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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Mar 1924, p. 4

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MB FOUR rates on application. . Member Canpdian Weekly News- papers Assocmtlon. SO“ GOOD ADVICE ‘ Mia ’l'humas H. Binnie. President of 4 the South Groy CID. has some ex- Ntllf‘nt advicv in last Saturday's, Farm-1’s Sun. The only thing we; can fault it for is that it did not come «ionmn We pass it on without fur- :iwr cummomt than that it sounds snfiviviuusiy lik» what The Chronicle m»- nfto-n been censured for saying. )lr. Binnio- says: ‘-AL U". Illa; nu. .--. _ lokxshdimx is placed on the. statutes whit-h will kw a detriment to their Mutt-“inn, NH matter what, party !~' in pmvvr. h‘vrit. Tory. Farmer, Bolshevick. no Lat‘mr. Snvurt. Huvvrnmvnt can help us if we do not twlp mu'selvvs. ‘ , __-- .\c"'\ f“\l][‘6‘: “Tho-n Int us mend our own mnces‘ hrst mu! lean-:1 to help Durst-Eves and makv tho- very best use of the mactnncry wv haw. This is what the Canadian Manufacturers' Associ- ation haw «lane and we should and must. (in likvwxse If we are to :get. zlny\\'lu-I'v. . ' and 3% busy. “What about cu-operative market- - f‘ ‘m _\.\Q :mu gm “Us; . "What about coâ€"operative mg? Surely there are many farmers (Hilario who have had~ some vxpcrionco along this. line. \Vhy not. :w» this Pxpm‘ionce to Sun readers? I!” you had :1. failure let. us know it m that \w will not {flake the same mistaken H“ success has been your lnf wv would like to follow your o-xmmxlv.~ Drop the political game 1: wliilo- and work with what we 'l‘lw HM lino parties do not politics. 'l'hoy liannncring market- Ill h-L' lth'. \\2ml _\'till i“ l‘UI‘g’m‘l lulu“ that if you k091i away at pvlitit's tlivy will soon '.'t.‘l \avli :ln'nlm; so that tho 1'. 17.0. and ltwi!‘ ulYiliatzuns will fall. 'l‘iiuy lmu- 'u-u llu\\' \\'ll'_"'C tlim'v :..;- ..\ ,ng D. ‘---â€"' (mtario LIIV'IIJV A \f ‘ who have had some ‘7’ . -. ._ 1 1- ‘ alon . this line \V'hv not \\ e have heard a lot in the past 1 bundav will aaa greatly w Skull.“ . “-{ZHCQW “£111,359“. ten years about the perfidy of the' ture for the 1924 mm) season. Six; '” m" ‘7‘“ I" t ‘ ‘ " "two old parties.“ how they lied tm inches fell and the farmers are giad.1 .. : 1- .w sknow it , .., . .‘W had ‘ ”11m“ “'1“. u the electorate and am almost any-1minnv Alberta will now he Muddyil' . - . .-" - ’ ’ . the same , . . . . . that “Q \ ”l “”t “131‘" thing short of murder to flay those 3 Alberta for a time. but it IS worth 1L1” T v t :stake. H .mc-cf‘ss ha: 1b,? 011 {of}? who were not smart enough to catch . 1 NV" “NH” NW _to £0511“; “‘1: them. Even the party press was 1.9,, Edison, the inventor. was oncei "anwl':'7' ”In": 1h.) ’politlua.‘ 9:111: viiml and accused of giving gaz‘mmficlassed .35 a “dumb-melt“ .bY hiSEB ‘ 1‘ “In!" “1”” \x. 01:“ w it,“ 13.1 1:1: reports in the detriment of all 91111.31teacher.