West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 May 1924, p. 7

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t low prices are uality ears, and your Chevrolet xnt. «>11 the Chevrolet been :mmunced. A are not unexpected. mily Butternut Loaf at 5c. 'OR HASH Buns olet Now WE SELL .00 Delivered 1d! \Vc \\ Thursday, May 29, 1924. \\ 3: i«:.\iwrt()11. Ontario RICE ried Cakes. Lunch 8: Layer Cakes on Saturdays and Wednesdays éar I C‘OI.’ THEM OVER 13V”) t‘tfl' “Pl. SUbjGCt. I n, {Egg .1: ran zls_fpll_0ws: Emndle for 6%. in} yn'hi'f-Ul“ 51?; {$8. 11" dumb? he Sits alm «w h» tlws almost. } fleFIt‘ rial-Til).- He H 1 on request. 1113' 39c .;_~ .,f' Inuikng (“281‘ Our M: Ads. on page 7. .. gnu!“'}' in it. Small Mussitictation will ;.;.- 3. [1‘ 3mm have any. 2 small Ad. may bring 1;“ yum want to buy gmhlir know about. , - Au «mtlay Of a mm hs t‘ll){i0?1 father _v "11“ ; ..- \VhoUn he sitghe .‘.I'-£i.;‘,‘t gt“, lilmOSt. saw» you w you a \\o‘:llim'SSPS b1 izx'g-v' smaller Elzmsvlt to a anything thing about g excvlft that it Quality Goods m a lot '0‘ 1t Int 01' do]- ft )1 H tailor- Good M h‘OI't- lm‘ [war $3.50 $3.95 $3.95 $5.25 $14.25 S O .00 $1.98 $1.39 39c 25c 3°C ht f3!“ 63c 910M u. u. nu- â€"_____ _ Chiropractors, Durham Ontar' ! 10. The Science that. add ‘ , . . .. 3 gm“ 9111's tame. ConSllliigt:g Years ~n mham luesdays Thur n free. haiku-Jays. ’ “632’s and 423“ DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST m‘z'n-v. owr J. J. Hunter’s store, Durham. Ontario. J. F. GRANT, .U. U. 6., a. u. u. Hnn'll' Graduate University of Tor- mm (:x-mluate Royal College Dental gm-gwns m‘ Ontario. Dentistr in m ln'am‘hes. Office, over . C. 5‘51 list Jewellery Store. r4 .\\"_ - _.__._.‘-__ \ 011' on Mt Mr V Mfllt‘ V Burria‘tvrs. b bm' M' the firm 'i'uvssiuy of can may he made MT 1 V t" (INW <0nahh at The 4011'. Mum-uh- torms. Arrangements «1w. as to dates. et.c.. may be mrz-iv :1: Thu Chronicle Ofl'ice, Dur- ban: 'l'vx'ms nu appiication. Ad- " 1:. 1. Durham. '2 146mm! lilt'“\\ 3|. f ,. ..H_ DR. BURT. 1.. .usistant Royal London 0p- mm unspital, England. and to 2.4: square Throat and Nose Hos- !” swwialist: Eye, Ear. Throat \'l~.'p_ ()n'ice : '13 Frost Street, franw w to hnust. water til 10 acres PW” bum -:-«~:.~t._; stables; drllled well and . v ‘ tank at. barn. Also Lots ) (Inn. 4, S.D.R., Glenelg. con- " 1m acres, 100 acres cleared} ' ‘ mm state of cultivatlon; 0“ “ mhes are a brick hquse con- :‘z? .3431" never failmg Sprmg Tzl‘Yi. This property will r:;'::: M quick- purchaser. *FOI‘ 9.3"" "‘;:‘;f;';!': apply at, \Vatson’s Dall‘Y» {A .-‘.‘ 1. Durham. CM. 10 25 23 U __ day L. \MITH M. B.,M. c. P. S. 0. and 1-.esidence corner of . ma 1 ambton Streets, 0 pm- .1. E’ns't ”nice. Office hours. E..,,L,13010..,l;pm 7to9p..m n- and Thursday afternoons ;S. JAMIESON 8: JAMIESON MM resxdence a short dist- ”; ..f the Hahn House on you sweet, Lower Town, Dur- ,,:;"1¢._§ hours 2 t0 5 p.m., 7 l0 ,xmgpt, Sundays). MID-Iiifiimb', spnnnnm a: MlnnLgnno' Barristefs, Solicitors, Etc. NUH‘SSOIS to A. B. Currey. Q r. \limllohm is permanently M; {t Dmham Office. \I [CC snund "Afinnsslnflygquflvuv V -‘---â€"-â€" mu m-st sitting of the Ho‘ViShHl for the Town or \UH he held in the T . 