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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Apr 1924, p. 4

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Published every Thursdgy margins J "-Cvuvv â€"‘ â€"â€"___V_- at the oflice, Garatraxa Street, Dpr- ham, Ontarxo, by W. Irwin, .Edthl' and Proprietor. The Chronicle 13 mailed to any address in Canada at. the rate of $2.00 per year, 81.00 for six months, 50 cents . for three months. To any address m the Unn- ed sum of America. 3250 per year, 31.25 for six months, 65 cengs for three months. Foreign subscrnpuon rates on apphcation. Member Canadian Weekly News- papers Associahon. PAGE FWR FERGUSON All) THE O.T.A. I Some of the Liberal press insinu- utes a lot of twaddle over the Fer-‘ guson Government and its treatment? of the “IPA. They need have little l'o-ar. The vote of the people, not the Ferguson ('lm'ernment, will defeat or sustain the ().'l‘.A.. Premier Fergu- son and the Conservative Govern- ment aro- lmt. keeping faith with the vlectors of Ontario. The present un- uhling measure is part and parcel of the U.'l‘..-\.. was provided for when tho- wm- wal' taken in 1919, and the present measure should have been lull, 0n ”w books. by the late Govern- ment. _ . .. . ‘ M 18161] It. Downto- rl’vmier Ferguson's statuâ€" uwnt that "this act, has been put on “w shzhm- books by the vote of the iso-Oplc- am! it. will unly be taken Off by Hu- \‘nic of th pcOplo:," certain newsman-rs and individuals who nnght tn kuuw bvtter have stated mat. "tlu- Ilnnsm'vativc party is out to wrm'k [he OKLA,” . 1' 1,__ - IL...‘n-u ‘ \ l‘ guu‘l _. ___ lU‘l Tho-rt- is only our of twu thing'. l'lithvr flu-sc- pooplv do not know what Hwy are. talking about. nr are u-o-sm-tmg in absontv falsvhoud t0 :uh'mwo- mm case! against the pres- o-nl. (znx'o-z-nnn'nt. 'I‘hv u‘_».'|'..»\. is safe. with Ferguson and tlu- 11a,=n.<t-I'\'ati\'e party. D-m't iv! mmmc- blufi’ you othcmvisc. iutnrv has lwmx nnthing more I. o-m- darn O‘XliUSHI‘t‘» aftm' another. 'I‘lu- man whu is. satisfied In mum: :r paw hung. gmvmlly magics amp- wuh Hm vmphaa'ls on the, “bare. Hun. Peter Smith will soon Know what. “as guod as his bond" means. Some: famous "Bonds." age ”'4’.” 0f fl‘iendShip. â€"~---â€"----- of Peter Smith”; r.â€" Sumv peopl e get married to make a home {01‘ tchemselves. Judging from appearances, others do it in urdvr to run off a series of prize urdor to run tights. The Lucknow Sentinel had a iimvly article on the decline m egg min-s last week. To keep DPICBS up {he solution is easy. Put. on a duty. I'Zggs are low in price because hens in the republic south of us are 31y- :n;: more than the demand requires. né‘xt “Justice“ is. a tickle Game. A man m Bruce County forged a cheque and :-:nt. fnur years in the pen. The man- 'igement, nt‘ the Home. Bank wrecked the institution and. according to evi- ilo‘m'i‘ tried to bribe the 01113in Le- :islature to make deposits. They are still considering whether or not. it. would be proper to bring them to trial. Leave it to the ruined widow «lOpOSilOI‘S and shareholders. They‘ll smm dé‘cidc the matter. ___â€" . CE. 2.2” :4: 2.2.4. L 2. 