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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1924, p. 10

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" FONTARIO 40?;‘55555 a} Enquiry 55 55mittee 5 1 ICE ~» W11 ling to B: u]: . the Irish Fre 2m Thursday. June 1?, i924. [OLICS EUR Paownsi'm and u. Ads. on LINwlay. June 19 5 :.~«‘."t'. told the mm was _ ’ “‘l I ‘ 1.. r‘ £81.qu 3110 F. Cronin. S'W'I'cturvl 1“ )mt} "“J grun- of thd a want un_ ll‘iSh areas a swap Cath- Suit» rule for ' Vi“ their [Y infur'ma- ’mus uset‘m minf: any i 1111111521105 1} 11.1xdiany appointp‘ IL on agri- mic condi- I “”1” $85- \‘ ful|)l\v5 : Page 7. the local council hail the county i-Lillm‘l' examine the Absolom street- 1'.°i.‘-'e.\\‘itha View to having it v-xi-rt in the county. The bridge will have to be rebuilt. this yeal‘ and Rene Feily will bring the matter before the county council. This Midge is subjected to much heavy traffic. the highway being a con- necting link between the provincial and county highways. It is estiâ€"i mated that the new bridge Will cost :ib011t35000.. qua ;; :zce County Will Be Invited to Take Over Mildmay Bridge 3'. ,‘LDMAY ASKS COUNTY TO TAKE OVER BRIDGE '- IN’CREASE PROGRAM 0? HIGHWAY BUILDING It will ho- sm'n that to do this thvm.‘ must b.» vn-cmwratinu lwhvmm Hm :2u'uwl' and ”In llnnlmissicm. \V'ith- wnt H o-x'o-rything is lust. and it is In kw hnpml thc'rc' will IN‘ a xnmi :lf- h'zlukuu'w no-xt. 'l‘m-sciay both al‘tvr- wwn :moi mvning. 'l‘hm'o- is nu {M- nmsiun vhzu'w'. and m» t'nllowliam 'IIIIgIInIIIIIts I'III' HIII IIIIXI two-Hp IIIIIIHIs. XIIIII'ly I-VIII'y IIIIIIIstI'v has 1" :IIIIIII Il I"..I>II\IIIIHIIII “III IIIle ‘IIIIII'IIIIII II III ”III (H’I‘SI'IH t:l“‘ i~ lh: It IIII HIIH‘I nmr- [It III' H‘s all “III II \[II II- II~' III ”III .\;.. "thHHl‘ul IIunIIIIissIIIII. \:Iilo- HIII :IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII.:_'.~ III tlIII IIIIIIIIIII MIIIIIIl'IIII I'.~tIIIIII" .\<.~'m i: IIIIIII «I II‘III I iIIIlIIslI IIIs IIIIlsIIII- III :IgI'I- 'IIHIIIII has In III) Iinanmd 1w :hu ll-‘mown Citizen Has Made Fav- I 3.010 Progress. Hh'l'o‘ will as well be 511t»1‘t.5pw-(:h- E‘r'um mvmlwrs M “w éltu‘nminm‘.. .; uzhvrs. .\t this. Juncturv it is t'f'itups wwl] tn thm-alv what. was ~: -5 Just wm-k : Thv Cummissiun :9 ho'x'v In hwtut’f‘ the farmers «9r .n~\ .~ szm any "arm ('haix'" advice nu .~v\\ In 0‘” ”INF WHI'k. '“H’ (1011111)".- .w has two-n swnt nut. in cuufvr with 'zw I'urmvl‘s in Hm various Mgctiuns Hn- l’x'nx'imror. hmr Uwix' \‘ivws as .. what. is Hw matte-r with agricul- wv. hstvn to) Hwir suggestiuns as Haw pussihh- mantle-r nt‘ imprm'ing nwsv runclitinus. and Hum. as busi- .-~.- nu-n. try and zuh'isu with tho-m :! :m wfl'ul‘t to put. agrivultm'o- Hn its '; .‘w two mmtings 0f the Ontamo \-~ ..-ultural Enquiry Committee , m-xt 'l‘ucsday. promises to be , gun! um and onv that it will pay :zgr-ivultm-ist and husumss mun ~ utrvud. In the afternoon, the «sum will partake Hf , m-wll} hustnvss nature, but in the » -~nm:_'. IN‘SUlE‘S buinvss, 3 gm»! .. «:mm is bring al‘ax'ngvd fur. and .w :m mum! attraction. Durham Cit:- I»m-l~-"' ‘ I) AGRICULTURAL BOARD WILL HOLD TWO n afternoon At 2. P. M. At 8 P. M.-Bvening Session. who 1 Government Influenced by md: tions of UnempIOyment. VOL. 57.â€"NO. 2973. H 'H-‘fl .Hh Mr. Bowman had been wit- iil l\\'n \kas 113:0. but. his cun- ns ux‘o-atly mun'oml. \\' I mum-s [In ““1110! he* an amm ~f.\‘~â€"»H!o'rv t. litEFFEa .z: :23 .3: A::..::...~._ 755 :3, ..::.:: w E “2: bitii 22.5 6:: -4. Er... 1.2; 5:11.553... 