2:11:11. 011 Monday evenlng" Pummeucing at 7.30- All l mu govern themselves 30‘ -cA' ' 1 _..â€" DAN. McLBAN wnsml Auctioneer for County of . Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- 'u'w H‘X'mS. Dallas 01' sales made â€"-â€" _.-:Ik ‘|;m _ Thursday, May 29, 1924. 1 -\ RM Q. FOR SALE L ‘ Durham. and Thomas betwevn Mr. \1 a" " ,1, Uva “:h}. Shthodist Chu1g_ch shed L If uwkt‘tâ€"bOOk Containing ' :.~:i\-m-. Rmxard on letur n to WHNIUX DA w= Smmd. 'ui Q, 11 um 01' i“ 'Q'lllls‘. IJulVU \'- «nu-”mm Ofl'ice ork‘x‘vith him Dental Directorv nusmn - l‘nn Pf. Jnrr DURHAM COURT 0?} 1.. gm! ‘Dz’rectorv COMING EVENTS LUCAS 8: HENRY vx-s. Soiicitors, etc. A mem- \ firm will be in Durham on M’ mush week. Appointments nude with the Clerk in the ~ hurhgxm I_7.F.O. Live Stock AS- L'ri‘. )Vlll ship stockfrom Dur- ~I1 l‘uesdays. Shlppgrs g1!“ {tic . Rt 02 r H. .' Hats. Dancing. “HWIHUCI‘ the date. 0W LOST [a betwee‘n Court of Durham 3“,... mi FOR SALE. Hm SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on' George street, North 0! Skating Rink. Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. ‘ 221 tf 7-“ li’JR SALEâ€"THE LATIMER PROP- erty in Upper Town; at a bargain. Apply to R. J. Matthews, Durham, Ont. 3201/19d FOR SALE .â€"GOOD T\V”Oâ€"S’I‘ORBY name dwelling. \\ ell located on Lambton sheet. Hard and soft wa- in bath, furnace. electric lights. ctr. Apply W. J. Youn", Durham. Out. 5 15 tl‘ FORD LAB I YI‘E \111111L"'|<11 RING “ith staltm HISt- (lass condition; (mo-man 1011:1111151 kw sold at once. Apply MUabo 1\ McLaughlin Dur- ham. 71"2‘2pd ‘OR SALEâ€"GOOD STRONG WAGON in good condition; suitable for good roads work: also 1 Foul trailer. Ap- ply A. J. MvVicar, Commercial Hotel. Pricovillv. 3322.6 WESTERN FEED OATS AT 500. PER bushel at the Rob Roy Mills. 4 3 ti C.\R FOR SALE .â€"â€"SECO.\'D-II.â€"\.\'D Chewolet touring car in good um- ning Gram. \pplx at the c’Cm'onicle (mice. .1 10 tf no: .: E. .23 m: .35 5:5 5. .:c ‘.:,.c... 325:? mmEEm Pm )1“. K.-\'l"/,. 'l‘lll’. Nl')’l‘El") l‘u"')C'l'(‘)R' of (Mines. of Listmwl. will “'81. cyus again at. tlw Hahn Halls-v. \\'¢-.lnusllny June ’1. ll}: thv molhml that. svhlom fails. Ronwmhm'. dizzinoss, and that tirwl. \vm'n-mxl. l‘mling, and pain in tln- hack of llw m’ck and temples, and lwadavlm. are frequently oausml by eye trouble. and Prof. Katz can l'olivve almw tumbles, oven wlwn Lolhors fail. Sm‘cial altmtion paid [0 you g punplvs’ 0ycs. COD“? «early in tho al‘tm'nnnn. E. Katz. lpll FREI‘Isâ€"FILRH DEVEIJ’JPEI‘) FREE, saving: 100. an mwh film; ivory fin- ish. quick smw'icv. Bring or mail to F. W. Kelsvy m- D. ('1. Town, Durâ€" ~n-n‘l ham. MONl,'r.\11£N'l‘S.-â€"-.\.\'Y PERSON DE- siring to pI‘OCIH‘P a monument. 01' nem‘iing inscription work done in the comptnry. will! do well to ii‘it.«"1'\'ie\v W. J. McFaeh-lon. the local agent. n nnns f Durham. I [I C\S HE NRY'S LAW?“ OFFICE.â€" t Manx [A thu \w .A...~-- )pen every day for business A mem- bm‘ 0f the I‘m-n will be in the office every Tuesday. Special appoint- ments may be made at. the office. :3 3t _________.__.____â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"_ D. ANY QUflVI‘ITY. WHEAT WANT]? Highest pI‘iCP. People’s Mills. 