West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1924, p. 17

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(Our own corresvondent.) Mrs. Joseph Lennox spent the weObbvfnrc mat with ho-r sister, Mrs. “Wham Pref-man. at Teeswatex‘. Ma-:._-r Bert rotumml homv with her am! sgwnt last wmek around the Cnrxzvrs. Mr. Thomas Wilson's home was enliwned over Saturday and Sunday. by tiw presence of their daughter. Ella. of 'l‘omntn. who was accompan- ied by Mr. and Mrs. \Varbrick. Miss 59113111]. and Mr. .\1. Hickpy. They motored up. They also had the pleasure of a visit from Mrs. D. Mc- Kechnio: and Miss Irene \Vhitmorc. Durham. Miss .thllio: McKechniP. of M'viili'o-zil. and Mr. Leathers 01' TW- smtn. UH Sunday. Ml. change» La“ Pence \\ as so un- ff'l‘illllali‘ as to hm: his bIUOd mare at fouling on Saturday. I‘ “I. I'lultllp 'Jul Liv-\- Mr-j. Earl Maud ha?! a meeting of thn \‘al'uwy Ladivs’ Aid on \Vednes- day. A numbvr of St. Pauls‘ ladies juino-ol than). 1!. is always a step tnwml church union. An é-njnyable {firm was. spent. (5min seeding was tinishml last wet-k. Some of it was sown a sec- (and time. ‘-'hl“ \- Mi'. .lamvs ._lc_»lin.~:mf.~r horsos trim]! in SPPWI up sci-ding a bit by runâ€"i mm; away with thv drill whvn it Inn-hm! into a mud-hole and knock- wi Hio- tnngm: nut 01' the nuttkyuko. William Lawrmctr‘s lhm-e-iwrsn {Ham run “(T with tho,- cultivutnr \Viiilo- iw was busy getting rattle int!) tiu-ix- right livlui. Bath drill and cul- tivaiux- suti'o-i'wi svvvro- damagv. For Hu- past two 01' throw,- years Lin-ro- has. known a suspicion that a will! rut Ii\mi in iiw bush \Vorst 0f Yarmry. but .Im- Lmumx was thr- first 1.. cut in close tnurh with it a mu- gulo- nl “ow-ks ago. \1 first glimpss- (1f :1 1w annm himwu with a gum r1111» in L'va1.|ixlo_-s.< 1m vlmvr much. “4' is nut uno- H! chm- 1'o'lln\\.~‘ \\1m is 11“ .ns 1111mm; that 110mm fight his um: “right in c'\\iM cut; but he- $3“ and 111-21111 o-nnugl: tu (ominw him that. In- \\'a’~f nut. mistakvn. Mr. William Chapman Hf Culgzn-y. who spvnt Hw \vintvl' hum was um I'm-ling: thv lwst \vho'n ho- lnft. but \Vantm! tn "M hat-Ii 2!» ”I!" l'amihfi physician for runsultatiun. “3- an“ wrl'y tn ho-ru' lu- found it. much nwx'o‘ wrinus Hz'zn ngwrh-ai. ”1P 21%»qu twin: né' :1 rmm-rmxs natm'e‘. ’I'ho) o-fl'nl't tn put Muplo-munl ('o-m- -_'t0‘!'_\' in ln-Hm- mnolilinn m: 'l'uvsclay was \w-ry summs‘sful. as tho-m- \\':\~‘ a mum! ('l'mwi (if hHHI ss'xvs pro-svnt and :1 gum! Int Hf \\'nl°k dunv. liVM'y [wr- wn into-ro-sh'ol has :1 gum! ioh-u nl' Hu- iiinol Hf \\'nx'k in I!“ tlnm' m-xt yo‘flr and HH- kincl nl' :unls In bring. (Our own c'iu'x‘csponUCHt.) Mr. and Mrs. mun-go 'l'urnhull wwm Sunday \Vm-k at. .