee will Northeast Normanby (Our own correspondent.) r. and Mrs. W. C. Caldwell a week with friends in 1's. Gmrgv Armstrong 3' part, Hf tho \vwk ‘nts. Mr. and Mrs. Hm. Philp made a business . l“ s I'v-purrhasml d in 3.015011 MC- we w c: Mrs.( \\ ith be her in town 'ible reach the 50th anniversary of their wedding day on Monday next. Feb- â€" ”.4 ALA "\ u‘a- -â€"._ O . ruary it. They expent to spend the' day quietly and hold a celebration at a later date. when the daughters in the West will be in attendance. M rs. George Sharp spent last week Lwith her mother. Mrs. John Backus i in town. . 3 (Our own correspondent.) Mr. James Sealey of Woodstock is again on his annual winter visit with relatives in the neighborhood. The recent spell of severe weather has softened its heart into a thaw. Had it not been for the January thaws we \vnuh‘l he neck deep in Show. Mr. Karl Harrison has been 61101)- ping grain for some of the neighbors but had tho misfortune to so badly ciamngo his engine. that, it will cost considerable money to have it re- pairml. Mr. C. Dunsmnor was in this way last wool: with his buzz-saw outfit and cut nico piles of wood for the Mossi's. E. H. Lindsay and George Hopkins. Tho i‘ost Hf us are getting pih-s of poles rmidy and than we will have our annuzil community sawing boos. “'0 al'c‘ glad to be able to report 311'. .luhn Mcfiuaig and his sistre Miss Pearl. I‘ccnwring nicely from their I'H'vnt. nlwx'atinns fur appendicitis. H svems true that trouble: never pumps singly. Masts-1' 'I‘mhly Munro Ins recovm‘m‘l from his attack of scariet fever, and the holmcmfld is again set free. But in; us ask. is it right to placard a man's lmnw and leave nu [)PI‘Snn in charge In 590 that thvy aI'P provided for? Is it right? Mc-ssrs. Julm and \Voslcy Andrews are" drawing timber to town for Mr. I‘. \V i]: ~‘.0u Mr. Wosley Andrews has his bmthm Ernie. from Mt. Forest, ulning vhurps. Ebenezer. (Our own correspondent.) The weather for the past few days has hm-n much more fave 'uble than it was thv previous week. After being: stnl'm-Stayml. the people are «flan! tn be able tn be. out again. H Miss Mary Kmumdy 01‘ Allan Park spvnt nwx' ihn wovk-mul with tx'ivncls in mm; burg. Mr. import .lnlmstc‘m is assisting his unclv. Mr. William Helmet-sun. uf Hampolwn. fur a few days. The» 1217.0. banquvt. which was. to haw lwon held on the 25th of Janu- ary in thn school-1101150. was pn‘s‘t- pnncd on account. of tlw inclvnmnt woatlmr. 'l‘hv chip was St‘t for Feb- ruary 8. with thv hopv that thn mm- “101' will kw favorable. Miss Anniv M. 'l‘urubull spnnt Sun-- (lay at‘tm‘noun last. with Miss. Hazy-1 .hwlmstnne. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. \\'illiam Torry is'not Pnjnying gnu-:1 health at. prnsvnt. We how she win sonn 1w able tn lw up and around as usual again. 'l‘l'n- box social hohl in tho schoolâ€" lmuso hm'o ill. S. S. No. 3. last Friday night. drow a largo crowd. A gtmql pmgram was ro-mlm'od, consisting of snoochos. solos. choruses. diaIOguos. rwitations and instrummltal music. Mr. H. \V, Hunt. tilled the duties of chairmtm in a wry L'apziblo manner. ,'l'hv lmxvs wow sohl at a low figure. 'l‘hvy worv auctionml 03' by Mr. Halt- 1'}' Brigham of Allan Park. who doâ€" sm'vos credit. for tho ofl'iciont. capaâ€" hlv manner in.which ho .lisposod ot“ the large number of boxes. '1‘ ho [)1'0â€" cmwls of tho social. which arr to go ‘lowanls improvements to the school. and also picnic funds. amounted to about $52.00. Corner Concerns (Our own correspondent.) NP. and Mrs. Jon Lonnnx Visited (.Ht‘lll'flildl‘ll friends the first. Hf tho \wa. 31351111 H111'a1'11 Aylott. who I'DSMQS “1111 hi. b1nth131'-i11- la“. M11. James Marshall, has 11111111 51» 111111\ troubled “1111 an attack 111 appendicitis for 11111 past \\1111k 01° n111111 “hich 11113} 11151111 in an 091113111111 .-- ‘vuv .