West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Mar 1924, p. 6

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was informed by Premier Ferguson this week that. the Government would no longer grant 8100.000 tow- ard administration of the Compenst - lion Board. The manufacturers might be hard up. but the province was even more so. An important saving has been made. it is learned. in‘connection with Government ad- vertising. for the placing of which the late administration paid generâ€" nus fees to various agencies. Hither- to. departments have individually looked after their‘own advertising in various publications, with na-_: tural overlapping of effort and the‘ maximum of expense. This work has been coâ€"ordinated by the new Government; it has been possible to get lower rates. and a lot of adver- tising placed for benevolent motives . It's 3 [mar week in which them are no new evidences of the Govern- mom‘s determination to exercise v’conomy. A deputation from the Canadian) Manufacturers’ Association \V. 113. N. Sinrlair. Liberal leader. and 12111. W E. {111111.11 Prmincial 'l‘111:1s111'111-. 1111111111 1111 11111 11111131111 1111- 1111111 on \\ 11111111511111' and 11111 lattm <111'an1: 11111111111' sonsation 111 11111111.:- 1111: a swim 11f 1'11ma1'kahl11 11111111 deals 1n which :1 mushroom 1111111111111. known as Provirwial Securities Com- nanv $1111 111 H1111. 1’111111' Smith in 19131211111 11.122 (11111111111113 111‘ fianadian {11111115 111111 English 11191'1'1h1111 stock [11111111151111 in 1:111:11 13: '1121111 :11 a <111'11a11111 111 111 1'1 [1111:1131111 sh 1.“. In (111111111111. 11111<11 1111111111 "11111111111 11111. (1011111111111111 111 11111 111311111'111 11\- 1 11a11g11.(11l. P1'i1'11 charges. the Prov :n1 11 112111 111.: 11:11 f11I'tl11- 1111111111. and 11111 111111111'.111111111 al<11 1111111 m‘1111 a11- 11'111111 11111111151. 11111111111<1a1111111g 111111 3111115 1111 London 11X1'l1a11, 1.1 211111 “flat." LOSSPS on 11111 transactinm 1111\11 111111n Ngurod 11111 111 11111 11'11a511111 11111111111- m11nt at 11.18191 111 1921. .2275'1'1 in 1922 aml $11,898 111 192:. To this must I111. 1111111111 11111 1111131153 111'111' {1 1111.11â€" mal marknt “"1111 11 H111 P1'0\1111111 \\ as 1‘111'111111 111 pav for statutory sinking: fund bonds. Total 1035 1111 11111 1111als 15 tentatiwl) 11stimat1111 :11 {393.000. 11111 11111. Public Accounts Commitmw. which organized on Friday \xilh \\. Finlavson. East \1m1011 as chairman. will no doubt 11ml out al1al11111t 11 311011 it "1115 ’hrough \xitlr 1h11 firs t £111m 1:1ckl111Lâ€"11xcl1ang11 loss on Treaâ€" sury Bills placed in New» York. It. slmulil lw nutml that. mvmlwi's fur rural ridings. suvli as (I. R. MC- Kouwn (than. Miller-in : J. G. Leth- iil‘io'lgv 1’. F. 0.. \Vrst Miilollé‘snx‘: .l. \\'. Wicldilic-lil il'. 1714). North i’fin- lm'inl ancl nllwrs. iri'vspvctiw- of mimic-s. i'i'pm'lm’l such oiisll'il'ts as <trmigzy lwhimi lhn I). 'l‘. .\.. whilo most invmbm-s from the» vilivs. inm- far as “my wvrv limml. l‘wlimwl their i'nnsliluwnls wally for a (‘hangv lll llw AN. Quilv a mmilm- wow-o spm'llil'ally l'an‘ahlu In Hin'o'l'nmnnl (Willl‘l’vl. \V. (i. \\'o>ii'lwl Minn" Nnrth Walm-lnol and J. A. leizmslanel Flinn" Suuthwvst ’l‘m'nntw sl'waking warlim- in lhv mick. were strongly oipant‘ll in ”w (').'I‘..