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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Apr 1924, p. 4

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PAGE 1’91)“ Published every Thursday morning at the office, Garatggxa; Streetz‘Dur- _l?LA__ the rate of $2.00 per year, 81.00 for six months, 50 cents _ for three months. To any address in the Unit- ed States of America. 8250 per year, 81.25 for six months. 65 cents for three months. Foreign subscription rates on application. Member Canadian Weekly News- papers Assocxation. DURHAM CHRONICLE SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Antoni: hotiitzxy visitors noted in' Durham and Vicinity were: Mr. John 't‘iirn'miii‘ Guotph. with r613.- tist ttt't't,‘ and in Bontinck: Ed. Cook of t’atmvrsinn. with his mrentsm \tr. amt Mrs. W. J. Cook. at T ravâ€" o-rstnn: “32-. and Mrs. \V. Mitnn. Tor- unto. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ttohs-rt Mitnv. I'ppor Town; Miss M. Mrt’llm-kfin. with hor parpnts. Mr. rind .‘itt‘s. F. T. ~ittt-tltocklim Miss Kathlm-ii Firth of 't'orflntn Normal. with Mr. amt Mrs. Hugh Firth; Mr. tirtwn Srhiitz. 't‘oronto. with his par- i-nts. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schulz; Mr~ Howard [)4'tiitt‘t'l‘t‘. at Mr. amt MI‘S. t’o-tvi- tto-iot‘s: Miss Victoria Aljon. of Toronto. with relatives in town and vii-iziity: Miss Clara, Aljoe. Toronto, with hwr imt‘fitits. Min/and Mrs. R. Atjov: Miss 1%?th Young. with her pat-Wits. Hr. amt Mrs- Thomas Young: Miss .tntia Burns. with hm- sistmz Mrs“. J. P. Smith. horn. and‘ rotatiws in Normanhy; Mr. Ernest. Mrttirr. of tho- Gait Ci’ilhégiato trach- ing stafl'. with his mother and Sis.- jers twri-z Miss Chrissy McGirr. of ttm 'l'nl'ontu U.-a«:hin;: staff. with her motht-r and sisto-rs; Missns Mary and Edith thigh. with thi-ir sistvrs hero and iii tito-iio-tu: Mr. Harpor Mct‘iirt‘. with his part-tits, Mr. and Mrs. Eé‘honias Mi‘tiil'}; Chinolg; Mr. Harohtl Sharpe. 'I‘uronto. fit. tho riaruntflli homo-1 Miss Styrttn \‘iirs. 'l‘oronto. at, hi-r hunw twrr: Mrs. .t.t~‘. Mctiirawh Thl'fitti". with tmr sistt'r, Mrs. \V.J.} Firth. and i-otafiws in t‘tlot‘wlg; Miss? Sarah Mrtjaltum of t tit; Stratt‘om‘: Normal. at he-r homo“: MISSPS Esther PPU)‘ :‘itiot Marjoric- tlatitwrll. both oi" Strattm-«t Normal. at. thoir parental homvs in Nt‘irnt‘nnhy: Hamid Moun- tain. thunitt’on. with his pat-nuts. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mountain: Misses Janetto- and Katy Knrr. with thoir tial't'lttS at. Varmey: Miss Amiiv Graâ€" ham. tf-arhing noar Ayton. with her Harrints. Princil‘ial amt Mrs. Graham herr: .‘lissvs Mary and Rota Baifoy. and Etta McFadden, of Toronto, at, thoir humus in Rvntinrk; Miss Eva ttedt’m-ot. 'l‘orc‘mtri, with her parents. Mr. amt M rs. Att‘. Rmtforot; Mr. Arch. \chougall. Hf the Marlran Publish- ing Company. 'l‘nrontt‘i. with his mothrr and sister here. I .\lI'. Hz'IIIx Law-110 0f Blamptml was In («mp 101‘ a to?“ hours last, \\ wk 1‘ IIO‘\\ill:.’ 