West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Apr 1924, p. 9

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vv â€"' vvmvv. We are sorry to have to report the death of Mrs; Thomas McKeown, of the Durham Rpad, west, who passed away mgr {Imgenps Illness. No doubt thrs ml! recezve more worthy We are having‘a short period of winter frosts agam, whieh will make us appreciate our sprmg weather the more when it. comes. _- __ --.. u lieu Ill ‘ u w .‘c s the township assessmenpthxs year at about 40 per cent... whgch should assessment has been for years too iow and Mr. Moore‘s action is to be commended. Hm ., _ -_..-\--.u5 uv viva-PU! l‘. Assessor C. Moore of 61911013 was through this vicinity last. week placing his valuation upon the farm property. He is makinga rise in .’IA ‘An-nâ€"~L. 7 fl--- -__\ “x'u\‘l uuuun‘l vugug- mi in the business. Sap run was 200.1 last week. but this week so far has [10911 too cold. Mr. H. H. McDonald and sister. Miss Kate, attended thc' funoml or their aunt. Mrs. McDonald. of Egrv- mom. last Wednesday. The roads ax" almost impassable. Magnificent. pitch-holes. cub-011' 1 roads. snow-banks and haw patches make trax'el‘liqg no pleasure. Sugar-making is in progrnss. with more». than the .usual number vngag- Mr. William ’ath is supplying .'ho- srhnul wand this WN‘k, Miss .lmw Rih‘hiv is assisting: Mrs. Lawrnnvv McFadden. Dal‘kios‘ Cor- "01‘s. whnsv littlc- daughh-r is iii with pneumnuia. Mr. John A. McDonald is \isitiug hisI brother and sistm' mar Price- \‘il 0‘. (Our own vOrmSpomlent.‘ “it!“ KN" MVFaydvn uttnmlmi m.» silx'm- \thlinx NY a x-wlutix v in Walk- vr‘mn Mn, \\ c‘dllvmh)‘. ..... \V “U 11111115. Mr. and Mrs William Larson Spent Sumlzu moning “in; MI and Mrs. Andi-o“ Marsha” -â€"..-'\~ :1 couplv nl‘ lwacl to Durham. Mrs. Fergusun celebralo-ol lm- Tlsl birthday on Wmlnoslilay by outcr- taining: a few nl‘ hul' nnig‘hlml's that "Vt'lllllg. Mr. and Mrs. William Backus spvnt 2m al'lnrnnnu at. llw humv of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wallace. Thv sl-houl vhildrwn had a half| holiday Thursday. as their teacher was i.'l. but. all \wrv hack as usual lo thvlr clutios nnxt. mm'ning. ‘l_. ““ “I. Al'hnM Noble “'3‘ huyin: 4' :nt' v MI. “1111: am] Mr. James Pcttv cm a cpuploj m ho-ad t0 Dmi Mmsrs. Allwrt and Alum-w mall nach {'3‘}- 3 wood bc-v this {Our .own correspomlont. Mr. and Mrs. D. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Porter. MP. A. McDonald. Miss 'l'. Byvrs and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barber “all spent :1 WWW enjoyable awning at Mr. PaZnu-r Pattm'smx‘s hist. week. It is with deep I'vgl‘vl \\'l' maki' a mvntic’m of tho «lvath ul‘ Mrs. l-‘i‘ank \Viso. a resident nf this Invalily for about «30 years. Dc-l-l':asml. \thsv maidml name was Snphla lilo): was born in Englaml in 1857 and hail thci'cl'mw! passvol lu‘r (Will your. Mrs. \Visu hall a hweublo (lisllosllls’lll and was highly l'L‘SpQClCl'l by all who knmv her. Those left to moum their loss, besides the sorrowing husband, urn two daughters, Mat-y (Mrs. All“. ”allow" . Blanclm (Mrs. Reg. Sharpe}, and three sons. Graltan, Jesse and} Allan. all married and residents or; this lmvnship. The funeral was held ' Saturday aftei'mlon. Much sympa- thy is l'vlt for thn sorl‘nwing husband and members of tho family in their iwl'vm‘nnlent. I -g-‘â€" --q ‘-|.\ Mr. Joseph Burns of Mulohk has ”mm assistin" Mr. Charlo's Rum fm Hm past, few “oaks -\-g \Ve congratulate Mr. (,icnx‘gv J. 'l‘urnbull on being united in mar- riagv nn Mmlday of but \x'm-k to Miss Barbara C. Knisicy of South Hutton Hill. 'l‘hny wmmmi nu Saturday noon after spondin: thvir lmnoy- munn in 'I‘m-ontn. \V0 jnin in exubm‘i- mg bust \vislu-s and much hatppmo'ss f0 lmth in their max-rim} Mfr. Miss 'Hazd Johnston» is \‘isifiipg moi.- Hendersnxyaml men fumth nf Ilan'lpden this wcvk. Mr. John Park purchased a gener- a! purpnse horse at the auction sale of Mr. Archio- Park of lenclg on Sa}_u_rday_ last. Ebenezer. (Our own correspondent.) .\s m.- remembcr, March came in like a lamb, so we are in no way surprisiul to see it pass out like 3 Jon. Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn Bailey and daughter, Miss I’lm'encc. spent. Sun- day affvrnoon with Mr. and M 1's. Geo. Reay. " - »vvv There was a small atlendanw at George Seaman‘s sale on Saturday, but prices ranged fairly well with W. Murphy wielding the hammer. Mrs. George Hosti‘lh‘l‘ and. \Vi” Aitken are improving after their serious illness. ‘ Bert. Dyrér. rum! mai; courier, R. R. i. has purchased Ed. Boy's resi- deflpe, East Main street. Mrs. N. McLaughlin tum? Pearl Drumm} of Palmerswn. spent. a {0“- days recently with her parents on account. of her father’s .izlncSS. It. is the intention ut‘ the Egre- qwnt Agricultural Society to estab- hsh a competition in ploughing dur- ing the present year, and to that end My. McLean of Richmond Bill will address a met-ting to be held in the hall here on Um 10th inst. at 2 p.111. This is a cumnxrndabc feature m mnncctinn with agriculture. ' Mr. \V. A. Reid 0! Thomdak- am” Mr. George S. Fustcr of the Bank ut' Montreal here spent the week-end at their msgmctive homcs in H0:- stgtn and Guelph. Miss Edwards, who has been on the Publ.c school teaching sum far the past few months. spent the week end with her sister here bvfore w- wining [.0 Ottawa. own correspondent.) Knox Corners. (Our own corééswpvoudem; Edge Hill. {Ohio was cm ”W lilh‘ Mt; _\\'illiu m 011thle and Alum-w Mar l1 dt‘Ichrvd 135:: Sunday in a Very able and pleasâ€" ing: mamwr. .-:Zos.srs. James McArthur and An- gus Clark returned from Toronto, when» they Spent a short holiday rmrently. ' The logging gang are very busy loading Hip heavy stock for Hanover milis. \‘Jv wew glad to Mar of the Owen, Suund Gr.'-ys' triumph in the hockey tumors. J’rof. Mt-NPM of Rum: College ocâ€" cuyéed thn Presbyterian pulpits here lash Sunday in a very able and pleasâ€" ing: mamwr. .-:Ipss."s. James McArtlmr and An wrek-mxd, and relumed Monday at noon. The Dr. is now occupying Ins new quarlvrs in the former McCor- mick property on put-him street. ' YI“ _ Q l I" - attention from the pen of the editor, to whom we will“ leave it. The sym- paihy of this community goes only) the bereaved. Miss Louise Jones is still under the doctor‘s earn and we are sorry to hear that she is not progressing more favorably. Her mother, who was also ill, is improvipg splendidly. {Our Hopeville. â€"""l'7 “cvu‘y “l‘u GUUUIupllsn" ed the little domestic duties that fall to the lot of the average man, the hour-of the meeting has gone by. Knox church in Ottawa has apparâ€" ently sofived the problem. The inno~ vation of holding the congregational prayer-meeting from 5.15 to 5.45 on Wednesday each week is said to he proving very satisfactory. Large numbers of people attend and the spirit of the meeting: is bright an a ity. They close their storés at 6 o‘clock ‘as a rule, and by the time they have made their daxly balance, wonded their way home, consumed their evening meal, and acc0mplish-y pd tho lif‘ln rfnmA~L:_ j‘ .. .. TEE PRAYER MEETING (\ALmonte Gazettes.- . The \wnkly prayer meeting is Nature of rommunity life which I ham 3 perplexing problem. It usually held on Wednesday eveni It is pracLically impossihlp fm~ 1m a A wedding took place in our neighborhood last Tuesday so quiet- ..y that it scarcely caused a ripple. It was Miss Matilda McMeeken and Mr. (my Williams of Glenelg. Rev. Wray R. Smith performed the cere- mony.â€"-Corner Concerns cor. J. W. Blylh received a silver cap given :0 the child born on the 29th of February. 1904. _ Wiednesday, Maréh so; gt the home 0' unit nâ€" n“"‘ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 'lnfch hag 13 Reeve Weir was chairman and in a brief address announced the nature {of the meeting with ail due decorâ€" um. Mr. John McGirr and a number 01' others also expressed their kindly feeling towards the family they reâ€" gretted so much to £039. Mr. and Mrs. Park and daughter made replies expressive of their gratitude. " Folâ€" lowing is the address: To Mr. and Mrs. Park : ‘ M r. Archie Park. who has been livâ€" ing just east of town for the past three or four years sold his property recent}? and intends moving with his family to Allan Park. Last night ,about 75 friends and neighbors met [at his home to say good-by and to express regrets at learning of their departure. At the same time the pupils of 8.8. No. 9, Glenelg. met and} honored Miss Park, a former teacher.1 To Mr. Park they presented a writing desk and btmk-ease com- bined. to Mrs. Park a halfl rack and to Miss Park a silver-mounted Pyrex casserole. