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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Mar 1924, p. 8

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h (Our own correspondent) The thaw‘last week settled the snow considerably and the roads have got a good bottom now. and We are sorry Mrs Flora McDon- aid or Hamilton. sister of 3113. A. Hastie. is not mgaining in health as quickly as her many friends would wish to sea-her do. - 315.11 C? Mel-Eeé‘l’iz'fie is_ at present Visuing With 31$ Anna-x Hobkirk angpther fnends on the North Line. Teacher and pupils are pieasmi b have Mastvr Clifl‘ord Adlam frecfi to schom again after his long pot-«d uf sickness and quarantme. Mr. and Mrs. James Stimson nee Diamha Redford‘ . of Creighton. Szzs- were renewing old acquaintances :n this vicinity. It is six years sine-r thgy East visited here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry 51000115311 of Durham are rejoicing over 1m ar- rival of a dear little baby girl. which arrived at their: home last week. aggrayulat ions. \\ 9 m» z) pleased to haxea §h0rt call from Nurse Marv Muir of To- romo “9 hope that she mar \isit us_ again in the near uture. Mr. John Alex. McCuai2. “in is :9iupe}‘atin2 after an Optima: on for appendicitis is \isitim: Mr and 3125. hnle} 510031131; Aird‘s- at}; out of cmarant Jean haygng had thefzcarlvt Hunter and family. and Mr. and Mrs. R. .Inhnston spent an owning last week at the home of 311'. and Mrs. Gc‘oz‘m‘ Rea): Mr. and Mrs Jmcibh Rom 11d 2am: M Mr and Mrs. 101m BuiL‘y 831d dame. htpz‘ M: and Mrs. \\ tiliam 3115:..‘1111111' 'l‘mnbull vutm‘t 111111011 8 11111111111? or m ends on “911111511311 awning of last no 1‘ 81111111 11111111111}; $111111 0111- «1:11 .a~t 11-1119“ 11191 11151111101011101011110112 .\ 13111 1111111: 11.11113 1‘ {1.1111 H115 U110 8401111111 1111‘ 11:11:11.1 hc‘ld at 311.30? 811111-4115 111 South 110111111611. and 1111101“ ‘1. 11111111111111 11m». “.1 111‘" 501‘1‘1 to 1111:11‘ that 311‘s. Pram; \\ 5» 11.15 1101 11212111 11111011113: road 11.111111 1111 5111119 1111111. \\ .1 hm 2* she 11112 311.111 be 111111 11331111. (Our mm cm-x‘cazmndcnt Mr. and 3m. “imam Hun; the damxhwrs fahinz'. S'sk. East. \nwk with In. and .‘E.'~‘. Re‘ay. Mrs. Reg. Shjx'Lw :M-l two» r! 0f Mulm‘k au‘v r-gwmzil'a a 2:111 Mrs. Sharpe's pain-uh. Mr. 311 Frank “389. 31:35 A. M. Yneflimll spe‘m « tvrnmm this ~wnk \utll Miss 1-2. Lavz‘rnvr‘a - Mr. and Mrs. HdmthxJnhna Tin} Mvssinas M‘ St. "an-n .c. 01 Chronic Iv ra-snnlm newt Munch“. Sun“ 3â€" â€"pl- *nh mvans mu ass. s 101‘» Sam» :m‘ :afi "mix smu. in): tho‘ OM sir-:3? kt‘Hk‘S. Mr. Graham 'l‘immins is rapidly rm-m-m'ing from his rwont illnvss. Mr. Angus Mark. \vhu has two‘s: mum: his :vgm‘! paz‘vnts, .‘h'. and Mrs. J. S. Hark. and his M‘nflwr. Gem-gr. smc» Oiinl'isimas. 101'! last “‘o‘t‘k for his hnmv m Mivhigan. Mr. E. R. Pn-n‘! has born busy for smvral days. and mnrv tn £0.10“. hauling mu hr“ in; mh- or oars am thv Mvfix'm‘iv firm. I!» mkvs NWT a hundred hns‘hvls‘ at a 103.1. _\\'_5\ are pleased ‘to figure: that R é-(\|'; 1‘: .‘;lu(;llt1l ("v dellé’t‘ “I... 101. {0‘}? 0“.ll Correspmdctlt.) H ' s . . . . . . . .. Mr and Mrs J J Pear! and “33- Mrs. l.’