Hurrah for Spring! Everybody is glad tn see it coming. We surely have had enough of Old Winter for this season. We are sorry to learn that Miss Mary McDougall. South Line, Glen- elg, is so poorly. Dr. Carr has been in constant attendance during the past week. Miss Alice )4chng of Toronto is assisting the family at present and we sincerely hope that. die sick one will snnn be around again. PAGE BIG HT Mr. D. 6. Mchn of the village is suffering again with congestion of the éungs. but “'9 are glad tn hear that Hu- worst is appax'vntly over. “'9 hupe tn sw him “'01! again wry Miss Louise Jones continues to im- prove slowiy again aftvx- a éommvhat lengthy iiiness. Mrs. Mary Murchisun is alsn im- proving Very wvil. \\'e- hdnï¬f that this nice spring weather will make all the sick ones better. K.'.‘ w-Cv w-vvâ€" -_â€"_ _The Mc’l'aggart boys am» busy put- nng up a m-w addition tn their house :11 town. b|l UV lllll Mr. “C Moore, brother of Mrs. FJ. Pinkerton, is spending a while. in uur locality altar a pleasant trip :u-ross the pond. MI‘. Mom-e is a Livm-pml boy and we wish him ‘uccess in our young country. an- vwâ€" U . -___", The fox manager reports some in- vreasos this week in the fox fami- lies. “'0 h0p6.‘ they have a good “mp this year as Hwy put a good deal Hf money in impruvml facili- mrs for successful ranching. - The Saugoen is bwginning tn sumo: its springtimv [)l'Hpnl‘liOll. the mill dam SN‘ms quits- safo- . 1m trouble is anticipate-d. ‘4†"xâ€" â€""' A number 0f our f'arnwx's am. busy makmz: mapin syrup and all H‘pul't rum] prpspects. l _‘ (Our own cm'resxmm'lent.) Mr. Albert McRnnalc‘i is in ln-tmit. when.- ho; will I'o-main fur :_x_ tgmn. "iii-f Edd Mrs. 'l'hnnns Fultnn n:- Hutton Hill \"isitml an at’to-mcmn nn this line. ::_.c- -492: 75:3. ...; 2.1;...:_:L.:..1.~ z». 2.... $2.7 3.1: 2â€". 2:; 2:..1..Cw<._.1.. '-.-I' v-â€" Mr Andrrm Fultnn nf Hampdwn has I‘entml tlu- (IHI'lwtt farm fur :m- nthm' season. "ll‘. .vw u‘vâ€" 311'. TM. “idmvwr Ht Hampdc-n ~i_u\vml_\\00«;l fox a Immbo-x' ml tins hm: \nth ms human“. A numbex in this vicinity arr making map. o: Mum IL sccms to W." a :mml Inn n1 sap this \‘1'0‘u. (Our nwn cox-respondent.) 'l‘lw warm \x'catln-r and min thr- [mst fe-w days has madv a [M Hf hrmvnsgmtsmx old mntho-r o-zu'th. One “1' the cc‘n‘stpnn«loinIs from a W‘l'tain plan-v clPS(‘l'ibé‘-‘ if â€10- his 0ch pants shnwing up. Luvky his pants didn't clisamwar liko- Am)" \w- ho'al'd 0r. 2.3.. 7.3: 31:57. 3. 3.5.3: m.» a...1.:.::m 245:; 53.... 2:» .r. 2:45:72: :97. 3.2.2:... 30:5 363 C33? 2:26. :2 $2: 3:. 2:52.. Mr. R. R. Kinncll has lwo'n cuntinml tn his km! {01' â€w past \vwk. Mrs. Neil MchUol is ulsn cm Hu- sit‘k list. MI“. and Mrs. Jm- \Vhih‘ \‘iSitm'I on Sunday at, Mr. R. .l. .\l('.\'m1|ty's. "Miss Maggio- Knox has wtut'-11((l to the (it) aftm spnnling: a week \xith hvr pa_1"f)l_lAtS hue. I. I _'| o- Mr. R Knox is up again having horn mm‘mml tn his bed fur :1 wcvk wnth u. smwrrv mld. ' ‘ \v-‘. -.