West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 May 1924, p. 8

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PAG '3‘“ MI >5» M2 mt 1" Master Wilford Bell of Toronto visited the Tumbull families here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Johnston of South Bentinck spent. Sundav after. noon with the former‘s brother, Mr. Robert Johnston. Mr. and Mrs”. Jogéph Alexander of Elmwood spent a day last. week with ”19.116? in 29.5mm; , Ebenezer. (Our own correspondent.) Seeding is the order of the day in this burg. Miss Rena Livingston returned on Saturday last. to resume her teaching duties at Mattawa. after spending the vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Livingston. Miss Lenore Brigham of Hanover visited her cousins. the Misses Rena and Ora Livingsgon. ‘Uh' oflicials 0f thv Epwnrlh [magma aw: FITS" Miss Mina Ed- wards: 15!, Vice. James Peurt: 2nd \ we. Miss Kate Firth: 3M \‘ivv. .10» Edwards; 4th Vice. Miss Marmrot bLfi Greenwood: Secy.-'l‘reas-_ F. R Dunn!- We 8 V W 81 00 m \ on r n e 3 Ch 8 r , M iss ._ -..V--. y§lLll, \v ll" [IIL"' at his home in Owen Sound on T ucs- tlay of last. week. lived in 0111' midst for some time many years ago. He was wedded t0 Miss Isobel Blair. daughlvx' (If the lat» Thomas Blair. in 1877; and she}. with two sons and two daughters. will deeply mourn their loss. The members of the {8-1 mily am: Albert. Buffalo: Goorgo,‘ Owen Sound; Miss Annie. at, hump: and Miss Jennie. Slum-intendenl or flu) General and Marin» Hospital at :3an Sound. The (locvased was a o'lvVOth umln-i- nf tlu- l’rosliylvrian vhum‘h and :1 Lilwrnl in pnlitics. Zinn Sunday srlmnl ‘lllll Epwm‘tli lmagmv wow Fowl-gunned after the rhurvh svrviw (m Sunday aftvrnm'in. The citl'iriuls Lillll tvzu'lu'i's fur llw vomit): sr‘ason :il‘o' : Supt... R. 'l'. Ell-: wards: Asst. Supt. H. )lnl‘iut: Spun-g l ."l ’l'ijvas" Miss Ham-l Firth: Organists MISSO'S Myl'lli' .‘lclllncklin mm.) “m . __--- - -uv-g u'tlullb lollL week-end at, the Nelson homestead. Hep hubby came for her on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. \Vill Campbell and baby boy of Welbeck, Spent the first ”1' the week at the McClocklin home. Mrs. '1‘. Ivan Edwards of Toronto who is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. M. Marshall, in town, spent a rouple of days at the Edwards home. Mr. and Mrs. John Ellison, Messrs. Albert and Arthur McNally, Mr. and .\‘Irs. ’5‘. If. Blair. and Master Norman. and Mr. .\. H. Blair. attended the funeral of their uncle, the late Peter MoArlhur of Owen Sound. on 'l‘hurswlay of last week. The llate Peter McArthur, who «live! ,5 n‘ 1.1. Pinasm'l tn ro-pm‘t that Mr. Patrick Halt-y. St. is mmmvhut rmrnvnx'm! from his room“. iHrwss. HP is \wli up in the eighties. «f ’1 My own cc_)x'1'c::p0mlcnt.) So-mling is in full swing: this \Vo-vk. Mrs. Gcnrgc Blair is mm'm‘ mmlical an”: and hvr «laughter. Mrs. L. R. Pmnk 0f l’rivnvillv is «war hnlpin: In cam for lwr. Miss Hannah Smith ‘5’ also quitn puorly. Mr. {Pu Mays of Guelph is up far a few \weks putting in tlw crop for his falhmum-law. Mr. William Firth. Air. L. B. Nichulson was in the Willing» for u {cw days recently. He ramp to mkn his car to W’eston. Mr. and Mrs, J. F. leman have: t'c-mnw'd to a farm in Bcntinck. . Tim monthly meeting ut’ the W0-1 man‘s Institute was heid at the immv nf Mrs. Petr-i0 on Thursday of f fast, ww-k. Amongst othvr‘ busirwssf '.’ vxns' (brisk-cl U» nme‘ $10.00 in priz- ! ‘S‘ («I (luv Swim”! Fair. and also Ur; offer a gum mndal for (rompvtitinn: 70 UN: hay 0r girl flbtainim: Um highâ€"i wst standing hf muse wriiing at HUI-t ~.tein in Un- noxt Humane-w vxammu-E ’inn. Many Hf tiu- farmers in this \‘ivin- .ty 1111- almost through sum-chug. Mr. Hmrgn Fulton is busy getting his bmvhng :r‘mm int” shaiw fur flu- season. i t At a joint meeting of the Trustee Board and Ladies' Aid of the Memo- dist church. it was decided to thor- aughly rmuvato- the church in the village. no work will be commenca mi about the first of June. â€"-â€"v- --w‘.fl‘4 4... Mrs. Géwtmr schram left Satuulay morning: in hko- up hm abodv in Miss Armlv Mills of Hamilton is mmullm: a few weeks \Vlth hr‘r :‘z'i‘gnd, Mrs. A. C. McPhaden. Robert' glut-amended two: recent Educational omn'entlon 111 Toronto as delegatv m the: Trustee; Depart- Irent. Next Friday is Arbor Day and the villagers are contemplating a gener- al clean-up in the park. Everybody who can should turn out and assisz. ’flm athletic grmmds have been re- fitted and are nnw in excellent shape for al! sports. Miss Mom-May of Wingham Hus- pital, was zn'isitm' with her parents. ' here on Slmc'iay. ' . _ â€"w-v \ a. ‘ Q I‘Ju’ UI lasf week. Mrs. Peter F idler went to Neusiadt recently to visit her sister, Mrs. H. Pidler, who is seriously ill. wâ€" r'; - Miss Jennie Adams, who has been :3 attendance on her sxster, Mrs. lostetter. during the past month. rethed to Grosse Isle on Friday of lag ..... ‘- PAGE EIGHT Traverston r school uni prxorth I0â€" -n'ganizcd after the - nu Sundav aftvrnonn. mt! tvzuhvzs fur Hm own correspondent ) The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses : (1) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Stair is _a Uni- versity uraduate and experrenced Teacher. ‘ I Intending u ils should prepare to enter at begipnngng of term. Durham is an aitractive and heal- !) and ood mo ‘01: i. y town . Fat mmodaufi . J A. H. BOBB, B. A” Principal. some mmson. Chairman. Mr. D. N. Clark nt‘ me Sound vis- itvd at Mr. Jack 3'l«-Dunal:i’s'0no day last \w-flk and mad» :1 short call at, n1.- old home. We Wish to oxtmu! a wnlmme M Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher McLean 0f Holstoin, who haw come to make their home on this line. Mr. and Mrs. James Ewen ‘and fa nlil‘. snent Si‘ndgu \I~;‘l. Il‘ v vâ€"-- (Our myn correSpondent.) MI. and MI“. Hank Hind of Dur- ham spent (mod F1 Max \\ ith Mr. and Mrs. Jamns iwvn. .\ lill'gnhumbel‘ fI‘nm this line at- lvmlml the funeral of the late Mr. William Sharp of Haml’nlvn lax: \lenvsday afturnfmn. . School I‘O-olwncd at IVO. i on 'l'uvsday. April 29. Miss Thuell. thv lvachmz rwlurn ml Mnnalay mummy-r. Mr. Robert Dii‘kson of Glcneden Visitmi his frimuls on this lino this , \W'flk. Snm'y tn hvar that. Miss Margaret Putty. Mr. Jamvs “’0er and Mr. Andre-w Marshall aw indismzsnd at prosont. Mr. Tom MvNiccn has ciispnsod my a (-1')nsi«lm-ahle amount of swoct. clu- wz- 9pm this week. No doubt hp will now wtiru and live a life of case and luxury. - DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL (Um- mvn correspondent; Mr. and Mrs. David Lm'th of town visitmi with Mr. and Mrs. D. Mar- shall and attcndml svrvim» at. Knox (-hurch 0!) Sunday. The monthly nu-uting: of “I”. will tn- [Md :1! lhv Mrs. David Lamb, Almrq'lwn. Mr. Jm' Davidson 10“ 11 “590k {n spend a while at R: . _ .