5 OF i 'ices Are Right its ERS Underwear v Hats tys’ Furnishings 1r} uits SHOP ICES rg Tools Sharpened w in eï¬ect on 'th These ‘lms \Nh IMPLEMENTS Machinist Etc. H562 " C ' 2:. 212:9 rlch, ‘. today, ‘hursdaf', June 5. 1924. NI n1 Saws Gummed. seep Ontario litwamrs, :1 â€in: mileage â€many, D05: mt hamsters. :mw'l. attend- ". $153150: B_ \l Ian. Clerk mmst 310:). k am. for Durham is an attractive and heal- thy town and germ accommodation can be obtained at reasenabie rates .I. A. M. ROBB. B. A.. Principal. .miIN MHRRISON. Chairman. ’I‘he Schml has apredifable record in. the past which 1t hams to mam- iam m the future. Information 35‘!“ Coursps may be obtamed from the Prmcmal. [’10 School is thomuvhh equipped tn iakw up the foilmxinr: coursns . (1) Junior \Iatiiculation. (2* Iintranm: in Normal School. Each momber nf the Staff is a [’ni- ‘s'm'sity Graduate and eXperienccd Teacher. 'Hu-rw must b:- a rausv fur it}! thus» sac] and sordid rum-s and it. swans In mw Hm! Hw parvnts um! Um 'ivm'hvl's in Hur svhmvls should lakv Hus quvstiun up mnrv sm'inusly anal tom-h Hu- buys and girls win» an- vllMo‘I‘ tho-iv mm: tlw vnm'mity nf thn 111 111:111}1'11.~'1-.~ 1 1111\1- 111111 111 <1~1111 111stï¬'111111'11 111111111115 :1\\:1_\ \1: 111 1111:11'1 111':111k 111 1111-11' 1-\1~~' :11111 \11111w 1111- 11111511 1 11111111 11111.111111111 11111111151111 11111211111111111111111115 1111- 1.11115 511111 111 111- 1W111111111111111'1l a11\1.~‘1' 11111111 1.1) 111k1- [11'1111-111111115 1115111151. 1111111' 11:111.:‘1111-1'5. '1'111- P1111111 .\1:1g:1s11':111'. 1111- 111111111}' .11111141- 111111 1 haw 111111 111:‘111,\' 1'1111\'111's21111111.~ as 111 1111111 \1'11 5112111 1111 111 511-111 1111- {1111111 111' 1'1‘11111' 111' 11115 5111'1 \1’1111’11 swans S11 11111. 11111 \\'1~ 1-1111 11111}' 2111111111151“? 11111 law 215‘ \1'11 111111 11. 111111 1111 1111- 511'11'11191 1'11111s 111’ 11'331 1-\'1111'n('1'. 3141111111: 1h11s11 n11111 \1'1111 :11'1- 1-1111- 1'11'11-111.111101111111111111'3' 111' 1111-1'111'111'111- 211111 1‘ 111111“ 11111 $111111 111 1111111 11111111 111111 11111111111 1111115 11111 1'1-511111- 11111<11 1'111111'11111. f111 511111 11'a11 11111111. 111 1111~11' 1'111'111111' 111111111111155 111111 1111111- 1'1'111'1'. and many 1'1111111'1111 1111111 11111 111' \1‘1'1111N‘k “111111111 â€1141* 110111;: 1111‘ 1111::11 111111-1'11111111111111 as 111 111 \1110m 1111- 11111111- 111 1111111 111115 113111 11111111 k111111111. Intending pupils should prepare to i‘nter at lu-gxnnmg of term. [111111111 â€11- [1:151 [11'1-I1'11 1'111111II1s I 11111’1- 111'1131'1'11I1'1I and mm squ I11 111'1s11111111iI1-'11111111I11~1'111’ 1111-11 1111' 111'1‘11111'113 11;:11111.~I 11111111: girls 11111I111' s1xI1'1'11 ,1'11'11'511I'11_;:1'-â€"~11111' II11<111111'11- 111;: I111I I f1'1'11 II111I1111I1 11111111-111’11- uI II11'11II':1'11111.