“ and told his bram was1 H‘" "“1 1”" ”I ““ "' “ 1Last “wk- .Blyth‘s. Corners of The1"a(idlml. And there are still‘a lot ' f these. same kind of people m the \\ no}. : \ l in forget H‘lltlt’fi'. The? . . . . . , mt '1‘: I. ‘f ‘ 1 l hamm 1m Durham Review said, In reporting as 1 . 1 -) 'o_H}'v 9' g , . . . ‘ , fl ‘. - ‘.‘ ‘ . a ' . (g _, mm na 1 y u l\ 2 ‘mw'tmg 01 the \arney L.I‘.U.!.1ub '. ‘1'\\()1.cl. Thlnlx a.» I thlnk, d0 ‘1- I, 1 - h 1 do. or you re wrongâ€"1f not crazy! . . - . _- 1 . . l .-. . 1c .. v ~“ n‘ \‘)o_); :5“. .. . , ._ . . 9 ““3 "‘ 1" ”t't‘ 1th" '1 “I'WF‘ ‘1 1 Discussion hurtlermg well 1113 a n ' 1 ‘ “ {t ‘ . . . 311‘ _, ' ' " t “ ‘m “ ' “ ” t at t 1' ' . 11min vengeance against the action 01 1 _, ** 1 1 i \\ ide, hellâ€"bottomed trousers aro1‘ in -' 1 w?" '2 r e T" “ ll. 'l‘tlt‘V - . ~ . ““'h“t“'n‘ “1‘11 ‘3 1 .' Dr. .lamiesnh 111 snppm-tmg what is; “t , t 1 it , r H. ‘z - .i 1. ' ' ”to I t)!" i ,_ _ _, N; z, s v e 1 : ve . . “0 t tz‘x.‘ ‘ “ ” m -“ 1 m “ l ' ' regarded as one of the mmt flagran..1n m. ‘ I: ' a ' '1“ ' tan erizct from .\ew York. That. set-1 lo'xz' ...- .3. t‘. i. .- *1‘ t x ( ”(flue , _ - - _ .- - . .\ 1 ~‘ - '- t" ‘ ff “‘1': anal autocratic. rulings exer indulged 1 H 't \V . ho th t th‘ 1 -, .. ,.‘. ; ._. .u-y 1- mn- . . . 7 . .! s1. razor 1n '5 .15 - 1h ““1 mm " ' ' ‘ in in the history of Parliament. was» e 1 e ,_0 pe a , 1 “3mm MM mm mm “1,114,... \yhy ' . _. 1 ‘ . _ _ _, 1 year they wouul make the pants tug ‘ - ~ . per} evident among the members: . . . l ‘ “a“... “w 1...! TN. mm a ;.~;;.1.-;~-1 _ . . . ‘ _. {enough to get into Without takmg‘ .. _ - 1 ;who legard his action as a most tie-1 \our hoe off - t ‘H --.= .u' .. ._. 1- vi tl".~. . _ , , . . . s *s t . «P ~~“ le- ma: ‘1“ 1‘11 ‘ffl' “ ‘ I '1llllt31'alt‘ and barefaeed msu.t to the; 1 1:!.‘\ \1111 '11): ! ti ‘0 \A\-1_.}"‘i'.i nl‘!\(}.".' - ‘ “ ' o ' ' ‘ ' ' u . -. .é. L'tl ”'1'an ‘. .-~- .- - \ 1 ,1 . “1 .~, Mm . 11W“... \p..1her ‘t, 1“” " H ' e - (31‘5“? l A. “110. steer ran amuck m Brook-1 ' ' - . l -‘ ‘- " " hvidently me Blvths Lorners cor.1 . \. ' .- as -. 1 1 m" ‘ ""1 _ 1 m .1 _‘ .1“ who . . 111m. . .\.. and a rookie policeman ‘ .- .‘ .24 ’“w'nl ~. ~-'.‘ A " i 0 1 t ‘51)" " " ' '3 s _ - . - 1 . . “PM .11, 1.1 ~11 \< ‘ rm 3-1.1! 0‘" U" u “f?“ "3 must “a“ 11:90 1 tired fifteen shots 1n;o lum from the» a ub'\_\ ‘ ' 1‘ . 1 t H . o -* ' ' ~ ‘ ~39 - ..1~* u ' '~."‘ . ' f . a o v \ M 1 V‘ u 11,....1..:..m;.,,1 :uui n..1‘~“lt‘}?‘° UU'“‘SIOP‘“}.1}‘“”lpefrlgui‘r 8111m11111ng-boal‘d 01 an automobile. 138-1 1 . . -f “-‘v ‘ _ . , po mes are mentlonet. e Aron-i . - '~ . ‘ - ”1.11.1211”:“MW gum; m”; 111,. 1.13.11 MP W“ it “n the 'i‘lthOI‘ltV of a1t‘o’re he fol dead. It Is now in 01-1 Inn“ qvlil '\‘t!1'kl"." fPW'W'fllth' \ All \'\in ‘ H“ 1. - ‘ ‘ - ~ . 1der for some one {0 l'Cnlark that thatt -- - ~ ~ ‘ member of the \arne'.» Lint). Clu1)1p01icenlal‘ had a perfectly "bully“1 9 .. .7. -.