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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jun 1924, p. 7

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d a‘y A Specialty 73C. star tho excepted) . DR. BURT. Late Assistant Royal London Up- t'halmic Hospital, England. and to Golden Square Throat and Nose Hos- pital. Specialist: Eye, Ear. Throat and .\'n.~;e. Olfice: 13 Frost Street, Owen Sound. c. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. The Science that adds life to years and years to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 614 23 tf DRS. JAMIBSON 8: JAMIESON Ham-c and reSIdence a short dist- am- past of the Hahn House on (mummy: Street, Lower Town. Durâ€" hum. umce hours 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 3 p.111. iexccpt Sundays). J. L. SMITH, M. B., M. c. P. S. 0. m kw and lesidence corner of c mum. <5 and Lambton Streets oppo- ‘1 , ..M Post Office. OEice hours: q,...11a..m1.30t04p..,m 7t09p..m Isundaxs and Thursday afternoons J. 1". 0551‘], U. U. 9., u. u. .3. Honor Graduate University of Tor- nntO. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistr in all its branches. Office, over . C. Town's Jewellery Store. DR. W. C. PIGKERING, DENTIST Office, over J. J. Hunter’s store, Durham, Ontario. LUCAS 8: HENRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber of the firm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments may be made with the Clerk in the ‘â€" MIDDLEBRO’, SPERBMAN MIDDLBBRO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. (I. (‘1. Middlebm‘ is, permanently focutm! at Durham Office. “Til-0. â€"â€" , DAN. McLBAN Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- sonable terms. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle Office or with him- self. INT 7. CON. '21. l'IGREMONT. CONâ€" tninin: 10.0 acres; 85 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; cmiwnient to school; on the prem- ises are :1 frame barn 42x65 ft. with stone foundation: concrete stables: ilso lmy harn 30x50 with stone baseâ€" 11mm: he: pen 20x50: twelve-room brick house, furnace heated. 8150 frame woodshet‘l: drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks: 30 acres seeded to hay; in aeres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a good state of miltivatit‘vn. For information apply to Watson‘s Dairy. R.R. 4. Durham. "Hilario. 102.3 23 tt‘ .â€".. KURT II I’;'\R[‘ IOTS7 AND 8. CON; -- i nomont. containing 66 acres; 55 :n res cleared. balance h’dl‘deOd ~-_‘L--. 1“: 1‘". LHIL'QK‘ Lll'ut Lu. ; ....... «h: in good state of cultivation: frame barn MKSO. stone basement. "-vvnvrvteslables; drilled well and cement tank at barn. Also Lots 6 and 7. lion. 3:. S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- taining no acres; 100 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; on elm premises are a brick house con- {fililllllg seven roomS. with 200d frame woodshed attached; drilled Well at door: never failing springs on His 'arm. making a choice stock farm. This pronerty will be sold riz‘nl to quick purchaser. For par- ticulars applv at. Watson‘s Dairy. ‘ ' 7‘ - An‘): ~7fo l!\hlx1“(l}'y|v uv REL". Durham. Ont. IN“>_\H.\'I«).V DAY CELEBRATION AT "NW2: Sound. Carnival. Firewoyks. Rim: Hum-c115, Baseball, led 9i~~:'f~. Grandstmm Performances. --\v:‘«-i\:1:ic Hats. Dancing. Etc“ Etc.. 1!;33 9.. Humvmlwx‘ the date. .1 13.33;! vw DURHAM COURT OF REVISION ’l‘hn first. sitting: of the Court Of Rcwision for the Town of Durham will 1w hold in the Town Hall. Durâ€" ‘mm. on Monday evening. June 9. wmmencing at 7.30. All interested will govern themselves accordingly. W. B. VOLLET, Clerk. ,, Read the Classified Ads. It will pay you. NOTICE TO FARMERS Hi“ Diii'iliml I_'.F.O. Live Stock Asa Snvmttm‘: wall. ship stock from Durâ€" ham ‘9’“ ll'uc.