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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1924, p. 9

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Corner Concerns (Our own correSpondent.) Mfr. Joseph Lennox spent the “‘66"; In fir..- Zas: with hvl' sister, Mrs. “Yiilmm FX'I-Pman. at To‘vswato-I'. Hahn-1° Bo-rl rvtumml humo: with her and spo-nt last \vm-k around the C‘ ’l’: l"l‘.‘. Mr. Thomas \Vilsnn's homo’r “as enliw: Ml ow: Sutulda) and Sunday bv tiw plasma: of thelr daughter. Ella. 0f T-.omnto \\ [m “as accompan- ied in MI. and Mrs. \Varbrick, Miss Hnl' and. and 311.31. Hickvy. They mun-um! 111». “NW 3150 had the ;olva.~':1w of a wait [tum M15. D. MLâ€" mutmmi up. ley 3150 'had the oloasmo- of a fish fwm Mrs. D. “c- Km‘fhnio anal Mia's Ito-n9 \‘hitmOI‘E. Durham. Miss Memo;- \IcKechnifi. 0t Mnnh'o-ul. and MI'. Leathers of TH?- antu. nn Sunday. Mr. Homrgv Lawrence was $0 un- ftid'ilHnglr as t_u 1050 has brood mare at fault“: on Saturday. Mrs. Earl Sly-ad had a mmrting of thc- \‘arnwy Ladio-s‘ Aid nu “2.411105- viay. .\ numbm' of St. Pauls' ladies jumul tlwm. It. is always a step inward church union. Au Fujnyablf: hm:- \\‘a.~‘ spo-nt. \ tgmv was spent. \ Gram set-din}; was Iinishml last wan-k. Snmn of it was sown a sec- Hnd time. Mr. Jump». .lnlmsnn‘s 1101-5635 trim! M spowl 11p so.-o_*t'iill'.; a hit by mm- mm: away with (In: drill who-n it lurchml mm a mudâ€"huh. and knock- 1111 11111 111111.1111 11111 111' 111121 1111:1kv11k1: \\ 111111111 Law'1'~11111111 .~' 1111'1111-11111511 1 1am 11111 1111' with t1111 cultivutnr 1.111111111111w11~11u.~._\ :.'1_1tt111,1._'1_11ttl1111111: 1111111'1'1L'11t 1111|11111h 111111 11111111111- tnatux- sum-r1111 511V11111 damagu. F1111 11111 111151. two 1111 111111111 M13113 111111111 11114 11111111 :1 511s1111'111111 111111, 11 wild 1'11! [iv-11 111 11111 1111511 \V11st 1.11 \‘111'1111y. but .111» 1,11111111x was 11111 first {.11 1:111 111 11l1'1~'11 111111-11 with 11 11 111111- 111 111' w1111k.~' 11::1'1. .\t 111'81. 1.411111151- 111‘ 1111 11111111111 111111<1111 with :1 1.1111111 11111 111 1111111111111ss 1111' 1111151111 111111'11. 1111 1.~'1111t 111111111'11111s11 1'11ll1rws w1111 is a1\\11\~11111\\111',.:tl111t 1111111111 111.. '111 1115 11 '1 11 t‘ nwn Wright in wild cuts. but lu- saw aml lit-(ml wiltiuul: tn rum'inw' him that ho wa< nnl mistaken. Mr. William liliapnrui nl' Calgary. \x‘lin siwm llw winlvr lit-1'0. was no: l'uo-lin: llu- lwsl, “'11”! hr lull. but \\':inl.ul to 'i-! liar}; ln llit- family l’hysiriz‘ui l'ui' vnnsullaliun. “'0 ai-v .nx'ry ln lio-zu' lw l’numl it much mm'v “'i‘lnll“ .‘fmn I‘Xfit'l'llwl. lho- ll'IilllilP 5mm; ul' :0 i“ili;'¢'l'm!~' lmllll't‘. ’I‘h" l-ll'nl‘l ln 3m? Maplo'wnml l'o-m- "wry in lwlleiz' i'niiolilinn mi 'l'izc-solay was \‘t‘l‘_\' Slll'l'l'fi‘ful. as Hh'l‘l' was a :nml i'l'nwil ul' lmlli so-xo-s pro-sun! and :1 wiml In! Hl' \an'k tloinl', I'ZVt'l'y [wr- "'ll ililo-i'owlml li:i~' :l guml iclvzl Ul' lill' «incl nl‘ \an‘k ln lw ilmw mix! your and Min kiiicl nl' lmuls lu lii'ing'. z... E... .17.. :........... ._._:.:...:: 1...... ./.::..