West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Apr 1924, p. 2

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PAGE TWO FAR. R171" FFAV THY VOICE. Shakespeare. l in his plum-10 boar his lot: and .i wait. and 131\01‘Yâ€"~L11t.hm‘. ‘ 11w snpm‘mo \\'m‘th of Life is Not Lasn. :mz' Famt‘. nut. (won Happiness: ’ L-«mm; but. Sonic». and that counts L t. M fear is failure in cleaving --â€"â€"~(f;em';:o Eliot. \ 1T he Portal CHBSLBY ED [TOR AmOUS THAT MISS liACPHAiL GET MARRIED cently for Miss Agnes Macphail, the representative for South-East Grey in the House of Commons, and, by; the way, the only woman Member of Parliament in the Dominion. Were it not that Bre’r McDonald is ,an old grey-haired married man, we iwould be inclined to think he was getting jealous of Miss Macphail for her recently reported flirtatious conduct. In the last issue of The Chesley Enterprise, Mr. McDonald says of our lady member : -- -\ Q _ 5.!qu v- â€"._ "Miss Agnes Macphail. 31,1). for South-East Grey hasn‘t, so far. liven in the public oyv very mtlch ' this session. However. she will likely’be heard from on the budget «.lebatt). as she has made the taritt‘ quite a hot)- by. We: notice that Miss Macphail m-t-vntly gave :1 luncheon party at tho Parlianwntary cafv in Ottawa. {to which 311's. lillintt. President. of tho l'nitcd Farm Women of Mani- ltnha. MI'S. Amos. I’t't‘ésit‘lmlt «if the 'l‘m‘m “'umvn of flntario, and the wives (“If ton ut‘ the. Progressive mem- hm's \wi'o invited. It is hard to kvop nut ni‘ tho sncial life in Ottawa 'and those functions thi'nut in the ‘lnast tit’tl‘at't train a member's use- ““ ' 74“-. -..~.kl... Editor McDonald of 3‘ng Chesley ‘A-Qn nn ll'dat, H! thl\ t .. t'ulness. Those who enter public life must. be prepared to entertain 5.. their l‘rie‘rnds or they are, looked on b' as tightwads or hernuts. Indeed, h Miss Macphail may be. like many an- 5.] other member who goes to Ottawa, . tion so‘l’ar in that respect. inasmuch as politics has not occupied all their time to the exclusion of love-making. Wouldn‘t. it be the most. natu 'a thing in the world that. being the only member of the House of Com- mons that some lonely bachelor 'memlmr would occasionally cast loving glances hiwards; the place .where the object of his affections is seated! ! Shakespeare says that Cu- pid is a blind. rascally boy who abuses everyone‘s eyes. because his own are out. But. there were a pair of sharp eyes in Owen Sound one‘ bright summer day in 1923 which saw *.\1iss Maephail strolling along the street in company with the bachelor member for lmndas, Ontar~ in. who is a kindred spirit of the only lady M.l’. in Canada. for btjvth are P1‘t’);§l‘t‘z~‘$l\'t‘$. ()ur informant. 18 not naturally or a suspicious nature but. he. thmight it looked as though Dan Cupid‘s keen arrows had found a mark when Miss Macphail blushed to the very roots of her hair when the business man came across the street to speak to her and her part- ner. Of course. the whole afl'air might have. only been a chance meeting but. if the member for Dun- das succeeds in capturing the heart and hand of the fair member, the Progressives of South-East Grey might as well smile as get wrathy. and bestow their benediction on the member the same as parents do on daughters who marry and start. in new homes. It’s been the way or the, world since it first rolled out into space that. marrying and being given in marriage has been going on because it. is part. of the divine plan, and in the carrying out of this there might. be a. new candidate needed by the Progressives ot‘ a (trey riding. though marriage would not debar 3t iss Macphail from being a member. We. bestow the editorial blessing in adyanre and as Miss Maephail is opâ€" posed