West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1924, p. 14

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aingam Day I ,5 LE S MILLS land Best Quality, and our {3:33 Icentrated Fruit Juices .:Astunishing Results ) Thursday, June 12, 1924. Prices right for Cash Cheat (.‘ielivered at the Mil] 'own Every Afternoon igh‘i 01‘ Day. CGOW’AN Eclipse Flour “asm' Flour UH IREAIMENI EMS KIDNEYS H 3 who has suffered with 1 ‘ri'itated Kidney sâ€"n ith the j. 11g miseries of pain in the ~ 1:12 headaches, swollen ? ct, rheumatism and ought to try the Fruit. ' Zin‘il‘ trouble. use intensified fruit . .. 1 tixes’ â€"forthe first _\111)5timp0331blethat \ (,3, , 1» oranges, figsand - .~ ' ‘1 w. h Ionics, could 1201:1111“. .. ...;1::111~11t of “ Fruit-a- 1. w‘11'11111l heregu- \ . ‘1-{L131111fl‘llltjl1ices 1" prove their ”QHMM Durham. Ont. 7 1 u? 'u ()ats 9, Glenelg '.«l\“. 1:. .‘1 {81' V ’ IU'_.'.1_\ and begin 1. it 1!.” ‘19 alcrs; : or svnt post paid ;1iu-._1,Uttawa, Unt. ..\l rv Feeds .................-.o.~m t Thop l! H \\ it‘ll m: hPI‘. Page 7 m'k Rit- Kl {Continued from page i) sit'flngt} thing that whiskey ShOllld ,wl- be scarce in Scotland, and Sin- .-';m- lamented the days not so very r '11.: before when good whiskey was ‘ [it‘lllly haâ€"penny a glass, and no 3m: to the quantity. However, the unvrkt‘l' expressed the opinion that I. ”11 probability the prohibitive ,..-,.... was the. only prohibition Scot- '- . would see for some time. bimbore. the Scotchman will tell cm. H the most beautiful city. not .g 1y m Srntlaml, but in the whole “A- -;.t_ Princess street, its chief 'Emr vllxlltlll‘t‘. is lined on one side by t,»- mops. en the other a great nat- ..'3 park, with 11 forest Ol‘ tl't‘eS. and We; “1' it all, old Edinboro Castle . _:-mnunts the gentle hill that rises "mint. Not. only the place of beau- but the home of education. Ett- ,.g:...;-.. has given to the world many‘ -,.. Imiwl man in academic life, men. am. like Carlyle. walked many a w-ziz'y mile to reach that seat. of --itf'lllllf.'. “Wm liclinlmru the speaker passed .1; in Glasgow. the. Manchester Of St'iolliillti. where more. than half the mzuzut'm-turing population of Scot- ;nm are to he found. Then down mm the Burns country to Kilmar- .m-k. where the first edition of Burns‘ poems were published and n...“ tn Ayr to visit such places of interest tn every ViSltUI‘. as Tam O. Shanter‘s Tap Room, and the Burns mnnument in the market square. Hum hero on the speaker took us 1.. points of interest in connection nth thv story of Bums’ life and WHI‘RS :is. Ult‘ river which flows (limi' in Ayn the Burns cottage, and: Hi.- lim-ns inuwum. and. further on, “Always hauutmi kirk" when: Tam o' shuntwi-‘s ruriosity overcame his ('H\\':H'0iii'i‘ and hr saw the witches ititlli't' at midnight hour to) tho pip- '27.: Hi' HM Xii'k himself. It. i-wi'y mm- tho- spoaki‘i' shnwmi . n\\'1mi;.'w nt' his Burns by quot- - j.i.liy'.i"nl'|ili|‘iy. 'l‘ht‘n back from in u'f".:‘.ii in lumit‘i'ivs. with a do- ‘;!.!:i oii HP :iinng iho- hanks of the '1 gun! i‘\i:t.‘\".‘.'0‘iltnl! and Castle In 4.», in. sit-'riigiinlii ni' tho Black ' ‘2» {Etiumi in song and story. .i! l'lliiis. \\ his knmvlmt'r‘ my: upmnprial 'mehill (H J ilghliul ohi\v .