7.3. Few people realize the value of lemons, which cannot be. overestim- Med. Two or three slices of lemon in a <trong cup of hoL strong tea will vure a nervous headache. A teaspoon of lemon juice in a cup of black coffee will relieve. a bilious headache. ‘ , Q. ‘ -__- __- :n A A“'\ 'HU .‘hlll. Lemon juice with olive oil is con- .stdered by many as far. summer to \‘in0g3r {03‘ §alad dressmg. -___1 Van? a11m1' 2P9 .lllt‘ Jun-r vs uuu .. “"T'“ . _ of hot. water on awakemng 1n the nmming is an excellept: corrective. A dash of lemon qmce 9nd rose __L :L A... -\ dash of lemor waf 9? W111 remOVe the kin. Lemon juice and loaf sugar are :ood for hoarseness. Outward application of the juice allays irritation caused by insect hiti‘s. A refreshing drink is made by add- ‘mg a freshly beaten egg to lemonade . nd the same mixture when frozen makes a delicious ice. If when boiling sage or rice a tea- spoon of lemon juice is added. the kernels will he. whiter and a deli- cate. flavor is added. ‘ _-_.. AA- (A, (3L6 llu\vA ls uuuuuu An old-faghioned remedy for vroup is. lemon juice. honev and 3mm. We all knoys t_he value of lemon m. ‘. 30.4111? Luv“. -- ----‘_ x..- After the juice is extracted rind dipped in salt cleans beautifully and _cpnvemently. -â€"â€"- A:â€"k“‘. L’UdUDLIUIIv a...“ --__ _, It also removes unsightly: stains from the hand. For flavoring cookery lemon juice is unexce'led. ._After the pulp is removed the sinus make dainty receptacles for serving salads. ices, etc. Thursday, April 3, £924. TWENTY USES FOR LBMONS reason why we read the poli- wws t‘I‘0m_T01‘0nt0 these days 5w what. 111 blazvs 15 commg EDITORIAL NOTES juice of half a lemon in a cup -.__“-An;‘\(. ‘“ § 0 this M‘ssiou nf ths S HSSIHXI HI lnzr |,.-;__vv.~- 'on nothing more than satisfied In make and whiten é. n: ( .‘ I40 SCHOOL HONOR ROLLS FOR PAST MONTH Sr. [Viâ€"Vera Mountain, Donald Young, Lizzie Hind, Stei'la Lynn, Ina Milne. â€"‘ Jr. IV.â€"John Dunsmoor, Helen McAulifl'e. Eric Clark, Thomas L. Brown, George Falconer. â€"+]ohn A. Graham, Principal. Sr. III.â€"Norman Mcllraith, Orville Saunders, Raymond McGirr, Elsie Willis. Sadie Holmes and Royden Connor (qual)._ s-â€" A .. ,,., .IIIV‘ \V‘““-’ V Jr. Illâ€"Glen Rowe, Caroline Mif-' chell. Gordon McCrae and Moore Mc- Fadden (equal), Dorothy Pickering. Ila Allan. . ~ _ . â€"-Annie 0. M'acKenzie, Teacner. Jr. 111. A.â€"â€"~Ada Chapman, George Hay, Wilma smith. George Nohie, Violet McLean, _» a ‘ A IUIVV -'-\'.-v“â€"â€"v Jr. 111. B.-â€"-E\‘elyn Baird, Grace Becker, Nelson Lowe, Norman Beck- er, Ruby Hulme. â€"Sadie F. MacDonald. T catcher. Sr. 11. A.â€"â€"-Irene Elliott, Jack Innis. Margaret Stun-0y. Wilfred Middle- ton, Merlda Havens. . Q â€"_ â€" ‘ ‘_,A .l “’A‘ LU AV-v-I\-- SP. II. Bgâ€"fiaékvgéhutz. Janet Wat- son. Reta Willis. Teddy Elliott, Iso- bel Henderson. Jr: II. .\.â€"â€"4ienm'ic\'n Saundqrs. Agmm Campbell, Helen Xoung, Ahce Mcholson. Korma inlan. ' V ‘ , Jr. 11. B.-â€"â€".â€"\lice Falkingham, Kelsu McCawley. Abbey McLean. Allan Mc- Lean. Gerald Falconer. Sr. I.â€"-.-\gnes Walker. Goldie Glas- er. Walter Neares. Norman Falking- ham. Tom Caldwell. «Mary E. Morton, Teacher. .Ir. 1. .-\.~--4ie0rge Ashley. Margaret Sibbald. Jean Atkinson. Elsie Pink- erton. Bessie Atkinsog. “ Jr. 1. Râ€"AVillic Neaves. Vernon Ct‘vl'iinson. Arthur Watson. Robert Noavos. Margaret. Erwin. â€"Edna A. Browning, Teacher. The Primary Classes :â€" Sr. Pr.