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION ‘Mv As an appreciation of your work among us we would ask you to ac- cent this dish. not. as a reward for service.- but as an expression and rcmcmhranco of our kind.y feelings toward you. Signed on- behalf of the pupils.-â€"- Mum Hargmvo. Rug. McFadden, An- nie Amett, Reg. Arnett. The how: that the unselfish spirit which prompted the giving up of your work among us wicl be more than repaid to you. During the. time you Spent a: teacher in our school we always found you interested, thorough and cheerful in your work. Not only in the schoolâ€"room did we find your presence enjoyable, but on the play- ground as well, where you showed gs. the value of fairness and honesty m our games. ’ ‘ Signed on behalf or the commun- “5 â€"-John McGir.r J. 0. Hamilton. [‘0 Miss M. Park: We. the pupils of SS. N0. 9, Glen- 01g, are sorry to learn that you are about to wave our community. YOu with time gifts as amemento or our kmdly feelings towards you and your family. Th’ road t'success “an: a lot long er wane-neg fthyo um; ‘n‘ambitious stm t". m'pgt than it does $‘t37'sh'6é essful look!" ' back - -- “”535 Aftermath of a Drink and S Conversation Two Weeks Ago One of our f'itizr-ns was In» in Police Magistratv Laidlaw Sum charged With bl‘ing: drunk m :1. 1 be place and also with using: a “'8 language (.0 mmfhvr (fitm‘n. pleaded guilty and was 355:! 3‘250 in all. and an atinmnitmll the magistratv in H'V and not ¢ again. Tho fist “‘0‘“? $30 fur I under um inflnoncp of liquor i public place, and $5.": for using MS“? language. TIH‘ (fnsts in charges amounted to $7 .50. Forty-two Fifty Cost of Booze and Talkfl at, me (mtm‘m livtur'rmtu;‘j.'. . Them is considwnhlu we m'Holstnin. tespwiuily {mm members of Mr WMH « um; and they “we must :mxim: the whole mattm‘ : Iwzmmf :11 as possible- Th1" Mamm' , .. he \K'I'HIM Imf z . Sentf’lu'd‘ “With 3‘ :-xo‘ v.0 Q‘OWn Attm'n .;z' .6 V ed 0111,1112” ”Rm; {,4 35;" crimn hm! .‘wms m pfiillnt‘h‘. and HIP «ivmgu' and mm in ammm In H actor of it (2W ‘ m m h sailed. lw (‘tHIIH nm‘ in «my-Ht to In: {W thv ~4- pendod. and at “w sumo- ed out that such an MTwu ishahle. by a tm m Hf 1; _\ penitonfizu‘v. 'lho um: ImDOSPd the :~'( m: m w n! at, the (mt win “Mu! mat: The uccusvd ro-aix'xmi that caught. with ”H? mmds and made u ful stahmvm Hf: facts.plamnghims=11 «m H: of the cmnl. ’Hw maxim; him an ommrinuih ?v SM n advicr- “MN: nudiu 1m! :1‘! local legal mmfhm T: um «i m x‘oqstt. Hmi ”h \Vux's‘h lenient. with Mm :.,~. Wm! was “10 >01“ Hlmwrl “3' hi~ thrm‘ small ("M’ah‘viu :wu' out that. tho :a~('o'!1~ml m ; realizv thv sum-n» -. 5;. \VhiCh ht" had c'h'HH. " . ~.‘:; that if a! all ~ «vi: ;:, ; be 3”0\\'vd tn - ‘.... .g'. 61109,. PI‘UVHH’tal (LnllstuMo- (Sam; the district hvadqmm-xw ~ Kitchener. was placed m rim the casu and lust ’l‘lnnxdu} noon. after smfurim.’ uJ.‘ Mr 11-: be obtainfld. “mm :u .\'m\' '1 and placed his man 12:1:14'z'nz'1w brought him in (b\\un Sun“ sanm night. auLsi ; ’ IU DIR MU : 1m 0m. REFORMATORYf -‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 3 VJU-W nu: lousy When He Saw " “:2 Remove His Own Robe from H Owen Cutter in Holstein Shed. 57.-â€"N0. othm' Mh'r {run 7 insisting: nu In mptiod with. huj as alum! In 10.1w Zed Hm! llt‘ \K‘ ads and rvadi out Hf all 1: If 011 {hr mom magistrate an m snrm‘n log ‘. hut all that H n can «i du w \Vnz‘shtl' iw ss. mvnlmn nuck. a Tor tm‘ nmimu 131‘!“ mm and H10 1M. 1:; it ”WP 11 for action is Rm: Mr lt’HPr fru Hm: nu ha Saw_ Minister? vu Ill-2m rgyma Ikv 1m i can"; if 1H '1”; mi N NW ”I is;

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