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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Feb 1924, p. 6

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, ")4 Traverstm , :( {Our own correspondent.) This being Leap Year, the mar- riageable feLlows will no doubt re- ceive some very pertinent valentines. PAGE 8!! If an abundance of snow in winter presages a bumper crop the follow- ing summer, this vicinity will re- quire double sacks of binder twine. Mrs. 'l‘. 8. Blair spent the weekend in Owen Sound with her hubby. 'I’ he Township Fathers had a hea- vy day's work at the Hall on Saturâ€" day. We wore unable to get a budget through last week owing to blocked roads. but we wish to pay a slight tribute in this to the very high es- teem in which the late Dr. Hutton was held by many of our peOple and the wry strong: personal attachment that existml. That big. human heart of hi: mm a with? rirclv of frivnds. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McNally of Claresholm. Alberta. with their bright boys. IJ'HIKM‘d and Alvin. and their winsonw liu lo: daughto'r. Elztinv. have madn thvix' hc-adqual'tvrs for the past fortnight, with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MC Arthur. 0n thnir I‘nt'mer homestvad. and aw callin" on [hair many old neighbms and friends. \\ e always I'Pgrettml the 1°Pn1¢)\'al of this young cnuplc- from our nnighbnr- Tho- nwmbers Hf the O'Connor fa- mi'Iy Mn the 9th Concession lately moved into their cosy and very handsomp nvv. mttagr‘ "mach“! lhxs 1'31! 011 Friday exening a merr) gmup nt‘ ymng 1'01}: imam-.1 {lu- homo» \UI‘L’ most hospitabl} m-cviv- ed and a wry enjoyahtu mnning was swmt. ()wr 2.000 lugs haw been hauled from'Mr. John Ryan's bush to Mr. Jov \‘asoy’s mill on the 12th Conces- sion. and about a thousand morn re- main to M cut and hauled. hood. but they haw «lmw well “on the fcxrthills of tlm Rm‘kips." and still better days lie alwad of them. Mr. \V. R. Jack. who) has’ been making: Durham his hump fur tlw past twn months. is l‘ptuming to his farm this wnvk. Mr. Graham 'l‘immins has bet-n quite ill of lat» and under Dr. D. B. Jamieson‘s carp. but at prosvnt. is much hottm'. A big sloigh load of kindred land- ed at tho Cook homestoaqil on Satur- dav cummingâ€"Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McFaddvn and family of (Many \ al- !03 Mr. Jake Cook of 0031011 and Mr Thomas Cook of Markdalc. 'llw \oung folk haui bevn Inning quite a bit of fun m itting each othm- of how uften the cutters turned owr coming home on Saturday night from town. Luckily. tiw storm nblitnratmi the marks. (Omr own correspondent.) It is my wish to return thanks to The Enterprise for its reply to my defeat in the recent municipal elec- tion. I was not acquainted with the reppersmiths and tinsmiths and other smiths that were mentioned. but however I admit that I love kicks. They make me work harder. I like kindly criticisms. tun, they keep me enmimraged. That is why I am game to try again. and, shou‘ld failure be) my luck, I‘ll try again. The reason I failed was because ll was strongly in favor of commuting statute labor. and although I was defeated. I still maintain that it would still be to our benefit. But I am not in favor of doing away with pathmasters and letting the commisâ€" sioners spend all the money. Better than that. I say that every eligible voter pay a tax of at least $15.00 and. do a day’s roai‘lwork or pay for same. and also. if they are going to assess a business mana buiness tax. allow him the privilege of doing a business and prohibit jobbers doing this and3 that. and cutting prices to