--Class .-\.â€"â€"Florence Havens. Lillian Collinson. Margaret. Wilson. George Brailhwgite, Lynn‘V’ollett. _ g- ‘ '- -‘_ UVU‘ ‘cC III (311:1: V! “l[\, u y...- . lass B.â€"§usie Bell, Clara Jack. Essel Bit-Arthur. Gordon McGirr. Arthur Koch. Class C.â€"-Percy Murdock. Lewis Whitmore. Eldon Whitmore, Jean McLean. Charlie Caldwell. â€"D0nalda McEachern, Teacher. ; Jr. Pr.â€"â€"Class .-\.â€"â€"-Mary Pickering, i.larion Moore. Shirley McIntyre. “Clara Thompson. John Greenwood land Harold Traflord (equal). Class 3â€"1513; fifiniéauwinnifred Osborne. Jean Rowe, Gordon Mc- Corpb, Begt Tgafiprd. “‘ â€"*‘- nâ€"_. UV'IIW A, u v â€"- v. 3 \v â€"â€" _ _ , Class C.â€"Gordon Graham, Bert. Lawrence. George Hulme. Jean Mur- dock. Hughie McLean. â€"Lizzie Schaefer, Teacher. Hargrave. Sr. III.â€"D. Amen. M. Hopkins. L. Jacques, R. Hargrave. 0. Napkins. K. Dunsmoor. Jr. Illâ€"V. Robins, J. McDonald. E. Robins. E: Lawrence. ‘D R __‘A_ .‘VUI Jr. II.â€"R. Dnnsmoor. M. Dnnsmoor L. Robins. C. Hargrave. Jr. Lâ€"F. Amen. S. Greenwood. C. Jacques. 0. Ball. D. Lawrence. Jr. Pr.â€"O. Dunsmoor. D. Aljoe. C. McNally. G. Greenwood, E. Duns- IIIUUI. Pr. B.â€"R. Lawrence and A. Mc- Girr (equal). M. Harrison. no. 3, Glenda. IV.â€"Christine Anderson', Dorothy Qitohie'. Armonell Glencross‘, Arch- ie Greenwopd. _ -g- -- n ‘I “A _ Durham Public School. No. 9, Glenelg. 1\'.-â€"R. McFadden, A. Arnett, M. >._ Dunsmoor (equai), Ill ill...o\.\‘1\ NV‘ V‘ \ \ ‘ II 230343.23 0 “Hum... \\.\\\s\|H\\\I\I\M\\\\W\u\\\\h\\h\\I\|\|\ HM .1 .. .. \\.._\\\ ull|\\ \Kllllln‘ \W Annie .‘dacdonald, Tcacher. ,_.Lena Beil', 1136 Bell, Dan |‘_--_’ Firth, Dorothy Robinson', Myrtle Glencross', Blanche McKechnic, umpn Staples, Jack Anderson‘, Dan Ritchie. Jr. [ILâ€"It‘enc Mcchhnie, Mary Sch'e'ucrman, Tom McN'aily. Jr. ILâ€"Alva Greenwood', 01m» Allen', zydefiQOHMgN‘allx. A U ‘I,___ Sr. l.â€"Jsabel Firth', Mary Anter- son', Rub Staples, Jim Bell. Jr. I. avey Allen', Viola Neely', Daisy Street'. Jr. Pr.-â€"-Margaret Firth', Gordon Greenwood', Willie (ilencross', Ag- gie Anderson'. _ Jr. Flaâ€"Walter Street. (') Presen‘t‘everx-day. . 'l‘-.- -l. .-_ No. 2, Bentinck and Glenelg. l‘.’.â€"-â€"Allister Lawrence (H), Beat- rice Grasby'. Sr. III.â€"â€"Oat,herine McLean. Jr. III.â€"â€"Corinne Lawrence (H) ', Margayet McLean: Jean Clark. II__--.II r. at- .uu; 1?“. vv o-nvâ€"uâ€"_ lI.â€"Agnes Legate, Myrtle Mcâ€" Lean, }\ mic Legatn: \ l ‘_'_' Y't\‘fil‘:l\ Jr. I.â€"Cla1'cncc Ritchie', Herbie Miller. Sl.1’1‘.â€"â€"-Rhena C.a1k', Muriel Bromn'. Chester Millel‘. J.1 P1 -â€".Archie McLean. P1. B.â€"Uampbell Exxon, Johnny Vessie. -") P_1‘esont e.\ery (lax. - _-L mannknfl Sr. IV.â€"-â€"Irene Hastie 73%, Katie Haley 66%. Arthur McClockifin 54%. Sr. III.â€"â€"'Graham Timmins 57%, 'Charles 'l‘immins 46%. Jr. III.â€"â€"-'Catherinc Timmins 71%. Jr. II.â€"Ewcn McNab 66%, George Blair 62% (absent). Sr. I.â€"\’iolet Banks 50%. Jr. I.-â€"'Isabella Kleist 88%, '\\’i1â€" l'ic Peart 880}, Mary McNab 58%. Gordon Noble 51%. Sr. Pr.â€"â€"Ada Banks 65%. 1'? Present every day. â€"â€"E. J. Allan, Teacher. Changing Drivers (For February and March.) IV'.