~' 11I111" 11 sI11111I1I i111111 I111'11 111115111'111111I II {\1' 1411 [101111 11111111:I1I I11 111}. 11II1'11II1111 and 11111111 11II11'1';.'11I.~'I111111I1111~11111H1~1I<111I1111II111 111":_'1'1I 1'111'ks 111 1111n1111'11III1 and â€1115111 11-3111111SII111- 1111' Ih1'11'1I111111111I1 I1111'1~ g..'11111- I11-1', 'l'lu~i‘o~ is in my mind nulhing in lifv mnrv lwzuitiful anal juymis than a young and innm'mit girl iwitlmul in any way disparaging: tlu- â€Mi-r UIH'Sr' wlm has “('1' lifv all lu-l'm-v lim', with all its I'nsy oli'oams. lmpm‘ and as- piratiuns and for “hum. as was. saiil in tlw ‘asn of Mary Quwn nl‘ Sums. mum swords slmuld li-ap t'mm tlu-ir walilmrols In :l\’i'll;.:'i! Mom :1 lcmk \\lll('ll tlii-vzilmu-cl how with insult. Hill. llli‘ day till. ('lll\':lll')’ swms tn lunv gun“ and \\'I‘ find. alas" lim many ul' llw ln'ig‘lllvsl. nl' tlu‘sv «lum- 1.17. E... :5}. 2:. 3.3.. i. .3...::..n $.34}. 2:: ’42:» 5:55.: :r... 5:: 2:; ï¬r: 22:. ::.:..r. 1:23;." 7.; 2:: E... .2 55:7. 27...]. x 525.... 3 a». Min-h i-vt'crvnm} was niadu in many mum-s X‘vspnnsiblv fut such aimiiiinns which haw hm)“ so m-iiihix liwught in his ziitt'mion. Hlo‘ nil Ii vss \\ a> listt nod to h\' Umsv ; .mwnl \\ iih pinlnund :lttvution. and “as fimh oumnuntml ulmn after- minis Thu :1“! ntinu of Mir Sun- Illnvs “as «11'1“ n in the: atth‘SS In uns- “hm “as plvsvnt. and Hi. DHP w :h‘ “ski .i fur-d, drum in: publiyatiun. MM although [14- is nut. 3001(ng unohn- publicity i-vadily (‘memitmi m hqu his i-f-mal‘ks pubiislwd. “hivh wvru as fciil«i\\'s:- l haw boon Crown Attorney of this county for ‘tlw past. two yours and vould l but tvll tho socl'c-ls of my. prison houso I could a talo- unfold wlum- ligldost. words would ham-ow up your souls. l don't wish to do that. but. thorn is. our mz‘dtvr, anwng llw sad and sordid vase-s which al- most. daily mun-s umlc-r my notice, om which I would dosin- to say a. word. CROWN ATTORNEY '2'. H. DYRE DISCUSSES MORAL CONDITIONS .Imwn Sound Sun -Times.} Vlm n has twn said and VVritten g n in; “I" past few months and “pin VV'1 th Inspect (0 the moral -,:n- Minn in and around UVVNI Sound { .i Hw quvstinn has boon discussed mn’i! publicly and [uiVatelyz and just : .»\V :1. ML h! [umplc- an? greatlv W. «m! and mum :nv anxinus t0 .. VVimt tluV (an mVVard making animus helm- and safvr for the nuns: pvnplé‘. At thv annual con~ gnunimmzl nun-ting hpM nn 'I‘uvs- m ,.\..mn;_v nf lust. VV'c-nk at â€10 Fitst uz-rluuiist (‘lmrn h QjmmtV (th'nVVn 5Hâ€; :wV I H “v: 1- IJI‘HH WM! 3 V'WIV' :5»: n wukvn and intmwsting midwss DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL Thursday, June 5, 1924. THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR NH =3†(ID'L|I‘ Hw m H :tH' c-nmc-h um {“85 and we mm m H ask mus: lws Hu- amunhl «nu-shun "Am I rm hUIHH‘I's m sis- M 5 km- ~21)»: ‘"’ and “ha! um I timing." 1mm H1 :‘llh. 1m! mevfic all}. M aim!“ this M'il'.’ “'4- punish Hm mwn Win-n \\'u but unthnu: “1' mm do: In Um m I’vrlnaps in a mixml :uulimu-n like this. mzmy will think that. this sub- .iPN shnulcl 1w lahm. but in my 0pm- inn Uwrv is tun nllll'h muck mmlusty and fa!» olvliracy o'ntvl'hlim'd by thus“ with hnw- c-hurgv 01' tho-so 3mm; pmmlv. hnth buys and girls. Kindly mnl \x'isc- adviw- tn ('lnilcl- :‘I‘n I'm: lwt'm'v tho-y I'vavll thv agv nt' l'nm'to-vn )‘c-m's \wmld. I think. snw' many :1 girl I'rnm ,2â€ng «lcm'n mlolvx- Hw Mzu'k hittm' waivrs 01' «h-sâ€" pair mu! disarm-u, KIM-films nf' S1bt‘i0‘fit‘5 whirl: l'c-sllll unly in t-Mnfutinns duplnrng Hw pru- svm runalitinn HI' affairs. nnlvss ful- va'ml m» by :u'tiw mc-uns tn uhatv .‘-'l°§.'0' by thu children: 01' rc-spc-(‘mhlo hunH-s‘.’ Durham in a mixml :uulivm'o' likn pM'mJHmL It may 1w that fashiuns â€z. "â€5" “"13." it?“ nut mnduviw tn Hu- mmlvsly which (‘hat'actnrizml “up r‘H'IN'ZH'S. Thu flaring MN l‘mzll‘ds ach't‘l‘liSinf.’ VUIUPQUOUS plays. aâ€. l rt““3 “31W UH' tvmlo'uvy tn lmwr thv standards at“ nmmls mu,â€- than t.†Uplift. 'l'hv I‘m-urn may kw :1 mnllo‘ss mm- .... ..,,.... u prupen)‘ governed and balanmul. between bnysï¬nd girls, bvvn cat-rim! too far and allowed tn dcwmp in!“ familiarity an] livnnsv? 011 “w nthm' hand arr our daughâ€" ters sul'l'ivivntly \vvll taught. Hm sam'mlnvss 01' their [mrsc‘msi’ Hnw- own? this may iw lhu sight. 5†nl‘tvn sown on nm' strm-ls, sumntimvs at. unswmly hum-s, ur yuung: giris (“ï¬lming tn Hu- m'ms uf young mwn with a 1mm- cigarvttv dangling I'rnm Hu-ir lips is our “him â€111' puwnts :md gruml-uzu'vnts \vnuld not. haw pvanml. It may bu that fashions U!’ «ll‘vss hula)“ mm nut runduviw' (H “w mmlvsty Whit†('huractm'izmi uur fnrln-zu's. "l‘ho- flaring hill huurds adv-Minn: \‘Hluphmus plays. all. I rt'ill'. “11V“ “10' h'lnhnwv h. l..n-.... H‘u Du manners of today impress upon their buys the respect they should pay to those of the opposite sex, or has Hm gmm camaraderie which is all right if pruperly governed and balancmi. butwecn bnya'ï¬nd girls, hwn ('an'iml too far and alluwed tn dt’VPIUI) in!“ familial'“\' an] Iinnnmn') .. â€".v|. ODUII] and the gravity of followmg a break 1 co.:nuna11.,immxt. L»: Offgnge which Nut lung praym's. hut. vanwsl zvul That is what is “1li mm“. Pm. ynm' shnuhlvl' tn Hw whm-l Knnvylvduv In â€In rhihh'vn «hull 19mm thy stnl'v. WOOD Trays and Candle Sticks; See Our Stock in These Lines Trays. jardiniers. Fern I’ots. Crumb 'l‘rzu's. GLASS \\ ater Sets Bern Sets. Iable Sets Cream and Sugar Sets. Lemonade Sets, Sherbet Glasses. SILVERWAR E CHINA Cake Plates, Salad Bowls Cream and Sugar Sets. Berry Sets. Fancy Tea- pots. Cups and Saucers. \Vhippcd Cream SetsJar- diniers, Sandwich 'J‘rays The Variety Store GIFTS FOR THE BRIDE \Yc have a complete stock of R. L. Saunders su'vuis. some'timvs at. hum-s. ur young girls Hu- m'ms uf ynuug mwn . (,'i:.'ztx‘vtt.c- dangling from -’ onv \VhiMX «mr pm‘o'nts :zu'vnts “'quch not. haw- BRASS seems so prevalent . consequences Of the seventh \‘Iwn \Vn mu. m Hm ('nut'ts 11' 1 \1’1'1'11301111: 111 111‘11211'11 :1 5111111011 111 51111111: 11mph). whirh I trust. I shall not 11:11'1- 11111111 1'111151111'11'11 111 l1r1\'1- 11111111. 