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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 May 1924, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Published every Thursday morning at the office, Gararraxa Street, Dur- ham, Ontario, by W. Irwin, Editor and Proprietor. The Chronicle is mailed to any address in Canada at the rate or $2.00 per year. 81.00 for six months. 50 cents for three months. To any address in the Unit- ed States of America. $2.50 per year, 31.25 for six months. % cents for three months. Foreign SUDSCI‘iptiOD rates on application. Member Canadian Weekly News- papers Assocxatxon. That. tin-r4- arn inconsiderate em- plt")y6'!'>: W0 shall not attempt to deny. nor can “it: for a moment en- tertain Hm thought that employees are ah'vuys trying to give the best sex-Virus. 'l'ln- shirko-rs may be exceptions, but that We vxm‘mtinus new exist and always «lid c xist no (emu can well oleny. The right type «it emplmee lines iml [Wm] 11 bOJS to keep him at work. Such a man will do his work. im mallet- where the “boss" is. Duty is his aim and to do his «luty «lcg'wsn‘l need an overseer. Farmer .lnlm, as an employee, and later as 1 ¢_-111pln)yer' of farm labor, has full 'nowledge of his subject, the knowledge gained by experience, and what. he says is worthy of con-- sideratioq. Harmony is a big factor in getting the best results. The boss doesn’t know everything; neither does the hired man. and to harmonize the ctifl'eronm-s of opinion it is often necessary to compromise. The boss ~11th he' rourteous and should ex- pect mmrtesy in return. Our sym- pathy '15-: always on the side of the employin- with an overbearing and uncouth lmss. In last issue we had a racy" article on "Tho.- Hil'ord Man" by Farmer John whn fur years has been an occasional unntributm' to this paper on farm tomes. .\ perusal of the artical will show that [w Views the hired man LIQUOR CASES .. AT WILLIAMSFORD Not One Conviction Made Out of Five B.O.T.A. Charges Made. problem {mm different angles, and rightly comes to the cvnclusion that the best results are nbtainable only when empluyer and employee are in suvli hzu'mOny that each is inter- ested in Hu- snccess of the other. - 'l‘lie hirml man or any kind of em- ;ilfiyo-o- ran not possibly give the best that. is in him to an inconsider- ate Hr Him-hearing “boss”; neither ran the moist considerate employer of laimr Iunk with complacency 0n the viaiployee who uses all his efforts "J 2: work Almhsl the entire male population Hf the Villain" nl' \Villiamsl‘nrcl was nut Mn Friday afternoon anol (ren- sitlo-rahlv excitement, prevailed during the clay as a. result. of the six vases whirl: were heard in a special sittinz: ut' the [relive «'Ourt with His Worship Magistrate (Ii-easnr en the bench. Fiw at the cases were of the B. U. 'l'. .\. charartvr. with Inspector Matt. H. Beckett. as prosecutor. while Mr. H. H. 