-‘l '- ~. ;* xvi nerd , _ , - . .. -' “ ‘- WNW-5‘ l ”“8 1 ‘ .1“ ho was present at the meeting. that time ' 1-0.1" _,‘°“"‘ ‘1 ‘ ' Dr. Jamieson‘s name was never men- 1 .- ”m “‘1 "”1"" tiuned at the meeting. and that “11'- with the absorhtion of The Times migrailfi. ‘ V th nu M. W111 °ther. while there was some slit“;m bv The Advance \Vinéham is “W “ ma .‘- “135“ 3"- " ’3 - discussion over the action of Prem- ° . . . i' 2.2-3 ink that yâ€"“W‘m- “““'"1‘“,"“'“ icI'FeI‘émwn in notrecogmmg the 13:? $331,311??? ggshgeograghgagsi M 37““ m" “”31 IZFIJ. as on'icial ODDOSWOIL it “'33 vanee and Times came out last week. eluhs that would 1 mect71‘igs reporter tn Come to “1013 and d ~imte: so that he vouid W'l 3““ I _ . . -' . . . . .. - . and thunder t.}pc that The Renew publicationâ€"ls given. ngham IS them a 1‘0““ “Tm“? ot 1mmrlcorrc‘rspondent‘would evidently d01a town of around 9500 ponulation \aluahle undertakings. lhese things 1 anything to have its readers be‘lieve.1 . ~. _ t” “if: local and other} Editorial opinions may sometimes Four Queen‘s University students rovers and mm It the paper did mjtlappear one-sided and bigoted. but were heavily fined at Kingston for ttribute 3 COI‘I‘BSDODG- 388311". “.113“ they fOPCib:y took a ”a... -- "- 'v) wouJ; . «lgâ€".1 . \u. h )otl Dolltittaig . (ft; ‘11 ‘1 1there Is one a ‘94.:\‘ ‘ 2-“ n; (In L ‘1 v.5} .‘ t ‘ ‘ ‘ l '1 "1 t t ‘ ’ ent f0? 3 DC“ 39390? needs. 311d must neurspaper reporter befOVe 3 [110015 D“, “"t' ”Md" your mm.p1have. and that isâ€"accuracy. \Vithout court of their own making. No Kl‘ ”mic? a LUSH?“ 1mm 1t and hilt this. his work is 11561855. An editor K.ux Klan methods allowed in On. rum" 7"“ ”‘3‘ the Wop“) 0‘ the pm-1ma}' be bigoted in his editorial opin- tario was the comment of both th: C ”‘3‘ "0“ are 3”“) ml ion and get away with it. but that. Crown Attorney and the Magistrate. - ~~ ' . n; a - h. etter-l . . . . .‘"l11‘"“~‘ ‘“‘”'~~L and to t e b *same editor, in reportmg a meeting .4» ... ment of the country as a whole; 1for its news value, must be accurate. mm o M _ .. ‘1 A--- .M an Ann-n vprv __ - . n. 0 {min _ __..--‘n as none {int fray My 111" \ «11' \V1 l‘lx. gn‘t- Ile‘\\'$ iw sn!‘ events. Vince \V‘li se and dwlmtcs so an- nvws to :vapvrs and (‘V agrw with yo1 L i»- sure tn :0. wvcnts. U0 under a bush shinc so that Vine» ’Wili St" l 11111 last thing before '11: 11111111 211111 1111111 \011 won11 111' .1 11111111 1‘ m 1101 {in 11. \011 a 1 zip 11.10111: marketing: 011 11- ‘11111 hm 1311 wt 110 it 11111111111 I 11.11 11111111 :1. fightm: 0113:1111 A 1111-5 15 apparent to 11.)" 11 1.111511111111111 3111111111.-“ - 1m 2.:1'1 VOUI' 1111‘ 531112311011 manuf: M'o- that thv only 53.1-- wm is to kwcnmc power- amvnt. and go to it. at. d and "get while.- gé'tting working tagvthel fences mr-ncs 1 Another no W 110 5001‘. a:- nor the workers but, is, rather, a heavy loss to both employer and employee. - I 3.)