1 “1111111 1-111111511 us my 111.\'1. 1111- “111-115 111’ .11'1‘1'11111111. \\'l11*11 111' says: "11' 111011 111151 11111 with 1111' 1111111111111. :11111 Hwy 1111\11 wwm'ml 1111-1» 1111'“ lww 1‘2111‘81 ll11>11 1'11111111111 with hum-s? :‘11111 11' 111 1111- land 111' ppm-11 \\'111-1'1-il1 111011 1,1'11s111s1. Hwy \\‘11:11'i1-11 1111111. 1111111 how will 1111111 1111 111 1111' swwlling H1' .1111‘111111‘3" 11‘111' 111 11111511 \\'ll11 yi1~l1l :11111 1‘.1ll \x'ill 11lli111:111-1y :11111 5111113 1°111111- 11111 $1111 and 11ill1~r- 1'1':1li'/.:111H11 111:11 Hwy 1111\‘1- 111111111 :1 11'1'1'1l1lv 111is171k1gz1111l 1111-)' will lmw 11111. 1‘113‘1'111 111111 1‘11n1111's1- 111 1111111' 111111115 1111'11113'1111111 :111 1111111' 1'111111'1» _\'1-:11'>'. and will 11-:11'11 111:11» 5111'11 sn~ 1'11111111j11)'s 111‘1'111; 11111 111-1111 51111 111111. .\I\ IHI‘IINIIkS Ina} III-Ihups :IIIgIII- :IIIII :IIIIIm SIIIIII‘ III VIIII IIIIIIIN \\II0 III 'I\\' \IIIII' SiikI'II skiIIs asiIII- and shut \IHII mos III II;:I_\ I‘zIIIs. hIII, if :Im \xIIIII III IIIIIII‘ shall haw IhI- I‘r- I'm-I. III ("IIISIII' IIIII‘ SIhIIIII II'aIIlI‘I'. IIIII‘ I'I'IIIII‘I- “l‘ IIIIIIIII-I-. III sn :II-I 'ZIS In saw HHI‘ I'hiIII I'I‘IIIII IIIIII, which is \WII’SI’ IIIIIII III‘ZIHI, iI. \viII IIIII, II'IIIIhIn III» I'IIII’ whit if I am I'I'iIiIriszI and :Im an :IIIEIiIII’IIm IIIIII'IIIIIIIIIII. I would ask yuu as :wtiw Christian pmph- tn l'nrmulatv and put, in fun-o sumo Sl‘lll‘nlt‘ \Vllm'vby this M'il may ln' lvssvnml. Ynu prnlmhly knnw l‘wt- to-:' than I what. form surh suhvmv shuuhl takc'. but I ask )1)†in tlm numn ur humanity. amt in the hump nt‘ that which is m'ncinus, fur. of all things. tho must, [Il'N’lUllS tn my miml is tlu- suul. mul llt)tl_\'. nt‘ :1 chilcl, tn cln Stblllt'llllllg tn put, a ham mum this vVil. Wc- 'zumut wx'nluliunizn sminiy hut SHINY \H' van (in sum. thing to um Hw slaughter m Um immm‘nts. \nu m n' any that M\ 1m} W M\ Hill is sah‘. nu harm “ill ('nnw to him ur lu-r but um um kw sun-v. ’ Not alunv 1mm Hw slums and amnng tho «mlvasts :uv tln-sv sad c 3503 :lrzmn. '.'l‘lm Chlilrrn's Shelter. tho Y.\V.C. .-\.. the Salvation Army, the National Council of Women, tho Reformator- ins for vrring girls. aro all doing it good and nohlv work and trying to i-u-uslul_ilisli. so far as ran his. thus:- girls. but this is all at‘lor tlw tart. What. I am trying to omnhnsizo IS that. lllt‘ community at, large. and this rliurrh lll particular, should do mmv mmslrnrliw work to prowni, tln- nm-o-ssity nl‘ tln‘sv organizations taking lnmn lilt‘lllSt‘th‘S tho lmrdon nt'. in :1 llli‘tlSIll'i‘, for it run only lu- ilnni- in 21 small nirnsurv. rrstoring the-si- girls