West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Apr 1924, p. 7

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HIP imx'vst-pt‘iced fullyâ€" »t. [is wide. dmrply-cush- withnut crowding and its spat is 0f such a six» as. tn greatest TQd .‘9 ‘ Nun“ ursday. April 24, 1924. Going to Get? "'EB.IUH 'Ph. 4;: ahuut 1h. " Ifhflt‘inr of )Iut' £181) hut \‘ou \\"i i {red “Huey. Whut 111‘ thy matter of visits to the Home Erma. xt seems that Peter was a re- D~?ateI‘.â€"-â€"Chatham News. motor L. LOT 66. CON. 2. W‘.G.R.. BENTINCK. BIL-miics from Durham. containing >46 acres: 7 acres under cuitivation. f zzinzu'v hamlwood and swamp: bank 1mm with extension shed and stone ~tz1hivs: 7-1‘00mod house. brick. with v\;*:.‘:i.~".o“m kitchen and woodshed: ~Z; \mtwrmi by never-failing spring at war of farm: also spring feeding iivn: trough near buildings. and '. mm {rm-1m! wel‘: at. house. For ."::f“~- pni-Ucuku's apply in “"m. -|\ . Sinizii. i131. " Durham, Out. 1025“ c’. 2'1'1 I ' s 2‘2. Egremont. containing 66 acres; 55 acros cleared. balance hardwood bush: in good state. of cultivation: Frame barn 45x50. stone basement. mnCI‘eie stables; drilled well and vomcnl tank at barn. Also Lots 6 and 7, Con. 4. S.D.R.. Glcnelg. con- mining HO acros: 100 acres cleared :‘mol in good stale of cultivation; on Elm premises are a brick house. conâ€" taining sown rooms. with :rood meo woodshed attached: drilled W?“ at. door: never failing springs on fhis farm. making a choice stock farm. This property will be sold right to quick purchaser. For par- limlars apply at Watson‘s Dairy. fill. .1. Durham. Ont. 1025 :23 ll m <=~< mm :1 ”arm- hmn fi"\6-'> ft. \‘V'l ith dum- fnimdatifinz commute stabies: «Rn hm barn 30x50 with stone baseâ€"- 'w-nt; hug: pen 20x’ 0: [\Velve-I‘oom frz'u'k hunsv. hunacc hmh‘d 3190 Emma \V'mu‘ished: drilled VV 9!! close in home \Vifh windmill: concrete auto: tanks; 30 acres seeded to haV; ‘0 news to sweet clover; this farm 1.8 u v11 fenced and m a good state of nifiVHiimi. For infmmntion applv tn “atson'iz DaixV BUR i Durham. _ A.‘ _‘ .- Ontario. KHRI‘H P:'.\Rl IOTS " AND 8 CON. {HT 7 CON. ‘21 IZGREMONT. CON- mm 11:: 100 :u H‘s; 85 acres un {01* cuH'nation balance h: tremnod bush; emm n'mnt to 5031001: on the pum- «M mm :1 l’ramc ham fa"\6.') ft. with \Imlnmtn terms. Arrangements Fur salt-s. as to dates. etc... may be mmlv at 'l‘hv Chronicle Office. Dur- ham. 'l'vrms 0n uppiioatmn. Adâ€" rfz'v~'~' R. R. 1. Durham. ‘3 1-": Gmpd ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for 60. of Grey. LUCAS 8: HENRY innish‘ls, Solicitoxs. etc. A mem- hm uf Hm film will he in Durham on 'lm-sday of mu. h \\ eek. Appointments m: 43; bv mam: milk the Clerk in the naive. DAN McLBAN Lu vnsod Auctioneer for Count of m m Satisfaction gnaxantced. ea- mnuhlv tmms. Dates of sales made :1! Hw 0 1mm 10 Office or with him- 50'”. MIDDLBBRO’, SPBRBMAN 8: MIDDLBB'RO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. \‘nt'rvssms to .A. B Currey. Mr t1. '1. Muidlo I): H is pelmanently m. -.t. .1 mt Imxham Office. w'w vs: (bk/(J tr: hm ham Tuéâ€"sdaxsq Thursdays and >p'1lmolaVS. 61423“ Hmwx‘ Graduate University of TOP- .