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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Feb 1924, p. 8

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Mr. Ernie Baxter, who was em- plojred with Mr. Crawford Harrison {or a couple of months, is now with Mr. Lawrence McFadden, Glenelg. Mrs. George Hargrave was to see1 Mrs. . Donald McDonald of Proton. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Harrison spent a day lately at. Mr. Thomas Harris- on, Sr.‘s. _ Mr. and Mrs. Will Ector and little daughter of Elbow. ask, ,and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson, Durham. visited the first of last week at Mr. John Weir’s. ' Mr. Alfred Tucker has purchased the 50 acres adjoining his land. and known as the Wilson property. Mr. Thomas Tucker has had it rented for a number of years. a Mr. and RIPS. Ben Narriann ennnt A good meeting of the Agricultural Ruriety was held over a Week back when a wry able executive was el- ected for the pI‘t‘SPnt year. We ex- pected to be able to give the report of the meeting in detail but. the facts have not been given to us. \Ve un- derstand that there were some good prizes by seed houses otferml. Proh- ably we will be able to get the report yet as it is of interest to prospective gardeners. Mr. D. McMillan as the President. and Mr. D. Campbell 3.3. Vice-President assures the society or a good year. with the able assist- ance of three lady directors and a good body of men. Rev. Mr. Shannon of McIntyre proachw in tho Presbyterian church on Sunday last in a very able man- nor. Tho- attendant-o. owing .to tho heavy weather. was small. Would rt, not kw won tn [mstpono Hw calling; of a minister till the good weathmx when both miniswr and congrwgation would get. a fair deal? The woather conditions are against. us at tho pro-I sent time‘. Out of tho last group 01' ministvrs who haw pi-oavhml fur a call. Very row hzzw had anything mo a fairly I‘oz'u'osentatiw houso. which isn't fair to anyone. Mr. H. B. McLean. is busy getting iogs in from) the McLeod woods to the C.P.R. yards here. Mr. William Aldcnrn is also buying for the Hano~ vel‘ mills. Miss L. Mather is visiting with R. W. Yause. O.D.R., East, for the last while. Her mother, Mrs. Mar)" Mather, is assisting with the little <ick folks at her son’s, William‘s, heme. AH 2h» availabh- mm of (hp mm- mnuity urn engaged in tho section this wpek shovelling snow that is pilm- up in great. stylv Um whole way along the road. Miss Jam-t McDonald and Miss M. McKiunnn \‘isitml with their parmts hcrp nun-'thv \w‘rokâ€"end. returning to the city 011 Monday evening. J. M. McGillivray is in the city for {hp past fvw days, Th» manarzwr of thc- an Ranch swms a navy husy man thus» days. Priceville. - (Our own Cr‘u'x'esmndcnt.} \VP m-v 212101 in h” UMP L4) Import, our Siv’n talks as all impwwmg n (-91}: again. Timm- is still mmsivlmablc sicknvs 01’ a minux' mum»: Em: noth- ing very ht‘ax‘)‘. Thv 1.11.31. County martin: was held in the- \iflngor on TuesJay last. We mum's tam-1 it. was dwidzwi to celebraiu in Durham next 12m 01‘ In!) The. 10111 patrwns 0f the 1:." gwmout Creamery Lion); any sending the highest numbvr Hf pounds of butter- fat, frnm Jan. 23 to Feb. 9 arr as follows : Art. Irvin. 