-\ snv ial vvgvnin “as spent last ”llmrsdav at the home of Mr. and Mrs James Hargl‘axc. \xhen a num- bm' of their {1‘1 ends thoroughlx en- joy 9d themsle cs at cards and dam-- 1119-. The fierce storm of Monday and Tuesday kept. peOple indoors pretty well and disappuinted some in their plans. . _. n A A.. _I , A __-- ‘n l" The Loyal Orange Order was to have held their County meeting in Holstein on Tuesday. had the wea- thee and roads been favorable. We think about the only one who would be delighted with the storm would be weather prophet Bowes. who would be pleased to know he was right fo_r once. . -- ‘1 ‘1‘... ‘4‘- -A'IA A Mrs. Janet McMeeken has sold a} 50-acre lot out of the property she‘ had advertised in The Chronicle, it: being known as the Fanny Douglas place. Mr. Whiter Ferguson, who requires it for wood and pasture, is the purchaser. < Mr. and Mrs. George Mi .ton vis- ited their son, Robert, ere, last Wednesday. - " It was with startling surprise that on Sunday we heard the announce- McWilliams. Apr. 3 May '22 Junea «I ‘l ‘VAZ‘JL- NovBO mom. of the funeral of the late Dr. Hutton. He was highly esteemed in this part for hnth his social and bus- iness qugljtics. '\ ll _ ‘4 .â€".1“\ ‘mA'- IIIUCC “u“ ........ Mx'sl “"99le PUllfmk', with hex- children. will leave this week for Toronto. to join her husband, who has secured employment on the pollen fol-co. yuuL-r u“ \n. . Mr. William Ball of Owen Sopnd visited old friends and relatives around the lnwm: COI‘lnltTI'S last_ week. at ‘Jllllu tuu‘ ... v. ‘ - -, - _ V A gnmlly number from this part attmnlmi the auction sale of Mr. William Lawrence’s farm stock and brought home cows with them, the prices being about $50. The sale throughout. was a successful one. (BB? own correspondent.) Mrs. Thomas Mountain visited for a couple of weeks recently with members of her family in Hamilton. Mr. Alex. Knisley spent Sunday with his friend, Mr. Cameron Mc- Naughton, _ a._“.‘ 1.- l ...... lh§o AVuucunov-u, Mr. Elijah Armstrong is busy thisi winter drawing sawlogs to Hanover. i110 usually makes two trips every 1 av. Missus Hazel and Gladys Firth of 'l‘rm'urston spent a few days re- cently at. tlin home 01' their aunt, Mrs. Rflbt‘l‘t Webbm‘. Jr. ‘ Mr: H. “Fall of Durham spent. Sat- i urday with MI‘LR. \V'cbber. , ‘-l 11‘,‘ “\An‘ tuna) \\ uu .v... --. .. V.___, Mrs. George. Sharp spent. the most of last week in town waiting on her muthm'. Mrs. John Backus. who. we am‘ sorry in nomads nut woll. 16 GRASSHOPPERS ARE LIVELY OVER AT WALKERTON Like the Weather Prophets, They Took Chances On a Wild Winter. While digging around some trees on his lawn recently. says The “"01â€" ken-ton 'l‘eleswiipe, Mr. Levi Green- how was greatly SllI'Dl‘iSCd to see what appearml to be young live grasshoppers kicking around close to the. root of the tree. He could‘ scarcely b01i0\'l‘ his eyes, but he was able to verify his (liscoyei‘y by the use of a pocket. n‘iagnifying glass. wvhich showed the young locusts as clearly as could he in quite an active state. This sort of thing is very ex- ceptional but goes to show that. hu- man beings. such as Bowes. the wea- ther pmphet. are not the only ones to gel l'miletl when they figure on a mihl winter up heron ' SOMETHING TO THINK OVER iKinrardino Rovimx',‘ .\ Roman Catholic in Toronto who hoaclml tho poll for Controller, has now boon oloctml chairman of that body. 'l‘m-onto is a strongly Orange city and thorn is a fooling. particuâ€"' larly in Quebvc. that it is a hotâ€"bed of svctzlrian intolerance anil bigotry. For many yoal‘s the Conservatives 'olccted Hon. J. J. Foy to be a. mem- ber of the Legislature, and Hon. A. Claude Macdonnoll to be a member of the Housn of Commons. That they |were Roman Catholics did not debar Southeast Bentinclg I‘VVVOIIVU -- ' Receipts froE Birthday Party .’ ..... Receipts from subscriptions, Echoes Interest in Royal Bank ............ Refund ............................ Receipts from. Bowling Tournament Receipts from Women’s Institute.. Receipts from Fairyland Concert.. Masquerade Dance and Euchre ..... Receipts from Poppy Sale ......... Receipts from Aeolian SIX concert.. Interest in Royal Bank ............... Interest in Standard Bank .......... Talent money ...................... FEBRUARY SPECIALS These are inst a few of the many specials that we have to oflet you" for January. Everything for Men and Boys is Reduced. . Men’s Good Weight Maroon Pullover Sweaters regular $2.50 for . . . . . . . . . Men’s Sweater Coats, all wool, regular $6.00 for Men’s and Boys’ Blue and White Pullover Sweaters, reg. $ 3. 50 for r Man’s Overcoat, size 40, I Man’s Overcoat, size 38, I Boys’ Overcoat, size 30, I Child’s Overcoat, size 2 5. r Man’s Overcoat, size 40, regular $26.50 for r Man’s Overcoat, size 38, regular $20.00 for I Boys’ Overcoat, size 30, regular $14.00 for 1 Child’s Overcoat, size 2 5, regular $10.00 for Boys’ Wool Pullover Sweaters, regular $1.75 for Boys’ Cotton Sweaters for . . . . . . . Men’s all wool heavy Underwear, reg. $1.75 for Men’s fleece-lined Underwear, regular $1.2 5 for D. M. SAUNDERS 5"“ “5‘2ch hmlkm Gent’s Furnisher i, .nting Toronto them from represe suffered. defeat. seats and they never Our Liberal friends always allege that it is the. Conservatives who are intolerant. If we wished to be face- tious “'0 might ask when the Liberâ€" ials aver elected a Roman Catholic I t0 a seat. in 71‘0ront0. A CHALLENGE TO US (London Advertiser.) The week-end brings news of anâ€" other lad of 20 hanging himself to a rafter in a barn near Kingsville. This is the fourth ease of this kind in only a few weeks, and one paragraph gives an interesting and somewhat explanatory View of the situation : A 1__. ,. .,_. “‘It is believed that. home- was the cause of the deed. known about him. as he live: section for only a few mon had no relatives in this cow ll wool, regular $6.00 for : and White Pullover )for . . . . . . . 40, regular $26.50 for 38, regular $20.00 for 30, regular $14.00 for e 25, regular $10.00 for wearers, regular $1.75 for for . . . . . . . Inderwear, reg. $1.75 for lerwear, regular $1.25 for leuuv-v-- v “It is believed that homeâ€"sickness was the cause of the deed. Little is known about him. as he lived in thng section for only a few months. He? had no relatives in this country." Between the lines can he read the story of a hey. just. out of his teens. a stranger in a strange country; no friends: no one to confide in; no agency to step in and make him feel that. he was in a land that welcomed him. ll I‘ll. These cases. happening as they do right in our own territory. come as a challenge to us. 'If there were these1 four to whom suicide seemed the onlydoor that would provide a way out, are there others in similar con- ditions who might even be consid- ering the same deSperate venture? . Are they in your district? Per- haps they are of that disposition that keeps them from coming out in an effort to make friends. Just one wordâ€"~get there first Kindness. a desire to help, a little sympathy with the young people who are thousands or miles from homeâ€"there. will be no suicides. no strangers. no one "of whom little is known in the community." The challenge is before our Ontario peo- ple. and they are big enough and warmâ€"hearted enough to meet it. A woman marries a man to mend his ways and finds all he wants her to mend is his clothes. 104.25 1.63 May 10 Cheque for mew-w . ...--- . M Delegates’ expenses to Hamllton. . . 22 Expenses for Birthday ‘Party ...... 28 Cheque for Echoes; ..... -' Tournament Jun.29 Expenses f0 0 Provincial Chapter ...... Oct. 1 Cheque t Cheque to Natio OOOOOOOOOOOO ‘ Dec. 5 Expenses for Aeolian Six concert. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘1 for 33'... To Secretary. for posta Durham Memorlal Hos Balance on hand .................. of this and one 1g and Of the Can Now Be i Same as E An important change just put intc: effect, in the post nt‘fice departmt n is in connection with the. money 01-â€" 1‘-.. n 11OVU 7 Be Transmitted Much as Express Orders. $825.46 3‘ 71¢ £833 the 7, 1924 TRADE HORSES IN HAS' REPENT AT LEIS‘ VOL. 57.