\1Hl Pd." 3‘! buufltzx UN 5 I M 41:11:». hum; and “we; in w 'Hlvn nu to): Lunclnn. Hw said. in Svnl hzl Hon. Duncan Marshall H H :‘-‘~'t. all aw doing then: :1 film? of thv burden Mr. Marshall spnkn c Prince of \Valcs’ stock wall and NW maI'H‘ â€"â€" I Thursday, June 12, 192‘. ll <lllll't‘ U1 1”" nun-u- u. Mr. Marshall spoko of a trip to the i’i-inco of \Valos' stock farm in Corn- wall and tlw mm'wllous country flu'imgh \vliii'li llll‘}' travolh‘u‘l. with littlo threw. up four. or live-cornered lio‘lds vim-ml togvthor likv a crazy quilt. 'I‘lwn hack to Mvh'osc just as sliisk was falling. to \'i9\\' "Fair Mol- t'wsv in tho pale: mmnlight"; then on to Abbottsfom. the home of Scott. with all its wondrous memories. And, last of all, to Aberdeen. the homo and contro of the liveâ€"stock raising industry. Hero. perhaps. the mm man stood revealed to us. All "lllt‘l‘ things one would almost. see more» incidmitals. tho pleasures of. a snnmim‘ holiday. but Mr. Marshall's lxo'ai't and soul are wrapped up in stock raising. To him. as he said it ‘~\ Is to those men of the 01d Land. it ‘.~' not a more passing fancy. but the ...._...¢.\_~+ hnaino‘s‘s a man can engage m Stirling. 'hvn was! lmrh Lamond and all - lwtmm'nl lukw "nunh’y. It takes, ' sprukvr said. some time: to real- \\‘hvrvm thv beauty of this roun- lio's. Tn “no: used to the grand- ‘ ”1‘ MW Hm’kiM, 01' the t'xtvnt Of . .\nwx'iv:m Natiunztl Parks. it -m~ at first va}' and insignificant. shun ul'zuluuliy thm'c comvs to 'hw ruleimtinn that. hm-c ynu ~~~ mmmtuin, lakw, mug. and ~ :11! in M!“ glancv. small, but ‘ - ‘\ pvl‘fvvf. ' m iwx'o' hr- tc’mk us mm'v Inwâ€" L-u- Iliuhhmis. thv country thwus in “w (1110‘s of Sir Tho spoakor told us of \\'llllaIIl1 hufl'y and his wondrous herd of. Shun-thorns. Ho Spoke of the person.- 11‘:in of the man. whom all the "‘ifllth'en for milos around loved. for 3:2" iinvw thom all by name and had 11 {int and a word for each as he met, thum. Mr. lllzirshall told us that. :hnsn mun made a life business 0’ :En-ir work. He spoke of one man who thought. he didn‘t know enough m raise stock and. at, middle life enâ€" ?ured university and studied and rwturned. to become one of the most. simcessful stockmen of his day and m '.~‘ not a mom passmg Ia] '“vutost. busmo‘ss a man -A K. and the »m1lati0n l ”VHF Ont \\'Ul'l¢1. 1‘ :z'itishnt‘. : standing :1 ~11 1n >1111111g 1.111 tho road to 1:1. H111 1111si-k1111'\\11 111111! 11> >111l1l1111o>11. 5111111111111: 1111111. 11111 11111\ 111 English and 1 :1: l»:111111_'11kh111‘.11 but also the 11 11111-1 1-1111> conflicts between :11-11111' :11111 l.11\\l:1111l111'. As the 1111:111 2:17.115 1111 811111111: 1111:1'1) . “1111111,: 1111 111 his 11111111 11111 ‘11! 111:11 1111111191 111111; :0! a 1 1111;41:11111 11ml 81011111111 1'111111' HH‘ H 11105 HM 1121K tht wk us mm-v low- uis. tlw umutr‘y 1hr {11109 of Sir it't‘m‘ 01' that mvm- !“in lé'itz-Jamvs :1. past lfilmfs Isle. 