hursday. May 1, 1924. ad 50v tht um us for 69¢. The New ads The Wâ€! § +++ CUT 1:: Two BY FLYING woon >alers Flesherton TL‘RES 'ILL 10 O'CLOCK. . N0 Extras Needed. TOURING v v o o o o o o c O z 0 I. OO~O§QO 00-0. 0.0““ o a a 6 a o o a o ‘ O x U! Quality Goods :2 \\ hich can :1 and sex-i. ’“ M}: the DI 'uulin mics :-' the p] {HS 250 350 C C C C 5n» 13w 01 O H H 53' ur. DR. W. C. PICKBRING’, DENTIST nun-w, m'nr J. 8: .I. Hunter‘s store, ;n;z'ix:un. Ontario. llnnnr Graduate University of Tor- nsm». Hx'mlnaln Royal College Dental ï¬zl'mwnï¬ Hf Ontario. Dentislrv in 41' :t~‘ branches. ()ll'ico. over 0. C. l'uax‘n‘s‘ Jewellery Store. LUCAS HENRY Hurrish-rs. Solicitors. etc. A mem- 'xwr uf Hm ï¬rm will be in Durham on 'l'nusday of vach week. Agpoiptmbqts I l" .m‘ U] \‘LII I‘14‘du‘o -rrVâ€"--â€"--â€"â€"_ mm be made “ith the Clerk in the unite. MIDDLBBRO’. SPBRBMAN 8c MIDDLBBRO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Mxvrcssm‘s to A. B. Currey. Mr. £2. '1. Middlvln-n‘ is permanently ;m-:.tmi at. Durham Office. DAN. McLBAN Licensvd Auctioneer for Counlv of m'cy. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- <0nahlv terms. Dates of salos made at The (Ihrnnirle ()fl'ice or with him- <ell'. ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. Moderate» torms. Arrangements fur salvs. as U) dates. PU?" may be mum- at. The Chronicle Office. Dur- ham. 'l'm'ms on armlivathn. Ad- rixwx‘ R. R. 1. Durham. 2 1!: Gmpd C G. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. ~ Svio'ncc that adds life to years .: ywzn's tn life. Consultation free. ', Inn-ham 'l‘uesdays, Thursdays and 'zzz'oiays. 61423“ Mining [00 acres: 85 acres unam- mltimlinn. balance hardwood hush: 'nin'vnlt‘nl to school: on the premâ€" xi-s are :1 {Fame barn 42x67) ft. with ~lmw {animatinnz concrete stables: flux hay ham 30x50 with stone base- 'v.-':‘.t: hogs: pen 20x3“): twelve-room ‘wwk house. furnace heated, also frnme “'00dSth; drilled well close ;., lmnse. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay: W moves to sweet clover; this farm - \wli fenced and in a good state of Itilln'allfln. For information apply :w Watson's Dairy. FLR. 1:, Durham. szzm‘io. 102523 tf miâ€: cox. ELEQEUCMONT. cox- .x viri‘ii PART LOTS {AND 3. cox. {gremont containing 66 acres; 55 s cleared. balance hardwood 3.1921: in good state of cultivation: ( “:zmn barn JQXE‘). stone basement. ~71t‘l'0t95t3b185; drilled we†and ant tank at barn. Also Lots 6 ‘ (ion. 4. S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- ; 7.7.1: 110 acres: 100 acres “93er : m. good state of oultivation; on pannses are a brick house con- .' seven rooms, With good M. ,.;.:i,~,pments under thrs headlngi cent a word each insertion r \S'H w 1TH ORDER; snx consecutwe _ ' (mu 'x‘plephone cans treated as cash wnth order if paid-for before '\.:,......;;-n- night of week ordered. anmum charge for ï¬rst insertion. 7,: _‘_ 251.4. (m an charge orders a straight charge of 1%. cents a word ‘ j made" each insertion. mlmmum charge 35 cents. JAMIBSON 8: JAMIBSON w! W sidence a short dist- ,hr ~5‘ the Hahn House on .,,_.; sn'crot, Lower Town, Dur- m'fmeé hOUPS 2 [0 5 9.11).. 7 t0 .wn‘o‘p’ Sundays). .1. 1*. GRANT, DJ 11- s.,/L. D.