West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1924, p. 15

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PAGE 811 112111211121 s2111'1'iti1' 15 311.1101.) 1111111 112111115 1111111'1'11111' \‘11211 111' 111.111 11\'111\'\'11211'.1 >1111111t11111_\ 521111 211111111 th11 1'111511111 11111 \\211' that 11111 111111'111-s in 11111111211111 1"121111t111'.< \V111'1- 21 5211'111' 111211'11 1111' 112111- 211112111 1it'11 1112111 11111 1'1'2111111s 111' 122111211121! What is 1211' 111111'11 $111'i1111s. this is 2111â€" S1_'1111111\ 11111'. 112111211121 11151 11111111) 111. 1111' 111111 V11111ir.' 1111111 1121141 V11211'11t tho :1'1 211, \V 211'. 51111 1115115 .11101111 1;"11 111' 1' 1111111112‘11111511\111} V11211' 21111211 in 1111211'1' 211111 \\'211'. \\'1111 st2111g11t111's 11111 111111.11'1‘11118‘?‘ S11111111111111< it is 11111 11211111115 1111-1111::11 '2'11111'21111'11. S11n111tim11s doctors or] 11111'.~'11.~' 111' 111111\ViV11.~' through 1112111- 111'1'1113.'. “MW 111111” 11 is 11111 fault 111 2111 111' 11s in 1.1111' 1'1‘5111'1‘11V1‘ 001111111111- iti1-.~'_ \\'111 \V1-1'1- 13:11111'21111 111' \V11 \V111'11 11111111'1-1'11111. 211111 \V11 211111\V1111 11111511 111 2111111111'it_V 111 $1211 with impunity tho-<11 1111111 1111115 111 51'111'115 111' 11111111- 1'1111.< 111' 1111111.~‘:11111~' thrnugh 1111111111â€" ti11: 1111521111t211'y 1'11111111111115. 111' 11V >2111111y111; 11111111111 \V21t1‘1' (11' 11111111111 1111112 111 th1- 111111111' 211111 111111'1-1'111'11 111 11111 11211111»: 31111111151111: }'11111' 1'it}' 1111. 1'1‘111111111111tv 1~' 2211111\ 111' 211111\\'1113.' 111111112111111111111'\\21t111'1111111 supptimt 111 it» 1111111111211111 111111 h1111111'1111 111' 111111 1111115211111 1121111s 11112'ish 1111'1111:h 21 11111>1111111111 11111111111122 1'2111 ."UH say its [111‘ 111°1'221'111115‘ 11111 111' 11111 11\'1'1' 111- 111' 3:1‘21\11.~‘ 11111 1.111'11_'21\1'.11111 1.111‘11 1121s 121121111 21\\21}.11111s.<1111 1111 11111 112111111 111' 1111- 1.'1111 1"? .1\.~'.~'111'1'111V 1111t. W11 1':111 s21} ""1111- 1.:"11111.'21\11': \V11 '21111111t. *il)‘ "'1‘1111 1.111'11 1121s 12112111 away.“ \\‘11 #112111 1121\‘1‘ 11? >21\' "1‘llt°‘S111 111‘ 11111 1121n11-11t 111111itV 111'1'0mmu11itv." 11111 111 °'\1‘1‘.\' 11111115211111 112111115 1111111 111 112111211121. 11V111' 111111 111111111'1111â€"111' 1111'11'1- 2112111 111111 in 21111â€"11111. 1‘1111'01'21 they 1'11212'11 ”1011' first. birthday. In New 211211211111 1.1111V 1111'13' in 21 2111111- â€" :vlian \\'llaf snluh tin: unsa snpplving milk tn H hh‘ hilIN'S Passengers on the Trans-Canada and other Canadian trains have often admired the tableware with which the dining cars are equipped, but comparatively few of the travelling public appreciate the extent to which electroâ€"plating enters into every day use on a Railway. As a matter of fact, practically all metal hardware parts of passenger equipment in- teriors are plated, many of the engine parts, including the copper re- flector of the head-light are plated, and various platings are used on a thousand and one articles which enter daily into the life of a. railroader. v â€"â€" v- The traveller notices the silver plate perhaps more than any other, but many metals are used by the railroad companies. Gold. for in- stance, is used by the Canadian Pacific for plating pepper caster tops and similar articles. copper is used on lighting and other metal car fix- tures. zinc on refrigerator hardware, nickel on kitchen utensils, tin on trainmen’s lanterns, mercury on telegraph elements and aluminum or lead on miscellaneous articles. vaw v--" The articles to be plated are first chemically