West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 May 1924, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT (Our own correspondent.) Mr. RObort Littlp of Owen Sound is sgwnc‘iing a fvw days in the village with Mr. and Mrs. Orchard. ‘ Sending operations are almost completed in this'vicinity. some of the early sowing having already ap- {"381’6‘6‘1 above ground. Tho annual icloan-up in the park iunk place on Friday last- A few of tho faithful (mos were present. Tho flower-beds were arranged and plantml thermiii§sowral shade trees were planlml. groguuids cleaned up; an electric win- is brokon. and when this is m:-p:iix-o,-d all will be in readi- ness for mw-lipatiqn, either night or day. 'I‘lu- adjoining grounds have men filled up and are now in good vono'lition for all sorts of games. The football boys haw had a few work- outs and :m- golfing into shape for action. A tram has been enteroo‘l in the \\'.F..\ ..hu: no grouping has ypt {90‘3" mallo- public. ‘ _,L The C‘Jn'llhlmiiy circlc» at a recent”. mocking Plou'ftvd ntficers for the sum- mm' months and outdoor sports will he indulgi-ol in. PPCSidii'nt. Miss D. Thorim; VivP-Pi'csidvnt. R. Haas; Secrotary. Miss I. West: Treasure! John Ailvs: Cnrnmittm-sâ€"Sofl,‘Ball. H. Kiri-libs. H. Brown. M. Ri-iil; 'l'wmis. i}. S. Fnsti'i'. \\'. TIIHI‘IH'. Miss R. “Vast; Hi'mip “amps, .‘lissvs‘ David- son. Flu“! and Arnill. and Mi'ssi‘s. Adams and Brawn: V'nllvy Bali. G. Knith. H. .‘Ii'Dmigall and .‘lissvs liai- wards and Run". Mr. Ari. Aims siwiit tiw \wwk-vml with his pzii'vms at. TiVM'tOI). Miss Lizzii' {uss 0f thmit is “01'“ an a Visit with W'laln'l‘s. Mr. Hui-ohm Fisllvl‘. Din-ham. has raknn i'hiii'gv «if tlw Sniith Knil Hat'â€" Row. J. \V. Hunt of I’m-0mm} was gin-sent. at tho- nwl'nlng soerm- m 1hr .‘lvthmiifl rhul'vh last Sabbath and assistmj tho- [mslm' in {her (mm- munion set'x'ivv. Mrs. Collins nf 'l"0dmnnio-n Slwnt.‘ flw \\'N-k-o'nol with thn Hunt and Tyndall familir‘s. ’llu: {mu [alums nf Hu- 12:11 anm .rflo-amvn smuling tlzv hi;:hv~'t num- rwl H! pullnols nt butt“! fat lwhmwn Ami]?! and .‘lay 3 mu): anm Dumm 70.94 lbs“ Jamvs .\. Smith '31:”(36 Ruhm't .\itko'n 62.62. MPH” N In nk 53.8."; ”is. \1'1101 DaV \Vas 11111V 1111881\1‘11 :11 .111" school 11'1‘11'. 1110 11‘110111‘1' 81111 3111011115 VV 111'0 kept real 11118y during the 11111111111011 ramming the 0111 shed which 112111 fallen during 11111 last. Va- 1111,1011 The VaI'11 VV as 111111111 1111. 111111 r'\'1‘1'\'111111§.' 1110118 mm 11 1111111‘1'.\\'111'11 :1111 VV 01'k \\ 11‘ 1'11n1p1011111..\11>‘s \\ 11â€" mn 1111311111 1111 W11 1 h111111‘11 111111 1115- 1111551111 1111 n1. 51111111 1'111111'11111 111111111. \\ 111111 11111111'~' VV 11111 a-11s11111g. 5.11:1 22:13:: .5; L3,...” 27.3.5: 1; z. 1.5:: 5.3511 1:2: T. 55. .2: 2:5: 3.1.. 2:: 2:... 37.1.7 23.4. ii «1:. 371. >523 5923.8? Mr. 'l‘hc‘unas thiullm'h. :u-mmpzm- .ml by his nvplmws, William and Jo.