West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Apr 1924, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT (Our own correspondent.) Miss Il'vm‘ Dmmm .of Toronto awn! thg- Eastvrtsde With her par- ents ho-x't'. HM. afternoon agrtlhe home of b:r_s.lJoseph . - A. Dixon- ere was a any gOOd - (Our Own corrwpondenm attendance in spite of the wet wea- .\h.~‘.~‘ h’t'r‘m Drumm 0f I‘m-onto ther Part, Of the afternoon “.33 “mm “19' EasteI‘tide With “’3? 93‘" spent in sewing. making articles for ents “W." ‘a bazaar. which will be held at a Mr. J. I". McLean has disposeo‘i {If} [atpr date, The May meeting will! his gut-ago- business ts; Mr. J. Leitlmbo held in the church, when the Jar-k is an oy\‘¢?!‘.~iea~' man and endured 5 business for the year will be the hardships int-Mum tn suldicl' life. ! straightened up. and officers elected 90' W‘s gassed aINT'E'WPM)’ Wt'und- . for the coming )‘eax‘. M and the garage work dues not: Masier John Unllier of Durham is have with hm]. \Ve understand I‘uétspr-noiing a few days with his aunt, .rmtuols in Ulltvl' the farming 1m». b.1125; Genrgr} Hargrave, MN» Flnx'o‘-n('v fluid Hf (Enulph': RPV. \V. 1:. Curran had 103 Sunday «gent l-IusU-z- with her {Fir-ml. Nlisze‘é'\'9"11ili;: at the home of Mr. J. \Veir. g Mm.“ HF". mu! vtiu'l". t . . Dr. Philip “waves of Gun. spent :2? Prlcevflle. few days zw-nntly \wih his grand-t (Our own correspondent.) um I: ”I". J. "hll . “h” 13 runw-= . - , - _ , t ' ' ‘ ' P ' Again w:- zu'o' mtu the \vmter \xm- What NE at Hn- 11 me “3' lit-2' «-13 "Mo-:22 , . .. \ . . ‘. l u" who»: With a snowfall In our (tn-mt. "I” ~. "' A' “am”. z W.- hfirw fur "00d mumm- after this r. ’..L use 0'.1 l'\'\\'.~‘ H P- ‘. .‘ || " o 'v ‘1‘- “\liss .X 2111-5 Mans is s .‘111‘11ii111; H11" x-m k \1 1m 1. -1 grandpa“ 1115. 5112111111 _\l1~_-. ..l l'wms 111 \\ 00115111111. ’Jho: f0: 11 patrnm 111 ”w 1'" '1111111111 1";11~an11-1_\ Bumpam 51211111111; tlm mghvsi immbfn‘ 11f pmliids Oi butter :11! 11121111111 1hr 1iatv.~.Xp1i1710 '19 1'12 12s f11'!11\‘~': Br'nun B11151. 1412.01 ”19.; M11111» >1zi11'nk.100.3) le. Ot'mc :111111 79.1.15 1115.: \\illian1 )lcbougall, “in.” in". ’HM-i'r 1~‘ zit 12\"1'1\ [1115i Ufli1’1} “1131 ,~‘ 1111111111 11‘ 1111- last 1111111111: lush.‘ ”his ”“111 1310» 1118121- iust as ”11- mNtrrmstwr is 211111111: H11- mail 11ra1iv 111-1115111111211. This 1' :111sws 11111;:11sti1m 1111i 11f11-11 1'1<11It.~ 111 1.1-...11-1 >1‘1"‘\i11- 41171 suxnviuul) is riisappnizm-I'. 1:. 7111- 1'11~'i1. mistake-s ma) hippo-11 111 mm“: 111111 <1'11111- 1111111111111”. i1'ii1'i' tum iio- 111\'1~i\1-1i.>'h1111111 11111 \111111 ‘11 :11 21 $11211 1"'111'Lh1-1 ti1'111 ii1i~ miiv \mm' 21211113 :11 1111111111.; \\iii1 ”1121-1!â€" Vnm' io-Uo'rs‘ m lmncllt‘s with lhv zeolâ€" tin-“vs all farm! tho- sum» way. WM! vegan-ml mail mi'rits prM‘o-rrmi .xo-lemo'ni. Thi‘ is alsn {Fur Hf thv rural mail. 