â€"â€"Exceilent,â€"-Cha.rlotte Patter- son; Goodâ€"Landels Wilton, Mae Noble; Poorâ€"Arthur McGabe, Harold Gnasby. Sr. III.â€"Excellentâ€"Jessie Grant; Goodâ€"Irene. Grasby; Fairâ€"Wilfred Grashy. Jr. III.â€"Good--Douglas Grant, Dorothy Caldwell. .â€" . n ILâ€"(ioodâ€"Evelyn Grant; Fairâ€" Clement Patterson. Primerâ€"Velma Blyth, Elgin Blyth, Norman Grant, Marjorie Kerr, Tillie Bryans. DorothyBog.e. _ A UL .QVWOU ”vnvvu- .v Billie Caldwell absent from all examinations. Sr. IV .â€"-.\'orman thchie George Hop kins. Clifl'ord Roseborough. Jr. IV.â€"-Allan Picken. Carman Rosebgmh. v. Q. ‘l--‘- -vvvvw v- v Sr. III.â€"Lawrence Hopkins, Maple Armstrong. J r. III.â€"Pearl Roseborough, Torn- I‘Igy‘lMtilligan, Violet Armstrong, th3 '0. e . .-V"' lett. kins. - -â€"'v Sr. I.â€"Arnetta Manta, Clarence Ritchie, Raymond Hopkins. Jim strong, Erving Webber. ' Pr. A.â€"Dawson Vollett. ‘ Tough meat may be made tender by adding a teaspoon of lemon juice to the water in which it i§ ‘boiied1 "Ted is greatly improved by the addition of a slice of 9111011. either iced for summer use or as Russian tea on a winter’s day. No. 1 Normanby and Egremont. Ifé. II.â€"Sicily HOpkins, Allie Hop- -"'--v v v '_. .___ -;.-XI'metta McKecBhie, Teacher. i3}; fiâ€"f-‘Eed ’Roseborough; Pr. C.â€"Irwin Mountain. No. 11, Bentinck. No. 5, Glenelg. 51'. vi)“. infifnb, Teacher. LM. Acheson, Teacher. -.N. S. Barr. Teacher. Novel Scene Big Feature of Thomas Meighan' s Latest ture, Coming to Paramount. Pic- the Veteran’ 8 Star Theatre To-mormw and Saturday. -â€"â€"wâ€"â€" Few persons have been privileged to look upon the Pacific and Atlant- ic oceans at the same time. When Thomas Meighan‘s latest Paramount picture, “The Ne’er-Do-Well” is shown at the Veterans‘ Star Theatre to-morrow and Saturday nights, the 4th and 5th of April, the number will be greatly increased, for one of the aeroplane Views of the Panama (lanai featured in the picture gives a view Of both Deanna. . During the filming of the exterior [scenes for Rex Beach’s novel in Pt â€" inama, Director Alfred E. Green sent lW‘i‘lliam Miller,_ cameraman, into the -â€" -A‘ Al‘n Inn170 W‘Ulldlu iulllwl , Hutlhv- ‘v-â€"â€"'-.â€"-" ‘ air to get certain scenes of the locks for use in the picture. While at a high altitude Mr. Miller was able to get. a shot which gave a glimpse of both the Atlantic and Pacific. In making other air views for the picture. seven DeHaviland planes and two Martin bombers, all furâ€" nished by the I.’ . S. army in the Caâ€" nal Zone. and piloted by army fliers. were used. The army officers who helped the Paramount officers in making these scenes for “The Ne’er- Do-Well" were Major F. Walsh. (iaptain Smith. Captain Minter. Cap- =tain R. Quinn. Lieutenant Leland LMiller. Lieut. Moon. Lieut. W‘ebster and Licut. Fred Clark. All of these otiicers are stationed at France Fiehl. Canal Zone. In "The. Ne‘er-Do-Well” Mr. Mei- ghan is seen as the shiftless son of a man of wealth who is (lisowneal by his father after a certain escapade: in New York which results in the young man being shanghaied on board a steamship bound for Panama where he is left penniless ana thrown upon his own meagre re- ;sources. Here he meets Chiquita. a theautiful Spanish