- wph. spvnt an afternoon thv first Hf 'hn wwk at Snuth Bmtim-k. \thrn 5hr t‘m'nwx' was rmwxving HM art- quaintangos. Rocky Saugeen (Our own correspondent.) Ml“. mu! Mrs. J. \\'. \\':lt.~'un and -i{lllf.:hto'l' vasio‘, Hf 'I‘HI'HntH. vallml nu smnv Hf tlwn‘ I'v-latiws :xlnn: thn lmv u’n Hwir way tn IlrmVl’nM tn uth‘nol tho t'umral nf llwir musin. \liss F1011! McDonald. Mcrssrs. Nurman and William Mc- ‘umald of South Bontinck Spent. Friâ€" by morning at Mr. 'l‘hnmas H. Law- rance's. XI}. ”and Mrs. R0bert_ Johnston qwnt Sunday aflm'noon With Mr. and Mrs. ngrge Alexandgg‘. -_ A. Q A ‘D. . .II (in. \‘II «3.1.1.. 13.3 .9. -_._.1..::. :..:.:£... :25. 1:2: 2:. 52.7-2... 1: :2. 33:: m: .1.â€"3200;. :1. 2:; :2. 42:2: 33.3.52, 1:2: 74:15. 2:: 7%.. ms; .53.. H: wryâ€".123. Mr. Tha’mas McCulloch of Mich- igan. 1'.S.A.. spent, nvm- tlw work- eml with his mother. who is ill and not. "pr9th t0 I‘egover. ' â€"- n Q I a Mrs. Margaret Smith of Detroit, .\liI-h.. is \isiting her iged mother: \1I.~. \\ illiam MCI l._lulle)ch S12. “hm isi Imt rhyming vooIl hoalth. but has In I II IH'OHHFt IIII somo- tinw past. .\lI.<. \li'tlIIllm II is in hm 80th year. 37.1% :3. as; .52.? 3:15: 1.2:. 1:53. 2:: 25:. 22... Bum. 7...: 2139:. Miss Margaret S. McRonald of South Rvntinck Spent an owning the first nf the week with her friend, Miss Hazel .Inhnston. Mrs. ';\. Simonds retui'neal 'last week aftrr Vismng Imj a fewfiays with her mother. who Is very l“. Mr; and Mrs. wan \Vc‘ir and'lime sou \‘iSith recently! at the Dixon hflmm 1 Mr Sunday school. wh iv 11 has 'mw-n t'losml fur tho: wmtm‘. “'1“ gmixbahly w-open on Sunday, Max ’10. -\ numbmj 011' thighno a'ttondod tho debates m Edge H111 St'hnfil. .\O. 7. Normanby. wgm tin: 011p. _ Glenmont. (Our own correspondent." fwrxhndx s busx. Seeding is in full wing . also hQUSff- _c_leanin_g_.__ Ebenezer. (Our own correspondent." The maxim-Hy nl‘ tln- fm'mI-I's in this mrt haw linishml smuling. while the others aro- m-zu'ing: tlw m'vmplyfiign. Master Campbell Ewen isflmme frnm thv hospital. and his many frivmls au‘v glad to hear nt‘ his im- pI-nvvnwm. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stephenson went to Hammer SaturdaV eV ening to see Mrs. Stephensons sister. who is ill. \\ e are 5011‘} to hear that Mr. Jas. B. Tucker is very sick. “I -. “Vuv- Miss Miriam Hornsby spent Sun- day with her aunt Mrs. C. Moore, Bo}; Roy. "'51P: 5nd Mrs. Joseph Dixon and Mrs. W. L. Dixon spent. Friday even- ing at Mr. George__ Binnies. Gienelg. ' Mr. and Mrs T. B. \Veir sp é’nt Sunday afternoon at Mr. Robert innoflys Mr. Alfred Tucker had an unfor- tunatp accident when hi? fell and bmko livo ribs. which will necessi- tate him taking a few weeks‘ rest. M 1-. Andrmv Hay has been engaged to carry an the seeding. Miss Susie Tucker and some £140st from Southampton motored tn Mr. Alfred Tucker’s the first of last weak. 