§_. t in good state Of cultivation; UH . premises are a brick house con- ‘ 12‘»: seven rooms. with good gun woodshed attached; drilled . at door: never failing springs on < farm. making a choice stock 't. This property will be sold to quick purchaser. For parâ€" iz< apply at. ,Watson‘s Dairy. i. Durham. Ont. 10 25 ‘23“ :14. mx. 2. W.G.R.. BENTINCK. - as from Durham. containing . s; 70 acres under cultivation. .. E:_=:'.i\\'oml and swamp: bank ~32: nx‘tmsion shed and none ~: Twinincd house. brick. with ‘ a: kitchen and woodshed: ‘--'.~\1 by never-failing spring! ~ 7 fax-m: also spring feeding 'zwttzli near buildings. and .--.::'l=ml well at. house. For --i"?..‘-ui;11'5 apply to \\ m. hnulmni Ont- 10 25:1. SMITH, M. B., M. C. P. S. O. :uu msidcnce corner of ,-.- and I ambton Streets. Oppo- 1"‘t (“Tic 0. Office hours. : 3.111..1.301,"M'tp.m...7t0 9 p. m. ;-._\-- :lnal 'l‘hursday afternoons FARMS FOR SALE DR. BURT. ~ _\~'~‘i>t:mt Royai London Up- HHSpillll. England. and t0 :; Squaw: Thrnat. and N088 HOS- spo-cimist. : Eye. Ear. Throat 9“... when : I3 Frost Street. 061 Samnd Thursday, Hay 1. 193‘. Licensed cfluctioneer w‘a’ [cal Directorv . 4:2. SALE OR RENT Dania! Diredorr Scratches than the wit!) L 1w holding a l Pd hm «'3: i‘thrï¬'? It {01‘ the spaFe. Of '-- xll"'\" IL lk'. V"‘ 'I o 311135 a. mipule. 3m? rubblpg ;:f fawn as It. 00015 thh 93 mlx- ..: 'uvnlml. ohve oil and vmegal‘ 2:31 quantities. Legal ‘Dz'recl’orv mmvnioncG \‘ M laidaugl w! Ilnisiein. Tc! .».iy.-«-\\‘illiam Bo‘; 21f-miio {with O HIR HE Durham. Ont-- _'â€"7‘ ‘ ““9101. 8‘) 301.0- \ :h HOLISP. :u'gv: mmmxm. unl m nished. All .-\ PAR’I‘MENTS :v: furnishgt}: GOOD 2-STOREY FRAME DWELL- ing on Lambton SL; hard and soft water. bath, furnace, electric lxghts, etc. Ap 137 on premises to Mrs. Geo. Young, urham. 104 U FOR S;U4E.â€"â€".‘\ NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George sheet. North 0! Skating Rink. Durham Applx to D. Hoykins. ‘ r 2211f. FDR SALEâ€"THE LATIMER PROP- crty in Upper Town: at a bargain. Apply {0 R. J. Matthmvs. Durham. Ont. ' 3 2014pd .w a»: 2.. u t. ï¬n $5.7. .2. tad/gm ï¬zz: .55. x. 15. 22.53321 35:: 7.22. .2235.“ 2:: 422:..4. a («Elï¬ï¬wz 2.5: C>..â€".U. >4 5a. mac. 37:1 2. 2:. new :3. 2:7. » u S. ‘ \P H)“ SALF. \fECUND- HAND (hmxnlwt taming C31 in wood run- 3': n: nnh-I. \pph at tho,- Chronicle “Him 410†BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Brns. It‘s. good. Try it. I 10 if 1901’. S;\I.}‘I.â€"â€"T\\ZU HORSES. 2 SETS single harness. 2 cutters. snme loose harm'ss. \Vill 5611 cheap to quick pur-rhasvx'.â€"~.\lr.<. Charles Caldwell, Durham. 2214“ I"! m S.\LI’..â€"â€"-Il ATCH INC: EGG S Pun- ln-M hrml-tu-lay Barred RockS: mzxtml with pedigrmd L'Ockm'cl; 15 vggs. NHLâ€"«S. .l. \Vilson. Durham. Hut. 3 3-37 69d BABY (1}II(ZI{S.~-â€"l AM NU‘N TAKING nrdurs fur Baby Chicks. 50 would ad- Use :1 I “Inn (ontvmplato inning to plan“ 0 lho ix (um-1 path to insuxc got- ting ths-m at tlw timv they desiu» \\'hitn nghurns. \Vhitv \Vyamjntloa. and Baum d Rm ks. 30 wnts each; $1904! pm-lmmlmd.--â€"â€"M1.~‘.J. C. Hen- dm sun. Box 30. Durham. Hut. 3 13 U (IMMING AGAINâ€"PROF. I11. KA’I‘Z, â€111. 11011111 and \\‘11H-knc1\\'11 11y“ 81111- cialist. of Lislnwvl will {111st 11yeS at â€111 Hahn 1-.11111S11 01111111111. Tuesdav. 318V 6 will “1110\11 1131151"!!! (10111110 11111! 