69.90 32m: (400. McBride“ 680'. lbs“; Nichol Mdmu- gall. 5.903 U)»: \\ 05.}1311Ma3'. 35.55. Mr. Peter Ramage of the Durham mew Spent. Monday in the \‘iilage. At thv adjoummd mdsvting m“ the (warm-13; Oyirial Board of ”24- Me- thodist church last Monday, a unani; HIGHS i1‘\'iffli§0!: was o-X’rm’r‘d {0 Rm. 11.12. W net to ro'nmu as 2' 2:3»:- fur Hu- {Hurt}: yz'az‘. My. WW! :w-' mepfmt, subji-ci in “in agegd'm'fl n“ the Statinning: t'lumymittm». The Library Board met recent!) and : mutt-d thp following officers: ..I I’. Philp, President; Mrs. Marge Hustenvr‘. Secr'ctar‘ygD. P. (301m idge Twasnrw and Mrs. D. P. Colmidge Lihrur'.iarr Mr. I’oter' Ramarre of Hm Durham Mrs. D. McLellan and daughter Bertha. of Mount Forest, visited Dr. McLellan recently. Mrs. George McCall in response to a phonv message went to Toronto lam, Saturday to visit her father, who is ill. Blaster Jimmy Christie is quite) ill with an attack of acute pneumonia. has been faithful in the deiiwry of flu- messagc. Mr. McBreteny. the singer. had to retire from the work here- on account of thrnat trouble. The services of Mr. H. C. Haminon of Mount Forest were securml in conduct the musical part. (om- own flcorfégb‘mdent. ‘ The l"'8\i\al services in the Pres- by: rig n church wiil be closed on 'cdnesda 3. evening. Rex. Mr. \V nods PAGE EIGH'! Glenmont. I'wgation wnather th pro- mm!) m‘ 't BGRBMONT COUNCIL {‘ htlouncii met February 11, members 9 alt prosent: minutes adopted. The ‘RH‘VU reported: Chat-1% Socketl. deepening creek, 83.2.5; Arthur Irwin. . winter work. $1..80 I Fergusonmt‘alderâ€"That report. he adopteoi.-(larried. 11 Comr. Groat reported: I). Eakett.‘ winter work. $1.00: N. Dodds. 500.: H. Lamont. $11.40; A. Drimmie. $1.20; ; A. Drimmie. dragging road. $.00; C. _ Schenk, winter work. $11.40. Fees 81. ! Mack -- Ferguson â€"â€" That Comr. ,Groat's report be adOpt.ed.-â€"-Ca.rried. Comr. Mack reported: I. Allan, winter work. 556.70; E. Smail 86.60; J. Lothian. $1.00. Groatâ€"McBachernâ€"That Comr. Mack‘s report be adoptedâ€"Carried. Councillor Mack also reparted hav- ing searched the Registry‘Ofl‘ice re Treasurer’s sureties, and found them satisfactory. ‘6 U) Rm: ““5 ! ’Vim tn the program. At the CIDSt the Nutinnal Anthem was sung by the jnily crowd. The chairman then moved that a \Dtv of thanks be given ’those \th assisted in the entertain- ment. and it was respnndml to by a hearty clap 01' hands. Those {rum the sm-tion and others. who drm'e :1 «iistaln‘e‘ appreciated very much {he kiminess and generosity of the near“ by neigfibors of the school in ac- vnnnmujatmg the drivers by stabling their horses. Everyone went home much pleased over the sociable. _ sant evening spent. Come. Join our {2191 ). Club and enjoy yourself along with the other good fellows. v~.'â€" - .'IL Juhn “'hitcfnrd acted as chairman and filled the place in his. usuai ef- ficient manner. The chairman fav- arm] the audience with a very ap- propriate address, as also did Rev. , D. J. Lane. pastor of the Presbyterian Echurch at Hampden. Solos \wre sung by Messrs. James Mather and John Aitkens: x-vcitatilms given by Misses Nettie Byers and Luttic Mma vyn. and also one by Mr. H. Hnitz-‘ burger. Two dialogues wm-e- giwn and. tiw charat'rtm's in each case did oxcvvdimily “'9“. A numbm‘ of tho- rum-s wm‘v sung: and added life and .