-A V-“r-' - v An extension of the safety idea'Party": seems a logical and legitimate means i London of cutting production costs in this‘doesn‘t country. i nun-bro. L‘Ob- asts. .t. as aptual He m: orial 1 Ac- must on 10 p!‘( alize W e , in Come sting \vouh The gate? [this good, [nau- all? these V3111 'ed to as 3 neve flork- lion. 'e a\’- its 0 THE L vINC}: GRITS AND TORIES A {VA 0“ and. even if it. does not go down very ’ n . . V . ‘ . , M}>tPI‘IOUS waves. that penetrate men. must faithtuhy report what Through everv barrier. small or actually happened at that meeting. great! To find that which attunes to thee He may flail it to pieces in his edit- - . . \ou cmcle .and. and leap the sea. orial columns, but his news columns must tell the truthâ€"if his paper is Dominion hast thou in the air, A wnmlrnn; message pulsing there must tell the truthâ€"11' ms Dave; in in progress. ' We. have no doubt that the Blyth‘s Corners scribe of our contemporary? would like to see any meeting casti- igate Dr. Jaxhieson. That is wel and good. so far as it goes. But. he actu- ally reported that the meeting at Yarney DID do this same thing when 4-...A C..._ as a mater of fact his name W33 never mentioned. even by insinua- tion. The public will have :0 form its own conclusions. Old Man Winter mUSL‘navc ”car; overstocked with snow {and unloaded 3 ; it on an unsuspecting publicâ€"1;) Guelph Mercury. ~ ! i Winter mustfhave metimes‘ Four Queen‘s University students d. but were heavily fined at Kingston for .‘BSDODG- assault when they forcibly took a .nd must newspaper reporter before a mock \V'ithout court of their own making. No Ku m editor K-ux Kian methods allowed in On- i310DiD-'tario was the comment of both the but that , Crown Attorney and the Magistrate. "Conservatives Plan Party“ says a heading London Free Press. '1". . What’s That P Hvavy, wet snow in Alberta on" Sunday will add greatly to the-mois- i turo for the 1924 crop season. Six; inches fell and the farmers are glad: Sunny Alberta will now be Muddy: Alberta for a time, but it is worth it! 1, Edisun, the invenmr. was oncv classed as a "dumb-hell" by his teacher. and told his brain was "addlmi." And there are still a lot of this». same kind of [maple in the worm. Think as. I think, do as I \Vhie, bell-bettemed ”OHS“? 81‘0!“'H’i; .little giandchild wunelmme. “M m 9W1“ ”115 5031‘.- 3CCOT‘17‘7? “”8111 the dciyctm's had given him up. an edict from New York. That. Scip‘ sir. . The darimg 0f mn‘ crew. :‘.W.' ' esh his’ “8‘ It e were 1n h pe t at t §Aml the cheek of Argyle gI'OW deadlfl your they would make the pants big! paw» ‘ enough to get into withoutltaking; While we rushed for the signal your shoes off. } .x-nchets. _ .. . :"Lets fire them much, \xe cued. A wild steer ran amuck in Brook-J And Elie geed Ahhot. of Aherhmthâ€" U ' '. - ' ’ a. ,- I” - , . . g1?