West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Apr 1924, p. 6

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PAGE 311 mm.- tlw first svssiou 0f the 163.!) lorgislmturn has cum» L0 an end, ‘vallnllé nu“ :u'hvilio-s in the public lmvro-st haw l» . n i; nit: mm. which, with Um usual functions ul’ GOVL'I‘H- "mt. will law a smn-w uf lllloél‘é’a‘l and prnfit during tiw rpm-55. The H0115? Ellw {nan-mm"! Hf tlw m-w spvcial vommillvv tn i:‘:\'~'.\'.i;:utv affilc xl- aural (touulilium; a llighxxax: adxis- wry board :5 lwln: up}: )inlc'cl by the- ’;0'\'6‘l'llUl'-'Yl-lInlllll’fl “1th 3 Vin“ ttlas‘sés‘tin: mu inixmtvx'. and ”new ;5 In lw :m rdi..nt’ial mmmittow l0 vxo-I'f'lsv :c 1"'.~":‘:1inim; hand on UN" «‘ummxhul ‘.'v.-immnnus output pf ‘aI'Ula IIII'I’"N‘19'.0)1 : ""‘a’ :3 Mn“; ‘5‘ ”max :;:_'I icuhIIIIIII V'IHIIIL' .Lto .- m'at! lat-IIIc-I'. \\'. Ii AiMIIIgtnn. \VIHIIIIII KI‘ Yuri-I. am! .\. 'l'. 'l'imm] ark. :m- :1” o-qu-I'imu Ino-IIIIIo-w uI' Ugh stm HUHSI', ”mug! “w !\\'n IIII'II I'iIsI. IN III “’0 Is IIIIHII‘I' I'I'i II‘ I'SO‘HIO IH Mick's: \uu‘l MM I! w- kNII SUMO-III ni' mutt um I: HHIII'I‘. and h‘. .‘1. ul’ {IuIIHquL “has ability \I’IH km Hf III: LIM- ("IIIIIII'IIHI'-v'. AH IlezI; NHII'EU‘HH',’ :1" I” III‘ g; \£.-\.\' In amusing tho HUN. “1'. .Iamuw ummjwr {our Smith 4} Sprakvl' Hf ‘I’N' “NU of tho ::'_"34 '21?th Hi I! .mol 1th);"'.~'~' tn got 'Mn'i: al'iwl' flash-r. Jtaturullv includes wanna. mm: W! 9'0) : ""‘a' :3 Ln- " ,rH ”1‘ m pr“; and n. the r was marks-:4. 5:23;! Ih'nm'mx In windy dun-yin: muthmls. In any -'\'o~nt. Hun. .‘sh'. Marti-n is by go» mm- scvmo- limv this summm' and Sew wha‘ Lhr Dams :u-n «Ming: that :iwe Harm sm-h am o-aim- nu Hu- Hritish mm-ko-t. in hzumn and dairy M‘mlm'l‘. ;s M h». :m o-cii..nrial rummittvoi- in .exvx'f-iss- 2! rusfi'uining han'ei (m the «‘nmc-xxha! \‘niuminnus output of affirm! puhiimtirms thrmxghout the war. Ewn in tho- mattm’nfthn if”hhi‘tflll:_ mum-s intn which the public attrnmzh vummiih-v has be)?“ driving. H is [minted nut by Premier erglh‘un that tho- Hm'm'nmem is amtimim; HIVHSUEIIUUHS by a harm. 3H!” Hf :iuditni'.~'â€"â€"-a staff which is in 1w 1:2.-z'o-3L~.‘mi-~~in varinus dupar'tmo-nm um! nu rf'fnrt will ho' ~lbill'0'¢i :" duh-rt and punish ammn'tant, public 360'” :he hing. ,.. H é .‘Wl'glh‘un IA mmLinum: :znrgo- staff whirl: is N «hepar'tlno-n:~ vrrvgn Harm Furnml px-nrngutinn nu 'I'hursday M'ulm'hf M 1m o'nol “mu m' 1le husivst and must inumrhmi so-ssiuns in thv "mm-y M ”W pmxinrv. Chit-f .fustiw- Sir \V‘illinm Mulm'k. as :U‘Ull‘.’ limxh’mmt-g:wvx'nux'. gaw' asst-n! un lwhalf uf his majesty In Ni"; nwasmms. nmny ul‘ me Hf fmurmwhmg inh-z-o-st :mul impart- .mmn and ”w lvgisluhu's nn 'l‘hln's- rluy squo'x'o-ol tn tlwil‘ c‘ms‘tituo'u- saws. Whom tho-y no'xt return Him-0 axl'it'HHlll'i'. a tf imnll’nn ability will .hc- (-uxmniltm narEu-hng :1: Sidelights On The Legislature ‘.\A "9 ”UV! quu'atiml It. BS likoi wmmlin , .lmniswnn. thv :vnial W Smith filmy. and ch'Invl' 3‘ :ho- Unusv. is vhuirman wemxmi inquiry rumi‘tow, .. ~' in ;.:vt tho- m-w bmly at, r Hash-r. 'l‘hw committow imrlnolcs .ansnn 'l'rv- wuho-L‘ for Snuth Hm‘nn. Hg; :31 ~‘ “man «If the! Huusv !| «-uner:..ttw- and a _prur-_ n--:'. W. h. Him-k. uf “Hiram KM”). 01' North .\. 'l'. 