- "- M,“""‘l"”*‘ L" "'3'ng for Willie. spent the first of the week fx-wmb m Bentlggk, ' “'1”! I‘Q‘latiVeQ in town Mr. James Ho'aup has purchasvd a \ ' \ ) ' ‘ ‘5 I ‘0 1 . g .0 i . U Rm: .r. E. Reteps had an excellent '31? “335}; t.‘,\“‘.[;"“ N WNW “m” sc‘rmnn for Zxomtes on bunday and - 1:13.» In" int-i1 ”{er HIM: \"m" the snrvmp was onhanced sun more ,1... Phi-:0 ‘xvh‘vfl hjl. $0M ‘ “3:1; . . , , . ‘ â€". ' . ‘ - ‘ ." ~ . 5 ( . l c 5 . k") 3 ‘3 t}. "m JUN 8’1“" 1‘} M,‘_' “' sgux'ms fur nwx‘ half a contm-v 4 . . Mo} adden and daughtvr «dams. of . .. _ . ' . .. 0mm!» Valh‘v MN \{t'F'iaicicn m'mxd "m Withstand thv h'm'WU'S‘J f ,.. ‘ ‘.° ‘ ‘ ').' ' ‘ ; ‘3 a a" I playmx the avynmpanmh-m. . If m- “13:33 Jift‘hiif'” “1“." tig'f~‘l."_:;“:m:i mistako- not. mun-day \Vil.‘ txu- :m- timv " “~" “ “ ‘ i rm'orsm‘y of this bright yumu: wm- .. , - . . . . j NW8 \wdding day. _ Mn» I__:mlm. _\\ Int. 02 Hamiltun. Rm: J. E. Peters had an excellent m‘t‘mnn for Zionites on Sunday and the service was enhanced still more by a wry fine duet given by Mr. W. vwâ€"v' )lo‘ssrs. John and James Bakm' and wow gistm' Gladys. left for Orange- vm» un Friday 0f last. week. The twn fnrmc‘r go on to Elbow. Sask.. to mmu' the employ of their uncle, Mr. Alex. Ellison. “‘11“? Miss Gladys is “siting: kindred at Orangevillo for a “WWI-i or SO. Miss PI. .l. Allan. trm'hm‘ of Nu. 3. “as' Hw guvst of Miss Al‘metla Mc- Km’hm» over the Avet‘k-end and re- parts a most onjoyablo tinw in the hospitable and gvniai atmosphe-ro of tho; McKechnie home. Mr. A.” UNpii and 212‘. 211222223225 ‘12" 1022121221 and son :12} :22“ 22242212 tungt'atufatvd in many 2222 2522222 122..- land 2122als.”lis seldom £22222! Mg transfvrs of farm prnpm‘ty 2221:». p52 22 in 22052 prmimitx. 0222222 a numbvr from this 22222222- [2022222022 20222; 222 tho big: 22221223222 in V22 3 3222222)! 2222 H2223} m -:2i22.:.: .2222! 22222225222! the 52102222 ”5:22 as “22!! as {2222 literarv one. “'0 I'Og'l'i't tn I‘Ppfl“ Mrs. "Paddy“ Rainy m wry pnoz‘ hr-alth. and a}! 32-» homing for lwr spvvd)‘ rownvsn'y. 2; (flur own corresyondcntj ’l’hm‘e arv signs of spring: showing fwx'th "wry dav. Swinton Park. PAGE Ell“. Mrs1 EdmmnkJnlmstun of Ebenezer. Mulock Traverston i'mwimll sprm 0n” «f- \‘m‘k “HI! 32155 Ammo :1 v gatmn m‘t mm of 'i H l Mymi imn his mum. rm» w-th; (‘11.! :‘1!".x rhiitlt 3! on :1 of: Rocky Sangeen {Our own correspondent.) ; The weather is somewhat milder ‘4 i this last. week and the snow has gone 4’ \ jdown some. 1 ‘ ~ 7, A number nzf this Ime attended the “.2; debate :1: Edge Hin and report a real I social eveningfispent ~ cesful woodâ€"bee last Monday. V" Mr. Tom Wright of Hanover cane?! on Mr. Thornpson one day last week, f“ The sick people around heme are :k imprciwing now. we are pleased to? am 0 ml] H! 'fi' ‘ x! Hanover‘s debenture debt h ‘ ‘ v - 333.65. A yw ago it ‘was $215,128.68. The installation of 3 marks system at $135.41!) and the erection ofanewHishschoolatacostof munanerwponsihleforthe inâ€" 7M1: \H. B. McLean has been or} the srx \- ixst fth» past week. ‘\\e are 223.: to’hear of 1125 mAIpmved Health. ) \t \ e.‘ 3‘91“.) 505‘1‘)‘ to hear of MXS. D. .\d Lacuan. ‘u‘ylmz. being so iii: 3150* 1?. .