“has Two (Our own correspondent.) 1 At. the monthly meeting of the Methodist W.M.S. held in the school- room of the church on Thursday last, the annual election of officers took place as follows: President! Mrs. (Dr.) Murray; Vice-Presidents; Mrs. W. H. Thurston, Mrs. H. Down; Secretary, Mrs. W. A. Armstrong; Cor. Secy., Mrs. W. H. Miller; Trea., Mrs. J. Cargoe; Strangers’ Secy., Mrs. G. Mitchell; Supt. Christian Stew- iardship, Mrs. w. Moore; Supt. ME- sion Band, Mrs. W. Carroll; Dele- gate to Branch Meeting, Mrs. W. W-ilcock; Alternate, Mrs. H. Down. Mrs. Thurston retired'trom the pres- idency after 25‘years’ service. D ‘l.. -g A ‘lg- The spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Miller on the former W. Davis farm. Toronto Line, was ï¬lled to overflowing on Tuesday evening last week at a house warming by their new friends in the neighborhood and many old friends from near Mark- dale. The large company spent a very pleasant evening together. - _I-L_._1-.I -v...’ ‘ _________ The Presbyterian Guild celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with a social ev- ening in the school-room of the church on Tuesday night last week. The High school staff and students visited in large numbers and helped to make the event enjoyable. Games, etc.. were heartily engaged- in and the. refreshments were enjoyed. ‘ ‘I-\- â€"v--‘.â€",â€"__â€"_-V In the second round of the debat- ing series of the Young People’s Leagues of Owen Sound District Fleshorton and Kimberley wero pit- ted at V'undolour church on W ednos- day owning last week. the suhjoct being: "Resolved : That Consolidatâ€" od schools should replace our pros- ont Pubiir school system in tho rur- al districts." The. affirmative, which mm. was tukon by Mr. George Akins and Miss Mildrod (Jaswoll of Fleshâ€" orton. and tho nogutivo by Mr. Sam. Golf and Miss Tuna Hutchinson of lx'in'it‘m'rlo)’. Both sides presenter! splondid arguments and tho spirited dobato was much enjoyed by a large aiic'lionco. Rev. F. N. Bowos, Mrs. Kroigor. and .‘Eiss Potors wore the judges. ltm‘. and Mrs. Kroiger, misâ€" sionaries on furlough, also gave inâ€" teresting ad«_ii'ossos. Rev. John Wells, a former highly esteemed pastor of l*‘.'eslu;2rton and Eugenia Presbyterian congregations, residing the past few years at Van- couver. B.(_l.. died there on the 19th inst... aged 8‘.) years. The. remains were brought East for interment at Nairn. a former charge, and where his wife, son and daughter were laid some years ago. One son only, Mr. Sydney Wells of Toronto. survives. At the Presbyterian services Sun- day here and at Eugenia. lilting ref- erence was made from the pulpit to the deceased former pastor and the congregation by standing unani- mously expressed their sincere sym- pathy with the bereft son in his loss. The late Mr. Wells was a very able preacher and was highly esteemed on the charges he ï¬lled.‘ _ . ~ UH uu: Ullalsva uc uuL‘u. Under the direction of East Grey Agricultural Society a successful two days' course 01' stock judging was held here last, week. There. was a good turnout. of farmers interested in the cmnrsg Dr. Baker, V.S., who was judge ( the horses, and Mr. deer or the cattle. gave. addresses in the Town Hall and answered many questinns. The High school boys attended each day at 3 o'clock and gained muei: instruction on the sub-- Jects treated. l'l “I \'.. ’l'hv mflnllil)’ anin;r nl‘ l..().l,. NH. 2 33?). l'wnl in tlw lmlg‘t' I‘imm llt‘l'u (in Friday (‘Vt‘lllllfl last. was specially intvn-sting. 'l‘lw District Master. “'01: Brâ€. ('1. .l. Bellamy. paid his 0f-l licial \‘lSll.. hut. [wing in his mother Ioilgn. i-oquostml Bro. James Boatty at" 509 “range Valley in ofl'icizitc for him. ’l'lio- W'm'. MRSU‘I'. lh'u. Franki Dllllt'flll. :_":\\'v {1 i'r‘pm'l of Mir proâ€"l t't.‘t‘tllllf.£S nf llw i‘mfent mimting 0!“ (trawl Linlgi‘. Past, Mastm's‘ vale wmm [)l'i‘St‘llll‘ll by llw Lmlm‘ tn \VOI‘. Bros. Frank hum-an and All'. lmwn. 