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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Apr 1924, p. 3

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lg Suits I] id Miiking Machines 83“ s Gummed 1nd 03’: Hand .T‘HFAD HOP an: w-o one-H-W JOHN DEERE .ements .epairing A Specialty Machinist Etc. 1'9 Durham, Ont. .ouoâ€"Oo-O-oO-‘O-oO-W ,.,. 0'... .........o.-MM prices and 00 N) 50 F urnisher TOW N 1:35 tact 215011 \V yin rHV. the :nt The first. civilized man was a :zihic-nm. The fact is not recorded :41 the annals of mankind, neither run we mm? the assertion by a Mathematical hypothesis; ne\erthe- pus-s the». fact is plainly obvious to mm who has noted the effect Of a sum] garden upon the human mind. HHS being the vase. then, gardening . :is old as. civilization. Good gar- dening, however, is a much more -.nwlo_-rn creationâ€"a thing that holds .m' interest and deserves our best "H‘UI'tS. 'l‘hn soil of any part Of the world, xhotl'tr man cares to make his home. N t'apabl“ of producing something. Happily. 1n the most northern re- ;mns. whmw' the summer season is 4mm, wuditions of growth are qwedmi to 21 higher pitch a.nd_plan.ts muhm- with groatm' speed than in mnx'v snuthvrn latitudes. This :nukws it. possiblv to grow crops in ulo-ak Labraohn' and in the far \'ux'th\\'vst.. VALUE OF THE HOIE GARDEN It Is not. possible tn measuro the mlm- ”1' garden. If we consider :t. Hum 21 man-rial sense alone. we find that. ”w actual wm'th of the A'I'nps‘ pl'mluvvd is somewhat aston- ..~‘hmg. l haw kept an account of HIV pI‘OohH'tS usml from a small gar- -'io-n fur a [mt'iogi of thx'op months. Mmll'ml at rotail 510m: prices. a fax-- :11in nf tin-w persuns used practi- :-:slly fifty dollars worth of gal-dun m-mimrts M'M‘y month. This made: a wâ€" -â€" â€"- - "-U v-- and garden upon the human mind,lacit3' dump. Anteater-prising Ital- , _. . . ian had hired the dum te raise “" ““lng th‘f €3.30- then, gardening vegetables and flowers upgn. and he . as Uld as. ('lV'lllzatlon. (100d garâ€" SUCCQle‘ll. tn”. SUCh melons and “mm-5. however, 13 a much more cucumbers and tomatoes were not walel‘n creationâ€"a thing that holds seen auvwhere about the city. This til' llltl‘fl'O‘St. and dQSQI‘VL‘S Ulll' 1383:. indicahzs that any kind of 50“ can Hurts. ' be made to prOduCe garden prbducts. 'l‘he sml of any part. 01' “If? “'01'1‘19 New lands are especiallv good. \Von- t-here man cares to make his 110.1110. derful crops are often .grown out or ‘- .-apable of producmg something. the virgin soil just cleared of the Newly. ”1 the most northern 1'9,‘ timber: The wide prairies 0f the nuns. \VlH'I’“ ”18 summer 53119011 15 \Vest furnish the wheat. farmers .hnrt, renditions of fi'POWlh are boundless Opportunities for gardenâ€"‘ qwellml U) 21 higher [)ltCh and plants 'ing__thp burned (glparings 'of the nature with greater speed than I}! north eall fur planters and the stonyl ".m- suntliern latitudes. This patches «if the East need but a scatâ€" mkes it possible to grow ('I'UPS ”1 tering of the seed. for all et‘ these .teak Labrader and in the fit? seetiuns are really tn yield abundw N'nl'tlHVi'Sl. autly of fruit. Vegetable anal tloweinl It is not possible to measure the I need nut, compare the valtJe of! mine ”1' garden. If we consider fresh Vegetables with those usually? :t. t'rum a material sense 310110. “'0 offered in the markets. Everyone' find that. the actual wnrth 0f the “-1“, knuws j,- “1.” aware ”f u“. fact 'I'nps [)l'tNllll‘t‘ll is somewhat aston- that many products rapidly deterâ€" .Slllll'n'. l hith‘ kflpt an ilCCUllnt 0f itu'atp in [35“. and vain“ aft‘gl- they ’ltc' prooluets used from a small 1531’- are gathered. Summer vegetables an” fur a permit of three months. and fruits are particularly liable tn t-‘izuro-ot at retail stnre prices. a 131- this cletei'ieitatien. Scientists tell us milV nl' three persnns llSPt’l [it’llC-ll‘ ”till. t’et'luilt ehemieal rhanges ureur rally titty :lnllars werth of garden in sweet. eurn that make. it «if much l'l'mlttt’ts every month. This made a less value for fund even after it has -.~speetahle sum at the encl 0f thel hm.