2.59:; .:~.:._....../. .22.:2: 2.2.5....3 : z...“ .5, .22., 1:: E... xumy h inmls n1 \[1- .2. M. ' m [Hulmm and thmugmnt. '1: i \\ iH 1’08le tn lr‘arn that Mifl'irivntly imprm'm'i tn be Mum to his homv at Suuth- =‘"\\':u'o1.~' Hm vnd Hf the? \Vowk mm.» I'Irm‘k. Mil-11.. sani- '5 01‘ ’D II.‘ IIIIUII')‘ IIIIlllllli~‘.~'iIIII has I‘IImI‘ IIIIII. whiln pnssiblx IIIII an :Ifl':1i1.\\ill mII-t HI‘QHPIHh 0‘1' \\I HI ”I" agl'IIIuHmis‘ ts III \II: I ,. “int n \imx to talking: ,. IIIIIIlitiIIns III tlw lIusiIII‘Is: \ 10‘“ (II IIflI'I‘ing snugvstiuns “s iIm‘II'm'cmcnt. l’I-I'sonally. Z'II'HHHI'ill IIIImnIissiI-In looks IIIIII thing: to us. {H'X in What. sIImI- III-IIIIII' think. thv «lumimsshm is an I}' nun-political ox'ganizatinn s «mix with the husim-ss mu! «mm: industry. MEETINGS IN DURHAM n . 3. ....z...::..:.:. 3. 5:25.. 1.1.3:...“ 3 :2. 3.3.5.... 7...: 3:: ...:z...:. .77. 2.. .....7... 7a 4.. .11.ng zw ; ..1...:..:::..... ..::.5m ...: 3:53: Sigéwm. .:.. r. 21.1. 14.94. $.31. tm-rv will lw a gnmi ut- no-xt 'l‘m-sciay both al‘tvr- “Vo’nillfé. 'l‘ht'l'o' is llH {Ul- hzu'gc'. and uh mllvvlinn. rust. any um- wlw ram-s in his tinw. and ho' will 1w .1 I'm' that. mun-s as \wll nolusll ins nulsicit- m '~ tn 1n; financed 1n ”H mw'hns 1w o1i!11<.1111. hmx'mw 1111:11 rum-11113.: 01' a: ”1 PM}. ‘4'!" ill" venlng SeSSiOn Be:- i. Featurgd by Good "-_‘ ‘- wring ul’ agrivm- sn many nl’ {‘xnm. this y'o‘al' \Vo- furl NU. :‘UIHO' [.o‘uplc‘ «lumrmssmn is an H M highways .:§o\'.‘r .1 \' 11M \H Gambling and Mathematics {Ottawa Journal} Race track gambling succeeds be- cause it plays on Vanity. The math- emtaics of the game are against. the public. but. what. bumptuous youth or discerning lady gives a heat about mathematics? lvc "- \\ m-H .~gw°l;ll H'uins “‘ Hu- ru~£ [our pussvngt'l' W“ :‘it-mzt in wwx' mo-als. RH ”(llt'l' cnntinga_'xwivs. b1 1}: cnsl is nut no‘ux'ly SH his: “t I‘ngulzu‘ way of tune]. ”if :lf-IH. Un- trip was In Val \\ \‘ivmriu. twn yours :93; I‘D H11 Saturday ultra-norm tlw (Jana- :dizm National Railways gave us a Hinv muting and cnlcz'taimnrnl. Tin-y took us l'}‘ lwal from 'l‘urunto in Port l’lalhuusic. gaw us from entertain- lmont in all tlw amusnmvnls there for a roul'xlo of hours. and aftrr {ceding us well brought us back safely to 'l‘orunto. “'0 were tho ghosts of tho Canadian National, and from similar vxmrioncos on {armor occasions we knmv the host obtainable was in store. Mr. Howard and Mr. Riddell; had us under their care across thel ronlinrnt. and their genial aml 1111- assuming conduct have forced the publishers to admire and respect them. They are wonderful hosts. 'lho conwntion next War “Will be held in the citx of\\1nmpec. H H ' i. mum t1: and .lm'clupmcnt from late ' in thv wx'vntwrnl1 W‘nflli'y. \thn ”10;; sit." ur fiw city was 50M t’nz' $87,». In 3:1; 18.33 i! was invnl'gwt'aivcl as a mtylxx with :1 {mpnlatiun 01' almui 8,000.39; MW (in: [.‘mpulation of the city prop- ! m M is aiwut SSUMM. Mayor Hilts ox- ' )‘o' gvt'~~'~‘oni [WHO in ”HP vity SL'hQulS. in? vity churchcs. the transpunation th systwm. the harb‘u', and other indust- in "[08. [‘1] 'Hu- hunt. In”, Mnnh‘val yustmwlay a: mum and by tlu- timw this [junior is ”11' MW pwss Hm party. consisting Hf uhuut :n hundrmi and fifty will ho Musing ihvil‘ way into the (iulf of St. Lmvre-ncw. l’nhlishvrs from war hvx'u win» lme 5011:- :n'o‘: Mr. and Mrs. limiy. \\'ulkvrtun: 312'. and Mrs. sMih-hvil and dunghto-r. Hmwwr': Mr. ]\\'ilham Blul‘)nn:2lcl. llhvslcy: Mr. A. '\\'. “fight and dzltmiztt-I: Mt. Fur- cst; .