West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Apr 1924, p. 8

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" PAGE EIGHT Miss Edwards, who has been on the Publ.c school teaching staff for the past few months. spent the week and with her sister here Micro 11,-- tumingjx: Ottawa. _ I ._--l '“. OJ.-- v‘ vvvvw Mrs. N. McLaughlin gum? Pearl Drumm) of Palmerston. spent a {on- days recently with her parents on account of her father's illness. It is the intention M the Egrv- mont Agricultural Society to estab- lish a competition in ploughing dur- ing the present year, and to that end My. McLean of Richmond Hill will address a meeting to be held in the hall here «m Hm 10th inst. at 2 p.111. This is a cunxnmndabn feature in connection with agriculture.‘ \"llllnuuluu u.... W""‘--"- 7_ Mr. \V. A. Reid of 'l’horndalr and Ir. Georgia 5. Faster of the Bank of Montreal hero spent the week-end at. their rnspmttive honws in H0:- stein and Guelph. MP8. Georg» H0.~°i.0tivr and \Vill Aitken are improving after their serious illness. Bert. Dyor. rural mai; courier. R. R. '1. has purchased Ed. Hoy‘s resi- dence, East Main street. I. -AA_,__..I-..A.- .‘S There was a small attendance at George Seaman’s sale on Saturday, but prices ranged fairly well with W. Murphy wielding the hammer. ‘ aion. . . Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey .and «laughtm', Miss Florence. spent. mm- day anon-noon with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. “gray. â€" ‘ n ‘ ___-‘-_ -- . l n .‘Anr\ll \s \w remember, March came in like a lamb, so “e are in no “3‘ surpkisml to sew it pass out like a I‘Vuv M'x‘. Jnlm Park purchased a gener- al purpnsc horse at the auction sale uf Mr. Archio- Park of (ilornelg on Samrdaglasg. _ . - . _____ L-_-.- ' “V‘, \- ‘4‘“. Miss Hazvl Johnstonv is )‘isifiime' 1hr llcmlnrsom and Fulcm iunnlws nf Ilampdon thl§ \‘vm-l‘i: A... I \Ve congratulatu .‘lz'. ('imu‘gp J. 'l‘urnbull on being united in mar- :‘iagv cm Mnnday nf last wwk t0 Miss Barbara C. Knisicy of South Hutton Hill. 'l‘hoy volume“! 011 Saturday noon :lftm' slwmiing thvix' lmnoy- mmm in ’lfm'omn. \Vv juin in oxtvml- mg hrs: wishvs and much lmmwists m but]! in tlwir mnrrimijifv. - i :7 .3766: :55,» 2. 3:7; 4.5.1. :21: 5.1.735" .23.. as...:._.../. :23. 2:. 2.: 1275 7.5. 22.71.. p -- r'v-v‘.,. ' It is with deep I'vgx'nt nwminn of ”Ir dvath nt' Wiso. a resident nr this about. .30 years. Don-3': ’ '\V\ v - I . It is With «sleep regret we make a} mention of the death 01' Mrs. Frank; Wise. a resident nr this luralily furl about. it) years. Deceased. whHsa' maiden name was Sophia lili'y. was born in England in 183')? and hail therct’nre passed her 67th year. M rs. Wise hail a lovable disposition aml was highly respected by all who knew her. Those left. to mourn their loss. besides the sorrowiug husband. are two daughters. Mary (Mrs. Alf. Railey‘. Blanche ;.\lrs. Reg. Sharpe}, and three sons. Grattau. Jesse and .\llan. all married and residents of this tmvnship. The funeral was held Saturday afterueon. Much sympa- thy is felt for the surrnwing‘: hushami and members of the family in their hereaVemcnt. "hn svlmwl children had :1 half holiday Thursday. as their teacher was H. but, all \\'01'«‘ back as usual In their clutivs next morning. urn 9:; .42. 