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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Apr 1924, p. 5

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fed at the Mill Afternoon t .’ ‘_ ; s ‘ k1 rham, Ont Oat ChOp AD 1h g for Easter )D BART RAIDER” Fpril 18-19 '“QN..-..............‘.. I 'ES AYRES "SATPRDAY :41 Permanent Relief ‘ng “Fmitâ€"a-tives” IRWMENI NSHPAHUN 3m H- My H 0|ch ILLS~ UT E’T‘°'D;‘I'ty. If \Vilheltp has that :mzmg why not apply It on the re- i‘al'ntmns bill? Making the Criminal Pa! (Detroit Free Press\ Hm former Kaiser issuing PPUS' - 1 rm about $100.000.000 worth of “554" ahead of their husbands and f? ; If put a seat and say, “John. szt and who always tell John “'fzn to get on and wzhere to get ‘ f \nd think how all the rest of ‘1‘ n «I embarassed for poor John! ; 1:. . lime me. dirty linen should be! \\ hhml at home, and family quar- ' -‘ shged there That is one of the mum ;hings for which homes are de- ' <P~Il'" ' 11:2? why cannot the boSSF women 5» mutvnt with exercising their ty- “"35 131." Quietly and unobtrusively? “52}; do they insist upon rattling :m- chains by which they lead Tina-r husbands until the." C3" public ‘é-‘wrrtirvn to them? o"\ 1! :‘Hm'llt‘ln who henbeohs he:f 'hu'shand'. ,1 :m also should he one of the quiet ‘1‘???“ mm that should be strictly ‘ \ "\? ...uw.l to the domestic circle. I raise no voice of DI‘OtCS'» against the woman who has wit and sizwr‘xth to oust her husband out Of (his msition as head of the house and a~<lxme it herself. It is a matter be- {\Vm'zl the husband and wife. and if it» hasn‘t enough spunk to fight for 1.2:“ rights he deserves to lose them. . «upper (lance that follows the put}: : gluzl Mless the lighters are enjoying ’Pwmwlves. but a pleasant time is .. . Ewing; had by all. The abashed fwkers know not. what to do. 'I'I‘w .lo nut. know whether to rush ' rmol make it a free-forâ€"all fight ‘n try to mediate between the: "‘~.‘1."l‘lllf.“ couple, or whether to pre- lvmi ln have been suddenly stricken -i--" dumb and blind. And they ‘="::-i up by feeling outraged that 'f should have been placed in such ii :mrlifying position. and wishing l:'-::!‘*il}' that husbands and wives \\ all keep their quarrels for home rv-nsumption and not inflict them on their friends. 'l'lm same strictures apply to the, “'2'?an \L’hn hnnnnnlvo kn“ B‘snknnd :-j_ always 533' “Mffiofisé? “My ' “My childyeq."_ “(ho _alwa_v§ ”Iv plav H .11 \Ha. luu: suame wnue a woman x'mipm-atvs hf‘l‘ husband. W.- havc the sense of having as- <Mml in an indecent orgy when a hmmnd and wife strip every mg or "um-Hr away from their relation- ship and throw Open the doors of NW? skatnn closets and rattle the new; in public. Nor are we consolmi ? .‘._\' tiu- knowlmigo that the people 31'!» make public exhibitions 0f their tram-rs must enjoy doing so or else :Ew-x‘ would not. do it. i ___‘ â€"--- V"‘ ko-np silvnt, white a Man I] §_\' Insults at his Wife. and m Vicarious shame while vmmvratvs hf‘r husband. :miwntly wish to. It mnksfs US feel I") (3 ”"001 11053?» t0 QIL’I|- _ - .7 .- uuv and for fun of'thv tliing S] 01110 ‘ """~‘ ”"Hm (uncrence 0f me‘ moi-t nu vqual terms a man who """° “.“t' I «la contend that coruugal main-s a lmsinvss of the game and "9'i:""""5 are an indoor sport. that who spends all or must of his time "WI-"l "".I"-“'°‘“°d only When ”"3 in aquiring skill at it. There is par? :t'lifiuki? “3V0 .sought, lhe seclu~ also 3 “110159an llPSll't.