'hml Hw H'ghlunm a and mu :u'mss the iilvn Athull. {)n :hiaml cattle and n ch and mw-r tin Snunci in Hull huhlfnl watm us of William} ()Vl‘l [10 and nhrnh (lâ€" t'm: mOst mm 1nd flu” goggql'ation. “’0 were told of the wondrous hospitality of the Scotch homes, and then of a typical Sunday at the home of William Dutl'y. You went to kirk with the master if you wished, but one law was supremeâ€"you neither saw nor talked about the cattle 0n the Sabbath. . Then with tlw womb “From 5091165 hku 111050} Uld Scotla‘s groatnws springs." 311'. Marshall vmlclmio‘tl 111$ Augustus D. Curtis of Chicago, Ill. and Geofirey H. Bushby of London, ngland, whom he rescued from death after the latter had fallen exhausted following his flight from within 30 feet of Kileaua volcano during Its recent eruption. The ‘Big show’ happened while the 8.8. Empress of Canada lay ,8‘ Hilo H.I. and many of the round-t heâ€"world passengers were ashore viewmg the picturesque sight of the Hawaiin volcanic r ’on. Mr. Bushby had left the party to obtain a close-up of the House of verlasting Fire when the eruption of May 17 occurred. a} h h" RLILHL‘SS. \1 Un- Llnso :1 MW? at thanks “as mm M In .\l1.L;ilbL31°t MCKCL mm: and va'HnLIL'Ll in 111'. (111.1111 \\11iL'h \\a.~‘ 11L'alii|\ Lune-'uuwl in M the audi- "1119‘.l)lll'1llf_' 111v L~\L11111g \11'5. 1. .1. .\1L1:1L1L h 11 sung somL- ()1 the 01d N ML 11 5011.25 \L1\ 21(11‘l1til‘1_)l\.'lll(‘ 111LL ting LlHM‘Ll \\1111 1110 .\;LtiunL11 Anthem. * "Annininâ€"Culvinist.iv"â€"â€" \\'.- zu‘o- advancing: in!” {In émnwasm'ablv prnl'umiity.- .lnm'nul. lel nmltw :hn season mi 1021 as liviâ€" luw s. health and weather porniiil ingr' HUNDAY will lv'n‘v his own stallion- lml 7‘, litlll. 13. l’l'itlt‘ll. it! 13. tft‘it't‘li noon and [trot-«fwd it}' way «it llopn- Villc‘ to the Grand tlonlrul llnlvlfi Dundalk. where he will remain.- tirilil llUUll on 'l‘uvstla}; '5 'l'l'l'ZSDAY, will proceed along tho, 'l'ol'onlo and Sytlonhzim Iioml to? l’iwshnrlon [or night. \\'§*II).\'I§.<D-\Y. will prim-Wit to Mark- ‘ «lalo- for noon. where. he will reâ€"% main until Thursday morning. { i'l'lll'ltSlMY will proceed by way of Town Lino. Arleniesia and Glen- } elg. to the Commercial Hotel. I l’riceville. for noon. thence along ‘ the Durham Road to the Hahn i Ilousv Stables. Durham. where he. will remain until Friday noon. . {FRIDAY proceeds south along thel Provincial Highway to Varne31l llwn East by way of Pollock's Cor-' nors to John Nelson's. on the 18th Con. Egomont, for night. SATURDAY. proceeds by way oi Dromore to his own stable for noon where he remains until the follow- ing Monday noon. ‘ Old Koenig is bay in color and a‘ grand big horse throughout. He stands 16 hands on best of legs and feet. He is a capital race horse. and » won upwards of $18,000 during his racing career from 3 to 7 years of 3 age. thus proving his soundness and l stamina. There has been a great deâ€" _- mand on the Jockey Club for suit- I able sires. The horse is given free. 5 but a nominal fee of $10.00 is charged 1 to cover expenses. The fee for Old t t Koenig has never been less than $50. The Thmughhred Stallion ' OLD' KOENIG P;\SSED IUD.“ 1. Certificate of Enrolment and Inspection. of the Purebred Thoroughbred Stalr lion. Old Koenig, registered in the Canadian Thoroughbred Stud Book as No. 1306. owned by the Canadian Racing Association of Canada, foaled in 1913. has been enrolled under the Ontario Stallion Act, inspected on the 12th day of July, 1923, and Pass- -vvâ€"v ‘v Secretary. - Dated at Toronto, May CRISP COMMENT {1306) gut. Ulilt‘.’ thv realm 0i [\'.â€"â€" Ottawa in that munâ€" . unnugrh al- xlv 'l‘mws. 19'.” k 115‘ 1'0 22, 1924. FORM I. Chevrolet WESTERN ONTARIO BRIEFS Stratford Hospital Board, at a- niccting on Friday night took steps in standardize the institution and aduptod a sot of rules. A new woman snpm‘intcndent and an assisâ€" tant wan: appointed and a resident, LiUi'UH' will be chosen. 717m» nwn. Susxmctod of being fake stuck salrsmrn of international rupnt3tit’m. arc undvr arrest at the t'atls. rhargrd with obtaining money mun :1 local woman by false pro- U'IH'US. For thv first tinw in 30 years an mdtlmticm so-l-Viw was hold in 'l‘rin- My tilmrrtt. Halt. “'th sown young YW‘H I't‘t‘t‘tVt‘t' l!H|}‘ Hl‘do‘l‘s. ’t'he- portraits Ht' t'nurtm‘n mission- ;. ins \‘.'t‘t't‘ yvstmwlz‘xy nanlmt m ; first. Baptist. tllmrrh. \\ umlstnck. ‘l‘tlc‘ hmty Ht. J. \V. Brand. who (tis- :‘ngm'mt t'rnm tltmthum on Frhrlmry "7 Int. \\':1~‘tm Saturday night. tukrn itmm tho 'l‘hnnws Rive-r. Hu haul Mun-n snt't'rrin: from ct«.-.~'[mIn_trxn'}'. Read the Classified Ads. on Page I; will pay you. NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE (Ereases ACCESSORIES x141 KIN D s Sales and Service A. NOBLE, Prop. H cadquartcrs for .‘\R.\.\".l‘l".1ii_) REPAIRING Black Shirfiing, per yd. Blue Shirtmg, per yd. Ginghams. narrow, yd. Seeded Raisins, 2 IDs for 250 Flour THE DURHAM" CHRONICLE Lf ALLEN-JrBWl A marriage of interest to Durham- ites was solemnized in St. Michael’s and All Angels’ Church, Toronto, on Thursday of last week, the 5th of June, when Miss Winnifred Tew of Toronto became the bride of Mr. Johnston Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Allen of Durham, but for the past couple of years operator at the Hydro plant. at Eugen_ia.\ A- -f A “Jew we.-- ._- --_C-_-___V The ceremony, which was of a very quiet nature, was performed by the Rector, Rev. Canon \V. J. Brain, in the presence of only the necessary witnesses. After a short honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Allen will take up their residence at the Power House, Eugenia. We. tender our eon- gratulntlons. 350 40c UII‘ A'lkt'll\’\u ~~ ’vvâ€"w'_â€" a. m. June 1 i. when Miss Grace Traf- ford, dau hterof Mr. Robert 'l‘rafford became tie bride of Mr. Harper Mcâ€" Girr. son of Mr. and Ms. Thomas McGirr of Lambton street. Rev. J. E. Pete-rs. pastor of the bride performed the ceremony. Miss Elsie Boyce was bridesmaid, and Mr. Clarence McGirr, brother of the groom, assisted the groom. There were no other wit- ‘nesses. The bride was married in her travelling dress of navy blue tricotine, with sand hat and shoes to match. ‘ 'In A ,n Al-‘ A quiet wedding was solemnized at. tho Methodist parsopgge [mere at 5.30 'n_- _ I mAth a wedding breakfast at. the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Elvidgc, Mr. and Mrs. MC_GiI'}' lefi 9n the C N: 5'11. “[11. .vn-u. .vgvv.-- -‘.