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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1924, p. 13

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PAGE FOUR ham, Ontario, by W. Irwin, Editor and Proprietor. The Chronicle is mailed to any address in Canada at. the rate of $2.00 per year, 81.00 for Six months, 50 cents for three months. To any address in the Unit- ed States of America, $2.50 per year, $1.25 for six months. 65 cents for three months. Foreign subscription rates on application. Member Canadian Weekly New;- papers Association. WHAT IS A GENTLBMAN? A lady was asked this question the (Mu-r day and found difficulty in saying; off hand what character- istics and qualities she considered essential in the make-up of a. gentle- VVV'_4--v-â€"â€" man. After one or two rather disappointing attempts, she said, why not consult a dictionary? Good idea. That’s what dictionaries are for. and if they were oftener consulted there would be a great. seal. clearer thinking and fewer mis- Understandings. ' The Standard Dictionary says: “A wellâ€"bred and honorable man; a man of education, high principles, cOurtesy and kindness: a man of honor.“ “in ordinary usage, any respectable and well-behaved man.“ This leaves out of the count what in Britain was, and is, by many, still, emsidered essential. There, he must he a man of the upper middle dass, or in professional life, he must, be "to the manor born." Here. this is not considered essential and by many not even important, But, while heredity isn't the whole thing; it is important, and they are fortunate who have this advantage. There‘s si.i»n'iettiing in the saying that "if you want to make a perfect gentleman you must begin with his grandfather." No amount. of 'hring- 211;,' up‘ will make a gentleman of 'Mr. .liggs.” or for that. matter a Baily of his ambitious. snohhish wife. Here's an anonymous definition ('Iillln‘tt from a newspaper: ".\ man Who is clean lmth inside and out; who neither looks up in the rich 1101‘ down on the pnnt'; who can lUSC without squealing and win without iii-ageing: win» is einisiderate of wnmen. children and old people; who 5 t...» m-ax‘e to He. too gi‘mi'l'otls t0 v'heat. aunt who takes his share of the world and lets other people have fheir‘s"-~ Anon. In siitllo‘ ways this is better even than that of the dictionary. If you are not satisfied with either or both sit. down with a pencil and a piece hf paper and make a better one for ..II_. :n\r\rx7"'ll\} ‘Il' IL -' -“Iv-Ov In sumo- \\'a}'s this is better even than that. “1' the otictiunzu'y. If you are not satisfied with either 01' both sit. down with a. pencil and a piece “1' paper amt make a better one for yuursett'. 