â€"N0. 2956. Young Glenelg Lad Got t Worst of It in Her: Swapping Duel Last We “Marry in lxasll‘ and l‘t‘llt'lll at It sure“ is an old adzagv that still 11 goud, as a lot. of ptfimlv ltm't‘ I'm out. LikP gutting" nmrriml, hm‘ trading, tOO. is snmvwhat nt‘ :1 clla OSDeGially if Ono guns mm at with his eyes 0pm]. ’l‘mdim: hnrsos getting married are t'mh‘itlvi“ alike, and it romaimul {m a 'n lad from Gl ouch: t0 loam last \\ that while all is nut. gold that ,, ters," also mw'ythinzr in lmz'svzl that lnoks stark am gtml sumvti isn‘t. Horse-traders as :l mu- not philanthroltists, ospt-t'zally w trading horses. and if the-w \wrn doubts in tho. fauna: (llvno-lr.“ m mind when he czlnlt‘ intH tu\\‘n t' I‘ certainly WQPP nut “lawn lw lm. V clortain y “'Cl‘t‘ HUI \VIII‘II III' Iv" The SoOPy as It flIIatI‘II nI‘IIIIII The Cht‘OIIII'IO IIII .II‘ fr“. III The young “10110.13: mun. 3 III about 19 wars of at". ram“ In t on Wednesday HT 135! \VI‘I‘k III‘IVI horse reputed to be. worth 31‘ $115. Whether or not III» was 1 ing for a trade \vu know not. anyway. he .ti‘aded. 'l‘hI» boast. received in Iixchangu for his cayuse is said LII haw IM’I‘H II I: looking animal; in fact. is wa. real humâ€"dingm‘. Whom lII~ hit it. up. hI' found that tho truth not, half lII‘I'n tIIlIt. lt, was two I (lingers. and than some. All} he found ”I“ boast (on wild for whmi in harness. though [mac «311011in UlllllehOd. and made an swap with anothm' follow for a timely difl'orent stamp of llHl‘SO, ing, we BIC told. $10 to boot. comin': up town with tliu pm of the second trade. tho yIIIIIII: said to have repented his :II-tio parting with the [_II‘UI‘OI'IIS III' l'l. "A" as it were and \VIflII. hark covm' the animal that was i first placo too wild for him. other words, ll" thought It" madn I! nfistakv: IIII (‘IIUIII I the wild on“. aftm' all. 'I‘III-rI- . 8d HI) difficulty III III'gI'IIIIIIIII' N0. 3. in which Ilt‘ I‘I’I‘IHI'I'I‘II second horso of tho day II} :III tional paying of $3. “III'IlliI'J animal up again. It IlIIlII‘t Luk young lad long to 1031‘” that III. conjecture was corrth; illt‘ Iii was Iqo wild for him. .IIIIIIII.-I-1 samai‘itan was \‘isitI'II :IIIII. HQI paltry sum of $20. for wIIII-h III} a promissory "01“.11N' I‘IIIII-III‘ of the day was. III-IrotiatI II :IIII young laI.I “0 aII- to: II Z'W I-IxII horse. of the hall- I‘aI k \III II t:‘.j is onI- that \011 IIIulII hum: \IIII on any time am IIIaI I‘ an: \\ III.- In brief, the ymmg follnw m Lion. came to tmvn with :1 worth $115, and departml \VH horse worth, we are told. $17, : outside. and. in additiun. had $33 in boot in the vm'idl'xs tr: (ions. The m'idcénf't‘, as \\‘n' haw hv: confirms us in uur «minim: Haw num was much 1H0 mndvst \\'l1 said that ”101‘“ 's 1: fun] four" minutv. H0 dMn't lism'v enough, H is said. fun. ”1‘!‘ hOl‘SP tradvd m ahv first plzw not. hem fully paid 1m: 1.1:: that we know nutlnnu'. \\'u «in however. thut film": was .wm hustling al‘mxml 9mm fur :. 1M1 afterwards by th“ principal: for a time it had-uni as Humgh action to I‘C('«1\"‘.‘ KRHUI'i lw 131 the ground that f'm- :m;_zi:;."1na was m01(‘tOd \\:;~ ;‘ Hailml' :tmi not. legally Isa: - : dwt. W; the last. 1138 .1“: ln'o‘n hwrn'd fiasco, This talk will be followed 2 later by one on “Is a lie ever Mic?” The fellows think ought to be a special invitati the man who "never told one; This Popular and Sometimes I sary Accomplishment to be With Ken Sunday. “LYING" WIT L. 73E THE SUBJ AT MES TING OF MEN'S Next. Sunday the Men‘s tLlru discuss what different races 2 ligions' have tu say about. it how the Bible treats thc- quc-s“ Then we wilt try to WI jl actly what a 1i“ is and how be expressed. I‘lwsryonc will agruv that is'a personal, sm-ial. [mlitu-n nomic and internatinnai prom the first importance. The" fa“ « was rooted in dvcoptinn. strife. hatred, and “the? M'il from the same source. 0â€"--- TH

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