3 '15 23t ____________._.._â€"â€"â€" \\’()RK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short; ‘ ’ t ___________._..â€"-â€"â€"â€"_ GRAIN W ANTEDâ€"BARLEY, BUCK- whoat. Peas, Oats apd Mixed Grain wanted. Highest prlces paidâ€"Rob an Mills Limited, Durham. 112m order. gaining ALID UL 5.?v___-_ .‘ ~‘ . 3 The .Aiiministmtrlx o‘f 1.111%:~.~:E.dft1 Charles (laldwoll. (19093381), 3 Maw“ 3310 the px-npgwty .01: me refie?~o, part. of the 'l‘hmi d‘gvxsmn 0 . 0. . . ‘- - ~ .. hrst Concession 'l \\(‘nt}-N3}(n-A nnnA Dnnfinl'k, POU- 'l‘\\'cnIy-sowu. . ..,... _ Wrist. Garafraxa Road. Bcntinck. con- taining almost ten acres. Thcrc is a good solid brick lionso.‘ good ccllar. gmul stablo. all in good condition of impair. This prOperty .mnst be sold in . IWriltcn offers will be received up to the thirty-first. of May, or any offer not necessarily accepted. Fur further particulars apply to Lin-as Henry. Durham. Ontario. _ .. _ _ ALA .xnn'xnp"~ Thor-o is a. goon so good collar. guilt] st: condition of impair. must be sold to win Written offers will b the thirty-first. of D or any offer not nece For further particr Lucas Henry. D or to Mrs. Caldwell, . 1. West Elgin street. f half acrv. and Park Lots 9. 10. 11 and 1:3. North Saddler street. East. about 16 acres. will also be offered for sale. A-H.JACKSQN. ,LA-_ U! 03 MISCELLANEOUS FOR Pflurbnl 1 Jun. -â€"__ 150 and acre of grfiund. the My of the late Adam Robértson. ran-:1 street. Durham. Apply to (Dr; Burnett. Burlington. On- ?) 1‘7) 411d “(full ‘. 1/th in“--- bald“ ell on the pmpelty. .I).U V V' ' ' ‘ 5111855 with the 111 themselves MCDONALD- Clerk. 22. 1924. 5'15 fipd Executor. '70? 2U 1% ‘Fé‘EflINS fiifiiSKENs 11min; Souâ€":52. From a Wide)’ hiwwa- Pantry Expert. Don't ”Vt-Heed at the Startâ€"Feed Spmmed and (‘ravked Grams- Give l‘hem Plenty of urnâ€"Feed Less Frequently Laterâ€"Milieu Sown at Ulcer-em Dates. (Coutrmutea by Ontario Department or Agr-cu'ture Toronto.) Nu feed IS given until the cnicks a?» nearly thz‘ve days old. Water may hr giwn to drink 11' the chi}! is taken mt l‘hv chicks are giVen the feed uum.) cwan buaz‘ds about eight inches wide There must be plenty of boards So that themâ€" Is room on the board Em Mary chxck. A board three feet ”mi-f and e-xght inches wide will nge mom emmgh for fifty chicks on the start. So says Prof W. R. Graham. The chicks for the first few weeks should be fed about six times daily at regular intervals. Give the first feed In the morning as early as the chicks can see to eat and the last at night as late as possible. If growing cnicks in February one feed may be SiVen at night using artificial light. Don't Uverfeed at the Start. Many chicks are OVerl'ed on the-'1' start. We have adopted the plan for the first five or six days in the brood er of weighing the feed. An experi- enced feeder may not need to weigh the feed. but the beginner generally does better by weighing it. We alâ€" low one ounce of the dry mixture for every fifty chicks at each feed; that is. no chicks. for their first five days in the brooder. get more than SW ounces of dry feed to fifty chicks in one