2381' WALL PAPERS HHVPY ".".".00.-0.o.--...‘ OLD MOWER Thursday, Kay 1 SHOP :4 Tools Sharpencd ’ ..-.â€"~W H er of cups it £01.15! â€"- Try it. Machinist Etc. arpened THHK'Y Saws Summer]. W'ï¬-M Specialty. '. I mu m a Vhy shove m make it VEIHO zu'é 'n a: V. in. “hick it!\9} I)“ Har- \nclrew r'. with th.’ -v-.,m tlu- plvasures such planning af-' :Hl'ol.‘ US. 13.11.31, \\'9 ShOUld know. .x'lml. \w- wish to plant, so tho weds mm M nhtainml in advance. It is ._ l"“'l' pulley to wait. until the plant- ..,._; so'umn is upon us. Often. I have 'nlnzol ll 13‘ nut possible to gel. the m-iutio-s nl‘ sm'alS WP wish. when we um. lam lung. T110 good gardener n*.|o'l'~‘ his smuls. plants and bulbs '.\"H 1n :ulxunm' 01' the linn- they are m-mlml. Bulbs and plants can lw -lull\'o~rml ill lho' limo wanton]. but, ‘wo'ols' slmuld hr in haml. l lnm- fullml. during long yvars ufl -\po-{'l6'l|('t’. that. some? of the must? lawn'nltlo' vane-tins nl' Sl‘l‘llS run out .1' slnl'k as llu- planting scasnn up: Mum-luvs. i’wml tlu' clealnmnr of my l'o‘llllhlt' swells.an and you will we.- sumo- various-s lislml “very mum rl'np." Pcrhaps those are Un- mm 3:le \mnl. 'l'ho- lcssnn slmulll «H- â€hymns. Hmlm' lln- smul nal'ly. «U-xo-rul limo-s l haw hml scml sent mv \\‘llll°h llw sow-dsman disclaimml wwpnnsihilily fur. 'l‘hv ï¬rst-quality wwply hml ln-o-n vxhanstml and Inn ~l2ul stilnstllulml Sl‘c'd nl’ unknuwn .=.-r‘nxnmlin;: pmvmz hufmxsv my or- i.-:- was lntw. .\ll Hf tho-so- Hlllll-IS mm- taught. nu- that it pays ln nl'lla‘l' ‘zn'ly. anol nut. lakr chanws. Hr rmn'sv. it is usually pussihlv lo :mwhasn ï¬nals at. llw luval stnl'o'. imt llw snmo- ro-usnns huld gnml in hi~ msw. Til“ 4§:'.~il':lhlv \'ill'U’1it‘> arr SUM nul ï¬rst. Pvrsunally. I like- Hu- plan Hf “rah-ring: lhc- sm-«l from a outaluguv. lwczmsv I haw- su much mum- tn 0.110ch from. At, he'sl. tho s'tmw' supply is mmlv up 01' u {cw Vario-tivs. mil} I-I IIIIIIIIIh sIIIIIIIIIIII: II Is IIII IIIII' II‘I <I.III k III IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII \‘IIIIIIIIIIIs \IIIIIII [III IIIIIIIg IIIII gIIIIIIII II. 'IIIII um- IIII,IIIs lIIIIkI gIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIII' IIIII III’IIIII IIII IIIII. IIIIIII IIIII IIIII-IIIIIIIIII.r In spIIIII- IIII aIIIIlIS H0\\I'\"I'I. IIII- IIIIIII gaIIIIIIII- IIII “III \HIIII III Irv something new I‘VI‘I") )IIaII. Ihat Is IIIII plI‘aSIlI'I' IIf he planned on paper, and. mg, m\‘.. thv products never quite .,_-.,.- up In th“ wonderful piCtUI‘BS analogues. print. Happily. . ..-h. we ran testify that the fruits ,. : \.-:.:.-tables are judged by the and the flmwrs in the garden .;k,.- :-. swm'tt'l' perfume than the ;:.‘z..-_'rnphs cm the cataIOgue page. Tip-ro- aro- real and deï¬nite reascms planning the garden ahead of up wanting season. entirely. aside II - " It ' "DP. In planning my ganlvn. I ï¬rst :no-asm-n tlw 5120 of the patdgthcn. l .lm-idv thv .lifl'm'vnt vogrtablvs [1 .lm-nlo- tn plant. making a rough plan Hf the: plot. I know just how many rows tht'ro will be and then I can alm'idv hnw bPSf. t0 dividr the? ulantnngs. 'l‘his rvt‘ers to tho annual \‘o'm'lahlé' garden. Along: mw side HH'I'O’ arc- several kinds of pvronnial mmlnrls. such as rhubarb and as- gull'nmlï¬. ll‘ llw garden are-a is a ivo‘l'lllalllfllt. â€no. plantml yvar aftf'r \ -:n-. d is we‘ll tn know tln- size. that :qu plans may lw made as indicatm]. alum-wt: many ï¬nd it advisable to ~t:an:_m tlw garden to new land ovary "~\\ yuan-s. Such practice has much ‘v-~ .. n-vummvnd it. as it helps to keep .Ezmt dnsnasns. pests and weeds m 'EH'VIx. If Hm same plot 1s used year FLANNING THE GARDEN mâ€.