--v Hm Sau'w'vn 111115 u\'c.'l‘fln\\'1"1_l its banks and is mm from 1130 mm so 111 :1 1"“ clavs \\ ill 1w 110\\n again. Mr. R Lane‘ is 011:. uqu at Inc‘svnt with Mn. 3. Ha“. Dmmmv. Thaw was nu Sc'l’Vit‘o' hmw‘ uh Sunday 011 account Hf lllu rumis Imâ€" mg impassablw. A L sour own corl'vspnndvnt. Miss mea Din .mall i> at hunw at :rmse‘nt. but is 20m: nut “vs! no“ 'l‘hmsda}. 0m gmol \\ ishc-s gm \xith flo‘l‘. :71. $901.. $.97, 7. 2.72:3†v :24 .531. 2:: :2. 5:22. .03: mo: :25. 2. «459;.va FEE. 7.2.3. .3 2.73.". 37.. 21:23 :7 3.257.. :2. m: .21: â€7.1:: :15: r... :2... r. 39:. 2. :2. £55.74: 25.9.- SOI'I‘Y Hachniu anv to wry. "lfhv roads ax'n chtmn Just nnw, wheelmg. 1 Mrs. Sham! is nursin: l tm‘. M 1‘s. Potot‘ MCTagggn't _ Herb. Campboil and family aw Vis- Itgllg a fvw clays \\'lth Mr. Jamvs Dungwall. m‘lor tn ggmg to thv \\ vst. Burn.â€"-T0 Mr. Lund‘iirs. Petm- Mc- Taggalt.Sm‘1-}' in say, the babe is «lead. Glenmont. (Our own com‘eSpmnilent.‘ Map!» syrup making is in progress now and with sunnv days and frost at nights. the sap should be plenti- fu l. Messrs. Percy and Stanle} Har- rison have been laid up xx 1th an at- tack or gums; Miss Belle Weir returned to Tor- onto last week. Mrs. .Ed. Harrison was at. Horn- ing’s M1115 to see her brother, Wil- liam Tucker. who returned with her. Mrs. J. W. Stephenson is staying with her 5911, Joe, at p_r0§ent. Messrs. ancaii arid George Muir received word or the death of their sister. Mrs. William Cherry, of Tor- onto. SOrry to hear that Mrs. Eliza Ann Scott isAundqr thejoctor‘s ogre: V 'Mï¬r. Crawford Harrison had a wood bee Opp day last. week. Mr. Carl Harrison has rented the Bothwen place again for a term of (Dur own correspondent. ;. South Bentinck Swinton Park. Hopeville. in 3x Pamphlmcl cun- nmther slollglung or nursin: llm- dang}:- 33- but and been sold to Mr. of Hanover. On account. of the bad condition of the roads there was no service at Ebenezer church last Sunday night. Knox Corners. \Our own correspondent.) Cumin" womi-is still the order of P '- the day aruund Knox. {as Messxfs. POI-tor. Caldwel; and Wilton each hawb had woodbecs. Ml. William Marshall is hired for the posrent_ “ith My. James \Viltpn. w--\ Mr. Jim Mar'shall, Jr., had full control of \‘arnoy blacksmith shop for a t’mv days while Mr. Portice visitml a: his hump at Kincardine. Quito :1 {PW {rum lizmx were haul- in:.' humo- t'e-rtilizm‘ and oats from â€In 1213.0. 031‘. which was shippod to Durham. Mr. T. M. \\'allacc sweat. last week end with frivmls in 'l})1'{.}xlto._ W'N‘Iriin‘luï¬-t Marshall has been on thw sick lisi. Hope he will 50011 be around agang.__ _ u ‘I’ ‘l , \lr. Cecil “â€9be and Miss Marâ€" gaunt entertained a fem friends one m o-ning last \\ 09k. "' I I I L I -.-~ ‘ Mr. R. R. \Vatsnu has lu-en elvctml Superintendent of Knox Sunday school for the coming: summer. and Row. Mr. Burnett wigl take charge of the Bible class. "-.