0M acquaintances. Him Ur. Iam'mson. M.P.P.. and “1‘s. .111111'11-«111. 1111113, returned from ”1101011111. “111- -111 11111 1_1 spent the 11111â€" 1111‘ 111111 1111111‘11 D1..111mioson 11111 in 1111141111111 :1. 1hr Io‘gislatm‘e. 1111<s 11111111 \111~ 11fT0r0n10 spent 11111 11111111111 111111 11111‘11111‘1‘1119 \11‘. 111111 .\l1‘.~'. 1:11111'g1‘ \"111'9. Mr. HiHnn Rowe x'ctm'nml l'rnm Hrnwnswinv. 'l‘nxas. Tuesday night. ‘vftm- an :mso-nm- of mm months. He was awomwunivd thorn by his :mnolmothvx', Mrs. Fairmnn. who 1-0- ?ux‘m-d wnth him. Dr. Edward Lamdm' at Toronto was a Visitor HVM' H'w hch'iday. Mr. F. 'l‘. :V‘lcfllnvklin I‘Mnrnm‘l from I'm'nnhr last. wwk. whore he has been on attendance 3!, the Iwgislfl- tm‘o during: tho past. svssinn. Mrs. John Smith is in Toronto for a fmv days. 0 Miss Allie» Grant. 'I‘M‘nntn. and Mrs. Mm. Muir, Ilc-ylvm. Visited with their pm'vuts, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Grant. ,_ __ --. o On I x-m- \l1s. ;\Io*x.\IrIm1"hI1n \isitod “11h I111 11111-1118 M1 and 3115. E .\V. I imvn .- 'Miésnfirlinu (Hm wont to Toronto l‘qesday __n_101fmng. ' n n ‘ ",4_ . Mr. .Inhn Davidsnn of Toronto was 1n town rwm- Sunday \Vlth his moth- or and sustcr. Mr. H. R. Koch is 'm ’l‘oronto this week as a cit-1051320 from tho High whowl board to tho Ontario Eo‘luca- tional Association. Mrs. han Edwards 0f Toronto was a Visitor ”\‘01' the- holiday with her mothnr. Mrs. ELM. Marshall. Mnancl Mrs. \\'. Kmmmly and babo t-otnrmrd In Slmlburne Monday aftnr :1 Visit. with hm- mntlwr. Mrs. MM. Marshall how. Mr. and Mrs. 1‘.hmlu~.\!lvn Ham- 'Hnn. Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Lums 0f \lnrkdalw. and Mr Johnston Allen Hf Hh- Pn\\‘m' Hmim. hummin. spent Hm hs'vliday with Mr. and Mrs. David .‘ht‘n. Mm. E. R. Cunningham and son. of Tmmntn. are Visiting: her parents. \h'. and Mrs. (hwrgn Mi-Ki‘t'lmio. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williamson 'mci Wm t'hiidron. and Miss Pt‘ggit‘ Hinton, all Of Kitchonm‘. were guests nwx‘ Rush-1' n!‘ Mrs. M. Koarns. Masfm-s Aminn and Arthur \\’hit- iakm‘ fl!‘ 'i‘uz'fimn arr ht'vliciaYing with fho fr-rmvr's farm-r. Mr. Jnhn \Vhit- trikor'. and. thnir cousin. Mr. ‘Floyd Knams. Arthur \V’hitiaker is a son nf (ti-am \V’hitmker. well-known hero. Dr. Hm-El \Vo‘zfc was ho‘me from Toronto“ over Easter. Mr. and MN. Harry Lavelle of Brampton sm-nt (“or the holiday xxith 3112:11ch MIS. James Lawne in town. Min \hrtln Snarling was home 1mm Mia? f!“ d m 591‘ the hohday- Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Keamoi' _ of .Qchnmberg wet-9, Visutmg relatlves here over Easter. Mics Amv Kelly has returned from a visit. in Toronto. She was aocom- vanird home by her nephew. John. and nioce Betty, who will remain for thg_holj_days. Ir; Mrs. Harry Fall spent over Sundaj wj§h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob1 Thursday. April 24, 1924. “1° clhzttsmn'th “pup Easppr~jn_§own. ‘17)}: Viiâ€"miV‘3'117-5.