‘It‘hh‘htan. “-0 hope to hear 0ff mm- speedy l‘eL‘OVeI‘S’. I 5 Yrs]. 13.19:; “hyte‘lof Meadowvalv‘? Is ’13 3 mg mr son. . 1'. J. G. W ' 0.1.11. East. lute. . Mr. Aiex. HcLachlan is visiting t?‘3§"\n{{ ‘ .\h-4 .\__\‘--- J on. .0 {ions é u‘Iur mm corrcsbomlcnt.‘ a 0211' womhnz‘ for the past \Vwk is mum-h lwtm' mac! gonomliv seems iuwx‘o- iikv 1h» mmroach 0? spring. 3 \ftvr the many kinds of woathov we . I'mw 11mm n'xpvz‘ivm‘iug this winter. 35min: mm suushim- will be very ; xwh‘nmo. v :n: my 1: “wk ‘ ixese shippers ninw :1 mt n: stuff 1mm this lflcality .a war. Rm 311-.“st n of Long Branch :wupiod the Presbyterian pulpit z: w East Suuotax in a wry able man- 22¢" Mr. 6 Me I‘Mgart is gqttipg inm- '\-'l‘ }\ .\-\‘\ “-A____ :‘Il 1" Miss Pmiliun Whit» nr Hamiltun Ls slimiiiim: :i fmx‘ \\'o-v1{.~' with’hor . wiisin. Mrs. H. 'l’i'afl‘tu'd. Mr. .lnhii Boyd. Sin. is on tho* sit‘k is. again. Mrs. Smith vau and sun tamp- Emn. whn haw hem staying with her sister. Mrs. John McKm‘hnie. have l't‘ful‘nmi m thvii‘ home at the Rocky. .‘iii‘. and Mrs. Victul‘ Schmwrman and famzly spvut Sunday with Mr.‘ and Mrs. Hugh Vaughan. Jr. ! Mrs. Jnhii Laughlin and Mr. Davei 3min: and ciauglnm" spo‘nt Smith." “‘11..“ :hm’i‘ mint. Mrs. Giglmi Boyd. ’ 311'. Harry diasu‘vll and Mr. Tt‘d. .‘Jiiidh‘ion attvmiml the service int ihv Baptist rhiii'e'h and spent the‘ on; vii‘ii: with Hi» 'l'i‘afl‘ni‘d family. ‘ 'K'UVQ \\ -8 .\l 1' :mtly Rom 1h Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLean spent- Sunday with the lattvr's parvnts, Mr. .ml 311:5. R. Knox. Mr. Sam Wilsm: was a welcome visitor at 311-. R. Kiumil's on Sunday. Mr. Fwd Smith is laid 011‘ work \foh 21 bad cold. 'l'hv mvaslvs in this lm'aiity is now an Hn- wane. \\'c‘ Miss Mal‘j u \ 31th.»! .iax \\ ith hm- 121mm Ha} Mg. and_ M”: William McEachnie uf BOpM'MP \Isttml on Sunday at Mr. (icurgv Haw's. Mr. George Duncan is teaming hay from the IQ“: Concession here to his farm mar Dupdalk. He has quit“ ‘3 quantity to muve. " Mr. Barry Young: of Brampton spvm {hp wankâ€"mu: at his home: hf‘I’P. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McMillan visit ml {Pie-noise in H!» Park. 5112311.! 3115. Hum \h'Milian, Beat.- um and lsalwl spvnl thv \\ Beltâ€"end i>tixng1icvinm frimxds. .-r.qsirieral)ln teaming is being done. H .â€"--’l‘n Mr. and \_.\h‘s. E. 8111‘:â€" 32 Km :uvssmu” \'.DR‘. Glenelg. 'vh‘.’.1923.:l~‘ov. tflngratula- Priceville . Glenroadin. Myln‘mi spent Sm;- t'nvmi. MISS Anme Another of the pioneers of this vi- cinity has gone tn join the great ma~ jnrit)’ in the person of Mrs. Robert Burt-nws. (in Sunday night last. just before midnight. she peacefully fell asleep. She has been a resident here for tun'at‘ds of 70 years nd passed away at the ripe age 0 89 years. During her recent years she has been tenderly cared for by her daughter. Mrs. J. .\. Smith. Her last. illness was at stmrt tillI‘at.itill~â€"â€"â€"pllt‘unlfllli3 developed. her age was against her. [and she eetihl net 'aily. She. Ieax'es' Ltwn sons. .\. R. HIII‘I'UWS of Calgary. and the tev. A. H. Burrows of Yenngstmm. Ohio. and three daughâ€" ters. Mrs. fir; Dixon of Chicago. Mrs. J. A. Smith. Egrenient. and Mrs. G. snarling ot‘ \Valkervilie. The funeral tnek place om Thursday to the .