West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Apr 1924, p. 6

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PAGE 81! Losses aggregating thousands of dollars could be lessened if all 300d grain sown this war was treated for smut. The method advocatedâ€"Fur- maiin treatmoxxt~-lnas pruven suc~ cessful whprewr car» was exorcism! 111 its applicatiw. I ’ A.-. ._ ‘I’l"' .wvâ€" ,--- There an: two metl’lods. viz.. thc: sprinkling and the dry. Either is quite satisfactory. The? former may he more thumugh but the latter will obviate any delay in sowing as. the grain is nut. mach- wet. The furmuz' mvthod is as fqllmvs : 'l' he former method is as follows : Mix une pint uf formalin with forty L'alluns 0f wzter. Place the grain tn be treateu in a heap on a mean floor. Sprinkie the formalin mix- ture over the grain. then shovel the grain intu another pile so as to mix it tlmrnuglily; then sprinkle amt showel 3min. Repeat this operatmn until every grain is moistened by the snlutinn. Just enough of the solution should be applied to ther- oughly wet ex'ery grain. hut nut enough tn make the grain we; and Sloppy. In treating small quantities USP pl‘upul'lilnnal amuunts Of the fur- malin snlution. After the grain has been thuruughly sprinkled, cover the pile with bags Hr sacking that have been sprinkled w seal-zed in a fur- maliu snlutinn annl lezn‘e fur three or four hours. .\t the end ut’ this time spread the grain mitt thinly. tn :ti'y. Shuvl‘l ll on‘el' llll‘mé V!‘ l'Hlll' lllllv‘.‘ tn hasten the drying. l’nrly galluns nt‘ the t’urnialin snlutini is sull‘irieut to sprinkie lietxveeu titty and sixty bushels uf grain. FHHMV ”w tiil'o-vtinns vzu'Pt'tu and gum! rosults will bu ”Named. Many farms-rs rupm-t unsatisfac- :’.M'y results frum trusting sum! with x'urmalin. This may ho- (-ansm‘i hy hm,- uf thx-m- t'ausvs. The first is {a nut. following «HI'N'HHIIS care-fully 1n thr mutton- 0f uXpusiug in tho: fur- muliu Hn- grain bags ihtn which the {muted sou-d is tako'u to) thn fwM: lh‘ not, using: tho' promo-1° strength 01' snhmnn and lastly. {v1 use Hf fox-maâ€" hn which has lust its strength. Fnrmnlin is nuthin: Plp't- but. Hm mixing uf fux'n'laldoshyclo- gas with watm'. If \w-aktrr it will not praw- ~'~fl‘ic:io-nt. if stunner it may hrssvn Hue go-rminating p1)“ er 0f thu semi. living :1 gas-(fliargml solution. it ”w nialvrial is illlHWNl tn stand in m.- sunliglit. llw mixlurv will be broken Up. 'l‘hv gas will orscapc anal nnly “Vitri- hr 10-”. in Hip lmtllv. Siirli will nut givv I'vsulls. l'xH‘nrlunah-Iy. ”mm is no simple uwlhml ut' h-sting thv stxw-ngth 0f t'm'maim. In vasn an)“ is kept M'm' s'im'o- last your in the stable: or gran- ary it is dnubtful if it will km strung mvmgln. l'nlo-ss tlw fumvs aw strong whvn Hm sum! is [wing tl‘catml it Indium-s clo'tvt'iumhun Hf the for- malin. Who-n treating the» semi. thnro't'uw. gut, Um fruslwst maturial whivh :l is pnssible to sccumn Buy nnly snfl'xvivm I")? this svasnn‘s 1131-. Shuuld urn}- County farmers ole- <i1v bulletins un smuts :mnl lusts tho-y mm. lw sow mm! hum Hm mm llmxm} mum-h ui‘ Mmkolaln, trm- «It rhau'gv. HH'M' will giw‘ full imnr- matinn nu mints and PXplum din'o~x'- um HIPHHMIS ul' t'tmtl'olling cvrtain kinds. i-‘m-uwrs may svcm'w the-Se by writing ur phoning. Problems of the Farm Contributed by Grey County Department of Agriculture Bulietins On Smut and Rusts. Pointers About Formalin. X0) {0‘00} 