‘Ft’bllis of Shelquc visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rowland. “HMI-j'n‘cl \115.H.McLean Of Priceâ€" ville spent Pastel in town and m Holstein \isiting relati\'_e§. Mr. Young of Orangeville visited thh 1115 mete, Mrs. J. H. Hardmg. nvm- Eastvx'. .‘ll's. .Imnns Livingston of Hamilton IS “Siting: hi‘l' sistm's in tuwn for a few days. Mrs. Rambling of Kitchener is \ is.â€" iting llLI‘ sister. Miss E. Chad\\_1ck. Dr. (1. L. Gi‘ant 'am'l fami'ly of “alknx-tun worn here over Easter. _ MT. HEn'pm' MCGiI'I‘ of Detroit was 111 tuwn «m'z' Sunday. 7 _._ Mr. Rnbvrt .\l,jm,» is in atlmulancn at Hm {mun-in I'lducali'.rnal Associa- tinn in 'l‘m-rmtn. representing “:0 l’nhl'u’ svlmul hmu'd hem. .57.. :21; .575 ":5 2me 3o». .13: i. :ozlz 11?; i 7:11. 32.7.5921. 2:. :3." 3. 3c.fi_.....r.., Miss Malwl'h‘n‘ingm‘ Of Kiucm'dinv is a guest. at. tho Rectory. Miss Mamm'vt MacKonzier was hnnu- t'x-nm 'l‘mwmtu over hastur. .\[1'.R.J. Ball of Hanmm mum on 11~ this mmnin- :15 he “as motmin" 111;.011gh ~11 his \\ ay_t0 O“ on Sound. EXPECTS FEDERAL T. J. Stewart. M.P., Says Tarriff May Be Issue ’l‘. .l. Stt-wurt. M. 1).. West Hamil- tnn. cm his rvtm'n from Uttuwa, pt'c-clictmt u gvum'al t‘lt‘tftitm shortly. Hv stated that ha o-xptfectml t0 SN! thq- King: Huvcrnmvnt {:0 to ttw ('mmtry in the fall on the tariff issuv. 'l'iu‘it‘f vuucessions to tho West haw. hum: made with this in \‘imx' tlw mombcr believes. "The 1111111111ment is closing the 511 sinn as 111111111) as 1111ssib111.'l‘i111 1111511111551 has 1111x1111 11111111 amancmi 1 far at“ this 1111111 111‘ 11111 \1131 as it is 1111\\."111111-11 are 66 Faimor 1'11111'1131111111liws in the House who 111111, \xith 11111 1;1)\111‘11m11nt 1111 £1111 recent tariff changes.“ .1111! Mr. St11\\'ai‘t. “If the Government waits 11111! l'ai'mm-s will 31111111 another reduction in Lh11. tariff. but they haw) alrea1l3 l :.:111. all £1111 111‘ i'fl reduction that any party 11:1111 :iw “111111. for 11111 1‘111111111‘3' is 11111 1‘2111‘1l3 {111‘ 11011 Had». "'l‘l111 l.il1111-:1l.~‘ 11110 10-1133 (11113 1'11111‘ slim-l 111' :1 majority and “it“ 11111 {2111111115 ~11li1ll3‘ behind them 11111.3 l111li11\ 11 1111\\ is. the 1.1-.1'111111‘1111111? 1111.111 WP “1111!: tn 1.111 to the people. "'“ll1113 111‘11 :1l1aitl also nl air 3.11111111 111‘111‘». He has always b11011 '11 high 111-11111111. 11111.1st and he wants {11 1112111 :1 11111113 in 0110111111 {1"ainst EH11 lai‘ii'f 1‘111l111‘ti11n I)(1l2L\'.r1f the l11111~1111l l.il1111‘al admin 1s1111t1011. : H111 (1113‘11111r111111t Would llkf‘ to 2.111! 