'l‘iun‘npsnn. nf Lan- I” o-xgwrimm-ul mom and ut' high strucling in thr- mgh iw twn lath-r :m' in twin. \\'o'-.~'Ivrn nmhwin in: unthmis. In a} \h'. Muffin i< tn am n\ this summm and s hams mm mm; H 'm. \\ r-smr'n mum-m usvmwl in H. J. Imm- Mioiolh's‘é‘x. who, is :t ”3' nmtto'rs :xfl'o-(‘Ling .1 by .‘J. M. let'lh'ido:, whom. uxm'uLiwr TDI‘UHU’. April 18. WImSv qult’llLiW! Hf higlmst vulm: In Mi phusns ul' pl’mhu‘v I” nt‘ Shunt-cl. with in: ”w «imw-rmnvni " ilmar'uw-s! n‘wlhmh'. snmv mo-mhvrs of will Visit, inc! I’M-mu :u will no doubt be 111, the South “atmlno h\-el('ction liming been held mvantimc- and they may also “turn tn draw a sessional indem- 11:13» mwu- cnmnmnsurate with their ialm1s. smu- P1 emwr Ferguson has 111111131-121kv11 to ascertain damping the coming summo-r what public «511113011 is 1111011 that subject. Th» must striking feature of tho.- .sessiou. perhaps, has hem the altvrm! status. nf tho l'nitnd Farmer L'I'HHP. ”1'. as Mr. Duiuerty says, "sm’lmrmrs nf Uw latv HuvoVnflmnt." Thv primw ministvr having amig- natml thv Libm'al party as Official twiupsitiovzl. Mr. Unhvrty made gsrwtt-sl fmm timo‘ tn Huw. but in UN: vncl ”mum: unly I'm-ngniiiuu {rum Mr. Slivakvr as it’ildtfl' «of ”an" Hmuwiiivn group. 'Hmt carries “am it $1.3m additinual indemnity. and by le-zisl'ttion appl'uvml in (he? Hans" 3 NW days :13». that measuro' In his luulgut. :uioll'vss. Hun. \V. II. z'x-m- had laid Inm- lhv 13122-3 ~31 :M’irit Hf SISJWMMM. and a fum- yuru' dwlirit ..r szumwm. and his statwnmxts haw nut, I’m-n sum-oss- t'ully (Mm-km! by “In l'. I“. 4). group, whilw tlw Libm‘z’xls haw, nut, (won Irlmllvngml ”Win in any important pzu'tivulmn At tho Limp. Col. Price miw inlimnticm ul' ix‘x'vu'ulai'ities. im-mmu'vhvnsililo- l-numiissinns. 1‘0- lnzm-s and l‘vvs, partially Draught. in light. and mun al‘lvrwzu-cl the pulilil- :u-munts mnuniltvv lic'igan ln .lo-lx'n. mnlinuim: right up tn the alilll' nl‘ prln'ligutinn. 'l‘lu- lx-vusurvr :‘mxml lhl‘ (-hivl‘ i-uspunsil‘nlity for .‘lw mmmiltm-‘s almost daily pro- I'vmlings .lvmlving upon him, and llw task grew.continually heavier, as the complications increasedfl Anyone who looks into the matter will find that 'irtually all the evidence brought before the com- mittee. upon whatsoever phase of enquiry, was marshaled by Col. Price. wi;h assistance of other Government member: yet the Tor- onto Liberal organ has had the characteristic el‘frontery to publish ponderous editorials adjuring the Government to “bring out all the facts.“ Ministers might have been poralonml for bitter comment thereâ€" on. but the prime minister and Col. Pl‘lCt' contented themselves by pub- lic statements that all evidence would be welcomed: that it was the intention of the administration to leave no stone unturned in effort to get to the bottom of all irre‘mlar- ities. and. finally. that there. was. no thought of protection in any form for anyone. whether connected with the lh-iu‘v administration or the previous llnnsel'vntive regime. I’1'Pmim‘ le'gusun madv [111' 5010 qualificatinn that. it was nut his dvsirn to invukn criminal prosec- ution shnulnl thm'v be vases of 111111411'0fficia1sn11 meagrv salary, and s'uppmtmg 'amilius \\ ho might hmo fallvn intn sum» pcth 111‘cgul- a1 11‘. 