day. The plan followed is to moisten the first feed with canrwd tomatoes. the. second with eggs, and the third with minced liver, and then begin the series over again. The above amount will not satsify the chicks’ appetite. They will create a great noise at every feeding time, but‘ it gives a chance for the chick to abâ€" sorb completely the yolk in the body. After the first period one should ‘ feed two or three times each day all that the chicks will eat. We begin giving a drinking vessel each of water and sour milk. when the chicks are about a week old. Many give sour milk to drink at the start, but we have obtained slightly better results by not giving the milk for the first three or four days. Feed Sprouted and Cracked Grain. When the chicks pass the second week. sprouted grains may be fed. also a little cracked grains. The change should be made gradually from tomatoes. eggs and liver over to sprouted grains. tender green grass, if available. and a little grain. If leg weakness is noted, the toma- toes and sprouted grains should be increased or the chicks put out of doors on clean tender grass. It is best to rear the chicks on new ground each year. and never to brood two lots of chicks on the same ground in any one year. Many chicks are sent in for examination each year that have troubles due to land infec- tion. UV “u..â€" if feeding chicks from trough or broods out of doors to move the boards or troughs a little every feed Likewise it must be renwmbered. when the chicks are fed indoors. to keep the food boards clean. Give Them Plenty of Grit. Grit is always in easy accvss of the chicks. It is advisable and necessary to add a little oyster smell dust or fine particles to the ration daily. A certain amount of lime is necessarv. Mouldy foods. dirty feed boards. and musty litter are to be avoided. Moulds kill large numbers of chicks “buy .I--â€" Be sure your house is clean and the litter not musty. Do not use cut barley or rye straw as litter for baby chicks. because the beards may get into the chicks’ eyes. Good clean aiâ€" falfa makes the best chick litter we have used. When it gets soiled or dirty remove and replace it with clean litter. Feed Less Frequently Later. As the chicks get older the num ber of feeds per day may be reduced. so that at an age of seven weeks three or four feeds per day are suffi- cient; in fact. after the second Week hoppers of crushed oats or dry mash may be placed in the pen. The feeds of moist mash are continued at what- ever amount the chicks will clean up. V'v. “Hawâ€".â€" â€"-Dept. of Eitensmn, 0. A. College. J Guelph. ___________.__â€"â€" Millets Sowu at Different Dates. The question is frequently asked regarding the best dates for sowing millet for hay proouction. For sev‘ eral years in succession an experi- ment has been conducted at the On- tario Agricultural College by sowmg millets on each of six different dates. starting on May 15th and finishing.