-- ___ _ R. moi‘ning train for Detroit, tlmir future home, where the groom has for sumo time hold a lucrative posi- tion. The Chronicle wishes them much happiness, and in doing so is but voicing the sentiments of many friends hefc. Several school toachors wore l'm'vnlly discussing: tiw unmsing uml (livwsil‘iml athiuns nf tlw (MS in thvir charge as to what. Hwy lmlm in 1w WHOM Hlt’}"‘gl’¢i\\' HID." .\ lt‘iH‘llL‘l' told HI’ unv lile girl \th in all sim'wriiv ;.:‘?.1\'v hm' :1 I'vply "' l"' ‘ " ' . . .\ lt'm‘llCl' lultl nl' nnv ““1“ girl who in all sinwl'ily ;.:':1\'v ln-v :1 I'vply llml was nut. llkl-ly tn mukv lwl' min. "\‘x'uulll ynu likv in (much L‘lilll’ll'l‘ll \\'lll‘ll ynu lmmnw LL yuung lady?“ was tlw (luvsliun. Nu‘m," was llw mnyhulic l'l-ply. What. \Vnulcl ynu likv 1n lln‘?“ [ml'sislml the luachm‘. "If I‘m molly I'll ln- am actress.” 'amo tlm answm‘. "lint. snmlosv ynu are llumvly." askml llu: tomboy. "\V’vll. llwn. Hl’ mursv, l'll haw l0 lw :1 lvaclwr." said lhu ('llil«.l..â€"-â€"~ \ McGIRRâ€"T’RAFI‘ORD The Final Chaice Bogle.â€"-In Egremont, on June 7, to Mr. and Mrs. William Boglo, a daughter. t Harrison-em. Swinton Park, on June. 6, to Mr.-and Mrs. Clarence Harrlson, a daughter (Agnes Jean). Lake.â€"-In Durham. on J une 7, 19214, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lake, a daughter (Leona Marie} . McGuaig.â€"â€"In Durham, on Juno‘s. 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Finlay McCualg, 0f Bentinck, twin sons. Morton.â€"In Durham, Juno 8, 1 to Mr. and Mrs. \V‘eslcy Morton, daughter. Morrisonâ€"In Durham, 011‘Junc 8. 19:24. to Mr. and Mrs. Mom-13011. a dau;7 hter. Help Any? Customerâ€"I want a couple at pillow cases. Clerkâ€"What size? Custmnerâ€"I don‘t. know, but I wear a size 7 hat. '1 HREE- ROOMFD HOUSE FOR SALE. with good ccllax: xx vst 0nd Lambtnn 81., \xith good acre gunmd; “111 $1111 cheap to quick bum Applx DaVid . McGaI‘I‘oll. lpd THE ANNUAL BUSIN ZSS MEETING of tho Red Cross Snciety will be held in the Armories Tuesday. Juno 17. at 3 (ruin-ck. ()fl'icors will be 010d.- vd for the «msuing yval'. All intmu vstod in our work arv askvd to join 0111‘ 1'01‘005. 1*‘(7)RVFUH'I. 'l‘()RI_\'AD(). .-\l'-'l“()M"_)- hilu insurmuzv and guaruntvo bonds. 010.. apply to Lucas va‘y. Dur- ham. (3 1211' '1‘111‘ 1111111111111“ 111111111111; 111' 1111' 12111111 111 1111\1511111 1111‘ 1111} '1‘11\\'11 111' 11111111111w111 1w 11111111111'1'1111S1111y.111v ’11111111V111 I11111'. 1117:111'1H111 1111 1111* 11111pus1~ 11 adding: 111111'511111111111111 1111111 11111 ztssusqnvm 11111.1’11151111s 11111'1'1-51ml wjll 3.3‘11'111-1'11 1111111sv1\1's :11‘1f1.11'11111;:1)'. \V. 11. \‘1’1111Ji'l‘. 1311‘1'11. 0900 Late for Classilcab’on.) CLASSIFIED ADS. COURT 0 P REVISION BORN 1924 The boss was {iictating to the new, pretty and sophisticated stenog- raphcr. --Suddenly he stepped. “Ami too fast for you?“ he asked anxiously. She considered him and then ropl‘igd. _“Qh. no. indeed, but. you‘re i‘irme 01.1.“ Read the Classified Ads. on Page 7. It will pay you. if For white teeth and a clean mouth. Just the most delightful dental preparation you ever used. With Klenzo, chilv dren don’t have to be urged at tooth'cleaning time. Take a tube home to try. Durham McFadden’s Drug Store The Rexall Store His Only Drawback PAGE m Ontario m.“

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