‘ in the minds “"1" "“‘t' “.9 9189‘" 31111333" as they (if the people who make the distinc- ""“‘ t” ‘9‘}. ”1 Pmafore,‘ and when; lion tn km‘ip somv part of our ath- "33 3h» 4.3.105 my? peen pullfizd down letic spurts fl'00 I'mm any taint. of :4' H2." lu-y-lxol03 blufl‘ed “1th COt'Wmmvy-making. . "'i“ . , . _ . I \Vlu-tlwr t!.\‘p1'¢'x~:5ml m- nut tlw‘ i"'-“"””5' “l“ “Wk 0‘ an auawme‘sorial distinctinn is always present; ”“4"" “‘2‘" ”If a little “I: the edge M in tlu- minds nf 1h» Englishman. It! fizt‘ l-Hill» {‘4’ “”3 battling husband is rarely («911%.ch in [his country; *3“ ‘i"’."-‘-‘"§ but, Oh, hOW immeaaâ€" but. WP suspm'l. that it (loes‘COlOP a awmz‘x' :? “mild add ID ”IL: comforb 3:00” ”(.31 of thinking on ”u. subject, am llttlilllllf‘Ss of thosv of us who though it slu‘mlil nut, 4-01,". it. “:0 3;? :lw iHlWCC‘llt bystanders and who lme nu such [(vng:~¢-stalilisl:m1 and m.- {rm-ml lo lnok on. sick with hor‘idvfinitv svstcm “f social “2155,35 as “"3 "i ””59 "”QOUMMS' . ,oiists in'l-Inglnwl: and altlwuwll 'H i“ ”ll gm" truth I know 0‘ "0' man \\'i.l asli to dinner only those} cil’lv‘l' Slilliltiilil SU “llserable and 50 {N‘I'SODS \vhom h“ (ATHENS {U find "’“bill-‘S‘mg as to be called upon. t" sheiallv mnmvniaL Him-v is no I'vamn :-.-:'.-:»~e~ a light between a max-moo win. If.- shbulol not take part in .‘tillfill‘, 'l‘lu‘il‘ quarre} is, to beg"! SpOl'lS “‘lill HIIVUUP \\‘h.) is “0!, xx Mi. :1 matter with which we haw personallv dimminmmn “WW-.. flu l'nlll‘l'l'lll 0110 in \Yhinh \vn tln "f" pEiI'fHJS‘.’ 0f 1",”! a spurring partner, with whom .- van put on the gloves at a r.;~:‘;:..< notice with, or without, the grumpy. provocation. Life has no .;:;;.i nmmnts for them, because they ‘1“... always saying something that] ..s;-;m-.~i hioml, or framing a retort that will cut to the quick, and the --:~.w:’twrm-nt of a battle to the death .. in‘I'LI'tHHHy thrilling their nerves. \\"2t.lmni doubt, it is a men» . and ;,.:;.ont.umus exnstence tor the .Euuzhfy ¢.ioxnvstic warriors who en- Hmf. kind ”1' thing! I would not vi ”6- enough to deny them the Murry pastime of going to the mat “guy t-H‘I'Y trivial difi'nnnnnh A" ‘ ' This is a sad WOrId, mates, Ur) litm- sunshine in it, so far pm me to abridge, abate or c «12y Emmet-mt, pleasure. But i1 “pm to me that there are c1 mam-nuns that. should be inc 4 J V a ullu mmms existence for the :1: y ¢.iunu‘stic warriors who en- mu. kind ”1’ thing! I would not m-l c-nough tu deny them the 'x' pastime of going to the mat ixm-y trivia! difference of opin- Iiut. I «10 contend that 0 ° “is are an Indoor Sport that (I I... .....-.--- n '* i - ugldm, one in 1: one in mum; one in which we ish to take neither side 3 feel like cowards to \x‘hile a mum hurls dead- ( '3‘)§:£: . “"l whip!) \Vp do no: and we writhp Vw____ "“011“, that was fine! I wish our milkman kept a cow. \- “- -â€"-â€" As one liitle girl put. her- glass down she gave a sigh of satisfaction, and said: A- A - A party of children who lived in a large. town were taken for a trip into the country and during the day they were shown over a farm. When they had seen all the wonders of the dairy, the kindly farmer gave them a drink ofjresh Inigk. I Another illustration: to find the day of the week of a birthday falling on the seventh of May. As May is the fifth month, take the first letter ,ol' the corresponding fifth word or :the key sentence; that is, b. B is also the second letter of the alphaâ€"‘ bet; so begin mth Monday. the known New Year’s Day. and count two days. Thus Tuesday will he found to be the first day of May. and the birthday will be the following Monday. Take for example the {ourth or July. As Jul}. is the seven: :1 month, take the first letter