~ on August lst, allowing about twn weeks between each two dates of seeding. The average results hth' shown the highest returns from sow- ing on June 1st. Naturally, varnaws like the Japanese Barnyard and tin- Japanwse l‘anicle require to he 5(J\’.i‘n earlier than the Hungarian Gram- which requires a shorter season lor rim'elopnaent. ft. also will be found advantageous Keep the brood sow in good Unfit} and healthily cond‘mon. Allow m1 plenty of eXercisc. Feed uef gnu-:11 _ ch“ ‘k‘ \.I!'K‘ ybbta‘pJ ~â€" I’uod in we w‘mLer. She is wry fond of alfalfa hay and mangcel w‘ m With one tepd per day of mlduluggs. and 111111;. Gin: hcl‘ a dry coalm,;'..l.l..c straw bed. also plenty of New Wan-1‘, and she will winter in prune cau- dltion. Someone has said that the best teacher in a community isn't always the one in cixargx of I'm» sckzoo: as superintendent or teacner. but may be some progressive farmer wuo wakes up the community to new pus- simlities and who develops a new line of thought and starts a new enter- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE During the past week Mr. Dan Larch. Proston. one of the most suc- cessful brew-Idem of Yorkshire bags in Waterloo County, was in thc‘ County an a tour of inspection of‘ tho Various Bacon Hug Clubs of Groy County. There arr mm- mim- (°luhs. The majority uf thv mmnbvrs are quite satisfiml. but at lvast Iiw 0f the Mars \wro condrmnod. 'I‘lwsr will b0 replaced by others of britter typo at nu rust tn the clubs. Surnly sm'h Svl'Vicn cummvuds itsvlf to tho farmers of Grey Cuunt)‘. Two new clubs haw rwmxtly been nrganizm‘l. one at. Drnnmrv. and one near Bognor. in Sydonham. Others are in process ”1' m-ganization, but many more might. 1w. startvd. The regulations are as follows; Any ton fal‘mm's 11min;- at, 102151 twvnty sows can socurv a hour or appi'uwd Damn typo mm m' vhargv. " ' - 7 1 -1 ”I: V ‘ u .~'\§\. “1'1”" -- l' - -. 'l‘lw i'oquiwmmts aw nut: at, 1111! impossible tn iwi-l'ni'm as is shown! by Hip rvsults ul' thn Hubs now (yr-i gallizml. 'l‘lw gum! Slims will I‘m I'vâ€" tzlinml km}; Hwy will iw ti'unsl’m‘ri-il‘ to oliwr clubs 11mm l’t‘qut‘Sl Hf tho nicimbm's. Grew (luiuity mum with profit git into this tum-«m chili \mrk mtm' 0xâ€" tf‘nSiVDly. Perhaps if t‘()-0LN‘1‘8H011 were given a Hug: Fair could iiv arâ€" ranged in aumv district. \x'lim-i: thorn. was intm'ost sun'icimit. to ussm-n a goodly number (if ontrivs” 11. is for Gi'vy (luunty hi'mvi's tn say. Wool Marketinfi. 'l‘lm )‘iFfH' lElZ-l {Il'nmisvs tn lw l'm‘ humwr war in _tlw :nmnmt. ul' \wml \Vlm'h will he shimwd 10 “w (Innu- (li'dn ()n-(ml‘l'aliVn {\VuI‘l (imwvrs. MHH‘ amllivalinns m'v Ewing: rmwivml than M'H’ lwl'm'v. Sgn'ciz‘ll Malling: «lays in (hwy (immly will 1w hl‘lll as llvi'f‘tt‘HV'II‘l‘. _ _ ‘ In 1921 MW 26.000 pounds at wgul \w'ro shimwd. in 19212 thvrv \wrv “.08 farmvrs shipped 38.633 ”Lungs. am! in 192: amn-nximate‘ly 22;) tarmvrs sh i mwd 30.000. ‘1‘>§imnds. \ n||1\ ‘l:l"|‘l“‘ x‘llll.’l"".l OJl_I.\)\.H_I '7‘.' ..... 7.., The [n'icvs this wasun aw highvr than fur snmu timv. 'l‘lw markvls sewn) firm. so that. m'uspvcts are itlval. This. in mldilinn m :x' «lo- m-vasing handling: rust. makns tho ('(Dâ€"Upcl'atiVé‘ saln nf \\'(m1 :1 real atâ€" t'avtiw prupnsitinn tn slump farm- m's in (irvy Gaunt}: 'l'hu Dm’vartmunt nl' .