«mm, Graduate Royal College Dental s‘uz'mwns Hf {)Mm-ic’». Dentistry in 1H its Mam-hos. ()ITivn, over 1). C. l‘nwn‘s Jewellery Store. {ingisti‘m‘d Holstein. Terms. $1.00 m .~:‘.\'b0«'!y.â€"-â€"William Rowe. PPOP- vim: halfâ€"mile nmth 0? \‘arney. «mm-c, over .1, a: J. HdniéksEt'ob. imrimm. ()HIQHO. DR. BURT. Lato- \ssi {ant Royal London Up- hnlmh IIuSpiLM. England. and to Gulch?” >QHHH’ [timid and 5050 ”OS-- ; i. xi. 8pm: iaiist: y9. Ear. Throat mu .\Hst'. ”INC! Z L13 FI'OSt Street. imo n Snund. C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. Hu- Scwnce that adds life t0 years mi wars to tiff}: qusultation free. I‘OR SALE OR RENT 0mm! 1 zraa’arv 03... w. c. Plgxpnmg, DENTIST DRS. JAMIESOI‘ 8: JAMIESON ux‘fwu and residence a short dist- mu: nf tho Hahn House on mum.” Street, Lower Town, Dur- .m. «mam hnux's 2 to 5 run. 7 to mm. ’o-xumt Sundayst. I. L. SMITH, M. B., M. C. P. S. 0. HiTiw: and residence, corner of amp»; and Lamhton Streets. oppo- .. «vi-i Pust (Mice. Office hours : r» H a.m.. 1.301” 1: p.m., 7 (.0 9 p.111. :zxxsia}'.~‘ and Thursday afternoons J. F. GRANT, D. FA RMS FOR SALE epted 1m NT Licensed :14 u ctioneer BULL FOR SERVICE Fl] \ ‘h Thursday. April 2;, Med ical Direttorv Lav ‘7' ' -al Jareczorv 41mm BRICK HOI mmm McKechniu I; hm}; I". I", NT.~â€"â€"COM FORT :0 and half z‘ :11 am hand at ntran} 1002110 ~m. Apply hmnicle (){Tic 1025 ‘23 if ~ '22.. Dn 1‘- lOtf 3H (I Platform Scales, 2.00) ”)5. Everything must be sold as the Pruprietor is leaving town. Sale cnmmnnees at ’ o clock sham Terms .-â€"~AH sums of $10. 00 and un- der, Cash; m er that amount 10' months‘ credit on approved joint notes bearing interest 3.]. 6 per cent. Truck. \\'a:.n.m. iâ€"horse Sleigh. 60 M011- bred \Yhifo Leghorn Ho‘ns. 10 Chicken Feeding: Goofys Lam n Suing. Izmn C'haix. Lounge number In 31:, Platform Seaman; ”001,1 ”)5. Uh} Piano. Electr ‘3 Stoves. Dish Beds. Mattressc other articles. Car in good c 'l‘hvrn will be sold by Pubiic Aucâ€" tinu :.:t tiw z'vsioimcv uf tho mnm‘in- fur. M. GLASBR. Garafraxa Street, Durham, 01: NOTICE TO FARMERS {310 Durham 1 .F.O. Live Stock AS- suciatinu will ship stock from Dm- ham UH 'l'ucsdaxs Shippms mo i‘vquvsh‘d in gri'w three daxs mom.“ Clifiord Howell, Manager. Hume 0‘3 1‘ 12. Durhzzm. 11.11. 1. Arnold D. Noble will ship Hogs from Durham every Saturday fore- noon. Highest prices paid. “23“ ROB ROY GRAIN PRICES.â€"â€"We are payinz‘: 450. (0 50C. for Oats. 601'. to (“fun for Bark-y, 75c. to 85¢. for Buckâ€" uhvat and 9L?!) M $1.25 for Peas. at. our amazonâ€"Rob Roy Mills Limit- ed. Durham. Ont. GRAIN \V.-\E\'TED.~â€"â€"BARLEY, BUCK- whcat. Peas. Oats and Mixed Grain wanted. Highest. prices paidâ€"Hob Roy Mills Limited, Durham. M 2U WORK WANTEDâ€"$1113 CHRON; icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short, order. tf WHEAT WANTED. ANY UANm‘f. Highest price. People’s ills. 3 45 23t M KN‘S 'l’AIU’MlM£.â€"-«GI{NT’S SUITS hand tuitm'ml. I am M‘npared 10 Inuko your suit, and guarantee.- firs-Lâ€" class workmzmship. My prions aw right. Loam ymu‘ orders with DM. Saundm's. Mantis 1"urnishor, Durham. MW. J. Hv'nning. Tailor. 1 NH IJ’CAS }-IE;\"RY’S LAW OFFICEâ€"- )pcn awry day for buainess‘ A mem- hvr 0f the firm will he in the office e-w-x'y 'l'uesday. Special appoint- nwnts may 110 made at. the oll'ice. 333i M ( )NI '5! I‘IX’I‘S.