=.< 5.2.x i. 7.... .35 7...: 7:51.»; .... ..I...::T..H...L, $3.33.? 7.7.1 Zing... .«........_.:: 12.23:... .32... .: 7...}... 2.... 15.52. :2... :..n r... 1.....2...:r. 2:. 72.1.. 5........ 5......7. ,; .........:.:. z... E... v.7. 77.1.1. .512... ..... :3... :2::<2. 7......:. z ....:..... :.. .534. 77.. 5......» ,1... 2:. .23....1. 33.2.2. 3:. .77.... 7.... 2:; .57.. 1.....25 :32... g: 2... NZ... ,1... 91...... 3:11.... ..~. 5:34....7 5.....- E... Z... 5.2.3:. 7......25... 2. 1:2... 3.32.... 1.2:. x: ..S...:.:w 21.. $2.7. 2...: 2.1:. .....H....m.:m.. Em (Our own cru‘rcspondcnt sun! Mrs. ¢inwl';:o- Tl PAGE EIGHT Ebenezer. .‘u-mntta McKechnie as teacher in No. 3 at a saiary of $1,100 a year. This is Miss McKechnie‘s third term in 0111‘ school. Mr. John D. McFayden and sisters Miss; 5 Mary and Kate. spent the first nf the woo" with friends at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. (-iwrge Ritchie and Samin “sited, “1911' daughter, Mrs. [.00 and Mrs. Brawn, Hf Egremont. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas fiddle and clnltlx‘vn _uf \Valkex'ton were guests wing“? 11.15595 fidgg on Supday. The Misses Mof‘tley of Latona vifi- film] over the week-end with their sisters. Mrs. Greenwood and Mrs. \\‘illiams. . 'l'tu- umva's of tho" Edge H111 beef x'inf.’ will I'vaiVu tin-iv first beef on 'l'lnirsday mnrning u!“ this week. Traverston ((0111‘ own Co.~x~resmnd0:11.; 'l’ho-ro- 1.5 still a hustle nn tho,- farm thungn ’tls Jum’. Rnnts and curu. and summm‘ fal- lnw, {unto-s. shingliuz. madwm'k. wmnls. all ('nmbiuc to make the days fly without tho» "divarshuns" ul' picnics. CUIIVCIIHUIIS and agents" muzm'tunilio-s. a... 1.3:? 5.34: ms; :7 $12. I, it 1.2; 15:75. i .47.. 3:: C. 22.332. 5. _..I.. Mrs. Iistlmz‘ Milkmm Spent last \wwk with how brothers. Messrs. Gm. If. and J. J. l’oux't. Mr. and Mrs. Will Timmins spent Hm first Hf Uw week with \‘andclour I'c'lativvs. Mr. and Mrs. James Marshall of I-Itll'o'mont \wx'rr visitors over the \VN‘k-cmi with Mr. and Mrs. James MVNEIHY nn H10 9H! Ctmcussinn. Mr. and Mrs. Limlsuy \\'hit0 and bright baby. nl' Arthur. “'va guests :1! Air. H. Ii. I’mu't‘s on Sunday. Mih'hvll BI'HS. OI. ClquleM urn \‘isitm: at Mr. Vim-ant Paylm’s. .\l:'. and Mrs: Will (lunumvll and lnhy tlhzu'lvs, and Mr. and Miss Joys- sio- 'l'wumlt‘y Hf \Vvlbm'k. wow Hm :Iu-sts “1' Hu- McClm'Klin hmlw HM" lit'st. nf Hu- \uwk, Miss Lizzu- Smwno'y is hm‘m- from T‘WHIHU I'm' a \wll-oarnr‘ol hnliday. .\?x°. um! .‘Jrs'. H. Mr.\rtlmr and Mr. and 131's. \\.. .l, (il't-o-nwc_m:i Spvnt “I“ first M ”w WWI; with Mr. and Mrs. hmwzm Nit-Imam at. Alwrcir‘mx. l~;\o-1'}l»:bol}' inn-I'vstml in the upâ€" ‘ww-p nt‘ [inn vvmo'tvry is rcquestvd tn l:.- «m huncl in fwml timo- Thurs- c!