of the sexenth \.v 0rd of the kex sentence; that is,-g. G is also the sexenth letter or the alphabet; so begin with Mondax, the known New Years Day, and count seven days. Thus Sunday will be4 found to be the first day of July, and the fourth will be the following Wednesday._ f In the days when calendars were not known. writes a contributor toi The Youths Companion, people had a clexer wax of finding the oh‘l) of any fixed anni\'.ersary M ' gland- father who was born in the mm 1805, taught it to me in my cliild- I hood. The only fact that you had to; know was the. day or the week on, which the New Year came. A key sentence of tw elve words \\ as used in which one word stood for each of the tw elVe months. The s.-ntence‘ was: “At Dox er dwelt George Brown. Esquire, good Christopher Finch and David Friar." ; "lhm .\ must m r‘lmlsn iw wmv wax to lump \mm: mm “her man. {0 main 3. business ”1' athletics I'IUID taking mu! m (‘nllvgn spurts but it 5(1va smsihln to how that a man {shoulgk 1)» ohm} arm! a punvssional onlf. in tho sports from which he has Imlx made mono}. In other gamvs he should be? abowed t0 compote as am amateur. ()tln-rwise' our “Simon-pure amateurs" will appear to be tainted with snobbisnâ€" mess. . 7 _ . -_-‘ ‘....uu\,ul. .‘lllKr ’ the two cannnt mntend on equal teams. In (:01!ng athIMit‘S the distinction has ht‘t‘omv ('rxtrvmely (N‘Jmfii'ioated, hmrausc. \x'lwthm' cunsviuusiy 01° um'misimisly. it is hasml nu social considq-‘atinns, win-ras-it is sup- posed to hr hasvd wimlly nu the unfairness «if letting professitmalsi (-nmpvtv against nmatmzrs. But in a‘uzminisn-ring the: amateur rules absurditivs fx‘cmiently occur. For oxamplv. it man vannnt. play collegi- I'nnthz’i.i‘l m' hnsci‘mll bvcausc ho.- ”new hmk may few giving swimming ins-I suns in a Y. M. C. A. gymnasiom; or ii.» mmmt mm as a member (“if a, (‘I'I’..~'.~'~1‘Imllh"\‘ to‘am m- l'()\\' in a; t'OHf‘gU t‘z'mx' iwmusv In" mum playt'd ghnsvmll fur a salary at :1 sunmwr l'vsnrt. in such cases there , is HUHHILL’ tn indicate) that. he has any“ spew-in} skill at, Hw games he is: «lvhzu'rvd {rum playing. mm- from the L' AmM‘ivuii gmiiii ”1' \‘ii'\\' is their any " t'vtisun tn Slimu‘h‘f' that hr is not» smiaily sn .ivsirahlv :1 pry-son as any of his («Mums matvs. z. I I I P 3 o f i i i ”Win ii'm,’ 1mm any taint. 0f ' {nanny-making. l \‘s’ln-tlim' oxpi'vssm 'sm'ial «listinclinn is ’in Hip minds nf thv is rarely ("XDI'O‘SHP‘l in this country, lint. \w suspm-l that it does‘color a good (“‘81 of thinking,r on the subject. ‘ tlujmgli it sliimlol nut rnlui' il. “’1' ‘lmw 1m such long-«slamisliml and [definite system (if social classes as {mists in linglnnilnancl ultlwugli a; {man \\'l.l ask in .lmnm‘ only “193,63,l li)l‘l°.\‘()lls \x'lmm llt.’ oxpecls {u find ‘sucially i'nngvnial. :hm'v is nn reason why lw slmnlol not take part in sports with auymw who is not. personally «lisiaq‘gi'ccabln. Managers of prize: vonlpotitions must of course always discrimii‘iatu between the profossiunal and the amateur. sinu- thp [\VU L'z‘mnnl vnnfnnrl nu. .xra“t\‘ m' not. th‘ always present Engl islimzm. It A COLONIAL CALENDAR _ ., --v.~ vs (IICLU. - ‘ It sevms simplp enough, but as a matter of fact it is not simple. [here arv continual disputes about. what an amatmn' really is and whether this or that. [Layer con- forms in all roan-Ms to the accept-ll definition. "l‘lmrc :m: “amateurs" and “Simon-plum amateurs.