West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Mar 1924, p. 2

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PAGE NO 33 ready in the cars, and other furniâ€" ture ready to ship as soon as cars can be procured. The cream separâ€" ator factory is still busy. The Palmerston branch isn’t open yet. Unless another storm Comes up the train will get through.»to-day. This is the worst tie-up the roads ever had. In 1881-2 the. road between here and Palmerston was blocked ' . In the winter of 1874-5 the Toronto. Grey Bruce, running to Owen Sound, was blocked from February 3 to March '28. The remains of Mrs. J. M. Suther- Thursday, being on the road from the previous Saturday. As connec- tion by C. P. R. at Mount Forest and Flesherton were both impossible, owing to the blockade. a transfer tol the (lrand Trunk was made at Tor-J onto and came by way of Hanover. interment was made, Friday after- noon in Trinity church cemetery. ' The early closing movement went into effect Momlay. Restaurants and confectionaries are allowed to re- main open. but are forbidden to sell anything but soft drinks, candies, or perishable fruit. WW A Lam‘A'ml oning pl’l'lblIaUlU u ulv. Mrs. Stoneouse intended going West to visit her son. and was dis- appointed on three or four occasions. She has again decided to make the trip and for the past three weeks her baggage has been at the station. She went to Hanover last week to make the start from there. but re- turned and is here yet. She’ll be lot? the first chance. Sixteen engines. three snowmows, a rotary plow and a thousand men are said to be at work opening the road between Orangeville and Owen Sound. uuu D . . W'e are served with mail new from Palmerston about every other day. The Parliament Buildings in Torâ€" 0 onto were struck by lightning a few k days ago, but the flames were soon I extinguished. Born.â€"-In Bentinck. on Wednes- 1 day. March 9. to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan 1 McQuarrie, a daughter. . Bornâ€"am Bentinck, on Wednes- day. March 2, to Mr. and Mrs. James McRonald, a son. . 7 Mrs. Patrick Thompson passed away at 630 Thursday morning at the residence of her sonâ€"in-law, Mr. Alex. Allen of Mount Forest. She reached the remarkable age of 94 years. She was born in Ireland on the banks of the Shannon in Decem- ber. 1809, and was married over 70 years ago to her aged partner. who survives her. She leaves 1:0 grand- . children, 25 great-grandchildren. and . one great-great-grandehild, now five : years old. Five sons and two (laugh-. i ters. all of whom are living. preced-‘ ‘ ed them to this country. The daugh- it it a» (3 ters are: Mrs. A. Allen and Mrs. Geo. Allen of Mount Forest: George, of Victoria. B. (2., a British pensioner. for haying served in the Indian Mu- tiny: John. of Riverstownz Hugh, of Chit-ago: James. of Mount Forest; William .l., of Toronfi». From the Chronicle. Pile of larch 17. 190‘. ARTBMBSIA COUNCIL Al'tomesia Council mot on Satur- day. March '1. Thu mvmlwrs were all [H‘PSPIIL HH‘ RN‘VP in the “hair. Minutes of the last. mvcting were road and a‘domml. 'I‘hv :mditors‘ report 1‘01‘ 1923 was px‘esvnted. By-law 6. to appoint. Overseers. Pmmdkomiwrs. and Fouccviowvrs report 1‘01‘ 1923 was pi‘esvnted. ‘ By-law 6. tn appoint. Overseers. Poundkoolwrs. and Fenccviowvrs was introdurod and filled up, and NH. 7. t0 pmvido for expenditure on I'Hads. was passw" 1 Hogarth -â€" Cur athers â€"â€" That the Standard Bank ( Canada be and is hm'vhy appointed bankm‘ of ' the township of Artomosia. and is hereby auihnrizmi in pay and honor all ChOCkS. drafts, prommissm-y notes. hiiis 01‘ exchange and m-dm's signed, drawn. accepted 01' cndorsvd in the name of the Township by the Twas- m'm' thoroofâ€" Cayried. 