131131111111 I111a1lach11.11\1111 11111111 121111113 fail. :13 MM. RM 1. is knoxm I11 1111 111111 111‘ (I111 most skillwl opti- «inns in \\'1-ster11 Untariu. Special 321111111011 [151111 in ymmg pcuplv's 113115. 21111! ('1‘05‘8 1'1y1'1s. 121111111 11a1'ly in â€111 11111111101111.~-PI'Hf'. Ii. Katz. 1 M UNI ' M RN’I‘Srâ€"ANY PERM“ DP.- siring to pruvm'v a monument. m' Howling inscription wm'k dune in tho wmvlm'y. wit; a!†““011 to intvrvit'rw \V. .I. McFa'lsIvn. Um lncal agvnt. Durham. 3 20'2“ I l GAS HENRYS LAW 0FFICE.-â€" )pen e\"'m_\ day for busiugss A mem- hm of Hm ï¬lm “in be in the office (“m l‘xuosda} Special appoint- mvnts mm be inude at the office. 53t MEN‘.‘ l‘\IIUhl\(.~â€"(.L.\'T \Sl: [TS hand tailored. I am prepared to make your suit. and guarantee ï¬rst- class workmmship. My [wives arr right. Leave your m‘durs with DM. Saunders. Gnnt's Furnishm‘, Durham. â€"â€"â€"\\'. J. Hamlin", Tailor. 1171f @HEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People's Mills. 31523t WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is wet! equipped for turning out. the ï¬nest work um shaft. 0 GRAIN WANTEDâ€"BARRY, BUCK- wheat. Peas. Oats apd Mixed Grain wanted. Highest pmces paidâ€"Rob Roy Mills Limited, Durham. 112“ order. ROB ROY GRAIN PRICESâ€"We are paying gnaw .200. for Oats. 600. to â€" 0.x“ D‘IA1' ['ug Aug- --_.-\. 4 631’. for 1335155.. iééi 16 86c. for Buck- “Mat. and $1.20 tn $1325 for Peas at 0111' elevator.â€"Rob Roy Mills Limit- ed. Durham. Ont. Arnold D. Noble will ship Hogs from Dug-ham every Saturday fore- noon. nghest pnces pald. 1123“ NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham 3'.F.0. Live Ste Sax-iation will ship stack from hum on 'l'uesdays. Shipper requested to give three days' n.-R-..§ â€Amn“ M! The Durham l'.F.0. Live Stock As- s=--viation will ship stock from Dur- ham on 'l‘uesdays. Shippers. are requested to give three days‘ notice. Clifford Howell, Manager. Phone 93 r 1!. Durham. RB. 1. chine. Mrs. Ad Charles am Robertson, pmprietress. Shewell. Auctioneer. 51 2 ARTICLES WANTED SHIPPING EVERY SATURDAY Advertise in MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE mm HIN BAND RE AR INS The Best Way of flandling the Young Chick. Great Variation :In Mortalityâ€"HOW per Mash -â€" Feeding Chicag- «Contributed by {mun-10 Doeoartment ot Agncunurg Toronto.) The use at the incubator an-rl nrooder has forced the poultry keeper to study the methods of gI‘OWIUS Chlcks. A mother hen and her Drum. when allowed to range. can be ted many feeds and the chicks do Well sunply because the hen and the chic“: balance the ration by catching In- sects and selecting tender green teed. and, u may be several other tmngs that we naVe neVex' observed. Urea! Variation :1: Mortality. There is a great variation in differ- ent broods of chicks reared by me artitic1al method, and may broods have a nigh mortality and a. very unthrifty appearanCe. The cxiicas can be reared easily Willi reasonable rare and attention. The use or a little common sense is essential. One should remember that, giVen a. brooder, a cowuy house, and say three hundred baby chicks, it is the duty of the operator to keep the cmcks comfortable, and that every need 01' the body must be taken Lu those chicks. 