‘s.iavs. Shippers are T‘"“I‘«1-v‘sio.‘vi tn :iw' three days‘ notice. V Clifford Bowen, Manager. HWY” 9‘3 !‘ 11. Durham. RR. 1. THY. LADIES" (H'ILD OF TRINITY .tmm-h mm mm their spring 5818, 0‘ :wnis. hwmv-madt‘ baking, candv, We vt'vam. nut. in MavBoth‘s Ice Cream ’t‘ifi'lwt‘. S'IIHl'tiilV, June 7, from 3 ‘2 ~ ~ . p.111. \itvz-nobn tea served. FA RMS FOR SALE Licensed :fluch’oneer Thursday, June 5, 1924. Medical Directofv . Dental Directorv Legal “Directorv .. on Page 7; 10 2323 if PROPERTY FOR FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North or Skating Rink. Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 2 21 if ma SALEâ€"THE L \TIMER PROP- exty in Uppex T0w;n at a baxgain. Apply to R. J. Matthews, Durham, Ont. 32014pd FOR SALEâ€"600D T\V0-STOREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young. Durham. Ont. 5 15 tf FIOR SALEâ€"GOOD STRONG WAGON in good condition: suitable for good roads work; also 1 Ford trailer. Ap- ply A. J. MrVicar, Commercial Hotel, Priceville. 5226 WESTERN F EliD OATS AT 500. PER bushel at the Rob Roy Mills. 4 3 tr CAR FOR SALEâ€"SECOND-HAND Chevrolet touring car in good run- ning order. Apply at the Chronicle ()tfico. 410M BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It‘s good. Try it. 1 10 tf FREEâ€"FILMS DEVEIDPED FREE, saving 100. on oach film; ivory finâ€" ish. quick survico. Bring or mail to l“. \\". KPlsvy m- D. 0. Town, Dur- ham. 5 15 6pd MONI.‘.\IE.\"FS.-â€" \NY PFRSON DE- siting t0 prmnrv a monument. 01‘ howling inscx iption \\ 0m " clone in the ('vmvtm'y. \\iii’ «in “0.11 to interview W. .l. McFaeMo‘n. the ‘Ocal agent. Durham. - 3 202“ L17 GAS HENRY’S LAW OFFICE.â€" )pen every day for business. A mem- ber of the firm will be in the office ever-y 'l‘uesday. Special appomt- menls may be made at the office. 5 3t MEN‘S TAILORINGrfiENT’S SUITS hand tailored. I am prepared to make your suit and guarantee firs-t- ciass workmanship. My prices are right. Leave your orders with D.M. Saunders. Gent‘s Furnisher, Durham. â€"-.\V. J. Henning. Tailor. 117tf W’HEAT WANTED. ANyj QUAN'Ifg'ljy, Highest price. PeOple’s Mills. 31523t WORK “ANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work nu short. order. tf GRAIN \VAN'J‘ED.-â€"BARLEY, BUCK- wheat. Peas. Oats and Mixed Grain wanted. Highest prices paidâ€"Rob Roy Mills Limited, Durham. 112m lnthv mntim- of the estate of Charm Cnidwvll. 01' Hm 'l‘nwnship of vaink in thv County of Grey. i’m'mmz «lt‘t't‘aSmL NOW 11 is 11111111“ givvn pursuant ‘10 11.8 H1) 1911 11111111 1"1. 81111101156. 111111 z1m111111i111' Acts. that 1111 persons 1111\- 111:: ciaims :1g1111191 11111. estate of Charles C3111\\1111.111111 111‘1110"'10\\n- ship of 13111111an in the County of Grey, Farmer 1111091151111 wbho 1111211 1111 01' {11111111. 111111 18111 day 01‘ January. ;.\D.19'3'. 3111 11'11qui1111‘1 10 1111111 er 01' 5111111 111 post 111111111111 to Lucas 3: H11111'v. 811111111113 fur 1111.1 Adminisâ€" 11'ati'ix of 11111 115111111 011 111' 111110111 1111111111111“ 111 .1111111 A..D 19341111211' names and 11111111135115.11 1‘1111 descrip- tion 01 1111111'1111in1s in \11‘111115’. and 11111 11:11111'11 111‘ 11111 security. if any. 1111111 by 11111111. And take notice that after such last mentioned date, the Adminisâ€" tratrix shall proemul to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the. parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. and the said Administratrix will not be liable for the said assets. or any part thereof. to any person or persons of whose claim notices hall not. have been received by her at. the time of such distribution. Dated at Durham this 21st. day of May. AD. 1924. LUCAS HENRY. Sulieitors far Jane Caldwell. Administratrix of the Estate. Housv and acre of gr«.