-\g1~iculturo have always hamllml the. paper twine and sacks which [110 Canadian (lo-«)pvraliw Wm! Gmwm's supply. t’l‘his year the supplies can again 1w. lsovm-ml fmm llm local Office. . . U ‘- In (\nnll SCVUI'PU H‘qu nu uu_u. u...-.a.- l’alwr twine is used to tie ouch {10000. It. is preferable to any ”1.1101“ vmul used as them" aw nu threads 10 lwcnme detached. which will not break down. Sisal strands from 01‘- «linal‘y himlvi' lwim» will not scour Hum ”10‘ woul. lwncv will lw cai‘i'iml intn tlw (‘ltlllh Buttm' tn lvaw (‘llCll tlmwv untiml than in use hindvr lwinv. Farmors having: wunl fur salv Slltllllll try tlw selling: in the (lana- ilian (in-owiiali\'v «m tlw graded has- is. ll’ you have new-1' shimml hoforv. why nnt. smiil :1. l'vw 1100005 for 1: trial. It. will not cost. anytliii g: and Hip l'PSllllS will usually be quilp .t-"l'ill it‘ying. 0. A. C. Semi-Centennial. 'I‘Iie semiâ€"centennial celebration of the “All. has been completely arâ€" ranged for. The speriai day set. :2- part fer (trey County farmers is Fri- day. June 13. It is hoped that at large. number of representatives from they County will be on hand. Smrcial arrangements may be made by the Grey County branch of the. Department of Agriculture. If any are interested it is hoped they will ,communicnte with the Grey County oh‘ice. Some desire to motor, some. wish to g: by train. while others prefer to metor to the nearest C.N.R. station and gci‘b3' train from that ,Â¥__ a-..“'1\vu‘) butlbluu uuu C point. Which do'you prefer"? SHIPPING EVERY SATURDAY Arnold D. N oble will ship Hogs from Durham every Saturday fore- noon. nghest prices paid. 11 23 tr â€"â€"V STRAY CATTLE Yearlings. steers and heifers, came to the premises of the undersigned on Sunday night. theJSth of May. {)wner required In prove property. pay expenses and take them away.â€" Tnlm unnnwon Durham. 5223 rill-V ‘ll‘rr\ -- 7.- John Mcanan. Durham Silver r Black Foxes Club Hog Inspection. Priceville Fox Co., Limited Priceville. Ont. " at $100. Par Value All registered pure bred stock. Low capitaliza- tion. All comon stock. Absolutely no watered stock. Ten years ex- perience breeding: Stock from P.E.I. A limited number of shares for sale in binâ€"dawns. our. '- ,leited COMPENSATION SIDE OF TEACHING RARBLY CONSIDERED A teacher in one of the Public schools in the city is of the opinion that. while much is written of the trials of teaching, too little is said of its compensations. She told the fol- lowing amusing case in instance the other day : An Italian boy in one of the lower rados made such progress with his studios. especially with English. that his grateful fathrr felt. it. in- cumbent on him to call in person at tho school building and express his gratification. His sprorh was not. all iniolligihlo. but. ihrrr was no doubt iof his sincerity, for he roncludrd with this gmirruns ofl'or: "Alissa Teacher. 