'l'lle sacrament of‘the Lord's Sup- per will be administered at. Ebenezer Metlmdist church next. Sunday after- 12mm at 2.30 pm. The meeting or the Quarterly Official Board will be held on Munday night. a '5 ----‘.â€".â€". . â€"--‘v 321. ”101111 Iawreiicé of Durham is \is Ming a “line \xiih his daughter, )1: $.10st Harrison. 311-5. E. Ritchiv and son John are spvmling this \vevk with her sister, \I vs. Clz‘u'mute Harrison, Swinton Park. ~51... $12.5. CwSAELZ. mm Smasm $1: :2. 7.??? :7... :3... 303.3,. (Our nwn CUIjx-nsgnfvmlent.7 ":‘Jt'l'y sympathy is vxtomlml it) tho- iwruavwi sistnl's and brothm'. as “'0‘“ as thv largo. circlw of friPmls of ”w lato- Flnra McDmlalnl 0f Hamil; tun. whn passc-d to “In higher lifv at ihv Hanuwr howitnl mm M: 3. 1924. Sin- “’85" Hf a quivt olispnsi um and llhx'istian max-actor. and had a 1M“- snrtality that mm ttw friendship t-t' all “'1!” kno-w lwx'. Shv low-d thn Lux'd's 11mm- and its svx'vices. d0- six'wl and suught for “In prosvm'ity Hf thv Lurcl's work. How sunny 2.1.5.: .5; :35: :Eimrmr: 55 c... 1..::.< 37.1.... :4 z :91. 3 34.5.7 113. 71...; :3. :3... .EE 735:3: 3:221 _...:r::... :z. _.‘m.1.w..._ 3.32:..- .1; 2:. 1.32;... i. :2. :53. :.:._:,_.1.. Miss .\1111111 Huhkirk l1_1a\'13.~' this \\'1111k 1111' 111111 1111\\' 111111111111 Durham. 111111111: 11111111 11111-11 111111 brought up 111111111151 115. \1'11 3551.11‘1.‘ you \11'111 n11111_\ 1-1111'115510115 111' 1111.11'1‘1 “111-11 11 11115 11111' 11111 111' 11111' 11111111- 11111111111111x1111s. \\11 1'1111111111181111131'1' 1111- 11111111 111' 11 1111111 111111 111,111,311111,r 111 1-11.11111111 5111'11115 51111 1111491111311. 111111 11111111'I1111 111 {111111.11111111111ih 1111' 111111 111 1111 111'11211111111111115 1-11 1111: church \1‘111 1111 1111111 111 1111. ’171111 wish of 1111' 1111. 11\ 1111111115 11111'11 is that who 11111} l1111g11\11 111111111} 11111'111.10111111111.r ms 111 1'111111"1111 111 111'11 1111“ 11111111“. \'\'-1 111-11 1 1111151111 111 1'1111111'1 111111 1111, 11111. 311111 111111 11111111\ 11111 111. 11111 1.1111 E111 q 111'1111111111"11111 1-111,:111111' 1'11111'011 >11‘Vi11'.‘ 211'“ t" 111' 1-111111111'1 1011 as 11811- 1111 at 3111111111; 111111 1111111139. . in 1111-1 5111111'1111111111 311111101; 111 11 111111011. 11111} 111 (1111111111,: 111- " .31) 111 1111' 11111111111011. 3min: HM kiml in all hm “ays I [might and just. tn tho. and of hvr days. <fnum'n and (run in hum-t. and mind; A hmmtil'lxl mt-mnx'y IM'L behind. Mr. Edgar Huycv has rcntmi Hm [Ismkn'k farm fur tho- year 1924. mm» agonts an. \m'\ busv thoso nlms in this noighhox‘homl. \ gnod many salns \\ ill 1w made in tho near futm'n. - Mr. J. .\. Martin has purchasml a mel 11mm Dr. .\. I). .\I(,-.-\listor. Dun- dalk. Miss ‘mhy H3“ 01' 'l'm‘onto is spvnchng hm- \acution at hut hnmo ht‘l'n fur t\\n \\ eeks. (Our own correspondent.) My; (Mn-go Constable; :wcnmpaniml by his vnusin. Miss Ruby Blyth. of \arnvy. spunt an evening: \nth Mr. and Mrs. \Vill Dorby. , .1... 