girl. played by lLila Lee. and their love romance is {not only prolific of highly dramatic idevelopments. but ends in the re- lgeneration of the young American lne‘erâ€"do-well. The supporting comâ€" t pany is excellent. } Mrs. (Rem) Gammon and sort Eben gexpect to leave Monday morpmg 00 iattend the great Foreign Missmn Juâ€" ,bilee of Baptists of Canada, to be held in Massey Hall on April 7, 8 and on is Presudent of the Association Woman's secured a posfl. lted, Florists. airs. G. McKechnie left to-day to VlSlt her brother, Mr. C. Gun, and Mrs. Gun. Chicago, for a few days. .Nurse Daniel has given up her 130â€" sxtlon with Dr. .D. B. J‘amieson, and CRISP COMMENT . “It‘s a. rum world,” sald the poemâ€" mist. as he drank another glass of blinding homoâ€"Daily Oklahoman. There is no Nobel peace prize this year. The war prize should go to Ton-pot Dome.-â€"â€"Washington Star Col. Replngton joins in a eulogy to Walsh, the Labor secretary for War. For the Labor Herald, "that. must. ho tho last strawâ€"Ottawa Journal. . United States politics seem to be full of good men who followed the old 311330, “Be Sure you’re, wrong, then go ahead.”â€"â€"-Toronto Telegram. What. effect will the Labor Govâ€" ernment. in Britain have on the silk hat? Horn is labor’s Opportunity to earn the gratitude of mankind.--â€" Chicago News. In the interest of preserving the royal line. Great Britain should make parachutes required equipment. for princely steeplechasers.--New York World. The Ontario Temperance Act, is not, the only law that is difficult to enforce, but law is law and should be enforced or repealedâ€"Mt. For- est Confederate. It gives satisfaction because of its quality and mum Every Day Is Bargain Day THE PEOPLE’S MILLS Bran Shorts Food Flour Out Chop Crimped Oats Mixed Chop lined Grain for Poultry Food Blatchford’s Cal! Meal Pig Meal and Poultry Feeds Our Feeds are of the Best Quality, and our Flour is Guaranteed. Prices right for Cash Highést Price Paid for Wheat delivered at the Mill Goods Delivered in Town Every Afternoon Phone 8, Night or Day. The People’s Mill , We will have some Special Baking for Easter Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour White Lily Pastry Flour Wheat Cereal and Rolled Oats Henderson’s Bakery JOHN MCGOWAN EAT OUR BREAD Makers of GOOD BREAD AT Hard On the Chorus. First Girlâ€"What character m. .mu have in the next act? Second Girlâ€" I’m not. sugmnwi m have any character. I‘m in m. chorus. Slices of lemon garnishihh m an klnds. There’s nothing: u man mu; k... mm a liar about as tolling: his sm: ‘2“...- different boys were in his, Um... “II III m “frthim” Fur Wm M can b no doubt that “W” h it bug sought M_h M and Lu.- , _Il -__... A..- I Eu 8 an, L_ ‘__ MD of Par: - : “I Inland ha unfit. cl our Canada C6. ch 1 mm. “”32; ht. Imam-n “0' “m” ‘ hot n 1):: an: m“ I hot “0. for about 3 nd in “autism was in “Innmhhitsince”. . m, 3‘2"”, il'lil size 250. n; W or to. Fruit-whee. M dad.” or Ian Linibd.0thn.01t. Veteran Star Theatre FRIDAY- - SATURDAY T\VO SHO\VS :8 and 9.1.3 PM It YEARS’ mum mum Thomas Meighan Ne’er-Do-Well” do. April 3, 192‘. April 4-5 Durham, Ont. “The m "7." ms «mums mat “38mm of age Assumes , .mpomnt Posmon at Mon- "gal Head.0ffice of Big Tmnortatlon Company, Announcement 2r..