beat the business man. I do notsay any- thing against a man doing his. own work to save expenses. I am game to help and show him how if it is in my power. because a nun who is a saver for himself is a prosperous sort of fellow. It. is wood. wood. and morn wood. They draw to Durham. they draw to Hanover. they draw to Elmwood and Chesley. but where'er they go you can hear dem bells a-ringing. Mr. Charles Shewell had a bee drawing wood to Ches1ey. Our mail man is making his round with ease these days. He might well after one W891»: and three days of holidays. Mr. i-‘red Hang is having his sleigh rebuilt by the Goldsmith Bros. They know how. Mr. John and Miss Jessie Leding- ham spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John McKechnie and returned Sunday. Miss Jessie Twamley is spending a few days with her cousin. Miss Jes- sie Ledingham. ' This week it is storms and more storms. All xx'e‘have been able to do is break roads, but even at that our mail man is absent every other day or so and our teacher has been miss- ing for ox er a week. The sports of Welbeck are not in â€"vv 'â€"â€"' (Our own correspondent.) . Mrs. A. Thompson and son Clar- ence spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J §mes Petty. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald and son of near Darkies‘ Corners, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mc- Lean. W0 wish our new mail cOurier, Mr. Albert Livingstone. every suc- cess on his new job; The young penplc off this line spent last Friday ex ening sleigh-rid- ing after \\ hich they gathered at the heme of M1. James La“ rence and spent a couple of hmns in dancing. , Th0. 1*. F. 0. will hold their month- ly meeting in the: school on Februâ€" ary 1:3. The debate between two of the Edge Hill yuung [maple and two of the Rocky young people is to be held in the school on February’li’. Mr. James Millvr is me first around hm'v t0 lum- thr- radio installed in his homo. Tho monthly mwting of tho III”. Wu”. was hwld at {hp homv of Mrs. L. McLean, with a largv turhnut. 'l‘hvrv‘wmm a numhvr of intvrvsting disr’nssions‘. Mrs. Lam! gavv a wry ihtvrestii 3 paper 011 the town in Scotland whern she was raised. and their muthmls ut’ living. which was wry inter-rating and much enjoyed by all. 'l‘hv nt'xt mnvtin: will hr- hvid at tho homv .01‘ Mrs. Murray Ritchie on March 14. (Our own correspondent.) “"0 have been su snowed in the beginning of each week that we couldn't get our budget to Durham. ~Mvssrs. Hugh and Sandy Vaughan will linish hauling lumber to town the beginning of this week. Mr. Walter Clark has bought the Slabs at (iivnx‘omjin mill and is haul- in:: them to Durham. The millyard is getting quite ompty now. Mr. Hort), 'Trafl'ord sawed a big pile nl‘ \wod for Mr. Gillen Boyd recent- 13'. Mrs. William Kenny has returned hOHli' after spending a few weeks with her daughter. Mrs. John Vessio, in Sullivan. “'0 :11‘0 savvy to hear 311'. Graham 'l'immins is in such poor health and hnpn ho. will soon be in his usual gum] Imam). Glenroadin. Mr. Tom Bell, a former Glenelg boy, has been made Chief at the Fire Department in Toronto, where . he has been working for several years. Mr. Ireland is in very poor health. He lives with his daughter, Mrs. D. McKechnie. ' We tender our sincere sympathy to Mrs. Donald McKechnie and fam- ily in the loss of a loving husband and father. One month ago, Mr. McKechnie, while going into his bed-room, slipped and fell. Since then he had been bedfast. Every-: thing was done to prolong his life; but death eame Tuesday. Mr. Sil- lars his pastor. conducted service at lthe home and grave. The large con- !couxse of neighbors and friends who follo“ ed the remains to the g1 axe at Rockv Saugeen cemetery show ed the ihigh esteem in which Mr. McKechnie i was held. (Our own correspondent.) .