to rnspm'tzlhiliiy. for we rmnml hlink tho fact that. pl'vst‘llf. sm-ioly will not t'urg'iw. unit :1 him with a hrnlwn pinion ran nowr soar so high again. and the lifelong misery whiten falls upon the victim and her friends. I must express my appreciation of the sm-x'icps of tho police. both local and provincial. in assisting in bringing tiirsi- criminals brl‘oro the courts. can {gmgxe‘ the. Might, the sorrow A..,] We Pay Cash for Produce and Sell for Cash Only VOLLETT’S CASH STORE THE HOME OF QUALITY GOODS THE DURHAM CHRONICLE (.nrmgw Hulls. [H-I' H» .......... 250 I’H‘Hlt‘ Hams. lwr H: ............ 25c SEED CORN. POTATOES WANTED (Hy Hw Rn†(Inftaw' “HHS. [H‘l' “I {’it'llil' Hams. lwr lh «lzum-l lmtvs. I'm; 17w purknw H'2llnxx'c-‘vn lmtvs in bulk. 'J Kimwrml Hvrriug‘. just, f’t'vsh Ho-x't'in: in Tumult» Sum-u Hyman Hatldiv ............. “$-32, (it'mmlntml Sugar ..... 'l‘m 'l'meing. pvr ymnl Hum! 'l'uwo-llinx, pa-r yard I m hwy LnHun [H'l' yard titutuininz. yum yum Specials in Cured Meats Specials in Dry Goods Specials in Groceries PHONE 70 IL“. .Vn Water! Water! Water! Mr. and Mrs. livnt'm' 'l‘lll'nhllll and sun. ul‘ lwhm' Durham. spout. a day 1mrmHly with ln-r anu-r. Mrs. WEIâ€"- liam Hill. 5.52:; 1:: .27.? E: .23, 12.62:: .5...†a .5. da 35:: 1.52.2"": .z... 52 Mr. Jack'ï¬aswvll Mil-qua! tho fun- vl'al Of his unclc‘. Mr. \VHham KI'FyQST MAN/mlkm'tnn. last. wcnk ' O Ml r. and Mrs. l"'u'l “main and child- Inn sum! :1 «lax u'm-nlh “it. ll Mr and MM. .lnhn Mt'Kc'Mlllil' HI (Hun- t'nndin. Mr. and MI‘S. me' Lixilmslom- n1 (Hast'mll spmlt :1 «lav 1m (*ntly will] the: Inn'_n«_-I'_. ' aunt Mrs. l. Mclman. I41 “I I\'I1s“\\"11litl11wu1 I111I1 :1111I Iwu 1tI1iI1I- 11~11 «111-111 :1 1111\11-01‘11llx with Mr. I).I.11n1l1:11 \I11‘11I1'1‘11. W;- m'v having: warm-r \vQ-athc-r mm' and tlu- Mussnms am lwgmnmg In slum up. Miss .Baz'hura Smith is spending a l'vw days with Mrs. NM! Mclmzm, :1! "Hlvn Mac.†Mr. and Mrs. John MUI'I'iSUH. Mr. .\'vi| leman and Miss Julia, Hf Dur- ham. (-ullml on a few h‘ivnds an â€iv linv thv ï¬rst. of thv \vwk. Mr. Alvin Caswoil and Mrs. J. 8. Danny nitmuivd the funeral of their unvln. tiw latv M 1'. Koyvs of Walker- tnn «m Munday. Miss Wilson of Owen Sound is vis- iting: hm' sistm‘. M 1‘s. (100mm W'ilson. Mr. .\l(‘.\'. .l~‘lvti-.iwx'. Miss Margi‘aot and Miss lmtliv. spent, a day last, \vm‘l; with their aunt. in Pl‘icm’illn. Mr. and Mrs. Rubin-L MacGilliwily Hi' Kiti'hi-nm' sgmni a Wonkâ€"0nd N‘- vvntiy at. Mr. Dun. MrLi-an's. Ml'ï¬. “jam-r (liï¬i‘kir “3.81.111 and quv. n! .thv (inral'l'uxu Road, spent {hv ï¬rst H! Um \wok with the Lamb launl)’. ' - (Our own coriespondent.) Miss Maidie Lamb entertained the Rocky "Live W’ires†at a progressive crokinolo party at, her home here on Friday night. Clifford Young of Durham was the lucky one. to win all games. A“ report having a good 6:“... (inn: mu'kngv fur 100 .