'l‘urker was the defending mnnsel. The session was held in the little 12.x“ shanty formerly used as a lodge room by a now extim't fraternal suciety. and every corner Hf the runm was filled, and great interest was manifested in the prm-emlings. It. proved to he an unsuccessful alto-moan fer Inspector Beckett. hmvex'er. as nut a single t-nnvictinn was recorded. the evidence in earh case not being sufficiently strong to warrant the Magistrate in convicting. A D oi“;- ‘,‘_ "'\ ‘vâ€"â€" ---__ ._ \r Four, 111 the- 1asos arose out of some tumble which occurred on the (masion of :1 dance which was held Bash-1 .VlondaV night in aid of tlw ham hall tram. and while some of tho Voting invn VVho attended tmranw :1 lvit noisy and may haV’P indulgml 111 a little moonshine liquor prowihtls‘ to their going to tho liillll't‘ illc'l'o‘ “as not Pliough PV'ltit‘llt‘t' tn show that. tho: \V‘el‘f‘ intoxirnto-zl and they VVoro dismissed. 1' 11111 1.: H1.“ arrnss-d ll: 1111M Bridgett. failed to 11111 in an appearance and it. VVns 1111111111“ that ho had lrtt tor parts iinknoVVn n. lhe principal liquor raw was the rhargt- against, \V'm. Mum-1- ot‘ haVing liquor in :1 1111.11 11; 'lm than his (lVVPlilllL'. to VVhirh l11- pit‘atlt‘ti not gnilh. This rasv 11101111191! “11' "1 mtor part of ilm attn'nm 111 and lns1 motor Beckett tong, ht. hard for a 10m 11t1on holieV- 1113.: that tho amused was smiltv. 'lh1~ pri 111 111111 .Vitness VVas :1 Vnung 111111.111111111-l \V 1» t8 V'r‘ars old. who SVV'IiI'é‘ that ho had four drinks of VVhiskvV ianvnth of tho moonâ€" shino 11141111111 ”111 proprrtV of tho 110f1‘lltlt‘ it on SatmdaV April 12. and that as the result of his drinking this VV hisko‘V hP ran into a telephone pole \Vllllv dxiVing along the road tOVV ant Holland Centre the same evening, Moore went. into the box and denim! the whole story and swore that he haJ had no liquor on his premises for over two years. and his evidence as to giving liquor to young Wise was corrobor- ated by a younger brother. The evidence of W'ise and his father was not. impressive and showed some. spite and the Magistrate in dismissmg the charge expressed the ooiiiion that the evidence was msufhcxent. Provincial Constable Jones had a young man named Jack Walsh up Thursday, May 8, 1924. nu- must pay for the least THE HIRED MAN .-\.~‘ tho rvsult of snmo‘ (if le facts which were deduced in the Mom» case another x‘oung man is being charged \xith selling liquor. but. the case “ill not 110 heard until some time next. woek. 1 Last. weak we published the news m’ Um death of Mr. Arthur Adlam at. Chnboygan. Mich. This may]; we grin» further infm'nmtion. as con- tained in The Chflmygou Democrat. It says : 1‘01 «h min: h‘is mutm (-al‘ at a rock- lows latt‘ of spped «in the highway and «in his pleading ,miltx was fined $10 and costs. FULLER FACTS RECEIVED 0N DEATH OF ARTHUR ADLAM “Death mulmi tho suffm'ingrs 0f \IUHH \cllam at plmpn u‘clock anlm PH‘lliIlg. attm' sewxal weeks sutfnring hum u mmplimtlon or disuasvs. Mundav peritonitis «knolâ€" npml \xhivh (ausml his loath. x-gm :ndless of all tlw skill. mmlica] at‘tvntinn. and .zm' that mum he dnnO. “Deceased was burn in Beniinrk tmvnship. county Grey. but... in 1886. thus leaving him thirty sevenl years Of age last December. Twenty? years ago Arthur At‘llzlni rame to (Zheboygan anol rmnmenceil werkin: at the, Chehoygnu paper mill where he has Sim-e, been employed as machine tender until a few weeks before his death when he accepted :i pnsition on the railruatl at Plyâ€" mouth. becoming ill while there he returned to his heme nn April 11. where he has been confined to his l)t‘(l. ‘ "In June, 1907 he wa< united in marriage to Miss Lula Penuyer (if this city. To this union three. children were born, Herbert, Ethel and Edna who are left with the mother. to mourn the less of the. husband and father. ‘ ‘BéTbIdPS“hhfanlllV ho is survivml by hxs father, Robert Adlam at Toronto. Ont. {brothgy Geoyge a‘nn AV-" a sister. M115. Harry Kennndx. also of '1‘..01'0nt0 The fathm au‘ixed Tuvsday afterpoon. "Mr. and Mrs. "Will Fryman of Plx nu.»utli Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pc5nnwr and children of Pl}m0uth. Mi. and 3118. Kenneth Peuoyor and son of Rapport. Mi. and M15. lohn Splvntz of Alpena ariiwil Tunsilm to attend the funmal. "Funeral services were.» iwlti 'l‘hm‘sday at t\\«)- thirt} from the lump. Row. 12nd» of the Conglom- tinnal chuxch officiating at the humv 'l‘hn Masonic order 11min: charge of tlw services at Pin Hill CPmPtQI‘y. " TWO Mtg-FOREST Thieves Steal Horse and Buggy to Remove Loot. U11 Priclax night of last. week the men s clothing store of J. \V. Tanner, Main street. Mount Forest, was h1oken into bv burglars. who gained an entrance 1)} breaking the glass 1“ e1 the back dom. After helping themselves to clothes they _went from Mr. Tanner’s cellar into Mr. Mail‘s toba‘cco store and helped themselves. From there they went over to the livery barn of Armstrong Hunter and mm: a black horse and buggy from there, _ Mr. Noonan. driving from Harris- ton to Mount Forest about two o’- clock Saturday morning, passed a covered buggy and black horse on the road. and it is thought that it is the one wanted at Mount Forest. Chief Crin gle of the Mount‘Forest police is busy on the case and hOpes to trace the culprits. STORES ROBBED Three 4 hatham bank clerks plead- ed guilh last week to the theft of 20.000 in Standard Bank funds, made restitution and W818 released on suspended sentence. Safe- on ackors broke into the store of William Mackie, Beamsxille. and into the hydio office. The combinâ€" ations were knocked off the safes. but. nothing Was taken. Dr. Bateman. (ix-mayor of Strathâ€" r0}. look mix \nmica. a poison. in mistakv Mr :1 tonic. Though seri- nusl) ill. it. is expected he will 1'0- COV'CI‘. mwn Sounflsl new \ocational School buildin" is no“ completed. with thv oxcoptinn of a fe“ minor changes. Angola Bnlvlti. a three-year-old (:unlph child. was found dead‘on th six-vet. near his home. Medical vxzunixmtim disclosed the fact, that his nmrk was broken. intimating that hr- had been struck by a motor car 01- othm' fastâ€"moving vehicle. Henm Mismier of Elmstead, near \\ imlsor \Vas instanth killed when hit by :1 (LP. R. passenger train. He was 65 -years 01d. Southampton brass band is to be Pia-organized. Building peljmits issued at Owen Sound for Aprii amounted to $42,000. It was announced last week at, Philadelphia that the John Scott medal and $1.000 prize for the most important scientific discovery of the year has been awarded by the Am- erican Philosophical Society to Dr. F. G. Banting of Toronto, for the dis- covery of insulin. The first piece of chemical stone- ware to be made in Canada has just been completed in the University of Saskatchewan. It was made entigcly of clays found in Saskatchewan. Jose; 111 Biznaw was taken into custodw at Port Arthur in