West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 May 1924, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT (Our own correspondent.) Owing to the very cold weather over the holiday our village had your few visitors. We any Mr. -F1ndlay McPhail around with his new car. We understand Miss K. McTagmrt and Miss Phoebe Liymg- ston came up with him from the city. and expect. they will he- roturn- ing Monday. The ladips Hf tho Prosliytori'm congregation wow.- husy preparing the manso for occupat ion by our new minister and family. who». \yo- 2w- lieyfl. will likply mow» in tho latter part of this Wonk. W» wish tho Rev. Snihm-lanil. Mrs. Sutherland. anel littlo family thi- ilt'St of gum! fortum‘ whilo- with us. WP am.» glad that such good reports urn in rirrulation «~11 tho {'Xt'RHRHl N'I‘Vlces from the l’roshytwrian Vi‘ll!!‘l'lilf.‘~f how and at Sxyinton Park. All sec-m highly ploasml With what they heard. “3: has! a wry heavy snowstorm horn Sunday afternoon. Practically the wholw timw was given to heavy rain and SHOW. \\'», hear sumo- numerous tish stoâ€" ies thosn days. and no doubt. they must ho true. as the SOUX‘PPS of such - x‘L' ‘ll:\ :(llll at“! GIL" H. \\'o». hear sumo- Qo’an’OllS tish sto- ies these clays. anol nn doubt. they must he truo. as. the SOUX'PPS nf such are :ibsc')l1_1tnly reliable. Snmu 01' the ~lm'ié-s aw gmml. to tl‘m whim. of twvnty tn t\\'o-nl.\'â€"l'rmv ounvus. which makos them truly grandâ€"much lwt- in? than the "almost, caught." mws. Mr. Ruben-t. Campbell and family spam. llw evening: of the» 25th with I'rivnols in our Village. Kai'slmlt BI‘HS. hzul a 6105“ Hill by “P“ nn Sunday mvning wlwn a mal- nil Iii-alter gut «mt ul‘ hounds. 'l’lw stmm was liming usml in vnnnnvtimz \Vllll u chickmi bmmler. Quirk ac- tion by a t'o-w men saxwl 2h» situaâ€" tion. .\s it, was. ubuul, mu- lmnuli'wl \aluahlo- ('hil‘kfi‘ pnl'isht‘tl. \Vw al‘P 21ml tn sow that ”111- {.mvn father's :m- :min: to gnt :ll'tm- ull'nnalâ€" M‘s this ,war. Owners of lin stm-k aw likvly tn got. bettm' acquainted \\'llll N”. l hy-law if thvir stlwk is caughl am llw street after June .. M 1'. .l. H. Mrlman and Mr. W'ill'r‘eil \\'at.~‘cm :m' hnnw for Hw holiday from the why. Mrs. .Iamvs Mubomgan paid a. short \‘isi! tn lwx' daughter, Miss Rum. whn :a an inmatv nt‘ \\"estgn Sanitarium. \\'o- munglaol tn hear that. Miss tha H somwwhat, l‘wttnx‘ again. SPPIHHQ‘ ~tanolstili min on F mmn tim zit Ln wnr ipvll. Hu‘ prtmlisin; In: well. Th» ‘21: The 33th \\':l.~ spent. \‘wry quip“) here. Some \Vr-ni. tn Iish. km! nnly :'«‘»t. a few bites and returnml lmmr. .~at.i.~'fiml that fishing; is nu spurt 0n A FUN day. 'l'lwre passed away in H'n'ristmx nn Friday. the 3m. the lat.- .l'nlm Mrâ€" Xlurnln. an Old settler frnm here. Mr. .\h_t.