cleaned. after which they are usually hung from a. metal bar into a long val a here they are immersed in a. chemical solution which varies with the metal to be de- posited. The electric current. which is of low voltage. is connected. the positive pole to the metal plate or plates. and the negative to the bar from which the articles to be plated are suspended. As the electric cur- -‘vvâ€" â€"_V AVtâ€"its An'gnsâ€" ginâ€">153, Montreal. the Canadian Pacific Railway Company has quite an extensive plant where the most of its elearwlating is car- ried on. The method used by this Company is. a simple one but. none the less effective. THE SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS In: J. H. Shf‘al'o‘l' electro-platin: operations at the Angus Shops. Montreal. No. 1 shows the tanks in which small articles are hm for plating, and No. la: process. The text below exploim the other photographs fully. , san1l 1ti111l111'ing ”111 first l11'i11t‘ )‘11111' of M11. 121111111la 1-1111 l1a\'11 and 1111:.rl1t- tn haw- as l11\\' an infant 111111'tality 111111 as .\'11\\' 7.11alan1t. 'l‘1 11'1111111 has in th11 past 11111 3'11111's 1'111l111'111l its i11t'ant. 111111talit\'1 1'ato1 1111111 1311111 1'17). .\l11nt- 111al l”;’111n1.'1t) 111 17171 l.11111l1111 11al:_':11'\ amt 11th111' \\11st11111 1iti11s l1a\11 1'1it th1111' infant. mortality 1'11111 in t.\\11. \\'h_\' 11112111 .this 11111 l111 t1'1111111'11V111'y 11ity 111' 1'111'al cunnnnnity in all 112111- a1ta'.’ It is 1111ssitil11. It is11111'1l11t.y. It. will 11111 1'11s11lt. by 1'han1'1‘1. Nath- ing hilt 111'ti\'11. 1131'111'1st. (“11-111111 'ati\'11 1111t11a\1'11 1111 11111 part of 1_1\'111'yl1111ly \xill l11'i11;.:it. ah1111t. .l11s11s said. "It. is 11111 11111 will 111' your father in t’111a\'11n that 111111 111' t1111s11 littl11 ones sll1111t1t 1'11'1'isl1." 111' alsn said Of all ll111s11\\l111 1'1111511 111' ti\11l_\ 111' 11aSSi\1'- I} 111111 s111h littl11 ('l1il1l 1.11 st11ml1l1'. "lt \\ 11111 h11tt111' t111' him that a great millst11n11 \\'111'11 hangmt about his 11111'k anol I111 \\'111'11 1l1'11wn111l in tho 1l1'llthS 11l' tll1‘ 51‘11." ”1' 11150 said. “81111 that 3'11 1111s11is11 11111 111111 111' “11181? littl11 11111's.t'111'tl11'i1’ alignls 1l1) 11l- \\11\s l11't111l1l tll1‘ t1l11' Ht 111\ l°1ltl11‘t‘ in H11:1\11n." and 1111 that 1'11111i\'1'1th 111111 s111'h littlc 1'l1il1l in .\l\' nam11 1'111~1-i\'11tl1 M11." And 3111. a..'11i11 H11 sai1t. “l11as111111'h as 3'11 1li1l it. not. U1 0111' wt “111 l1'11.~'t 11t' th11s1'. 3'1‘.1liil it 11111 M M11: tl1111'11t'111'1'. 1l1'[111l't- l'1'11m .\i1'. 1'“ 111-1-111's111l." 'l'l111s1’1 ai'1' t111'1'il‘1l1‘ \\'111'1ls. 'l'h11 1\' 111'1; ”111 words 111' the 1111111k :1111l l11\\l\. l11s11s. L111 11s 121111.1 than t11 h1111't. 1M. lhu habit of lmikng over our Smtlll (.Zlassiliml Ads. on page 7. 'l‘ho-I‘n may lw mnnoy in it. Small .\c|.~'. lrm late for classification will l’w found nn mg» 5. If you have any- thing to So ll :1 Small Ad. max bring vuu a bux 91. Il vou “ant to buy umthing. lot the public km)“ about it. in TM Chronicle. An outlay of a few cents may save you a lot of trouble and make you a lot of dol- lars. tf Made by Amos Holden Tire 8: Rubber Co. Limited, Kitchener, ( Test them with any other tires under any condition and LOOK THEM OVER 'Canpare 1167796?" SMITH BROS. Durham’s Leading Tire ShOp . Positively the best tires at any price _y “Iv my a n _ i _ Illustration No. 3 shows the next step in the treatinent of the head- light reflector, which, by the way, gives the highest concentration of light known. This is hand burnishing, the operator burnishing two reflectors in a working