am 62. I. McCalium 5:0 A. Bipmann l . 'ko’rs‘ 67. H. D1 ($339 Durham, Ont. )b-[mnxal April 10, iay. JNE SHOP I) SPECIALTY ma difference a “just tea." T OF MEN DEERE nplements lots r‘uaéw r‘nom for our new kc: advantage of this. offer pair :1 mm“. Mack and :3 mlf ‘zeathers With ("'28. Sixes :1 IO 7. A an Galore and milling Machines Saws Gummed Wumcn's Cash- I'l Machinist Etc. â€pio'X' a?“ V"? StUd - Swrvtary Fal â€His. Teacher. 1' NW Interior, ~g'1ni' lwft at a". '3.‘ Jnllrna]. :0 E. )lighton Dunn «18. S. In â€18 3' h-ciass the McDon- P a flat TORONTO, April 7, 1924. Another heavy week, both as to iegiszation in the House and business in committees, ended with all the --stimates cleared away, and supply voted to the extent of $69,901,359. The inn-imier‘s hill respecting medicai and dental inspection in schools was among the government measures re~ ported by committee of the whole, without amendment. on Thursday evening. Mr. Ferguson took occa- smn to point out very clearly that nothing is being done to interfere with the present law providing that no medical 01‘ surgical “treatmentâ€: as distinct from “inspectionâ€"can be given without consent of the child's parent or guardian. A bill intro- duced by Hon. Charles McCrea on \ionday affects the natural gas area of the province and is desngned to .lo away with the special status 01)- :aineil by various townships by declaration that the pipelines there- :n are "transmission lines.“ All the municipalities will come under the :35 board in future. for priceâ€"fixing, if the bilil goes through, and there will he an end to the ‘checker-board' ~ystem which the minister regards .is discriminatory. thn agricultural estimates were up Wednesday and Thursday. Hon. .5. S. Martin. to whom. as a practical l'armcr at tho head of the depart- ment of agriculture. the province has undoubtedly ‘occn looking for prac- tioal ninasurcs to improve farming conditions, outlined in straightfor- ward fashion some of his plans. and III frank. husinosslikc terms. called for co-opcralion of all in the House». Lalo-r Hon. Manning Dolwrty i-mww- ml his promiso of gcncral support. .\11'. Martin announced $1111 proposed 111;.ran12ati1111 111' committees 111 1131111 111111114) 111111 membu' 111' \1111Ch 11111 1111 11111 agricultural r11p1'11sentatn11. to assist, and :11111s11. new tumors 1n such mallors as 1111-. [111113113511 111' 131111. T1111 1'111111st111' 1'11mpl11t1-11 111s 1'111‘111'11111'113 111 1.1.1111'11111111s 111'3111'1111s 111' 11111 1111- s1111k 1111111s11'y,b111_11111 y1-s11’1rdaV at- 1111'11111111 1111111111" “1111 1111gI'a111111'.‘ i 111 c'11nn111'110n 11'1111 1mm11n'at1011\ 111111111'\ 1311111111: 111111 1111111101111: 111- 111:“ 111 11111 s11111~p industry 110\\ 111.11 1111- \\111'111 s1.111' ks 111 “11111, 311111111 12111111 during 11111 war. haw 1111111111 :11111 .\11s11'a11a is 1111 11111:;111' 11111 111111111111- 1111' s1111 was. '1‘111- 1111111s1111' 11111111111'1'11 11111 1111111 which Bcitish 1111.111111113 1'1'1111 111'1s' 11111111 11111 '1‘111'1111111 31-11 :\1111l11’1'it1 lllitl'ixt'ia 1111111 [1111111111 1111.4 11111 1'1111’111113' was 11111.1111' 1'211'1- 111' 111-1111: :11'11s 111 1)nta1'.111 :11111111111111111: 11111.1- 11w plans 1'111' a s1_1111s 111‘ 11111111111s11'a- 111111 1111'ha1'11s 111 1111 1"11111111111'11 113; 1'111 1"11111 111';1111'11 1111'1111g1111111 1111- 111111.â€" 1111'11 H111. 11111111311111'111's111'aV1111' :1111>:11:1111s 1-111111111s111‘11~\\111l.1111111_: 1111:5'111111111 111u1111..11':1'11111 111111s 11111 1111111s1111' sa111. “\1'111'111- 1113111111: \111'\ 1'a1'111'11l s11"111ti1111 at 11111111111 :111111 111asg1111'." \1 11111111'11s111t 1111111 111111'11] M11 :1 1,:1'1-111 many applications 111111 \1'1~ mm 11111\ s1111111111j' 11111 111111 111 s1'\'1'11. “1:11 is a $111.11! 