1111] 111‘ l1 111 by 1.1 1 i113 him a place in l “1.1 511113111. l ".I1111ki11g 111111- these inc 5.. they} |11111111h111“ l'igun- there is little l1l1111hl. that. “1111111 will be 2111 11arl3‘ {Dominion 1_1l11ction." on the outskirts of Holstein. but sold out a few months ago and has given up farming. GETS APPOINTMENT ON PROVINCIAL POLICE FORCE Provincial Body Soon. Mr. W. W. Lawrence. son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lawrence or Lambton street. and brother of Mrs. Philip Lawrence of town. has, we understand. been appointed to the stafl' of the Provincial Police Force. In conversation with Mr. Lawrence- he said that he had not yet been of- ficially notified, but expected word in the course or a few days. Furmer Bgljegogt yan Hay Go On the course of a few days. Mr. Lawr_ence recently had a. farm ELECTION IN FALL Enjoying Poor Health ‘ ‘ ECCLESâ€"POLLOCK _ .\. quiet wedding was solomnizod at, tho Methodist parsonage here yesâ€" teida3 331mm Miss Minnie Pollock. daughtm oi Mr. and Mrs. George P01- iock of Holstein 33 as married to Mr Cecil Evclos. son 01 the late Joseph Ecclcs1‘1f121'1'emnut. Roy], E. Peters [informed the commony. Mr. and Mrs. Ecclos 33ill take up housekeep- ing on the 18th of Egi‘emont, near Di'omoi'o. Tho Chroniclv tenders (wringratulal ions. ' A quiet wodding was solomnizet'l ypstmniuy ai'tm'mmn at the Presbyi torian mansc. Dromor‘e, when Miss Myrtle Hooper. daughter of Mr. arm Mrs. Matthvw 1100110.? nt‘ I'lgromont. was united in marriag‘ to 311‘. John Alt-11311110], son Hf M 1‘. Dugald McCan- ncl and the: lute: Mrs. McCunnol of the 9411110 township. Rev. \V. J. Burnett. was. Hm nn‘iciatiugo clergy- 1111111 11111! 11111 \111111;: 0111111111. “as 1m- atlendml. ln H111, mm 1111;; a reception ' was giwn at 11111. l111n113 01 the bride when 11 1:111:11 1111111l1111' 01' relatives and f1 i11111ls \\ 11111 in attendance. T1111. pi'CScnts \\ 111‘11 11111111110113. useful and costl\.'.‘ll111 11111111111151. vfiilt to the bride \\ 11s :1 l111n1ls11n111 suing 111 pearls to U111 \vitnnssos. Miss 311111.111: McCannel and Mr. \Vallucn Humor. :1. hamlâ€" s11m11 pin and tinâ€"pin \\'1__1,1‘1_11;i\'1en res- pectively. The bride was neatly at- tired in blue silk canton crepe. Mr. .aml l\l1‘s..|0l1n McQueen of Durham. I 111113.111 and aunt of the groom, were amongst H111 guests from a distance. The} ymmg counlc will enter home- making at once on the groom’s farm past of Dmmore «m the 18th Conces- s‘inn. \\ v tender cons: Iatulatinns. A quivt wedding was solemnizedf at. the Methodist, parsonage on Tues- day aftornonn at, 2.30 when Miss Mac McGirr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGirr of Lambton street. and Mr. Guy Shrrk 0f Detroi . son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 'H. Sherk of t is town but. nnw residents 01‘ Detroit, were joined in \vrdluck by tho Re‘v. J. E. Prim-s. 'lihn curnnmny was very quivt. and was witnessed only by -Miss Grace 'l‘rafi‘ori'i. bridesmaid, and Mr. Harper MCGirr. brother of the ,hridr. whn ac'tmias groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. Shm'k haw boon lifeâ€" long: rosidonts of this Vicinity and are a won-known and popular young vouplo. Afton :1 short. honeymoon they will takg up x-osit’lonc‘é in Do- h-oit. whithm' tho good wishes of their ”many Durham frionds accom- pany thom. LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE ARE