\h'. and 311's. Hunto-I'. Kian- i inn; Mr. and Mrs. 'l'vmplm, I’vx'gns: MP. {1. .\. I’lo'l'niny; HI' HWHH SHUIM. and Mr. and Mr». \\"illium.~', ut' «Inl- HI" Mr A mu. 1m: SPIN-INF. In HHS I has! $33” fur 0X! vavh. Sumo- put. m-wssm'y at $1.000. 'Hw hunt [NH .‘1« :1! Mum: and In H“. is ”It Hw plvss Hw Ht uhnut :n hundxml musing thvir \\':1\‘ i [vast vach “0300‘: SO)” nj 1 i and It minds hshmw «lizm Int-rimw "I'lw Mom‘s! lw uxmble- tn ings \wz-n it 1 mm! L'Hlll'h's}' railways and frunspm'mtin Ushers \\ {sh . _-- .‘...,â€" w. nu; \AulldUth |\\'.~vkl_\' Nun's-pawn Assnciatinu in ['l'nrnnm. 'l‘lw nth-{Mann} was largo. WWW III'HVinm‘ in Canada {rum '\'um'mm~r Island to vafnundlancl [wing \VvH I‘t‘Pl't‘S¢_'IltNl. 'l'hi< is :1 DCvn1i11i1_)II-\\'illt‘ mganizm Ham and mu mwtings from year tn )‘o‘m- zu'v lunkm! I‘m-mm! in in :mxinns :mtiripatinn of the annual wâ€"uniuns. Its influence is g‘cat in lu'uzhlwniu: Hw nutlngk of Hw pub- Iishe‘l's \Hm n-Hm't Hwil' ixu't'c.-uswl Vision: in chin: Hle'il' wade-1's a WWW“ Muss nl’ nmxspupvrs. {rum in- vrvmwi Imam [wigl' lwuught almut. by wind maxim: \\ ill: “111' gin-at. thumâ€" 1.. | " Zl_\' \\'! .m llmz Man 1 1|: av and Saturdav n1 lad “N'k tlu‘ mlitou NUIPINM‘U thv :‘IJ'H.l-l_lltlllu 1‘13»~o‘tixxg ml the Canadian C. W. N. A. MET IN TORONTO LAST WEEK Mr. Thomas Henderson and twe (fl‘illdl‘en. Isflbcl and Jimmy, will leave early next month for a visit to ,Srotland. It is twenty years since er. Henderson left the old land, arm .as his mother is now over eighty f age, he is anxious to see her once again in the tlesh. Thuugh he has brothers anal other relatives. as well as his \i'il’e's relatives. the see- ing: of "mother“ is the greatest m- eentix'e in making )11‘. Henderslm undertake the trip and e: ' at this pnrtieular time . l The boat on which Mr. Hemlersonj zmcl chi hh'en snil will leave Montreal ‘ Hit the ith 01' July and sail fur (jlas- :mw. l-‘rum here he will gm t0 the, heme 01' his mnther anal l.n‘0tliei‘.! Jim. where he will Spend the majm'l {rm-limit et' his time. He will visit} ether relatix'es by train and mum!" \\ LOCal Baker and Feet to Be Gone M: \\'O o It VUNJ (1539111611 Largely'Ki-t-gnzied and Very Suc- cesstTul.-â€"Party Now On W'ay to Visit England and the Continent. ‘1': trawl the mutual H $75.5 ..._.7..,..:::w .E J: :2 .27. E: .7. .m:_x:.7..: 1.72733; 1.: 323%.. si- who think thn p111“)- ! from it, is [in sc'ifl’i‘i in ll trust is 3550 pm‘ p218- i'his may l‘w minim! at: *I‘ wxims. making $800 put iiio‘ iuiai HUHHV U I'm [We 1! in the \\ lslo- _, I1111mlh~11111~1 .iisuimsv 11111111111111211 111111 11111 111111-3 'l'lw -‘.[1nso'(_"[1‘t {H- \"Hh 1‘. .<7311 11111 pusâ€"1:." 111 .< ‘1 I)" 111! “‘11 at how, J making \800; 1’!» 11 Him! as \W‘I'Y 1'33]... from late whvn ch HIP pub. 50. Trans- and ('hmm- Vanuuuwr from Dur- 'e'ommmla- rtin in th Leading a double life through twice as quick. “A Jew in Ripley. Uni. rircmltly immigratml. but progressing won- «lm‘l‘ully in the language and cusâ€" toms of the now world. went. into the cartagc business. and being in business of coursv had to render accounts. After (luing some teaming for a Ripley merchant. he rendered the following account: '10 goes, 10‘ comes. a: 500 3 went. $5. “ ‘ tim'v's a puintvr 1‘01' Riley McMnnkâ€" nn and Bub Alvxanclor. as taken frnm Elm Allistcm Her-ram. SH!!!" “1' Hiltii-i‘»’wi°‘.s Iacrnssu mfln- fru-riru-izt \xo'i'o- iiitn\\‘11tin-111'stut'tlii -'\\m-k llHix’ill‘.’ :ti'I'zizim-ino'iits I'Hi' tlu' bigwin: up of sunti‘ 01' the good Inca] {nub-rial L'HHlf.