11111'1'1111La;.111. 111.11 "1 111-1 11 1s 1.11111111' a1 1111.1 111'11s1111 1111111 111 111111xt1'g111m111 1'a1'11f111 :11111 Min" 11111 11111\ [1111111111 “1111 “111 111 111 \11111 11111111111111s as 1111 x :11'11 11111'11. 1 111134111 .11511 5.1} that \\'11 111' 1 1111111": 111111 11111 1111111111' 111:1.1’111111111131 adverâ€" 11s111g :11111 11111131111: 111'11‘111'11 11111 1111011111 111' 1111- (11.11 country 11111 1111s11'a111111y 111' 1.1111113; 1)111:11'111 ï¬rst 1111.1111'11. In 11111 111111 'at111'11 s11111 11111 111' 1111111111- \\:1\ 11111111a11111s and 11011111111111 (1mâ€" 111111111111 0111:11'11111111111'11as1'111111ix111 111-1' s11a1'1- 111 1'1111s111111‘2111m1. instx-ict. agricultural representa- iiVo-s will in futlu't‘ be asked to lump .. :uvm'cl Hf HI'HiSll farm he‘ll) Iz'fl‘JilLL' gm nrigina! pnsitinn. by way ni‘ rem- a-dying a olvt‘m't, in the present. sys- Sid elig hts On The Mag islature Thursday; Ami ill, 1m. JERRY ON THE JOB THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR lishment of these men who come out; give them a little friendly help and advise them and let them know they are; among friends, and that they have some one taking an interâ€"‘ est in them. We have many {rater-i nal organizations who are alwaysj looking for work of this kind- -the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs, ana many of them have suggested they be allowed to do something of this kind. It is a sort of general service proposition. so that it a man who comes over wants to buy a farm he may go to the chairman of this com- mittee. and it wib‘l be a patriotic duty of the committee to see he pays only a fair price. Many of these people canie out. with a. limited .amount of capital and I have known M33505 where by injudiciims purchase jot‘ farms. farm machinery and stock 1 they were in a few years at. the end ' of their resources and had to sell out at great disadvantage. 'I believe the ‘plun will work out to the beneï¬t not only of the people themselves. but also of the prox'inee."_ In conclusion Mr. Martin pointed out two important steps already taken in the intPrPst of agriculturc‘. “1th thP provinCP had failed to altPI' tle dPL-isiun at Ottawa. that th» fvdm'al subsidy should bP cut, ntl’. Perim' l’vx'guson hail pm- nnuncml that Ontario should make up thP mono'y he'»ing paid from the Dominion giant for agxicu~ ltural f'llllt ation and clistl ict ert‘PSPntatiw semices. lliPn Hon. J. R. (Zoosz bill incrmsing thP bonus fur rural 'llytll'f) linPs hail bPPn bacchl up by ia. \‘cilP Hf $1,000,001). l". H. Ko-nt‘m'. K.C.. Logislativv Soc- u-tan for Nortlim‘n ()ntai io \\ ho Vs as. in \\ 1i~lungton townâ€), in con- nection “lit! the diu‘ision nl (Swat Lakus \Vlatf‘. l.)_\ the Chicago Sam- tzu’y Commission. on Friday after- noon inlrmlucml 11!. resolution calling for action by tho federal govm'nmcnt to stop this limit Uf 10,000.000 cubic foot. pm' sm'nml. which. as Mr. Roofer pointml out. is gi'vatm' than the flow owi' Hm Amvrican Falls and is ad- mitiml tn lw the vquivalonl. of 500.- 000 hOI'Si'pHWl'l'. Ho dcscrilmd the Sltllo'nli“ as our of the greatest inter- national wrongs one could imagine. 