'l‘here is no ciucking hen to pick up bits of gram! or to catch insects. The feed must be taken to the chicks. At present the department or Pom- try Husbandry at the O.A.C., is con- ducung a series 01‘ experiments, we object being to and a ssmpic, unexâ€" pensive method or growmg a normzu chicken. It may take years to get um answer, but each season we add a Little to our Knowledge. Hopper Mash tor Chicks. The mash used at the Poultry Dc- Dartment, 0.A.C., m the hoppers. ur feed moist, where the chtcks are ranging, consists of: 150 pounds 0: Corn Meal. 100 pounds ot Crushed Oats. 100 pounds 0! Shorts. 100 pounds of Bran. 67 pounds of Meat Scrap. 20 pounds of Bone Meal. The whole grain hopper feed usuo ally consists of ï¬fty per cent. each or wheat and cracked corn. 1f milk is given to drink, one-half, if not more, of the meat scraps may be taken from the mash. The pullets stay on range until ready to lay, which period is when they are about. six months of age. lf they prefer roosting in trees to the house we allow them to do so; in fact we rather prefer that. they' would roost in trees. Shade, tender green feed, plenty of clean drink, and enough to Pat. are essential. Feeding Chicks With Hens. Where chicks are being reared with hens, and have access to tender grass or other green feed, a. very good feed is raw or cooked Johnny- cake made with an egg in it. Give milk to drink, and have a quart or 5:: of gravel near the c00p to supply grit. Move the coop every few days. When the chicks are a few weeks on gradually change to ordinary feeds. With Beamâ€"“cum: o! Chick-â€" Value on Manurbâ€"Wben to Prune. Raise the chicks on new ground. Keep 03 tile old ground that has liau chicks running upon it year after year. Keep me hen free of liCe. Dust with sodium fluoride or use a small amount of blue ointment. A pieCe one-half the size of a kernel or corn. placed on the skin below the vent. will usually kill many of the lice. Weight on Chicks. One hundred baby chicks when hatched Will usually weigh between seven and eight pounds. When the chicks have reached an age or twech weeks they should weigh between one hundred and seventy-live and two hundred pounds. For sake of comparison we will take a call at birth with a weight of eighty pounds. Should the calf make the same rate of gain as the chick, it would at twelve weeks of age weigh a ton. This will help one to understand why broods of chicks vary so much, and will also assist the feeder to appre- ciate the opportunity at hand to dis- play his skill.â€"W. R. Graham, O.A College, Guelph. When to Prune. The dormant. season is the logical time for pruning, although when the wood is frozen the work may not be very agreeable to? the grower. Where young trees or stone fruits are con- cerned it is probably advisable to de» lay the pruning until late winter or early spring, but bearing apple trees can be pruned in zero weather with- out apparent injury. Pruning is t:.e one major orchard operation whica can be performed to advantage dur- ing the Winter months. At that time there are no leaves to interfere Will) the vision of the pruner, and conse- quently he is better able to Judge whicn branches shouzd be removed. Furthermore, it is only during the name: that the grower has the tithe to give to this work. Manure LS worth exactly what 11 win gave in net return,trom we m- c111. sea crops producu1.'l‘bis amount ‘ai its “ids“:y dept-nu.