\lt,1rd0 farmed here fur a goal many years and moved tn Brampton, and then to) Harristnn. where died. The funeral was held On Sunday and *he remains taken from his reshience by motor to the Latter Day Saints” remetery 0n the '1 :‘sth Concession. Mr. and Mrs. John Parslow of ‘l'nrnntu motored up and spent the holiday visiting friends around here. Mr. and Mrs. R. I“. Knnx renewed friends around hero- OVo'l‘ the weekâ€" end. Hill”. Mrs. Hugh Ric-[humid and Miss \nnin HOhkil'k ut’ Durham. \Vo-im welcnmo‘ visitni's with i‘i‘ivnols how“ an Saturday. thv 33th. Mr. and Mrs. William Fiiizmi. Mr. and Mrs. .\noh‘v\\' Hastiv. MP. arm Mrs. John .\'-.lm\'e-iimio- “mu guns“ «vt .\li.~‘> Eu) Fiiiiii< at I!!! immo- noun a 'hpslm un Sunolm. Mr hank huimlwy is Hu- lute-e! =~izrv has"! Hi 3 mm t liminiwt. im- MI. Thnmus >10“. {minim ' HW‘IMM' at. .\li:in Park i-o-nhai. minn'ipanimt by Mr. \\'iliiam Ball of Zephyr. Ont. :mci Mi. and Mis. \wa. (é: ii'isnn aim :imilV at Dmham. \wtv Hm guests in \ii' and MN i-tmvuw’»"‘1H\\nanol 'J‘A‘JO A 20“»! many from hvrn attnndml the play. Dcam‘m Dobhsu :iVnn by th.) ln‘nmnw Club. in Hnrwvillo- Hall. 0n Friday night. and all sin-:11; highly Miss Pearl Wilson, teach”; here. spent Wednesday evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Coutts, and family. on the 2nd. _ _ M! umi Aml hm}; (Our own correspondent.) The» weather still continues very wet and cold. making the season \em. 13““ Most merythingz is at a standstill. but still xv: hope: ‘nr bet- ter weather in the near fu_e.tur ' w.-- I Mr" W‘oodthorpe Johnston 0t Duâ€" luth. Minn. is Visiting hi5 brothers Robert. here. and Edmund. of South Bentinck. after an absence or some forty-three years. with the emep- tion of a short visit here about 25 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston, family on Sunday. Mr. and MN. Harry Mrlhnmall and ":imily «‘il‘ Durham spent. th» “makâ€" "llll with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc- lmngall. and Miss Edna. “’0 \Vf‘l'f‘ plPaSt‘d to have :1 Visit from l'lnvil lenlpl'i. a studmt of the i‘nmlical rollwgoi‘. Tornntn L'niwrsily. and a former teacher in Mulock <i-hr‘ml. ll» enjoys his studies fine and \Vi? wish him every success in his l'uluro‘ career. HP. will soon be able in writ» M. I). after his name. Miss Pearl Wilson. a grac‘luale of the- Toronln Bible-1 College}. will Luke chm-go of “10“ Church St‘l'Vll't‘ at. Mu- lnrk on Sunday. Jun» 1. at H a.m. Miss Wilson will also giw a talk to the children at. the 6108“ of the Sun- day school. which will bu held at 10 am. Tlmrt‘ Will l)» nu vvening service. Mg-siérswfielville and Lowell, spent -\ little mishap with :1. Fun! max!» 1 little delay t'm‘ an :mtn 10m! to 'Pauh the cmumrt in Dumlalk on Sat- 111133‘ night. ‘ uni .m. and .v amilV ut' D111 n‘ Mr. and M Family on Sun Mr. and Mrs MI I 2.0 a“ Dr 0! : 3er 1-” S. v [31“ ( n.P $1" . ‘~ vim .g“ n (Our own correspondent «ling npojx‘utic‘n’).~t hvrn mm :sth_ again. nwmg tn thn on. Friday night. and H ' ilmv k’wt'nx'v ”w [and \ ”L7. 