2:; a}. a. 5:. 9:; 3:15. 3.21 .nEZE. .3 2:... w. macaw. Mr. Hvut'gc Hahn‘ and Sistm', of Durham. \‘iSltNI I't‘t‘t‘llll}' \\'lth thmr aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Hrwrson. .Miss Amm- 'l‘m'nhull nf Elmozot‘ \‘Ismul an aftvl‘nnnn \VIHI hvr 001.1- sm. MISS ‘rln'm Mulligan. Mr. and Mrs. ('ivm'gv Duncan of lhmdalk slwnt Sunday “ith tlho. latâ€" t4~x"s parvntxfilr. 441141 3115. J .Fnr- inns-on. Mr. Dail McDonald and family mn- tnx‘ml up fmm 'l‘cn'nntn Saturday and spun! Sunday \\'1th fx'wncls hum. Miss Margaret McRonalrl rvtumod tn [‘nmmtn aftvr slwno‘lmg a few \woks at. 1101' lmnw. Miss ansiv Mutiwr, toachel' at. tIumell's (Inx'nm‘s. spent the woekâ€" owl with hm- parvnts. MP. and Mrs. James Mather. Swinton Park. (Our own correspondent.) 'l'hv wrathnr Mr “W past \Vook was idval fur svmling opvratic'ms. and a gum! many hon-v aw \wll advancm]. Another fine week and a lot of m'nnnd will 1w sown-d. Mr. William Bli'lx'iiiiivy is at [nuis- onl l'ramii g a driving sliml l‘m' Mr. .I. me. Mr. Andy Lam- has i-nmpli-ln’il si-mling cm fai‘m NH. 1 and will bu liming :1 gnml slial'l On his hump pic-('0. lllis \W‘ck. .-\ .3:le many lu‘l'o' haw ll'iml for tTu- spnvklml hnautivs. and :l i‘mv haw. lwvn sum-vssful in landing-â€" Mums. Mr; John Turnlmll rotumed t0 his studms at. Guelph. after spending a “’I‘f‘k at 1115 home hf‘l‘tfl’. 'Ijhv farmers it} this part are-busy fimshing up thmr seedmg. whlle a few aw completed. The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses : (1) Junior Matriculation. 2) Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Stafl' is a Uni- versity Graduate and expernenced Teacher. Normanby friends of Mr. and Mrs. London Dans Spent Sunday after- noon \\'lth them. Intending pugils, should prepare to enter at beginnmg of term. Information as to Courses may be obtained from the Principal. The School has a creditable record in. the past which it hopes to main- tain in the future. Durham is an attractive and heal- thy town and good accommodation can be obtained8 at reasonable rates. J.A A..M ROBB, B. A.. Principal. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL JOHN MORRISON. Chairman. South Bentinck Mulock (Our own correspondenfl) This community has-been visited during the past week with snow and rain storms. The farmers are busy gvtting tlw semi in but remark the lack of growlh. 3.3 the earth is. so COM. and up till recently the lack of rain. \V‘P haw had no really warm wvallwr as yvl. Sewm'al of nur local fishermen haw (rind tlwir luck since the sea- son nzmngd. but. with very little suc- 00:5. Hnwnvmz wc’al‘c glad to see U!“ “all being I'm] so liberally. 