“ tn \\';i.~'to- ht't'“ this :}":H‘. Hn thu strong!!! 01' what \x'v Sinus» tin-:mi. it is mnrv than Iikmy ithut Mn» or throw juiiini's and 501110 iillii't‘nli'ttittti's \x'iii wear tlm quwvct‘ mini-s this wagon. \\‘c unclvi'stanit the Hanover mim- :l:o':iwilt. intvnit tn [vi'm‘tiw' Ull tho inn-hum tivld. and. in the course of ”in summit-1'. intend tn stage. a few .L'tmlo‘s‘ UH ttw luml swam. Durham has a. tow gimd players kicking 1m iunol whu would strengthen almost anyvonm. and we can predict the HM town will tum out «311 massc any ”1“ tin)“ to 59‘? 2 £004] IIIPPDQQH Hanan 0 _ lHo‘ mwhng: ”gums a! 10.3” {1.111. \x'ith huh «'HmnmmHn, :IHM' whirh Rm» sc‘r'nwn will kw pl’c'IH'hf‘tI hy thr- {RPM J. h. .\l. Nlelghtnn. Ill). M {13.13 Illllt'ho-nn \\'iH 1w .s'u‘x'Vmi. .' 'l'iugmm'ting nl‘ {hp Imunwx'y (21mp- itm‘ \\‘IH hr lwlcl II‘Hm l t” L’ p. 11).. \x'itiz Hlu husillwss :Ittm'hm! Him-rm. ‘mul thv Hmw Up in 7) n‘t‘hwk will b“ _;zlko~n up with gown-1‘31 lm.~‘inv.~'.-‘. ' During this svssinn Hwn- will 1m 3:”) :lllsii'o's‘s‘ D)“ “W Riuhf. “UV. \V. (I. ‘\\.‘UU‘. UJL Hisllflh Hf' Hmmn (Thinn ! DURHAM LACROSSE PLAYERS ‘ MAY PLAY WITH HANOVER? Hancver Moguls Visited T0wn First of the Week ’With Object of Sign- £32.: Up Any Loose Players. at 1.3“ p. m. inint mw'lin lwunwm' (Ihn h He‘l'v's and MM: ”:lf'HHX' : Xo-xi Mummy will In- \\‘ith Im'ul \nglit :ms in t HIP do‘!v;..”ltv.~‘ hum Hi1 hmmviy. \\hu \\ill lw In :mmml mwling. 'l'lw IHHPHHfJ Hymns :H Annual Business Meeting of Deanery Takes Place in Trinity Church.“ Large Number of Delegates Bxg pected to be Present. GREY DEANERY MEETS HERE NEXT WEEK Lust ’l'hm‘sihu' ul'tm'nimn Mr. 1%. If). Mt‘tiittt'ktill had a clusn call from pussihty St‘I'iHUS injury when hit in ttw t'um- hy sumo limiting water ho. \\:is riii'i‘ying in :i lit‘tUt‘. I It was at his ramp at, the Rocky Whit! HH' zu'i'iiti‘nt ”(’(‘Ul‘l’t'ti unit was «him quite» simply. Mi'. Mthocktin hint suini- tmiting \\'ilit‘t‘ mi the stum in :1 ti-zlkvttiv with :1 hmsv handle that. hy thn way. ilt‘ hint iH‘t‘ll till't‘flt- whim: tn I't‘ltilil' fur sumu timv. In l't'lltHVilH: it t'mm thi' iii't‘ thv nthur t'tlit iii‘ “iv iiiilltiit‘ rum“ HH' and Mt tiii- lwttin «imp nu thv tzihh» with tho rush]: that aim” halt ”in mmti-iits ut‘ thv hi'tttv sphishmt nut and Stl'llt‘ii him in ttw tum svvmmty hm'mm: him. hut. turkil)‘. timing IlH pi-I‘mim- t‘llt injury in his i-yi-s. .\li°. )Ii-illm'kâ€" tin says that hi' i'iiiisiitwi's himsc'lt, t'Xil'i‘lllt’i}' [why in gvttihg MT :is; \\'o-il :is‘ it“ did {HM \HHI :uiiim'viitiyt HM titllll:!f.:i' IthH‘ tn his natural? hwziiity. ’ MI Lust ’lhm'sdm \h'l [Htklill llzul [MSSIMV SI'IiUlI.‘ HIP hum by sun “as vm‘rvin: in Loca} Butcher Escaped With Minor Â¥ _ v- -- -‘Auh‘u Il.\l\ll|. auu all night a big unnm't. by Um Fax Fun tinmpany will (-1080. an altogether succvsst'ul day. "l‘hu committw is (0 hp congratu- mm: on putting: Hn surh a varied prngram and it. is tn 1w hoped that. ‘21. hi: 0mm! will turnout. HAD NARROW ESCAPE FROM SERIOUS ACCIDENT v- - v ~. \IJ!.§|5 (guilllj IIC“ twu rival tvams in the Public school, a tug-of-war. calithumpian paradu if it am be arranged. and a full pm- gram of font mums and ntlwr spurts. In the «waning at (3.15 Listmvcl and Holstein \\'.F..