5.7.: EE: .7531. E: E :97. :23. .52 E: ._..:.”N .2: :: :Emrrzz E .334“ Etna; Swinton Park. .m. \\'il [‘1 pal-[y anil and tlw ha}: Ebenezer. Mulock NW? 111 I \V» “15}: hifi. T11" mnnm'tim: Quirk acâ€" thu situaâ€" mm mm ad that I? at a * heavy will 110 will 1w 1 warm iunkinfg.’ Sunday with the Mervyn family. at Durham Elmwmn ('PHHV Mr; I, k“ A. 5.21: With mi Hastiv and dang, hter .‘Iiss Ham 1. also Miss Alma Friend of \V M itrhh Mr. and Mrs. Will Derby and litâ€" ;lo' imiw \‘isiti‘ul the? first Hf thi‘ mink with liw farmer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. .\. Uni-by. Durham. M 1'. Ainx. Hz'ini'snn and family \wx'v in flwwn Snunil last work. 'I‘iw Rm: W. H. Smith of Durham i» tn visit an this line) if tho \\'eat.hti*i' is fm'uraiilv. cm 'I‘hursdny of this mmk. film! \\ ill" hnli’l plaV‘i‘ meeting at Mi. Jami-s 31080113ch in the M'- O'HJWS'. 311‘. and Mrs. 'l'lmmas Park I'mm '{vnx \‘isitwl Hw liz'st Hf Hlv \Vt‘l‘k with t'x'innds in this. vu'lmty. (Our own correspondent.) Mrs. .lamvs 'l'ux'nhull of Ebenvzm‘ sin-m. an :H‘Im'nmm (mummy with .\I 12*. W. J. Dvrh)‘. Mr. 'l'hozmas Cox'iwtt 0f the Bell 'I'wluphnno (Inmpany. Palmerston. «mm. “In first. Hf the wook 0n (hp :5. 34: .....121...5:23... 53.11.. ._..._.:: 2:; 5748.; 1:54»: .1. 4.3.2:; 3... 1:5..zzw m fiémfiumsz 2:: .1 7 2:; .47.. .533 $573. Mr. John (inMsmith has bmm 11011.»- in: thw Hnldsmith ans. tn cut lath. fur Hlv past. \vm‘k. Mastm' .\. 4;. HnMsmith is spendâ€" .n: :1 t‘nw hulidays with his grand- gum'nts at. Massiv. Mr. haw Ham-v spvnt a \vemk-o‘nd -:: Aw hnmv nt‘ his lam-Ms. Mr. and 3;: vx'nrnmvnt \Vho‘l't' t!“ f hidns. “'1' built. $1.70 {I day. Aberdeen. (Our own c0rrespomient.l Miss Laura -.\'Ii-I\'en'/.in rvturna-ul tn hwz' tmmv UH Mnnday at'tt'r sprinting «m-r the hnlitlay with Mrs. 1). Lamb. Mr. {\llti Mrs. Walter Clark amt fa- mily sin-m. Sunday with Mr. and M rs. Jumps I‘lwvn. Mr. amt Mrs. Thnmas tluttinr and family nt' Durham siwnt a clay r0- :wntly with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mzir- 'lcmtlhl. Miss Ht‘l'thil Hmwss 0f Crmvfnr‘nl. and Miss 1lvliu, of 'l‘on'nnm. Spent. thn \.\'o-e-kâ€"o-ncl with Hwir sistvr. Mrs. Hush Mawlnnald. .\h'. and! M 1's. Thomas Tm'l'y. Rchr- shim sgwnf Hw first nt' Hm wm‘k \x-ith tlw Lamb famiiy. Mrs. William Hflnoss. m-cnnman- ion! by .\l1'.~‘.'l'lmmas Bailow 0f Craw- I)" M Rocky Saugeen (Our own correspondent.§ Mr. 21ml Mrs. Ho-I'h DHHSanâ€"H' :md wt: n!’ (Mun Smmd spun! a clay I'v- 5; u :sml :zn V in 311'. H \4'93‘142 .\|:‘\14‘.\’. lmwon spent the holi- !:1_\ \\it|1 11'i4-n4ls in lm‘unto. 314. James- I.a\\x'en4'.o has rented H'M' :14‘1'4'5‘ 431' Land t'z'nm MP5. \Vilkio. *lv inn-”.45 In 1154- it [or pustm'm \h Cluulin \Vo‘pplm' is bmnin'g 4i~' lim4'-kiln this “N‘k. "hv mun”: 1y nwvting‘: 0f the “CM. ~. will i)" lwl4l at tho h44m4~ of Miss Na Banks 4m me -’4. “idly with Ml‘. and' Mrs. William l by Mrs. 'l'lwmas Bailvy of {li‘aw- ml. spo'nt. 'l'nvsday at. Mr. Hugh lc‘clHlNll‘l‘S. Jamt's Lix in'c ston. and daugh- Miss .