'l'husv seaming a mmmnr ut' lofitm-s in u Immllo- nt’tm plan-n ’hvm fngvthvx' in sun-h ': way u< to must! mm'h time- tn ho- tuko‘n m .uxzmg Hg: ihmn fur stumping-«m .vt' lofitvrs‘ m u humus» ultvn plum“ 'hwm f:‘p;.~fhn1' 5;: suvh ': \\':I}' :l~' in muw mmh hmv tn kw lako‘n In .uxzmg: 23.: len I'm“ rtzungring-wm ~'nnc-¢:1.~'o-.~‘ tlw shunp is wvo-zx plan-c! "n thi- lmvk Hf Hlo' firth-1'. .\ “(UP :ilo' .xn'r isnl in thwsv nmfh‘rs nun»~ \m\ lwlpfn} Mt. 1.4! . Hans “hm hul his hands <or\’o'l'o'-I}' hurnml a f't‘“ “mi-ks 11:0. has m far l'o-mwo-l'm! as in km abh- m ultwml to his WM: 01' \‘Ulvanizing 4l__«llll. .\ Rs 1!: Gibson uttnudm! the meeting nf thr- \\'.F..-\. at Listnwvl lust Fri- ‘lzxy and Imports nuu‘th mthtlsiasn) in football this season. It is nut known flu- gruuping yet, in which Holstein will Inn" in mmpotv. Mr. NO'V. Lawrvncv and sister, Miss Aimiv \\'Pl'0‘ guvsts Hf their sis- h‘l'. Mrs. No‘WlUll Phillips. “no" «lay the: brimming or inst won-k. Mr. tihzlt‘lvs Mixhtnn has H‘tnl‘nml nome :xt'twr spo'mling HIP past. mnnth 01' "MW in 'l‘nx'nnto Gum-ml Hnspilul. \Vlwx'o- 1w nmlvnwnt :l sun-inns oper- atinn fur :wpcnolicitis. which prnv- ml \‘vl‘y Slll'c'o'sst'lll. Miss Anniv 'l‘ux'nhull spvnt. cm-r zhv \\'I‘I’k-O‘Ilt1 with iwr mnsin. Miss Ruby timnphell, in Durham. .\lr. HH‘UI'UfL Hf van Suund made His annual call in this neighhnrhood fast. “wok. Miss 4’21”}in .\ln.~'s.~1-s«'°lxlnidt. ‘o-zn'hvr at Allan I’m-k. spun! an M'- "Hm: with Miss Anna l. Butlvr'. 7"3('ho'!‘ hmw‘. Mr. .luirn .\lv.\:ln«i.-r is assisting: \h'. Hwnj. 1101le \\ifh tho- sprint: Ebenezer. (Our own correspondent.) Must. all the farmers around this :vm't won) busy on the land the lat- rvr part of last week. but seeding ~‘bln'l'zmnns m'o- delayed 50 far this uka on m'c'nunt. of tho- inclement wwfler. \\'.- Imp.- t'ur favm'abh‘ u'o-nthvz'. w so-mhn: will not lung be {Mayo-.5. Mr. 21an Mrs. .-\_\'Imvr Howler spent. Sunday \wwk with hm parents. Mr. Incl MM. .lntm Reay. Miss Anni» 1. Butler left on Thurs- day last for her home at Harriston. Missns Mary zinc! Roda Bailey of 'l'ni'nnm Ill'o‘ spendix ;: a simrt huliiiay “nth iiwii‘ parents. Mr. and Mrs. .iuliii Rziili'y. M I'. Ko-x and Miss Aimiv Lawroncv. :iisn Miss Aimiv 'l‘m-nimil. swnt an r-Vmiug last. week with Mr. and Mrs. Umrgv Tumbull «iii the? End iimwvssimi. NIXR. Mr. and Mrs. .lulm Hi‘nlgsnn and family of Durham Spt‘llt. Sunday “mil; with im' pill't‘llts. Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn “my. ”'0' pm WI ro-zzllm'ni. um! mail vf MUN-s hc-m fog“ .51 7.33. >_.,,./.E:_2. ~...::.:..é ‘. r..:_.. .23 5.2.7 3.2: ._.3..::: 2:36 1:13:23 2:. 2.32. 5.527.. Mr. Alymm' Bartmun is vmploymi with the t‘..P.R.. \vm-king in tho- sub- m'bs nt‘ Allan Park. .5... .31.