1 huvx'a do harh' shop ona do (‘Ol'll(“'. You hrii go mo your hair ana «lay. an‘ 1 givva you .h. shampoo. or outta. do hob. Costa lynu nutta (in com." COMPENSATIONS IN FARMING {Lindsay Watthman-\Vai-dma? Farming: has its attractimis own thungh it has nm'or )‘ivli’lml high W" tits as. a business vntvrpriso. EViâ€" (ii-mm of this may ho 5mm in almost any part. nt' thv ('ft'lllllil'y. One man's l’znming has not nlflllt‘ him rich. but iw still lumps thv lmmvstmul and lake‘s-:1 ploasm'v in 1.!”ng nut. Highâ€"1 lm'ly tn sew hmv tho ci'tms an“ comâ€"t in: along. Almost every uwnm' of ilam] i'vatizrs that it' ho were tn sell out, invest. the procem‘ls in bonds or ‘stm'ks in return him 6 pm" omit and lhwn sumix'v mmili‘)3‘111(‘~lit. in town. ho \Vniilsl lw suro «if a g‘l'natm' income. th. llt‘ [il‘vt‘vl's tn i't‘main his uwn n'i'tstm' and work lung hours. ’l‘hm‘v :m‘ mnmonsatinns that. account, far this. ('hoim‘ «if what 5091115 to hp :1 hm'c‘lé‘i' lit'n. CARD OF THANKS | \\‘n «lnsirv m thank our frimuiw and nvighlmrs fur sympathy «"xm‘vss- mi and holp gvnvwmsh' g‘ix'vn during thv rwvnt. ilhwss and death Ht 011!“ hvhmul muthmz M 1's. 'l‘humns Nichnl. \‘x‘v also (lusim- to thank those who 94: thnngzhtfully sum thn'al tl‘ihutvs. â€"â€"'l‘lm Family. M 113‘ Itfs hard in ln'vak Hm tmnlvl' can] \V-lwn hm" has hound thv hvart. H's h'u‘d. su hard. in sin-21k tho words “’0 must f0!‘(‘!\'m' pzll't. .\'n\\'. 'lvm' 1mm! «mu. wv must Ivan- 111110 111 thv 111111 I\ ;.°111\11 11111111° 111° °11d B111 t.l1\ mvm'n \ shall lw (411111511011 Till \\1‘ 801‘ tl1\ _11_1}11\111_1l\ 1801* ‘1’91 IN MBMORIAM Everettâ€"hm 1H\'in:.: l‘nc'mm'y Hf G. .lfvvrofl. \th (hqunfivd this va av ‘29. 1923. Sadlfi' Misw by His \V'ifo Entirely Remedied by Lydin E. Pinkham’s Vegeubk EXBRUBIATING PAINS, BRAMPS Eberts,0nt.â€"f‘lstarmdthhcnm$ and bearing-down pain: at the age eleven years, and I would get so I could_hard1y stay in bed, and I :3 Eé‘fii‘é‘éfiifi'fi {517;}? e" 'hteen' I ma:- ried, and have four 11 thy children. but I still have pams in my right side. I am a farmer’s wife with more work than I am able to do. Ihave taken three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound and I feel that it in helping me every day. My sister-in-law, who has been taking your medicine for some time and uses your Sanative Wash. told me about it and I recommend it now, as I have received great relief from it.”-â€"-Mrs. NELSON You, R. R. 1. Eberts, Ont. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable com- pound is a medicine for ailments com. mon to women. It has been used for such troubles for nearly fifty years, and medicine. If you are suffering from irregularity, gainful times, nervousness, headache, ackache or melancholia, ou should at once he 'n to take Lydia. . Pinkham’s Vegetab e Compound. It is excellent to strengthen the system and help to per- form ita functions with ease snd regu- “w I‘m-4 A Good Shot. Thu nmx night-watchman at. the ('vlysm'vaiwy was watching" sumo mm using: “:0 My; lvlvscmw. Just, then :1 star fo-H. “Hogan-m.“ he said to him: All Our Graduates have been placed to date and still there are calls for more. Get your course NOW. 'f you do not get it you pay for it anyway in smaller earnings and lost opportunities. Enter any day. Write. can or phone for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLPBGE Stratford .r, vâ€"â€"'- .ia E. Pinkham’g Vegetablg Com- W‘- 11.1% p‘ I»V i I y ~A. ’ {’1' ‘ W3? "‘q:7 .: Nag-g: ff“: 7/. ‘ ~ and Mount Forest iii-Ii: PAGE SEVEN ""1“ '

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