\1 a» Mary Lamb attended the “At, Home" in Stratfnrdfinrmal last Fri- day night, “ Mr. and Mrs. Waite-*2- Middleton and little Sun. Neil. haw returned to Dur- ham. aftm' Spundiug a comm) of \Vt‘l‘kS with law brother, Mr. D. N. Clark. Ml.‘ P« tm Mctmam‘in is under the doctor‘a * 0310 at present, but we hope to see him out soon. Mr. Jack McDonald cut a nice pile of wood for Mr. D. N. Clark on Thursâ€" day last. “iii are pleased to 500 Miss Cath- m'ixw Mum-an back to school agaih. ai'tm' having been home a month on account of sickness. Mr. Alvin Caswell is on the line this week with his buzz-saw. He was at Mr. Edwin Noble's on Mt"»m_iay. (Our own correspondent.) Mr. Thomas Corbett visited the first of the week with his mother, Mrs. Alfred Corbett. Mrs. James Mather visited a few days recently with Mrs. William Hunter. Six. in Egremont. Mr. and Mrs. James Tumbull 0f Ebemzr-r spent an afternoon with Mr. mm Mrs. James McRonald. Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnston spent an afternoon with Mr. W‘illiam Grier- son. Sn. recently. Mrs. Greig of Koppel visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean. South Bentinck Aberdeen. "UV â€"-\"â€"â€" ~ (Our own correspondent.) Our mail man was again snow- bound for two days. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Heard enterâ€" tained a number of young people on Friday night. Mr. R. R. Kinnell made a business trip to Owen Sound last. week. Hardy Bros. have purchased a‘Vic- trola, for amusement during the winter months. â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"' of Brampton, visited Friday night at Mr. George Haw’s. Mrs. N. G. Wilson and Irene are spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Duncan, at Dundalk. Mrs. George Duncan and babe, are spending the week-end with her mother, Mrs. John Ferguson. . Mr. Sterling White spent Sunday at Mr. Robert Watson‘s. . We have heard a great deal of the very large trees of British Columbia, but. nothing to equal the 14â€"foot elm log which contained 1,070 cubic feet, which, according to The Dundalk Herald, was delivered in that town recently. 331'. Hugh McMillan’s, Mr. J. G. Young‘s. and Mr. George Haw’s fami- lies are at. present suffering with the meas-ies. Mr. A. E. Haw had a very success- ful sale on Thursday last. His stock was in fine shape and the prices paid were high. According to the way things went. the price of farm proâ€" duce has not dropped as much as a few of the farmer grouchers say. All Our Graduates have been placed to date and still there are calls for more. Get your course NOW. If you do not get it. you pay for 1: anyway in smaller earnings and lost. opportunities. Enter any day. Write. can ul‘ plume for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford and Mount Forest (Last week's news.) W'â€" Mrs.‘ Richardson is again able to be up, but is still very weak. _ Georgie Watson is up again after his illness, but is still confined to the house. ' ‘ l A“ Ina} lations. - . . . , - TEE PIONEER IN CAN“) A Thirty-two years ago the now 1.”~ r mous “SALAD'A” Tea was placm ”n " the-market in metal packages. “SA- selves till an early hour. - LADA” was the pioneer packagp tva The mail man was 11 in Canada. Immediately its super“)? a few trips in the storm, but a cer- flavour and purity won for it, a gm“ tain party was not afraid to go out POpUlaI‘ity that has been mm“ m, on a stormy, cold vx'ening and get. fiver since. It is still a littln «IHTM'; cut and a little better than OI'diIlal'V warmed up a few days afterward. f the 17th 0011â€" tea. ~ . 