“ 3A" and a 1:0?1‘“. pOhmmanIthged headlong mto thetlde. [tn-ed fifteen shots mgo 111m from the; Now who will stand nu elther hand humming-board of an automobile be-iAnd keep the. bridge with me, ‘ ‘ ' " On board the schouner Hesperus. ‘ a--.) ‘It ;." '1n11' 1n PIPâ€"l by The Advance. Wingham is that latest town to adept the one-paper- idea, and the first issue of The Ad- vance and Times came out last week. The. old storyâ€"increasing costs of ’pubiicationâ€"is given. Wingham is {a tnwn of around 2.500 population. EDITORIAL COMMENT WIIILIII\JII Aluuv g---- ._ a \mmirous mess‘ge pulsing there 4 kaim‘. seeking. voice to find ‘- _ 4- In kefa'iuned and listening mind. When iIFes the daytime's busy light Como. 1m stic voices from the night Wei-chance same far-off star wiJ 02.11 .‘z-um that arched space that covers . all. Thou gravest me home, a heart. sent av 3133- r‘fprce ‘he giencepf the grave, “v am 0 : “fave m longmg sent. av " -‘ in Death‘s dark wall, a t 313? f1" 0 gm 1% and 91w ati\ es Plan Big . Euchre 5 ys a heading in Tuesdays Free Press. The Free Press say whom the} intend to Why vvvvvv ‘7‘" ‘ove, beyond the pa‘e, - ' ........ ‘ha heapt attunrd go mine,‘ Eggatoes ""' it SO. Great Go] divme‘? ‘ ‘35 --------------- â€"May E. Hayhurst. Sleepskms ........... thm'zgh that mystic P igfiluchre 3'. ' . . ,. '. ; . _‘ Tues day's uammatien' in a count” $11901. After announcmg that hIS recitation Free Press was “How Horatius K t the ntend to Bridge," a poem by Longfel ow, at least, said he, I think it is by Tennyâ€" ison," and after fixing his eyes upon ta spot in the ceiling. he blurted out Alberta on {That sails the wintry seas? 3 the-mois- i “I. lxxiith twho ntiore tub help me. 3' 1 'il en» t 63 0e. at ay. ' eeson. In.“ For I‘m the Queen of the Max: ‘5 are g‘ad't mother: ‘ be mm“? 3 I'm the Queen Of the May. is WOI‘th it. E the following: : _- , ‘The [my steed on the burning: deck. ' ‘ ' .17 -_,.l lcvi'fhv hwy stood myths burning: deck. , 3 He Si-Utid upon hisgiead. hlslecauso his legs an arms were off; 1 So he \x'avml his. arms. and said, V85 lot ”My name is Norval, on the Gram- the ' pian hills, l‘hn x'iliage. smithy stands. I l’l‘ho smith is a mighty manâ€"«was i \\‘1'<)r.k0(i 9 0n the pililess Goodwin sands. Lind by him sportml on the green, 2 His little grandchild Wilhelmina "‘ ' But the dOCtUI‘S hild given him up. Fet- <ii'. ”wig! ’l‘hi- ilariing of nur crew. - V ‘ ‘ ' ’--- ‘---- .lnfif‘l“ Bamey. . . . .7 ........... Buckwheat ..... ' ..... TERRIBLY-TWISTBD March 13, But the game was \‘0 success and was kept-on w' .. {towns made enquiries about It and 1 copies of tho rules of the game were a decided that sent them.’ But it was the next. winter the net would be removed and crookéd sticks used. We played it two winters. and then rumors came of the new game, hockey; and so ico iacrosse. dropped out. But \Viarmn came near being the birthplzwe of hockey, as well as being one of the best. of hockey towns. Ar SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Alex. McLachlan, whq is vis- iting relatives in Priceylile. !8 spending a few days vismng hlS relatives hereâ€"â€"the Weir and Burâ€" gess families