â€"v' ‘_-- --“ (a wow pleasml to $00 Mr.1)oug- Ins Donnvlh back to Knox church on Sunday. onrl discourse of his sermons. ReV. Ml'. Burnett stealth with Peter’s de- nial. He pointed out that Peter‘s sin was the result of two taunts : lit's‘l. self-conï¬dence. which is plain‘ 0n Sunilay. March 30. in the sew) ly (liseo-i‘nahle to all othexfs but Peter himself. and for which Christ. re- peatedly in a loving way rebukes him and warns him to watch and pray lest he enter into temptation. Amt what does Peter do? He slept, therefore. when the hour of temp- tation eame. his defenees were down cnnsmmentl)‘ he fell. This same self conï¬dence lml him into the jwlg- ment hull without any fear that he “'Hllllt yield to temptation. But there was another cause for his fall. His. sol-iahility or. in other \VUI'dSrâ€"aCt- in: with the crowd. When Peter was with the hiseiphes and under tlhi'ist's iiitlueni'e he rose so high as in say: "Thou art. the Christ. the son of the living Hml." but when he was with rough soldiers in the judg- ment hail he tit‘llit‘tl his Lord with Maths and fluxes-«the languagi‘r of those he was associating with at the time. What almiit the 20th ven- ‘tiii‘y'.’ Is it not. an age of self-eon- .llttt‘IIt't‘ and sociability? Do we not ltm often think we can enter places: of temptation. and do we not, like l’etei'. act with the 4-;«i\\'.l'.’ and, con- semiently. like Peter. we fall. Fin- ally. in comparing the «lill'eifenu: he- tween the result of Peter's sin with that of Judas. Mr. Burnett pointed Hill that, Peters great lime for Christ led him in repent ancl to his restin'a- tinn. whereas Judas had no love for Christ. therefore his. sin lml him to death and clestrnetion. This is a wry [mnl' synopsis of the address as given by Mr. Burnett himself. â€he has in llc‘ttl‘ the whole sermon to fully appreciate it. Glenroadm. (Our own correspondent.) \\'o' 111'" all glad spring has rump. Mr. .\lw.\'. Vaughan has cut. big pilns Hf \vnml with his gasoliuv 01H- m for his lmnhm's Hugh and James. E 23.. ï¬:§._cw .5551. 1.25:; .5555... S. 23.. 2:; 37.. $21.. ._‘~.E._.:_..._. 5...: .7. FEE 252.8: E? 5.9.239.qu 8 2? II: S. at: «42:25.! 2.7 2:; .47.. .3: Ends. 3. 23:: :37 1.2: a :5. 296:»; ’22. :5 $31.3. 355.4 :26. It. was :1 51111 $13111 1n 51:13 the littin hump 01' M 1'. 111111 Mrs. John Boyd go up in â€amps. 'l‘hu 111-11, which is 511111105011 1†haw started from the pip“. caught 1111- 1'0111', and Mrs. Boyd. lwing 111111111, 11111 1101 have. a chanw 11) grapph- with the flames. Thu intnrim‘ n!‘ 1111: 1101151: was all dry [11110. All 1111: mighhors were thorn :15 «11111 11311111) .521“ 1111: 11131.1 11111 1101 «11111 11111111311 10 saw, the building. 3114:5101 1111: 111111111110 1111:, a :m 11 11111 1111‘ 105$ 01' Nothing is, huzny: 111511 51111111 “111111111: 11115111115 are: gonv. 'l'hmc- 11111113 111» 1115111111111: makes it hard 1111' 11111 Hum}: 11)11plc,z1.‘~‘ 1111*} “1:11: j_11. 1 811111111; h1n11v-111aki112. Mr. Jon 1.):u'iulsnn is taking a \wll- cux‘nml hnlida)’. The \\'..\l.>‘. hum tlwir mvotiug at Um Immo- nl' .\lz'.~'. Hinn Boyd on April L’. Sumo wry intm-vstiug mum's \vm-v road. .\I 1's. Bnycl assist- ml by Mrs. John Boyd. served a dainty lunch. The 1 swamp on that p: ace has James Lawrence on April 11. Every- w v_.v People on this line were sorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd lost their home by ï¬re last Thurs- day. It is thought that it started from a spggyk from the ‘chimney. Mr. A. 