â€"-â€".\.\'Y Plil'iflm DIC- sn‘ing m pr‘ncm'v a nmnumnnt. m: numlim: insrriptinn work dun» in Hm ('o'mvtvl'}: \vilif «In we” tn inUfI'Vimv \\'. J. MM-‘va‘n. HIP Inca! :‘igrvntv. Durham. 3209!! «huts. McMmafn {Prms Pr'hilogmi [u MEN H2 2» on piano. \pph tn Mix 111 PM! 0222222122221222222.'21: _ WW {2133 \\';\;\"1‘ED.-4}IRL BABY (§II(I¢‘1KS.â€"â€"«I AM NOW TAKING (mu-rs fur Baby Chicks. 50 would ad- vise :Ll! wlm (-Ontemplatn buying t0 plzu'v their m'dot' oariy to insure gut- ting tlwm at the time they desire. \Vhito Loghnx'ns. \Vhite \Vyandottvs. and Bax-mu! Rocks. :30 cents ouch: 1mg me at the time they desire. \Vhito Loghnx'ns. \Vhite \Vyandottvs. and Ram-ml Rocks. :30 cents finch; $19.00 [)PI' humlrmL-«Mrs. .l. C. Hon- dvrsnn. Box 30. Durham. Out. 3 311' v-qâ€"u-v J- .Ju\'._". I’l’ll‘v hm! ln-mi-to-lay Barred Rocks; ”13!de with pedigreed cockerel: L3 “Elf-'8. $1.04.).«S. J. Wilson. Durham. ("It :3 27 spa mm . sixy.1~;.._--ukjrcum; was. UV [WRIU \ARIEUATH) H F A! P A. in} an R M mnmoth (Hover Seed 1 imnthy Smut All tested seedS.â€"-â€" Bogus. Stow. ’5 103w! a. Hm S ALE .""~-l\\ 0 HORSES. Pinghs harness. 2 cutters. some loose harrwss. Wiii sell cheap to quick p(m:hasur.--â€"P.lr.=. Charlene CachH. Durham. 2 M: M BRI'I‘ISH AMERICAN COAL ML AT Smith Bros. It‘s gOmI. Try it. HO if “mamas FOR SALE.~â€"~’l‘\VO c.9013 far-m horses. Apply to (ism-g0 Web- hvr’. RR. 3, In rham. 4 1? 2m! ' FUR SALEâ€"“SECOND-HANI) - - ._, - “a“. guauv.‘U" 11“.“ L} Iflhmrulm. touring car in 300d runâ€" ning OI'W'X‘. Apply at UN: Chronicle ()fi'icv. 1': 10 if mamas rm \VI‘ZS'i'l‘ZHN FEED OATS hushvl at ”H! Huh an \! FOR SALE-JFHE LATIMI'IR PROP- nrty m L'mmz' Town: at a bargain. Apply {0 R. .I. Matihmvs. Durham. Uni. Q 05‘. A KnIJ D. Hopkifis. GOOD 2-5 TOREY F RAVE DWELL- mg on Lambton S. hard and soft watm bath, furnace. eiectric 1i" can Ap y 91': premises to Mrs. :00 3mm: urham . 1mm FORS SHIPPING EVERY SATURDAY ARTICLES WANTED SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1934 ROBT: BRIGHAM, Aitctioneer. F HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS MISCELLANEOUS AUCTEON SALE SALE-«A NUMBER OF GOOD LHN H'II'II) OATS AT 50?. PER at the R010 Buy Milk. «'3 3 U" FOR SALE I =fnllvvxxmg . tic \\ ashmg Mathine hos Carpnts. ()ilciuth, scs, Chairs. Tables and s. Regal 5-passcnger condition, 1-t0n Ford ! George stre'et. North . Durham. Applv to 221 u' 3 20 Mpd 3202M 10!: if Experiments at the Onta: i0 Auri- ultural College, undue: ed within She past {our mars, show exceilenz results [tom Samang Sweet Clover alone in the men-.1; of Juéy. The seedir gs which Look place later than July were unsnzi. zfaczory. (311911314, and markets for It is evident occur in Se An im'estigat kets was carrie Husbandry De the highest cn'lhzgur st: 'baight justice and com in all the relations of life. We can well close this discussion with a statement published years ago by the late Mr. Hoard, for in it is the moving thought 0-: all that has gone before. "In renting farms,”_wrote Mr. Hoard, “there are three kinds of justice to be provided for: justice to the owner, justice to the tenant. and justice to the soil. Until these three are fairly considered in the bargain. there E gs from birds out of condition, whether from feeding, housing, or management, produce eggs diflicult to hatch. It is also true that the hatching power of eggs in a day or two will vary. the cause of which at times is difficult to locateâ€"Dept. of Extension. 