~\.. and the same mit-rhf lw said Hf mumlwrs l'i‘nm bur- .lm' i'iilings \Vll” spake in Ull‘ ilvbaiv »---\\'ilsc'm nl‘ \Vinolsnr: Wilson of Niâ€" agara Falls. and others. Pl'lVfltP mpmburs‘ expressions. may lw. intmmstin: and important. but it. is will to remember that tho Govâ€"l o‘i-nmsrni stands as before. pl'npai-mli to submit a plebisciti- nl' I‘nfei-ondumi wlmn public Opinion plainly calls far it: that it accepts responsibility l'ui' fixing: tho limp and natun- of the ml». and mmmtimn tho Province has thv “mm of Hun. \V. F. Nleit‘. At- im'iwy-lloinvi'al. that ”14’ ().'l‘..-\. mml aml will lw vul'm'cml sn long: as it mmains a statute). Hun. Manning D0lmrty mount in ammulment “that thi- hill be read six munihs hpncv." and in due course: this will he summrtml by a score or so Opposition mvmhers. ‘SOme Liber- als will opposo llw amendment. but gmwl'zflly spvaking. members of both ()ppnsititms have dlSWlVPI'Pd 0x- «xnsv «if our kind ”1' another which [mi-mite (hum to i‘nllnw their lvaclors in criticism nf thn Gm'm‘nmvntfs bill. Ewn “\wt" Libi’l'alS. such as Ed. ’l'eilim' nl‘ Nut-ll) Essvx. \vhn says his IlleI'le is i-muly fur a plvbisviti- and MW] nl‘ tho. U.'l‘..\.. Uhjt'tfls in ihe‘ .iill lincatisw it slows in»! i'mlimly llw (pips- {inns in hr snhmfitwl in thv “Incl- Hrs. ll' Hii- Hux‘vr-iiiiivnl had :1 ma- ,inl'ity s‘n slight “ml ”in hill \\'o‘l'i‘ in «langm: tlwsv Lilwrzis would inolm-il he in :1 airlii'nio- pusilivn. ’l'hv (Inn- <i-rvatiw majni‘ily is illl‘ll‘ S'il'vgnai'il from (-nmlrmnzitinn at hv'mo‘. To a largo ulflgi‘mé. Hu- m'casiun was a dress- mrade- Zn)- privah- mo-mbvx's. vocalizim; thn \'i.*\'»'.~'. as they vstimâ€" ale thvm. Hf Hr‘ir “\wt" or "dry" constiiumx-ie-s. and candor rumpus thp stammvnt that Umro- was mighty little nvw brought out. Hun. \V. I". Nickie oexmafnml that t‘w hili was put-ply an vmhhn'g mvasurv. W perâ€" mit 3 mm. on 3hr o'.b.'l‘..-\. at an un- staiwl firm. and thq- Governmentwas preparm! to take full responsibility for framing the nocossax‘y questions.l The .U.tnrnvy-Gnnm'al mnntionml' what, sumo" mvmhez-s failed to mute. that tho» vol-dict of such g‘mpngxr vute' must h» hmught by the Gmw'nmt‘nt‘ before the Lpgislature. so that. then- is nut. in reality. any attempt by the miministration to “legislate“ for the House. as suggested by Mr. Ram»): Toronto. Mirch 10. 1924. Motion by Han. \\-'. F. Nickm on Thursday for reading of the bill to permit a p«:;A-ular vote on the (MFA. precipitated such a flood of discus- sion in Un- L;gi.~:!aturo that adjourn- ment was liuahy taken at' midnight until Tucsiay. Fifteen members participamd. sexclusix‘e o!“ A. Belano ger {Libu hussviq whn moved the adjvurnmcr.‘ :0 that thv speeches did nut :wc» 22;.- xw-ry 1011:. even with that of Hon. W. r2. ltanby. whn took two hours as); a quark-r. Both Mr. Rzmey and Hon. Manning Dnlwrty urged that duhato hc: deft-1TH} until the follmvuzf; won-k. but Prnmit‘l‘ Fet’gusun 53.0} dun notice had barn given and 2m (2mm! not son ttw ad- visability nf oh-iay: the Buns» musti get on with basizwss. i Sidelights On The Legislature N0 man is hupvle‘ss. Thv lnafvl' who (-ausos mzmy pmpiv tn wag Hwir tnuguns rrmsns many a «log to wag: his tail. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" "I‘ ‘ Pingtnn. \‘vl‘mnm. ho-M in thn New \‘nrk Stair jail pmnling vxnminatinn nr his mvntul mmliticm. Rmn'ham rumplainml m-ovntly hw had a {wad- MM and a jail attmulzmt gum him sumo» aspirin tablvts. "l'hn prisnnm- hvmmv hilai‘iuus thy chm' «my and a clm'tm‘ I'nunoi 110 had pulvm'izm! tln- luhlots. put ”mm in his pipo' and smukml thvm. T119 321;: mew nfl‘ within a shurt tinw. i=7 2.: E 3:: 45.25:? 42.32: 1:5 .2. 3.2": 7.55:5... 2...: .1295: w» .7. ..:.;.:¢..x:u::._ ._: 17:52:: .2: 1.5.5 .32. :255 5. Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Prisoner Has Hilarious Time With Aspiran Jag. 'l‘hn v0!» upon the» Budget. in which the House dividml fur the first timn nu party linvs. gaw the GOV- x~rnmnnl :1 majnrity nt‘ 47. SI‘SSIHH. All Committws in) now function- in". and privato- and public bills are Ming hamllml in a way which gives hupe- fur a vnnlparatix'oly Short Much ado is made in sections of the press regarding the official rec- ogniiion by Speaker Thompson of the l.’.F.O. Opposition in the House. There never was any particular doubt about. his recognizing Mr. Dohel'ty as leader of "an“ i’lm'msition group, since it has more than 15 members, and the matter of $1.500 additional indemnity is provided by statute. The controversial matter of seniority over the Liberals is settled by Mr. Speaker adversely to the (7.19.0. Capt. Thompson cannot see that a change now would con-; due-e to harmony in the House. Hm also declined to print in the Journals} of the House the I'.F.0.â€"â€"Labor peti-J tion. for the. reason that it made an unfounded allegation of ”lawless-t ness" against the Prime Minister. u ur .nvi U in the amount Spent by the: Drury Government. Mr. Doherty than con- tossed to lack of information on the point at the time he made his attack. E Hen. Mr. Deherty new admits a slight error of over $1-t.000,000 in computations used when he criticiz- ed the budget speech. Hon. W. F. Nickle Called it a slip of $24,000,000. tu‘eause nearly 312.000.000 had been taken from the right column and put in the wrong when Mr. Doherty was trying to show that the new Government spent more during the last fiscal year than the old. The admission was Hhtained by Hon. Charles McCrae. Tuesday night. when he showed that interest charges had not been included by Mr. Doherty ill ”)9 amount snent bv the» Drum: chiefly has been cut out. The saving made already is quite important. your correSpondent pndgrstands. though the Government 18 stall in its first fiscal year and tho change has hem brought about without addi- tions to the staff. SMOKES ASPIRIN, GETS JAG The man wlm shaves himsvll‘ .wondm's wisti‘ully what. kind of straps the laundry mm in put that edge on his collars. ()nltmkm's ('m‘riw! the Day M a nvarhy hnnsv. A physician was summrmmi but «,iiswwnrm‘l that tho boy had sufl'vrmi nu sm‘inus injury. «mly snmv sm'm-v bruises and abra- sions. 'l‘ho- «ing. an intvlligcut' Scotch colliv. waitmi at tho door for some timv for the rnammurance Of his ynung cnmpaniqm, and then amblod nfl‘ (iiscnnsnlatvly in thv dirvctinn of his mayor‘s homo. Saturday mun-Hing: litllv Leonard Wilson. agvd 5 wars. was playing with a big dog- owned by .1. J. Barker, the North Bay manager nl‘ tho Hurlâ€" son‘s Bay (anpany, wlwn suddenly a do‘livm-y rig: luz'nml the cm'nM' aml knockml llw (-hild down. Likv a flash lhv «lug; g 11de tho [ml by the? cullal' 01' his (Mal. and atlvnmlml t0 drag him mg 01' harm's way. Ho succvmlml in pulling the child's body lila‘n" (“Evan hm ”no" nf slmgh passmi m1 10"8. SCOTCH COLLIE PULLS CHILD ‘ PROM PATH OF SLEIGH North Bay Dog Saves Playmate Prom Serious Injury. ' "-v Dreco is made f com the pure juices of herbs, roots, bar}; and leaves. It contains no mercury, potash. or habitâ€"forming drugs and is always safe. and reliable. Dreco is being specially introduced in Durham by ‘ McFadden’s Drug Store, and is sold by a good druggist everywhere. â€"â€"v “"Vu‘. I recommend Draco hbartily to any- one havipg stomach troubles.” v _ . .