PUTTING ON GOOD CONCERT McQuinn Sisters Have Been Engaged - and Will Put On High-class Vau- deville and Musical Program. The local fire brigade are pui‘tfffg‘ on u \muleville and musical program in the town hall on Wmlnesday: he 30th April. "l'lle McQuinn Sisters. high-class artists. have been engaged and will put; on the whole DI'OgI'flIIx. This company has. been on the road all winter covering Northern‘tm- tario. coming to this section ofthe province about two months ago and opening at Meaford. where the press ‘gaxe. then) good finite-ups: _ ‘ It is to be hoped they \\ ili no given a good hogse and that the fuemen will make a little money out of the enga o'ement. ' ‘___v_â€"_--v av ununuvu Vb the large ndmher of violent deaihs ‘11 England last year. Too much moonshine caused a lot of it in Canada. “ ’Th'e lack of spnshige is blamed for THE DURHAM GER“ " 6’13ij McCANNBL-‘HOOPER HYMENEAL SHBRKâ€"MCGIRR EASTER SERVICES HERE WERE WELL ATTENDED All Local Churches Had Special Ser- vice and Music for the Day. 'l‘lu- Easter services in Durham clmrcl’ms were well attended, when aimropriate sermons were preached by the pastors and choice music. rendered by the choirs. The music in the Methodist. church consisted of two anthems. “Hallelujah” and “The Magdalene” in the morning, and “Calvary” in the evening. . In tlw nun-hing at the Presbyterâ€" ian church the choir rendered 'two anthems. “If Christ Be Not Risen, \Vhat. Then?” and “Death Is Swal- lowml 17p in Vic-Lory.” The music in the wvning was a wellâ€"renderca cantata. “The Kingdom of God," made 111'» nl‘ $0108. ducts and choruses all sm wring ui‘ Itlastcr. At 'l‘rinily vhurch, “He Is Risen“ and "He 'l‘hsut Liveth” were the murning and «Awning anthems res- [H’(°[i\'t‘l}'. In the Hzfptist church there was a rmmlar survim- in the morning and a sung some», in the evenin", Ser- mons and music \x‘gyo all appropriate to Easter. A NEW COMPANY WILL CONTROL SEAFORTH FLOUR‘MILLS Former Branch of 'Rob Roy MiiIIS' Here Taken Over By New Company The Seaforth Flour Mills, owned by the Rob Roy Mills Limited, or- I')urham. was sold recently to a new company, who have already taken over the property and are now in possession. The new firm Will be known as The Huron Flour Mills, of Seaforth. Li“. hogs . .. W'heat ...... Oats ......... Barley ..... .. . Bubkwheat . P'eas ........ Hay ......... DURHAM MARKET Veteran Star Theatre TWO SHOWS :8 and 9.15 RM. FRIDAY--‘ SATURDAY HERBERT RAWLINSON ‘ ‘ 'â€"â€"inâ€" “The Victor” Céntury Comedy ' “HOLD ON” ' SAT‘VERF‘E‘LD © 30M.“ éncwm . April 25-26 ............. 1.20 @ 1.25 ............ 10.00 @ 12.00 Corrected April 24, 1924. ....... 500. L;;;;;.... 