- m advance of the plant- 1‘ .; . llzw prospective gardener .luwn and spend an hour gmsznz plans for the work he ; It is a real pleasure to ,2 on pain-:- a deï¬nite outline ,,,;..n.1.ul garden. Someone has «ml that many of our plea- “ ill anticipation of events will occur. I suppose no misc-ll as good a garden as Thursday, lay !, 1m JERRY ON THE JOB THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR EMWCHEES‘ L\A%l\.\‘\'4 after war, crops should _be alternat- .A MAI..-A AL _ I 7 'r' vâ€"V“.“ UV “IWI Ilaâ€. ed. so that the same product is never grown two years in succession on the same part or the garden. One or the iinest gardens 1 ever saw had been planted titty years in succes- sion. The home garden should specialize in the things most relished by the family. A general list should eon- tain beets, beans. Brussels sprouts, cabbage. carrots. cauliflower. celery. corn. cucumbers. kale. kohl rabi. lettuce. melons. onions, parsley. par- snip. peas. pumpkin. radish, ruia baga. salsil‘y. spinach. squash. toma- toes aunt turnips. Some of these might not grow in all parts of Can- ada. but part. at least. can be grown owerywhere. There are also several other Vegetables and Vine fruits, as well as a number of excellent salad plants. which gardeners will ï¬nd well worth planting. Wihethc-r the garilen patch he anI nlcl on? or a new pinre of ground. it, should be pluughml 0r spaclml as“ narly as possible. Exporicncml gar- dimers will haw.- done- the work last. fall. De‘mp working is hemlml. than all the unpulvi-rizml smls slinuld hp} rvmuvml. Garden soil Ought in he! tinv ancl vasy tn work. It. should ho; we'll «trainml and tho sandy lnam isi lwst snitvd tn .\'(*:.'et.ahle grnwing.3 l I l t NMVLV-clvarml land. whirh is ï¬lled with arcanmlatinns of humus. l3 uspnrially gum! fur must. proclurts. Muck soils arv alsu ailaptml tn Herr-i lain thingswslikv i-vlm'y and nninns. g 'Nw lie-st. l'vrtilizm' rm- tln- \‘ugmaâ€"l illo' mirth-n is \wll-ruttml stahlo- _manui'v. Land that. has I'L‘i‘o'ntl)’ Lira-n rival-ml will grow gum! prml- !llt’l.\‘ withnnt. anything.r aohlml tn tlw Emil. at least fur a t'vw yvai's. Latvia! it is :im-o-ssary tn put. snnwthing liavk‘g if \‘H‘ rnntinni- tn takv largo- vrups.i Must garola-n prmlurts arr gross l'vml-I N's. and it is. lhvrvl‘nrv. nvm-ssary tn t'm'tilizv hmuily. Ulil nianln-v isi nut harmt'nl it“ it. mvnws in contact» with â€in plants. lint. t‘rvsh inannrw Hf anv kinol simulcl nowvr lw usml. PX- w-pt lwtwm‘n tlw I'nws. who-r0 tln‘ .‘ho-at in}: and t’lll‘lllll'al i-hang‘vs ('ammt‘, "'lmrn“ thw tvnclm' gruwth. tllwniii'al; t'vrtilizm-s arv lll'lll‘lll'lili tn pravtival- l_\' all \n-gvtahlo-s. Nilt'atv ul' smla. ap- pliml sparingly. will make all garclvn ‘pl‘mllll'ls tln'iw. Hun mannri- is mn- flt' the lie-st nl' t'vrlilizvrs fur the», .L'arulvn. but it. slmuhl lw ('Ulnlmstt'tl with o-arth at. a 30-50 'atiu. Frvsh lwn mannro- will kill almost. any grown grnwth with which it (mines ‘in i'imtai'l. it is just as intrrn-sting‘ in plan â€It! tluwvr garclvn Illlt‘ilti of tho planting So':l.~‘n!!. I’vw nt' tln- tlnwurs will now! tn lw plantml as varly as tho- \‘c-gou tahlvs. :iltlmngh snnw Sllnlllll he siartml in tlw hnnsv nr Imtlmil and latwr wt in thu gruuntl. fa A wrtain 'anny Scutsman hacl val-rival an a cnnrtslnp of long dnralmn withnnt clvtinitvly rum- nnlting himsvlf. 'l‘hh girl. if she: wm'x‘im‘l Inn-self at all lung: pmbationfl gave nu sign until 0m- mnrning her tardy luwr tlmmhling a small notc- lmnk. said: "Maggin, l hae been We‘igllim: up ymn- gnicl pnints. and I hav all‘t‘acly guttvn tun. \thn I gut a (lnzvn I’m gnin' lav ask yo: tho fatal quvstinn." "\Vm‘l. I wish ya lurk. Jock" answorvd the maiden: “I also .gotton :1 WW bunk and I'vu been lputtin doon your bad (mints. 