22:2: 6.920: 15: 1.595.». 32:31. 2:: .27.. 2:; .47”. -5533. .1 a 7n: 2 _ M. 7â€"... M3; .17.. «45.55 $213,]. 1.22: a: 3.74.55: i :7, .58.. 3. £7 2:; .17.. $55.97, fiuzunz. . I, {Our own T'orz‘espomiont. ‘ Miss Kate .‘thdon :lttmnlmi thv ~11\01 \n .Min; 01 a h‘hnih‘ in \\ alk- ""ton on \\ e ‘inosdn. Mr. \\'illi:im Paylm' is supplying ’hv svhiml \Vnml this \Vm‘k. Miss .lano Ritrhio is assisting Mrs. Lauri-once McFadden. Darkivs‘ CO?- nors. whose little i‘iaughtm‘ is iii with pneumnnia. Mr. John A. McDonald is Visiting his brother and sister mar Price- \‘int‘. \ugar-making is in progress wnth more than the usual number on- ad in the business Sap run \\ as good last \Vt‘t‘k. but. this week $0 far has been 100 cold. .\h. H. H McDonald and siste". Miss Kate attended thv mnemi of their aunt. Mrs. McDona..d 0‘ Izgz‘v- mom. last \\ minosdav. h..\ ‘9 I‘“‘ The roads axle almbst impassable Magnific out pitch-11010:. cut-off roads. 5mm -b3nks and bare patches Assessor C. Moore of Glenelg was through this Vicinity last. week placing his vaiuation upon the farm property. He is making a rise in the township assessment this year of about $0 per cent... which should enable the Clerk to strike lower rates and should make no difference in the amount of the taxes. Gienelg‘s assessment has been for years too low and Mr. Moore‘s action is to be commended. We‘are havinga shoxjt period of winter frosts agam. whaghwill make __-LL-_ \‘ IIIUS. I‘V‘W wwâ€"v ~ ~ us appreciate qur spi-imc weather the more when }t gome§ 7 ~‘_. ._.1 AL- "mm 5;; a, me; to report me death of Mrs. Thomas McKeown, of the. Durham Road, west. who passed away after {lingeripg illness. No doubt this wnll recelve more worthy (Our own correspondent: (Our own correspondent.) {Our own Knox Corners. Edge Hill. .;~~' attention from the pen of the editor, to whom we will leave it. The path}; of this community goes out\to the bereaved. _ . J A UI/| L“ V V“. lllL; Miss Louise Jones is still under the doctor’s care and we are sorry to hear that she is not progressing more favorably. Her mother, who was also ill. is improving splendidly. Dr. Carr was on}. of town over the week-(ind, and returned Monday at noon. The Dr. is now occupying his new quarivrs in the former McCor- mick preperty on pin-ham street. ' ._ â€" L--â€"'â€"- A...‘ ”I.” U“ y} VIJU. v.v v-- .r â€"_ __, 'l‘hc Mc’l‘aggart boys are huSy get- ting mate: id! home for the proposed extension to theix house. ‘ \u‘1u-wu‘ 311-. £61an Mclxmmn left for the West. 011 Mundax of this week. \Ve “.11: him OUT) ”succrfss. -n ALA ll ...... \‘ v war mad to [war of the Owen Smmd Gr: ys triumph in the hockc) honors Prof. McNPiJ of Rum: College oc- ullpied tho Presbyterian pulpits here last Sunday in a very able and pleas- ing manner. -u-rw -'-w _____ alessrs. James McArthur and An- gus Clark returned from Toronto, whnro they spent a short holiday rm'ently. ‘ mills. The "lbgging ‘gang ‘aro very busy Inaflmg tlw hmwy stock for Hanover Hopeville. ( Our own correspondent. ‘~ ()ux' spring-likp woatha has suc- mmbecl fur a little whfle longer._ Soniu in this Vicinity have tabpod and _l'vp_Q_x-t_ :x 3.199! mm pf :Szgp. MissW’ickoé); Haw Visitm‘l Her sislm‘ mvr Sunday. M 1'. Shunkland. who has been cnn~ ducting mentings hon.