‘:)' :tl'lvx'nn.)n. Jun“ 19. tn vlt-un up mu! kwuntil'y thu mnnch'ry grmmrls :Ulal sm'rhumlings. Zinnitws mwt cm 'l'm-saluy running: and arrange”! l'nr Hu-i ° annual Sun- oluy srluwl pivnit' In 1w 110M in tho- ustmi plawn nu Saturday. .Iunv 28. xxiwn u must. happy timv is antici- 1111}' 5111111111 1111111111 111 1111 111.1111 111 1111- 11511111 111111'11 1111 81111111111); 11111111 28 1.1111111 :1 1111151 11111111)' 1111111 is antici- [1:111111. '1'1111 1‘111111' 111' 11111 111'1111f1k 11111111 111 1.11.11' 511'1111111s 111111 111 1.1111 521113411011 “her 91:15 5111-11311 [:11'111111 \1'11111. 1111111 11111110. "12511 1111:5‘ 111 11111 511111111111 counties 1'1111 1111111111111." 111 11\' 1111211115. '1‘1111y 1111\1- 11111'11;.111'11 1"111 11s11111\\.~'.8111111:1y 111115 111111 111.“ 1111' 11111 11.1..\. Last Sunday 111'111' :1 11117.1111 1'111'.~' \\'1_11'11 111 1111- \‘11"11111,\'. 111511111'1111' 1’1111'111111‘. 111111 1111- Fish 111s11111'1111' \1‘111'1- \1'11'1111 111111 11111111 :1 1'111'111'11 1'1111 11111111 0\\'1111 8111111111 111 :111 1111111'. 11111 11111 111\\'â€"111'11:11~;111';< 1.111! 11 1111 1111111 51111111511111'1'111.11111 111111111 .~'111~1111_\'1~_\;11.~‘, [{11\\'11\'111'.:11'1111'11115.{1 111â€"111:1111 11121111111111111 11:1 1 lung 1) 1111111.~'11 111111'11 11111: 1111‘ {11111111111111s111111 5111111' 111 :1\\ 111111:111111_ 211111 11111111 1111'111111\\'. '11111'1 is 11 \111\ $111111: .~ .11'11111111111 11111511111 11111111: 115111, the framer. it is needless to say that the timbers fitted most snugly and went together without a hitch. Twas reared in he old-fashioned way, Councillor McGrath and Mr. George Gilnlpbell captaining the forces. The race was a good one. the witty Coun- cillor‘s men winning by four rafters. Campbell didn't wish to injure Jack's chances for re-election next year. so held his hearlies back a little. Inspector R. Wright visited N0. 5 school an Thursday of last week and found everything progressing splen- didly under Miss E. J. Allan‘s teach- ing. The trustee board met on Fri- day and haw. re-engagen_l her at an increased salary. Holstein. (Our own correspondent.) Thu Prwshytvrial 01‘ the Pl'vsby- hwian Church. Saugmm District. met in th» chum-h hm» last Thursday. 'l‘hm-a- was a lawn I'vpx-csentatinn t‘rnm all parts of Ultf‘ Presbyhg-ry. Thom-o \wrv morning and afternoon m-ssitms. In Hm absnncc Hf tlm pres- ialvnt. Mrs. Hondnrsml of Drayton [H'f'sidt‘cL Mrs. Lyons 01' Idnore, In- dia. 21 111issio._:naI-y in that country fur tom wars, mlulx-nssml the svssicms. .-\ pruhtahlv timn was Spent. vas. Scntt anal Pcn'in. J. R. Philp and R. '1‘. DmMs uttondvd the Assem- bly nu;_-vtin;; in (Avon Sound last. \\'m‘k. 'l‘hu mnsvnt. sum of tvaclmrs for tho: L'nntnmatmn and Publur schools haw hovn (gm aged fm anntlmr war. Mrs. A. H. Putt-in ut' Hamilton is the gum! Hf Mvsclzznws Pvtx'io' and Brum‘ lll‘l‘t', W. H. Ril‘v and family spvnt. tlw wwk-mnni in \V'izu'tnn with Mrs. Ilzt'v‘s pun-ms. Mr. and Mrs .Smhnvr. Armmgvnwnts haw tho-(en ('nmplut- ml fm- tlw 19;”; park awning. A full day has hum arrange-«i. In the PV- vning Hnlstt-iu and Listmwl will play :1 \\'_.l~‘..\. football match._ 'I‘hc- Hnlstnin \\'.]“..