“ ‘" upon 11.“. quality 0: the soil, the seasoq, and the crop. The value of the manure per too is increased by umtoxm spreading, by usmg a ugbt to mm .uzz. apphcat‘wn of ten to utteen (on: set acre rather than a heavy appzwaticn. and by applying the manure to out crops, cos-u, potatoes. and hay rauu-x than ‘ to grain crops. Where bad Weeds arc- not present, unrousv: manure win prove more economical: than rotted. Paths and roads about the farm- stead not only should be as few as possible but should be kept out of mm so tar as feasible. Value of Manure. POTATO INSPECTION All! Arrangements have been made for the continuation of potato inspection and certification during the coming season. and forms of application have already been forwarded to all potato growers whose fields were inspected last year. These forms are returnable up to July 1, so that there is still ample time for :11in other growers who may desire tot submit their fields for inspection to 'write for a form and secure any particulars thm max desire in litt‘Sllf‘Ct to the work. Letters 1pos- tage free should he addressed to the Dominion Botanist. Central Experimental Farm m. Ottawa. who will see that every attention is paid to requests for forms and additional information. He will arrange for the carrying out of lllSlH‘ttlt'llS at the appropriate time dining: the seison. 'l‘wu l‘ivlll i115:.w(.°ti0ns will as usual bu made. the first as war as [Ms‘sibln to UN" blossoming period. and lllv svcnnd somv thrm‘ tn l‘mn' \vvvks lzltm'. 'l‘l‘iv standard for tho lipid in- stinction will be tlw same as that Itpplimt last yt-ai‘. amt any fields. 35 Hip wsult Hf thv two insm‘ctions. t'miml tn nwasuru up to this stami- zml. will he t'uir'sitim'ml vligiblt' fur t-m'tit‘icatimi. subject, to an inspvc- lion «'1' thv tulwi‘s at'tm' lizirx'vst. Illltl the grading out ut‘ any which may appt‘ttl' lllltlt'Sll‘ablt‘ for seed pin-- 1i()S:‘S. Sven-tnry \\'ilsnn. ul' ihv 1'. S. Doparhnmt ut' Agricultnrv. {NUS :1 Philadelphia \zwmm \x'lm was planning: lpm' gauh n {or the spring. 1-1111' 1111511111111 111111111 111111111 111111 11113‘ 111111 111111111 111111 1111111111: 11\'1111 11 9111111 11111111133111. S1111 11111111 1111111: 1191.111 81111115 1111 11. 81111111. (11' 1111111112 "This is. :1 list. 111v 1111111. " 51111 511111. 111111 1 want \1111 111 11m 1111- 11111 In- m111111\\ :11 11111 S1111111111111s§ H111 111141111111 11111k1111211 1111‘ 1181. 'l‘h1111 1111 11111g111111 1111111 111111 1111115. "\‘1‘111 want. 11111511 fl1-\\'111's 111 1111111111 this 51111111111111. 111111‘1. yum?" said 1111. "VHS. 111' 1'11111'51‘." “W11â€. 11111511 yuu 1111\‘11 put down 11111'11 111111‘1. 1111111111 1111 11111 SPPOHG 8111111111112" "()h. tha’t'snll right." llw lady said. ¢-:I.~'ily. "All right. me' is it all right?“ "1 mm mnking mp my list." shn vxplainml. "l'rnm a last yvzn-‘s mtahmu-I' NOTES OP FLOWERING PLANTS 'l‘hv hutzmical namosut' plants are usually more or less of a stumbling hluck tn tho amatvur gal-drum. Somotim’os it. happvns, although rarvly. that the Latin dvsignatiun is Imgn'v attractive than tlw Inca] name. and as easily I'vnwmhm-mi. Such is the mm- with Snulml ll‘lltll"’>‘ \\ ill lw vahml up in and including May 17. 