}. :53? 2. agar 7 ...:nwn.i 2:: .5... .5223 ”3.4 3. 12.7.2: . I ("uorvo'i Frulay was highly celebrated nu nur line by having a dance at Mr. G.-orge Reay‘s, where all who at- tvnoh‘d report. a. good time. {Our own correspondent? We are having another little win- t'm' these days. There has not beijn much work done on the land yet m 'his neighboerod._ _ ‘\ Miss Essie. Harrison. who is at- tending business college in Toronto, was home for a few days over East- er. She also Visited with her sister, Mrs. Wes. Heard. Proton. The Ladies‘ Aid and “EMS. of Ebenezer church met last, Thursday Glenmont. (0111' own correspondent.) 1 \gain \1':1 :11'11 111111 11111 xx inter m1: 1-1 11111. \\'_1111 21 s111mfa‘11 111 our ('1' 11111 1 \\ 1' 11(1) 111 1111 :..'1)011\\1'J*11111 {1110? 11115. 31121.11.11..\111.1-1111 1.~' 111111111\'1111. sinuly 11;."11111 111-1111 :1 mun-what 511â€": \'1 111 1111111~s 1 ..}1.~'.~' 1.11:11S11 .lom's 13 111511 (111 “MN 111 1111::11s113113.31.31111'1'11151111. \\"11‘ 1.11.11 tho- 1.1111111 \\'1"12111111 will 111111;" .11-111 1111 111111111 \1'1111. 311'. K. 3112\1'111111' is again 111111111 1111 111101111” ~' raw. \\11 11111111 1111' h111' ~11111'111\ 1'111':1\1'l'.\. ’1'1111 I-astvx' '11111111 brought must 1 f f§111 vmmg 1111115111111; f111' 11111 wm-k 111111. 111 1112M. 31051 111 11111111 1'111111 111111 111 11111 1'11}' 1111 31111111112 \\1_1 www- 31:11! 11.1 5111.1 .1111111 1.. 311-1101111111 1'1'1111-1 -'1ttz1\\11 11111111 \1113L'1111g11111.11.1.15 '1 111111211111 11'11111 Uttz’mu 1"111 11111 mm- 11121111111 11111111: 1111111 111 1111'011111 1111s \\‘ o * L' Mrs. Murray and 51111 'l'hnmrls :11'1' ~'L.~1H11,:11t :lw 31151.11111 111111113. with 31:55 Mm 1. fm H111 1"1511-1 “1111K. 111211! 111 ~'1‘1- \.11.~'.~'11m \' M11 11,311 1:111- :111: “1011' :11: 11:11 \\11'ml 1111 1'111'111111- tricityâ€"getting ready 1'111' 11 busy svusms. rm- Mm! My ih-V. lh-ll Smith at 'l'nx'nntn Hum-i plmi :lu- l’l'c-sllyto‘t‘iz‘m pulpit last. Sunday at‘ai :aVa- \'9‘l'}' :lllln sm'mnns up. twtll IH':':l.~'ln:x~', .\'nw that tlm I'naois aw rivaling up this circuit slwlilct gut tlzv mattwr 02' a I'usillvntl lllllllsl"? e‘lv"‘1'o'lt up. as tllw liwlul has t-o-rlamly suzl'vrml l'nl' tlw lili'li “1' MW. szat t'l't‘tlll l~' Illh' ”UV. Ml'. lint-ran l‘nr llll’('H-Hlli‘l'illl'lll slmwn' in :ushtin: in many ways whvn mug quirml. J 'l'hw nmtm's aw again making that bus! “2' tlw .2“li wads, while thw! hark malls ax'o- still tlill’it'ult. 1 .\mvtlw1‘ nl' nur nlolm- l-nsiclvnts lla.~‘j :mswmwl lhu last rail. tlw latv Miss Mary .\lvl)nugall. Swath Line», Hlon- wlg. \\'lm has two-n ill l'nr mmv timl‘ past. 'l’lw ltl‘t‘O‘aSt‘ll passed away on 'l'lnn-sula)‘ “Va-Him: last. lllttfl’nll‘lll Hunk plaw‘ l'lnlu llvl‘ lata' ham» {0 {Blt'Xl‘ill's t't'nmtvry. 