“ There are two reasons for making the distinction lwlwvvn amateurs and [)I'Ofl’Sslillt'fils. 0:2» may be called Hm social reason. The? amateur is. as the English say, :1 “gentleman amatnnr." He has or w summsed to haw privaln means and is oligiblo for any posiimn in sozéioty. whereas tho pI'Lvi’vssluDal is not. Tho otlwr x-oason grow: naturally out. l itions of sport itsolf; it is had to be: unfair that. a man who plavs onlv occa<ionJ a“) and for fun of tho thing should moot, on vqual lorms a man who main-s a lmsinvss of the game and who spends all or most of his time ‘I‘ f\"|‘;I-;nly ~_‘._Il'l i l HER WISH m .. mm mm runners of home nests, xvi \w haw nut yet come to ”10‘ mnvhision that. humanity should be c-xlm'minatm! cm this account. We do not (mm exterminate the robbprs and thim-‘vs, but. shut thmn up and fund Umnimwhun we. can eaten ‘hvm. While) thus» things g” on in Hu- life of human linings. our sym-I puihivs gn um, to tho crow and w." inhv ui'f Ulii' hats in his pri'sistnmry in sustaining lit‘v ”mim- nfl‘I,»?o_w.. mnvlusion that. e-xlm‘minatm! U?! do not (mm cxtc‘ and thivws. but. ' '. ' .: ..‘uutullll,.y (LB ét \‘ $0 lmye‘ m our combination (pm (me! and robbers of home 1 M1 wv .hm‘c Hut yet come t0 l'llllll’l‘_c A.‘ ll, i “'0 hope. the proposed campaign will nut. be: successful in extermin- ating his ebony majesty. For this your at least he is safeâ€"he is estab- iiSilcd. Next fall when the crow i'miventions aw «in it might be well Mr thrill to discuss ways and means a-i‘ i-irmimvcniing the campaign, and pi-nbably this will be done. Wi- fuel likv i-nmarking, too that i'mw ethics am! quite as estimable :is (how of immunity as a. whole. “'0 have in'(JLIII"C0nl‘biI'latiOIl the l-nl-n H} LJ“ nu P harm. and persmally we hold to thc lattvr View. Wild birds have the (Tiisiincl to liiiln their nests pretty [\vvu froni ilu- «hmuwwkning crnn' land the nunduu° in? (fiscovcrs are H'i-w. Sigmwtimcs he will make an funShnught an tho «urn patch, but .fHuiahunagv is not great (hitho; lnllwr hand lw is a lmlwl'actOI‘ to flhn vxhnn.that hv kins nUlHons 0f Him-mini insvcls, and is a general isa-zwvngcx‘ of much merit, Along tour lake? shows (,‘S['H"(‘.l8“.\’ he Cleans ‘in :1 great, «lea! of refuse and is always on llw keen search for decay- ing auinml matter. H is cheery voice isiluelirstlnrd \Ificu heard on the “pm'uacli 'of spring. Really, spring xx uuhl nut. lw spring without the :rraucous notes of Johnny Crow, and we: would miss him wry mud: in- deed. I ’ ‘ (Flasherton Advance) . 'Ihe DuPont. puwdet‘ company; 2v- !Mfex-im: prizes to those who will {shoot the largest. numbvr of crows. with a How to “terminating our Mack frcind. The company holds that the cruw is an enemy to man- kindâ€"â€"- that, he dcstmys xvi-hi birch“ stts, stoals com, etc. Then! 812v. those who disa mxtirvly with this View, claimmg that thv crow dons more good than harm. and pmrsonahy we hold to the? lattvr View. Wild hirds have the! '....J.'.\..1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ gx'oo ~ _____ .u.; ”so!“ “Ui'King. In tho contest, Mrs. Kav headed the list in district cured 69,475.300 votes. . . closest being 40.429.900 votes. Her success in the contest is largely du» gto Miss Lottie Fisher. 3 form-er giyi friend of Mrs. Kay. now residing in London. Early in the contest. Miss Fisher «entered Mrs. Kay's 11311ch as 'i competitor and then in a letter ap- peak-d to ail to hnlp her. The pub- lic from all parts of tho pvm'imm res- ponded with the gratif _ ying rnsnlt n‘f‘ piacmg her in m '1 lead. 4 5 been . ,. She is para- lyzed down one sxde, one eye gone, _‘ her brain workinz. In ‘k ‘ ‘ ‘ ' _ _ test K :3 3'21 11: tremembered that Mrs. “ ,-‘ y s s 0 some mon‘hs a'o b- 8001710” Dan MCMnaIfl 9:"! hné knni Mrs. George Kay of 1 was the winner of $1,000 1' a Red Bird touring car in London Advertiser subset: “_l v â€"vv“J attm'. His cheery 'oicc in! voice heard on 1m.