'l‘hm'o arn nineteen in it already. and wlwn it rvaclms Hm scorn I’m ga'in tao accept the blacksmith!†[m w (mm HIS LAST CHANCE \\ v regret to learn of the death of Mrs. I‘homas. 13‘1â€! daughtm of Mr. Juhn McCalmou. \aruex “ho died rocvntly at bar home in Michigan. . The cement mill started the kilns 111 full blast. this week. Prospects are bright. for a good season‘s out- put. From the favorable. reports of John A. Graham’s teaching at Hutton Hill one would sup'pose him a ï¬x- ture there. We were surprised. howâ€" ever. a few «lays ago. to learn he hail resigned. to take charge of No. 9, (:lenelg. The present incumbent, Mr. ’l‘yerman. intends to take up the study 01' medicine and will sur- render the laws for lhe dissecting knife at. tlu close of the present term. t | .\ watch mlwrtisml by a young lady last fall was fnund rvcvntly by Mr. Watson. Um up-town baker. It. was appnrvntly littlv tlw worse for [wing mwrml all winter in :1 mantle of snnw. It was rvtumt‘d tn the HWIH'I'. whn llamim’l it over tn Mr. (iux'clun I‘m- gmw 'al mrrhauling. Mr. .Inlm Gordon. 5011 of .vaoIMfl (Inrclun. rt-cvntly purchasml thv jvw-1 (~Iry Imsinvss of Mr. John Hahn-run" of \\'vyI1nn‘n. AssiniImiu. 11ml is 110“- :II. wnl'k on his nwn hunk. \II'. II. II. Rubinsnu of Vulu'uuvm \xhnm \w knmx only as a wgulzu' rvaclvr and pmâ€"in- -".a«I\anu>†sub- s: :- ilwt lo'pmts Iimvs gumIi IIu.‘ “‘16! TWENTY YEARS AGO hiwl. ~â€"ln Hamillnn. 'l‘uvmluy. April 1‘) (Elam ( ‘hml. \vit'v Hf Allwx't. Wil- Hams. in how 31311 yvm‘. Mzn'kut lit-WM. ~\\’hvut EN) Halls :8 tn 3H. Pvas (31). Hallow '1†.l: x‘ h BHUN' 11'). Eggs 1?). Apple's pm' ha" $1 Liw lIOgs $3. lesm-d Hugs $6 to $6.27). Shm'pskins 1!). “Wm! 17. Lamb 7(‘. (tx’inczmthm ttnpurtur‘; \\'as the, (it'vgnt‘y Commissiun \VHI'HI thv prim"? .\ grvat many pvnph‘ will say no. 'l'ht' (irvgm'y Commission ('HSI, ton much but. that hmty apparently tuuk advantage of thi- ln-m'y (inwrnmunt Wittt‘h did 1th swm to knnw what a tlmnmissinn shuuht cost. Wv admit it cost tuo muvh. hut. we stilt submit. that. it is nm'vssary to clvar ttw air as 111' as thv Hyih'u is macarnml. Wv ttnn‘t think that Sir .‘utam that: is the littlv hint that snmu pm’iplv wuuht haw us holicvv. “"0 that that he ihas hwn sucvvsst‘ul in hedging this Myth-u tlnmmission amund with laws, that givv him [mwvr ht‘. should not possess. Hyih'n costs us too mm'h because it is uvvrmannmt. \\'alkvl'tnn tlmuu'il has I'c-fnswl In grant a lumnsv fur :1 80¢li p001â€" rnum m that Mwn. From The Chronicle Pile of April 28,1904. HYDRO COSTS T00 HIGH ynm‘s. . 'l‘uvmluy. .\||l°l1 Hf Allwx't. Wil- ln Shabh wn they “do not. care if things ook seedy everywhere. They have no pep,.t.hey‘ve lost. their grip. they simply snt around and ylp, in envy‘s tones of Glossyville, the shining village on the hill. Oh, Shab- bytown is punk and gray, and it shows symptoms of decay, and strangers passing through _ remark: “lt surelV dates back to the ark " “Clean I p and Paint. U p makes men frown along the streets of Shabby- town A can of paint makes no ap- peal to this bum Village, down at heel; the people think there is no sense. in going to so much expense; so things are 11le ms going down and gettin" nurse in Shabbvtown. It 111“ .1vs giVes rm, soul a thrill when I arr1V e in GIOsSV'Vill11. The town looks like a blooming bride; the pee-i ple take a heartV pride in makingl things look clean and bright. and in their labors take delight. They re lavish VV ith the helpful paint. select- ing 1°ol11rs chaste or quaint and dec- orating 11VerV shack. thus warding 111T deeay‘s attack. and making.