in town, and Mrs. Walter Nichoi, near here. .H M rs. “William Saunders and daugh- ter, Mrs. John Tobin, are at Kincardâ€" ine this week attending the 1' ut‘ the farmer‘s brother. Mr. Robert Munro. Mr. Munro was a resident of ‘Kincardine up to a few years ago. when he went. West and resided at‘ Edson. Alberta, being in the emplOY' of the (LNR. at that. place. \ Miss Janet E. Kerr, graduate 0f the ‘Vietoria Hospital, London, is spendâ€" ing a f 0w days with ‘her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr, 0f Varney. 7 Mrs. Charles Urquhart of Port (Zr-Mil. is spending a week or more with her mother. Mrs. T. R. Whelan. _ :- 11.....‘éHnn cm‘mt @ $1.00 (Ir‘pfllt. IS FDCUUIUE a "m”- _ With her mother. Mrs. T. R. thlan. pent Mr. J. P. Whelan of Hamilton s over tho \\'N‘k-Pnd with his mother in town. Mr. Alvx. Lucas, mg iii-p of i.11cas‘ Henry since last July loft Saturday in response to 3 Coleâ€" gl‘am from Vancouver. where he has husinvss to attend .thCI‘C and at. Smittlv. As he lived in Vancouver f years and 1135* iwoi l l aged in the 0fâ€" « ha law business, 1t 1: likv going born" to Mr. Lucas. ’imw no idea how long he may be iahsont. but as a good neighbor and ixritizcu 119']! [w welcome when he ‘ Pvturns. , .. Mrs. Brow) and infant daughter. of humus. are visiting her parents. Mr. Mud Mrs. J. McGowan. for a. couple Mrs. ”Brown and infant (lauguwr. u; Fergus. are visiting her parents. Mr. mm Mrs. J. McGowan. for a. couple nf weeks. Miss Lavina 'Mortley 0f Dornocn ' spent. the week-end with her friend. Miss Al. McGowan. Hwy .‘fl't'fu LU Chloluh .... . . they do a. httle bog‘mgâ€"ovopm the shadow £13m? national cap1t01.â€"â€"Lo:s Angelos Times 'I'hm seem to strike oil wherewer .m. .in -1 mm. laminaâ€"oven in the Every Day Is Bargain Day THE PEOPLE’S MILLS Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour " White Lily Pastry Flour" Wheat Cereal and Rolled Oats ff" Bran {'32 Shorts Feed Flour Oat Chop Crimped Oats , Mixed Chop Mixed Grain for Poultry Food Blatchford’s Calf Meal Pig M821 and Poultry Feeds f Our-Feeds are of the Best Quality, and our Flour is Guaranteed. Prices right for Cash Highest Price Paid for Wheat delivered at the Mill The People’s. Mill Changed His Mind. I used to think you worn no: a mum of your word. but I have vhangud my mind sinuv I lent. you that :. 7: dollars. You-said if I 10:11 it in \.,_.~_‘ you would bv indebtvd to n... i..§-_ ever. and youarv kvvping Mu:- word Mia 23. man. AT T\VO SHO\VS :8 and 9.15 PM CARL LAEMB‘ILE ‘ presents Wife” Durham, Ont. 'uiinnormd HAY BE FINAL LEAP-YEAR IN WORLD’S HISWRY International Fixed Calendar Wants Leap-Day As 8th Day in Last. Week of June To Be Called‘ “Leap-Day Only. Is this 1924 Feb. 29 to [W “W i:l~'i Leap-Day to Map into that lm-ut mn‘.’ I asks a dispatch from vix- \‘urk. There, is a possibility and vwn a; strong pmlmfly that. it is. iwcwxhw the ....L¢aguv of Natiun‘s Spvclal Commitw appointvd tn raw-unum-ml the béfl means for imprming m.