«.._- l thm- was faVOI‘ablo and the roads in Igum! shape. considering the recent {snmv-storms, witnessed in this part. g'i‘hv main feature of the evening {came first, which was a sumptuous Efl’l‘t’ad. and was varied and plentiful rand satistim‘l the large crowd. Many remarks were passed upon the good things that were not in the least spared from the occasion. The ladies of the Hampoten section, kept Vel‘)" busy for all of three hours. deserve. much credit. i'or'the good manner in which they served the members and their families present. After the ta- bles were cleared away a lengthy pmgi-um was listened to with much enjoyment and much mun-net M:- Thu Allan Park (119.0. Club held their banquet last. Friday night in thn schmsl-Iumsv at Hampden. and it was a «Incided success. The wea- Uu-z- was faVOI‘able and the roads in gum! Shane. (‘Onsiclm-ino Hm “mm“; 3112090113) Reav is at hauling “0.941 to h: s new fan 1m pmchasml {mm M: . Mark last war Mr Reay gets po 0:) M: we}: 1. .‘~i1‘s.Da\i¢l Adiam is visiting 1101‘ mothm. 311‘. iaikingham in Dur- Exam. “ho is wrv ill at the present fin)" and has 1mm :1: ling f‘ux somv : nu‘ Miss Annie: Lawrence, accompaniâ€" 2 J bv hm aunt. 3113.31. Campbell of Hui-ham. am at pz‘qsent visiting the inx‘mex s sistur. Mrs. vatun Phiiiips Hf Park Ht‘ai'i. I “'9 :irv sorry to report Mr. Henry Emm- ma. wry m lately with an atâ€" ‘ -o k n! gx'ippv, which developed into wumon: a. “'9 hope he Will 5001‘: Han nut :z.~ usu a} {4.2 aim. .‘11. :m 1 Mrs. Daxid I)0nu9lh'. Mr. and Ms ~. levs I :mgrill, and Mr. and 3:]: s. Jamvs luz 111ml! and Miss Anni».- spv 2t “millage-Ia} owning: last \M k Hho- immv n! \I: . Rol’mi Juhustqm. Mn. Hmu"_-o~ Pun} had a w rv mar-1 ;â€"~ 493511]! quiltin; I): 9 m1 lhmsJa} afâ€" b-znmm 0f last \xcpk. g Miss RUIN (Zamphull Ur' Unlin' :mi 5m nt 21 couplp of days recently with, ln‘anllsin.;\1issXA . .‘l. Tumbull. Ebenezer. (Our own correspondent.) Although the snow is still new «I: pp in placos the loads are getting in good straw again after the 1' :ceut Man 5110“ -storms. We hone tho. good W eathex- ( ontinues. Mr. and Mrs. James Turnbuil spent an aftm‘noon recently with the for- mur‘s siSter. Mrs. James C. McRon- 3M. South BantinCR. nu} mail man. Mr. Long. has bécn very faithful in making his rounds. Thu route is a long. hard one. who is recovering .somewhat from Mr long iliness. Mrs. E. {memo and son John. spent a day last \wmk at her brother‘s, Mr. J, .I. _\\'Pir's. 15 at present ram. Kt the close hum “as sung by lhe‘ chairman then . of thanks be gix en rt in the entertain- l'cspcmdml to by :13 am Mr. Mark Mcrvyn Reay gets possession uw farm which it SAMOAN WOMEN S The life of a Samoan woman 5' pleasant. r is She is neither overworked nor savagely treated. says Mr. Edâ€" '1 ward A. Salisbury; From her ear- 1 Iii-st childhood she is trained in the - intricacies of the diva. and all her ‘~' life the dance is a source of pleasure 1 to her. Samoan women vsiil always ’- dance for