'I‘Lnt f \ DUN“ lHUuâ€" u“...Vu. Hogarthâ€" Carrulhm's -â€"'l‘hat the account (If the Municipal \VOI‘I‘H for six subscriptions be paid.-â€" Carried. MN‘CCI‘ â€"- Williamson â€"â€"~ 'l‘hat thP lamlitnm’ import. be a(l0pt.m| and the IClm-k publish tlw abstract statement. Lu Fl mu 1‘ u; u..----..- \\'iiliam.s«_m â€"- Mcrcm~â€"-~. That .I. A. Hogarth ho paid $5 1‘ 01- lmhslmgh for snnw plnwâ€" Carried. -‘ -‘ in”--- 'I‘hn} ”an Overseers Of Highways. ‘ . P Following are the overseer: f) highways. Fenceviewers and Poundâ€" koopors appointed fOr 1924: . 7x-----..‘ \L“ RI ~l‘9\'_ Al'l'ru lu) urtrv...--. “ _ . _ Ovnrsem‘sâ€"J. Brown. W'. M. 'I‘ay- 101‘. W. J. Boatty. W. G. Cockburn. R. Richax‘i'lsnn. Jas. Forris. Chas. Best. \Vm. Johnston. G. Ludlmx'. W. G. Nichols. Russel Foster. H. Shaw. JOS. Buchanan. W. J. (Jargon. G. Clark. L. 'l‘albott. A. McMulIcn. J. J. Brown, J. H. Watson. E. Cornfield, Elmo rStnvnns. \\'. J. Reid. H. Kenny. W‘. McNichOlL .los. E; MCKN‘. G. Cairns. R. Piper. T. (30mm, (3. Hindlo. J. ,Jarfiicd. John Kelly; Manager TH! STANDARQ BAN K g A- “ANA "humid RD sax waxâ€"Emmy; Badgerow, W. J. Blackburn, John Manlty, G. White. Hugh Watters, J. Williamson, Jos. Oliver, W. Tay- lor, Ed. Dingwall,.A; D. Irwin, James Whittaker, J Shier, W. Gibson, ‘A. Thompson. W. A.'Beaton, C. Mel- Ldrum, Wallaee fisher, Pat Sweeney, 1. Smith. W. Akitt, G. Buchanan, W. H. Ducketi, E. [)inton,‘ gerthage‘e, -‘ n-4__ W. Radcliff. S. Gilhgrt, F. Genoe, D. William. W. Semple. R. Sewell. Jofin Welch, D. Genog. R. Rurvis, J. 1. Graham, Sam Bowles, A. McFadyen S. Hemphill. J. J. Mage’e, J. Carson, C. Hanloy, WHJ. McMullen‘, E. Lyons. J. Harbottle. L. Meggott, W. A. Weber, Ed. Fisher). ' Poundkeopers --sA. McVicar, D. D. McLachlan. W. J. Beatty, J. A.‘ Thompson, J. Lockhart,-' . Gilliland, R. Buchanan, G. T. \Vrig t. Foncoviewersâ€" R. Plarslow. R. Whittaker. D. I\ cMullen, B. White, E. Baker, W. J. eatty, G. Warnng. J. Lockhart. R. Best. J. L. McMullon, J. Campbell. J. Parson. J. Lyons. R. Swanton. ' A BG‘RBMON’I‘ GOUICIL Council met March 10. members all present; minutes adopted. __ 1 The Clerk reported that notice had been given In the parties assessed in Egremont Township re PrOton mum- cipal drain Nos. 1 and 22. The Ens 'ineer's amended report as to estim- ated cost. and assessment schedule for the improvement of said drain ,was read and considered. 'Iv'hâ€"evReeve reported N. Dickson, winter work, $6.40; W. P. Hors- burgh $1.00. Report adopted. Comr. Calder reported : A.'Calder. winter work, $12.00; W. Plester, $4; Report adopted. Gonna Uroat reported: J. Lewis, winter work. $7.90; P. Mutch, $5.80; Roy McGillivray, 800.; C. Schenk, $4.60: D. Bruce, $2.00. Report ad- 'opted. ~ Comr. Mack reported: J. Lennox. winter work. 95:21.90; J. Tucker, $6.20; Reg. Ramage. $5.30; .I. G. Johnston, $9.60; (I. Daley, $13.20; J. McKenzie, $10.60. Report adopted. , Calller-ls‘ergusonâ€"That this Counâ€" cil «.lesires to endorse the action of the delegation 'of January 11, 192-4, representing over 350 municipalities in requesting the Honorable, the Prime Minister of Canada and his Government. to‘nse‘. every effort .to UUVUI uouu- u; um; \, .