- for the last {Wu or three weeks. has returned to 1110 cily. The nx_issic._mary mueting at Mrs. .13an Rhldvli's on “Winesday last was wvll atto‘ndm‘l. \Vc i111o1¢-1Ԥtax1d Mrs. Joseph Love intc‘mls mnvmg from the Village to NW with hm' sum. Harold. M 1-. .\.«-x. Stewart and family vis- itml ”\‘m' Sunday with Robt. Stnwart ht'l‘c'. \Vo‘ are glad tn report Mr. Gourgc Ridoh-li's family able to he nut again al’h-r lwing: confined to the house \\'iih \'m'_\' SPVQ'I'R colds. Mrs. r‘i'gmk McLean visited in the Village thls wook. .‘dr. 'l'humas «2.1mm! tuuk :\ war- mad uf hnrsns frum hero 'J‘uvsdzzy fur tlw .\nvth\\'v.~‘t. 'l'lw photo <tmliu n l vnth purl t has‘nl in He‘l‘h. he [NW has lNN‘n $0111 in him h.» his hxnthm' Fwd. \\ 1m \\ ill umténuv the) lmsinyss hmv. Halvzm Hall. Utmwa. had a $20.01."! hluzu m1 iiustm' Sunday morning. Lady Mint”. \\‘!m is sufl'o‘ring from an :u-viclo'm rmwh‘wl ro-cvntly. had tn kw vm-rim! cimx'nstaix's nn 3 strntvhvr, Em! sustainvd 1w damage ervhy. -»\ \‘nm' {II‘vtty “whim: took placv at thv luv-mo 01‘ Mrs. H. Edmonds last \\'.~«‘Ine?sa1‘a}'. when her daughter. .-\I- Iwrta. was unitvd in marriage. tn Mr. John Bartman. by the) Rev. Mr. Bell nf I’mt‘ham. Miss Mary Edmunds as- sistm’! tho‘ lll‘idt‘. \R’hilt" MI‘. Janws Bngm of \‘ax'noy acted as best. man. Mr. (3. .\. Stillblus uf Mt‘n'x'isvy. 81‘... Sun ”Y c'X-RN‘VP Staph-s Hf 1%ng Hill. svnds in his nume- as a new sub- sm-ilwt'. Hn has 1mm in the employ nt‘ thn ILPJL for thv past fin} yvars. \Vv haw just 1011mm! by tvlvphone that Gnnrgv )liu'hvll's privatv bank :1! l’lvshm‘tnn was burglarizml on 'l'nvsday night and mm' $21130 tukvn. lnspnctm' Campbell was unabio tn attvnol the (LEA. on :u'cnunt Hf his rmwnt ilhwss. :7 $2255, .1. .2... 3113/. 7. 3 4.3.2:: 2.1. ...._..F:.,. i 2:. 2:316 3:31.32: 75595. Sam. Kiwanis is ungagml at cax--‘ [water work at. Banfl' and x'ku'tsg timvs brisk. It promises tn bocomog quit» a tmm. as wal of gond quality is plentiful. ; Mr. Arthur Rmit‘mnl ux' Launlash., and Miss Swah Hopkins 01‘ Allani Park. \wx'v unitmi in marréagv om” TWENTY YEARS AGO From The Chronicle File of April 7, 1924. aged at car- and xwmrts *S tn become goat! quality :‘tsi Mx. ’1‘ 110111213 Mcmen and familx no 105i!" tn thank all frivnds and My 'mighlmrs fur the extreme kindness ishown them during: the illness and ab“ h-ath m' thniz- bolmwl Wife and an t mothm‘. Such attontifin shall never an 'w t'« u‘gut ton. A wedc‘ling took place in our neighborhood East, Tuesday so quiet- ,y that. it scarcely caused a ripple. ‘It was Miss Matil‘da McMeeken and Mr. (my Williams of Glenelg. Rev. Wm): R. Smith performed the cere- mony.â€"Corner Concerns cox}: Wlednesday, March 30, at the home of Rev. Mr. Gardiner of Hanover. Mr. Edward Redford, brother of the groom. and Miss Mary Vickers as- siséedl the young couple during the or ea . u-v-- - J. “. Blyth reCeived a silver cup gix 011 to the child born on the 29th ofl‘oh1uu1‘y1904. . TEE PRAYER MEETING (Almonte Gazette.» The weekly prayer meeting is a feature of community life which has been a perplexing problem. It 18 usually held on Wednesday evening. It is practically impossible for busi- ness men to attend it with .reguAarâ€" ity. They close