15 Think of the fa rmers who will want timothy, clover, wheat, rye, oats seeds, potatoes for plant- ing;_roofing or pajnt for the barns {wire' for the chlcken runways or_ plg ben â€" a hundred thinâ€"gs. If prices are favourable, get their order for them now, by Long Distance, and hold the goods, if Formalin For Smut» Get their orders now When the roads are bad farmersdpublygpprecigte your telephoning them. The first merchant who (1 0e 3 stands a mighty good chance of getting tgeir 9_rders. Try C. Chicken Feeding. vol ls gm'n until Um average very susumzwmmmmm chicks are nearly three days 91d. W'ater is supplied. however, to dunk if chill is taken ofl‘. 2. First feed is given on clean boards 8 inches wide. A board three feet long will be large enough for 50 chicks while young. 3. For the first few weeks chicks are fed at regular intervals six times daily. First feed early as chicks can see to eat and the last as late as passable. i. As manyphit'ks are overfed on th» start: beginners are recommend- ml tn wmgh the food for the first five or six days. 5. Um» ounce of dry mixture for (mm 00 chicks at each fwd is l.:i\ en. 'lhat mnan: that in one (13} 50 chickens “in not gut mer six HUIH‘CS of dry fund. 6.1110 airy mixturv of grain is ("unposefl of .cgual paxjts or corn _tn.$ AL- V‘JHJâ€" mval and good shorts \\ hich 51218 the uligt2>tiu2 urgans 222' ”222 01222 ks. H225 lack. animal fund and \ ituminvs. In 22222102 this 31212112 2222Ll\ a cnm~ 22332262 £002! 2% tn mm~t¢ 22 tho- «In mixturv 222 U222! 212252 {22.2221 “2212 (22222- 222222 22222122222228: U222 52222222.! with 2:22“ 0‘25 and tliv third with huslimi lix .r: thou begin tili‘ series uwr main. lliis “ill nut salisfi tlw I'llllf R but it giws :i vliance fur the (liick to absmli cumplo'lvlv tlu- Milk in Hm mm. After ”in first 1w: iml tlw (hicks slmlllal I)" fowl tliim' limo-s pot“ ola) all flu-y will rat. 8. When a wank "ltl. begin giving . .lrinking \‘PSSfll of \x'zitm' and an- ntlu-r 0f snur milk. BPllPI‘ not give any milk fur first four clays. . . Aftc-r tlm Second \vvvk Spl’flutt‘d :min max lw full. ulsn a little crack- ml "min. Malice Chang» frnm tnniatovs and liwi' tn 5 )mutml grain Hr tonalo“ :1 ss gracluzill)’. If leg \u :iksts .lnxo-lups lliu- tomatom smuulml grains. shoulol lw incr vawd Ll llh illitks put mil Hf MOPS on clvzm. lmulm' mass. GOUGHBD UP PIECE OF STEEL THAT HAD LODGE]! II LURG Brdthor of Inward Druggist Hero of Strange Experience. The follnwing from the Druggist’s Weekly of April 9th refers to a brother 0! G. B. Carnahan, Druggist. of Meaford: “One man in a thousand" in more ways than one, is W.J.Oamaha11. who has two stores in Toronto, one at the corner of Yonge and Bloor, and the other on Church street. Mr. Cauiahan has recentlv come into the limelight bx coughing up a piece of stool which had lodged in his 111w --41(‘:pltt‘ the fact that experts had stated that HIPPP was not one chance in a thousand of this being 110119. » From Philadelphia there was sent last \\ 98k to the T01 onto Star \Veek- l\ a slam of a man who had been (-uimi h} 0101 ”bur" Nature, phvsi- (ism exti'unt'oiinal‘}. an intiicate Upâ€" vration being thvrvhy awrted. The him» at the talo- was soon identified as Mr. Cni'nah'ah. um! of Toronto‘s nuLst3nding pharmacists. Mr. Carnahan “mm to Dr. Jack-- sun's clinic in Philadelphia to un- gm ti'vatniviit for thc‘ removal from his lung Oia ftagmmii of steel \xhich ho- had avoidmfalh S\\alim\od and “hich hail lodged (him. 1 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “Oddly enough," Dr. Jackson com- mented, “in the only other case of this nature that I‘ve seen, and or which I spoke, the patient was a Canadian, too. What kind of bron- chial tubes have you Qanucigsgot?" \v' C-- -. ”‘- vv â€"â€" Di. Jackson was quite willing to leaxe the case in the hands of Doc Nature for another day or so. Mr. (‘mnahan went. back to his bed and ordered a man-sized meal. W66 ”thE'sEE'y'ifiéfiffiélert the hospital, relieved of the steel witn- out any operation. “It’s quite all right now,” Mr. Car- nahan said on being questioned. “All that remains is a slight soreness in my bronchial tubes which had been irritated by the metal." ONLY ONE IN THIRTY SETTLBRS ~ 18 LIKELY TO FAIL (mi of 1.11: 1h settlem 1111 the Boh- tail Indian 112131.111». 1111a; Ponoka, Altz1.. but one is (2513 sifind by U11 soldier settlement 1iist1ict super- Fine Showing of War Veterans on Former Reserve in Alberta. " 1 A; ~ . . . :1 3T. ‘Livgiva 'l' @5- Soldier Settlement Board in 1919' and divided into farm units or an average size of 214 acres. In the season of 1923 all the settlers had from one-third to one-half of their acreage under cultivationâ€" in one case 140 acre§â€"_althongh ‘nLonerof U0“ ‘1‘] W- UV the land was broken when the dis- trict was opened. Buildings have been erected. farms fenced and other district has a schoo: house and roadâ€" work has been done. There is a Dominion Government Stock Assoc- iation in the district and the super- visor reports a marked tendency to- wards mixed farming _"l‘he settlers â€"A_ -‘ W (ll ‘10 Illln‘vu - â€"â€" __..._ ‘â€"\.J are well equipped with producing stock and machinery. In the present 'collection period 28 0f the 30 settlers had payments due: nineteen have made full pa'y- mmts and seven very substantial payments. with prospects that before the 0nd of H10. period not, more than ten to fiftcnn DPI‘ (mm of the amount will be outstanding. Some of thesettlm-s came with large families and were under the necessity of having to buii’d large houses at first. This was rather a handicap to them as they needed all their resources for fhe developâ€" ment of their land. While they were not particularly favored by the weatherman, the whole district {having suffered from damage by hail last year. they have made a splendid showing, due m large mea. sure to their fine spirit. and industry. THE PIONEER IN CAIADA Thirty-two years ago the now faâ€" mous “SALADA“,Tea was placed on the market in metal packages. “SA- LAD ” was the pioneer package tea in Canada. Immediately its superior flavour and purity won for it a great popularity that has been growing ever since. It is still a little differ- ent and a little better than ordinary tea. ' F.1-i:A.l7 Robert- Patterson of Arran town- ship has resigned as councillor and an election will‘ be held to fill the vacancy.- Mr. Patterson is moving to Northern Ontario. ' “May, 1pm 17. 1924. DIS. JAIIBSOI 8: JAIIBSON Oflice and residence a short dist- ance east of the Hahn House on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Office hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundaysk J. L. SUITE, I. 3., I. c. P. S. O. Ofl’ice and residence corner of mwss and Laughton gtreots. oppoâ€" Sifi old Post Olfwe. Office hours: 9 fl a.m.. 1.30 t0 5 p.m.. 