>u11d. the property of the late Adam Robertson. (harafram street. Durham. Apply to Mrs. (DI? Burnett. Burlington. On -' AF' 2“,) NOTICE TO CREDITORS $100 .-\ WEEK. .\l.\.\' WANTED WITH ambition. industry. and small rapi- tal. You can make above amount or more. distributing Rawlrigh‘s Qual- ity Prmlurts to steady Consumers. Several fine Opnuings now available. We teach and help you do a. big bus- iness and makr more muury than you ewr maria before. Give ago. 0c- rupatiou. references. W. T. Raw- leigh Co., Ltd.. Dept. (31613. London. In: 4:) 400A Yearlings. steers and heifers. came to the premises of the undersigned on Sunday night. the 18th of May. Owner required to prove property, pay expenses and take them away.â€" John MqGowan, Durham. 5223 tario. ARTICLES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS AGENTS WANTED PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE STRAY cn-ru: .11151219 ‘26 34m; rm $125338 Two Stomach Treubies That Try 1h.- Youazsters. ‘ tLuutrmuwo my ”alarm “(apartment at Agt‘ICLllule. Ion-onto.) Acute Indigestion And Its I‘reamaeu: â€"lTau.~‘e. Symptoms and 'l‘reatmmzt of Gastric Impactinuâ€"Sazuflowe: Smithyâ€"It's a Great Feeling. This truuble is trequently seen at‘ seeding time. during the rush of bpt'ilig wnrk when the Drum! mares Hm! are tizirsuig ymiug t‘uais are re- Qv-u'wi tn Iabvr in the field. The mare In-caiuvs nverueated at work and may be away Iruzu the ma] for live or six ozuuirs When she comes in at noon ur night and the colt is giVen OD"UI' (unity to nurse. cunditious are no: marina. in that there is an UVersuppL} oi" innit, or more milk than is good [or a hungry colt at one time. and the milk is also probably altered SULLiL'sS’i‘iat duc- to the Overheating i: the body during labor in the (leis. The cost is permitted to nurse and utter a lew days 01' such practme, «3e- ‘v’emiis dyspepsia. The disease usually taxes the form of a diarrhoea. '1 in: col: becomes dull, may have abdom- inal pain, lies down a great dean us‘ the time, [uses appetite. may be cu- ..ced grinding its teeth, or wuh puru- ieut discharge from the eyes. Acme Indigestion. Prevention is the most desirable course. and this disorder can be kept down by creating normal conditions for the mare and foal. If the mare must work, care should be taken no! to overheat her in harness. and not to keep her away from the that nor more than three or four hours if her udder is distended and paint::-. milk part of the contents away my hand before permitting the colt to nurse. The sanitary conditions about the stable or lot should be the best. and the food that is being given to the more should be such as to pro- mote a normal, healthy milk flow. Treatmentâ€"41' there is a coch~ tent. graduate veterinary practitioner available, it is advisable to call him. If there is no veterinary assistance available, the following treatment can be given. Give a small dose of calomel. and follow with an intestinal antiseptic. If diarrhoea continues. it should be checked by giving tincture of opium or chlorodyne and castor oil Brandy and egg or milk and eggs can be givvn frequently and in small amounts until conditions are normat Water is very impo tant; but see that it is warm. Gastric lmpaction. What killed the colt? A number? of foals are lost each year in every; district through gastric impaction. a disorder occurring during the first week following weaning in foals that are weaned too young. The foal’s stomach has been dealing with milk pretty much during the first three months. and it has not developed to a condition that will permit of the successful handling of coarse feeds. The colt that is weaned too early m life is at a disadvantage. it has (in- pended upon its mother for the great~ er part of its food and also protection If suddenly deprived of its mOLilPi the colt gets quite a shock. 