day. For articles which can be readily polished by a rotating buffing wheel, this is accomplished in the manner shown in No. 4. - _- 1L_-“AA n-A Akunuo wuhxnua n .nvv vâ€"â€"~ -w _ ____‘. Upon completion of the polishing operation, articles to be so treated are placed in a metal container and, by means of a small compressed air gun, sprayed with suitable lacquer. If it is desired to oxidise the plated article in order to make it harmonize with woodwork or other material, as is often the case with copper platings, it is exposed to heat or vapor, or immersed in some solution prior to the application of the finishing V‘iuii v1- -â€"-â€"-_ UVCL WC CHLILV Dull-WV VA This process is well illustrated invllo. 2, which shows two electric headlight reflectors in the process of receiving silver plating. In this case the plate of silver is suspended in the centre of the reflector, which is filled ‘with cyanide of potassium solution, and the electric current flows from the plate to the reflector which is, itself, the negative pole. , A..-_L_.'-_L -0 J4... film”: {IUHCNINI to be- ”no“ ul‘ the" most I‘('â€" mm'kahlv swims _in the) piclum is that. wlwn Gloria Swanson, the star. «'h'vams tlm table that has lwod lur :xgo‘s. of Bluvhval'rl. who funk his \x'm's to a dark vhan’lbvr, where he Inz‘mgml thvm, mm by one. Suwn «11‘ 11111 11111511101111.2111] 111s: Hullnwml an" - 50011 as thv 5131011 wiws in H111 11101101'11izccl Version Hf tlw ancient fable. \vhivh was adapt.- mi In U111 scrm‘n by Sada Cowau from H111 play by Ali'rml Savoir :11111 which P11111115 tn tlnf \‘vtman Star ‘l'hnaho Friday a1ulSz1t111dz1v 11i;:l1t~' 01 11119 \\'N‘k. \vv" -wvâ€"‘v-v-v The Canadian Pacific Railway Company was the first large corpora- tion in Canada to instal its own electro-plating plant, but during the last few years this method of protecting metal from oxidation has developed into quite an industry and one which employs a large number of Canadiau workmen. coat of lacquer. Hanging thu sm'mn wiws of B1110- Man! it): somws in “Bluvlwat'd's li'ghth \\'ifo-" pl'mwl W M :1 costlv npvratiu‘rn fur 1:10’M11'2ll11!lllllt \\ Wes! (Mast, studio. 5.8m. mEEEI ._:::m::f :EFZL :35 E:./.. ELBEE {:95 :2: .3 "ESE“; $2.5 :zfi .:: .7. 1.9.3. i: 3:9: 3 .AEmméycz may, : $2.5 HANG BLUEBEARD’S SEVEN Paramount Director Overcomczs Dif- ficulty in Making of “Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife.” Water! Water! Water! R.R. N0. 4. Durham. What Is Good Health Worth? Why lakn a chance and usn wutvr that. is polluted and unlit for domestic use. when I’m-v \\'atvr can ho had by having 21 “Ml drillml. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- pairs. Satisfaction Guaranteed ED. J . PRATT P110110 98-12 There‘s a good story gomg we rounds of the General Assembly at Owen Sound. A local woman, ’tis said, offered to billet two Comâ€" missioners. “Is that all?” enquired Rev. M r. Pilkey. ‘ LL- Iano \V 2‘: ItCV. 8'15. - -â€"â€"â€"vâ€"~ , “Yes. that‘s all,” replied the hos- less, “unless you send Ann-Union- istsâ€"I could take four of them." “How’s that?” asked her pastor, “What’s the difference ?” Read the Classified Ads. It will pay you. ' J. s. Mcllraith g§++++++++++++++++++++é++++++++++++++++ Vvuuvâ€" ‘ , as the éxplangion. : Hardware and Seed Merchants - Durham .2. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +402»? nuns" roan TO A nan Paint Manufacturing Friday Saturday, June 13-14 This Moxinu Picture shows how paint is manu- factured. Each step in the careful preparing of is shown, Keep these dates in mind. This picture is shown extra, free of cost. GARDEN HOES 75c. DEMONSTRATION MARTIN SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT AT THE VETERAN STAR THEATRE Two Nights Only . V -‘:'::-'fi_"-'::- _- ___._ .96...