connection uith tho murder of John Swan and his \\ ifo near Fort F l‘fiflCiS some days ago. Twenty ships cleared from Fort William with grain in one day last wonk. the total amount taken being 2.447.000 bushels. Two burglars hid themselves in the" hnme of George Burns. Chatham. and. as he entered. held him up and relieved him Ofsix dOIalrs. New York bandits got $48000 in tin? hold-ups. Sainia is in the midst of a building boom, the number of dwell- ing permits for April being a feature: Sir Louis Davies, chief justice of Canada. died at Ottawa May' 1, aged 79. Interment was made Saturday, BishOp Roper (Anglican), having charge of the services. Nflkd! John MeInnis of Shallow Lake. a war veteran. died in London HOSpital last Thursday. Interment with milâ€" itar} honors was made Friday at Shailow Lake. The deceased went overseas with the 248th Greys and returned in 1919 suffering from shell shock and gas poisoning. W. B. Leeds, son of the late Amerâ€" ican tinplate king. and husband of Princess Xenia of Greece, will at- tempt the trip; England to America. in a 60-foot, fishing smack equipped with a 60-horsepower motor. Samuel W‘ard of St. Vincent To“ 11- ship. formerly of Lion 5 Head is charged with a serious offence against. a girl under sixteen years of ages Rev. Alex. Donaldson, tormerl of Gobden. was inducted. into E on Presbyterian church last week. Short News Items of Local Interest THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Figures mmpiled bv officials Slum that 5.000 1958 than last war haw: made income tax returns Miss .M‘. Merle Sheppard, formerly of Thamesville. Ont, is now a law- yer at Flint, Michigan. Miss Shep- pard went to Flint fourteen years we as a steuographer. Montreal police performed their time-honored function- of capturing the Socialistic red flag at the May Day parade in that city. Edward Miller was sentenced at St. Thomas to three months to two vears for the Iohbery of the Pere giarquette railroad station at Shed- en Hensall district, in Huron County, is going into cucumber growing this year on a large scale. Farmers of the district are each contemplating "1‘0“ m‘r 5m eral acres and will sell them to a pickle- making firm. Building permits at Guelph for Apm this year are only half those taken out. for the same. month last year. ‘ Chmmr lrzmsmrtation of coal f mm Western to Eastern Canada i: asked by a petition signed by 28,013.“ people in Western Ontario and Alâ€" her-ta. and presented in the Commons at Ottawa by V\. G. Raxmond (Liberâ€" al Bxantfmd‘. Australia’s two 11.9“" war cruisers will he completed 111 1927. ‘\ In an address to the Ontario Mu: nicipal Electric Association at Kit- chener, Sir Adam Beck urged all public bodies to aid him in the St. Law rcncc Ri\ er pi‘niect. No mace has yet been had of the missing American round- the-war” fly 015. \1 ho disappeared after taking 031' at Chignik, Alaska, fox Dutcfi Hatbm. 400 miles away. During the past week viole‘nt earth shocks hm'e been reported by mâ€" strumonts at Toronto and St. Louis. Live hogs ......... . ....... $7 .50 Wheat .................. 95 @ 1.00 Oats ........ \ ............. 45 @ 50 Barley ...................... 60 @ 65 Buckwheat ................ 75 @ 85 Peas .................... 120 @ 1.25 Hay ................... 