1.1143.” Mrs. D. McDonald 0 A i’ It“; “fly ti) hear that Mr. Andy Wright .iS in the General Hospital sufi'ééing from pneumonia. . M14. and Mrs. R. Parslow and two children left for their homo in the West. on Saturday last. The roads now are in good 51131.0. and a 300d number are teaming 10gg' ; glad to say, slight. 14. 1924 DRS. JAMIESON JAMIBSON Office and residence a .4101“. mi ance cast of tho Hahn Home (1' Lambtnn Sll‘m'i. anw 'I’mxn. hm -ham. Office Inuurs ‘3 In .3 ;».u:.. I 1 S'pm. (excom Sundays . ‘ J. L. SMITH, M. B., M. C. P. S. Di Office and x'vsxdvm-v, «'Hrnm' Countess and Lamhtnn Numb. "Ml site Old "091. ()fl'icv. Ufl'iw [mud 9m“a.m..1301u4p.m.. I tu‘JM (Sundays and Thursday ufzvz'nm‘ exceptem . Late Assisiam Royal Lumun :1 thalmic Hospital. England. amt ‘ GOIden Square 'l‘hruat, and Now Eh pital. Specialist: lflyo. liar. "l”lm and Nose. Ufl'icv: 1?. I’rnsl Six-e bwen Sound. G. G. AND BESSIE McGlLLIVRJ Chiropractors, Durham, Oman Ihe Science that. adds hf.- tn H and years to life. C(onsnltatim; f In Durham 'I‘uosdm's. 'l‘hnrsdn3~ Saturdays. 6 14 : .._~ DR. w. c. PICKBRING, DBNTIE ()fl'im; 0\'vr .l. «K' .i. Hnr.1m’~ s! But-ham. Hntarm. J. 1‘. GRANT. D. D. S.. L. D. E Hmmx‘ (il‘mmah- l’nax'ot'sHy n1" antn, Graduatv Hm'ai «Zqusv In Sllt‘m‘uns‘ m‘ ”Marin. Dmnml" all its‘ branches. «mu-n. mm 1 Town‘s Jeonory Stm'o. -â€" *7 câ€"w- W-,_ .w- . LUCAS HENRY Barristers. Solicitors, Mu. A I bar of the firm will kw in hurha "I’ucsday of men week. Amumiii may be mad!“ with ihv (Tlvi'k i ”- ~â€"- ..~ MIDDLBBRO’, SPEREMLN IIDDLEBflO' Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. H. Cnm'ny ”1‘. (LC. Mi«i(i_lvlu'n‘ a~ pvt-mun 7 rxN;_._._ I'll. u. --. m. -._, 1003th at Durham Off 100 affibe. yom'enienl. to school: an Hm p 1305 are a framv ham 42x67» fl. stone foundation; cum-ruin .43 also hav barn 30x50 with Mom 1 menl; hog: pen 20x40: {wow-- brick hump, furnarv Imam. tame \VOHdSth; drilled \wii In house. with windmill: "H21 tater tanks; 30 acres semic‘i 10 10 acres 10 swnct, Mow-w: this is well fenced and m :1 2mm 6: cultivation. For infnrrmlmn : t0 \Vatson's Dairy. RM. 4. Din mum m :2 Ontario Thursday, February its” 1924 32. I‘lg'remont. (‘mzt‘ainiu acres ('lcax‘mi. halam bush; in good 91.310. to Crame barn “”50. s-m aoncrcte stamoc: an H cement, tank a: barn. and 7. Con. 4. SDJL ”Dining 110 acrvs; 10M and in good sun- of «- the premises aro a 1m Mining SBVFI‘: 1'00an ‘ ’l l\“'. hining HO arr-(=5; 1m aux-w and in good stair of o-nlt‘nah me premises 81m 3 1mm- hm: Mining schlx moms, with frame woodshed attaohwl; well atdnm': newer failing: 9m this farm. makim: n chum-w farm. This prepm'ly um. I. right to quick purchaser. V. tuculars apply a! “Em-up: 10 RB. In. Durham. 0m. LOT 66, CON. ‘2. WIHL m-ZNT 2%miles from Durham. ' 5 acres; 70 arres mnicrr mzlth balance hardwond and swanm: barn with extension shed and stables; 7-r00med housv. hrivk extension kitchen and woo well watered by neverâ€"failing: at rear of farm: aiso sprinz: fl cement trough near buildings cement curbed well at, housn. further particulars apply in - A - r 1 J. G. BUTTON, m. 13.. c._1vz. THE L ADIE.q MD “I TIII therian CImmh arm 'w‘fi. 1 entine tea in th- Imsmu 1 * church FridaV' afternoon I 15,31, 3 9.111. EV‘OPVIWI} u spend an ergioyablt: aflmna " " ”I in tile Ladies” Aid. V71 ARMS FOR Med I'm! 0 Advertise in 0mm; Dom-m Legal ‘Dz’rectorr DR. BURT. Ut’v‘. Admission stone ’lorv . H (V AND 8. H m l asr‘i

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