- "-vu nu vvuculya- tion. "I cannot praise Dreco enough. Then- is hardly a day passes but what I do not tell sc.vr_ne one about ift. ' nn._,._‘r-_ I '\ "I‘he beneficial results I receiver! l‘mm just three.bottles really sur- prised me. for I‘m feeling grand these ‘days. The sharp, rheumatic pains which were across my back and lhruugh my body have entirely disappeared apd l have no more gas- tric troubles or bilious attacks while the Brow laxative tablets are the best thing I ever tried for constipa- over me. I was very nervous and never felt rested and ”truly, this complication of troubles ”Was making life a miserv. “I was told about Dreco by some of my friends who had received great benefits from it and from the ver * first week's treatment I began to notice considerable improvement. en“- | “I can hardly realize that I am tlke same person" says Mrs. S. Sage of '22 Batavia avenue, Toronto. “I feel ten years younger and enjoy every meal. something that has been im- possible with me for years. "I was chronically constipated and my stomach was out of order. feeling full of gas and nauseated. I would sufl‘er from hilious attacks which would often cause me to go to bed and dizzy spells would come. n» .n- ”in runnoré m? U323 «1 HVPI' tlw littln- t'vllmv's Jazz music an’d'radin loudâ€"mmakâ€" ers have romim'ed great. service to the deaf. Deafness isn‘t the curse that it.,0ncc was.-â€"â€"-San Diego 1711inn. Hon. I. B. Lucas. K. (I. almmuwi m behalf of tlw Hydra lilvctric l’mx'm- Commission and Mr. W. S. Middlm bro". K. C“ aymvarmi ,nn balm” u!‘ tho (Inunty 0f (h'm‘. t The queStion of the right of the .Hydro Electric Power Commission to use the'puhlic highwaysiot Ontario for the erection of its poles and wires for the purpose of distributing electricity to the municipaiities had never been doubtal or questioned until the Power Commission entered sunt against the” County of Grey, claiming about $3,000.00 from the lCounty 1'01" the cost of removmg a number of its poles and Wires on the highwayspf the County of Grey... in order-to enable the. count)- to rarry out its policy of highway improve- ments. The county. through its SQIiC-ItOP. Mr. \V. S. Mitituttbr‘).. K. 4.... ,dlSpUtEti the. Hy rot; claim and contended. first: that even though the county had ordered the removal of the poles. they had no rigfllt to pay for such removal; second. that the Hydro had no legal right to plane: its po.es and wires upon the public: highway without the consent. ot‘ the: lmunicipality; third. that it‘ it had :such right, then such right was isubject to the paramount right of the county to the unobstructed use ot‘ its highways for highxfily inuirow...€ ments and other purposes. A: the. last Spring Assizes here, Mr. Justice Rose upheld the contem- tion of the county and dismissed the action on the ground that the Hydro Electric Commission under its act of incorporation had not been given the. rightuto place its poles and wires Upon the highway without. the consent of the municipalities. This decision was no doubt a. great. shock to the Hydro, which had millions of dollars of its property on the highâ€" ways throughout Ontario, so the Hydro appealed the decision and the appeal was imam a. couple of weeks ago before the Appellate Court. con- sistint.r of Justices Orde. Middietmi. Latrht’ord and Masten. with the result that the appeal was dismissed with costs. the co'unty‘s contention was sustained and the only recourse now for the Hydro is to seek legis- lation from the Ontario Legislature. giving: them the right to maintain an” kH’p their paths and wires on the highways and making thesi- provisions retroactive. Keep your hnusw 1»; free from dud. “21‘. when thn plants :v-m: than a liHh- “wry «tax DON’T UVH’JJ H H\ the Grand “hinrzfi . Suits and hruww March 1‘). 