-\. l-‘ontball teams come Ingvthm' in a 103;:th fixturo, and at, JUL!» .. L' nesclay. in which their beautiful park will be declared olficially 0p~ mm] for the 19.24 seasan. should draw a big crowd. For years the Holstein Park has been used by the surrounding eemntryside for church and seluml picnics. and it is. no more than right to expect these institu- tiuns tu reciprocate next, \Vbclnesday by attending the Opening ceremonies. A full al‘lernmm's and evenix g pro- gram has been arranged for. In the afternoon there will be a baseball mall-ll belwen Varney and the Maple Leafs. n 5611001. foetmall game heâ€" 6 Annâ€"L _â€"â€". HOISTEIN PARK OPENS NEXT WEEK 7 â€"â€"v“rv“ UV LU“ "‘l Injuries When Struck in Face Boiling Water. i, ONTARIO, CANADA. FIFTY CENTS A WENT Holstoin‘s celebration next Wed- in B "r -- -. nay gremont Metropolis at Annual Opening Cerqmonies. .~'“.~‘ \\':H h Sufho'r'lzu l.:1_\'!‘n:m'.~ :...:::.1._151:715.1.5.2:: 512.55.: I. .::.. .z. : .5 .12.: /; .1...1.1...:; 1 :.1 his”. .5122: ...;::.1._2.22 . .714g1: ;: 1.; 3.; 11...: 111. mu! m huptc n I H {'0‘ [Li 11101305 St}. garnp :1 will hm 22m :1 M ‘i (“Ni ”H H'Hm l IH L’ p. 11).. as :Ittm'hm! Hun-um. 2.. .3 u‘rhwk will hv 1mm Imsinvss‘. SSiHH Hil‘l't‘ “Hi Im uxmm'y alsn mw-ts' If 21mm. HHH‘ is «'1 Ihu \nxiliarv :me! I"! His‘hn‘ » \\ "shift’ ‘ we“ :acrusmr 1112m~ r\\'11 Hu' 1i1'5fn1‘ HIM mac-mvnts fur the | 01' the gum! Inca} \mste- llt'l'l‘ this Elf-'Hl of “hut “0 mnrv than Iikmv juninzs and 501110 \\ (.dl‘ the H mm 01' N tiun N'I‘VMI. :11ch 'His ”unm- - sihuix‘x‘nun :1 busy day *ntvrtuiniug “\‘t'l' (il'vy ‘I'l‘ I'HI' Hm 'et First ‘ At the present there is quite a lot of wurk heing (lone in ballasting the ‘1. N. R. line from Paisley to Guelph. and. with six or eight work trains on the move. the company's freight service has been somewhat disar- rangetl. This, however. does not mean any inconvenience to the pub- lic. merely that freight schedules have been changed so as to permit or the ballasting prOgram being inâ€" terfered with as little as possible. Lot of Work Now Going 011 Between Paisley and Guelph. i \\'.~ huVu Inn-n I'uquvslwl tn ask 1110 \\ :xivx' Hsui's ut' Hw thn in «)xvx'risv In. HHIH mnl'u MW in Hu‘il' lm'ish usn ..r \whw. which. in nmny instanvn; is \x'ushwl. “(‘SIIIPS Irving" (‘al'vflll Hf. 11w dumvsm- supply. it is pnintmi nu! that mx‘nnrs nt‘ lawns must nut uw it Mr that [H.ll‘pHSC‘ vxcnpt from (3 tn 8 u‘vluvk in thv (awnings. Sum“ ruside-nts. amm'vntl)’. turn thv. \x'atur nn thv lawn rm)“ timv it suits thvmu but this practice must be stomwd. l -â€"â€"--.--u.â€" â€"-â€"-â€"â€" WORK TRAINS INTERFERE WITH FREIGHT SCHEDULES Too Much Water Wasted, According to Owner of the Local System. WATER USERS REQUESTED TO CURTAIL REQUIREMENTS i219: Mzcuwimi in runni in urn-tin and a mvsmm‘ r yam-«lay announced WUHM In: Shimwd tu-day ,, THURSDAY, JUNE 12 1924‘ 1111111112. 11111 lilw H10 11111111511 \ww s!n\\' hut 511.111.1110 L111 11111111111111-1-11 111111 1-x111'c1011 a 5'11’1111‘11111-12M3'11]! 1111111 11111051 >11'Hv111) 1’1 ”:11. 1111! “11111011 .11 111111 1111}, “01111-1 11¢111111'ixe 3111' 111.1 \‘1"1’}' 21.11111 10351111 [11:11 mum 1111! 1'1111'11 H11'n1. \VJ'lllfé'I'IS LaL [insinvss 111321121121! 21112] Hm :11’1111s2-1112'111.::I1112* in 11211112111211 1-.2- 21111121 Ms 2»! publicitv in these 21211:: I 1 1112-11 21112] \11111‘.211121 H121 I111si112Iss 1112111 “112» 21222~<111 2121\2’1tisv 511211111 111211112-112112212h 11111 11111152211 it his 11119â€" 11121» 1:411 11p (21 “11:11 1121 thinks 11 #1221111! 1!“ HH- 21121 212121;“ . H Idlit's 1112mm in 111211221 1112mm " 111 thaw 2121\s Ht 11222112211112.1222222111222212222122-21 121122121: “\2211 1111M 22.2222211112222222'12. 