'l'liv Hons» approved the. resolution. l’l‘i'llllt‘l‘ Fm'guson pointing out thai it “as' M stx'vng. then the hands of thv lmminiun (mwmment. ' The church union bill came before thn privaln bills committov on Tues- day. but nut. (won the ï¬rst cl’ausc was pussml. Anglican and Roman «lathnn'v nu-mlwrs. speaking gener- ally. joined with those Presbyter- izms nppnsml t0 tlw tvx'ms of the! bill and Sllppul'h‘d an amvndmvnt by W. Finlaysnn. East Simcoo, that the law (‘lt‘l‘k draft 21. clause permitting disf so-utinrx 1°n11,1vgati0ns to i'vmain out 111‘ thu 1111in11 ciiurch and iotain their 111111111 and property. This is regard- ml by unionists as fatal {.0 the suc- (u-ss nf thv plan and C. R. McKeown, muwi- nt tho hi i is quntml 11s 0011'- sirlnrinr: \\ ithdra“ al of it. Sir \ciam Bock. “hen hulm 0:- timatvs “M‘v up on 'lunsclav. clvlh- Med 3 \ ignrnus addmss dealin" \\ ith unions phases M thv pmwr outerâ€" prisv. and making ansxior it} some <01,- 1111115 of thu Grogom 1.11mn1issi0n s 1-11111111. pzirticulai-IV {hat indicating that 111' had acted VVitl1m1t 111111. au- th111iiV in 111111iocti1‘1n VVith thn ap- 11111;.1i11i11n 11f $1. 100. 000 for VV1_11'k 1_1n [nay-Hm! 1:11lials {1.1111 1‘111‘ 11x1111nsos 111' thn Hydro Commission in connec- tinn with thv Suthm'land inquiry. 'l‘i11- chairman gave documentzny 111'11111'ti1nt all was 110111) with full knowledge and consent of the Gov emment. There gas :4 livgly‘pag- CI. l‘mcu‘t. V V' w w u- - v-‘ r w sage with Hon. Manning Doherty when the ex-minister twitted the hydro chairman with having.“nib- bled at†the offer in 1919 of a port- folio in the U.F.O. Government. Sir Adam reiorted that ’he had never been within “nibbling†distance. “I bided my time,†he said, “and here we are. and you are there." Investigation by the.Public Ac- counts Committee of the Legislature of the affairs of the Provincial. Trea- surer’s department has resulted in such startling evidence that the de- mand nmv comes from the few re- maining representatives of the late Government that a Royal) Commis- sion should be appointed to probe deeply and impartially into all mat- ters pertaining to the Department. Premier Ferguson turns a deaf ear to this request on the grounds that it would be taking away from the committee the one function for which it exists. The first thrill this week came from the production of a stub from a Home Bank cheque book purport..- ing to show that a cheque was drawn for $15,000 in favor of Hon. Peter Smith, Provincial Treasurer. a rebate re $4..000000 Province or Ontario bonds. The cheque itself has. according to G. '1‘. (133116011. liquidator of tho. hank. been “ab- stracted†from th» rncords of the bunk. up“..- .I. .\\ hittaker. formerly 111111111112111 supoxwisor at 11111 111111111 Bank. told the Committee that he had been in-y st1ucted on one occasion hy J. Cooper Mason. th11n genor‘zal mana-,g1311 to 51111111 11. for him 82. 500 in legal tender as “tho Hon.l’11t11r"1\11s11)1111n{' H11, also tostiï¬mt that Col. Mason had 1'11‘111a1'k111il that. Hon. Mr. Smith was ‘11ot losin" any time. " Witness thought “111 11111311111011 was t0“11ot losing am tim11 in 5111u11ing commis- sions" 1111 donosits 1111101111 in the bank in th11 P1m1111111 of ()11t31‘i1.) \\ hit- taker swore that he‘ secured 82,500 from the teller at the bank, placed it in an envelope and handed it to 001. Mason in the manager’s office in the presence of Hon. Peter Smith. A. E. Calvert. formerly acting man- ager of the Home Bank, later test-i- ï¬ed that he had on several occasions secured legal tender for Col. Mason, which he had been told was com- mission on deposits made by the Province. On each occasion he put money in an envelope for the general manager. THE “PUBLIC†LIFE IN HEARD!!!) (Meaford Mirror.) Am man who accepts public office is inviting trouble. He invites the enmih of people when he does any- thing and when he does not. This sad lament is brought out by the fact that at a committee meeting last \V eek the Assessment Committee voted to recommend the appointment of Mr. Oliver Abbott as assessor, making the motion unanimous: ; on Tuesday morning, bright. and early one of the disappointed