\ numlwt' “11' this Hm,- ulvhuulml Um What Is Good Health Worth? \le lukv u vhmu‘w and us:- wm-r Hmt. is [mimic-d and unlit I‘m- dnmc-stiv usv. wlwn Mm» Waivr ("m lu- had by Inning :t \U'H «hillml. \M' lmmHt' Pumps and Pump Hw- â€t.†‘. Rocky Saugeen (Our own correspondent.) Satisfaction Guaranteed ED. J . PRATT ’1. Durham â€95 25C. 250 250 25c $1. 00 Aberdeen. 23c 23c 23c Plump U8. Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘Ims \II: III .\II'. and MIs. \IIIIII‘“ I)I-III\ Mr PI‘II‘I' PaII'I‘SUII HI III\\II. and MI. and \IIs \IIam KI‘HilI‘ Miss .\IIIIII- SIImzuI and Mrs. IallII‘S MI II\I iIII- III (III IIIII II ilttl'IHINI IIH‘ .l‘I'\ IU‘ at. lx'IIIIx Sunday IIIIIII‘IIIIIIII. My. and Mrs. Huh. .I. \\'vblwr and family spun! Sunday with his par- unts. Mr. and Mrs. Jus. \W'er. Messrs. hnnald Mau'llvriclv. H. R. \\1utsun. Hvury “mum. and \Wu. (Inldwvll Imu- clt'lin‘l'ml tlwir I'ul. vat/(Iv. Mr. Jim» Marshall. .lr. \x'lm has lwun- \vm'king with â€W lu'idgv gum: nu Hm 'l‘umnhv-(JhaIMVurth High» way. smut Sunday at his hum" IH‘l'd‘. This \w-vk ln- gum In \x'm‘k m-m' Mr. and Mrs. I‘llgin \Wiltun and littln «luughlc-r \‘isih-d with l’mhm l'rivnds x'wuntly. M r. .Ins. Marshall, Sr. and M 1'. Julâ€) Marshall. Sr. mmlv :1 lmsnwss ll'lp In H’illlOVl‘l' mw clay las‘l. \ka. 2? E... 37.. z. .571: 3:; 3:13. 3.. :3_./.....:r 1.1.2:; .1 2:. :33... i. Z... .5; 27.. :. 2.11:: s: 15:37.. 2:. .5231; 2:. 122:... E 7:...» .555... Ml‘. and Mrs. D. Splan' 91mm. the 21th with the. lattvfs brother, Mr. John (Iasxwll. \Vt‘l‘ Knox Corners. (Our own (:m'rvspundq:nt.) _Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caldwvll 21ml llUIt‘ sun wsflml wnlln Mr. and Mrs. S. Langrlll nl' llzmnwr «mu day last. Mr. and‘ Mrs.“ J’iiE'lE‘Caswcll Spent {Sunjday with friends in Williams- on . â€"â€" v-u-v Mrs. James Ewen hé§t Frida " also 9 the U.F.0. will meet. in the 501100!- ho‘qsc on Friday _night, ‘\ g- celebration in Chesley on Tuesday. The monthly meeting of the U.F. y.0.'will [)3 held at.‘ Qty: home of + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + § + + + THE PALM CREAMERY COMPANY PALMERSTON, ONT. i+++**++€ ATTENTION 0F M++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ()n and alter .Iunc lSl, we will grade all (trvam nit‘c-‘lel at our plant. No. 1 cream must nest 25 per (rvnl. or bvuvr, and he nl‘ a good, Clean flavour, and not mu sour. If you pmdm'c such ('n-am Send it to a Creamery where. it will be. paid {or «m a quality basis. If you think this is the right way to buy «tn-am gin: us a trial. Wu supply either 5 0r 8 gallun cans, and pay rash l'ur vvcry ran received. WRI'l'l‘L FUR YOUR CANS '|’() l).\\'. We arc in the market every day in the ymir fur Nu. 1 (Chuming (Imam. We have an unlimitcd market for Palm “mm! (Trvmnvry Butter, and must have good «wan: to make it. CREAM SHIPPERS ---And Be Prepared! Misé Chbistcna Marshall of town visited with Mr. and Mrs. David Marshall. Bxï¬mptgn.