__- "‘3" . yuuu'. LU make m' home on thxs mm. '11-. and Mrs. Jamos Ewen and fa- ly spent Sunday with Mr. and 3. Walter Clark. B: (Our own correspondent.) Wu :n'u hm'im: coal spring \meu-r mm: 'l‘hv sun is 5:» warm it is help- in:_: In hustlu Hu- scmling t1.)pm‘at.i0ns. “'c arc glad to l'cpm't littll" (lamp, he-H vau mum-vssing wry favorâ€" ably aftcr tho onwz'ation on his ear. in which hc tank inl'cction aftct‘ tin- scal'lcf. chcl‘. MN. Rumhlv and sun. accompanicd by Miss) Isahcllc Lawsun Hf Toronto. n...1n---~ A- ' What alum! night far {rum Rama‘s «m Sunday. S“1'1"." In l'O‘IHH’t. Muster Gauge “-810 UIMI‘I' HN' slu(_-t,e3r’s care. Say. haw ynu gut your house- rtivzminf: thins“: is thu usual greetâ€" Elli-I. Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Stewart vis- EM! with his father. Mr. Alex Stew- :trl. I‘micm Cvntx’c. «m Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William McEachcm and Miss Nvlliv. Haw visitvd at Mr. ‘D . Mr. mu Burnett, .;c.. ‘i'isitcd at’ fifl’zarlns Walv‘s Sunday. i .‘Jrs. Dnzvll had a wry successful. Winning bun oxlFridny last. ; Mrs. (:mrgv Scott 15 home again *al'tm- an absvncc of smm-al weeks. Rm: and Mrs. Snil'lur motored l0 ;:')m-n Snuml 4m FI‘ltl-j)’. ‘ Mrs. Gmrgn Matthews of Toronto :vfsitl-d with her pzu'nnts. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong. last week. Little Miss Elva Hendry \‘isitml with Miss I‘mreen Scott last, week. lliwly stir in the Village Saturday «Council mveting. 'l‘ho anrm‘s Institutp will hold llwir annual meeting \Vednesday' m-xl at Mrs. \X'alv’s. Before the in- sizzllaliun ul‘ officers, Dr. Snealh will noltlrvs; llw ltulivs. .‘11. W ill McKinney is framing and putting 11) a «irhing shed for Mr. John Lam fiuamp Ilullvge. aaaaaa Miss \‘iulr‘t lfibamish. Proton Con- li'i‘. Visited Over the wank-end With Mr au_qf.__.\hx<. McKmuPy. {Our own Eorrespondent. ‘- fwrv “up smilin". Great weather. Caz-s running. Seeding in fun suing. (20ml (0 1w :1]i\'.9 __-..- v.-, v- “umyuull. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Park and daughter. Miss Lillie, were visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reav. Mrs. John Bailey and daughter, Miss Reta, spent an afternoon recent- ly with thv formers‘ daughter, Mrs. GPHI'SP Bray. . .quvaC Master Lee! Johnston spent an en- joyable afternoon Saturday last at the party given by his cousins, the Henderson. c‘h-ildrep, 9f Hangpdgn. ‘1‘ Mrs. James Lii’inééiiin of Hgmilton spent a few days recently wnth her sistcrfx 51139. W24. Livingston, reds} Wilson 0! 15'1me to our snctmn. Where she W111 teach the remamder of the term. Reg; wagon of_E-lmv10/0d, to rm Lamb, Almmlown, May 9. w Dawdsmx 11'“, here last §pnnd a while at Rnchestnr. Aberdeen. Rocky Saugeen thnut a flat tire Sunday l'rnm hum»?! Hopeville. ting: Hf ”In 17.1". 5:: {ho homo. 0f Priceville (Our oxxn (forwspondent 3 0110:) again Eastm‘ holidaxs mm :1 Hum: u! tlw lust and with tlw holi- «ims mm! ”1' mm vmmg‘ {Hiks haw rutmnmi m Hwi 11- “ml; Miss MCI arlanv and Miss Jullv aw lumk again hum Hwit‘ I‘oesln_~cti\v humus afh r hnliclam‘. ' Em hbur will iii-(3‘; txon IS available. ‘ .3 S r; - ,, - . ' "" '_‘ "“1” V‘ wucvcw In in by zm'uubes, {3112,3811 ers mud: :23 2:13: :mch, before the alt servme was started tom; two days atgthe I": ~-« V‘s .. n:y , ’, - o "r 9.; 5.333;;13‘3‘f‘jmy 13%;}; $1; §emca to the Gold Fields will be i'egula five people tc’r'ai;”ifeii;$§;:‘§§ to my“? ’ firge flying boa‘ts Gamble 0f carving This ser ion 26% {c h w‘fi 1‘ .mee a Canadlqn Pacxfi‘c trame at Angners. ' «n ;_ _ 1 elmxnate the hardshlps of tee pas; and enable Prospect-em asa‘toumcts to travel to the Rouyn Mining District in less the?! an hour WI“ 1r-:‘-£!2(‘.