and disillusioned applicants for the ofâ€" ï¬ce, Mr. Alex. Douglas came in and stopped his subscription to The Mirror. ' If 0111 subswiption list “as not groxxing despite such a cataclvmic event as this “0 should be feeling bacll} and might be impelled to re- sign from the Tomn Council. THEIR FIRST ECONOMY (Elem Express.) ! One 01' the first evidences locally 01' the Gtwernment’s efforts at econâ€"‘ omy is the withdrawal of the mail‘ clerk on the local branch of the C.P. R. Starting this week, a locked mail- bag will be dispatched from Elena and other places to each station along the line. and one will be re- ceived, the bags being taken care of by the haggageman of the train. Advertise in The Chronicle.\ 230 gm m9}... flimapzmc ï¬m M? 4.0 E; .!;bmn (on â€FP‘rmIcsi via a Ow. w x \924 10c NC \.IJ. t. o. :4 km mm céaxz. rim _g._~_¢‘|;.- Fawn†50.1!me mc. “v.11. KG". mum BOY, ' TRANSFBBRBD 1‘0 PORIOSA Announcement. has recently been made of the transferring of Rev. Fr. J. D. Egan of St. Ann’s Church, Ham- ilton, to Formosa, in Bruce County. Although Father Egan was in Ham- ilton only a little more than a year, he was very popular and made many friends who will long remember his Has Boon For Put Your Lt Hamilton, Wham He Was Very Popular. pagiéAh. Before leaving his parish at‘Ham- ilton, Father Egan was presented with a well-ï¬lled purse, as well as given remembrances from the club, choir and school children. ‘ Father Egan is .a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Egan of Toronto. formerly residents of Dundalk, and a nephew of Mr. John Runstadler of Flesher- ton, who visits Durham once a week during the summer and fall months in his capacity of egg ship- per. Too Much Knocking and Not Enough Boosting Cause of Cancellation. WINGBAM OLD BOYS’ REUNION CALLED OFF FOR THIS YEAR The Old Boys†and Giris‘ Reunion, which was to have been held in Wingham during the month of JulV' this war has been dropped indeï¬n- itelV. The 1easo11,acc-01dingto the AdV ance-Times VV as because eV ery- body ' was not boosting, a few were knocking, and others conscientiously belieV ode it would be better held 0Ver until money VV'a_§_a little easier.“ Continuiï¬g, Th6 Advance-Times ..___._ â€"â€"â€"â€"‘y .â€" acts of kindness around the VOLLETT’S CASH STORE HIGH GRADE GOODS AT LOW PRICES WM. J. VOLLETT We Buy For Cash and Sell For Cash It’s The Money Saving That Counts â€"lt Keeps The Purse Heavy. \Vuollun Blankets. largo size, rug:- 11131.‘ $10.00 f or .............. $9.00 Woollen Blankvls. medium size. r(-."ulat' $9.00 for ............ $8.00 \\'("'nmvns Silk Husv. pvr pair $1.00 \V'umvn's (lashmvm- H050. pair 75c. Dan-s. 2 lbs for . . . .‘ ............ 25c Prunes. 2 ms for .............. 25c Figs. 2 lbs for ................ 250 Raisins. 2 ms. for ............ 25c. Drim! Peaches, pm' 11» ........ 18c Beans. 3 Hm fur .............. 25c Multipiivr Onions, 4 ms fur .. 250 Well Off--And Didn’t Know It! Very Best Flour WE SELL ZURBRIGG’S BREAD Specials in Dry Goods Grocery Specials EVERYTHING CASH PHONE 70 says that whenntown thesize 'ct Wanghtm tries to put on any such a big event it is absolutely necessary to haye 100 per cent. of the people boosting for it. The writer was the secretary-treasurer of the 1919 Re- union and knows it is useless to tackle any such reunion in a half- hearted manner. The baby and the radio do the cutest things after the company has gone.â€"Jewell (Kansas) Republican. Spring Is Here Agents for Studebaker, Chevrolet OILS GREASE-S GASOLINE NOBLE’S GARAGE Garafraxa Street, Durham Better‘have us look your car over and make the necessary repairs before you put it on the road for the Summer's work. We guarantee our work and our prices are Right