'l‘ho- olm'c'asml lxms‘ always a lihuz'al lwstuss. a tim- "h~l;:llbu:~ and muvh respectml by all whn \Vt‘l’t' privilt‘gml to know her. lllvr lu'ntlwl‘ llnnalll is thv romain- ling mvmlwr 01' the Ulolvr family. 'l'n l tlm bcrcawd ones we “tend our sin- lomwst. sympathy in tlwir grmt loss. ,MI'. John Mclhmg'all ul' lmncllm and Illis-alanglltm'. Minx-l Alivv, \x'c-xm prvs- It-nt 't'm‘ the l'unvral. 3:; 2.2.. __ 752.5. 5.... z: 72:. 2.. 2.2.7. “.5... . .‘ mi: 'l'hm-n was :I gum! attmujmm- at Knnx Church nn Sunday. 311‘. Humor! Muss-cl his surivs ul' liastvr >1 Imons “huh no «lullbt hilH‘ bewn :m inspixahnn and hvlp tn all “ho Emmi me. Our own wiu'x'ospcnuIn:xt.._ - Miss listhvr I’o'tty and Miss l’lnl‘c‘m'c' Alc'lh'l‘iclc' Hf Stl'atl'm‘d Normal um halidaying with their :lzll'vnis. .2272"? 2.57. .12». 1:: 57. 14.5.5: .7... .25, :27...» «1.1.2.; .:K. .1. Zuxâ€"IZJK 3.2â€" 1.1;; :1. 1352 281:9: :21. 1311.; :7. 11...; _..1. m:_.:._.1.1..:. 3: 2:. mfisfidv 2.3: 3:353 :. .zi..:..7.~:1.1. :71. 4:; «7.174... E. .355? 123:. .1... :...i .13: _.1. 1:53...." _..:.. :::;.S..1. n: :2. ::::.. . Mrs. Angus Ml'Lilt‘illall ”1' Mark- «laiv vs \‘nsmm: “'1va 112 mm mm!- vfy ugam. 27.1.- .x. .E::.:. tiara: 2”. 7.3.? 7.“ 3742. i :2. 5.5:. _: _w_.:v..1..._.1.. Aberdeen. (Our own correspondent.) \l i» Margaret mm- In: no in: HM hum» his! \uwk MM >pmnhn: (\xn ',"' tm'm- “mks \HII: hm mmt :1: l’r ic uvilk‘ 'I‘ho- Misws [>32th and Mary Mdbumriv Hi 'lommtn :u‘v spwmlin'; :m rlastvr lmliolays “ith their {ull'o‘ntSL Mr. Harm-y fiuswnll and his m-phvw. IiHIn lmmaral Dan v am. \is: tin}; frmmk in Kinczudino. M2. Dun ml M. 4 2mm k is spun-122:. ihv Eastvi' lwiisi; net in 'lnrnnh'. MI‘S. D. Lamb and ulaughtm: Mmlic Slwnt Monday aflv. mum at tlw home‘- ut’ Mr. and Mrs. Dan MrArflmr north nf Durham. ‘ H lmhsnn and family z‘u'v Visit- ho-z' ln'uthm’s home In our Knox Corners. .‘h'lhmrtM is still comâ€" hut “'2‘ mm glad that if}; 5:) Wu”. Vl'cmk Silimwcl 21. mixml {his \n-wk (H 'l'UI'Hntc) (Ourâ€" own correspondent.) The lowiy dry weather of the past work has dried up the ground and sending bpwrations will soon be general. A few of the. more indust- rious farnwrs havo_ starteq to‘plow. Li numbm' from new attendéd ' a bun MM m Pmtml Station Thursday night. and reppyt a good tune. A 1" _»“A_‘ Axle-IA? u-r- --â€"K- t - -- \. ' Mr. P. Phillips pf I‘pronfio spent the wngk-vnd \‘iSltlllg Ins frlend, Mr. Luu szwll. ,_. nu ‘ _ b-____ Miss Mary Kinnell Spent a few days visiting at her home here. She whu-ns tn 'l'm-uuto on Monday. Mr. W. J. Mchd is home from St. David's fur Uw Easter holidays. Bliss 1‘2. Parslnw. whO'is teaching at Erin. is 11mm: fur Easter week. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Lane have mov- ml from Bunthvillu tn the house va- a'ahwl in’ 311'. Andy Lune. AA E’uzx-n;-«Un Saturday, April, 19, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Lane. a son. Miss Jossiw McMillan of Toronto spout. tho holidays at hm‘ home here. Mr. H. Rivhzu'clsnn has ruturned to his homo ufivr swucling tho winter months in hotmit. A. muse; K. 31"}lillm and Cora li‘ haulav n 11’ ”IN 1)..“ S. an: spend- in: Hip “M at {huh homes hero. .\I 1‘. J. lestvr haul a suddmx attack nr ammndivitis nu Saturday, and if law does nut makv sat‘ist'avtm'y im- pz'HVPHIPIH ,will mum to gn under an npe‘l'_l¥§”li. , u Hn- ¢l4_mnvi11n:m was up un Friday lc‘nddng nx'n'r )hv Funds and impact- m:- tho: lu-Mgn that was take-n away with tho Hum! 50 that h«- could pre- snnt thw mattm- lwl'm'v thv Council Hn Saturday. -x‘ wry smmvsshzl hall was held in ”w ha}! ham and a Lt'g‘e- uumfwr 11:1.v11«lml zm'i M‘NI')‘ mw smemed t0 o-njny himseit‘. as (boy “'01-“ in men n imz'rj.’ tn danmu Biusiv was fur- nishml by Hw Haw HI‘Chc-sh‘a. Mrs. \\'iliium \lt-llurmivk is symm- n': n \vc-v'k in Hu- city Visiting: with i Ivlul iws. .‘vlnssrs. Lnrm- .\H:m and Adrian \‘nhic- \x'm in 'l'm'unln 'l'lml'sd'uy ‘m-‘ M'Ecim is \\’HW‘S>‘PS in tlw Som- plv H izsl: that is. the.) casv 0f Hm man killml last. spring at Hm Yarncy «'x'nssinu‘. Hm- mail vmniur is back 011 the .inb auxin! :ll‘to'l lwing laid 011 101' a ”mu with hlmul- -_pni.<nnim: in his hand. [his 11111: «11 H111 wumn' has 11mg: been Wind 1111' 1“ in babies. and last no wk 11111111114 91111 \\ 11: added [,0 the list. Mr. 111111 Mrs. Milford Matthmw 111m H11: 111-11111! 1111111115. this time boy 111111 1:111. Rlert 111111 Marv. «mu-n (it-ow Mad-ring has not. stzu'hui ”pm 1tinn~ yvt owing to a luck 01' mo-at- caters 01'. rather, a numhvr muting: (1mm fmjzm a whole to haif shat-v.5. and it may be revert- mi from a thimV-twn to a sixteen- \xa wk mm. .\ mowing mm 1w can- MI in H! t id“ UH: nmtto'x'. ' ’3.‘ho_-w was a 1:01;,ch Luinout at the T'lastm‘ avnim». Hm Rcctm‘ gme a gum! addis and the Lennox twins sank a «hut \m'} s“ ccUy. MI. and Mix Hm»! 'e‘ ("IO“RII Ul' Mi. I‘m c-sf ;m- thwii llasti 1‘ eggs at Um h'nln n1 thv luHm s mothm. Mrs. Minus Allan. «m Sunday. ThPil' smi. Hamid. is spvndinu a week with his urandnthw. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Limisay nt‘ Hlmmlg: also were prnscnt cm. Supday tn jnin thagircle. Yew)- little work has been (10119011 tlw lam! yet. exccpt some ploughuw. Mr Jim Lummx was $0 unfortun- :wa :1 wr‘ok am» as In havu :1 £00” wimp: mare kickml on the lmck so that 511v had to be dest1'0\'ed.Hn has sim n pun 11330:! a \01) line mum hum :1 Mr. Mc.