\. i'nnlhzlll tram ulvt'u-nhul Hu- l’ulmvrsmll tu‘am in Hulsh‘ill last \V!‘4'ill(‘.~‘.dil}', the score Ming: 3-0. 'l'vn thuusuml 'ingvx'lings have lw'n plzu'w! in tlw clam I'vvf‘nfly. This nmkvs :1 tntul ni' 18.000 in tho kl"! throw )'cfill'.~'.'>‘t‘v \w shnuld smm haw gm“! 1mm. tishmc. 'l'lw I't'llH\’:ltill:.: ul' thv Mvthmlisf ('hln'vh is pt'ng‘rL'ssin: \M'y i'm'nr- ably. 'l‘lu- I'u-nlwning will take place «m Sabbath. 32nd inst" thu RM'. JAY. .17.. :. _.,. 1:23... :21. :25 2:26 E 2:; :21. 72.: 1:53.22 .5 :5 yr. ......~....l. 2.7.7::â€" rz. :.::::..._:., «m Suhh:1t|l.;’;’nd inst” tlw llvv. JAY. Mugmunl. u t'nt'mvr pastur. IIHW n! Sh'ult’cml. ('nndm'ting Hm svl'vicvs. 'l'hc- 3w“ pnh'nns of the l'lg'l'vmunt Erratum-11v «Innnumy sounding in tho higlu-sl numlu-l' nl' puumis nl' hllltm‘ fut fur thv mnnth ”1' May zu'v: \\'e~.<- lm Hallinlm. L‘ “lllt'n‘ 14].); ”)S Aberdeen. (0111' nwn correspondent.) .11'.~'.~'I . 1111111111.! 111111 11113411 McEnr- 11111'k.111111.\li.~'.< 151111111. 1'11'1'11111111111i1'11 11x .\11'.~'.11 3111111111'111'11111151111 I’1-11'r‘. 11111111111111 1111- 1’1'11.~11\1111'i1111.\.<<1-1‘11111}' 111 1111111 811111111 1111 Saturdux. \\1':11'1'~L11\ 1111'1111111 111:11 311's. 111111 311'11-1111 i.~ 1111111'1'1111- 11111_'1111"s 1'1111' 111111'151'111. 11111 111‘11'11' 1115111: 11111; 11111 11211111 $111111. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Ij);l\'i<l Pncenlle. (Our own correspondent.) Weather promises some improve- ment now; the leaves are coming nicer and the crops are beginning to move upwards. W'e hear reports of frosts these mornings but hope that no serious harm has been done. ’ -’ Sorry to hear of Roy McLean being so poorly from a severe attack of tonsilitis. Miss Aldcorn, R.1\'., is in attendance. We hope to see Roy around again soon. Miss Jessie Livingston is visiting friends near Markdale this “9.9152 Miss Eleanor McArthur is VlSltlng' with her mother. Mrs. M. J. McArth- ur. in our village. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Karstedt are spending a few days in the city. Mr. lx’arsteiilt is leading our village .111 having a fine new electric range 111â€" stalled. . I‘ _-A A-‘ CI”II\_.L|- Mr. _F. P. Reiloy has. a gang of men shmglmg 1115 fine readence on Dur- ha mstroet. ‘_ ‘ ‘ ll“ IILCLL L1. L'o The contractor for the heavy hill above the Glen on the good roads is getting material assembled to start. work. Mr. Thomas Nichol; grOOd roads foreman. is. busy again and we hear that. he has a fairly good gang already at work. A number of our young men have taken work with him. There seems to be a scarcity of work in big towns and cities. as some have returned home unable to get. work. E‘ ‘1't5:. .1110111111' \‘01111: 1112111 11215 declared 11111131311 tiréd of 113111113101'110011. Mr. .\nf_111)\\' Hincks 111‘ 11111 511101111 C011- ('11551011 .\.1)..R.111st \\1111k 100k 10 himsvlf :1 “1111 in 11111 1113151111 0'1 Miss 111011111011 \11' _.a111111l. T1113 mung cou- 11111\\i11 5111111). 