‘iennt Forest Cemetery. .\ inhetin'; nt' those interested in hydra was held in Reherts‘ Halt on 'l‘uestiay evening. Mu. Eividge at Durham was the rhiet’ Speaker. It hits been i'eii Hf late that the llSt‘t'S; et‘ hyciz‘n are paying tun high a rate: and it was thought that something reuic‘i he chine tn have the rat» v..- V at the Royal Blgck Preceptory, as rqu-esentative from Mount Forest District. He will also attend the {Jigugv Grand Lodge meéting. Mrs. John Hillman (map Thaima _ ‘_- ..--‘. - v-\\JU L111 .‘uuuuajt. Mr. Nelson McGuire and famlly moved tn the village Monday of this week. and are nnw settled in their new lmmv. Nelsnn is taking well in the mill lmsixmss and no doubt will SllCl‘m‘tl. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nicholson and family ieft. last Thursday for their new home in Weston. They remain- od‘ng" 311‘ Mom}; Iiorest till Monday. Dr. P. J. Ross gave an interesting talk an the care 01‘ the tegth at the Womvn's Institulv meeting Ins: week. I 511's. John Hillman {nee Theima Brown; of Saginaw. Mich., is visit- ing her amit, Mrs. George McColl. nf Mr. Clarence Fenton is in Brant- ford this Week atgczlding a meeting (Our own correspondent.) THE DURHAM CHRONICLE t“... .uuu. a.) u: uuyuuuu we caught some That would do credit to large streams, and extremely healthy ozles. too: but now they are extinct owing to cattle tramplng in the banks. rausmg grass and woods to choke up ,the passage from the large streams. Careless wmdmeu in clearing the swamps also did their hit in closing streams that not only produced line trout. but also sent a good food sup- My from the wash of worms from. “til-fertilized fields which lay aid-j jacont to them and which ‘ahouuded in good fish food such as is not found on the banks of a river. A good food supply is very helpful to production. but us the perfect organization of, the trout systeméwill never twain he’ 0 arranged. we should do what we can! to help the rivers? _ __...-- -v-vw“ aaauuu a l LLIIIS IUIALV , 1 ion behalf of the MoMeekeu family. iDr. Leeson. Mr. 'James Blyth and *others made short speeches. The rest of the evening and some of the morning were spent in games and dancing. - We hone thosv who understand replenishing the larger rivers will act on the suggestion of Dr. Jamiesou and do “that they can to help the tish supply. If the whole system could be restored as it was when this place. was settled and every little stream and hrooklet had a: free course into the larger streams“ We could have good fishing on our: own farm. as in boyhood we caught] animA TknJ ______ 2.: Miss Bessie McMeeken cable \up from Toronto to spend a few days at the old home, \ . A most enjoyable time was spent. on Tuesday evening when the friend and neighbors, also co-workers of the Varney church, gathered at the home of Mrs. Janet McMeeken ' to wish her goodâ€"by before leaving the old home. After a shortprogram Mrs. McMeeken, Cecil and B'essie. were called to the front, when- an adâ€" dress was read by Mrs. Earl Mead and a purse of money was presented. Mr. Earl Mead made a fitting: reply AH\ knknlr A0 AL. I. ‘- We were all pleased to haven Mr. McCabe back on the mail route for a few days. Our mail man was laid up with a sore hand. It was like a visit. from an old frienq. ":.