â€"\rtln_.1r It’ tho. grain crap this: yt-m' is Iin :u'cordamu) with Hm Iumb (mp, will Pvrtainly bo' a gum! one. [Twins :am1 jl‘igvlvts am- a wry (ommon thing. (Om- own correspondent.) My. .luspcr 'J‘mynOr nI' Durham \‘ifltmia l'nw days i'vvvnfly With t'x'n‘=:1ci~' {1} ”HS part. Miss Human-I )lt'l'iunalcl of Tor- nnin. awnmpanim! by Mash-1° \Vil- l’rml 1:0”. mm spvncling the I'lolidays at. Hm t'nx'n'lvr's lmmn hon". Mr. .luhn 'l‘nrnhull. wim is attend- ing High st'hnnl at. Guelph. is sperm- in}: H1» Vastvr holidays at his par- ental homo. Swinton Park. South Bentinck liam éharp of Hampden: The farmers thew land plough weather we’ve are busy geumg ed, though the wet been having this week will stop some for a time. \\ CUB \v I“. vvv -“v Several of trilewfarrrielzs'are getting their fertilizer through the Allan Park IKF‘O. club tQ-daAyLTupeqli ‘5 (Our own correspondent.) Mr. Beecroft, tea agent for W. Thistle. Owen Sound, called at the homes on thishine Thursday of 1:131. week. rat in l n1‘\lo ULUU UV “WJ' â€"-.â€"_. Miss Vellie Smith of Durham \is- itod recently 011 tth line: Pleased to report the sick peeple in our neighborhood are all well gain. “a ‘ u6l|lllo Miss Jessie Hastie of Elmwood was the guest. of her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hastie last. week. Mr. and Mrs. Hastie and 54m Dougald rc- tm'nnd‘ with her Sunday. spending a ploasnnt. day at the home 01' Mr. and Mrs. Will Hastie. Mr. and Mrs. A. (J. McDonald {mu sun ”Kuhn. and Mr. Donald and Mis: Nara McDonald, attmuled the ser- Vicos in lillmwood Baptist church on Sunday. \lhs Blanche Bmcv is the n‘uesl or 1111- hivnci. Miss Eva V. Fiddis OI (lhvslvy. this \\_eel_~:. \ Mr. Hamid D0'1:15\\'nrth completed 1115 \\'m!'{ as assessor 'l‘l'uu'sday of [as t \ka 101' 1924. 311'. and M 1's. Findlay Mcfiuaig and Musinr Kmnwth, Mr. and Mrs. Raginâ€" ald Sharpe. Mastm's Frank and Allan, Visimi Durham friends on Sunday. (Our own' cmresfiondentJ. 'l‘lw m4mthly mtwting Hf the l'. I". W. 0. mvt. at the home 01' Mrs. .1215. lauvrmu‘v with a gram] attcnn Jam-u. Thorn was quite a discussion Hn thv t‘g‘g; p001 and many 01' the \vmnvn aw hum-Mimi in it and inth to givn it. a trial. Mrs: Kvlsvy alsn wad :1 wry interestmg paper on Innnimaiion. The next, mnvting will 1w hold at, Hm home of Mrs. l.'{1\'ial Lamb «)1: Ma)’ 9. Mrs. Ed. \Vilkiv rutumwl to her hnusv tn swncl thv summer nmnths. Mrs. .\. 'l‘lu‘mmsun is slwnding the huli‘lvly with hm' sun Hartley Hf lng‘imvoml, M-rs. Alfl'oi'cl Yullvtt. gave a party Mr H)» (‘hilch'on of thn lmrality on Hand Friday. 'l‘l‘w Sal“ 01' thv (Jaulclwnll pnsses- sinus was hnld last 'l‘hm‘sday after- nmm, and £000? pr‘icvfi WM“! I'Oalizml by Auctimwm' O‘NPH. . .Ml' 'HaI‘Ulf'l Mountain who 3.!thng Collegxahf m Hamiltnn hum» for tho vacafmn. \Vv I'vgrvt tn Import thal the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Elton anis is ill and is in the Durham Hospital. Ali‘s. V. Baum- nntrrt'taimui quite a n’nmhor of I‘I'mmls on Mtinu‘lay. WORLD HONORS WINNER; FORGETS HIM IN DEFEAT T111- mn‘ld has funny ideas about 1111405 and gn'ofvssinns. It may mun thousands in a profession and applaud onv. 