their stores at 6 o‘clock as a rule, and by the time they have made their daily balance, “ended their way home, consumed their evening meal, and accomplish-% ed the little domestic duties that fall to the lot of the average man, the hour-of the meeting has gone by. Knox church in Ottawa has appar- ently solved the problem. The inno- vation of holding the congregational jprayer-meeting from 5.15 to 5.45 on 1Wednesday each week is said to be proving very satisfactory. Large numbers of people attend and the spirit of the meeting is bright, de- {etional and helpful to practical reâ€" igion. 'l'hv Labor Barty seems bent on taking the British Government’s machinery apart. But can. it put it together again‘Iâ€"Philadelphia Rec- 0rd. BORN Philp.â€"â€".\t the Unusual and Marine Hospital. 0mm Sound, on Tuesday. April ‘1. to Mr. and Mrs. Newton Philp gum? Hattie Lmvmnce), a son. McLean.â€"â€"0n Saturday. March 29, al. Slwlbux-lw, Ont. to Mr. and Mrs. John ll. Mchan {1100 Agnes MCGiI'l',‘, a daughter. Thompsonâ€"in antinck. March 31, tn Mr. and Mrs. “and Thompson, :1 son. Hopkins.â€"-[u lmim: ' mvmorx nf Janws Hopkins do all\ 1101de hus- land and fathvr. \\lm diml April '4. 1933. and oiaughtmn Vt‘l‘a Louise. whn dim} I’vhruary 5. 19°20. 'l‘wn )‘c‘ars m-v past since. we. did SOC r'mr .lnzu' 12‘1er pass away. Oh. ‘twus hard. 'twas hard to hear 'l‘lw last. lm‘ath fade away. But. \vn kmm' it was Gnd who called him Tu Hi» painloss hmnn ImyomI. Oh. Imw sac! and lm'm-Iy we are. \\ ltimut yml, dear fathm' and daughter, Ynm- :‘mvtslups wv Pan hear no more). Your busy hands are still. Ynur vacant canir is horn. That. nnne on earth can fill. daughter. In _\nm- still and cusy bed. “Wm-v nu pain or sorrow griews the)". ' PM W» hop" again tn meet. there Whm mu Fathnr calls us homn 'l‘u HI» painlwss Hnmv hnynnd. ll“! _ -â€"â€"\\'ifv and Family. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Frank Wise and family wish to thank tho friends and neighbors *‘nr kémhwss shown «luring the ill- nnss. death and burial of :1 beloved with and mother. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE «m. Sim. CARD OF THANKS IN MEMORIAM p «m. «Iv-21' father and ‘EEEIW Mr. Archie Park, who has been livâ€" ing just east of. town for the pastS three or four years sold his property recently and intends moving with his family to Allan Park. Last night about 75 friends and neighbors met at his home to say good-by and to express regrets at learning of their departure. At the same time the pupils of 8.8. No. 9, Glenelg, met and honored Miss Park, a former teacher; To Mr. Park they presented a writing desk and bookcase com- bined, in Mrs. Park a 11:11? rack and to Miss Park a silver-mounted Pyrex casserole. Reeve W011i was chairman and in a brief address announced the natux e of the meeting with a.