1112112“ mum-V DR. JAMIESON’S ELK ARE BEING SHIPPED TO-DAY gm‘wd. but ”My a. small lmusv tm'rwl Hut tn hmn‘ it. Thnsv [nu-swirl. lw\\‘~ uwr. th us it was quih- :m i11hW~ “sting m'mlmfitiun and \WH put nn. ’l'hu lurk ur :Itiwnclnnw mm in“ h'mwl :llmnst dirm'll)‘ \W‘ lwlim‘v 20 Hw lurk ”1' advm-Hsing. .\ mnmlw ut' lmmhwl hnndhiHs is nut. unnugh publirity. and :1 WWW Int ”1' pc-nlnln I'nilwl tn uttmui t'ux' Hw simplo‘ Wilson that Hwy didn't knnw that anything was guing «m. "'l‘lw Nuhlu ()utrast." a play put n11 hwy-v last 'l‘hm'sduy night by mm: l'mm \Yulko'rtnn umlwr Hm 11115;»in n!’ Hw Iuml <_n‘m1:."«- Lucigv. was quitt- :.:m‘nl. hut ”My a. small hmnsv tm‘m-cl Hut tn hmn- it. Thnsv Inn-sum. hu\\'-â€" WALKERTON TALENT GOOD, BUT PLAYED TO SMALL HOUSE Lackgf Adveryising Blamed for the Sn far as \\ implimte-d a knmv M'HM' l'vspm’f, for t H -‘.\,ll UL Ulln. I We have heard about certain kinds of liquor making a man feel so good that he could go straight home and How. his mother-in-law, but this isn’t the brand purvoyod in Durham. or at loast. it wasn’t the kind sold in this town last Week. This was an altothM' different variety, and whom “no of our citizons last Sunday “'ch absorbed a certain quantity or this so-callod joy-water, he started out to bite the bottles 011‘ a few of tho» town telephone poles, finally uncling up in tho. Chinese restaurant. whvrv ho scared tho residents of l.)urham‘s local Chinatown so badly; that Clmstable? Falconer says tlwy‘ \mrv showing white through the yellow. H ("me swallow may not make. a spring. but two swallovs of some of the bootleg thirst quenchers offered for sale around town seem to make the man at the receiving end of the decoction ayvfully darned drunk. 1" vâ€"â€"â€"a â€" -“-C‘V“ ‘V‘ Small Attendance LaSt Thursday Evening. Four of the Local John_ny Walkers n- “-13-, LOCAL BOOZERS PINL‘D IN IN POLICE COURT SATURDAY :w c-Ik anmmm-mi as having hwn I'M for Dr. .lnmicsnn's park at M’s Lukn haw Down a lung limo- 1'11'4'. but. likv HIP tHI'tMSP, ”my * shm' but sure. The Chrunirl.» lum-wl their ()XpL‘L‘LL‘Ll arrival ‘ tima- 121st 2'21]! from Hm estatv Hf lo-m')‘ l’e-Hat. but my later learn- ml. Hwy \wuld nut arrive Hum hw \‘t"i’}' my”! I'casun (hut UH'N \‘1:'.1 511' }{11'11_\. like .~‘ 111 111111111 11111111111; 1111111 111 11111 11111. 1111 -._ _ __â€"â€"J ‘- “... - » Before the Magistrate, an; .ree Paid Fines. Hm 1111i. and in running :1 )6*.\‘~':|;.:¢‘ I'o-L‘t'iY muted that Us is not vnnugh WHHIU In! ut' punltlu «w ”I“ simplo‘ rnnson knmx' that anything 1111.1 H11 H “It‘- has at Cnupln m! hmw- thwv HERE AND ELSEWHERE Fciulrm'ing is a list. of the towns and villages in this district and the day they aw observing as a half holiday. closing at 12.30 noon : M«:mdayâ€"fl'curswatex‘. \Vednosdaywflanover, Wingliam, Owen Sound. Thursdayâ€"Durham, Brussels. Kin- cardine. Lucknow, Port Elgin, Rip- ley. Walkerton, MilQmay. m........l__; ll SUMMER HALF HOLIDAY ~~-.; ..... m. .u 1".‘V‘ 11133.3.ch ICES. HIS place here 1s hemg taken t0 pox-{ink by 311'. Erbcn Elx'ldgc. tliVil. ‘."9\11‘i¢‘l')115. and uhliging. hi;- was a ymm: man with “ham it. was a pleasure In do business and this uhliging mmmm' made him many frinniis :imamg: tho Durham husinvss mI-n. Busicivs being a good I'aiir'naci man. 311'. Mmm was. a valumi additinn to thn Durham Band. who I‘cgl'vt wry much tn his“ his SQI'ViCC‘S. Smw ("wining to Inn-ham. MI". Mann has humme one 01' the. poymlar ymm: mvn around town and will be missml by the ymmgnr circle hux'v. .‘dz'. W. Moan. fur Hm past, )‘u'u' iii HIP lurul (I..\'.R. «lvjml. IH'I‘“. lvl't, I'm" PUHHM’SUDH ~11Mt)lltiuj\‘.