â€"'\ud1ny. Meryl and Ehs- nf Hamilton xx ere \isitm's here tho 101mm .~ siste'z. -II‘S. “. ..\ 15111.. tkw first of the week. 1 11112111» PH 21\ has purchased a 11} pnrpnsv hops» 1mm Mr. awn. and .‘h' Robert Jnhnstnn smi «11‘ 1-110 In Mr. Flank Mur- ut' Snutlx Huitun Hill. South Bentinck Wow guests at. the. home of Mrs. .lamvs I‘ux‘nDuH. r»- Welbeck. '.l .“ o‘t’. Miss. Jmmiv Harrison left for the “705?, a t'mv «lays agn and intends x'vsiding with hm- brother. Charles, at Hm M mm M‘. Sask. Holstein. (Our own correspondent.) '1'va Range-nu Prvsbytm‘y will meet m tho Presbyterian church on June 5 nuxt. 11155 Rub._-1-1a"1>11111;1 of Durham Hospital spent, :1 11:13' 111 the Vlllagv laid): Miss Anna Ricw of Oshawa was hr-mn fur 11w wwk-end Wlth her paw-1115. Mg. and Mrs. John 31cc. 0.,. Umn‘gu Hustuttm' has returned for Hm sumnwr mnnths. He was seri- nnsly ill in Brumlnn Hospital NP a mum.) 0f mnnths. Ht: also cont-raci- mi hltuniâ€"puisuning imms left hand. This laid him 011' work fur a length Hf tin)». \ Miss .‘Jildx‘ml Rngm's was from '1".»1'011to mcuntly for days. Mr. J um Adams and daughter Agâ€" ms. 01' Durhmufslwnt. :1 part, of a «lay l'm'vml)’ with Mr. aml Mrs. \Villiam .Vvlsnn. Row. L. Pum'in “1' Hamilton will mummy Uw pulpit. nt' the Presbylcrâ€" ian chm‘vh ohn'ing‘ the) next'twu Sahâ€" haths nu :wmum ut' tlw absonco u? now. H. S. firm“... 011 his vacation. Mrs. I'mnali'isnn 0f Strati‘ord was the guest «if her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hisrork, recently. The Hnlstnin Dramatic Club ren- ile-rm’l the play. “The New Minister,” again in the hall on Wednesday Pv- og~nin nt‘ lawt \xomk.'1‘he attendance “as nut as i: irgr as desired. hmxex er. a iair hmisv \\ as in attendanre. and the play “11> \xvll umdm‘ml. Mrs. E. .l. 'l‘lmvne. as 1"0prosenta- tiw nf thv Hnlshrin branch of the “7.315.. was in Hamilttm during the past. \wgk, ansâ€"civlcgam. Thu l'mnhall tnam npcned the seaâ€" snn‘s campaign in Listnwel on Tues- clay r‘wmng last and were «,ipfeatml. tlw scou‘o- [wing 2-0 in favor of Lisâ€" tmx'nl. ’l‘hn Village» trustws are crmtting twn rive-sung mums on the south snip m‘ Hm dam for the: use of bath- O’l'fi'. RM; L. E. \Ynst 1s attnnding conâ€" t'e-t'emvv at. Niagara this week. hence Him-n wiii 1w nu service in the MC- lhmlist. vhm‘vh nuxt Sabbath. The I'omcwmicm nt‘ tlw vhm‘ch is, under “113'. Mr. R. Ilhrisiin having tho erm- true-t. «)ur own wm'vspoudent...} Mr. and Mrs. Jumps Brown Hf Hume-55am \ mtmi last. 'l‘uesday at the hnnw Hf Mrs. 11. \\'vh1w1‘, Sr. Mr. and 311 Rocky sgmnf M 2' \th-v shn has hm‘n spending “16‘ past hm‘ nmnths. Mr. and M 1‘s. HHhm‘f, \Vcbbm‘ spent Sunday with 'l‘mxm-stun friends. Mr. «llm'm'a! Ritvhiu mturnml from UNIV)” last \vvvk. Glenroadin. (Our own correspondent"? Mr. and Mrs. Llnhn Boyd spout. Sunday with his aunt. Mrs. .f.-Ynung. at. 