1111 11111 01111101111 131m 111m n\\111111 11x )11'. Hincks Exerx 111:;11111 “1511 is 1\te 1111111 10 11111 vgoun 11111111111 111 1111111' new undertaking. Mr. .Ith Junvs'nf our fair \iflage has trzmh d himsvlf to a car. Ex em- hmly is doing it. no“. (1.0041 luck. .Izu'k. Messrs. Edward 111111 13111111 F130. 111's. 51110111115 M1'.\'ic1'11 1111111 Mrs. John 31111'11'1'. 111111 Mrs. '1‘1111111118 Slvwal't 111111111111 111 Willi: 11115111111 11151 W131]- 1111511111 111 1111111111 11111 1111111 1'1111 111 Mrs. 1-1 1'1111s. 11 111115111 111 11111 11111110123113. 12111115 11115 111111111111 Mary .\1111 F1311 111 .\'111 1111111111 :1 551111111?“ 11113111111111 111111111111-1'11111111111 111 Dauphin Man. 8111- 111111'11s 111111 111111;.111111'5‘111'311 (MP2. 1.11111111,. 111 \11111811 111111111 8111' 1.11011. (Our mm correspondent.) Burnsâ€"nu. Riw’rs. Man._. on May 12, to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Anear. a son. Bulls hmw fur ("f‘lltlll'jvs bmm 118ml «m hum- lmffiv, and mom? I'm'vntly Hll (fyt'lvs. 'l'n herald HH‘ Zippl'flih‘h “1'21 nmhn' Hun wilh its g‘l'calvr >1me somv «listim-tiw suund was nm'timl. l-Ixtl'u Imul hulls. il is lmw, such as aw (unpluyLwl nu fire-engines, might. haw hwn 11.~‘v«ll)11t..tlwpamlvâ€" munium in :1 rrmvdvd stmml. would lltu'u ln-vn 11111H,-al'ul)lc. 'l‘lu) humor 01' ('lzlxon. tllm'ofow. 111w l'n'w-l‘s-vlml «‘loscm'nicnt. 01' Um old pnst-hny‘s lmrn. was llw «.bln'iuus insh-umvt‘lt. and pnssvswl in ad- ditiun. tlw mlvanh 2n nt' tln-mfing its mmmi I'm-ward instead of all round, as :1 IN]! thus 50 In cuslnm \\v (“31110 t” {weep )[ t‘Iu- (laxinn as ‘13“ difit 11H tiw “3111- mg m :1 mutm. in pmh (:1‘ .\0'1HI Anwrivu. intleql it. is illugal to aliix u Math In any other kind 01 wllivlc). Northeast Normanby BELLS AND HOOTERS During this week tennial is being held the members of the the department of A be absent. Agricultural Representative Conference. During the week beginning June 16, the Ontario Representatives will meet in annual conference at, the 0. A. 0., Guelph. The local office will be open as usual, although the representative and assistant will be absent until June 19. Third Shorthorn Sale. The. third annual Shorthorn sale under the auspices of the Lirey County Shorthorn Breeders" Associa- tion was held on June 5 at Markdale. Prices were not high when fashionable breeding is considered. It, was a wonderful Opportunity for young farmers who were starting into the pure. bred business. Dr. J. S. Sllel'lCI‘dSOD of Markdale. assisted in the ring by Messrs. Clark and Haslum. wielded the hammer to the satisfaction of all. Brnmpv m (_Z«_)ns¢‘-r\'at01" ()n Smitti‘n'liwi' f). 1932. a Lifij'illla- iiun amn'uzwlmi Hon. James Mm"â€" dcwk. Ministry of Labor. to discuss the. um'mliloynwnl, siluatinn. 'l'hey slum! sumv time discussing witl'lout- relivving it and at. nigl’nt the Minister invitmi (hum tn dinnur. The auditm‘ g'vnul'al’s I'ijl‘i shows what. that. «linnm' (‘HSL nut. Mr. Mlmlm'k, but thv ('tmnh')‘: liinnvr. (5U mwx‘s . ....... $347.20 ()H'hvst Hi. ................ (35.00 SI'Wial trulluy (“211' ........ 25.00 Tc )1 all SOLVING UNEMPLOYMENT li_s week the Semi-cen- ung held. Consequently, s of the local branch of lent of Agriculture will W“? $113- . 1.30 mlOl' W I” uAuu (1qu 01333;? wgth the Irish Free State premier Craig of I lster, told the nnnnmnmnn I x; 4- I'lCllu-u- vâ€" w v County Down Orangemen yestm-da; that as Presndentfiosgravc of the Irish Free State_dld_not want. 1m- willing citizens gnplther Irish areas he was quite mllmg to swap (lath- olics who wished Free State I‘Llle: rm. Protestants 1n Monahan, (javan and Donegal who wanted to Join Hm". old Ulster friends. He promismi the latter his heartiest welcomp, k Read the Classified Ads. on Page 7 It will pay you ‘4 To Whom it May Concern ; The Special Committee appliizgi..d to enquire into and report on um, cultural and other economic (I‘lliily- tions in the Province will hold 5 SiOl‘lS in place and time as l‘olnlxx's : DURHAM-t Tuesday_, June 17, Tow. A UU'nnflm-, Lucaou, “sun. .51, ‘1le Hall, 2 pm. and 8 pm. WALKERTON, Wednesday, June 18. Town Hall, 2 mm. THORNBURY, ThurSday, June 19. Town Hall, 2 p.m. WIARTON, Friday, June 20, in the Town Hall; at 2 pm. All who desire to supply informaâ€" tion or make representations lez,‘ In the Committee concerning :1th branch of Agriculture and industry» related thereto are hereby mummy inVited to attend. Hon. Dr. Jamieson, P. F. Cronin. Chairman. Scum, :' v, Agricultural Enquiry Committee NOTICE Thurfid‘yu Juno 12’ PROVINCE OF ONTARIO mior Willing to Exchang, With the lush Free State 'i-b‘n PROTESTAN'ps AGRICULTURAL BOARD WILL HOLD TWO MEETINGS IN DURHA Afternoon At 2. P sides Business. Feat: Program and Band 37 ; evm'y :nm'lvu to attmnl. 'I’lu' [Wu 1“. Agricultural hm‘t‘ nPXY TI]. 3 2mm! ”HP :11: a strictl} h evening. I: session VOL. 57.â€"NO. V Q qâ€"‘; I l’}. pr 7.0113 mm". Lions. Thom“ \\'H m- frnm m: and HHIH!'.~ lutrhups \\'« said last \\ uni llt'l'“ 3 give Hmn huw in tin {W has 1w {va {anus-x of H10 Pr“ 3.. what i~‘ 111W. lish-x In HIP [DUFF H1050 «'HII‘. Muss mvn. m an vfl'ux' It \\‘i must I Ian'mvr «mt it . H TO INCREASE 13% OF BIG} Ferguson G Condition [‘“L' about $5000 (lnntl‘m'j sew-m in H absulutnl} and «lo-als wf thu fill“ wmlvmw Hxv smm Am 11131 H"! \V 11 Th“ l‘Will (’zdltu‘fl 3‘ enginmn- ('XEIIHHH- the bridge “HI: :1 \mx revert in tlw ("l 12"“. Will hmv 10 [w --. m Been; 1th} \HH iv .11. before ”I“ ('UHHI} m bridge is suhjm-tu-«i 1.. traffic, the high“: H necting link 13.1qu. n : and count» ill;ll\\u\~ mated that the new in Well-knOwn V. arable Pl‘OgT 'l'lw mum anman m it this «Iislx'ir? ‘.\ he has sunn- able in I'Mlli‘lt ammun 1H\\;m from Hw Hun tarium. Mini ically ill l\\u \. ditiml is :I'vu! MILDMAY ASKS C01,? 347'? TO TAKE 0V1: Bruce County Will Take Over Mxldmay l'lx ingram Is an whim! 1.: ‘20th ‘ HR. C. M. EC“! RETURN m Inflnvn Hx‘lnvnt. ti 'J‘l l .I l i'(‘ 1H II H ll I‘ll \\ H \\ h n th m: and Bvenir 898510!) a. ll ll H \Vl H H

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