332-. Angus (113 ['11 is confined to bed wizii an attack 01' pleurisyi Nurse \h-iiimwn is in atto ndancc. and we arr giad tn liv'ai 01 his continued im- HI nvmnnt. Mrs. Mary Hincks 01' 0111- Village, whn has hm-n ailing fur some time. was mm'mi nut. in her son's home, Norm Linn. Artvmc-sia. whom? we are suro‘ She} \Viil I'm-rive the necessary 'arv t4_\\\'amls mmplmc 1'Q(°Q\'ery_.__ We 11m glad In mm the Misses Min- nin- and M m. at'vt Simpson 01 Chicago alsn M15. \\ light. back in 0111' com- munitv again \thv \w understand {hog intmul slu‘mling UH' summer l‘mmths. W1- ho'm' that. Hw gnml roads will sown 1w in full swing: again when stuzuiy \vnrk will again 1w possible fur thnsn-rnquiring it. Rev. Mr. )lathem'snn Hf EaStcrn Ontario pm-avhml in thv Pmshyterian church last Sunday. and was very \wll rmmivml :1: highly spoken of. \‘x'v uncle-rstanrl hat a cnngwgational mowting is. (‘allo-cl for Monday, May 12. tn \‘nh- nn :1 call on this last gx'mlp Hf ministc-rs. Wu hmw for bettvr llu'k this tinw. \\'11u111 11 11111 1111 21111111111111 1111' {1111' 1'11n1n1111111) 111 1.1111 11111111111 1111 €11,111- 111111 111 51111151111111 31111 111 8110115 101' 1111' \‘11'111111 1111ks this spring. V\ 11:11 111111111 :1 11111111311 1.'11.a111. ’ 111' 121 basket- 111111 111an1.111' 111111115? “'11 \\ill have 8111111 111111 \1111111; folks 11111111111 this 5112151111 111 11111111121115' 111' all of 1111190 1121111115 :1. 8111111155. ()111' community is {2111111}: 11111111111 sadly this 1351 1'11\\' 3'1’131'5 111 51111115. {11111 it is time 501111)- 1111111: was 11111111 111â€"11111113111'21311. 1111:- ‘ 31111111: 1111115 1110111: this 111111.. as it. is ' 111111 1111111111111111 111 many ways 1111' 31111112 falls 111 1111 1.1111111 111 any 111' 2111 gz111111s. \\'11 \\'111111111' 11' \\'1,1. 1:2111 51,111". 51111111111111.2'! 1.1117511'1'! SUITU'UHH”. ' Ll‘t S U V! \\ 0* aw SHIWI} to hvar at the «It? 1th M M1. "lhnmas Kunnml} 01 tho '_l «mu Linv, suuth, Hll Mummy morning. 11fâ€" m- '21. shnl't. illnvss with pnmunonia. The clucmxsml has hnen unwnll for quito‘ a long limo- and whon attackml THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Prohibition League, formerly called the Dominion Alliance, took charge of the service at Knox on Sunday. He spoke very earnestly on the temperâ€" ance question and gave figures to show that the O.T.A. was of more benefit than Government control, as ‘fiFs'fFefguson has returned from a week‘s visit with her .daughter, Mrs. Moses Donnelly, Bentxnckg _ and Mrs. Thonias Wallace: The fune1al 0f the late Charles Birr takes place this Tuesday. We sympathize IBwith the family in their _ X meeting will be held in the church this Tuesday night, to 01°â€" gapize a girls“ baseball team, B\ the “ay. most of the las‘sios around Knox' hm 9 their haiubobbed! ; Our 87ch I“) " ‘ ' ' ' 1).. me: me {mprovmg slow- _.\n El'lglishman. said to a Scotti‘sh fmend, “How 15 1t that. Scotsmon got on won 111 busmoss?" "Brains. my boy." was the reply. "You should eat more- fish. Give mo ten shillings. and I‘ll get you sumo of the fish I gmxerally pat." The Englishmani paid 'the. ten shillings, and the fish was sent to him. A f1111' day; 111.1111' 1111 met. the Scotsman again. "Well. 111111' 1li1i 1011 got 1m?’ ‘\\'-ell it 11 as s; 1i11111'lid fish.’ ‘Do you 11101 3111 1liff'111'11nt. ”’ “V0. I can‘t $31 that I f1111l any 1li1'f111'11nt,’ said the Englishman. “but t11’n Shillings was a lot for :1 111111111. of fish. wasn't it?" “'l‘hére.)'(_)u am!" Said Um; $00tsâ€" man. “your bralu IS begum mg to work already.“ .rM oses Donnelh, Bentmcx .All_qn spent Sundax \xith Mr. [7/ 17! ”02% fig} SATISFACTORY RESULT SPECIALIST AT HcfADDBN’S Mr: McFadden, Druggist and Op- tometrist, has arranged with the W. H. Taylor Optical Company of Owen Sound. for a visit. from their repreâ€" sentative: Dr. McComb, eyesight speâ€" cialist. foi“ one day, Monday; May 12. A responsible guarantee is thus af- forded those whose eyes are in need of attention. ~ A _ \ â€"-“ â€"â€"‘r Dr. M'cComb s w drk has received much commendation thro_ugh_out Grey County and IS beyond pmtlmsm. .â€"v â€"v ‘v ____V "Arra ngefin appointment for examâ€" ination with Mr. McFadden betxwen 9.30 am. and 5.30 pm. May 12. -â€"â€"...- -.._._-._... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++¢++ Stegman.â€".â€"On Thursday, Max 1 1924. at. the Private Patients P5111- i011 Toronto General Hospital. to \1:~ and Mrs. T. Hammond Stegmau 111.11; Jean Allen}. a daugl1to1..\l:1rv Elizabeth. ' Animals are kept on “10 mm of the houses in Lima. Peru. am: it. frequently happens that :1 mm- passes her whole life 01121 nun} being taken there as. a valf um brought. down finally as fresh ln_w‘_ Thursday, lay 8, 1924. BORN MRS. W. McCULLOCH "I. DIED ON TUESDAY VOL. 57.â€"N0. Passed Away At Home Of Her Son After Illness of Five Weeks From Heart Trouble and Complications. 3.2;: 13:“ 1.7.1:; 2.3 .3933? _.7. 55:5; :2 ._.::._.z.:._ 32 .73 .E 2.7 7;: ::::cx: E 143/ aâ€" ...z (“21, ..:.I...â€"::_. C3755». $51. .2; .A....:_:_:: 7:: 33:5...» 3.5: 1...; :_ 7:77.: 1.25.». .25.. .5 $0.23 r; :2 ...:.:::.:_ .3 3:: 3: 53253 _ ... t... .;::._ 1.7. 2.5.5 flux .3 1.50.) .;i 1?}: t E: .7525: it .5 1:5 .1: :_ 1.}: 1:: WEEâ€"75.1.. ....::.t.mmo= 3:2,: w: Fr... 13/ 7.752%... tarâ€"L 3:; 7.31:; .1.....:r7. 1.5, 52.5% -: xi: .52:va .7... E ES €53. 3: "r. :..:.....:a :x .23, :33. =qu 13/ :1: 72.5.5 .5: .2:â€" .Ew.:: .30: LT? :55 fizz... :3: :21. 59.3.); 32:]. _. 17.5.24 iii £33 on» gs. 2:. 2:5; .:.:: 1.5/2: 2:...» $89 23...; :55: 2: .7. 2:: 1.5.5 2:“ .897. 1.7.1. .5: :_ 1.5.5 :.:.:=..,7;n .752 .3753 .5: 7.9. E: .7; 1.5 5: i .3; 7.5.5.... .75.», maria cry 2.2.2:” 1.2.}; 1:: ...: 7.57.25... 5. mags 7.5:; 2.55:2: 7. ._Eq.:.$o._. .z: b: 47.77.; 3522-7...â€" 35 7.3.7. 3: .i: .._..:::..Z_/. 5522.5 .mp2 fhl‘t ..:._,;.:.?: 7.27.17: 2.1:: :3: 2.; : 1.x? _.._..__.::_:17.: .5: ZZZ; I .2};â€" 7.5: iiiâ€"r. E .327 :;...;.. 1.: .33.. 2:; 52:23 2...? 5 E .532. 975/ 7:: .75... £451 1.2.7. 