you if you ask them. and 1 they show by their smiles and! ' songs how much they delight in' ' granting the request. In their girl- ' hood they deck ' themselves with ' flowers and garlands of leaves and - are fond of coquetry; but unlike their Polynesian sisters of the Mar- quesas and Society Islands, they are chaste. Before the coming of the Americans with new medical then- ries, the life. of an infant was doubt- ful, and even now the old customs :u'e ‘arried out in some hillages, it is said. The new-born child was laid on its back and three flat stones were placed around the head. To imake the baby beautiful, the family thought it necessary to flatten the I forehead and nose. Nothing is uglier. they feel. than Hur hideous. minted "ranch-noses." The baby was. fed with filtered cocoanut juice. for three days. while ' woman" tested the mother's milk. often the child died. .'. -..,;s 4;: - “ ,.. wmawmwfimfi vâ€"v-n - a V\l I (’iroat--Caldm~â€"’l‘hat the following accounts be paid . W. W. Ramage and Walter Hastie. services as Auditors, $18.00 each; Clerk. registration of 59 births, 13 marriages and 25 deaths. $21.25; Municipal World. account, for January 16. 31.26; J. R. Phiip, use of Hall, nomination meeting. 85.00; members of Council. attemlance at meeting. $15.00; B. Gibson. use of room. $2.00. Council adjourned. to meet Mon-â€" .lay. March 10, for general business. -â€"David Allan. Clerk. Mackâ€"Groatâ€"Jn reference to the eommnniratim from D. Robertson. Solicitor. \Yal‘keylon, re Mrs. Jessie How’s grievance. that the Clerk be instructed to write Mr. Robertson in 1-«.>fei'L.-nce to the mattei'.â€"-â€"Carried. (’ix'oat--Calder~â€"’l‘hat the following ‘Jf|l\l"u‘v\‘n k- _.- ‘ ‘u. -.._ out, of a system Wading Up to a Guunty wads hp regular mm'tiug Carried. Tho- Auditm's pl'nsf‘nted their Inâ€" ;mrt and un nmtir'm or Mnek-F0rgu~ sun. was minptml am! 200 copies or- . , . , ._ I.~ dt‘l't-‘d printed 101‘ dlwubutwn. . Ffll'gusfill--l\lack That the layinv‘ out, of a system 01‘ Township roads (m :uwmmt of the Reeve having {a {mum by aft.«'.-rm»on train it was mm.- M by (Inuncillnrs Fez~gu50n-Me1ck that Duputy [trove Calder take the and? far thn I'wmaindrr of the m wt- in.':. i Mackâ€"erhâ€"That the app? ipriaâ€" Hon for each Commissioner for mad fQHH'n\'vmmlts for 1924 be $400. ~â€"(‘.ar. By-iaw 4553 providing for ¢_'.\'{)s'ndi-- turn an il‘ownship roads 1.111\.'.1=n' file Ontarin Highways Act was mss< d Groatâ€"Mackâ€"That the divisioas be the same as last year, Councillor Maék taking Mr. Aberdeln’s division and Councillor Ferguson Mr. Mo- Dougall‘s divisionâ€"Carried. Memo to changing from polling sub- division NO. 6 to N0. 5. be‘faid over; in the event of a general revision of pol-ling subdivisionsâ€"Carried. $5.00 be given the Sick Children’s Hospital, Toronto.â€"Carried. . Groatâ€"-Maekâ€"-â€"In regard to wintcr roads thrdugh fields, that any allowâ€" ance that is made on same is to be attended to by the Pathmaster and Calderâ€"Groatâ€"That the commun- ication from W. F. McDonald in ref- u'm'ed out in some Nllages, it «i. The new-born child was n its back and three flat stones placed around the head. To the baby beautiful, the family It it necessz'wy to flatten the ad and nose. Nothing is they feel. than uut‘ hideous, and connecting with v left. ovm- until next [4 to be dealt with.