0.A. College, Guelph. The eggs from late hatched pullets, or immature birds. seldom hatch as well as eggs from mature birds. Our best hatching eggs have been pro- duced from early hatched pullets that laid well in the early Winter and then went through a partial moult. The pullets hatched in early February have, the following spring, produced remarkably good eggs for hatching. Heavy breed pullcts hatched in May have produced the poorest hatching eggs. â€" -- VVV‘ place about' fifty: {o xixtx degrees .Fahrenhen Be sure the phumzis clean and not must}. ggs 102 hatch- ing should be kept not Iongex than ten days. Eggs deter ity with age for hatching DEICCIIOH of Eggs. Select for color, size and shape the kind of egg: you want for mar- ket. Continuous selection, year after year, will give results. Do not select dirty eggs. nor handle (2515 unless your hands are clean. ’l‘hv shell is porous. hence thcl‘c is possible con- lamination. It should be remembered that the hen will be in better condition if dusted with insect powder when set, and also a few days before the hatch comes off. This will usually keep the lice in check, especially if some tansy or mint leaves are used in making the nest. Selection of Eggs. It is generally agreed that, In or- der to secure a good hatch, the hen must be placed where other hens are not likely to disturb her; for, as a rule, we seldom get good hatches when other hens lay in the nest with the sitter. Some farmers do not set a hen until one becomes broody on a nest where no others lay, which often necessitates late chicks. The diffi- culty can be overcome by making a new nest for the broody hen. A box about twelve inches square and six inches deep; some earth. or an over- turned sod in the bottom, with care to have the corners very full so that no eggs can roll out from the hen and get chilled; next, about two inches of straw or chaff, and then a few earthen eggs put into the nest. The nest should be placed in some pen where nothing can disturb the hen, and put her on after dark. Feed and water must be within easy reach, and a dust bath should also be convenient. If the hen is sitting quiet the next day, you will be safe in putting the eggs under her. In our experience we get ninety per cent. of the hens to sit_ by following this method. ‘ here will be ssatisi‘action sen said tha‘ r vâ€"wvwsw The amount of moisture required in an incubator depends upon the make and the room. Generally it is best to follow the manufacturer’s di- rections. Hatching by the Natural Method. at least once, or better, twice during the year. The temperature given is usually 103 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the hatch. Our experi- ence has been that it is better to take an objective of 102 degrees, and if the machine. creeps up to 103 degrees we have no cause for worry; but git en a temperature of 103 degrees. when the machine goes up to 104 or above, usually either the hatch is small or the