'I‘hiimpson had 2, very suc- cessful wood bee last wegk. “Kathi-'6' Vilaâ€"d" ’10“ report that Mrs. Ewwn. and son are both doing well aflo-r having had the; scarlet fever. Holstein (Our own correspondent.) Mrs. Samuel Sugg, who resides with her daughter. Mrs. S. Seaman, celebrated her 93rd birthday On Thursday of last week. Several in- vited guests and others assembled to do honor to the occasion. Ed. Haas met with a somewhat serious accident last week. He was using a cmnent for mending rubbers and spilled a portion of it on the bench. In cleaning up he used some paper which, when he was de- positing it in the stove. took ï¬re and burned his hands very severely. Dr. McLellan dressed the injuries. Ed. will be out of a, job for a_feV_v_d_z_1ys. Mr. George Bye has decide’d to 0mm a permanent butcher Shep in UN.- village and to that end has com- menced business in the basement of George Fentnn's store. “The village and vicinity haw felt the want of this line of business. as supplies or meat could only he Obtained twice a week from Aytnn. ‘ .‘ I. ‘ V..- --.‘ v= -- Mr. Fro-d \IcCaxx has leturned f1 0m thv \\ 0st \\ itha car of farmers sellects and is no“ settled on the farm I‘N‘Pnlly based from John 'l'rmxp on U!» 12th Concession of Eg- I‘vmnmt. The hand of death has again en- tered a home in the village and has taken a wife and mother in the perâ€" son of Mrs. BrUCe McKenzie. Mrsi McKenzie had been ailing for a few weeks, gradually growing worse. In order that she might receive good medical attention. she. was removedl to Mount Forest. Hosliital where she» passed away on the 4th inst. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Euwood. and she was born nearly 43 years ago in Leith. near Edinburgh. Scotland. For a lime. the family resile at Rip- ley. after which they moved to Holâ€" stein, Mr. McKenzie being section foreman on the 1‘...\'.l{. She leaves a family of live sons and two daugh- ters. and her husband, to mourn her early demise. The funeral took place on \\'e«lnes«lay to the Presby- terian rhureh and thence to Mount. Forest. eemetery. her pastor. Rev. G. Roms-Tn Mr. and Mrs. Arthur lx-vm. on Apnl 9. a sgm. S Scott. nll'icjiating.‘ The: whole wmnnunih M mpallnzos \\'1th the family in this their <a(l I_n;_srem‘cnlmt.. 'l‘lw 1‘0111‘ patrons 411‘ the Egrem-ont 1.112111101'1(10111112111) sending the highvst 111111111111 01 pounds of buttmâ€" fat Immnvn Hw date»: March 24 to April .1 2m1 as 1"'111111\\s . Dmid Bruce 8.3.0."). W115 111112111“ 81.26, Robert Ait- ken 77.712 and Alvx. Milne 58.28 lbs. Corner Concerns (Our own corresnondent.) Mr. .lamns Johnson is going to take oh)“ n the» hat n on tho HM Tom Flemâ€" ing: piacn and 1|‘-(I(‘(’t it adjoining lhv ham «in HH‘ placv xx “(‘10 ho. liws. Mr. An liiu Mvzlhmilci has the conâ€" tract. Messrs. Waltm' Fm'guson and \\'m. .\tvhi.