10.00 @1200 Butter ..................... .25 E225 ....................... .20 Pbiatoes . . Hides ‘ ..... Sheepskins Q. or, V J DURHAM MARKET Veteran Star Theatre TWO SHOWS :8 and 9.15 PM. FRIDAY-- SATURDAY Century Comedy “ALL OVER TWIST” “The Gossip” Gladys Walton _i n... (CU . In...” .0..........l“....... 8.3 DQ.‘ ................ n‘ 1" K“ w ‘. ........... 50c. May 9-10 Corrected May 8, 1924. câ€"A ' 4‘ J ' I“, ' " I) 'K“?, XVWW .It is understood three or tour apâ€" thgpogs are in Athe hands of $119111}: D. M. Jérm3'n for the position of turnkey at the Bruce County 3311, made meant by the resignation of Walter Cowley. who \3 as appointed to the position in M33.19:23.1he pOsitionp will 11339 to be 111101: at once. The Meaford Mirror says lnat it is possible that a new shoe factory may locate at that place. A guarantee of bonds for $25,000 is asked. Meat‘ord’é‘ new band leader, John Cowie, arrived from Gravenhurst, last week and has already taken pes- sessio’n of his barber shop, 1):.11'chased from Libby Chambers. - Thurnbury and Clarksburg Boards of Trade hetd’ a banquet. at the Beaver Valley Inn. Ctarksburg. at which representatives were present. from Coltingwood and M'eaford. (lollingxx'ood had a fire Saturday week when the roof was burned off the plant of the Grey Spring Fac- tory. Alfred Deadman 01‘ 6111110311111 was tried at 51111 1101‘ 011 a charm 111‘ 1111- tempted :11 5011 and acquitted. The \Vvlland Canal is upon tmigy Port. Colhm'ne from now 011 will he in daily touch with Cuharâ€"St. Catharinos Standard. If he sells out. for money. that‘s. rascahty; If he sells. Out for Votes. that‘s p01111cs.â€"â€"-.Lirrsoy .Mux‘nal. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. S. McCumbe of l’alnn‘rrslon. and her three daughters. Mrs. H. Punnotl Dolrnil, Mrs. Mitchell. Chiâ€" cago. and Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Brown. Palmerston, also Mr. Thomas. Monro. of Woodstock, nmtorcd 11p to the home Of Mr. Juhn Burgess and Spent. 'l‘uvsday evening with their rela- livos. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ham'cy 01' Arthur spent. a couple of days last wok with their daughter, Mrs. ’W. A. Mcmman. ‘ 3119.911111111 Robertson returned 1111 15111-sc11ax 110011 from Burlington and \1111 11111151111 in 1.111111 until the hey, 1nâ€" 11111g 111' the 1111011. Mrs. 11111112113011 13 holding a sale of 11131‘ 11011313110111 of- 1'11013 1111.11 Saturday. the. 10111 11151.. \liss Mmgarct, Yiir‘a 0f the Mount, ‘10"04 Busiiws s College 11:13 xx on 1111.- 111011211 medal. with 11011015. Miss 'l‘l'uax and Miss Brow} at- Londvd the midsummer mlllmel'y mw_11ings_ la_s_t V} 90k. in Townm 'Ml's fM. M. Marshall returned 011 Mondav e-vening from \isiting 1101 daughter, M1‘S.W.Heughan, atMil- verton. Mrs. A: Alexander was in Toronto and Hamllton over the week-end. Mrs. A. G. McComb went to New Hamburg Monday to \‘iSit her father. M 1°. Peifer, wh0_js sepiouslx ill._ Mr. am Mrs. Hamilton Allen have returned" rom Edmonton. Alberta. where they spent the past three or four months visiting their daughter, Mrs. A. W. Davis. Mr. Allen reports Every Day Is Bargain Day THE PEOPLE’S MILLS Bran Shorts Feed Flour Oat Chop Crirnped Oats Mixed ChOp Mixed Grain for Poultry Food \\ Blatchford’s Calf Meal , Pig Meal and Poultry Feeds Our Feeds are of the Best Quality, and our Flour is Guaranteed. Prices right for Cash Highest Price Paid for Wheat delivered at the Mill Goods Delivered in Town Every Afternoon Phone 8, Night or Day. The People’s Mill Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour White Lily Pastry Flour Wheat Cereal and Rolled Oats, JOHN MCGOWAN AT 1111111.. \1111) 11111111, 111: !111 “114 MrT. 101111 Pain) 11f l’z1l1111~1.