'l‘lw Hm' who gets HM .1111ch is tllv mm whn reposos. as it. www. 011 ”w twp nl' the rung 01' that M iss Max-ion Putty 0f FOPgus spout. a wwkwnd lately at lmr pal‘nntal hump; .- Southeast Bentinck (Our own carrespondent.) Miss Hracu Ritchiv W110 has been atlvncling \\'ingham l-nlsiness college is slwnding‘ tlw holiday with her pm‘vnts. M1). and MIN". .lnhn Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McArtlmr of tho Glen. \‘JSIted tho hcgmmng of the \ka at 311'. Jim. McKenzie. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .9. \\' (-\ Rocky Saugeefn Mulock Busy getting L’IULI. Thus it was that when the Hon. Cecil Fitzhugh W‘aring, late of Eng- ;land. donned the fighting trunks to enter an American prize ring he drew a laugh. Imagine fighting a anternâ€"jawed veteran of America’s listic realm'with a moniker like that. But when he whipped Porkyl Sehaup and won the middleweight crown. the lads who had grinned at the titled Brilisher roared their deâ€" light at. his display of fighting abil- 1 3'. Herbert ltawlinson appears in one of the most entertaining pictures of his screen career as “The Hon. lgitz” {n the Universal sport play, “the "c1013” which elimies to the Veteran Star Theatri- this week. It is "the role 01' a young Englishman who forâ€" szikes the mmioele and the spats for particulm ladder. AAA paI'LlUULdl' lauuon. . Those who scorn the lowly W111 acclaim with great gusto the star. Those who “hoot” the “ham-andâ€" egger" will loudly cheertthe cham- pion. w- s n-..4 “may. nan Hnn, ho ring logs when hunger forces him to go tn work. It is comedy, but well halam'ml with real human in- terest drama. for [)2111glwrty's job is R1 gg. He’s bbaten.â€"â€"()t.t awa Journal. Tho. I’lfal‘iw ul‘ an 111111935 candidate : PLAN AT VARIETY S'l‘CHUi NOW SELLING : Under Auspices Durham Fire Brigade .3. ++++++++++++++++e++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++*++++++++++++++é ++°H TOWN HALL, DURHAM - ONE NIGHT ONLY Wednesday, April 30, 1924 } All Seats Reserved -- 55c. (including tax) A Limited Number of Seats for Children at 30C $25.00 per ton Western Feed Oats at 500. per Bush. in buyers’ sacks, at the mill Terms: Cash Only. No Credit Given Anybody ND TOWN DELIVERY BUSINESS HOURS: 8 am. to 5 pm. GROUND STANDARD RIB-CLEANED We have a few ears bf Gféund Standard Re- cleaned Screenings that we fife offering at SCREENINGS WESTERN new (ms i This Company Carries Its Own High-Class Orchestra $ 2 6.0 O 23 5hiy$ifisaCks We are also offering Whole Screenings at $2000 .00 IN MUSICAL EQUIPMENT The Show of the Season ROB ROY MILLS LIMITED $27.00 I Pastry Flour, 24 lb 75c Goods Delivered Anywhere in Town 01' Per Ton Sacks included Baker 8: Confectioner Thursday. April 34» 1934- $3.20 IR. JAMIESON, CHAERMAN AGRICULTURE comma ' lemher For South Grey G‘i‘u‘ smâ€" portant Appointment On Co:s.:n~.;'- tee 'Whose Object IS to Study; the; Conditions of AgrLculture Wm View to Improving Indmtr; . .Mlnmmcvmvm ul' Hz" 1w 3 special «‘nmmittww x“ *11h‘.