~'«m haw rofntml the Dennctt farm n'nm Mrs. McMocken and will \vnrk it along with â€win own farms. whivh will mean vxm'a \\'Ul‘k for Hu-m. as may «lmriam Hum). can be nu him-d help at the present high wagos and price of l‘zu‘mproducc. hm' chihhnn in Toronto and Hanoâ€" wr. 43.... .32.; are 4:31.: 5.5. £35 3 .395 w 82 a Guru. Smgzï¬ .9825 we As liastm' ch"lws nigh ilolegalos an" gutting: their host thoughts together- l‘m- tlw hig annual conventions. Our mev. 331'. Gilbert McEachoi'u. is hunm-ml as the rnpmsontativo of the (nullity as ho ulao was last year. Eg- x-vmont has quite frequently had a known who rucnivml distinction and of course “‘0 liko to sow it. Then. mu'h school Imam] is in send u (lclo- .‘â€"':lli' to llw ’l‘x‘usto-i-s' and Ratepayâ€" m-s‘ Assoriation. and all for tho pur- pnsv Hl' milling iwttvt' and. if possi- l‘iiv, (‘ho'apm' cultivation. \Vn have mlvm-nh’wl assistancv from the school funds in purchasing text. books for tho pupils. This follows who have u†boots or (‘lntllvs to buy for kill- ilios mulcl allow] to holp'tl‘ioso who hith‘. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “m5. bluv vâ€" â€"'â€"_- _ the wagons. A buggy was as rare a thing then as an airplane would be now. Very little stock has been taken in the theory of barn ï¬res th spontaneous combustion by a lot of us old farmers up to the present. We have seen crops put in barns and stacks in all conditions, ripe, green, wet, and dry, and saw steam coming out of the mow, musty and mouldy feed as a result, but no sign of ac- tual fire. Those chaps preaching |spontaneous combustion ï¬res we; looked upon as sort of Job’s coma forters, coming to us when the crops we have to sell are so out of comâ€" parison with what we have to buy, and telling us that a.most any day we were likely to lose our barns and storehouses by ï¬re as well. But an incident in the barn of Mr. Earl Matthews has caused us to think, and try to act more carefully in the future. A year ago he had some old straw left and a leak in the roof above wet it through. even to drip through the floor boom The barn ‘ â€"-‘-â€"-A ‘kAi‘flk‘ of it. New straw was tramped in on the old at the-threshing last fall, and the mow filled. A fortnight ago: when taking straw out or that part of the mow, Mr. Matthews dropped into space and examination showed there was a goodâ€"sized hole and the straw black and charred for six or eight inches all .around it. Whether there was ever real red ï¬re there or not, or what intensity of heat so entirely removed the chunk of straw, we do not know. The straw was so caked for some distance around as to entirely exclude air. Anyway, after theroughly examining the spot we are willing to admit that possibly once in a long while there may he a tire start through spon- taneous combustion. Ebenezer. (Our own correspondent.) A few of the farmer: in this part are making maple syrup on :1 small scale. The run of sap has been very gum! The fen cold Winter days we had last \\ eek prolonged the sap \\ eather. but we think theseason is nearly over now. Mrs. James ’1 urnbull \\ ent .