- spring. Really, Spring; v spring \\’i_t,h0ut the »\ -n ‘r ' Is to his [M'sistmmy lec mzdvr adverse THE DURHA M CHRONICLE . Kincaljdine, A bright little girl, aged four, and her brother, aged six, were spending the night with their aunt. When thed time came the aunt asked them how they said their prayers. The lithe girl answered: “Sometimes I Say them in muddy‘s knees and sonntimes to the side of the hnd‘ “And how about you, little boy?” asked the aunt. “Oh, I don’t need to pray; I sleep with daddy.” l A short distance down the road he ’reined in and looked back. The elephant came out of the jungle, picked up the timber with his tusks, balanced it with his trunk, and. turning it round in the road. went on his way with loud snorts of indignation and disgust. ___. _â€"-‘ “RAIL ,‘ The real test of animal intell- 23 igencn. arcm-ding to Mr. Samuel A. E'Dericux m the American Magazim-. , is the ability to moot an unforeseen - difficulty, to grapple with :i sit- uation for which neithi‘n' [mining nor instinct has preparmi. Horc is a good example; ‘ A traveler by the name 01‘ 'linnanl was once riding horseback aiong :1 ruad in India. on both sides 01' whirh grew 21 (it‘mse jungle. Suddenly his llOl'St.‘ shied Violently, and Mr. Ton- ant saw taming toward him a lingo olenhani nnattondwl and balancing on his. msks a heavy timber that. hr ' was (widnntly ra Tying from a sawâ€" mill in lhn shipyards. 'l‘hu limhrr; I film! tlw mud from side to side, and ‘Mr. 'l‘nnani. could not pussihly pnss.’ Suddenly tin" elephant. sanitiQi hursr and rider, stoiipozl and turiwd sidnwisv. Then he backed a shurt disfnnrr into the ,â€" ruum fnr horse, and rider to pass. snorfvd «mi. his cvlirrrtinns that. Hwy should .20 on. But :1 jungle and, loavinvr inn-en iu The Warden of the County of Bruce with the Warden of Huron, the County Engineer, the County Clerk and a large number of the representative men of both counties; waited on the Minister of Highways at the Parliament Buildings, Toron- to. on Thursday last. The object. of the deputation was to have the Department designate the road [between the [WU com-Him M Dunn“ THE WISDOM or THE ELEPHANT In; -r “u. .uuucwC1 , acting fur the Minister who was unavoidably absent, gave the assur- ancv that. the requvsa would likely be granted. As a County Highway the Provincial grant is l‘urty per cent. whereas if changml lo 3 Count; Prminclal Road the} grant. would be 60 per cent. _- 'â€"-v nv-uu nelwecn the two counties of Bruce and Huron a County-Provincial Highway. The Deputy Minister, acting for the Minister who was unavoidably absent, gave the assur- ance that. the requesa would likely be granted. As a Countv Highwnv BRUCE-H6301: now ~ m: coum-pnovmcm. m 030ka ; still the horse d plunged. At last the tid H'u- piem: of timber pushipg hard against the I" aged four: and ix, were spending air aunt.Wh11i aunt asked them vllllwulw MI). According 10‘ a dispatch from ‘ Washington, the wealth of the Unitâ€" M ed States is $20,863,862,000.00, more ALTO SIDE CURTAIN POEM than one-half of which is real prop~ Owner may ha"? _s:2me “3' v “1"“ my and improvements. The per Prompt." 3'.“ ”33".“? f0" "”8 3“- capita wealth is $2,198.00. I Fhe Chronicle Office. 04-1:_.9A - Sole A Fancy Ribbed Lisle for women who apprecia 0 best in hosiery m black, and biege. The New Sport Hose PAGE m . proving S ad. . 1’.

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