-‘- r-n-vnlm- Qi-nnc. “a".-- 4.1.--- -h- _-_ . U ,, _ --_- r._..., “em“: uvntl mac qufuze, wuowmg Pne water course to Lake Expense, â€"â€" one sees from the air how appropriate as its name, -â€" thence north for some fifteen miles up the Ottawa River and further north over one of its tributaries to Lake Fortune and Rouyn, upon nearing which the plane leaves the glorious rolling clouds and gradually sinks until once more the water tumps the bottom of the hull, checking it with sudden jerks which tend to slow the boat until it stops within a few feet of tie-up. One wonders how the pilot could, at such a speed, have judged his distance so well. But then he does the same thing more than once each day bringing to the new Gold Fields of Quebec, in fifty minutes, passengers and supplies which, before the air service was; gfarfofl +ML- 4mm Am". .0 mm “Contact!” “Contact!” The last audible words between pilot and mechanic are spoken, and with stentorian roar of engine and propellor the giant, human and ba ge freighted plane, glides swiftly over the surface of the Quinze. One 1' the churning waters tumping at the bottom of the boat until momentum has increased to such extent that a touch of the “stick" causes the Vickers Viking to slowly rise. ‘ ' Two turns in as many minutes and the passenger, having adjusted his goggles and seated himself more comfortably, rs, at first cautiously, over the side of the pitkandgfarbelow him lies the ittle town of Angliem- Hm L.._J .3 LL- 11--., ‘1' One Flies to the North THE DURHAM CHRONICLE -â€" v..v ‘vvu.’ LL ILLIIILL§ LII-1301 [L0 111 1655 (A1 ular steps where they are requlred and acc0211;-.:> ms. HUgh Vaughan Jr spent a fen davs \xith hm grandmother, Mrs. Mchnald 0f Bivcrsdalo who is wry L itk. days at her home here. Miss Marion Boyd. returned to Toronto. where she 18 aHmdmg the Normal 'sclmol. y 1.3%,: mg .. '-»,.. '. and The very fact that. so many municipaii’ties are this year, launch- ing into street, paving is evidence that the present is the opportune time for Biyth to begin. With no provincial highways under con- struction this year, there is abunâ€" dance of cement and other material required in road making to he had at. a much lower price than in past. years and Harriston, Teeswater.1 qt tthe Ijoad will cost, and further n..- v--v- determine the Buiiiay" on those sections of the road that wme first considered by Council. Altruism, in most. mm. deveIOps the point of tolling- what to do [0:- a had cold. A. I. -,Henry a former lesidu Grey County, near 0“ en Sound at his home at Grand \i0\\ 3 on the 91h inst. He “as hum in county in 1854 and went. W052. Griswold, 33311., in 1889. Parkhill, Cli’nton and many places. are taking advantagt‘. conditions. x ”mm. Kay 1, 1924. 0f tho “0V0;- ‘ \' nu We had (he plvasmw u all“ uqe ('Im k 011 I 1 . w . mlnMPDF'qunhx . “at. is a decided mm 11\ .2 1‘10 clock in questinn 1~' ‘ gm all the “heals. \\ 11h .1.~ km of One. haxim: Iwm ... HANDMADE CLOCK MA! STILL KEEP GOOD ma Interesting Antique W : els and Fine H1: At Town’s Jewelr) Sm t the citizvns mm. are not hum; HM. Sen-100. Thorn ls n11 . ' any (‘lm‘h'ir ~‘tw: none at all. :au that ”10 MM‘ nothing: mm'v Hwy It will 1w 1 h”, H (:03! oil lamns 1H\\ particulmh 1:11;.