'l‘mx'nso-nal's Lukv. Mr. Ray 'l'x‘an‘m-«l has treatmi himâ€" .wH' tn :1 nuw Vm'c'l 031‘. Mrs. Wilkiu is Visiting thw Hnslip family. Mikw limmy hnug'hf. Sixtm‘n head nl‘ (-attiv i‘rnm Mr. Mm'rison 01' Egre- nmnt. Miku hils an MP3! farm for ]):l.~'hll'6‘. - Hnrn.--.\2 Ktmlsark. Sash. on May 3. tn Mr. and Mrs. .lnlm Banks. :1 son. tinnurmulminns. Mr. Kmnwth Vaughan is: homo l'i‘nm lex‘nif. th'm! :ast \vvvli. Mr. \\':l.lmm Knislny spent lmhalay WI“! 1115 [ull‘l‘llis horn Wu think Mr. Hugh Vaughan. .112. has hrnkwn Hw rm'nrc‘l fur the larg- Mt fish {In vaught throw 12111.1“ ones nnv 345 in: in s 1011;: MM \xvighing’ two 1mm is mu Hum vs Jnhnny Dunsmm‘n' of near town spun! Hu- wwk-nncl \x'lth hxs grand- paroénts at. Hlvnx‘naorlm. Z... 2:; :7. .33. 59:3:3 2.2: 1:53.». 2:: :1. 2:; 33.3. $3.... CANCEL THEIR LICENSES Hmmas iimc s-lmnnal. ) , Inuvm nwtnxbts. and this class inclmh-s murn Hum ninn-tvnfhs nf thw var 1h'i\'l‘l‘.~' mnwlain. and with z'a-asun. that sntTiviumly sharp \x'ntvh i.~ wt take n h\' thusv whose \‘WHI‘H duty if is to attend tn the mutt. x 0;" “whips: c111'111‘1\1‘1‘.These :‘o‘t'klwss vmhryn criminals and p0- lo-ntiai nmnlm‘m's seem to get every- thing thwir own way. Having bodies that. may ho whipped or cooled in tho «mils. and “('01st that may be can- «wlhui, the authorities will be work- ing in the intnrest not only of public mm}; hui Hf law and orcl'ér. by giv- in: tho junkors and road hogs the Hmit tho statute provides. F1 um a >m_all St hoolgirl s essay on My lamih.‘ "In my family there are three of us, my father. mnther, and me. I am .‘hw )‘IHIHSPStr n-ky spun! :1 wwk ago Sunday at, r. ’!'hnm;1.- Munmain's. Miss Lawrnnvv Armstrong: rumm- { lmmn {rum 'l'm-nntn last, \ka. he'w #110 has bown spending tho Southeast Bentinck THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Precision. :II‘I V'cssiv Of if 01' the SumlaY at. «2 hump few ”In Shgélburnc‘s population is 1.120, mmlmg tn the assessor. .lnlm McLemJ, the oldest resident of tho Brucn Ponmsula. 15 (lead 111 I115 111110ty-mgllth year. Mrs. Hannah Chalk. over 70392115: or agv. was 011mm! to death m her homv nom- hmgstnn. Robert Mcmell. C. E" a. well- kmm‘n ()wnn Snunder, returned last m-vk from a trip armlml the world. Charles Palmcr, ex-Asscssm‘, has umwalml lhv Whu'u: assessnwnt or Uundalx for 192-2. Marin“ l~"ullurtuu nl' Dundailk. whilv playing baseball at. the: scinml grnunds, MI and Drum: 111.3 collar hul‘u‘. The committee of Markdalc Citi- zvns‘ Band haw Macml an mwlnr for snwral new instruments of thv best quality. The band has also added a number of new players. \Wmn a til'vm'21ckm' uxplm‘iwl in his facu, Charles Smith, 2m ()Wun Smmd buy. M years old. nearly lost. H10 sight of his vyns. During the last week we? 350.000 pickm'nl fry haw. bm‘n depositvd in Lake» Francis. Mountain Lake. and Sl'wmwm‘s Laku. nPaI' Owen Sauna. mwen Smlntil milk prices have been reduced to ten and a half cents, per quart, nineteen pint tickets for $1.00. fl‘he former price was eleven and a half cents, or 17 ticlmts for $1.04). .