95 @ 1.00 The Independent Order of Oddfel- lows will attend Trinity Church in a body on Sunday evening! May 4. Members are‘ requested to assemble at the Lodge reom and be ready to form in the 1_)1‘0c(?ssien shortly after 6.30. A full attendance is requested. “ Only one of the town garages will be open on Sundays to supply gas- oline and oil during the summer months. A. similar arrangement was followed last season and proved so satisfactory that an arrangement .has been made to follow a similar course during the present season. Next Sunday Noble's will be the only sup- ply station open. Then in order will come Fisher‘s, McCabe McLaugh- lin‘s, and, lastly, Smith Bros. This ‘1113 dllkl. IGDLIV , ULLAAV- order \\ ill be 1‘51‘matcd. The Ladies’ Aid of the Presbyter- ian church held a successful tea in the SChOUll'OOITl on Monday afternoon 01’ last week. A good program was ri‘éndereel. .Mrs. Ralph Catton gave an instrumental on the piano ano mouth organ; Miss Margaret Hunter and Miss Alice Ramage, a piano duet: Miss Winnie Blyth, a 5010; Mrs. Stoneouse and Mrs. Moore Mc- Fadden‘a duet. An interesting and pleasing quintette was ably rendered by Misses Alice Ramage, Beulah Stoneouse, Winnie Blyth, Vaddie Caldwell and Mrs. Moore McFadden. Miss Margaret Hunter sustained her reputation as a reader in her‘excel- lent rendering of "The Coronation of Queen Mary." " A WINGBAM STORES ROBBED I gWingham Advance-limes.) ‘l on Friday morning J. A. Mills and stail‘ were surprised toolind that some one had robbed their till and! the. several items of goods were missing, incluclin ' a man’s suit of clothes. taken out of the window. Entrance to the store was accom- plished by means of breaking, the glass in a cellar window and thus removing a bolt and afterwards breaking Open the door leading from the basement. , Chief Allen did some good work next day and finding that a couple of suspicious looking Indian chaps had left on the early train next morning with a grain bag, he traced them to Harristonand from there to Southampton. _ ‘ I. ~ n‘A-A‘AA‘ Short News Items ‘ Of Local Interest Ilulllarf \-V- Chief Sid Solomon of the Saugeen Reserve was notified and he arrest- ed Norman James, aged 29, and Francis Moses, aged 18 years. County Constable W'hitesides and Chief Alâ€" len motored to the reserve on Sunâ€" day and brought back their” men with them. When the men got to the reserve they were taken about a i Every Day Is Bargain Day THE PEOPLE’S MILLS Bran Shorts. Feed Flour Oat Chop Crimped Oats Mixed Chop Mixed Grain for Poultry Food Blatchford’s Calf Meal \ . ' Pig Meal and Poultry Feeds Our Feeds are of the Best Quality, and our Flour is Guaranteed. Prices right for Cash Highest Price Paid for Wheat delivered at the Mill Goods Delivered in Town Every Afternoon Phone 8, Night or Day. The People’s Mill Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour White Lily Pastry Flour ~Wheat Cereal and Rolled Oats JOHN. MCGOWAN «will mile. and a hall Unaugh Un- 1111 h \\ hm 11 under brush and haxk H11 v unoa1thed suits collars. bouts 11v» sweaters and other “011}:ng 21111121111 u v‘vw The court room was filled on Mm;- iilay afternoon and the trial only lasted .a. few minutes, as the HllUVi‘o confessed. Magistrate Reid imâ€" posed a sentence of nut less than than 18 months and nut more than two years. Both lads have been in the pen before for the theft of a llama and bicycle. They were llt'l'i pulling flax about, four years age and as they were always paid at, tho Mills storathey were familiar with their surroundings. An adiverti'sement in a ladies journal, advertising summer underâ€" wear,..reads: "Wear our underwear and you will wear nothing else.