to capital punishment we knew she will not feel like sentgling us to the gallows when she reads this." '0".'0.00..'OGOOOOO”O”ONO°OOWQ‘W’OMWMQO W'w-wwvwvuvn- ~- - - _ r tht'mgh l’ren'iier King is the excep-fi‘ {l l I 11 (. i: a \‘ REFUSED TO PAY 0N ROAD CONTRACT London Contractor Says He Was Asked To “Come AcrOSs" By Drury ([4 Government. Deposit Your Coupons Durham Branch, ' - - - - John Kelly, Manager. Branch also at Prioeville. WHEN you cut the coupons from your Victory Bonds or other securities, the logical place to put them is into your savings account. Savings D~partmenta are maintained at all our branches and Victory Bond coupons will be received for deposit or encash- mcnt without charge. Let the interest from your investment earn more interest in‘ the “Standard”. THE STANDARD BANK . m I‘- AA"Aâ€"A "" WWW Parliament buildings on one of his visits. The man was a stranger, but asked him if he was down there trying to collect some money. The answer in the affirmative brought the information that “he would have to come across to get it.” . The matter has been brought to lthe attention of .' Governmental officials in direct touch with the probes in‘ Toronto. Mr. Butler referred 'the officials to two out- standing cases that he claims are} irregular and has offered to give the officials any information on the subject he has. Suspicious o: “splitting” are entri‘rtained hv Mr. Butler, who states that the Government gave, ‘iu one case, a contract to one man “Hum“; ,mmmuitinn and the mam in one case, a CODU'aCL w uuu “w... without competition and the man matlo $3000 in a very short. timo. The contract price. he says, was $4 to $5 pm- yard higher than others wm-u charging for similiar work. Ho also gives, :1 case where he allows a contractor rociewd a contract at, 93 cents per yard and isnhlot. it for (30 cents per yard. He says ho has no doubt but that tho (lit't't‘t'oncn 01 2.3â€"} cents was. ”split, _.\\'1th sommnv: PANNING MILLé, AND (I lUuuu u llltlucov ‘--..._ u, n... 'l‘lw fulli'iwing' sieves will 1w found useful for the. cleaning of seed grain: “"le and llai'loy.~~’l‘h0 upper SiM‘n slmulil 1w :1 zinc ()I.’ (in pvrl'umlml SlH‘l‘l with twolvo. thirtm‘n 01' fuui-tvcn sixlyâ€"l‘t‘uu'lh im'll lmlvs. 'l‘hn lnwvr sivw‘ Shillllll 1w Minor .3. [wi'l'l‘n-utml zinc shout. Willi night, “1' ninv sixt.\'-f(_i111't.l'1 inch Imlvs 01' slmuld A ' iwnwn wire mosh night by eight, or nine: by nine squares lo tho inch. 01' long wow-n win: mosh two by nine, twu by 1011. or twu by vlovnn squaws in the incli. _ _-..,...\ . "in” chat“: Squuu-n w u.» u...“ Oatsâ€" 17mwr siovos: zinc Sheets with sluts srwvn. vight 01‘ nino sixty-fourths inch wide by threeâ€" quartor inch long. Imvm' sieve: zinc shoots with sluts (mo-tenth t0 one-thirteenth inch wide by oneâ€" half inch long. 1 _-J:--_sn,1 4n [I'dll [UK-ll 1v: lgn. 'l‘lm food should be adjusted to allnw a thin. (wen flow of malarial over the top sieve. wifll no crowd- ing. A larger quantity of impurities is removed when the grain travels slowly over the sieves than when running quickly over them. The makers 01 good fanmng 'l‘he Schoo! is thoronghly equipped to take up the followmg courses : (1) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entrance to Normal School. flach member of the Stafi‘ is {a Uni- \‘01‘51ty Graduate and expenemced Teacher. " _ Intending pupils should prepare to enter at, begmnmg of term. Information as to Courses may be. ublumed from the 'Px'mcmal. 'l he School has a creditable record in the past “huh it hopes to main- mm in the future. Durham is an attractive and heal- thy town and good accommodation can he obtained at reasonable raf’es J. A. M. ROBB. B. A... Principal. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL HiHN MI'Z’RRISUR Chairman 'Hd'w TO USE THEM. in fanning W machines am always willing toy‘whal. is all give their white as in What, sim'osl “Please, 5 m 1130. Should any problem ax-isol“l.hal.‘s only and in casv of trouble. it, is Often lmcauso ma advisable in send a pound saniplc.gnn(l. and s of the ;\ ghastly seed to lw cleaned to the‘ . fanning ,mill manufacturm' for ‘ runlml tho suggnslious as lu siows. "Ho mus A‘ ‘ follow.” PDT Shrinks and yvlls pulling type were i little collage and Q] COllPCth. Pl'u-sqnt‘l‘ “U ”UV-Ir-â€" Slu‘iuks and yells 0f thv must. ap- palling type were issuing from the little cottage and quite a crowd had collected. I’m-sonny, clothed in the full majesty and dignity of the law, a policeman (name striding 011 10 “‘0 SC‘.‘n00 ‘ “Now, then," ho cried, "I‘uffly. No Escape. “what. is all this about?" ‘ “Please, sir." spukv up a small huy, “that‘s only my hrnthvr. Ho's cryiu" hncauso mamma's M'vsight. isn't \‘uI'v good. and 8110‘s dexaf. 11m," ' . ghastly surfing 01' shvicks intens- 1'115‘»t.mi the vxpianahmx. "Ho must. 1w 9 wry i‘o-‘vling mm fnnnw.” romm'kmi Hm Hfl'ivm‘. wiping I. “Ho must. hp 9 \‘ follow.” romm-kml t‘ away :‘1 fngt we N31" (L \V 10 v .. “Yos. sir. hv i<. Ynu sun. mundmg his. hummus. and h.- thvm 0n.~-~â€"l,us Ange-hrs 'l‘mws. “\Vill wolves attack a mun?" is the subject of much (im'ltl‘OVvl'sy. ’l‘hnso that. wear trousers ('vrtainly will: ~ Brantfoml Expositbr. Thursday. April 2" 192" is the nlil mt Tho first ('iVihzr-d mm: m» gal‘dt‘m‘l‘. "HIV fin“! I~' 11H! :‘wm in tho annals of munknm. w..- can \\'1‘ pt‘HVU “In 355.111..“ in mathematical hylmiln‘sh; 11mm less thc' fart is plumb ”in,” him who ha~ nntu. tin w-nu-«s . good gardm mum 1hr inzmtm 1 This. lwing “I" vasv. HIM‘. can“! is as 01d as «'nmzuhnn. «mm. Ceiling, lamm'vvr. is :1 :mn‘l: mOdel'n ('l‘nutnm -:1 111m: that our Intox'vst and dew-Mm efforts . .WW-wuoam-aaa-o.w The soil of um [mm M 1m where man rau‘vs tu maiw hm is capable Hf p1'udlh‘ih; sum Happily. m Hw must mum-1h. gions. \vllvw thv summe-v ~- short, cundihnns nt' urmxtl; 3903410.le :x Inig'hrl‘ wtrll um: maturv \\'iH| g‘l'o-utvr www! 3 now snuthvrn luimz‘iw» makvs H lmsmmv in ,nwx ('2 bleak Lalwualm- :m.i ;:- ' Northwest. H. is not pussilulo- 1H luvnuz valuv Hf :1 gzmlo-H. H \w \- it from u mute-rm! <.~x:~v n‘» find that. thv :n'tnul \x'uz'tla ‘ VALUE OF THE HOME GARDEN (TOPS m‘m‘hlrmi is um iShing. l “INN kc‘lo‘ ii the pmduvls usml Mm 411']! for :1 “mm! ”1‘ Figl,11‘<,-cl at Niall sh?!“ In“) Hf ”H'w' [N‘I‘SHH' cally fifty «lullurs \\« prmiucts «‘VUI'} nwmh I‘OSpm‘tahlu sum a: H: yvar, and l Hunk 1h.- hOM gnml 1M“ Wu 1\\.- lal‘gv qummhvs “1' \. zannmi. draw! and st“ 1150. 'I‘llv lulu-1' ”1' gun-«1w valuo- tn him M In much timv within «1w 01'swurin; tum-.H'ul gal'dvn pair}: is fur :‘ Of the gulf (‘Hlll's‘t' (301111. N. Is HHHIII gax'dvu [mtvh is far mu! of the gulf ('HIH'M- :nu court. H. is nutlnm: who” I say that \\‘u Haw crs and mnw gm'de-I man who 20% lmmv 1w The Canadia: Thursday, April 24, 1924. :Ofld fur Hw two-Mu : quantum-s Hf wgui; Ii. «MN! and >1“er a husinvss pl'uwm n'dvn pays. Tllw \\« 1‘ i1 is lzn'g‘vlf" simu- hme IN‘ claw-Ii :h I' than lulmr. I rm {luv m' ”w. PXQ'VCEM'. [Hun 11ml Hm 11‘s: 1" systmn \VIm-la tlu- :_';( hv \‘Hllh‘ is nut :11! u i“: :1 lam" [NIH «W i! nwvt‘s :nul H!‘i!:lll|"l' mn: «nu-12mm 'j'il‘dc n I~‘ 1m : mun-'1 and H s n! gunk H \\ hut mmh u! l 1151. [w «iuxxc- j urn thv lmvk 1m 1w madc- JERRY ()N d HIP «'fl'vvl (110 human 0. thvn. gar. Lahnll. (hon IS a muvl: a 1.1mm: that a! WWW « snmom hut M an :H’W' “mm a mu Hf HH'W‘ By Charles H. Vmafzog b; H $976 .18 3hr b ,3 écmz Em. Am‘V GO"r NO ,1 Sumo: ’? l\ ll .\'|l HI \\ H l\ TH E H H hc \\

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