'l‘lii- lmmv nt' Mr. and Mrs. Mill‘li tSli‘Will'l. \‘x'wst. Hui-k Linn. was the lsi-mw nt' :1 plvas‘unt (-wni mi 'l'uvsclziy wishing fast. whi-n thirii‘ (laughter, liihm. I'm-viitly mzii'i'imi tn M 1'. l‘limm' Wailing. was giwn a mismllunmms slmwm- hylwi' nhl frivmls ot' the iiviglilun'limnl. wlm spout. the own- ing tngvthm'. On Monday vwning Hi this wovk thn {mpulal' young bride was again giwn :1 slmwm' at tho lm‘mv nt‘ “(31‘ aunt. Mrs. Archie Stewâ€" art. whnn the Prnsliytvrian Guild and Sumlay school hm'v presenti-cl hm' with \N‘y prvtty gifts of chinaâ€" waro. The company spent. a Very lplnzisant vwning with MI‘. and Mrs. <tnwai°t and the young bride) and l mom. 7 (I; . -. n . ' 1, {V1 A___..t-.t AP IIIIIII the West. Back Lino mtvrtainml a company of old friends at thvir homo on Friday night last. Mr. 'and Mrs. \\'. J. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cairns, and Mr. and Mrs. W. .l. Meads “mm from i110 \‘iilage. ‘ - Mr. and Mrs. W. :Vlillcfs littlo fOlll'-_\'Pal‘â€"Olll daughter Marion gave a birthday party on Friday to a company of her little friends with some of their mothers. The tots had a jolly tjmv. ‘ ' I ‘1 --.v ~---- ’I he? High school bovs. and "irls “out to Mal‘kdale on Fridax m ening last for 19111111 hockex matches \xith Your Durham Branch, - - - - John Kelly, Manager. » Bunch also at Pï¬ceville. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Seed Grain TO obtain maximum yields you need to sow Test- .A Cant] (1mm Tn nnrchase good seed vou v vv-“.-- -â€"--â€"__ ed Seed Grainiwflfo purchase good seed you may require ï¬nancial assistance Extending accommodation for such purposes is an important phase of Standard Service. Consult our loan! Manager THE STAN DA RD BAN K ' An- the boys and girls of the schools more. but both teams here suffered: Mr. John J. Boyce of the 5th Con- cession, Osprey, had an extensive auction sale on Friday last. Mr. Boyce, who is leaving the farm to live at Southampton, will be suc- ceeded by his son. Mr. George Cairns of Glenella, Man. called by the illness of his sister, Mrs. D. D. mLaughltl‘h, is.visit1ng his old home at. Ceylon, and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley here. ~ â€"1 ‘tn-g‘v Luigi's? ngï¬c‘lwfxl‘ginwwis at. Mark- dale last week visitmg her' daughter, Mrs. W. R. Grjgham. ‘ ‘.‘A‘- -A‘ Ar :u 1'3. ‘V . IIWIO Mrs. (Iififenry and little son of Toronto, visiting at Markdale, spent part of last week and over Sunday with friends here. __ n I 1 A, “7l§h‘n“ “' I bl] ll IDIIUU 30v. v- Mrs. Alex. McDonald of. Weston visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cairns, 3 {gm days Igast week. - ,I ‘â€"Iâ€"‘ -qun1, WIL'HD, a IV‘V uni-J Il-‘vv -â€" Mrs. Mc 'innon returned last week from an xtended visit in Toronto, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Mc- Crae. Dr. Thomas Henderson of Toronto was recently seized with an alarmâ€" ing attack of heart trouble, but his numerous friends here are pleased that he is making good recovery. /“__ \ L‘ IU luau ..... 0v-.. _ “Sir; (D12) Mufray and'Mrs. Em.) Turnbull visited on Friday last wnth Mrs. George chbapan, Mgafqrfi 3R9. JJLLD. \IDUI â€â€˜4 uuu llllllll ’ -~â€"uvâ€"â€"vâ€" Mr. W illiam Inkster. who was del- egate last week'to the temperance convention in Toronto, gave a report of the meeting to the: Presbyterian Sunday school on Sunday. MP. W Momo spout Part Of I'ast wook and (nor Sunclav with friends in Toronto. Jim Halos looked aftor tho bus [bassongors i_n hi_s absenco. Mrs. .h’ihn \\1ight. 1ch 101: Toronto on 'l‘uvsday tn xisit her daughters and also her sister, Mrs. (Jaudin. who has hovn ill. Mrs. William Richardson, now liv- ing: in '.l‘m'0nto. has sold 1101‘ brick rosic'lmvohero. in Mr. John Nuhu, who. we undorstaml. will make a duplvx rosidoncn Of it. If so, it. will help the call my houses hm-v. Mr. Juhn Latimcr was up from 'l‘m‘nnto (m Satin'c’lay closing tlw «10:11 with M i". Nuhn. "The Migsgs Helen and Florence \Volton