- - EScreen Doors New Style 331')? going the $1.98 . S. Hunter 8: Co. . on Page 7. The Cash Shoe Store of There are a; few old fashioned girls left and you fmd them sitting against the wall at a dance. ROUND POINT SHOVELS 49c. Thursday, June 12, 1924. Frost Heavy Galv. Fence One of our specials is an 8-strand fence at 500 . Durham, Out. ”.000” Eight Styles to choose from r mm an. ' Advertisements uidet‘ this heading. 1 wm cm WITH ORDER: 5:: canvcxmw H“"§n of m, Tglephone oak Mid m- ay} mm . sum light of wodi unified. M mmmm ch 5 cenIS. On all chain 0(1ka :1 ~4Nu:?:‘. cimw will be made each min-n. m'rmmmu “3m? :-~ ”W CW V â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ‘ anOfiice and residence :1 ~11 .1: ceeaSt Of ttle 1413”. l}{;:‘-,' Lamb“!!! Street, I (mw ' ‘ 1“ Ofiice 1101115 2 l1} '. I'll, figm. (except Sundau . ’ Late Assistant Rmu 1,; malmic Golden S Hospital, 11W”: quax‘e '1 h! “8. 211A} :\ _____....._â€"â€" c. (.1. AND BESSIE McGILLH'k-AY ChII’Opractors, Durham. Onta;~~.;_ The Solence that 31% 11:1. ' . 0.4 and years to life. mum .. Classified Adverti: Barristers. 501i. ber of the firm w Tuesday of each \' may be made m office. Licensed. AllCUHnm-x' 2n:- Gljey. Satisfachcm 21111111115 sonable terms. Daivs «4' H1 at The Chronicle (”Yil't’ HI' KR . ‘ Dental Direclon' .â€"-~â€"._._ DR.‘ W. C. TICKER'ING DENTIST Self. ham. Terms «m. aw»: dress R. R. 1. Dux‘hzn‘n. Ho: " Medical Directorv. PROP}: DUI 1, UK)“. -I. In- wiping 100 acres; r cu tivation. balancv gonvenient to schm lses are a frame m: stone foundation: v also has? barn 30.me mgnt; hOg pen ‘ZUX hrlck house. f m'na “I”. VuVIV.-' w 0 U ponvenient to schnnl: mm 1885 are a framo 1mm ~'4'.’\'3' stone foundation; mun-w. also hav barn 30x30 \\ m. ~ merit; hOg pen 20M“; ‘ hrlck house. fm'naw ? frame woodshod: driiiw' " 50 house. with windm .'.. water tanks; 30 am-os s i. . M Ontario. 'ORTH PART l,( Y1: , , Egremomt. Ponfizn‘n...l.. urea clearM. m} 1:1! z ' bush; in good s’taw ‘ tame barn saw». .~ concrete sta‘hlvf : :13" z“ .1 a cement tanyat‘laahx.‘ ‘ ‘x \Muvs VVV ‘ cement tank and 7 Con. Ana ‘n "Md V a: lull‘ll. 7 ‘1. hinipg no acr' ~ A. 1h" " .1H‘... “M I!” mp premises : paling smw well : DOMINION h_\\' t 121 Owen Sound. (lava: Band Com-011.4, 1 SDOrtS. Grands! u_z w. U]. or. v” ‘- ' Acrobatic Fofits July 1. Remomtu M 15, 22 :J (m THE DURHAM (LLH: are holding a has-kw? 1 Park, BIOOI‘ Sh‘c‘c‘i "11"": day, June 20, 1921. n evening. All mvmiw:~ cordially invited. COURT DI RHAM \‘n will hold their aimuu \ice on the owning: n1 brethren 3.5km! in Nb Bourno, (‘. R. THE DISTRICT 3le \1. 0f the W«.)mm's Ins-111:1: -~ Grey will be hold in m- w. brarYo Durham. nu 'I‘l'.“~..;; 17, at 10 a.m. and 1.3:) 3M1- mogra-m is bPin}: PI"'}HI”"3 hOPed that all thv ln'm‘vl: ~ represented. C’SIN‘VinLV ‘ . {1. Convention is being hum 1': mt shortly and plans \\ '1‘. ' I“ that meeting. Durham :Wileleasc provide- fu'.‘ ‘ ~ ll \la“|-0Hh > sun‘n, M, .13., M. c. p. umzsqn JAMIESON Licensed flittiz'mzw ram Tfiesday.-â€"â€"M . COMING LUCAS HENRY DR. BURT. ', June 12, 1924. dicitm? W!“ M 1 weak ‘ D DAY «11-11 ,H d l 2|. IiGRIiM‘ t.\"l' FOR SALE [,1“]‘ l“â€" or H!“ (1 it 871 new » hardwmd for Co. of Grey EVENTS H “Eh L-antm‘d. “08-- ,f 5319-; made or WIUI Inm- AN" 8‘. (1‘6; GE HI 0“. ac h the mom- 5:, ft “it'd L0 etables: :10!!!) base- \\' ma 3' Dur- innuhvn‘ 1H Wat-m 1.350111"! \\-.1"_1 in XI.“ ’ 146mm ‘1 m m (10X- undc! ll D11 [an bl I" )1“. SA] 39111530} \\ \\ H I" R H SH\H .\1H.\' \\ me M l‘ \\'4 m. II \\ M

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