-_., , enable the Hydroelectric Power Commission to develop electric en- ergy on the St. Lawrence River on behalf of the municipalities of the Province of Ontario, and in View of the immediate necessity of making provision for an adequate supply of power to meet the municipal and industrial requirements of this Province we respectfully request that the Government of Canada ap- prove the plan of the Hydroelectric Power Commission of Ontario for the development of the St. Lawrence River and the undertaking of the first stage in such development at Morrisburg. and that immediate ac-‘ tion be taken so that the commence- ment of this work may not be delay- ed.â€"--Carried. Mackâ€"Groatâ€"Jl‘hat an order be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of ‘ '1Ahh\:‘n‘ Mackâ€"4?:roat-â€"â€"That an OI‘Gel' m: drawn on the Treasurer in favor of the Mount Forest General Hospital to the amount of $8.75 for fees and attendancere Mrs. C. Shamanâ€"Car. Byâ€"lay 1158,. appointing oversecrs of -â€"â€".J Highways. was passed. Calderwi‘l’erguson.-â€"-fl_‘ hat the folâ€" lowing accounts he paid : Municipal \Vor'li'l. supplies. $30.21; “7. B. Rife. oxm'ess; 800.: (1. Ramage Son. printing account. $53.40; members of Council. $15.00: B. Gibson. use of room. $2.00. , ‘ Council adjourned to meet Monday April M. at in o‘clock am. for gen. eral business. 9 "1 n-L-uvo‘ 'ffl Overseers” of Highways. 'l‘hv fullnwing; is a list Of {1w 19le Overseers of Highways for Egromont 'l‘nwnship : John Kerr, W. J. Eden. J. J. wnum.‘ M. Barber. P. Cornish. J. Smith. J- Troy. A. P. Meyer. 1). Owns, J. 'l‘. McAinish. S. (Iowan, T. Tucker, R. Harkumr. 1.. Allan. J. KPI‘I‘. J. Lewis, B. Aitkvn. 'l‘. Dingwall. G. Hunt. J. .Rawn, .l. Mclx'vnzw. (i. McDonald. R. Sitzm'. J. Goodyear. J. 81103. F. Foster, A. Molntyrv. S. Harris. J. 1105. A. ISM-plums. A. Haldane- J. I.\'l(_-I)nna1d, IR. LU\\'1‘}'. 1). 3100110011. ’I‘. anman. v-9 1’ “1'A“Ann D u 1’1. lA)\\1\. 1!. L'lb\‘1\.-.-.-. _, .l. I. Hufl'man. W‘. J. Wallace. R. H (Izmlfiold. 1i. Russnell, T. Yake, H McDongald. .I. Caulfinld, J. Robb, E Robb. A. Stewart. J. Hunter.. W Hofi'man. 1;). Eakntt. W. P. H101? 1‘ n..1-nl‘ nk"llll(tlio ll Aubb'ly burgh. H. Lamont. F. Eakett. J. C. FairbaiI-n. W. Fairbairn, P. Mutch, A. Ross. A. Drimmie. R. McGillivray, A. Calder. J. Wilson. (1. Schenk. 1). Bx‘ucv. .l. l). Drimmie. W. Reid. J. “Mr. W. Sf‘lfl'led. J. Ferguson, V. Adams. .I. Snell. T. Ailcl‘lison, J. Mcâ€" (lannvll. C. McI)unald. EX. Matthews. A. C. Loo. M.‘W;clls_. J. M. Allan, NA. McQueen, J. Wilson. J. H. Andrews, '(i. 8. Lawrence. F. Lawmuce. G. 11001101“. 'I‘. 'l‘uckcr, J. Weir, J. Calder. C. Forguson. YOU CANNOT JUDGE BY ‘ APPEARANCE It is impossible to tell the quality of tea by the appearance of the leaf. A rough. coarse, unevenly rolled tea may taste much better in the cup than a closely rolled, well tipped tea that LOOKS much finer. The only way to he sure of getting tea of reli- able quality is to buy a tea like “SALADA.” whose goodness and purity are guaranteed. 7E! u- a 3’53“: anc'ron WILL STAY AT wannson Former Grey County Rector to Gon- tinne Rectorship in Border City. Rev. Wlilliam A. Earp, rector of All Saints’ Church, Windsor. .who tendered his resignation to Bishop Williams several weeks ago. followâ€" ing a call made upon him by a depu- tation of church members, who inâ€" l‘ormed him his preaching was not all ‘7 A A A.