‘ We’ll bet a dollar she would if slu- had been in Durham on Tuesday w this week when the elements werr trying to give us an illustration o= ”good-by Winter, hello Spring!” MAJOR GEO. WALKER Major Gearge Walker, now a familiar figure in Chatham, Ontario, is one of the men who went through the terrible Indian Mutiny. As he says: “I am a veteran of the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny, serving under Lord Roberts. Fierce hand-to-hand fighting and continual exposure left me a great sufferer from Rheumatism, so much so that my legs swelled up, making it im- possible for me to walk. My bowels were so constipated that I was in terri- ble shape until I began to use ‘Fruitâ€"a- tives.’ They relieved me both of the Rheumatism and the Constipation. Today, I enjoy perfect healthâ€"no more Rheumatism or Constipation.” n L\ll\.u|||s~5uu-.- . And in another lette}, written Dc- cember lst, 1923 (glgyen years afu‘rf. M ajor Walker says: “ ‘Fruit-a-tchs' are keeping me in the best of health and I shall:- never be without _them .” 1" “Fruit-a-tivcs” are the famous Fruit Treatmentâ€"mten51fied fruit juives combmed \vxth tomesâ€"that make you: wen and keep you well; 25c and 50vâ€" at all dealers or from “Frmt-a-tives, Lmnted, Ottawa, Ont. Thursday. 9pm 24. 192‘; Crimean Veteran Praises “ met-a-hves ’9 Durham, Ont. ‘“ ‘F ruif-a-tiws’ are rowan AYTOR SCHOOLMASTER 3mm. man AT s'r. MARYS Ir. 11:3 J. Halpenny Passed Away \\": April 15 in 47th Year. ‘ Ira J. Hallwnuy. Prim-um} m' : St. Marys Publiv schun‘. 1g. .1 nu ‘. 15th 01' April aftm' a shun alili!‘ - from pnvumnniu. hnm'mo made last. 'l‘hurwiay arm-1m. St. Marys ('Pnh‘h-lfi, Mr. Halponny “Ins tum; em ()ntam’n ahmxt 1'17 _\v*:n‘~ came 10 Arthur 1n\\'n~‘.stg. parents \thn but :1 imx. graduatm! frum Ehu .\~.-: school and c'mo‘l'ml MW in. fessinn. in xth-h 1:» w. at, thv timv "1‘ .mm Slliibsc'quvnt in 1 three comm-y wh resided fm' Snuln : was prinviml in that. \‘illugv ml principalshxp sax-dim. .\t".~':‘ lakeside 1mm Mn whore hv has i..~ $611001 m “12;! in was a man \\ 12w 1, for his gvrni'l-smzy courses :u. .iu‘:‘«-~ was 1' warm-.1 :: 300d tt'm‘ho'r. -.i in I‘vliuinn :m xx workm'. HP is sum ix sons. and \\!j many Hf «~m' _‘ THE GLADIOLUS AL‘I 31* 1C n GROVJ IT S" ‘LF‘ SUN. im: in M light. m COI'ISMNW W‘hl‘ IH‘SI i'o'l‘ stahiv mzmm 311:1“le mix supplvnn-nm ROM [ohusphzu ashvs mm In- Plant Hm. 1)“th .‘lHH inMn-s «lm' Dom» plum stt‘m. 'I‘IH')‘ mu: 3w . rows. and 11' z-x'n '.. : mantwl. Si'x 'u‘:‘ 3;...- lml. gmufi t'lmxz-l- if 1hv)‘ :n'v Mum: «i. not. «in \Vvll H' 1mm trm‘s Hrlmx!ci;1:;_~.