~‘ h_____ ‘1 a. u bro’ther, Mr. Earl Mead 5nd other xelatixes and friends. Capital Idea. (St. Catharines Standard) The St. Thomas 'l‘imes-Jom'ntzl‘ 8831‘s. ”You ("an 51w}! Lubnr without a capital. but yam mnl‘ run a Labor “Mothm"s_ last“ il'l'n‘e‘iééhkvas caused from chrome rlu-umzltism, but sm- was cmwf hvt'nr'o r‘ivath‘.” ' .“ADDI ican L‘s 1'1'atm'1_laT parents dlegwhen he was a chad.” Grandfather din! i'xom a gunshot \\ Olmd causmi h} an 31~u»\\'sl'1ot.by an Indian.“ “Applicant doeé not Know cause 01 mother’s death, but states that she Iully recovered from her last ill: ness. ’ :prlicant has nex er been fatally sic ” Applicants brother, who was an infant. died “hen he wasa mere child." Reinarkame Demise. The ways in which application forms for insurance are filled up are often more. amusing than enlightenâ€" ing , as the British Medical .Iomnal shows in the ramming selection of examples: Mother mm in inlancv.‘ Father “on! (011011 feéd’ing well. and "tho next morning woke up deadx' "Grandfather dim-l suddenly at the 3g? 01' 103. Up it! this time he bade fay“ in _x:each a_ ripe old age.” leaves Edge Hill the winners of tpe muud and they must now meet No. 7, fiomnanby. - u;- u-.. i Q _I‘_ Mr. Peter‘s and Mr. Whealen both spoke briefly mentioning the hem-fits to be derived from debates such as had taken place this Winter. Lunch was served. after which the meetgng was brought. to a close by singmg the National Anthem. , Thursday, latch 13, 192‘. Government withé'ut it.” That’s why some portian of the British Lamp party wants a capital levy. “I and out to try fats-13bit quite Wtépersutwi tc lmfii: showed the least sign of doing good Zam-Buk's first effect was to remove from the 50m all their angry inflamed appear. ance. New skin and (issue formed as 1 persevered with lam-But. and evzry sore was gradually but surely healed.” r , needs Zam-Buk. whether 3: result from an old sore or injury, or, 3‘ is mpre often the case. through g,“ standing varicose weakens 52m. ;, powerful herbal Zam-Eiux {mummy - weakened tissues and sets things 1‘ng is told by Mr. R. S» Reynolds. oi Len.“ burg. Fla. U.S.A. “As the result of inflammation set at by a horse kick.” he writes. "zenmf sores appeared all over the lower pay; of my leg. It wasayw before the limb took a real turn for Wu. may; To any whn fwl w Iihww ever. The Chrfmil'lv \\ If ‘5 n" money 10 ”I" [WUIH‘V [AMH- be nice if any xx'hn (-nufn-mgn: mg donatinnu Hannah 7):; ‘VOUId d“ S“ at ”13"“. ;s~ K‘. remitting all rm'mx‘mi by Hu 0! next week and “mum 313w enough to makv it. WHI‘H! M} We thank Mrs. MoKm'hhia- flay for their dunatmn axui . T0 contribtmr tum: 18 not 118005831} 10 M monev to this OHM-r directly to Hu M; Londoxi. F12. 12m 'lmui ”W «1:13 :iHo; : .~ “PS. 301' M(' K0 "( him- and this 'Ihumm u ceived a 3.300 mm James Ma} nf .\«\xtnr .Who says ina Ewttu: 910350 find s m fOr $5.00 (mm: M Mm;- for the stan 1m: N («h Scotland. it. is indm was; get. gnod wwmm 11881 “sunk Vt 311 amwm fur 0f Ulu [5L I: hand. sum nu London. linulz‘ would furwm US to UN» pro; gladfix) annm: at loam rmt DONATIONS CC STARVIR - Thu Uh {rimuis h to the SH} “3’18 3 «it'VHUf dnlphian mm “W In»: Hf ;; dauahhux.