11' may not have learned to drink and feed by itself and max not know the where- abouts of‘ .he feed and water supply Colts that. lune been with their Stain" fed dams usually know the ways at the stable. hit the cult that has run out in the pasture; field with its mother all its life has not had an Hu portunity at such extwriencu, an.‘ consequently is at a loss when sud denly taken from the field. trans- fern-d to the stable and separated from Its mother. The Cult alter :ziixiiion is excited and may fret for a. .l‘ w d. 'jus l'el'l'sing feed. or watnu.’ arm :m: dzir. ing :~"_.t;il;i: .tzs, which llSlYZl llv occur :1; mph .215. which usually occur four 0: had f;.‘1\'9 after weaning. 'l‘iz.» chit 1:11;)" lie down a good deal at Im- ti:.n-. grunts. becomes restless. shuw in: win. lies down and gets up b4 ls irregular. some distension uf fli‘lhn'. pain evidenced on touching re ginn 9f stomach. temperature may 2:0 suit-normal at start and 'ncreaxzm.‘ latvr. becomes sleepy and stupnl staggery gait. Post mortem slmws the stomach to be full. much en larged. walls thin and pale in com: and the contents 3. doughy mass. Treatmentâ€"1f the case has reacn- ed a point of development where tm. colt is sleepy Stllpld and staggery m gait. little can be done. The eamvz stages can be relieved by the aupln-u tion of mustard hot blanket. or am mon lcal liniment to the abdomen ~.: the colt. warm enemas glxen. L‘n courage colt to drink by putting set: on back of mouth Give hay tea strong coffee, hyposulphate of SHME‘ and abundant warm water. Purge. tives are of little use. FriCtion to u: kneading the abdomen gives some r»- lief. Water is very important. The pit!) of sunflower staiks is can: :0 be the lizhtwst vegetable subset-dum- Dried sunflowvr pith is in faca tear: times lighter than cork. The weaning of colts should be gra- dual. and not until the colt is Wei: verSed in the ways of feeding and the whereabouts of feed. A little atten tion giVen to the colt a month aura-.1: of the time that it is-decided t0 St-U‘al ate it from its mother will saw no eiderable trouble later. In central Russia where ttw pizz'u! is exmnsivoly cuitivated (We-r) par' of thy plant. is put to some use. It‘s a Great Feeling. Did you ever look a man in the eye who was tazkuag abuul sum“- thiug you knew an. about am) no unmght he did but you knew ru- didn’t? That is tho feeding and the pieasure that comes to one who 15 keeping books and knows what he is doing. The pith" in particuiar ls can 1-12. removed from th‘e srazk and Us: \: z. making life saving appliances. The Sunflower Stalks. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Our Canadian Quizz Comer Qâ€"Wihat \\ as Canadas record in dealing mm the White Plague of tuberculosis? Aâ€"(‘lanada leads Great Britain and the. I’uited States in a low tuberculosis death rate with a rate per 100.000 of 8-1.4 per cent. The deaths in 1922 were luwel‘ than in 1921. Canada has Spent 311,1)00000 0n sanitm‘ia. Q_â€"Aftm‘ whom is Mount Bagot, in Brmsh Columbia. namedi Aâ€"Mount Bagot. a peak over 7,000 foot. high in British Columbia near the Alaskan Boundary. It is named after Sir Charlvs Bagot. the British Ambassadm to Russia and plenipontmtiz‘ 1v mi 1119 Alaskan Boundarx Commission. Qâ€"sWho was La Sallv‘.’ Aâ€"Renc Holwrt. (.luwlivr De La Sullv came to Canada: in 1666 from Normandy and l-vcoix‘ml a svignuury from Hm Sulpician Fathers. He was one of Hm great, l-"rvnch «‘Xplm‘t‘l‘f‘S of .\'¢~\\‘ Canada in his span-ch fur a Imssagv tn China. H0 built Hun first boat on Lakv Em. and «\XpIm'vd the Mississippi to its mouth and was murdvrml in 1687 on his way north by sump of his mun. Canada's Farm Live Stock Value. Qâ€"JVIIHI. is tlu- vulno 01' «lanac‘la's farm liw‘ stuck? .