- 1 due detorâ€" um. Mr. John McGii r and a number of others also expressed their kindly feeling towards the family they re- gmtted so much to 1088 Mr. and Mrs. Park and daughter made 1eplies expressive of their gratitude. ”Fol- lowing is the address: To Mr. and Mrs. Park : Dear Friendsâ€"We have meet here 1 this evening to express to you our appreciation of the courteous. kind- ly and unselfish life you have lived in our midst. Your willingness to give aid in times 01’ serrml ul‘ sufi'erâ€" ing, your readiness to share anoth- er‘s joy, your hearty co-operation in all social and community events, and your active interest in the reli- gious Me and all that makes for good has made for you a warm place In our heartsâ€"hence, we deeply re- gret your departure from our neigh- borhood. Mums Annrnnsnnn-non Do you need more business. ‘7 $2,000. There are 334,000. Department stores a n d wide-awake small-town merchants a r e getting the surprise of their lives to find how easy it is to sell these farming fami- lies by Long Distance. The average value of Ontario and Quebec farms is $10,000. Their average income is over. more' proof I Try it consistently. Pick out some attractive staple ibar. Distance to six prosperous farming families a day, for. a week. Judge the malts by the percentage of sales. day 55“; you with these gifts as a of our kindly feelings tow and your family. _»Sigqe(_1 01_1_ bghalf or the ‘ 1" Un- ,TSâ€"iéned on behalf or the cqmmunâ€" "dzâ€"John McGirr. J. O. Hamllton. To Miss. M. Park : We. the pupils of 8.8. No. 9, Glen- olg, are sorry to learn that, you are about to {cave our community. During the time you spent as teacher in our school we always found you interested, thorough and cheerful in your work. Not only in the school-room did we find your presence enjoyable, but on the play- ground as well, where you showed us. the value of fairness and honesty in our games. -A _ a 0‘ The hepe that the unselfish spirit which prompted the giving up "of your work among us wiyl be more than repaid to you. As an appreciation of your work among us we would ask you to ac- cept this dish. not as a reward for service.- but asvan expression and remembranco of our kind.y feelings toward you. ‘anu WSi net; VOE' behalf of the pupils.â€" Mime";~ Hargravo. Rug. McFadden, Anâ€" nie Arhett, Reg. Arnett. +++++M+++40PWWM+++++~P+ ' road t’ success Iran: a lot long 91: WW fth‘your; :3; flambitious start: in’ 99* “um “ d??? ___.--J- 3, 1934. VOL. 57.â€"N0. 2964. IcNANNEY SENTENCE!) T0 SIX MONTHS IN ONT. REFORMATORY Senl. Threatening Letters to Holstvm Iinister Requesting $50.00 Hush Honey When He Saw Millit:u‘1 Remove His Own Robe from 8.5 Owen Cutter in Hols-tom Shed. . SIX months in tllt' ()ntai'lu itvt‘nl'm- 5 \ zloty at. Guelph was ”it‘ smutvnwii meted out. by Magistrate- (Ix'vasnr at it last. Friday morning's St‘SSlHtl nt' tilt“ s' pOIICG court, at, “We‘ll Snuutt tn Thin, t ‘ lcNanni'Y 01' Now 'i‘m'untct. hut t‘uxu' neply of near Varm-y, whu plvmtmiti .gufity tn :1 vhai‘gv uf :ittvmptmi mkmau ni' vxtm'tinn. 'l‘lw stan of ‘ this case as told in Friday‘s ”{wn ‘ Sound Sun-'l‘imcs, is quitv :m mâ€" ‘ Wasting mw. inasmuvh :Lx' It was the ~‘ first. mm at its kind which has lwvn ’ brought. to the attuntiun uf tho Grown authorities in :1 mm: mun." and ahlmugh the so'ntvnvv inunm-d' IS a comparatively light, (mv in \ lvw i at tho. seriousness ut‘ thv crimv. all the circumstances in ('Hnm-vtiun‘ with tho «as» \qu- takvn llltu writ»: fiideratinu and (li‘mvu ;\tt¢il'tli'} lM‘i'i‘i did not, press {Or a svvm‘v svntvlu'v. t Them was no vx'idvm-v sninmttml at the trial. but ”10 t'tu'ts iii “iv raw as given tn tho. murt \wnl in ~hmvt [shat on thu night, Ht March 12. \\ hivh‘ was 0!) a \thwsday, Itm. l.o-\\ i~ 1.. ”West. the Mothmhst «'lvi'mmzm at} Holstein drow his Imrw :mcl ('Httt‘t‘i ? t 'mtn tlu‘ shmt at thv War «it hi~ church. and at'tvi' lmtimi: hi~ hut-w- gway Wont. mtn thv huuw. \~ hp Fh‘OV'P, in hi" nntii‘ml that Him-.