chicks hatched are hard to rear. Low temperatures are not so fatal as are high temperatures. Given a suitable room, the first thing is to clean the machine before and after every hatch. Brush the machine clean, wash it out with hot water, then spray or wash it with a dissinfectant. The next operation is to set the machine level. The ther- momcter must be accurate, and to assure accuracy it should be tested Operating an Incubator. (Contributed by Ontario Department or Agricultura Toronto.) Operating the Incubator and Setting the lien. Selection of Eggs for Hatchingsâ€"â€"Do Not Keep Them Longer Than Ten Days-â€"Justice to the Soilâ€"The Lamb Market. THE HATBHINB 0F EGGS The Lamb Market deteriorate in hate} 1mg qual- ago. \V i1en \ou hoklemg hing keep them in a cool Justice to the Soil be constant friction and 'gation of the lamb mar tried out by the Anima Department, 0. A. C. 3 :3; .-. * ‘4' It has well the finest product of .“ u ' 0 less var- , w.--‘ .- v-tkz \«IIII‘O- '1-on so that, the teachers will have it. WlH‘ll Lhoy m-tm‘n aflor‘ tho holidays. Ontario Grown Alfalfa Seed. The following is a letter received from the Kellogg Seed Company, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin : A special mossago to our friends and customers. This is an Alfalfa year". Act quick. Big Demand. A limited supply Canadian Variegalm Alfalfa. We are specializing this season on a Very hardy strain of alfalfa known as Canadian Variegatâ€" ml Alfalfa, Grimm type, grown in the Province of Ontario, Canada. We offer this Seed under the folliiiwing description, furnished to us by most. roliahlo and consarvatiyo shippersm VP11:P.,...~-,_:_1 ., 5 Silver . Black Foxes "J‘}w Ih‘lpurtnwut at Mm'kdnlv I‘vgmis that. thv Sclmnl Fair maturâ€" iui has nut. lwvn «It‘livm'wl to (£310. ’Hw «May wan ‘z-msvd by the «Mm snow on “W roads in the Mat'kdalc District. l'nt'nl‘tunatoly. the EaSIvr holidays will further delay delivery for unothvr \wok. but, wo hope tn haw all! material 5.9m. tn the child- ...... \- .V _ . “â€"A - . v~ .j\.' L.Jl(lc (hwy (lmmly‘parvnls slumld vnclmx- (w M inlvr'osl. llm buys :lnll girls. 'l‘lw llvpzu-lmvnl. at. Illaz'krlalv will «m :u: in its [MWUI' [H I‘l‘lllll'l‘ an}: zlssislzmw I'vqulrml. Somv sovlion 01‘ sections in Hwy (Immly will :rvl. tlm (lpllfll'- lumly l0 l‘llll‘l‘ thus-v. Hm: .l‘ulls m 192:}. \Vllil‘ll will apply first? \Vl'ltu as smm as mlssilllv. l'm' immmlimm ly :ll'lvl' llxv Ilt'liVl-l')‘ Hl' llw Sl'lllml Fair mutvrial this \wl-k will ho started. 8. Tim Disparinwni ui' Agricuiim‘i- i'vsvrws U10 right in limit ihv mvm- iwrship and makv any additional 111105 “103' doom mh'isahlv i'm‘ the satisfactory conduct n1“ ihv chm. Tim (‘al‘ 14th are shippmi in T0?â€" unin when the foiiuwing in'izvs will 1w :m'arrimi by (I'm Dominion Live Huck Brunch : FiVeiu 10 vnh'ivs. $100.!N): 2nd. $00M): 3m. $80.00: 4111. $75.00; 5111. $70.00: 6th, $651M: Tih, $60.00: 8th. $55.00: 9th. $50.00; 10111, $50.00. The counties which sent. hflgS to 'J‘ui‘nntn (hiring the past two yvara sum (hum at, :1 Premium 01' $1.00 to $3.00 [101' 100 lmumis (mm the hip markwt. price of the day. This pro- mium in addition to Hlv [HT/.05 maki- thv m'nimsiiinn (Itit'm'izw SH {113; In..." I‘M-Auk ' ' ‘ 6. (Im- lnucl vnlry shall ('nnsist Hl‘ nut. less than (30 lu’lgs ul' whirl: :30 pc‘l' mull. shall «lll'ivlzllly maul" nut svlvrl! in ”MW in lw «‘ligilllu l'nl' mar lul, cumpoiltlon {wk/.0 mnnvy. 