\ Nassagaweya Township farmer near Milton was lined in police court for the too vigorous use of the strap on a Barnardo home boy. The boy was taken back to Toronto. Sanford E. Fisher has received the appointment as postmaster at Dray- ton. succeeding R. R. Hambly. de- veased. The appointment is report- ed a popular one. Knox Presbyterian church. Harris- tun. has extended a unanimous call tn the Rev. ’1‘. S. Small of Hespeler, at. a salary of $2,000, manse and va- nation. Fire at, Elmvale recently destroyed tho Dominion Hotel, two houses. one stow, together with some sheds and burns. A shortâ€"circuit in :1 car that was stored in the garago is given as tho cause. All English syndicate. 1‘c[_)1‘nsm1t.ed by B. (j. Johnson 01' Stl'att'ord-w- Mum. has 1)ur(_:hasml 60,000 acres of land in Southern Manittma from the )lvnnonitos, thu prion paid liming 380.000 and 30.000 zlm‘w‘s in Mnx’icu alâ€" rnady owned by the mumhasing syn- .licalo. Wiliiuni Six-2141mm). HIP 'i'ni'niiln mam who niurclerml Hvi'bui'i, McClure in Mint viiy last. March. and was ad- ,iuiigmi insane. by a jury before Doing put, an trial. has been arlmittmi t0 Hug psychiatric ward at the Untai'in imt‘m-nmtory. Thaw are at. present 2)? izi'in'iiiially insane pativms at. the (iilnlph prison farm. The Prince Of \Valvs is In haw an prol'tunity t0 Fido a typical Mexi- can cow puny. United States "cow- punclwrs,” to participate with a numlmr of crack riders frnm Hm Uilfllllliilll West in the rodeo at, the Short News Items of Local Interest which is best suited to keep you “fit”â€"a genuine whole-wheat loaf or ordinary bread They will tell you “The whole-wheat loaf. “Community" Fruit C alto 20, {IC- British Empire Exppsitior}, have de ('1de to present 111m WIth one 0 ihGlI‘ best mounts. -. M- -_‘_ -_‘ Lilli. Il- va 5a.. Sixteen Toronto police officials are to be retired in 'a reorganization scheme. of Chief Dickson. Among them are Sergt. Philip limbach, a former vesiclont. of Ayton, and broth- m- of Mrs. Lachio McKenzie, formerâ€" ly of Durham. The retired men have sorwd thvir time and will be supm'aimuatml. “BETTER HEALTH through BETTER BREAD" Get back to the Wholesome, balanced foods provided by Nature. Eat a slice of genuine 100% whole-wheat bread at every meal. SOME medical authorities go so far as to state that 90% of present-day illness is. directly or indirectly traceable to the “over- refining” of so much of our food. Ask your doctor or dentist “The wholg-wheat loaf, of course” of Judge (to victim. or holdupj_- W 11110 you \xrertybemg relieved (39' your valuables, dxd you call the m- lice? Victimâ€"Yes. your honor. (‘VM‘V thmg I could thmk of. ' The flowers that grow in Hm Swing. tra la, $09111 if) b» all «lamp- lions if you are trymg t0 makg, a {awn Thursday, Kay 29, 1924. Durham VOL. 57.