1921. H. 31 \H‘TI‘HHIHS'I' (‘1 TI!!! Ynlni‘.‘ "4‘“ Church “iii \xw annual H. mm hold in NW luw ’l‘uusciay. Mum-h set‘Vmi frum l} t by .2 31de mm; minus Mu. thL 25 cents. \\ I” \HSS 'I'IH \mu lifn h} nut :x‘h Hc. DiSMa} M l..u:tf.~‘ MN- MW 123mm: 1 .~' Iva. 1m: 2; u: -â€"-‘H. Mm 1m k A“ Nms‘ seph Atkinson. Cmmtw: 110mm Tn ”1'11 _\,.; LO’I 66. CON W GL1. liliN’i'LV 3125111119.“ from? Hmimm. mmffm 86 acres: 70 acres nndvr- rd: sun! balanm‘ Inmiwuml and mum". i. barn with extensinn shmi :um ~t stables: 7-!‘00mmi hmzsv. 'SrI‘srii. \\ axtension kitchen and \x‘tmvi‘h we“ watered by nex‘t’r'Jazhzzu sun at rear of farm: algen smvn: cement. trough may hmirisnga cement curbnd “9H :1! hunw'. finisher Jarticulars amoh ... \ Smith It.“ 3 Durham 4m 1H am LO’I‘ 7. CON. 2!. EGREMON'I‘. CON hining mo arms: 85 acrns undv‘ ouHix'alinn. balance hardwnod bust oonwnimn. In schnm; on Hus prom ises art! a t'ramv hum 42x62) H. \\'i 310m» l‘nundatiun: (-unmwh- dawn also [my ham 30x50 with 4an has mvmz hug: pvn 20X“): tule'w-rm' brick huusv. furnaw Iwznml. a}. Iramv \Voudslmd: drillmi \u-H no 90 house. with windmill: r'nnr‘rrrt water tanks; 30 acres 50mm! m ha f0 acros‘ to ““44 flavor: this far is \W‘H Tum-0d and in 3 mm! sialn Cultivatinn. l-‘rn' mfm'mtitmn am» to \Vzns‘mi's‘ l‘mn')‘. ILH. . hm'lm Ontario. 1" ‘1?» 3:5 LUCAS HENRY Barristm-s. Sniivitnrs. «to. A mom her of the tirm will he in Durham u Tuesday 01' mwh weak. A pointmmxt may ho mam- with the ,lm'k In th office. Barristers. Solicitors Etc. Suvcessors to A. B. duney. Mr. C. (J. Middlobrn" is permanentlj located at Durham Oflice. J. F. GRANT, D. D. S., L. D. 3. Honor Graduate l’nnmwity nt‘ 'l‘ux'- auto, Graduate Royal (:nllopu lwntai Surgeons 0f Ontario. Dc-nmtry n; Its branches. Ofl'we. owr I"). (2, own‘s Jewellery Store. Office. over J, A” .l. ”l'lhh'l‘\ sinus Durham. Ontarxo. C. G. AND BESSIE KCGILLIVRA‘X Chiropractors, Durham Ontario. the Science that adds hh in .V' m~ and years to life Cunsultatmn m.- Il Durham luesdms 'l‘lll1l\du\s .m‘! Saturdays. 6 H :33 if] DR. BURT. Late Assistam Royal Lumiun Hp- lz'halmic Hnspiun. England. and m GONG!) Square 'l'hrual and Now Hus- pital. Specialist : lfiyv. liar. Throat and N058. 1mm: 13 Prue! Strnvl. Owen Sound. excepted J. L. SMITH, H. B., H. C. P. S. 0. Office and residence, corner of Countess and Lamhtnn Rtl'l'vh‘. “mun 313,1: old Past. ()ll'irc, Hfl'ivn Mum's: 910“ a.m.. 1.30 in -’¢ p.11).. 7 102mm. (Sundays and 'l‘hursday :u'tvrnuum Ofl‘ice. 0‘:te A. B. Bum-y’s «rm. nearly ODDOSlle 2119 “03$“? HITH‘v. Residence: Second housv mull: Hf Registry Office an East stdo 01' AHH‘H Street. (”five hours : 9 m Ham... 2 h 4 pm. and 7 to 9 pm. 'l‘elcphunc, communication between Hfl'icv and residence at all hours. FOR SALE OR REX DRS. JAIIBSOI 8: JAMIBSON Office and residence a short am- ance east of the Hahn House «m. Lambton Street. Lower Town, Dur- ham. Olfice hours :2 to 3 p.m.. 7 in 8 pm. (except Sundays". 1313 w. G. “gamma, DENTIST COMING EVEN'I‘S FARMS FOR SALE MIDDLBBRO’, SPBRBIAN G: Advertisements under this. hea CASE WITH ORDER: six consocu of four. Telephone calls treated a Saturday night of week ordered. ‘ 25 cents. On all charge orders a s‘ WiH be made each insertion. mum g. G. annoy, M, 1)., c. Medical Dt‘redorv. Legal ‘Dz‘rectom Dental Directorr Classified A: M HUI]! ', larch 18, 1924. ll

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