'l'he ' really important thing. for every boy and man, is tO‘ get, a clean cut. ideal in mind toward which they wiil dn their utmost to attain. Nu mother can ti“ hei- boy a much better St‘I'Vit'e than tn instil into his «tex'etnping mind true ideals of life and thing. son that. he may make. the must and best nut uf his life and Let. the must um! hest nut. of it. it .tuesn‘t matter so much what he .;..e_<. Ht“ \\'i|t‘l‘o' ho;- is. as what. he is. "Jammie" Hi-nxx'n. us he is t‘tliimi by his :ulmii'utznzi t'ntinti‘y folk \\'(’.‘~I'km.t m :1 rent mine t'ni' :m years yet, he i~' :1 :eziteim'm. who t'ttll 'ne entrust- wi tn \v'i‘thily represent royalty at, 73!! intiuvt'titnf, titiiii'vh and State 61009. 01' \' ".Iammiv" his admit in :1 W111 mum. \uwn i-ispccialLv. i on- :1 t’athvr. lu‘u‘tzmt that .L't‘lltlt-mzm. \aluahiw as: t‘o-ssinnal. [N Am.- ch u g 'l‘\\'i-nt_\'â€"ii\'i~ )‘i'm’s :Lm citizens of Hxis part. ni' Untarin \x‘nuld sent? at (hr sugge‘stii'nn nt' bringing: building man-rial {rum British «lulnmbia to 'nnihl luu'n-fmnws in this well wood- mi pni'tiun of Canada. There.) are yet many whn think im- i-M‘nnrstation wiwmu is :1 jnkv. Rom! thn fallow- ing nvws iti-‘m l'i'mn last week’s Ai-llim' l-inlvi‘pi'isvâ€"szx‘; : .\li'. lllmi-lvs Kt'lbih' is i-o‘placing til“ lml'il l'i‘l'vlllly oil‘sll'l’i}'ercl by lii'v Hll his farm in \\’i-.~'t. Liillim' Willi :1 line now structure. On \\’mlnvs.lziy last the‘ timber ar- i'iwll at llw lol-al LLPJX. station and snmv tvn or twi-lvv of his ( {L9.‘lf..'l!l_u_|l'5 llll‘llt‘d out \Vlth thElI‘ teams in assist in hauling it lmmv. 'l‘lm timber came all the way from Vancouver Island, BC. 'l‘lw piki'sistcnt cry for reforesta- lmn is evidently more than a poliâ€" tician's day-dream. and something that will have to be dealt with in the wry near future.‘ A â€"‘ -A“ \thtv‘ ,w-al gm mm; 1!; If the next hventy-tiw years 8095 a depletion in Ontario farmer's wood lots and forests in general comparâ€" able with the last twenty-five. there will be little or no timber left in the inhabited portions of this Province. Reforestation is more than a hObby. It is a duty the present generation owes to the generations to come. The Southampton Beacon says that a walk down to the foot of High St. in that town will bring surprise to anyxilizen Hf Southamplon wheqLit ‘.Il.‘ .L I‘l- is seen how great a distance the water fine has receded since. last summer even. If it keeps up the {meme will soon be able to get over: to Chantry Island without the aid of a boat. The Beacon says further: "Our waterworks filter basins are being left high and dry inland. and if the Dominion Government is going to do anything in the way of harbor improvements it had better concen- trate its attention out around Chan- try Island instead of the mainland. for at the rate the lake here is re- ceding it’will be only the matter 'of a few more seasons till Southampton will be an inland town.” THE DISAPPEARING FORESTS Thursday, June 12, GREAT LAKES DRYING UP? \\' hr ('er \‘c‘r' yum nth-nun" ~ynm- (mm-option 0f wmgn" may hon al‘v you 0 it? You‘ll umnt for mm mm am if \Hu are. if \nu me a big brother, . n1 :1 husband it, 1s im- t \nu slIU' 1M :11“ ms bea Am! tlw -.