â€"NO. "97}. womc 0301mm WAS HELD mam New Home of Durham Log-3 5: Scene of Interesting C53; ‘ Tuesday Evening, Past Masters Took Pa. f- mony Cpnducted by D L Grey Dastrict. No. 25, 20’ my most intm'vstmu .»..;,.. Masonry took Mam- I'Ooms he?“ “114-13. 1;: Lion Of Rt. \ang 1;“ V “'8", ”.11“. M“ :1“ ~.' five Past Mash-rs. :31“: ly dedicatml 10 Hu- ..- her0._ .ler 52.1311.» (IV. -- - J BrO. BlaCkWOH [pm ‘ _ as thv I). D. H. .\l. «.1 - Aftt‘!‘ HH- svm‘im- been 3011“ Hui-tum}, the banun hull. \\ r. repast. was [121?! :1 K ‘ ,1 quet Over, 11““ 1.4,- “‘ - “A“: ..r \x' “v- ‘1 in the hands q ' " ClOCRIin. \th 3"}: Th? fC’llO‘VInL' Y|o;,.'; ’lhe King: and H], by w. Br“. 11. n "v, fvas respondml 1...? .God 89w: tl'u- 1w The I). I). H. .\I, “'35 propflswi by Hay, of Durham. .pondcd 10 h} :1 'Well, D.I).<i..\l.. .. .and by Rt. Wm: North Star I‘mlu“. ‘I 5 vâ€"â€" The Visiting I-itw-x. posed by Br“. Hm. \\ Durham Lociuw an “r. Bro. C. J. 15"‘5 " ‘ Walkertun. W. in - Hanuvm- Latin". 3:. Muir of Px'inw _\- erton. Tuesday The: )1 I J mi...- 13‘ \\.Bl(1 J. .\. pnnded In In \\ Hamilton. 'lhe N93“ 1 mi: ed In BI“ 11 \ Durham 1 mi: . \V. Bro. 1' ' ' Following ;i;.~ of a pilot” H! H?" the Oldest mmm the dish-m in» teemed mo-mlwi' since 1875. The twin giVen 1“ H“ E. D. MCCIHL' respondml 1.. The'Juniur the sulgin; ' brought. Uh" m At this junviig: feels it will my ;.. the flourishing «w: here and to run: lodge in thwix' o~\ u: in hzn'iu'.r Hm v what is \ViHIMI'.’ very he‘s! InflMzm be used as thwzr building. un Hu- : well-known ;\1 «r I n home of \thh : proud, and \w j. town in \\'i.-'h‘zr:: prgsperity. During tlw im- there has hum: :1 the building. v~3~ iOI' damn-311nm. : will b0 um- u'. f" in the distrn't. The. following those px'osont 12m: Rt. “'01: “1"“. \ D. G. 31., (hwy 1h ‘\. Bins, 1 _ Jhompson {2w ~~ Dovell H \ \l Y. “'01‘. Pm Bros. 1101111- M! 01311. .\. \\ Millan. R. .I. r Dovm \V. l1. 'Uf Plilu'a- .\1“1‘ “I ..'\ Ma"0'1‘i\\ Remhm 111 . Roger... \\. l-i. '1 Sutl‘wrland, “1‘ ‘11 'OVQI'. Rt. \\'UI' is" 11 I“ T. 313111111 :1 C.Sinclai1 >. . Star 1.011311, H\\ .- Bras. .l. \\‘. E5. J. (1. 1311111111. \\ Bros. 1%. If. 1- .A. J. Carin-H. 1 Kilgomz '1'. H. Lodge. M c m x it 1 W. Bras. 1’. mm M 5: Sound. a .bUtClN‘l‘ ltils Im‘~ \Vlu take pus-w» It; IS the m1!) Run Village and hm hm 3 number «'1‘ .V'W ‘ dI‘F‘S intvmimx t-r ‘ - magi} or ”I" M'” ‘ as Well as tn that \ he IS a. man "3' ['T‘H ' “Ethe butt‘hvr imw ’wm make it. :1 ~11vw~ George Tryon Dup- ness Last Week 1 ‘ Andi’l‘son. ”1' \V. “PM. 1:. FORMER MEAFOFZ‘ ‘ BUYS PRICE‘JIL l sday (“\‘l‘HHEL' . intorvstinu w; my (00k, plm-o- , i 1181'“ \\'l|4*1:. 1; . Shun-1‘. BM n \\ All. “\Udl‘c‘} While playing an . mrday nlol‘llillu'. 15¢ m’ 3011 Of MI‘. muf.‘ \.'» men, had his mun e was taken I“ HM Megon, \VhCX‘L‘ UH‘ 1.... l | - tun COLLAR BONE \Vilikt‘t Ham ii: ‘L' K R. M M‘tin: Rt. \\ \\ V. \\ .\l \\ H m I] \\ BROKEN Cere-

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