-\â€"-â€"-.\<'vn1'din;.r tn thv (1011.911; lmrvzm Canada‘s \Zalllt' in lms'sv». vzxftlw. sheep and swim in 1923 was wstimzlimi at. $613.263JMJU-n «Intervase nwr prwvinus ynax's owing to l'c-duvml m'im's. (‘).â€"*‘\\.hl‘l'“ is: \‘rmnnan's battery, and what. is its history? .\-â€"«\'rnnman's Hzxttm'y. Hn Um Niagara [{iwr, mar Quw-nslun. {mum-«,1 in tho hatilv of Qlle't‘llfit.()fl Hvights «m ()vlnhvr 13. 1912. A iuth'l mz‘ll'kml Hn' Mac“ and wads as follmx's. Sih- of Yruuman's lmttm'y vngagwi in thn hattlc- uf quonstmx “nights. (la-tulwr 1311:. IBM. 'l'hv gun muuntwi hwl'v firm! 112. l'uumls on that «lay. ‘;’.*â€"\\"ll” Wt'l‘v HIP .Insuit martyrs? .A .â€"â€"'l‘hv .lvsuit. martyrs of vzlr'ly French Canadian history \wm- Bre- hvuf :md Lalomnnt. who in 161%.) were crne‘lly (him to death by the Iroquois aftox' Uh‘il' dvfcat. 01' the HUI'UDS. Fort Wellington. Qâ€"-\\'hmm is Fort \quingtnn? Aâ€"-l“(,n1't. \\'cllingt0n is in the town of Pl't'SPHH. and wnsists of u block- huusv and 4,‘at'th\\'«n-l<s. It. was built In Hu- math-1' of thv ostau- of Thomas Hailoy. lato nf the Township 01' Bc'ntim'k. in lhv (.mety Hf Hwy. Farnwz dww‘asml. Nutirn is. horrhy gix'on. pursnuani t0 Sortimi :36 of tho 'l‘rnstcvs' Act. H51 ). till/i. Chap. l'Jl. that, all run!- itnrs nnLl uthnrs having rlaims Hr Lit‘lllfllltis against. tlw cstatv of tho lair 'l'lmmas Bailvy. \th (find on M nlmnt tlw illth clay of May. 1924.. at tlw 'l‘mx'nship Lil’ antint k. in tho tnnntv nl (hm, aw IMtQUiIHi 0n Hr ilt “turn thv 25th din Ht lunv. 1921, i0 sirnil in [inst plvpniLL Hr Litfii \(‘P t” MidtiiL‘blU Spmuman LY MiLlLilL'hm Stliltfiinl‘s tor the Lixocutors their Christian namos and surnames, and aLlLlrvssrs and descriptions. the full particulars in writing of their rlaims. a statL-mvnt. of their accounts and the nature of the security, if any. held by thgm. .I n A. And take further notice that after such last mentioned date the execu- tors will proeeed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled the1et0,hla.ving Ieg ard only to the claims of which theV shall then have notice, and that the said executors VVill not be liable foi the said assets 01 any part there- of to any pmson or persons of whose claim notice shall not haVe been re- ceiVed by them at the time of such distribution. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Dated at Durham this third day of Juno. AD. 1924. Middlebro’, Spereman 8: MiddlehrO’ Solicitors for the Executors. 653 Canada and the White Plague. Silver : Black Foxes Priceville. Ont. at 3100. Par Value All registered pure bred stock. Low capitaliza- tion. All comon stock. Absolutely no watered stock. Ten years ex- perience breeding. Stock from P.E.l. Write for further particulars to PRICEVILLE F0X4C0.,umu Priceville Fox C0 A limited number of shares for sale in Vrooman’s Battery. The J esuit Martyrs. Mount Bagot. PRICEVILLE, ONT. '-.umuea Limited '9 in 1812-13 as a main post of defence betw een Kings ton and Montreal and the troops assembled at this point that took 0g denshurg in 1813 and 1ep_elled_ the invasion at the wind- A AAA Alberta As a Prize-wivner. Qâ€"Where (109$ Alberta stand as a pmze E’lmler m_11\'e stoqumd crops? Aâ€"During the past five years Alberta has won the following prizes at the International Show at Chic- ago: 1919, 5 prizes; 1920, 19 prizes and two championships; 1921, 30 prizes, three grand championships; 1922, 35 prizes and three champ-ion- ships; 1923, 44 prizes and 3 cham- pionships.â€"â€"a total of 14.1, making a \VUXIdL‘I‘fUl record. mi. '1 on November 41-13 1838. dm mg the Rebellion of Upper Canada. Canada’s National Debt. ()~ -\\ hat are H10 latest figures as to (221.111'Ilam1ati1111al d11bt‘? ‘.-\.-â€"Cz111a11_as national 110111. 510011. 