- is 1m more ssvt. in business. 01' pro- uiilit'zil 01' public life.â€" ge-ntlvman? [y rppl'csenl 1t, Church ymu' cum-e] ngn" may in it? You‘ll “‘1' you 31'". " um are u b cnkomufl (l‘liistle , \\'es Arnelt. Alf Noble and] 'l‘lmmas Mellumh, with Stafl' Sergt. William Raniage. and Captain U. M.1 Snider lel'l for Niagara Menday ninrning and fur ten Or twelve days will be under drill. \\'e referred recently to the pur- ehase Of the Durham brick yard by Mr. William Black, and we have pleasure this week in telling our readers that negotiations have been rumpleted between Mr. Black and Mr. Walker of London. a practical . brick maker. who is highly recom- , mended. Operations have commenc- ; ed and in a few weeks a kiln will be ready for sale. 311'. \\""1'11111111 31111111 is «3n\\‘11 \\'1111 13111111111 ferI'. H111‘11.â€"â€"â€"111 H11111111Ck. 1111 'l11o1.~1111\‘ J1111o- 7. 111 Mr. and Mrs. 11111111218 1. 31113111111. :1 51111. leL-Jn 111191151111. (111 111113}: .l1111o1 10. 19113. 1311111 Swallmv. 11-51111 :1?» yvzu‘s. 5111 Willis Charles 3106111111121}: \.11|1111 \l m1 \lox. 111110111111. 1M ‘11 111111012bo101'a'1' Burnett. Robuxt V01- .1011. Thumas 1111.111,‘ '1‘__0111_ Moon: TWENTY YEARS AGO From The Chronicle File of June 16, 1904. :7 7.72». 7. Scarcru 2:. a. 2...: .52: £2: 2:3. is dawn with SOCIAL AND PERSONAL hr. and Mrs. '1‘. ll. “math and baby Muz'ivl. uf 'l‘«_m'mlu. am Visiting Uni t'urmvr‘s sistm'. Mrs. J. (J. valvrs‘m. Miss .lwm vahm'n l'utur'nml last 'l‘hm-mluy {mm an nxtonclml Visit \\'iHI I'vlatins at, North Bay. 311". and Mrs. N. l. Harding. and Min. gum Mrs. G. R. Pearce and baby ()tlxlw, 11H 01' Stratfnrd. Wprc guests. at Mr. E. W. anm‘s over Sunday. Mrs. Murray HQ)" 01' Stl‘att'm'cl is Mrs. .\1mr:1\ Hm" 0t Strattom IS Visiting: her pawnts Mr. and Mrs. 'l'hnm'as MrGiI‘I'. Miss .\'11lli11 1\I1".K1‘(_'hni11 111' 1.1111 (LN. R. 1111111115 taff. Montreal. is visiting l1111' [1211'1‘111$. M1: and Mrs. 1). Mc- K111111110. 311'. 11111111111 Graham is Spending a \\'1111k wilh 1'1'i11111ls 11111.1 relatives at 8:11:11 8111. Maria Ont. \l1'.11111l .\l1'.~f. 1‘11111 I'mmth 111111 1-1'1111111111 111 P111111 11111.1 \isitin'r MN. l‘111~\1‘1.s1 11111111115 31121111111 311's. 8.11. 3111.111111‘. .\11'. “111111115 3111111'11. \11111 \ 15111111 his 1.1-111111-1. {11111111. .111. (.)\11'1,11 511111111. {11111 .~1.~'I111'. 3115. '1'. 3113121111111. 1113‘111' Wilâ€" 111111114111m1| 11> \\1H :15 1':.11l'1ti\'1-s 111 i11\11111 '11 “Wk hit 101 \\'r;11.11l [1111; 1'1: E1111 .~'11zl\ .‘111'. 111111 311's. 1‘.. {11111111111 Visilm! ”1‘." .\:!,\' man has the right 10 1w :1 ho-I'wtir il' hu \HH lump Ins hands nu! (If Eh“ vnllw'lmn p.310. Livu hq_):._:.~' W‘heat ....... Hats ......... Barley ....... Buckwheat . Pvas ........ Hay......... Butter ..... l .‘111'. 111111 Mrs. (1. {11111111511 \‘isilvd 11 11121111".~' 111'11111111'. 