‘0 me 0041 Monday tn 2111: nd 1110 .4â€" uerll of the late Mr. Ed. Grnss, held to- da\ (111esdax;. and “ill remain and simml the WM k \\ 1111 other rela- was there. Mrs. John “"0118, Sr" is fpending :1 time \\ it]: her son, John, hurc. Mr. and Mrs. (hmrgr- Alexander and Misses Poax'lic and Gladys visit- ed tlw ï¬rst of the week with Mr. and Mrs. anj. Coutts and family. Mr. and Mrs. J 01111 Hot'lgsun of Durham \‘Isuml relatives :11 our burg over the week-011d. Miss. Hazvl Johnstone Spent, qn :Ifml‘noon HHS week \V’lth her co'usm MISS Anme M. Turnbull. Mr. Mark Mm'x’yn of Durham as- sislml Mr. George Alexander at 501110 (farlmntnr work the beginning of last, week. My. Robert Herd of Allan. Park is sawmg \vond for Mr. John Wells to- day ('l‘uesduy). F595 AF? .22 ES :2 2:», Joe; 32 szv>v :6. 32? .zzznzmt c: A: .25 .33. ...w.«cc© .22 ES :2 0n the 2nd. Quito a number from our \‘iPinity uttendm‘l the funcyai on Monday of the late Mr. Archlbuld Hunter of Hannwn' Yuu can ï¬nd tum Cauadianismâ€" nut in the districtswvherv mm un- hutonthcix' vests after in: third helping.â€" â€"Ki1‘lgstun \Vh ig. Not being able to get enough of stronger stuï¬', the United States seems to have gone on an nil spree. â€"-â€"-Lehlgn‘idge, Alberta, Herald. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Adam Hubertson and family dosh-v. tn thank Um mcmbnrs 01' Grey Lodge. Nu. 169, I.().().F., for prompt settlement of claim arising out of the death 01' their i'wiovml husband and father, who had boon a long time identified with tliw Ordm‘. They aim wish to thank the Odd- t‘ullows‘ ltulinf Assnciation. whose clwquu fm' insuramm came to hand inside 01' two weeks after his death. The local Lodge claims were paid inside «if four days. All thr‘ adjustâ€" ments worn made and (-iaims paid without delay morn than was nrmnsâ€" sary to filomni ice of death. ports of winter work performed in their respective wards, which were adopted and payment ordered as fol- .'ows : Ward 1, $35.60; Ward 2, $39.60; Ward 3, $108.60; Ward 4, $109.50. Communications were read from A. W. Connor 00., contractors, re bridges; Ontario Bridge 00., re road drags; Canadian Des Moines 00.. re steel bridges; from Deputy Minister of Education re schools.- V- ...â€"vâ€"v..- By â€"la\ 658 conï¬rming oappointment of Dr. D. Jamieson as M...0H was passed. .AIchâ€"Brodieâ€"{I‘hat ward appro- pmatlons be $500 for each ward for i Grocersim; Phone 35%†Durham, Ont. 3: 4- . ++++++++++++++++++++*+++++++++++++++++$ anmm council, 1924 and that mate of wages be 40c. per hour for man and team, and 50., per hour for two teams on grader and 200. per hour for man shoveling. â€"-Carried. Blackâ€"~Mc(ira_thâ€"-That .commis. sion on expendlture be pald as fol- lows: Ward 1 $3, Wayd 2 $4, Ward 3 $4, Ward 4 $4.â€"â€"Carrxed. Aljoe-McGrathâ€"~That .. Municipal World account for suppi'les for 111.». Clerk, $2.27, he paidâ€"Carried. Aljoeâ€"«Brodie-J‘hat Mal. Blavk and John McGrath be a connnittmg with the Reeve to build Anderson‘s bridge a§_L0£‘16,‘Con. (Krâ€"Carried. ml...‘ ‘1‘: - nah, Ullutfk' uv aâ€"v- â€"-y â€" - McGrathâ€"Blackâ€"That this Coun. cil increase wire fence bonus to 40¢. per rod on sideroad 30, from town- 1in", Iggremont. to Townline Hollzm.5_ “2.405 ~. Council adjourned to May 3 at 10 mm. â€"â€"H. H. McDona.