VISItml 0er 1an wankâ€"("ml at Mr. '1‘. I\'1m'("01“s. ‘Markdalc. THE QUALITY OF BULK TBA 'l‘lw quality of bulk toa. is always unrvliabh‘ l'nr svwral reasons. In the ï¬rst placn. living: unlabelled, its origin is llllkll()\\'ll. and thorn is no one who has any particular respon- sibility fur its goodness. In thn srroml placo. ii. is vxposml to the air aml tlmrofnrr wry quickly loses its flavor and l'rvslinoss. Even if it worn as gnml as "SALADA" in tho lirst placn. it, \vnulil rapidly deteriorâ€" ate and in any case it would be im- passiblc for any dealer to follow cun- sistnntly' lho samo quality through- out the year. “SALADA†always maintains an nnvarying high stand- ard, possible through skilful blond- mg. CA’RLETON, N. “B. MAN LOST RIGHT HAND IN ACCIDENT Forced to Wait. Entire Night For Help With Hand Caught in Mill Machinery. The story 01' thn ail-night. sull'ur- ing' of a (Im'lvtmi. N.B., man. whn was injurml in the mill in which he was. working and had to wait 11.11 night, for 1103;) with his hand caught. in the nichinm‘y. is mm as follows. in ihn lziit. \Vwk's iSSUt‘ 01' Thu (taiimlug‘ll- Um. N. H. ("2t'aphic. It says: 'l'o stand scantily clad during the entire night with [he lrnnwraturc l3 llrgiwls below zero and wilh his right hand jammed hulwm‘n iwo cog- whurls and ra;‘J in vain for assist- ance was the cxgmrienrr ol' Benja- min Lelilanr of Maria. who has for the past few weeks been a patient at. the Hotel Dion hospital here. Mr. Lelilanr was enmloyml as nightâ€" watrlmian at a mill near Maria. On the night of the accident. he went on duty as usual and. while. inspecting some part of the mill machinery had his hand caught between two‘ wheels; His. repealed calls for helpl provml futile for the cookhouse was; some distance away and the men had retired. This. was about ll o’clock at night and Mr. LeBlanc was forced 'to stand and wait, bare-headed and in his shirt-sleeves throughout the ihitterly cold night until the arrival of the day crew at 7 o'clock the next morning brought release from his excruciating predicament. Besides being badly mangled his hand was frozen up into the arm. Atthough it was necessary to amputatc the in- jured member the unfortunate man is imiII-oving favorably. and will likely be able to return home in a few days.†~4 ‘5' K “£53? 5-3 3359'. n. ; =3; 44 ‘the spoakies’." For Sale by S. MacBeth and T. M. McFadden. RHEUMATISM SCIATICA NEURITIS LUMBAGO Templeton’s Rheumatic Capsules for TEMPLETONS TORONTO is the an téa that is fresh, nd pure â€" Try it. Some people don’t believe in ad- vertising because, they say, “nobody reads the papers.†But let them get into a scrap and you will ï¬nd them flying round to the newspaper office with the request, “please don't men- ,tion that lcittle affair." The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses : (1-) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entrance to Normal School. Sach member of the Staff is a Uni- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to en'teg atbggjnnjpg pfï¬tprgn. hiformaï¬bn as 10 Courses may he obtained from the Principal. The School bps a_credit.able record in the past which it hopes to main- tain in the future. Durham is an attractive and heal- thy town and good accommodation can be obtaï¬ned at rcasm able 131565. J A. M. ROBB. B. A Principal. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL Th‘mday, larch 27, 192:. .. L. GRANT. Chairman m wn'o I‘unw. «hm Bail‘o‘y~---~S}1v\\ v: ! Ontario Bridgu « for the st.e<‘:1\\'u:'§\' SHOWN†Hall:- ley ho! [mid sguma \Vil'C‘ ft’lH‘t', (in! G!‘i¢‘l°.’~‘nn appoint in: \‘imx‘vrs. I. for «'Xlu'nchllil'a- and maintc-mnm and Ultfl’k in in! partmem ni' l'ni BENTINCK COUNCIL Pursuant ho :uiwm'z‘n; : ‘ met Manda}; Mar-vi: 21. 21"“; present. Milmlcw \VQP!‘ IV"!!! and :ulnxriw. masters. In lislmzl in II By-hm Thursday, larch 27, 19a. HI umd h THE F.-\ \I H [H WHEQE I ARE MY DRESSéfl/ SHRIS. {1‘ Runway. 3 ll \\ {l HI LITTLE H S d