7. All prize mum'y \\'ml in var lm (‘l‘lmpvlilmn will lu- «llx'illml equally ammur C(mll'ilmtnrs in m-upurliun m tlu-ir (:unlt'ilmtmn anal quality. g) 'l‘l. . 4.11111!» mwwrs must viitvr not has than twu HHI‘ min-v than six hugs mum! in suvh msvs \\'hl'l’t‘ a ciuh nwml‘wi‘ may wish to fwd Hh’ vntirv littm' Hf {my ulw smx‘. :3. flags shuuhi iw within thv haâ€" cun \x't-iig‘his-wlSU h) 2250 pniinils iii cuunti'y {minis at. iii‘m- of nizu'hvtiiigr. 'l‘hv spew-i211 marbling: day and vhih judging ('mm‘wtitiem will 1w hvhi (hiring thv his: \\'(‘P}\' ut‘ Uviuhm‘. Mg tlhlhs may vonsign mr hits HI hugs through thv inni'kvting‘ [minis at :my timv whom ”HP zi'iajui'ity «if hugs :H’v HM} pl'upM' Whighi. and 1111- ish. ‘ PRICEVILLE FOX C0.,uflm¢ PRICEVILLE, om. i’ricevme. flat. at $109. Par Value All registered pure bred stock. Low capitaliza- tion. All comon stock. Absolutely no watered stock. Ten- years ex- perience breeding. Stock from P.E.I. 01‘ age and under 20. ~ 2. All pigs mum-ml le‘ 130111châ€" linn in our luau) lots must bu fed by u Im-mlwl' of the Hub for at least. tln‘m? munllls M'Mjiuus (u lhu «late of llw sllipmvnl. Parent ”1‘ guardian must. Sign a livclal'alinn in this wil'rcl. and this. will be callml fur M. cur luml mnuwtitions. linlrivs fur mum- lyéx-shig‘: must lw mndv lM'uru .mm 1. 3. lizlclz Club will svlm-t pig's tlw sin-s ul‘ \vllivh zu'v all «mu luu'rm ln'm‘ul. Nu m'lzvs will Du invamlml unlvss Hwy mnl‘ul’m tn this [H.‘(H'l- sum. The Ontario Department of Agri~ culture, through the Live Stock Branch and Agricultural Representa- tive Branches and the Dominion Live Stock Branch, Ottawa, are cu- opm‘ating in association with the Ontario hankozfs to stimulato a gl'oatox' intervst among boys in swine m'odxu'tim and to tom-h “mm to raise pigs of tho bayou typo and earn and save money. The {oliowing arr the :n-gulatinns : l. tllnb mwmtsors mud iw H wars Priceviéle Fox C0 Pig Clubs For Grey County Bays. Write for further particulars to A ‘limited number of shares for sale in Problems of the F a rm Contributed by Grey County Department of Agriculture School Fair Material Limited What He Was Doing. Lilllc- Willie, in a playful mond, was caught by his mother when ho. was chopping playfully with a lmtclmt. on the old grandfather elm-k \leth stood in tlu- hall. "W‘illiv. what. aw yuu doing".- zmlwd his mnihm' “Jusl \xhittlin mun Hn- tinw “as Hm calm mph. 11(1111.\\11111 1'x111'11ss) 11111\11111gc1xin11111:1s1h:111.1_1111:1111111 11: $11 11 <111111x 111 11111 1L~1111"1111'11111 111 5111111 :11111 slx111 1'111111 “11:11 it usml 111 1111; 111.1 1112111111111 11:1111'11 1s \:1111>1111111111\\. ”1111111115 11111111111: 1111'! 3111111111. 1 \".11\\ '111 111111111 1111111 11111111111. “111111 151111 [1111111 1111‘ HS 111511 \\ 1111 1131111 111 11111111: 111111 51111111. (1111'\\'1.~'1111111 111111 111111 11:111x'11 wit. .‘\1'1111" 1111:1111 11111'111211V 11111111: '.!'1111 111:111111m 1<:111 <1111\:11111.