- enerav In (NH 48} Will a"! (Hun: Hum night sorviw “hut? Sumo tinn- 3': “BS il]t('r'\'i“'\\' 1 sion m) ”1w pm. System [flamm- submith-d by H. 511“. Hm \‘ill:i;.'«';' proposal ”1' hm system \\'n,~' in'n V0“) un Tum. I‘atepayo')‘,~ le‘!‘ lighting. TIN" \‘Min: :1: I}: an Tuvsday UH H“ the \‘ilklg‘v ime resultmi in :1 \utw Of “10 pl'flpth'vf, ‘AYTON CARRIED BY-LAW FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICE Mr. Mmm has. as \wll. mu sidemhlv nnm‘mmnvm 2:: In here and is [WW LUMP!“ [MW-WW 0V0? (H ('HU'Y [H HI" \\1H!l~ public in his linv. Ho. ;< :1 «.w chinist. and \w haw um um beforv IHm: luv MN wnjw§ ; larger trmlv. HMMM‘ iwm: : machinist. Mr. Mun“ aim w: implemvuts and 41mm mm! M! chinory. He- xs :1 firm :u-‘w prinlvr's ink am! «mama :« adV’crtivaw-m m 'l’iw (Linus; tell Of his \\':1!‘*‘~. 988W. .\1 MW hm! 3! xx 3!‘ Huh 2 Jnaks‘shift amcl ihv Ht“ mi- w = {I .1 far unly :x mm mm. This 11v“ mmhinv M M! \lmm WI” 11) ll.» HM. 1mm umxv H [H :u H ! : 3 i cally 2H :mml as HP“. and u- m- . kniu‘s um! cutting Imx' :m- :de1 the “My ptil‘t._ 0f Hu- nmrhmo- Hm" goes “Tang, It will lu- wry httlw; troublv (n vxlnnsv in lm‘w ‘znx um, wornout m'm‘w [mt m guni 41:11“: that mmht HHN‘HHM‘ 1w Hiram“ away. 83 i '1 I l Mr. I". \‘f. MHHJL mwm ‘Itn' Durham film-him» Shnp h Huth “‘3‘. [‘l‘ugl'1"*'i\'v‘. 71? I '1 ' insiallm! n: his premium :1 m np-tn-dnh' Izm'n numw' :4: This nm-hmn shuuhi wow :I tar hit Hf ll'lm'llilh'l‘}‘ mu! slim a matm' (If runsidvt'ahlv mvnn Mr. Mann and a smmg 1.. 1h.- dents 01' ”w town and \ xmlmy most anymw knows \u'mt u m: it is in try in slmrpwn u [mm In the old way. \\'i”l «41er 1mm LOCAL MACHINEST INSTALS £ LATEST TYPE MOWER GRINDER: well lvlv:l~‘wl\\'11h 113c- lfiOI'th‘tl and \HHI HI and invaig'wm :hM!‘.-~~ Rec! uwr. The luchn'vr'. \x‘lww 2,; ,. not know. gm'u H mm! ‘;‘- address. and {h In- \\':~ ' party that Iilmml Hi!‘ {I.«'I}.I was. 3MP 1H f.'I\c' hl~ itvf. hand im’nl'mulinn. 'l‘iu- ; are propaganda mm- and ~ '1 the Canadian Nutlwnni {in iv have how“ c'\iiii!lt«'a1 -*\!"' the linihd $133“ ‘1.- glm.’ I“: campaign Mr ihw tum»: 71:. : slafl‘ ft‘mn ho-i'v “th :Ht‘ . \:1 ' \ It was tho nmfmn ;: ever, that xx. 1m Hw mm .1. tho t\\H lln‘m views 01' mum. 1m 1:: i~ . Wle. “SHIN" M‘wmw w Park and m ”.Hw Vuuy‘. with a m w. .. ~ ~ x, would In. \i. \s. .1' 1\ “'1‘. P383111" “H'HH‘P’II ‘IHx‘itn berm. $8, and Hm Hzneru‘ \ dlence (m a (tin £1": Prince Rupmt :mi \' the C.N..R ash-m. 1‘. stops wcrv mudw u: .z of many [mints Hf w. all__the inuu‘n'imn we; ‘ LOCAL C. N. R. STAEF WENT To THE MOE/HES or the“ C..\'.n. 'I'pfrl (OBSls-‘ttd «)1 km! the principal v1! 1. < : $113.31“! thn m n. Luanda! Movie and ~. 41.; Palmerston Tuesda; A; 4 The local“ Maw .44“ ;;,. . Ngtgional Railxx:1y.~. me {mm (mm 144%: :4..- lionmen, “Mn :.1 I :4 '11: Jay afternmn 44)) m A .4 many t“ \h“ 74 Il‘- in slow and h'ston 2» :4 ;. ered by (W m- 444.. . . I. even the dial twin; 1 2n nicely decorated in H .- u.- .5 being questinnmi Mr; ‘: . that, the clock xx as 11w [1'3 (DP) Jamieson uh. gurl P m an antique Shup it i Er " 'one Of the beSL 1)]! t «N I»! 15:11 kWe hove pvor had 1h. m \ i'u Lamas, and the man \\ 1m mt i! Q real artist with (h. knito ' 57.â€"-â€"NO. th 1h NH l H: his [H'vpill'm ll H 1d 967. l musrm Ml Inmv Hunky 1V5 Mum, Hlmn H HI Ill

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