~_ 'l‘ifllt‘ fur Mum :v. be planlml :m_\ tmw is sui'ficivntly “urn. May 15103" is Mr p'allting ”lily IN‘ ('H! 10th “1' if)!“ Hf .lm at inh'I'ans “2' :1 \\u flowm'ing svusnn \\ but this is ulw planting a rungv diffm‘vnt. nuum'ituw Flcm‘vr Slfiikc‘i HI thv his! of Aug»? omhvr :nw “Ho-n :1 thosv hhmmm: 4-2. when fhv \wmha-r l Planted in Max. vantyâ€"fn'u 2‘. mt..- sonw \‘M'ivhvs in-; than (Nun‘s. T0 m‘mlm'w Shnulcl lu- mm! growih. and n thvy 1mm. Hut from {ac-k HY how gurui lila- tho \‘Hl'ivhm « 'l‘hv Hui m shln'tmmi. \x-H. ed and \mh-r dning this. :aH in suvm'ssum : a work «w m‘ should lw M't it. in growing a should lw le nu 1h. it. in grm'x‘mg' wmdah Harvvst ms. in: t I the gmund ”vow-x ¢ 01080 to thc- rm'm. days. in sun and :m'. 0001 cellar in shuHux DMH‘I‘ bags and 1hr rvmnwd at 2: mm m tho winh'r. Thursday, April 24. '192’4 ‘23 3:51.77. 7. 2:. 31;: .2.._..:.E._ 3.. :17. 22.7.7... : 21:. :1. 147...... Th0 vaillz; ('HHHH II< homv is mqu alums! .. long Maple Egyptian cottfm now :I’mxn HI Stall-S has hN'H fwmti Spinning: thv félu'x' ~17 for which Hu-rv :~ dvmand. Still, saving up (109.9 11 >1 "N13121- power as Gax m; l man wit“ hmi . s {ornfvssiun h} BS at. «HWPI'UIH I‘egal'dmi :I u: tvavhvr. Mn ‘0 iaitm and \\';‘=~ 2 By'ROBSON PL I.â€"â€"Who _0wn:-t Ca; I" .:I Tht‘, fm'vsis :z'é by the I’les- tn i5; cent. It is tr: - cutting righw (w. fan-sis am .‘zawl: therein pl‘fnimntr steady and \wiif-gm ownership I‘ln‘milm‘ the Canadian pump}. py __co_ntrast tn «n u ..h HE" ownership w-nm the Canadian {Hwy}. . py contrast, in .-..;..;; United Statos. \wat'w 0f Um fnwsl, :n'vu i-‘ .w x The people (fl' (hunuu ' --; about tweh'u miliwn u" ;’:' for their transmit-s 1!" 2‘1: the cutting rights kuz‘. t.“ more important thvy fun power to insurv Um! NHL Shall be madv the izniu-mtzuu Lure generations; in Min-1 the Canadian pcnplu It} I'vl': title to the greatm- part, “1‘ 1c: have assumed a sultanm ‘l'vs it? for passing on Hu- Two M inutc d H <‘\IIHO.EIHIL 1'."\\«' six (11' “1111‘1- Hartwu I flmn 1'»- “11‘. 1.11. 1.1.. 1‘0 [11211111111111~1~: 1': V11” 11 1111111.“! 1:1 ~11 hnild‘. 1135 W P13111111; 1111111111! '11 an} 1111111111114 H111; imflv “31111 111111 «11~ . In 30 is H111 11>111i 1111 max loo-11111111111011 111 1.)t|111t..l1111v ltx ;-. 1:111: 111' :1 W11 k 111 11111 " $035011 \\1|l I111 .111. P. IS 318“ annimuh '2 131120 11! 111111-1 .s'. :IH lhw '}m\‘o-1'~ u. u. Sinn :m'! Hn- *gui'ix" ‘x.\ H" Innx'v. Snl'i'wnwnt P 1"“. Mn Hu- plum wing mnditirm. til ".râ€"th'g' ”w (“Wm~ nd frm-zvs‘. (Int. NH H 1 31‘ in shalluw Manx . gsand Hw mn'm~ atiacumo-niwn: Mn.- 91‘. ladinlus is :1 Hm rm r- dm-m'atinns. and 1 purpusu HHHIm; he 50351)”. W .‘I';l\ll‘ I‘III‘1‘.I‘ ‘l‘l'l‘ 1“ ill 1le ll I'IHH H ’ Canada um, w million (Uriah 15mins frhm ! ghtfi but \‘.'2:;;‘: ant tho'y haw um that timb: B the inhoritmu ions; in “Um people by Palm pater Hart. of M IIHH‘H M'IIN' III "all!“ \Vil‘ ”H ll ll H II § h \\ 35' \\' H DI

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