1110011111011 «111 “1th 1110 scnicc. im'o‘ctly uiliml with the policy of vconomy which tlw Government, vw-n bofmw- the 5058mm. drastically and \‘ium‘nusly applied. has been vimiicatinn "1' hydro and Sir Adam Bvck by thn (:i'vgni‘y report: expo- smw- ot’ thw ln'ury-anman bungling 03' natural x-vsmn'cus administration in .\'u\\' (Inhii'iu, um: imshlnnt being an attvn’rpt. tn fm'm a snttloment at $38.1“) of an :m'ount against a hnnhvi-ing firm which m-iginally sumoi at nwr twn miilinn «iUHaI'S. Han..lzln1vs Lyuns has announcml savings nr SLEUUMN) in thv lands and fmv-sts dupal'hw‘lll, and “wry Mam-h in all dvpzu'hnamis is being {mun mm: auditmi and in sumo. Cam's ro-(n‘mnisml with thv mum: uhjm't. in \‘iuw. The printing mnnnith-v unolvr tlw fixm hand of CULJ.\.(‘1mlic-,lmsuh'uam [nunml Um untput n1 Muvb: mks {u an ax tvnt “hi1 h \\iH pmhahh Illl‘all thousands of dollars of publiv monvy sum! in a war, with im'nm'uninnw to no ”HP. 11y111'11 1111:1s121111111 11111111111111 1.11115 11111111,:11111211111g 11111 1'11111' \\'1.<111111 11111111111 5} 51111113 111111111' 11111. 111111111 111| 11111 (11111111112111 BuV 515111111; 11111'1111111' 1111.1 11111111111 11(1\\11.1' 11111 111111'1'111' 111-1'111111111111111 11111111111111115 111111111' 11111 11,1'111'11 1'111111111511111: 111'11V111111g :1 :"10 [1111' 11111. 111111115 111 111111511'1111111111 111' 1'111'111 [11_1\V111' 1111115 8110011111113 :18 \\1111 as 111111111111; \V111111 the (3111V11111- 11111111 111511 s1111'.11111 111 11111 commission 11111 1'11<111111s1111111V 111' [11"111111111g 11111 111111'1115 111 11111. 11111111 1111111111511111111'8. 111.111.11' 1*“.'i‘111111”" V 1111111 111le 1111 11111111111111111 111 11111 11111111111111; 11111 paSsnd ‘111 11111'n111 :1 W110 1111 11111 '1‘1111111111'1111111, i A111 at :1 1111111. 111.11. 1'1X1111; 1111 1m11111°111111 111112151111111111111111111: 1111' 1111,1111? 11:11-11 111' 1111n111n'a111 1111111111111. and another 05111111151111”; :1 11(1V.s".~:1'1111111 :11, BOXVIIIdHVHlP 1111' (10111111110111, m111111's. ”11111. {1111111111 1'11113111111'11111111 01 am111111- ments to the Assessment Act, Muni- cipal Act and Education Act, Premier Ferguson has provided for a new basis of apportioning public and separate school grants. by which consideration will be given to the amount of money raised locally; the school population of the section concerned. and items of that kind. instead of merely the teacher‘s certificate. as in the past. Hon. Mr. Nickle's Sale of Securities Act. though not controversial, as was Mr. Raney‘s prOposed "blue sky” law. provided for protection of the public respecting securities being placed on the market; all pros- pt‘ClllSt‘S must be submitted to the department. but there is no corn-- missiumer of securities, as was promised last year. The attorneyâ€" gencral also put through an amendâ€" ‘mcnt to the Judicature Act. which “’13 BI Y 10R CASH AND SELL FOR CASH a; i+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$++++++++++++++§ has brought. on a battle with the federal authorities. The Ontario Government holds that it has power to designate the chief justice and generally organise the appellate division of the Supreme Court, members of which are appointed from Ottawa, and Hon. Ernest Lapointe proposes to challenge this interpretation. ()ne effect of the legislation, the prime minister explained. will be to release two judges from service throughout the province, where circuit work has at times been disposed of with undue haste. Freak Iu-n's eggs are generally numerous at 11113 season of .the year, and the (mo brought. to thls ‘offlcc FREAK EGGS. Shnihurnv Free. Press.) on Thursday last by. Whig-ed McBride was no exceptlon. 