â€" THE DURHAM CHR‘ONICI" .‘E it was in 1730 that Lord Folkestone and othm- prominent pin-sons met in solemn session at tlm Crown Céffeo House in Bedford Ruw and proceed- Pd with the help 01' Hoyle. t0 introd- urn the ganm intu “polite society.” It cannot. be vlaimml that whist asserted itself at mic-c. it was played 93 h‘nod' :lval from tlw first. it wasj {inlmdmml at (‘I'llll‘L lmt it did noti pruvidv sufficinn? nmm'tunities for taking lmgxu sums for the “bucks” of that or iii» nvxt generation. Yet it lmmln its way stealilily. and by the middlh of the Victtu‘ianjpra it was firmly r-stziblislwd. I Bridge has not yet completed 30 years of life in England. though it was played earlier on the Continent. Perhaps it has not deserved a life as long; as that of Whist, the variations in the rules have'been too frequent and while claiming to be more sci- entiific than whist it seems to be developing comentions which are merely methods of signalling in varâ€" ious f.orms Poesihly also there is a limit to its ev,olution the climax has: been passed. and so the card playing world was ready for so complete a rmolutiou as that suggested by the; amix 1! of Mah Jongg ‘ l WILL ME 10366 TAKE THE PLACE OF “BRIDGE. ” If it be t1 ue, as suggested in some quarters that Mah Jongg is likely'to become the fashionable game even to the displacement of “bridge,” then there will be a break in the continuity of our scientific table games. says the Manchester Guardâ€" gian. The passage from whist to {bridge to auction bridge and from ’auction bridge (if we admit the laterâ€"- deerOpment) to contract bridge has been a stead) sequence since bridge in its tar-ions forms is merelya dexelopment of whist. One must admit though that many devotees of whist would have been horrified by the various conventions aimed at “beating the game"~ which have been introduced into the'most mod-g ern forms of bridge. But it. may beI said that we. have had nearly two centuries of the same game, since} __ v ! .wm'rnn To 333 was Wanna ‘ ...‘.. (Mildmay Gazette.) ' ‘ A Mildmay youth in Search of adâ€" I venture boarded Monday afternoon’s passenger tram and stxuck off to see ~ I purchased a ticket, he was let off the train at Harriston, and the agent. there instructed by the lads fathex M Puretegt Epsom Salts The Purest Epsom Salt made. Easy to take. A wonderful cathartic. ' teaspoonfuls dissolved in I We [Eu Cohtinned This t K}. if?! i BARGAIN .usr '5'"! qua} Should use . 09 Which tends to he texture of the skin "Y With sallow comâ€" Price 50¢ a jar. tds, enlarged to prcvcm s. redness or complexion base beforr 14. 1924' This tflk will be l’t‘tllowed later by one on “Is a lie 9w. flame?" The fellows thin] ought to be a special invite: the man who "never told one Then we will try in actly what a liv u an. be expressw. Next Sunday the Mms (lift: discuss what different races . ligions hike to say abmlt 1 how the Biblo treats the» quvs Evvryum» wk}! agrw (m: is a persnnul, 5-.me mm. nomic and international pmh the first importamw~ 'I‘tw fall was rooted in «h-m-ptinn. strife hatred. and uthcr m: from the same source. This Popular and Sometime.» sary Accomplishment Le b With Nert Sunday. “LYING” “II.