311'. (11111111111311. (rm-11 5;»11111). last \\'131‘1kâ€"1_1111l. M1. \\'..I11ilv 111‘ \\ 1\'1111111 711511.. ’1 \11st1111l1n I111' 11011111 1311t111' 511111111- 1_- 11 I‘m aims \\il‘ 1 his sist111'. M117. 11W. Smith. DURHAM MARKET Corrected June 12,. 1924. ............. 9:3 @ 1.00 ................. 40 (f!) 45 ................. 60 (a; 65 SAY FOUR POISONS CAUSE "Yhffl' “'l'hm'v are four poisons which are strong factors in indigestion, namely, tnhaccn. ir-a. ('UHPC and alcohol,” «1001:11'ml D12 H. S.St1‘alhy of Toronto, speaking l'wl‘om the annual gather- ing ui' lhv Ontario County Medical St’n'it'iy :11. iii“ ilhiiai'io Huspital 1nâ€" fix'mai'y at, Whitby last Week. "l‘hc biggest causv nt‘ indigestion today is, .hi'ungh thv nm'w system, as was gi'vally imticuahh: (im'ing the war. and. :1 i’i‘vqnvnl. (.‘Ul't‘ van he obtained by (warring: ('Umplvtt‘ rest, for the i pat ivnt.’ "‘.\'«~ xvi. pli-nly of muntal work, hill. not sufficivnt. physical work. Then again imligwstiun shows a nit-H'kl‘ai lvncévncy in run through “aligning anci vzisrs‘shi' lim'mlitai'y Innhgnstinn aim nut. ini'i'oqiimt," he wwxinnml. “\'ixw nut 01' mw'y10021505 of izuiigostitm are hmrtional and not. m'g'uniu «'lisvzer." said Hm sliu_':1km‘. whn also shim! that. Hu- quostion of 2:1||.~'1111111.< 111 11111 |1|a1|1|111' was grout- |\ 1_1\1_".111:1|111| |’:’1111.< 111 1|11111g|11 511111\\11111 1111111111111 :1111|\\11111.110|D:11- \\ {11> 1 :11_1.~'11 111 115' :111111lw 111 1111111111111â€" 1'1119. \\'|1i1'|1 is11|11111111'.:1s 211111111111, |‘111| 111111 111 5111:1'1‘1111115, Veteran Star Theatre 'l‘\‘-."O SIH‘HVS :8 and 9.15 PM. FRIDAY-- SATURDAY GLORIA SWANSON BLUEBEARD’SI8th WIFE Buddy Messenger Comedy “REGULAR BOY” June 13-14 W , . ”ca 5% INDIGESTION Smith, Thomas L. Brown. â€"â€"John A. Graham Principal. Sr. III.â€"â€"Elsie Willis, Norman Mcâ€" Ilraith and Raymond McGirr (equal), Leonard McCombe, George Hahn, Or- ville Saunders. Jr. III.â€"â€"Clen Rowe, Gordon Mcâ€" Crac, Dorothy Pickering and Caro- line Mitchell (equal), Elizabeth Harding, .Elsie Ledingham. â€"â€"Annie 0. MacKenzie, Teacher. Jr. 111. A.â€"â€"-A(la Chapman, Albert Nicholson. Sam Glaser, George Hay, Violet McLean. JI‘. III. B.â€"â€"Evelyn Balm, Agrmau Becker, Cyril Becker, Anna thchie, Grarce Becker. â€"â€"Sadie F. MacDonald, Teacher. Sr. II. A.â€"â€"Jack Innes, Alex. Caldâ€" well. Norman Dean, Mae Miles, Har- old Glenholme. A ‘Jlu Ulvnoâ€" Sr. 11. fi.:fiéta Willis, Jack Schutz. Ruby: Willis, Maude Storrey, Isobel Henaerson. HUIILICL DULI. â€"â€"â€"Annic Macdonald. Teacher. Jr. II. A.â€"-'Annie Camgbell. Helen Young and. Lulu Mills (equal), Jean Grant. Louise Jamieson, Genevieve Saunders. Jr. II. B.--Kelso McCawley. Clarke Lloyd, Abbey McLean, Gerald Fal- coner, Ina. McDonald. â€"Mary E. Morton, Teacher; Sr. I.â€"â€"-Margaret Sibbald. George Ashley, Elsie Pinkerton. Margaret Chalmers. May Braithwaite. Jr. I.â€"â€"Ernic Glaser, Robert Neaves, 'l‘ommy Lowe, Margaret Erwin, Charlie Nicholson. â€"â€"Edna A. Browning, Teacher. The Primary Classes : _ Sr. A.