1921. lm' a'ulling lmlll silll-s ol' tlw hill at, â€l" (Hon.- in (£101ng 'l‘uwnsllip lo a!" maximalvly 2m 8 pvr cqxlt gram". l’ax'timlurs may kw uldozzinvd from Hm Enginvcr. m' {'I'Hm thv (luunty Hmui Superintmulvnt. Jnhn Jnhnshm. l)\\'vn Sound. Mzzx'kml vthuv I'HI' .3 per cont. n!‘ :unnunt 01' tvnclm- lu :utcumpany 0am hid. (‘lwqm-s tn he made paythlv tn the 'l‘x-oasurm- of the County 01' Grow. The lmw'st Hr any tvmhir not m5- ct'ssal'lly accvmed. Owen uSond. Ont. Snalnd 'l‘cndcrs will he received by the umicrsignml up in and includ- ing: May "17. 1924. for the construcâ€" tion of the fullowing concrete hric‘igvs : 30-foot span. Lot 31. Con. H. Nor- ma nhy annsh i p : 25-fUOi. span. hit 31. Con. 11, N0?- nmnby Township; 18-foot span. Lot. 313, Gun. '11. Nor- manby Township. Plans and smxcitications with the Engineer, Ur with M. E. Murray, RR. 1, Neustadt, Marla-d choquo made payable in the Twasm-m- of tho County of Grey for S pvx‘ (mm of amount of tender. tn_a_ccnmpany each bid. 'l‘heï¬lm'vesf or any tender not no- ccssamly accppï¬cd. Silver : Black Foxes Priceville. Out. at 5100. Par Value All registered pure bred stock. Low capitaliza- tion. All comon stock. Absolutely no watered stock. Ten years ex- perience breeding. Stock from P.E.I. PRICEVILLE FOX C0. rancmue, our. Priceville Fox (10., Write for further mum": to A limited number of shares for sale in SOME GARDENING Mertensia Virginie; TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED R. (I. MUKXIGH'I‘. (lnunty Engilwm'. )nt. 5 1 3 R. (J. McKNIGHT. County Engineer. CERTIFICATION Lumen Limited the name Martensia. or Mcrtensia Virginica commonly known as \irginia (lmsiip,'1‘rcc Lungwort, andABlue B9113. This native of North America. while not. showy in the sense that‘it. immediately attracts comment from the casual garden visitor. is a Splendid acquisitiim to the perennial burder. The plant. graceful in habit. and with hrrsnzy leaves. hears clusters of blue and purple flowers on stems two feet. or so high. Combincd with ipink Darwin tulips. with mu‘ native tx‘illiuni, and With the \x'liiiv in- pale? yellow aquilâ€" ogia. 01' culnmbino. a charming effect is prudncml in tho mixml hni-ilm‘ in the late spring season. Like ilin tulip. ill disappears {mm ilw border in tliv snnimnr. lint plants or lalnr (ii-wolnpnwnt, and spi‘vmling hips. such as pm'vnninl gysnphila. Hl' slam-v. will sm-von â€ll‘ haw spills so that ilii-y will nut ho (ilisvz'Vii‘il. This Mvt'tt‘nsï¬zl. Sllnuhi 1w plank-.1 {'m- hcst. x-vsnlts in a «hum. wry rivh hut. mthor light. and WP“ drained 103m. LM'! undisllll‘hnd it will yivld an vwr-im-rvtlsin}: Imrwst nf plvasm-n in its Hum hliko'. '1'1111 \\':1_:_1'1111 $111111, \\'1111'11 11111'11'! 11111111911011 111 smz111 lawn; 1121111 111s111’11111:11'1111 1111111111311 11111<11 “11111 1111111111111 \1':1;:1111.~' 11111111111 11111111 11111111 1'11\_'1'i1'11‘1~'. \\'1111 5111111111 1111"'11111111 \\:1:.. '1111 1'111'111.<.~ 111111111}; 11111 [1111‘ 11111911 113111 11111 111ss 111111111v. 11111 11111| 1111111111111'1111111' 111' \\ :1;.11111~‘ 1111111111 11"1~":1_\ 11'11111 “1111' $111111 111x111 111 1111 : 1'11». "11111 1111\5 \\1111 \\'211111111 111151 1'111111‘1\'1111. 