1h. egg was a miniature egg aboug m. sizo of a marble, the mtemur or which was a golden .colorg nr gm; volk. On Tuesday- mommg “m. Foster of Honeywood. brought m a .A “Au‘ A‘n‘ - .\ UDUL'l UL ‘. - v .l' v _ J - hen’s egg of unusual DI‘OI)OI‘U(D11;_ It was land by a Plymouth Rock hem and measured 81,5}:61/2 inchos‘ and wexghed 41/; ounces. Narcissusâ€"Looky hope, Black Man. “that’s you all gwme gxmmc f0 mat; blrfday present? Black. Manâ€"Closg yo‘ eyes. 11mm): (She dld ‘as he saw). how. \vlmt yc‘ all see? I~Jarcissusm~NothinI' Black Manâ€"W’cll, dat’s what 5m; all gwine get. What Was She Going to Get? Thursday, April 2‘, Eo‘.o.oo.o~.nof:. 3.... 30. .0 . .O‘ \ o. u“ DRS. JAMIESON it M‘EIE‘ Q Oflfit‘ 111111 IMMu-x :1 t.“ ancooast wt 11,. my. Larfihtun Si!‘m~f_ ‘ haul. “Hum 11 "j -. if g. 8!..n1. (Q.XC‘\'l-Z \"1h:'\ \ J. L. SMITH. M OffiCI‘ RUM H“ tannins and i my site all I". ~! n; 9tu11.nn 1.. 4' (Sunday a“! 1“ excoplmi Latv \" thalmiv ‘1 Suldnn Sq pita]. 5|“ and N‘Ni'. 0W0)! SUM C. G. AND BE Et‘S 113 7. Chiropracton D‘n': The SCH‘HH‘ inn; :L» and .waxw in :m c In Durham 'l‘\;<~~;:w- Saturdays. DR. W. C. PICKER'R( ()fi'uv (1M; 1\ .. Umham U111: 11 u. ”an“! am“. “I Surng :1“ its ! Town's Bal'l’ish‘l‘s, Sullt'th her M H!“ firm \\ 2!! Tuesday ui' mu'h \\ m may bu nmdv \\ Ml; o'fl'ice. Mr. (1. lm'utmi CASH \VVTH ORDER: ~‘ of four. Tt‘lophmw mil Saturday night of \wm 25 cents. On an churn wiH ho madv mm. use Liconsod Auchmnw Grey. Satisfm'hun mm 40'!)an lvl‘nw. Im!«-~ « at Thv Clummvh- HH’m~ self. ”PM.â€".‘ __ ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Cu. Mndvmlv torn»: Army. h'. H . . for Silld'fi. :H In $th mmlv at 'I‘Iu- Riv-unuw- HM ham. 'l‘m-m- «n dl'vs‘s‘ H. H. 1. INN hum .lg-i‘ , A}! EU'I‘ 7. <1“ taming 1““ oulhvutinu COHVNHMI! isos :m- :1 stonv 1M”? also hux' hi mPnt: h"? brick IW‘l h'amv \\nm1~‘Hm 1.0 hnusv, \HH: water tanks: In» f0 8(‘1'05 U) HVP is well fmwm! u cultiwtinn. H. to \Vutsnn's lm Onlarin. 22, Egremmlt. Hmm acres (flval'vd. lm bush; in good slut frame hum lr’nTv-‘R concrete Stalvlvs: ( cement tank :1! Im and 7, (Ion. 4's. S.“ taming: 110 mm ~: and in {I‘M-H! “'11P ‘ UK: |1I°vnli<( ~: :H'«' :9 Mining wu-n n. Fran”? “\Wuuishc'ul well at, dWH". lw‘u'l' this farm. makm; farm. 'I‘his‘ I'M!“ right 1h mlivk pm ticnlars uppls .M RR. ’1. Durham. “1 f-., LOT 43"). ('1 LV. ;‘ \\' 91,61111;¢~s Hum I»: NORTH“ In-fol' n n barn star) nxto \\' a 1 Thursday, April 2a, 1924 Adveruscnwms undm' U: «x mm m M Sm! MIDDLBBRO‘. SPER] MIDDLEBRO Barristers. Solicitm Sm-(‘vs‘sm Ref-'i-‘itm'wx H (.0 evm‘yi‘m‘h’r rielm‘, halfâ€"m TO IN Ap p I :6 ham. Bank, it, s‘cwms Hi Beatenâ€"Ch at ham ala Med. 1112 I F. GRANT. 1' FARW‘IF r3m; {W m! Classified Adv In the mm 1« H LUCAS HENRY \V ( (I M lmrlmm «m n BULL FOR mam-r m seams 1h FOR SALE SPERBMA \\ citors, Etc \\ 92X 0.” KIN H5 {Icahn ( m'dvrmi 0! ("\V 9 mnl Ul l) 10 out M

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