\h Mrs. 'l‘. \\'. Mrs. A. \X'. _\ Ulrd’1!snri~’. ,5... all 01' (SHWHWI, snmhmx‘ .m brnflwrs. hr" brnak m Hw- Y “111"“ II! ”III hm- lulu dI‘ath I)I'.II urn-III! :I! H» daughtIIr. Mrs A. \ Dmham Ion thnqu onv IIf hIII whim! 1mm Mrs. INHI‘.~. \khn \\?:,~ year. mu :1 mm. III SI'IIIIII m .-\\tIIn mm: ~hI Old. uhvn shII Inn II! “hm“ 4w hm! I’leIlIII. 'fOK‘ tht’ Iclf-‘I ii1t\ \I .H. homII «In M 'I'MIIH mm 10“ Gnvlph Im hmIn ViSiI‘ III [III IlaIuJItIII .II it “as ”II-III Hm. sin (' fluvnza 1"!) Imwl In :1 {mo umnnm in “MI h ~11 The dIBCII'aMI! \\:I~ ,I'III: ‘knuwn and Inuhw I'I -,' community. hm HE": '. Warm t'I‘iIIIIIJ~ Iim- z:.r é: dencv in HJII I13). \\I . ht‘fll' 0f “I". IJI'III HI. predeceasvd III-r H dent of (mvlph 31:11 CUI‘V" “l\5 1!!"11H1'H0 tho pawn): “1' :2 ! resident, Hf ”W I H} auu wnuc not w H- 81am \\:h‘ \4'!\ huh} fllOsv “h” “:11 ‘hv acqumnmw 4. Eh. mmmwt {rum I“, \mnming and .ukrn hvr daughtw Mix .‘ fmm whvrv thv mm GHMMI wmvtwrs'. Mam 1111;11:1111511111 ”1121' with 311.1111” 1; 5011:1111! 1:11111h 111 H1. homa “mm “11 \‘mnin 18101111151111» 1111111111. ' 10111-5, \\ 1111 h 111-1-111'1'm attack «11' 3111111111173 :1: MP5. JUIM‘S had DUNN her daughtvx' 11111'1- ~11 and while 11111 \wIHx “GUELPH LADY DIED HERE AT HOME OF DAUGHTER 'ITS. Elizabeth Jone.» Died Sunday at Home of Daughter, Mrs. A. W. Nicholson.â€"-â€"â€"Inte:‘mcuL Mada On Tuesday In Guelph Cemetery, According to Lhm‘m'wn Summ 5 Times. which has aim inn-n “7...; mg ste big loads up n: Hm? rum:- 33' that. none of «our Inmi 1:”..219 can touch. there is :9 Hw\\~ ‘ !, ,(.' .0 ‘_ _ ~ }It}n‘r Scrap on m \x‘hu'h «‘mw dr’nw!‘ mm». 65 another of “SPIH‘CIHH: Hi" m.=!, .fm‘ dry Inga‘ m m'dvr an mm..- :1 z“; "1' load. \\ o mush: m; IM‘ 1.. urham- Lt‘amSU'l's. lm‘ns'M-J 1‘51}! tbmr luads urn m! hum-“H..." ‘1le year. and am- ert'inxv' hwmx Wu an: \xaiimg I'm b( hung: up. Not to be nutdonv. Mr. \'n‘.~‘.~'1o~ this week hauled into town ”in luggo's? load of the season. scaling 1,600 few! 81. the factory yams. ’l‘lns lnml 5m: passed by 270 feet. the mam-mt mm» petltor. and was all lnardwmd, muâ€" dstlm; of nine logs. W‘e am waiting. wau’hmg mm Wondering what tho nuxl, \wwk xx .li bring forth-â€"wlmtlwr Ml'. N1'\\o‘.i ill try for another mum-d; “UNIV: “1'. Vessie will cudeawr m hm: lus qwu. UI‘ Wlwthm‘ snmn dark lwrw- (~- J‘ying 980k and will walk ml.» luu‘s. A A‘_‘ -‘ |||||| Last wvok \Vc‘ l'vpcn'hni vamw “Nowell as having: brought m 1,330 feet of logs to (hr yards 03‘ le 1m.“- ham Fumitm-o Company. whivh m» to then was a rmnmi. ['1‘«'\'i~|ll.~’;_\'. William Vessiu mm“: 01' tum: had hauled in “80 feet. mum (ft-xrlvtm'}', Mrqugnvs was a will VESSIE IS CHAMPION; BRINGS IN 1,600 FEET In Ihw Biggest Load of Lags 3f the Seasom Delivered to Factory Yards Tuesday of this Week. VOL. 57.â€"-â€"NO. 2960. m m passmg thv Iah up mumwuu' {H of a. highly . 100in It saw ;.~;nu.- H! 1 mm 131ml lnhn June» 0d a!- Hlv lmmo rs. A. W. M Satmuln Hum: 1081 1“.\ch( Ms, ' H H H ‘ SHIP“ 1} H-knuwn My “stow OTTI I! Mun IN hmi‘m hard“ ‘M'm‘u “NW 1'. fOf 1t \VH \.\\‘ 'ath ll H \\ at lflhvtln \‘lll. In W m1 m

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