- ( ' by Grant Hall, vim. ; Canadian Pacific 2131 . appointment of V. 32‘, a tant to the \‘it-e-gtn- ‘ the late James M;- undertook his nwc-c IT- tO the Vice-pTOFide r.' ' Pacific on Mam-~12 ' . date for him, bfix ; young man, Mr. 5." . one of th_e must «2;; ising of the uppbr ;'r" in the service of 1M “.2 . His rise in the uni...- . years of employm-m ‘ ‘4 - 1:- . meteoric succe'ssim .,-, tions, owing Lu 1 1s (.. work and intim: m: ,r: the Canadian Pa r; f‘ (- January, 1902, as 7; Hr? superintendent’s (171“ :.1 i In March of thf: s; t‘zw yum transferred to the “fi:"" M. 11.. ', superintendent at 'i'urmztc. He was transftrrrt'ri in ‘\ peg ofices in Scptrmzm. stenographer and cT-evr‘r: ir. - ‘- of the superintendcz',c of 1,“:- tion there. In 190“ he v.‘;:.< clerk in the office of 234- ,~ - dent at SOUTiS, ML"- .-'-.'.::;i:‘ 3‘: of the same year A - ' general SUpETiI'.‘.'L.\:"'1:‘.i ,. " Winnipeg as elm-1 :1?‘ I‘ I‘ 1910, he was HIMA ‘3.“- . of the car sorxnw 2.3:. Winnipeg, and it; .‘JIC‘. " transferred to the at. »- Montreal. In January, If-ie}. appointed (at «or-‘- astern I‘mw Montreal, 2.1: ‘7! year-he wasproz“ ‘ intendent of‘ .J- r}; November, 191'. superintendent «I Y". degartment at ,.._..;.‘ He was appmrt. tat? Of the (E? r‘ffiik’u}. ciation, Nation“ 1. ber23, 1917,ir\1 such notable v.75}: : 'Xlthough $131 ”fluent. Mr. Neal was born 1r: Tommo m 1886 and was educatpd at thc- Pub'iic “d Wesely High Schools there. He '38 married in 1910 to Miss Francis J. Scnfi nf Renfrew. ' sudtien'n “n- W“ a,“ aUU'm“ '--. Nell day thw miv-‘x’nm; ‘32:- edby Young 'hut- ‘ zunz‘... ' was afoot, \Kfilkwi RX "Hi: 11 bOre various. «min-3 t- :1 This was his 0x10121211» :. “Drive out M; v-'-- moonshine; takv 1'11 1‘7 838. has and W '4" (38L Pretty quit}; 3' coming down mzm. “1'- Gime anothpl- (”3w mg entirely 000 much. gan met them on the $4. , them promise u; 80 to- y: next day and take the ‘ Early the next, man; Mike; they linked arm» for the priest‘s abode. took them past a salom. “Hist. Mike!" says I" ' we shtep in an’ have before we sign the 910-: “Raw,” replied Mil-m. might. smell our brcar' We’re comin’ back!” Minn Pacific M. Neal MAJ yg: Appointed Assistant m-President of Mt. “'0 )2. 59‘“; ’, April 3, 1924. L'HJUD ( ntrca C “a: Inauc LUIVI ;' the superinten- Azain in Marr'h was sent to the ient's office at an in January. and chief clerk departmvm at av. 11415.1” was us of the W8?- ), he was 3990i! ll superintende in April of t p to Toronto, position there. in Jilly, 1322‘ neral “Perm": no Aivicion- WI 9 during his. ‘22 with the com- .e 195:4 than a )f rapid memo- .:‘~;::‘it,\' for hard asp of railway 'd the. service of 5c Railway in a clerk in the co at Toronto. ne year he was ce of the general oronto. :1 to the Winni- rthT, 1904. as ark in the office U (I had ht hill drrn‘ :porta- .e chief m1 aWKF m Cf I. Gammon-Chi Electric Pas“: near \‘iaaara COvah-d wi the mo: througk electrical or sell, deguty So far as development quarter of a . electric deveh installation 01 966,000 b. .:i 2,483,000 ELp it. via éxpectea that 5,000,001 powersfiro I of her Indus her water no Th ted Stat;

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