~ ; ' t: -'. . .nf: 7.. . AT MBE 31:73 OF ME NS said that" tin-zu- minutv. Ho enough. I: |~ hOl‘St‘ tradmi H nat. hwn fnliy that W0 kmm I“ however. Hm husiling aanzw afterwards m- for a time ii action to rum.» the grtmnd Hm: was mUh'h'd ~.\; not, lc'zally 1.3: the last. has 2:- fiasco. ”one. The O\'M"'IH'¢‘. a confirms m in nu num wa< mm'h h “A" as it \\'('.l'o‘ um! “um hark 21, cow-r tho 331mm! Hm! \VHS ‘11. (int Maw tun \\1M 1‘”)- him. ntlwr wards. hv'HwI;,-_"h: ho- madv :1 mistako-z law mum} 12: {hr Wild «mu. after :13}. 'f‘hw'w- < 9,11 m» difl'ivuih' m sznt‘utm: N0. 3. ,jl) \VIHIF?! g1" (‘t‘VHM I'M! second hursv Hf MW 1?:13' M :m ' tiunal paying «11' 5' Hm 51;.» animal Up again. it. didn‘t 1' young lad 10m: tn Ivan: Hm! h:- conjvchnw was" «'m'ro-M: the. :n was {00 WW! fnr’ hlm. “.{wiiu‘r samaritan was \mtwi Um}, Tn: paltry sum «'1'321'. M- \x‘lm'h h.- a pl't’mlissnr}' nut". Wu 1.. .«r'r: 'Of the: day \YH.‘ HUL’HHHM'J. young: 134. “'0‘ an tub}. E'W'I‘Mv horsv of thw hszq‘m-lg mm :5. is. mw H13: yum «wall! huh: 5hr: ‘On any fimv an) gu'a In h1'io*1'.sz_\'Hm:: 1 w: tiun. ('amo- in (mm um: :1 “'01‘“! $115. {UM dvpm‘hwi \nsH nm'cu wumh. \x'v :n'w :niui. $1.3 : Humid". HIM. m :nhmwn. hum $33 in him! Hi HH‘ \1f’ln‘» "‘i: .- 4| \ \..,' real humâ€"dingmx \\'hvn hw mu it. Up, lw I'mmd that. Un- truth not half hm-n told. H was twu h dingprs. and thwn sumv. An)" he found the) {mast hm Wild nt' whm in hu'nms. though was-c enngh unhitchmi. and mudv am swap with anothm' {vliow fur a: tirvly difl'vront stamp nf hm-su, mg, “’0 3P0 LON. $10 in (NHL ‘ coming up Lawn with thv pm: of the wound tradv. thw yum“: I said U) have repth his zu-tm parting with (hp pmwvwis «n’ M: anyway, he‘ tradmi. T!!!“ has receiij in nmhangv t'nr hw amuse is said Ln haw 1mm 3 ; looking animal: i. fact. is “’3 real humâ€"dimzm‘. Whm hv h! "Marry in has!“ and mum”! at I \ surv is an 03d ad'm‘n that still gnmi. as a PM? 02' pmmlw {HUN am out. Likv' untim: nun-NM. tmz‘: trading. tan. is sannm'hat M :1 Mia! especially if «mo :21va mm 26 with: his uyos mum. 'l‘rruimu‘ I getting nmrrimi mm |‘¢'ll.~ili¢-Y‘£ll alike. and i; romainm fuz- lad from (anuig In that whilc- “all is nut tens." also «'wx'ythm: {W lHI‘sc'S a a 3m: hum; East We gnid Hm? :41 11) h"!'>«"]( I " ‘~ - . , g -. , . HM. Imus 514‘4‘L as”: 7pm} V'IH":.1 isn‘t. Hm'sv-tmdmw us '; mm not philatlfllnmisis. nsgwrmily \xi trading: hnr‘svs. and if t'ww- \‘. mu»: doubts in tho young- UlwwI: m; mind wlmn hv mmn mm Nun 3h ('v‘r'tainly wm'v nut who ‘ ' The star; as It ”Hahn-1 .' Thcl (lhrnmt‘in nfi'lrw ' ‘ I‘ ' Tim young: (11mph: man. :1 ‘ 1:11 about. 19 yP‘dl‘s HT 320. mune- in h on Wednesday Hf 12m wwk m-ixn horse reputed to he wurth am $115. \Vhe‘ihm‘ U" not hr was 1 lug for a train \vv k:m\\' Huh H‘HEYI'H Young Gleneléféd Got 1 Worst of It in Hor; Swapping Duel Last We VOL. 57.-â€"â€"NO. “ H “I ll and how H (-u 101' }; )‘uu loam last, we { ROM that g! g in hursvfld ma! [5 \Va.‘ h“ hiU In: U

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