-t .111 L5 Visiting 111111 b1111tl111 1. M1. «1.111113 Jucksch. MGSSL'S. P.Cx'ag;111111 211111 “1'. l). H. J:1111i1:1..~:n11 are 011 :1 1110111: 1111.1 111111 to U111 timber limits of H111 11111111111 Furniture Company 1111 war .-\l;.:11!‘-- qujp P1111112: _ Mrs. J. M. Bm'gvss and .\'E:~;~. .I, I? Irwin, delegates tn tlw mmnui I’m-- Vincial conventitm ul‘ the HULK. :.' Hamiltun last wwk. haw X't‘fHE'I‘J‘v‘ and report. a plwaszmt trip Whii. in Hamilton 1110" were dinm x :uowh of MI‘. and MI‘S.I. P. \\lwl.m\\1m welcomed them and did all in the}! power to make their \‘iSiL a plvusun-i one. Mr. and Mrs. \Vholan. hnth um residents of Durham. nevm' fuwm the old home town and its wsidcnts. We regret to learn of llu- simian: illness during the past coupln to' weeks of Mr. Joseph A. Bi-uwn. \\'h« has been suffering from a svwrv cal. and is confined to his bed. M Brown conwted a chill while at work and was quite ill for a time. He “row on Mav 15th,1917, “Ex en ixieuicine I tried p-rm mi useless until a {riend inducedp me to take ruit-a-tixes.’ I began to mend at onee.A{1er using this fruit medicine is: hree months, I was back to normal. I haxe nexer h ..d such goml health as I have enjoyed the past six years. \‘fe are never withnut a box of ‘Fruit- a-tivms’ in the hou so.” V1 tiling again on Sep temher 27th, ‘923, \m Deigatx saw, “I >11mdhy my 11-tter to you in 1917~I stifl recommend ‘Fruit-a-tives'.” Fourteen years ago, Mr. James S. Delgaty, of Ciibert Plains, Man., was a nervous wreck. His system was shattered by Nervous Prostrulion, and he was reduced in weight from 170 to 113 pounds. ' Health Restored by The F mil: Treatment Q. ' “Fruit-214' 1‘. cs 18 a complete fruit treatment ixing made of the. juices of fresh ripe frults and tunixt‘s. 25c. and 50¢. a bo.\*~h fur F3 50* at t z uf: ms or sent postpaid a; wit- a-tivcs Li‘Tlith, Ottawa. Thursdny, lay 8, 192‘. Durham, Ont. (Our own correspondent.) A! tlw :mmml vlm'tiun Hf ufl'n in 1,110 MPHHNHS‘ Sunday svllnnl. fullmx'ing \wrv vie-Mm! fur ”w «m ing ,w-m': Hun. Supt” \V. H. Ii: “‘ " “"‘ - t-J c....o Slim... \V. " Richard.“ In AA::=:;A 7:... A... ./. : Hafiz} ._,A::..L::. T: 32.; A..:Lf. :. 2.? .A. :. .A.â€"2.11:...2A_.r.......A 2?... 2AAA...._.... 2.7.. 22. 2A.? A.. 2.32;...2. .2: 7:21.. 22.. A. A.A.._::. 73f. 22V. ATEV 2...! A... 0 teach the youth 0' the country justice should see (‘unudzL Th Teachers' Fedorat‘nn a “73th 1110 idea. of ('m'!‘: respect under which i! the Foderanon. :u-mrdi trip to Victoria. B. «p. fion as a personally ("a gust 4111 to 12111 mm In instructive prou‘ummr friends. mnw in Hus \Vm'k. Mr. C. J. H.- movml mtn part. ul‘ thw lwum W‘A‘k. Ml'. HVPI‘PH HMH'} :m C. “'. Kvnnmly aw Mum: . apartmvnk finishml m Hu- l‘w~l abow Hm stm'v \m'ntml m m lamy. Arrange-d by Dr. A. ll. Hardy. \ '1': P‘oderawn. and 1:. 