“ gaihmwi hut. mm... ”1. {our war, and i think the average would linurs. This is but «me «if many Pr"- ;,.,1.1 gnml fur the twelve n'iuntlis. as shirts that, smm [use their best qual- ;,,~;t~ quantities ut‘ Vegetztloles were. ities alter twin: gathered. vannmt. tll'lt‘tl ancl sterml t'nr wmter Mam' linmes are remete from mar- Thursday, April 2‘, i924. JERRY ON THE JOB THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR or the store at six o‘clock. the gar- den has endless possibilities. What is more delightful than to spend an hour with the cabbage plants and the. rose bushes? The-garden. then, is particularly recommended to the person of sedentary habits. Its value cannot he reckoned in doilars and cents. Evnrybody can have: a garden. 1 havynsmfn a gum! garden growmg on Mum 1111111115' :11'11 1'1111111111 1‘1'11111 mar- k11ts. :11111 11 “1111111 11111 1111. 11055111111 111 11:1\1-\ \11:.'1 111111115 :11. all 11 1.1111} \1111'1) 11111 1':11.~'111'1 :11. 111111111. The trapper 111 1115 1:111:111111 1':111111. 11111 11111111111'1112111 in 111511111. :11111 11111 11111111 '111 111111 of our 1"11':11 1111.15 #111111111 11111111 :1 gar.111111 '11111 :11111111111 11 \\111 111111 111 111s [11113311113 111111 1111:11111 11115 summm‘. 111'. 311.1111; will 1111 :11111' 111judgn. .1- Humvn prmhutts arcs nut, only for tlw summvr svusnn. 1 misc all kinds 0f prmhu-ts fur cunning and dryin‘j'. and many zu-v stnrml in thv rout. cel- lzu‘ fur us«- during Hm winter. It is a plwusunt task for Um summm‘ and autumn days to lay away a store for Winn-1' usv. If we fail in this task, \w .1” nut. shnw as much wisdom as '10) the wild ('l'vatul'vs 0f the field and thrust. fur many uf me have lo'm'nml tn [mwidv for tho bleak days nl' \vinto‘l'. Nu lwtto-r mlvivn can be given than H111 :11l111n11it1n11: Plant :1 garde‘rn, H11 11 ("1111 111111 cln and store tlie pro- shuts 1111' 1131‘ “hm the wild ele- 111111115 311- raging. No 1111111 01 “0- 1111111 \vlm is 1111011 a gardener ever hm'ksliolvs: I111 knows the value. in 1lnll=11'.~' and 111 othm' considerations. 11f tlu- prudm'ts 1111 mm make the soil giw- him in exchange for :1 little '\\'Ul‘k. At :1 spowial mmrting of the Town Huum'il hold in HIP Council chamber on Saturday morning a motion was pussvd unanimously by the Council, all [no‘llllh‘l‘s brill: [H'PSCIIL that. an'n ~IX'M‘L from Uh! C. N. R. station to Main strmet, be. paved. 1101on Road Inspector Young and lingmwr H. H. Reid, jun. addressed Hlo' (Luumfil. A «iclogation was zuumintmi to moot the County tluum'il on tlw mutter. WILL PAVE AT MT. FOREST \ «I: ,pyl'ight, 63.118113, 1924.; *5»: ,Qm, .' = it???“ -' THE POSTBRIRG OP CIVIC PRIDE Trees and urban beauty are inwparable, and yet it is possible to have too many trees growing on our streets and boulevards. Perhaps it is a want of imagination or more likelV the habit of coming others. that has led to the planting of trees much closer togethei on the streets than is necessarv for the purpose for VV h1ch they are intended. In the hot climates of the south, shade is of the utmost importance. but in this country trees have othei purposes besides shading. Their purpose is rather ornamen- tation but VVhen they me standing so closelV t111'11the1 as to almost or ;n11.a1lV sha1_l11 the ground. no other 'kind of plantin" can 111ospe1'. One cannot help learning in his home t11VVno1 in an other that he mar Visit. that the planting habit has 'hee 11 about the san111.lr11n1 fifteen to tVVenty- the feet 1'11V11rs the disâ€" tance betVVeen st1'1111t trees. 'lhe intentions 11f those who haVe given it thought to 1'11mOVe. 11V111y second 111111 later 1111. is V111V 1111'er cainied i1..1ut VVith the 111sult that it is pracâ€" lticallV impossible in either city town 111 Vill age to do anV ornamental lplanting in the front part of the .111'1111111ti11s. Cities VVho haVe 1111111111: t21k1'11 th1- cnnti'ul of the street 1.11.1118 and the further beautification 111 stun-ts in shrubbery planting. haw Avoided that thirty 111% .is the minimum distancv apart tthat street tum; should sta11d.F1‘0m this 11p tn nightx 111 11i1111t1 f1-1t is regarded 21s “111 latitudv that man 1111 allnwcd. lh1- (mtai‘Jn 1111111111111111111 \ssoc- iatiuu. 