~'11:111 .1\111 11111111111 111111 5111:».111 U 5 51111111) 11111111111 1111 ”111112111 \1111 11.111111111111111 111111111 s 1111111. I 111111“ 11' 5 11111111111; 1111111111. 1111.1 $111111 11 has 1111111111111 115 “avs; H 1111\"111 11111111111111111 111 1111111151 But. 11111311 \\‘1_1111111(‘111 11111 1|:1\'.~" 11 w as 11111 11111111111111 111111111 11111. 111111. 111 11111 1.111111 111111111f \11111: 11 \\ as. 11111 1111111111 and 11111 111111 â€"- \1111 mm â€"11."s ju~1 11 3101113 P1111: (1111111\ .1\lf1i{':1(.'1'1111\\11's l1:1\1~ 1111111111 and 1m- 11111111.: :1 111;: I111511111ss. 111 1111.1 \111 11111 1111111111111! ([1111 111-111“- (£1111j1111111111 111111111“ 1111- 1111\1111: Hivil' 801111 ”1111111111 {his zl<>1w12111mL 1E1'11\ 1111111111 $111111 1f 11 1< 111'111111113‘ 11111111111 IS 111$: 1%” :3111111 “'11 111181 111111 \1111 mm Hunk 11\111' 11111 11111111». 14111111 51111:: 151111! 1111111. Trial plots in Canada show a wry decided superiority over all others in every way, both in stand of plants and healthiness or grewth. Hzmiier seed cannot. be. obtained. Growers preferring Grimm‘s, but. hesitating at. the price will make no mistake in securing this Variety. iegated, varie’s from tap roots with spreading secondary to a decidedly spreading root system and the cmp would pass for that,\'aricty, in fact. it has really more claim to be called Grimm's than seed which is ofton sown under that name. THE NEW VILLAGE STORE "1‘1111101. \\h\ is 1111111 1' 111111": 111 «1111111 111\' 11111 {101. H111 1111111' H111 \xlmlv 111111;.1" If you are sufiefingbirom a displace- ment, irregularities, ckache, or any other form of female weakness write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Cobourg'. Ontario. for Lvdia E. Pink- ham’s Private Text-Book upon “Ail- ments Peculiar to Women. ” O Brantford, Ontario.-â€"“I was always tired and the least exertion would at me out for a day or two. I has a pressing pain on the top of my head, pain in the nape of my neck. and when l stooped over I could not get up with- out help, because of pain in my back. I did not sleep well and was nervous at the least noise. I keep house, but 1 was such awreck that I could not sweep the floor nor wash the dishes without ly~ ing down afterwards. A friend living near me told me what Lydia E. Pink- ham'sVegetable Compound had done for her so I began to take it. With the first bottle I felt bri hter and got so l could wash dishes an sweep Without having to lie down. Later I became re ar again in my monthly terms. I ve taken ten bottles all told and am now all better. I can truly say that your wonderful medicine cannot be beaten for putting health and vim into a wo- man-.”--Mrs. JAMES H. MACPHERSON. 309 Greenwich St, Brantford, Ont. 59 Say: _Mrs. MacPhemn of PUTS HEALTH AND VIM INTI] WOMEN Lydia E. Enter any day. Write. call or plume for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford and Mount Pores: All Our Graduates have been placmi tn (‘latc- and still there are calls fur mum. Got your course NMY, :r you do not get it you pay fur it anyway in smallm' earnings and lost opportunities. table Compound «Mn my sun. {1 Hm rmw'e-ssum Ivh‘lanc! .\'v\\'.< \vit't- ('allml HI that shv m n that Shn PAGE SEVEN € 1' 9 I I:

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