011 Januan 31,1921 at not $2111,â€" 311811001' about $260 p121 capita. \â€"Tho city of Kitchonm \\ as 1111‘- mm'lv Bmlin which \\ 11s changed in 1916 attei‘ Lord Kitchvnvr. ”11111511lacc 11.1% started in 1807 bx sutllors from Pmmsxhania 111 (human extraction. [1 is (\Stimatml that half 01 tho 11108- 11111 population is (11 that 1211 1:11 stuck. Kitchener. Q.»â€"\\"h@1‘0 and when did Kitclwnâ€" m' getults 11'9an Canada’s Lumber Industry. Q.â€"~~Whal. aw tho figures as in Canada‘s lumbor industry? A..-~--(Janada’s lum’hox' industry in 19223 Uf 3.138.598 thousand fvot Imam! mvasuro was Valued a': mm-ly $85- (MODOO 01' the total \‘31110 nf lumhm‘. shingle and all othm' mills was 3111:.- 000.000. Hydroelectric Devglopment PEans. ().-â€"~\\""llzlt aw tlu- [n'ujvctwl Hydm- vlvctricpulns? .-\.â€"â€"-"l‘he cmmflutinn of plans fur the dcvnlopnwnt, Hf Ilydh'm‘lmrtric l;U\\'(‘l' during 1924 will add 900.000 hursupmvvr tn thv 3.288.000 horse- i-mwr alwady installm! in Hue DO- million. Alberta’s Present Standing. What is All'thta's [am-sum finan- vial standing and \leth‘.’ A.--Sinco Albm'la. lwvamv a. prov- ince in 190.") [101' pcmulatinn has in-â€" (amused t'nuf‘fnld. HPI‘ ['n-mlucthm Hf 6.000.000 bushels of whvat in 1906 im'l'vasml to 161000.000 in 1023 and shv mm' loads afll the provinces in coal productinn with l‘t‘SPl'Vl'S of M pH“ cvnt. Ht' tho world‘s anal. and :51 [my cunt. on this mmtinvnl. 72 pm- ant. 01' the linnnrv. and 87 par wmt. of the Duminion. Q.â€"â€"\Vvl1m'n‘is tho SuuH Stv. Mario 111131 of 1797‘? ;\.â€"-’l‘ra\'vllvi-s through tho, lingo Canadian canal lock at Sault Ste. Marie, 900 foot long. may son with- in a Short. distance 01w of thn locks. of the original canal surveyml by Sault Ste. Marie Canal of 1797. severe pain in my side. I would be un- able to walk fast and could not stand for any length of time to do my ironing or washing, but I would have .to lie down to get relief from the pam. I had this, or about two years, then a friend told me to try Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound as she had had good results. I certainly got good results from it, too, as the last time I had a sore side was last May and I have got bad itdsinoe. Item alsg lad 0: avm .00 nursing. or my a y, an I thinfi $1; is your medicine that helped man u.“ ‘rk:n mau- ,’__".- T- v n'mfln Tells How Lydia EPinkhun’s Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health - me in this wa ."â€"Mrs. L. V. BUDGE, River Desert, ebec. If you are sufiering from the. tortures of a displacement, irregularities, back- ache, headaches, nervousness, or a pain in the side, you should lose no time in trying Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. . L dia E. Pinkhsm’s Private Text- Boo upon “ Ailments Peculiar to Wo- men ' ’wil! be senfgou free ugonmest. Write for it to e Lydia ‘. ' ham Medicine 00., Cobourg Ontario. This book contains valuable information that MRS.BUDGE \ 30 WEAK coum éiréry' Woman should know. the Nurthwost. Fur lnmpanv in 17. 7 and which was in USO. with a. “nom‘n luck for vamws and hatvaux in or i‘wlm'n 180’. 'l‘lw lock and buildings worn «lvslmwd by the .\m*"i'i("'.n.~‘ in 181' and Um .«wk “33. rulmiit in strmv in 1896. Arnold D. Noble will ship Haas from Dmfham every Saturday fore- noon. Highest prices paid. 1123“ Read the Classified Ads. on Page 7. It will pay yOu. tf River Desgrt, Que_.:â€"“ I _uaed 99 have n SHIPPING EVERY SATURDAY All Our Graduates have been placed to date and still there are calls for more. Get your course NOW. If you do not get it. you pay for it anyway in smaller earnings and lost opportunities. Enter any day. Write, call or phone for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford and Mount Forest, HARBLY STAND PAGE SEVEN Wmfiwmzfc

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