1111 111‘g:111i7.21ti1111 distributed 1111-1 tlw P1‘11\i1111,1 has taken action to hull) this situation. At tho {By Ontario Horticultural Assn.) L WAN A Mmu‘re = WHATS ‘ms mm 0? ‘MO Mm GONG we ems Go‘r on: :08 8mm: us Amp. One . = \NE' HAVTA §rAM9 ?' ~7~m , - , :m/‘m i “s WWW We Pay Cash for Produce and Sell for Cash Only VOLLETT’S CASH STORE WM. J. VOLLETT THE HOME OF QUALITY GOODS Muns' Smocks in match. Fog. $2.50 Mr ........................ $2. 25 Men's \\ hituShilts,10g.$'1.75at$1.50 Mun s (lashmem 80x, 10g. 650 for 500 Mc-ns Overalls, mg. $2.50 for” Moms Smocks to match. Fog. Timothy. per bush. ....... Alfalfa, per bush. ........ Red Clover, per bushel .. Mammoth, per bushel Dutch Set Onions, lb 180, Send Peas, per bushel Quebec Maple Syrug All Raw Fruits At End Of Each Week Specials in Seeds This Week PHONE 70 Annual Meeting held in Toronto in February, it was recommended that municipalities be given auth- ority to control the street trees ‘and to regulate not only the planting, but the keeping in order and thin- ning out where it is considered necessary from a horticultural standpoi t. It is recognised that wonderfu possibilities in street decoration lie before us, and fur- ther that municipalities are to escape the charge of backwardness in civic pride it is necessary that attention be given to these points. .Without Open sunshine it is impossible to have beautiful lawns, to say nothing of beds of flowers and clumps of beautiful shrubs. glt is true that some courage is ineedeil to remove well established trees. but it requires only a little imagination to realize the trans- formation tliat may result from exchanging our surplus trees for 'the park-like beauty that may be given to any of our streets by well directed landscape treatment. This advice may save your life. The. Hydroelectric Commission have sent out thcso simple rules, which they how; to imppcsspri everxm‘io: wâ€"â€" v l__'se only one hand. in switching} electric lights on or 011‘, and keep the? other from metallic contact. Never switch on an electric light with one hand while the other hand is in water 01' on a water faucet. Never operate an electric light while standing: in a bathtub. Always be sure that the hands are dry when operating: in electric de\'ice..Never tamper with an electrical circuit with which you are not familiar. In s pitv «if the campaign against her, tho bobbed haii girl seems to bob up $131011er .â€"â€"Lcthbridge Herald. SOME SAFETY FIRST “DONT’S” Good Spy Apples . $5.50 $14.00 $15.00 .. $17.50 2 for 350 $1.50 $2.25 fl INSPIRATIOII 'ro SPIISTERS (Walkerton Herald-Times.) As the garter snake points to the boa constrictor as an evidence of what the race is capable of, so those Walkerton spinster who haw-:5: claim- ed for generations that the local matrimonial market is dull, should view with admiration that Walker- ton lady who went through her fifthl wedding ceremony here this week, and'who stands-out as a living con- tradiction to the folly of the state- ment and the absurdity of their claim. There are “Acres of Diam- onds“ right here, as one woman has been able to prove, and also the present age is just as chivalrous as when knights went around in armor ,plate and pounded each other up in Spring Is Here Agents for Studebaker, Chevrolet OILS GREASES GASOLINE Garafraxa Street, Durham Better have us look your? car over and make the necessary repairs before you put it on the road for the Summer’s work. We guarantee our work and our prices are Right NOBLE’S GARAGE / My; the presence of their lady love. As marriage is a scriptural injunction. ven’il some peOple will enjoy the plam its “well done" while others are hearing reprimands for their sins of omission in- this respect at the final rehearsal in the great sub- sequently. All wv ask you to do is to purchase a pair of HOLEPROOF HOSE and we know that. you will be a steady cus- tomer f or HOLEPROOF. “For The Wear Is There” The Variety Store [folezprwf [#51er Rose Beige, Peach, Log Cabin, Airedale and Antique. at Time Will Tell! See The New Sides éL’w‘: ' 43$

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