\ eds 0f humming ilm'it'tl'ilif ditiuns in “w pruumm. “3 ticl‘lar I‘val‘vnrv in urn-k“! ‘3 transpurtaiinn. \x'us‘ 11w (-‘n “I a 1)?in h‘l.‘i““$> SnN‘yl' Legislature :u 'l‘uwmu. v prongatiml last 'l‘hm'sdux at As am'n'nx'od by Hu- H“i‘.~w, of Hon. .lnhn S. Mm'tm. Hw- tcc cnmm‘isvs Hun. In; . (South firm" . 'I‘. .\. 'Hmmps ark). N. W. 'l'l‘mxm'thu Hunm“. W. h. mm m William limth Sum: \wg; MacBrMc‘ v\l’.1':111{hmi . \mw langm' \Hussvll and .L n l,‘ (\szt M nldlvswx ‘. M'l‘. Ih‘lanuv!‘ is :! !,Hw Lethbridgc U.F.O., and HH' del‘(.}(v;x.~‘v1'\':\tl\v<. \Ii' '1 chairman Hf ch UNIV 3:. committm‘, {MM “‘3. 'HHH Mm: hm'n lsl‘nImIv-xnh with farming: Intvxww‘h. :1: . m particular. The appuintmwh m" '_\ lt‘l'nUUH ¢‘.\'t"Ԥ~1 >17» a W pauses. Tho mum wz' .;:- :33 51". “"6“! by Mr. \lzliu. inqnm‘ mt unnm'!‘llmf-' monnmiv v agricultm': industry i1 and phase puck-Hm. 5': irampm'tahu I‘N'Ulmi“ Hf n it. is thv ilm‘nhnll n! H to im'vstigntv :Ill "('1' WHHHHH'; 6'\'(‘1‘_\' phas‘c- u industry. inwiuchn: h and (-n-«uwratix'v nmrh ovmzv way in mulvnxm- Ialmrs ul‘ Hu- t‘m'mc-r hmuciws of agrivultm'o must rc-n‘mnvrmiw. ”“HTPI‘PM. parts nf 1 said Dr. Jamivsnn. ":n' diflex‘em. hram-hvs n? and mmmnn \x‘lll kw :1 mg. poultry I'ai~'ui;.". |1\ i’ormulin: Hf I'Il'l'ws. ~12: fin“, vtv." In m‘dvr in ”Main H and in mm mlx'untum- mic». and vxmx't. up” places, it. will 1w 32w- . l r) {4 mm“ t M «Mr l'h m‘nhh-nw W‘Ohlvms m \M" Univ-d Stains. :m Hu- lim'nlwan wn IM'. Jumivsnn ~ 2111}? «it'lt'l'minmi 1 it. if it ran puss! wa: no dumb? “I of 1.110 \W'l‘k \x-ml do“; hm In- M :ruzn knew salt" Wm that \(nn mmmi mm. 1 10 THF’ (If " HI \vm M Hllv “3'01: “in 52m! in" hm} M annvfrmn1ho~<:z-‘ and had ar'rzmm-d Kinnoll. Hw \wH Park hula-“man. 2.. 1101's“ will lw lat-t" Wow, and Wm um! dnlk. Durham. HM dale. \Vhiit- it i~ 10 bt'm‘d raving In fay mm! mm“: rig: coming strnngm' v\ kinds of horses m makers fur thc- S: who cared to rats Mr. and Mrs turn Ahou [ENS-l1“ Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Kvm' Ross 10ft. Monday “101'!!ng «m :1 to the Pacific Goad. and mm-mm paints. \Vo undvrstand Hwy 11 to step off at Omaha o-n mm.- after a \\'(‘(‘k ur 1\\'H m Calm “till comv home by way Hf Mun Visiting Hm formvr's ln'mhvr. William Kearnvy and fannly. u: road home They Oxpm‘f tn hr uxlw . till tth'éhd at May IlllH'p' THE ll .Nm'th Vnrk 'antfuml . \urul 11': and .l. 4;. l.o-‘. St‘k'. is a I H . 1' I.F..,O and the H\'.n.~‘ “1.11.“ I! "1211' 9| H VI." ll H! I! ”1H CO

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