° all the buildings look like buildings read 11‘ in a book. And strangers when they see the town. say. “Here we’ll come and settle down. and raise 11s seven kids apiece and live and die as slick as grease. " This happV hum:° goes right ahead. while Shah- 113, Men is pione and 1111a1l.â€"â€"-'\V1alt . Mason. Sllvlhm'nv and Meafm'd merchants 1m- holdmg thmr summer half-holi- day on Wednesday afternoons. mnmmnmnmmmnnnumnununuIummmnnnumummmmmmm If the roads are had, many aprosperous fann- er’s wife postpones buy- ing something she ac- tually wants for herself or family, until she can get to town. Later, the teams will be busy. She won’t be able to get to town. Experience shows s h e will buy now, if you give her the chance. Call her by Long Distance. She will f: e1 complimented. Know your stock, so you Eli? '_:' h can ahswer her ques- tlons readlly. A little experience will soon show you how it works. Don’t judge by one or two attempts. Try a dozen, in- telligently. Others do it successfully. Why pot you? IR SBABBYTOWI Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station. BALLAD OF A POSTAL 33613333. laws of all the nations, That would puzzle Edison or any man. I must learn to keep my hat on. When I‘m curved. reviled and sat. on By a public that I‘m always out to please; Smiling sweetly at each libel. guid- ded by the postal bible; Striving every hostile patron to ' appease. I must readily explain the delaying of a train. And when the mail is in from Tim- bucloo, . All the rules of OJ). D. and the I'm full of tribulationtl‘m a new weiérk 7 on probation. I‘m the victim of a distribution plan, I’ve a book of‘ xjggglatioqg, postal street directory, And’the postage on a paper for Peru. I must know a thousand rates, have a memory for dates And guvss Ihc length of parcels to an inch; livery little regulation that applies v registration, pome say the postal service is a cinch. I l1ax o no smait uniform] am buti :1 postal xx orm, Peddling postage stamps and post, cards for my pay; Taking tickots in for quarters. helping out the forward sorters. (fretting bawleiil out forty thousand times :1 day. But. no and of xx orrxing can am-om- plish anvthing, (ilIOS-S 1 ll get them if I onlx have a try ' I am loaming as 1 «go and it’s kind ‘ o! nico to knoxx 'l‘hat devotion moans promotion by- and-by. VOLLETT’S CASH STORE WM. J. VOLLETT THE HOME OF QUALITY GOODS Wnnwii‘s Silk Husv. pm' pair $1.00 Womvn's Silk (iluws. per pair $1.00 Men‘s Silk Hnsv pm' pair.... 750 Ml". N‘S .INWS q‘ S'|‘|{;\\\'l HATS (lamwd l’irwapplv, lwr mm .. 300 British (101. Sullnjun. .180., 2 fuJ' 350 Daviu‘s Soup pun Lin ........ 120 0x0 (Julws, 1()c..3 fm ........ 25v. 941m. Redpalh Sugar for $1.00 Pastry Flour Snvvl'viml Flc 'l‘horobread Flour Maplu Flour (Imam 0f the Wust Fluur From One Extreme To Another! Specials in Dry Goods Specials in Groceries SEEDS OF ALL KINDS PHONE 70 Hanover Cement Stone Com- pany, Limited, will not operate their big quaru west of \Valkerton this year. they having concluded an agreement to get stone from another quarry, which is refuse to the com- pany operating the quarry but is just as suitable for making cement. They were able. to get it at a. better price laid down here than they could from their quarry. The local cement works will of course continue to Operate at full capacity. Spring Is Here Snvvl'viy‘n Flmn' Stone Quarry Will Not 090m. Agents for Studebaker, Chevrolet OILS GREASES GASOLINE ' NOBLE’S GARAGE Garafraxa Street, Dulu- Better have us look your car over and make the necessary repairs before you put it on the road for the Summer's work. W’ e guarantee our work and our prices are Right - L‘fl‘