- \\::~ another Slt'iph in thv shmt hut itzcti not pay lilm'll :tttI‘IItJHH tn it. imt . 30011aft.l'.l‘h1‘.\\’¢'nt Iiitu ii!" imi'm' it"t thought, [u- [want fuut~twii~ uh tho-t flutsidn and i'c'n‘H-miwriiw Hm! tln-zw t had 1mm :1 numiwr «oi Hn-Hs M i'Htio-~ {1‘01“ Clittul'b :mti Sit-mth chitin; it!" winter mumhs, dH'Utmt 1.. ;_-.. mm 1.. his own l'llttt'l' and iii'lilL' in has um. rohcszand whip. .\,~‘ hr um iliittllt, in team tlu- shml hv heumi sumw lfl‘l‘wh rail «mt tn him and nmkv wiw- m;- 60llmmw'uim}. um .... ‘. hank int.” thu hmisw and titanium 1w mm'o- ahmit. thv llilzitH'. Ho- vim DOWQVM', gri‘vatly snrpi'lwwt :u tww days laitvi'. aimnt Mun-h 18. in coivn :i lvttvi' simimt M“ Thumb \1.» Namwy. :mcl \xmttvn hum wax in: ~ «mt», in \xhwh it \‘..'t~ mam! tint the \Vi'iic-z' hm! sown thv t'lwi'mmnn go out mu. Hu- >1qu and tuiw 1'... I'Ohtf.‘ titlt (it. til“ «'Htto'l' :Hiot I'tu'l‘t' them away. >|1‘,.';:I‘~tl!l;.' it) till” Hwy 'nad hm'n stniun. imt twilim.’ hm: Hm: hf- had im ttt‘fi'ti‘v tn (‘-.H1-'-4' him rim- tJ'mihlv. hilt that, it hv wnt thv \\ Ht ~ er “I“ sum Hf $30.”? 1;" \wnlct zm‘. zivu thv farts tn thv pint“. Iw-nt WI;- mLf thv hum“ of .lai'k Hmm'k. :x 'l'uz' onto puhlit-atinn. 'l'hv lwtth- mutt-.m- ml SUVO'HJ] hiwlhm~ tuna-gt» mmâ€" f'vrninz: Hw (-lvi’uyinan. and tin- .ut tm‘ lust. 1m tm‘w m tUHHHL.’ i‘. m. -- the prnpm' authuritw- tur A day m- twu :tftvr thi~ Hi“. ,\I:' “Vast. l'i't‘PZU'tt :nzutiH-t' lvttvz- ‘..‘v!: MONHHH‘F. tlil'tiwi‘ in~t~2.iu.'..' nzi it; Itumanck lwim: ("'mga Hwi "nth. In: stating that hv mm zitmm 1‘. .wzi fM‘ Mfmti'bill and :i'. 2;: zit. in timt u-ity. '.‘ c."'i UH: dish-1M lwadqm: Kitchoner. was placed the car-3v, and last. 'l'h noon. after smrurinu a! be uh’ainvd. “mm in and placed his man 12;. brought him ‘u. “xx": same night. The accused 1' caught with UN made :1 fu.l 91:4 facts. planing hi 0!" the court. 'l him an oppnrm adVit'v. which in local legal :20an m rvquusl tlw lenient. with l-w was U10. 3m“? Sn; lbrw small r‘: out that tlw z... realizv thv :-:r- .. which lw lnarl . . that if :19 all ' be allmxcad h. enco. he WMIM WV. seminar-u xx 1H? Crown AHM'I: 9d 0111 that IN. ,.; crimv 3::er 3H". [p.almmz. and H1 and that in addn aster 0f '4 (:u-z'z sailed. ho (“Milt wnsmst 10 hm" pended. and a? 1 ed Out that such ishable by a tan Denittenhary. '1 imposed UH: N“! at the Ontario P at the “Marin HM- ‘ There is fi‘;!!‘:d" In'Holsttein. ‘tww‘u members of Mr. \‘L': and they were mm the whole rnah‘r-s- ‘- as possihiv. A...‘ W01 3 Drink and Street ‘ Conversation Two Weeks Ago M 'U H al ()0!!st («t 1.0::qu Bobze 'and Talkf'c.~.t. 11011 M‘ 'llmm: Is Mcâ€" lh-n hum .\'«~\~ '10:- H “3‘ ”Mud ”I.” soon 1h“ ¢-lvn.'_\'mm| slaw! and tukc- MW 0 ('Uva' :13ch carry KPSHIIK in him 1hr) at HM H TI mttmn I sux‘m'ismi March 18 fl Hf. \\ H U San; \\ \\' \\ In \\' :1 \M 5‘1 1‘0]! pry ”all qmc‘ mm :tll‘v Imp fish Ha H H IM “I H ML Ha \\ ml" U m, {h

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