1C. 11mm; l'zw :m- Associatmn of l‘l'mnstum 'l‘mu ‘cu I.'- Ln junction With 1111: <‘;.lelell:lll 1"‘l-2'n '..‘ 15' covers as Wide :1 I‘M-1d :15 IS htm: -.“} 3: time allotted. 1’. will iw mzldl- on .-. 1m ing' from Toronto and foixuu ' slw '7‘..l Canadian l’m'iiiv :lzrm::._llwll. >1pr I a. few hours 10 :l ".u)‘ \\ill .4 mm: ..l l‘. interest 111011; 1hr t'mzlv lo ':\.- t‘.;~ ll opportunity of ”wing; llw :~l;_lll ll; fin-w “’illiznn and Port Arthur, tlu ,2!" :n iztlul of this country and tho lunml throw 2. ‘v huge crops Ilutzz' (Int 1" l‘o-u‘. 11:“ \'.«Irld. world's greatnst grain marlwt. uni lunar-ll greatest. railway yards in tluw of MI.- Cific. the bllsllifli' prairie (‘ilirs «I‘f llrui Jaw. Calgary. tho metropolis of lho- pl: and a cow-town only a few 3'Hll's‘. nun, ‘ beautiful seaport on the. mlld I’m-it'ic ( forging ahead at almost terrifying sxpood entered on the schedule for prolonznd 10m: stop will also be made at lhmt‘f the palatial hostelr.‘ in the heart 0" thc- ' all the recreations provided. snrh as; swxmming and mountain r'limhin". will Thu pictm'v slum; m on Thursday night last I‘ODiZNI and NIH :mcin ploasml with ”In Iilm dng. Strunlelcart. in: North hy \V. Spl'HuH. : dent 0f 13031011, \Vhirll turn local intvrvst. 'I‘lw cold \u-allu-r «n Sim'v has lwvll unfuxu fishing. Many dmuh and linv hm'v hmw' \n imr l‘vsnl'ts. hm Ihu- light - ‘v ‘ ‘- ‘_l. 9"... Mr. J. Cmmm- Hf IHI'H sentaiiw 0f tlw «mun-m Union. gaw a. wry mm the I’I'('.~'h.\'1.v!'im| «'IHH'M Mr. Cnnnnr is“ an 01an agd [m-svmm! l:i~' :u'mx forcofnl and runx'mvm: pastor hmk part In Communinn svrviw \\':i Mcthndist. ('lnm-h. wmd' pastor. Dr. 'l'm‘nlmll HI" Hm Panimi Mr. Milttm I’m; Linv. m Ft-x'g‘ns Hmwtz Wth a SIM-vvs'sful Min-3 pendicitis wa< pc-M'urm Don's fathm' anti lanw ind him also. and H“ mainmi with him. MP. J. Amlrvxw visih-d 1:151, \wmk ‘ Mrs. A. E. Hvllzum‘ homo 0n Saturday Thursday, lay 8, 192‘. N homo 0n Saturday by In Mr. John Bulking; from srwndim: H!" \\l daughtvrs in Taiwan“. summr-r With his «1:11: Old homo hqrr'. Vl‘. - -__ Mr. S. (me'nv. \\‘hu Iuw‘x Maanll. is nnw having um. livcrod ftgr his new rwim-x. All’H-rt. Stnwat‘t. ha! had hi~' 2 reshingled. Mr. 0. W. Mu? building a garage. Mr. \V._CQI'I'OH and fannljx -.l,-l |.. wwk-t Laure] "V Mr. and Mr relatiws :.1 1;. lCluL|VI ._- -- Mr. and Mrs. l". I’mcim- :s] t9? made a WN-k-MM \ 1~;1 ' trlves at. Allishm. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mm. Long were at H()fl"}'\\’n(’ui ! Inciuded in the itinerary ar H. Fishm .pnd \‘iSH 10 Flasher-ton. Hun. Supt H. Millm': SN'N' thv ”Marin 'l'vmpc . 3. WW)“ ahlu :quv J-riau church «m S: is an ('lnquvm s; rd his argumo (-«mwm'mg m mn-t m 1h cart. h'mnmi ll Sprqafit. a tumm ' Teachers M‘s \\ \1 (1. N. H .IN'I' H!) May IN! Jnfmwn'ahlv fur dd'Vuh'PS nf HI aVv Visitml Hu' 1. HI“ (-ah'lws‘ I'l'o T1131 on an corr-ec Rwlmrd must. 5 Ih'i'F. “I \\ 1110 old I! '4 mm“ H “.11.“ Asst. Sup! Mmm}: ~’. Mrs. ‘ Murray. \. Anm 'Hl :5 _: .5: ._.._.:.;> E: a. 2.37 7.3.5 .5: -2:â€" :.;> 143/ :3; 2.5:. i: H 11 Sum lay ‘H Milli-1‘ and h. 00d 011 Sunday l\ M oml SUN H n Sm h IN ll UH INLV ll \\ HM HHS!!- Bum ll M M :Inlllt Mvm H H I] {ll‘ 1h _\| M HILV Hll 1K “H [at

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