\thx'cé hv vnfvrs cm his duties with thr- mm- [HHIX at Hint MUCH. Sllt'tjmnling‘ If. If. Hunk. anntlmr 0M Durham and Trav- vl'stnn 1m): wlm has hvvn pmmoiml tn Uh' Asistnm Smui'x'intcmMa‘s M'â€" 131'“. -_ ...... , AVLAllu AluV Tuesdayâ€"Mount Forest. LOCAL EMPLOYEE PROMOTED; GOES TO PALMERSTON W. Moon Transferred to Palmerston Miceâ€"Left Last Monday. 35:1. .L. m .112: :~:. 2.7.. 4:: 32;: :3; m :.:..I_1.:.r.: .5? ._.:,.a: 22:... 41.2”. h. .\i1. 1) I. 'l‘. :1 tth IHMuIn hi4 mulhur \\ ht‘lnw Hf hwy; NM NM hupv l'~‘(‘~\'vr’,\'. Mr 1}“ by mntnr, Mrs. T'mn. CALLED TO LEASKDALE THROUGH MOTHER’S ILLNESS ms ”\HI nw. nu msm ms mvmir- tinns mu :1. knmvlmigw Hf 1h.- mzm and stale-«i Hm! Mn Mn.- ”('(‘ElSiUlL \\'i1vn tin-min: him. luv Wm nhlimwi in mm z'. rwwlwr :m‘zu' l'rnm him. .\n ill(11‘.".~‘t.\\'iHbl'III‘MM..\IHHI{Im1 nu .lmu- IT. Satttmtzly mm'utng issuvd an outer Ltu lh'. JaS. an'v, ot' Listmw-I, County tlurunot‘. tn haw thv hmty Hi" the 111.10 William ttum- Mthat tmx'n exhumed. MI'. Itttltl".~' Lh'uth «M't'ltt’t'c‘tt UH \Vwiâ€" tt«.-.5:t:.t}' May 28. amt tw was found donut with it I'M'Hth-l' by his sittd‘. th'. I). .\. RNA. of Listcm'vl, wtm ztttvhttmt. tlwhg'ht ttw t‘nSU was sttt't'it-ivntty l'lt‘zlt’ amt nu immwst. \‘x'itS twht. Ah inquvst will be hold at. Munkttm. 't‘hu stnry gm-n :-.t thv time of his «tvztth by .\tut\'ittv Cummings amt Hurry 't'hihittimt. was to the ut't'ut't. that. Hnnw hmt tnltt tht-m that hv “as. £51-:ittg‘ tn shunt himsvlt' 3‘th Ht' HtuSt' thus" amt hm] sc-nt them Mn .wmu httsinvss tn Mutttitntt. :t t'ww mitt-s t't‘nm ttw tut-m amt that, un thvh' wtm-n thew t'nunct his tic-mt FlushbrMn Perth County Grog/'11 Attorney Sus- pects Foul Play and Will Have InvestigatiOn over Body of William Hone. NI-‘A'Iyâ€"IIIIIIIIIIII'I-Il (ivnnral ’arts and SI‘I'VI'I'I'. Man: gm~ III' (:(‘lli‘l'lll Mn- tnrs of Canada. Limitml (")sII‘IIwa. lllllullmltllh‘ls III' tin-\I'LIIII' MC- Langhlin and HHIII° I'm. Mr. Mc- lm Ish is H sun III MI. Dan. ic'l‘mish HI lJI'~‘lII*IlHII. mm “IUII‘III III (um (mum. .‘III'. .‘III "I :xish “as lmIII I'II l‘l I LISTOWEL MAN’S BODY WILL BE BXHUMED . C. Town Received Hurried Call to Attend Mother’s Bedside. 1's. IH\\11. whu ‘s nimut. viglliy :-.< M {Ifâ€"'1'. has hm'll SLHTI‘l'HlLf i'M' v Hmv i'l‘nm hvnrt firmlhlv. and with high Mum] m'vssm'n. has n how I'HINHHHH qnifw (‘r‘itft'nL 2n Ins-11,2" in his \\'i1'vh(’rt‘ ,‘\"“~"‘Ti"'i‘f" Tenn! srzid‘his mutho-r. fhmuh u \wuk. was still thing. but. that. miH‘II (‘HHM IH‘ 4le HH' IH'I' ill {wawm «'Hnditinn. Ll‘mvn .\l.fHI"JH‘_\' Mt'l’hw'sun. K. 4 «mu. \\'h '1 AH] :15' 1 5L" ism; \\ (l " r1. ,it‘\\'¢'HN ml‘c mum: sul'mush' t'ql (it‘lh‘ | .ll "(11 ts 2:41 «r m (iv m 1211 MH- Linlitml. ()sh2m21. H1. LiHWI‘HIM. MC- H'HN'. I'N‘MVPJ mm;- him that ”1513' ill at. Hm .” 1H Imuskdul«~. M HUI l'nl' IIM‘ Mt illllllif!“:-UI‘ Mimi. .‘n -“~"".‘I'tlilf~' ihmuh but that. lwr in $2.00 a Year in Canada; $2.50 in U. S. ‘... : uuueub LINN", :: mum I sprak nf‘ sud. ami‘thun Scotland and my illlln‘cjssi1n15 lici‘m Hl'J’l' Hi)” This‘ was HM ”Main. ”1ch n[ J 10' 2mm mMrvss. W“ 3300} l’vrhzms thc- hnnm'ahh- guntlo-Inm; 5 1’0“)?“ has mwn it. many {mu->7 smw, but, :munt'ylas nm‘ sat and [Menml in him in illi.‘ {PUP HIM! hl'i‘i‘zy \\'.c~§lp]-“ 5151”. MWUO'J I it alnmst seemed as if he wcrc- telling 1' many 1 his. oxpvrinncu for the; first Hmv In N“ “Wk 5:! mm”. M‘ pvrsnnal I'riomds. It lack- meiV-iml Hw marks “1' :u-mlmmc t'[1~til..u_~s mm and 5 that, mnkvs (H‘letf shy l'wm Hw tux-m \\'il"il lurim'v. and H' at. finws Hw slwuknt' 1.. iakr‘ lapsml intn bursts uI' ()rutm'y [w 5....