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays and Thursday aflvrnonnc excepted) . DB. BURT. Late Assistant Royal London Up. (halmic Hospiml. England. and to Golden Square Throat. and Now Hus- fiiifll. Specialist: Eyv, liar. ’l‘hmm and Nose. ”men: 13 Fmst Shaw. Owen Sound. c. 6. AND BESSIE chILLIVRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. The Science. that adds hf." t0 _\va:‘k and years to llfe. Cunsnllatmn {Wu [1 Durham Tuesdays. Thl\l‘sdu}'~ m .i Saturdays. 6 14 23 U r mun. w; c. PICKBRING, DENTIST Oflicc, OVN' J. (\' J. meh‘rk 51“!" Durham. ()nlarm. J. P. GRANT, D. 13.8.. L. D. S. Honor Graduatv l'an'M'siLV vi” ' ‘. ontn, Graduate Royal C(‘vllvgo‘ “t‘ll Surg‘nns uf ”Marin. I'mm~zry 3“ its hmm‘hvs. (HTu-v. mm 1' Town‘s .lowonm'y Sim-v, Advertisements under this heading. 1 CASH WITH ORDER; six conseruhw ins of four. Telephone calls treated as rash v Saturday night of week ordered. M mxmu 25 cents. On all charge orders a Sh‘HHIht will be made each insertion. mlIIYI'm‘JII v! ”UV.- Barristers SOIIIIIOIS. v'h \ IIII'IH- her of HIP film \\ Ill Iw III IIIII‘ hum UH 'Ofluemiav of e:II-II\\eIk. AFUUHILEIIHUI.‘ lmk III “N ..â€"â€"â€" ‘Mfl MIDDLEBRO'. SPBRBMAN MIDDLBBRO' Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Surcossm's in A. 1%. Cm-rvy. Ml‘. C. (I. Middlvln'u' 1< m-z'mmn'n’. 10031.04! at, Durham Hmw. I... DAN. McLBAN Licensed Am-h’mwer for ()mmh' u! Grey. Salisfachun guaranteed. Rm- sdnable torms. Dates at” $310.: madn- at The (lermnvlu (Mice 01‘ with Inmâ€" self. W‘ ~...â€"'â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-~ ALEX. MacDOlALD Licensed Auctioneer for Go. Mndm‘alv tvl'ms. fnl‘ salvs. a< m claws. 9N2. man he made at Thu Khrmnch- ham. 'l‘m'nh‘ Mn apphvatim. Adâ€" drvss R. It. I. Durham. 211. 6mm! Thursday, April 17, 1924. LOT 66, CON. ‘2. \V.(§.H.. Inn.” 2%miles from I'mrham. (tom 36 acre5° 70 acres m‘uh-r NIH/n balance hardwnnd and >\\'11n1|| barn with extension shed and Stables; 7-r00mrsd hmw. Mick extension kitchen and wan Well watered by nex‘cr'faxléng at rear of farm; 8150 spring 1' cement trough near building~ oement curbed we” at hmxw. furthefipgrt-jculars apply 1h “‘ "‘m ("11 p.155." ‘v .1.” - tlculars apply at \ RR. 4, Durham. 0m Smith. ma SALE mg HEN" AH” 11'..-. able rougl‘l-cast hmnsv acre of land, stahlv. gm'zufl'. Inn-U: Soft watm‘ msidv: m-ntmny 'me": MW ”105.11. Shc‘x'k [H'npvrtxy "articulate at Thu (llu-nmv‘w n: Durham. 1 TO RENT. 454K)“ “RINK Apply 10 Gilhvrt MoKm'h 'm REX']'.~ ~ A I" partly furnishod Auliflv. Durham Medical Directorv. CREDIT Bentinck. 25. R. Br] AI'CFION SALE. r farm stuck and implc-mvms ”1' late James Hobkirk. Lnt. 2‘7. ' at 1.30 pm. Friday. . gham. Auciimwm'. FARMS FOR SALE Classified Adve 7. (JUN. 21 Dental I J it (Wow Legal, ‘Dira'turt dated by newer-131mm Of farm; also 83mm: 1 trough near lmiiding curbed well at honw *particulars apply 1“ RR. 3. Durham. (mt. AUCTION SALE A PYNIRâ€"IUNJNHCII H.‘ shod. Apply in “an. M EGmaMuN'r 0m? 10 23 23 H _____________.._â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" W'.G 1%., BEN'I‘I N( 1K . Durham. containing es under cultivation. AI! and C‘Ufllm): ha'lk \01‘$|t\ 0‘ MW- (:OHQ'LH‘. lH‘H‘a‘ Dvnti try It! CK HOV?“ rchniv. Uglj e’t’" m \Vm. 10 25” n DN- OS 92 t (1mm nu: n wah‘t' Mr. You” PR1 Hm huild of SR h H( \\’ f lm l' u‘ 10 51H H H‘ l-‘( )1 Mn m'u (NI ”I'd hl' \\ 811' \‘x d0!

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