- Caiondai'. will from March 1. van-- Sidei‘ liw mammals ui’ tliv lntvw national Fixvd Cale-Mar Lc'aguv in move Lvapâ€"lmy in km June :39 iii ”iv improwd (Zalvndar uf 4-xwok nwnths they 31‘“ urging: all 118!!an tn :uium on J31]. i. “LN, lH'i‘uX‘t‘ lli‘x’. imm' Day ('murs m iil‘di )e-m'. ’I‘hv Into-mammal Fixwi clziiwmim Leaguu “unis [yupâ€"In)” In an- includml as :in c-xti'a 8th ci:i_\ m iii" last \u-vk m‘ .quw. in lw nammi lmzuu Day Unix. xxitlwm an; \\|‘i‘i\â€"~«iit\ name- :nui «Mimi .luno' 2H. m Le-un yi‘ai's. 'I‘hv} :NiVHHiit‘ that n mum. be much- an mlvl‘naiinnu‘. m. .\ bm'aum- ii is :m vxlm «lay in“\«~' .; 'H 36.3 tiziy< 1H Hiniimn‘} _\v:i.- ;' dm'lm‘v um 11 now IHiiH‘is -I.-..,~t.. be madc- an mtvrnaliuna! |m bm'ausw it is an «x! 'a day 1w}..- 36?;«133'511! unhnm'y yvur» declarv llnl. it nuw mflu'ts my upon all yc-ux'ly salarimi and m: paid \Vurkm's Hll'mmlluut {11v ~ whu by that «ivt'vrt m Hu- (.u'. aw I'Hl'm'd 1n \Vm‘k vavh lmmi for unthiup. AH“? firm atitms. Hu- mmme m OOHVHH'HI 1| “OW dump. betim- dnno- ‘ dutiw mm'r ugnm'm ret'npm'utwl Io} tlu- : noon. Loam-hay and could thwn nmstly invigumtin; H'vsh :: must glurimu mm m! Leapâ€"1m} .u :m n holiday “HUM lw Hf htth Feb. B‘Jth \\hc-n Hu' ‘ umahy :lenl Hu- “M's! 'l‘hv into Brit {uh All». i used gum! wnw \\ h: n ho' he “as hum m 3mm wmlthvr fur Natumzd l Th" lutw “mun mm. Luna 080d 30ml wnsv whom he“ fun he was hum m Nuwmjwr weathvr fur Nahum] Huh-t was 5H had that. it \x'uuld [W to ('vlvln'ah' his birthday u. was «imw all thruuuh his "w; .Mvgvzlzmltlx‘ 22w wasnn \xh‘ Dly hili'lwthl t” lu- lhlllub'wi on 170%. 29H: my Hu- tunvw was. that I‘D-h. 28H: o-ndml ‘ \‘znv has ('11 2.01%“ \- (Lawn in 1h (131'. Cale-min!- tu hum: of our generatim Dil‘f‘t‘hw. MHMW l‘ spmuiiny‘ :xvzwm‘ H. Gmwm. Nahum U awhzmwe‘: n’ulitms “1’ devise tln imprnx mu Bash-r :m anvnt d-m Tnâ€"day {hp HM the 1111”] Hm? has been ruin ’ been injured which brought Tlu- fixing uf iu-zmn dates in yours, has pix/7 Of call'm‘l'trs mm't- fhm Tho Lt‘apâ€"lbuy PH'HI' ..2 caused 11 1.1-:wâ€"lm}'~ 1n insoflwl hvtxxown 7'1". l’. A. D. whom Haw H «in left, out wim'h (-lm‘ \Vashiu; tnnl hirthclax to F011. 2" HH “hi! h \‘go That mcunmlatmg- .11 (.0 13 days by 1923. :11 which must natwm Eurnpv and NHN hum: 13 days" Wlwn :ho'v Gremrian ( 71101141112. 11' for the Tina} (hangv in Thursday, March 13. 192A. "Mr. Chairman whn “as being H \ must, appeal on :1 I haw hem ~‘;u-akin; quarter- Of an hum man} immmphm ribaldry fmm 3.1 that I can svurr speaking." “Cheer Up!" vam« not missing: mm-h.’ f (Brmk‘yr Franvo has mmln take in carrying 3m budget for tho p714 and wasta- “'er “I‘- S Ogan, “Tim Curr TO-day {he ratinn the truth mm. a! 'II H ll") n! NOT TO BE REGRETTED H 0" 1h HIM Hm! NH Coming Home ll ”ll IX \\ ll ll In H M W'DM lumiuy SPV‘W [w m H rmar {um-d} Suudzn H Dal 1N \X’ Q Ill to Boost \\ atlu I! h In H an ll U

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