“ '«h‘tmpmi hark. with a twinklu in nu "W40” "5'“. in!” ”w ¢'\'¢‘I'}'dl:1}' lzmunug‘v nf‘ Hw (“MINIMUM man and sgmkq- ”13*!“ij 11"I'IIS Hl' (Liyclws uI' Mm'k-fm-mi f4....... 5 dead i “What }--,..t.t*.-gftiiii} nu ] Hl.‘ [H'iil 113' { sw- H1211 4h it'ul'nq- in mt; IN a!” s‘n ill j o‘;(' in J). Thu 3; “'218 It In H" Err-51:: .1 f f . 5le {JVI'I' )N ._._.v -v- ““95 VI MAI-Ill Thermometer readings made each morning at 8 a.m., and are for the preceding 24 hours. The following are the maximum-minimum tem- peratures for the week : Tnmgzamuazs ron LAS Q, ‘ WEEK {grin-n ('i'ugisf j 'I'hc- liI's't iii-sliimtiuii \x‘m‘ th«- '2 >I'it‘HHIH'H} Shnxx‘ zit lidintmi'u. Ht‘l‘w hv in“: many Hf 1h" trim-at. Sth'K i-aisvi's. in inn-titular. Mr. Hmi'xr‘ Simian: tm'm nmnnwi- t'ni' Um liar! Ht' Hnwiun'o. (mo thin: that, swmmt lintii-vahh? as tha-y sat (lawn to :1 mm! was thix that. «in thy walls \wm- curtain signs that sue-mm! wry strangv: "As whiskn)‘ is su-ai-vv in Scotland. thvi'v is ONLY unw mutto- WP haw in nth-if. and it is twu Ehillinxs thv glass." Some Of the \'.i.~‘it.ui'.~' 1°0- mat'kmi nn tho fact that it was a. aCrmtinuod on page 7» Hm tin)“ it \\ .\m4*rimm :1: mumps at shino. N0 w Mud 2m- MM 1 TM 511132111111 11311 always 11311 a dc:- 1511'1- 10 :‘1'1: S1r1_111;11111. P11111111»: hvvausn 1111 his 3'11111111111 days his ,21'311111‘311111. 1” 1'1':11 H111 H ig‘111111111 51'1111'111111111. 511111111 111111111 111' his 111111.: 1111 his 111111111": '1':11’111. 211111 111‘{11'1_\' :111 «111' 111111 in 1:1â€" 1111~111111r.: 111:11 his 11‘11111111-1111111'1-11 11:11? £11m~11 11111’1'11'111111111: 1511111112111 111 111- 11111:: 3011151111) 1111) 111113' 131111 \x‘ur111 \1'11111- â€"â€" 111111 S1:011:11111â€"-1110 hmwvst. 111:11'1: 1111s 1*1‘1“ 111' 1111.1 1101111111 gums. A1111 1..» :M’mi 111111111111111 1H 1111‘! 111153 111111 1?. '11112111 111' “151? {111‘ 1111'!!! 11151'1- 51'111- 11211111. 11s 111111111111111111111~11-1-11:1:11'1~.~‘ .." Eswing 1111' 111111'1'. .\1111 511 it. was 110 wnnch'i‘ 111111 11: his“ 111'111'1. 1111 111111 211\\‘:1j~1~' 1'111f.:wi 3.. sm- 111211 1411112113". N111 1111 111' 117111 1'111'111- 11111111115 1;,~1:111; \\‘;1~111-1111:1111«’11 1111111 #11. 11111 11 11:111111-1111 111‘” {'1'1\'11- “1.1“ 1H 1H“ 1111'1’1' S1‘\t‘1':11111111-\' ‘1111-1- Rum in H Slim Juno 6 Hn- trip hr W s it motm' trip I-Inxland n}. to : LiVHI'fMHI. Hwy ' and svt’ HIT lv' V “WW.“ u, ”no (if the must. imm'vsting. and. at. the sanw time. most informative spmwhcs doliVm'ml before a Durham audioucv in a long: Univ. \\'hilo the hall was not crmvdmi. still a goodly gathvi‘ing had asscmhlmi and fur in- tm'vst. shuwn and :iliviilinn paid. “4' haw My. Marshall‘s mm! mm H in.” The ac‘idross of tho Hun. Duncan Marshall in the 'J‘nwn Ha” last Fri- day night more than liwd up to its advance notivvs. and has lu-vn pm- nouncml by those in altefndanw as _ ..1‘ 1|- Former Address on His Impressions of Scotland as It Appeared to Him in Trip Through That Picturesque and Historic Country. 1i ~‘ at :1 .\ n ““011 'M«'~'.~'o' r1 listenml in him in hl'm‘zy \Vt‘sic'l'n $1.510. ed as if he wow telling : for the first Hmv In sunal 1’1-1'o,-n«l.~'. It lack- ul' amulumic (”dim-w Max} A) ll all «31' that in 3'1chlt‘llllch'vll mulmmc I'udinvss shy I'rum Hw tux-m times the spo-alim' HI't..>rat01§\' [w sum: h a twinklu in Ink _\'«l:1}'l:lll:11:1;:‘4- ..“ l - J). U Min. ,- u G Ill

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