\A;Al‘d . As]! for a Delicious ! «m ito SUV after 8 l. FPO“! his pulpit at .A- Hunk-in in‘xr inn fhn L0 Shay, alvu- u..- ,. .A _ - last, Sunday morpmg's service, the rector informal his flock that, he had defied the mattm', and in view of the sympathétic View taken by a large number Of ”10. congrogmmm felt. it his duty to rnmain. Rev. Mr. Earp was formerly rector 101' St. GeOrge‘s Church. Clarkslmrgr, A real sport is a. man who can reâ€" sist. the temptation to spank the children when he has~tho (0(‘bthacl'xe. AW? a protracted illnoss frnm a tparaiytic stroke Mr. (Illal'lvs 'I‘umwr. a well-known and highly I'vspcwtvd 01d resident of Artomvsia. {mssml :away at. his late homu Hoar Hum-ma on Monday, March 3. {It-'0‘! 7: .‘W X". Mr. Turner was a natiw uf Ltnmlnâ€" Shiro, England, from \vlu-rv. at '31 years Of age. he canto In Canada. :11“! livvd for 12 years in \M‘k «luurriy. .near Toronto. Ho the-n mmv In \:'- Mrs John Rulhcrful‘d. :I \II I I iIIglI iy c>lIIIIImIId woman and :I i"‘IHHUI"j reSIIiIInt of AI‘tIrmesia and l'III:IIII died at her latII. homII III .\l;III.«I.'II i I' Mulmur 'I‘0wnshIp, Im F'i‘hilml} LN aftIII‘ Imly three week‘ IilIIIIs«~. IIIII dIK'IIzISIId. “hose mIIIiIIII IIIIIIII- \\;I.~I Harriet Cornfield \\ as IIII- IIIII-I daughter of tho latII \SI' and \II-«J JamIIs Cornfield 01 Mount XIIIII, ‘II temIIsia. wheIIII. shII \\ 215 Mm II III 1536' [n 1876 She was maI‘I'IIIIi III h «I .I viving husband and iIx'IIIi I. \I II. .« I Proton, then mmIIIi III. \III: IIII IJ thIIIII iIIII‘ remaining }I'Ilii~ spIInL Mrs. RIIHI ‘i' I'IIIIII I\ ;I«- I! I1 mnihm‘ of (fin I‘hildl I.II iHlii' III \\iII I SUI'VIHI: James 1‘... III» ’izI I-IIIIII-i stead: (lIIIIIIgII. .‘Hfil‘ph. and HI «. Pan '1 'I‘III'IIIIIO. SIIII aim iI-.I.I I« I'm- SisiIIr's and (“II iIIII‘IIIiII «. \iI«. i‘iI,_ II hIIIi: ‘.’.:II"IIIII III KI‘l‘\\|ll KIIII«:I« .‘i:.« NIIHIII \\ Ilsun and MI». RIIIIIIII' I II' .-I of 'l‘oruntu, MI'. .laIIII s I ‘,I~.II iil‘ I. :I Mount, Zifln. .-\I'iI'n‘III.~‘I:I. :IIIII .lIIwIIl A.. in 'I'III'I'IIIIII. MI'S. iiII‘iIIIr'IIII‘Ii \IIIIt a IIIIIIsisiIIIIi IIIIIIIIiII-2' :IIIII ilI‘iiU WOI'kIII' in thI 1‘10“!”le t‘lliil'I'ii. Shl was :I IiII\IIiIIIl \Vii'II :IIIIi IIIIIiiII-I', i‘I“ inIIIi in “IT iIIImII and h) :I IIIIJ cirviv Hi' i'I‘iIIIIIis \VIIII .«3‘IIIIIIIIIIIA with thI iH‘i’I'IiVI‘Ii IIIIIIs iII IiIIIII' iINI ThII fUIIIIIai lIIIIk IIIIII'II in .IIIIIIIIIII; IIIIIIIIII iI IIIIIIII U l\'. “w I'IIIIII1\ Iva R. K. BIIIIIsIIIII IIHth('iili,.: :IIII «III Vi('I'.~‘. .\ \I'I'\ 5:11 iII:‘IiIIIII \V: I5 III: Ml‘. RuiIlII I'IiIII'Ii “as inn iii in :IHI II thII fIIIIIIIIIIl. iImII: lIIIIIII MI \I- I: “’(‘I‘iis‘ I‘ImfinIIIi in his [III I]. 'l’wu hm-kvy mah-hvs \wrv plan! on tho rink hm'v «m 'l‘hurMAy wva‘ in: last. at. which thvrv was :a um! cmwd. hm. thv scm‘v was ”NU-M w Tho first. gamv was lthm'n :hv Hm schnfll girls Hf Mm'kdalc- and Fhwhm (.011 svhnnls and. thn svmmd hvtwm Markdah- and Flvshvrtnn jmm boys. 'l‘hv \‘isilnl's “MI! in 1M gamus h_\' 6-0 and 12-1. - lhw. C. Adams. (lhnpmin of ti Navy Lflaguo «'1' Canada. paid 1.! High schnnl a Visit mw day L12 week and guw :m imm'vst in: :quo on Uw wurk thv Luagm- is «Inn ffl!‘ UIP swarm-n. Hwil‘ \u4hv\\'~' :11 children. Thursday, latch 13. 192‘. (Our own correspondent.) THE FAM [LY \EX' .6 Zmpnr/x ..<m WDOCA 32m gnu . Diooorp Z rm}. .256 DIED. .Z A. LITTLE J and art l\' church. S anHlM', Inn

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