111111 11111 8:111111 111'111'11s‘s 1.11 1.1111111; 1111 111-1121y. \\'11 1111}' 111 11111 1'111115. 1’111'111111s \\'11 saw :1 1'11\\' 1'11111s. 111' \‘111'_\' 111:1111' \\'11 1111 11111: :11111 wry 111'11111 \\'11 :.:111 :111 1111'111'1111'. 1111sz11151'11111'11'y :11'111'111. \\'11 :11‘1- I11111111:." 11111 \':111111 111' 11111' 11\\'11 111'11- E11111'1\. \\11 11111 1111111111: 11\'111'y 1'11:1111'1- 1.1111 1‘1121111'1‘11 111\': 1 111 1111131111111: :1 111151111111 \1'111111- 111111 \11'11'11111 \\'111'11' ‘111111111'111111.11111111' 1'1111111111111s' :11111 1"“1111111 11111111' 111111111}' \\'1111111 s111'111'11 11111' 11111111 51111111 111'111‘1".< 1'111'111'111'1>. \\ 11 :11'11 1111s11'11\111;: 11111' 11\\11 mark 11 1111' 11111 11\\11 111111111115. \"1.'1' :111' 1135111111111: 11111 1111:1111111111111111 111' 1111- 1'111'111 :11'11113111111 11 \\11\\1111111 11111\ 1111 111\111 111 11111'9111\11s 31111111111'1'111111111111'. 11111\\ 111111' 11 11111111 111'11s11111'1111s 111111 1112111113 11\111 _\'111111 \\'1111111 1111, BOBBED HAIR AND BALD HEADS "l‘lw favt llmi. must mvn g'vt bald- hczuiml is attrilmtml tn llw far! that HWY @301. thvir hair vut hm ul'tml am! “In mats :u'v kiHmL A frightcmim: (tummvnt. is gtnng tho I'UUIHIS uf Um m‘vss sturtwl .hy an vditm' nf a lwuuty magazinv. “that lmhbml hair is a. surv means of causing: hahlnuss.‘ A SAVING THAT KILLS’ 'S ‘1 and lvuws 152â€"800 0350u0> 9535 a £5 22:. S «sauna $85 83. BEFORE MY Sydenham, Out. --“I took m medicine before my baby was horned itw agreat helptome astas poor y until I had started to mke it. i Just felt as though I was tired out .I the time and would have weak, faint spells. _1\_1y new? would bother menu- A- _2..LL -_ A-.. Ida-nut I was told Bet little rest, night or .6: . 3y 3 friend to take L duh E. P'nkham’s Vegetable Compoun and I orlxly poo}: a. few bottles and It helped me ' ___-_-‘.‘ nannmmnï¬a :+ *A Uluy hUVnu Av n vvvâ€"-_ v.“ wonderfully. I would recommend it to any woman. I am doing what I can to recommend this good medicine. I will lend that little book. you sent me to any one I can help. You can with the great- GAN, Sydenh am, Ont. u.--‘, v - â€"vâ€"â€"â€"__.- It is remarkable how many cases have been reported similar to this one. Many women are poorly at such times and get into a weakened, run-down condition, when it is essential to the mother, as well as the child, that her strength be kept up. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound is an excellent tonic for the mother at this time. It is pre ared from medicinal roots and herbs.a.n does not contain any harmful drugs. It may be taken in safety by the nursmg mother. .-\«M:~«l tn this is also tllc‘ fact that millinvrs haw hm] tn makv tighlm' hands fur tlw izulivs huts and this 1“ utlrilmzmi also as a cause Hf bald- nvss. It. is alsu pruphc‘sizmi that. Hw mum-m day lmluhml hc-mls would hv bald lwl'urv' Hwy l'vavhml mulm' ity. All Our Graduates have been Naomi in date and still there are calls M mwv not your mnme NOW. if you do not get. it you pay Mr n anyway in smaller earnings and lost oppnrmnilies. Enter any day. Write. «all ur phone for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford and Mount Fares: -_-“I «got your PAGE SEVEN