‘«l. Clerk, Thursday, April 10, 1924. VOL. 57.â€"NO. 296-1. IcNANNEY SENTENCE!) T0 SIX MONTHS [N ONT. REFORMATORY Sent. Threatening Letters. to Holstein Iinister Requesting $50.00 Hush Honey When He Saw Minister- Remove His Own Robe from His Owen Cutter in Holstein Shed. as g“ davs 1111032211va .\1:r (Sena a 10110? mum! i Nahum. and .xn'th-n 1' onto, in “hid: 1! \'.. the \Rl'iio'!‘ ll'ltl M'M: 30 out in!“ HM slam} robes on! H! llu- (-111 them a“ «3'. 51mm Mm had bm‘n stnlvn. lm‘! . ho had n“ ‘lvsix‘v 1n . LI‘OUDIN. but that if hr er thv sum ni' Smum give Uh.‘ fuck in Haw i mg the! harm «'1' .lavk (1mm onto [mhlivatinu 'HH‘ W114» 041 smw'al hlwllnm I'vmzn- 00“]ng HH- vimwrymmn. :Hu ter lost, nu tin’w m hn'nan: the pl'fuwr :mthuritn-~ h A day 01' 1W†:tfh')‘ HH~ \Vcst l'N‘PIVt'tl :mnthvr l.- MchannM. fUI'HiPI‘ il1.~‘1~1.' demands lwin: runwwwl stating â€1:11 in‘ \\‘:I~' 31ml!“ for Mann-m] and gum; :1 in that My. Kitchener. was plumâ€! 111 Mm the (385v, and lust 'l'hm'uizn noon, after sm'ln'im: :di Mn 1‘: be Ol‘btaint-d. \wnt tn .\'o-\\. ' and placml his mum mm:- brought. him 3H H\\o'Â¥' 53H)! same. night. The :II'cusmI i'I‘IIII/W (“alight \Vith “II" ;.'IIIIII made a fII. I sI :III III4 II facts.11513IIIII; IIIIIIH‘ I of the chII "IIII In: him an IIIIIIHIIIII II\ I! adviI I‘ \\IIII II II“ IIIII, local IIPLIII IrI-IIIIIIII ' In l‘OQUPSI. Hm? II.‘ \‘ lenient, \VIIII I-zIII :I~ I “'33 I-h“ SUI“ FI-f-IIHI'I II thrf‘I' Sum†("t-WII'I'Iz. out. that HIV :I'I'I’IIV‘I" realm» IIII' >I'1'I»II~- ‘. WIIII II II“ had "‘IIHIIII that. If III :III .-~aI' l’l‘l)\"lllt'!:il tum-mid. the distx'H-t lu-a_«lqu.: Th“ Mums†. ‘ 1, he \VHHM 1m: m sentmu'm with f : Crown Attnr'no .nr .! U ad out, that «m .1“; I» ~‘. crimp hm! I'm-I: 4" px‘anllt‘d. and MW mum and that in :uhmum In acter of a. ('lvrmmn. sailed. 1w wnhl 1m" consent in haw thw pended. and at 1h~ ~:m {3d out that sm'h :m MT Ishahlc by a torn: Hf 1 I penitentiary. 'l‘hw m Imposed the svnIc-nw at the (“Marin llvt'nz'm (BUN . There. is «(ulsicivrnbh- .. m Holstoin. vspwmgly :1112' members of Mr. \th" run; and they wore must arm's“;- the whole mattm- Mum-.1 .4 as possible. Forty-two Fifty (‘ost of Booze and Talkfcst. Aftermath Of a Drink and Stree conversation Two Weeks Ago. One of our citizons \Vlh 11;» “wt.- . Police Magistratn Laidhm’ Suzur‘awj charged With being: drunk m A unit: E10 91808 and also with usm; man we language to anothvr (fitmm. n. pleaded g‘lllty and \VH" H‘NWM‘! “250 in all, and an :anmt m {m} ‘the.m38i5trat9 to try and nut «in 1 mule Th9 ï¬nes \Vl‘l'é' $3“ f1 0!’ 1wâ€: 4 d8? the influence nf hall“? in “NW Placaand $5 fur min: H) I. Ive Wage. Th“ ("DSF' 11; 10“?! M_‘_ LUOI'Y'H . :H hat. “Wm; 1 had le! . and Hw ; in addliin f a (slum-'3'! he would amountEd to 37. 5C gmnwm" l “I“? â€is th lsam a.~ .30 Scol'olb‘n'i l! (“FMPH lu- :n'c'vlw 0d that. Hum-«- the she-d hm mum in it. i into {hr lmn: fnnlslvps m1 nlwrim: Hm! I 1' Hf tlwl'ts uh slvig'lh' dm-m; Wich‘d Ht 1:“ u d brim: in his is lw was alm hoard smnv l" h HI U 1h†H bt|.blo â€6!. “1 mm 1h III mu hqm lmn 1h um um m H 11 ll H! M DH .11 ll HI I Sci w Q 11: i xx 8V