1:. Jarâ€"£9 ..._. 3.: .:._az/.$:.m .I..:..../. ./.â€"/m..l. .77).... ._..::::.,...2. :2 in: 1.3.; 3.55 BPSII‘J‘S «In.- sun. \\IIII chm! :II fancy. :I fannly nI' I'Iw N'II.‘ IHIII A. Ilaughh'r Slll‘VHI'I \VIllIzIIII IL. \xlmsv lInnII~ shw IlIui :OIIII \\hH ahxavs II‘SMI I} “ll H'HII 13'”!!! \\ IHII Dal‘t‘lln‘. “Mill“. ll'HHll H “II “PM In HI'IHIII'. me II.: .\II'.'II~', 5n: HI". Wash; lH'. JHN‘IOH .\l.-I;IIIIu.-iI, PMI'I‘IIIII'HIIgh. (NIL. and Mrs. Smith «If lh-II'IIII. \\'||H :ll'l’ihui l WWII and was :It III-I IIIHHIUI" In ~idv \\ III-II HII- I'IIII I :IIIII-. I’ “In MW 01‘. 8‘) 3""81.‘ III :Igv. :IIIII IvsIIIIII: Duluth. MIIIII.. :Ilsu S11!\iII'.~‘. 'l‘hv I'IIIII-I :II \\I|| lw III-III I’I'I. afh-IIIIIIIII :It.;.:I4I1IuIII In: lulv I'I «lam» lh‘al' \IIko-u‘ and iIIh-I'III will “1‘ InaIIv III IIIII'IIIIIII 1'I‘IIII'II'1 9 MI'. IZIIHI'lo-s “III. ”II HM NHI'IIIaIIIIx 'I‘anIsIIIII Inn“ Sundax In his IIIIII'h-SI \. lhc' latv MI'. HII'I' \szs In mam and (:lnlc' In I Z:III:III:: voals :Ign svHIIIII; III ”N In “hivh IIv «HI-«l INIII NORMANBY RESIDENT DEAD IN NINETY-SEVENTH YEAR Died Sunday and Interment Was Made Tuesday at Ayton. mam‘ and ('umc' 1n (lunmlu nw years mm. SMHHH: m Hw im' m which lw dim]. Dunn: u timv. W0 undc-l'stmul lu- hm I residvnt un Hn- 16H: HHIIWN~ an'manhy. u (‘Hlllvlo‘ ”1' Illlln" 0f Kn“); ('hm'cll. Mr» ”nu-1' d‘f‘asml him tln’m- ymrs :13“. The law Mr. BIH‘. “In. \\::~ knuwn and rvslwrh-ci ruin/MI. a grown-up 13mm).- ut' Hun-v w throw dauuhh-rs. as 1"'l|n\\~ and Alf. in Nul'mzmhy Ann Halmw‘r: Mrs. \Valtvr walm Normanhy: Mrs. (lhzu-Ivs \\ uh. Mn. and Mi.“ ”41113. at hHIw Missvs 7AM}: and \1zn {awn :m- :mwlvhllch'o coaswl. 'l'lu' funcwul Tuesday in ”w hill“- at Aylnn. 1hr H“\. \123 ticiatinx. UPPER CANADA BIBLE SOCIETY MET IN BAPTIST CHURCH Rev Hf tlw l'mwr “as led in MI last 'I'lml'sday Tho fuutm'w addrv» ls} H: Tnmnht SM'I' Tux-(min. \Vho spukt H0] 101'? ‘ lasi 31-;11' Sm'm't :n'} 'l'l'oasmwl AHM' s «Mm! tn ask thw m town in sgwak m: H Bibi“ SM'ivly :n :1 IIOUIH'M lah-I'. “how: im: \WDUM-hv éhkmi Hm A \‘ntv Hf thank» Mclmwn 1m- hie n: Th“ HM nfl'm-xw \K'Orl‘ PIPMMI as 1.0 Dr‘. .I. 1.. Smith: Sow son; 'l'!'«-:I.~‘ln’vr. Mn THOMAS KENNEDY DIED ON SUNDAY AT PRICEVILLL‘ Passed Away After Long IUHES‘, Intennent Made Wednesday 11: McNeill’s Cemetery, Priceville. mama ev. P. J. McLaren Delnvemd Gm! AddresS.-â€"-Year'.~; Business Revmv. ed in Report; of Local (miner). ”N '01!!!" “ I mw!‘ Id in ”I TH ‘n'lmnd llig'hl} vmm! . 1.2:. 5:: ; 7. 2.. :f. 1.... 47...” $.22 1...: it... 2:. i z: 2:. 7:; 25.1.. :. F5: 3... 7:1,.“ .5 __.. .7717: 77; ‘9:a 5-... ’ \\c a! k H '3!!!" 1” .30, Kill ulhvl'fln .\I n Hu- 1H\\’ll$hi1 During all Hui II" has lwc‘ll a Uuu-vssmn v Hf milvs' \\4-- la ll HI ”I In: llllTJ |o_\' \l th ‘t'Slth'lH Hf cl :may «m nth yvm'. rm m (301‘â€" HI .\1 Ill tifl \‘ H .\! Ab \I \H

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