â€"â€"â€"Clara Jack. Arthur Koch. Susie Bell. Catherine McCawley and Gladys Ritchie (oqual‘, Nathan Rit- ('hiO. Sr. B.-â€"Mary Pickering. Elsie Hunâ€" tm' and Shirley McIntyre (equal). (Elam Falkingham, Jack (.iagnon, (.llara 'l‘hompson. â€"-â€"D0nalda B-Icliaclm'n, Teacher. Jr. A.â€"â€"\V?innifrml (351)01‘110. Jean me, Betty H<1rndPrsm11 and Gordon McComb (cq11al‘:. Bert. 'l‘ral'ford, E1â€" | izaheth Niclwlls. I; Bâ€"l‘m 1le «Sm (i 1'31an G «3‘ u'ge Hulmo. Burt. Lawrnnco. lilta Innls. Velma Dean. “__.~_ ":-“‘1 1\f\“l_l*“" “I‘_ Ji. (1. â€"â€"\131\ llxtll. le‘mny 31c- Donald and Kathleen McFadden (equal). Edith Miles.1)olhert Mom-o. Robert. Noble. _. - .- in No. 2, Bentifick and Glenelg. 1V.â€"â€"Allister Lawrenco, Beatrice Grasby. Sr. III.â€"Cathorinc McLean. Jr. I]I.â€"-â€"Jean Clark, Margaret, Mc- Loan, Corinne Lawrence â€"â€"Lizzio Schaefm', Teacher. lii'ary Firth. Datum}; Mc- Evelyn Baird, Norman Becker, Anna Ritchie, ”My, June 12. 193‘. FR‘IJINREAIMENI ‘ H'EAlS KIIJNEYS Sr. II.â€"-Myrtle McLaen. Sr. I.â€"â€"Clarence Ritchie, Herbie Miller. Jr. I.â€"M'uriel Brown, Rhena Clark. Chester Miller. Sr. Pr.â€"-Archie McLean. Jr. Pr.â€"Johnny Vessie, Ewen Ril- chie. _~ 7 _ .-‘_ mAAAl\4‘.‘ Anyone who has suffered with Weak or Irritated Kidneysâ€"with the accompanymg mrseries of pain in the back, sphttmg headaches, swollen hands and feet, rheumatism and constipationâ€"ought to try the Fruit Treatment for thexr Volume.“ ‘ fl No. 9, Glenelg. IV.â€"â€"M. Hargrave, R. McFadden, A. Arnett. Sr. III.â€"D. Arnett, 0. Hopkins, R. Hargrave, M. Hopkins, L. Jagques, K Dunsmnor. .h‘. III.â€"-â€"M. Collinson, G. Hopkins B. McNally. SI. II.-â€"J. McDonald, I. Collinscm E. Lawrence: . n '\ 7 ~Aâ€"â€"Al\r‘ -. ‘ J VWVâ€"â€" vâ€" - To those who use intensified fruit juicesâ€"“ Frurt-a-tlves.’ ’â€"for the first time, it seems almost impossible that the juices of applesnoranges, figs and prunes combined With tonics, could relieve Kidney Trouble. But a short treatment of “ Fruit-a- tives” gives quick relief and the regu- lar use of these intensified fruit juices or “Fruit Liver Tablets” prove their marvellous virtues. ‘ - a--- -...,: Inna-in A 'L\---‘.< J 1-. II.-â€"M. Dunsmom‘, R. Dunsmor'r. C. Hargmvc. 1.â€"â€"R. Greenwoml. F; Amati. D Lawrence, G. Jacques. .I.“Collmson. uuu“L‘.ll\,'\. ‘JQVI“V\1“~.-â€" 11'.P1â€"â€"L0011inson D \lioe, H. Dunsmum'.(1. McNall}, (5:. Greenâ€" wood, E. Dunsmnm'. C. 1". Illa! V CIIUW v AAAAA Gret “Fruit-a-tives" today and begin the Fruit Treatment. At all dealers: 25c. and 50c. a box; or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. \\ UN. 14. uuug unvu. Pr. B..â€"-â€"R La“ roncc, A. McGirr. M. Harrison. â€"â€" â€"‘ 'â€" .' Liul-Liwvu-I Pr. \.â€"â€".\1. Brown, H. Lawrence D Dunsmoor. __ __ m While U111 wedding (el'cmom \\a~ going 011.3 babV of (me Of the wedâ€" ding: guests criod movsmmth “Wasn t that crying terrible‘?’ ex- claimed the maid of tumor ‘ \\ hen I get married Im going to haxe e11- grax ad on m\ imitations \‘0 babiv.~ Expected’.” Read the Classified Ads. on Page It will pay you. concentrated Fruit Juices Give Astonishing Results Did She Mean All This? aMary Lamb, Teacher 1“. Kerr, Teacher learning. From Edinlml‘n le ~;...;1‘. .n to ("aSHH\\'. ”I“ Milt.”::v SCOtland. “114'?“ IMHI'H Hm." f' manufacturing pupnluhw. ‘ [and are In lw found. '11:“ into UH? BUI'HS il”!l!‘.H'}‘ 3. lock. whom- Hw I'm-t Burns‘ pm'ms \\‘c-:'H x.t;§.',;.;‘ men 1.0 AYI' tn \lsnt sm-i; 51 interest. tn M'M'y \1s11cq; H. ‘hantei‘.5 'I‘ap Rnnn]. 3;”; {In monument in ”w maria." w, From hvl‘P Hn Hnw ~;u-::';~;- v to points uf intvx-M v: With UN‘ SIMI'N “1' 11'1": ~' works as. ”w x-iwz- \\';.., 6108010 ANY. Hw lhxzrw v " the Burns mun-um. H'uu. t “Always hauntmi Run-f n. Shantm"s (‘UI'IHSIM' cowardiw and hw ~:c\~. dancv at nmhnglv hm. ing or (”d .\H}\ “13:" lion. Duncan Marshall Thou past Lm the lwzmi il'ul Ink the spvakt-x' said ize whvrvin Hn-i try lies. Tn Hw- OUI' of NW {Hr}. our Amvrivm: sovms at 12M iw‘. hut. {hon :."."as:!. one ”)0 “23'.th can NW 1::' '2 fm‘ost. 3H absolutle ards “Iv madu fan Waltm' 5" orahlc‘ .-. and 1-1th till at! 31, PM {1: 2i' Gram . i :1. . cw: \ hiii Them in l Shir“. 13:“ ‘-'_ Smtltmci. ‘ SDPakvx' suhi Of Um HM 1.: of owry in. pockets M a rock. and Mn 3 pmmlat inH tI‘Ol mmx' 4m. tho wurlcl. 11 a Britishvx'. del‘stanohn; f131‘1l1«"]»itv1;« out. a hung It. IS ”I“ Thursday, June 12, 1924. H. iS ”I" I! that, in Hu- 1:: wow 1i\'«- 1m Glen alum. '1 Slt‘uvfiicm. If“ rest. all mm .1 3 Shaw ut' 1h MI‘. Marsh: Princv of Wu MI‘. Marshall ~ Print?“ of “.111“? wall and on- 1 through whirl: f littlv thl'vv- Hr tn fields pim'ml t”; quilt. 'l'hvn mar dus ' was falling r050 in ”w pulv to Abbot} sh m1. qllllu. - dusk was fMllHL'. 1n w-xx "I 1‘051‘ in HIP pulv nuwmlzxm" to Ablmttsfmwl. Hn- hnxnv with all its \Vflllch‘nlh mvmv And, last nf all. M .MH'IW‘. homo and (WWW n? the‘ 1 raising industry. Hvrv. 3w: true mon SUNM xw-xo-ulmi h Other things «mv \wm'ni ;: were incidvntals. HH' Mm- summer hnliday. lml Mr. heart and suui am- \me stock raising. 'l'u him. u~ was to thusu mm «'1‘ Hu- HE 18 not a mum. ”using {zznv greatest t‘msinvs‘s‘ a man «- m. ‘ A I l .‘> H‘ The spvakvr tnld H~ H1 \\ 1 Dilfl'y and his \Vunm'nns hwzwi ShOX‘UIOI‘nS. H" .~}v*'1{v «if Hu- 1w? ality of Hw mun. \thH) :H': children fur milm :n‘umui lm-wi he knew me all by mmn- mm 3 pat and a Wurd fur vnvh :h 11.. M H‘ them. Mr. Marshal}. 1n “Iva... these men mad“ :1 1H}- their work. H0 spnko- wt Who thought. h~‘ didn't klnm f'l.‘ to raise stock and. at mnMiu git. 'tered university and swim: returned. to becomv «mw nt' 3h.- __- Ar ;,.‘_. m“. huwzxvn H11" l'um successflil stockmm n tho ’1'1'4 pruhunh sumo 11m otleman ll H M middlv lift) un- studiml am .mo hf 1h:- mus‘ of his day am lx' II .\1 h ha; M H \\ \1 ma H11: had “10% that the and 1H

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