\l 1'. JUI‘m Mcâ€" lx'whliv's nt‘ Snuth-Kast livntim'k. Miss Mu tum-M Mightnn wturm-e! :wmv In spo'mi tho- summo-I' hM‘v'. M'- h-:- spo'lnlin: tiw past. wintow mnuths nu Turnnhv. pu-mp mm-l n nwnth O'Ilo .\h "l Corner Concerns ~1 PAGE EIGHT :.. 2:; 27.. 72$... :_ .,I.:_...E.4 ’12. .2: E. 2:; 3:53.. .r: 53:21.4 53.3: (()11 HI Ebenezer. Armetta McKechnie as teacher in N0. 3 at a salary of $1,100 a year. This is' Miss McKechnie‘s third term in our school. Mr. John D. McFayden and sisters Missos Mary and Kate. spent the first of the wrek with friends at Owen Sound. . . ‘ UVusbu. 31129.0(! Mrs. Georg e Ritchie and familv \isited their gdaughter, M13. LN? and \lrs. quwn uf Hg! e_m0nt. 1;" Q.’ auu .uxo. usuvvu, w “1. and Mrs. Thomas Liddle and cl1il11111111 of \\ alkerton were guests 111' the Misses Edg e 011 Sunday. 'I he. Misses Mortley 11f Latona Vis- H1111 111111' U111 week-8111i with their 51511115..“1‘5. (weenwood and Mrs. \Villiums. '111111110111111-15 111' the Edge Hill beef 11111.1 \Vill 1111:111\11 1111' 11 111st beef on 1111119113} 11111111111" 111 this week. Traverston ((Our own correspondent-) 'l'lugx'o- is still a. hustle mm the farm. though 11:? Junv. ‘llv\.F ‘â€"â€"â€"-- Hmte and cum. and summer fal- hm, fcncvs, shingliug. roadwork. \W'uds. all (nmbime to make the clays 1h “itlmut tlu- "'dixarshuns" Hf mum's . cumeulions and agents import unit |_«~s._ ‘ n u A >“» 2? 12.5.. $7-5: ms; Em 53. 53... 3.2; mEEpM 3 2am. .32: C. 325:2. 5. 7.. Mrs. Esther Milburn Spent last wwk with lwr bruthcrs. Messrs. Geo. K. and J. .I. l’em't. Mr. and Mrs. Will 'l‘immins spent Hm first of [Am week with Vandeleur rvlatiwes. _- n In A. .\li'. 3111! Mrs. James Marshall of 11131111110111 \1-1-1'0 visitors over the “wok-1:111! “ith L\l1'.an1l Mrs. James .\11'.\:1H\ 1111 the 9‘11 (3111195511111. .\l1.a111_l .\l1'.~.l,i111!.5:1\ \\ 11110 and bright bah}.11I‘A1'th111'.\\111'c;.._'ue.~'ts :11 Mr. . E. P1121115 1111 Sundm. Slip-1.611 Brus. 01' aim-emu"! aw Visit nu: at. Mr. \‘incont Paylmf’s. Mr. and Mrs. Will Campiwll and inhy iliiai'lvs. and Mr. and Miss Jes- siv 'l'\\'amlo-y Hf Wirlhock, won- the guvsts ”1' (hr -.\lcClm.'Klin honw ”U" first. Hf UH‘ ww'k. Miss Lizzm Swmruv)’ is hnmt- from 'l‘ui-i’mtu fur a \wll-oarnml holiday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Minn-Hm - and Mr. and Mrs. \\'. .I. Hi'i-viiv.'umi spa-m Hm lii'si Hf tiw wow}; with Mr. and Mrs. huni'an )li'lmau at. .Uit'l'cNJML . i-;\o-i'_\'iimi_\' iutm-vsti-il iu the LID-‘1 kin-i» nl' Zinu i'i-nwtiri'y is requestmi‘ in in- nil ham! in gumi limv Thursâ€" iuitiy al‘tvi'nomu. JUIH‘ 19. tn cluau up anal iwautii'y Um i-muetvry grounds :illil sui'i'numiings. ‘ Ziiviiitvs mvi «w. 'l'uosilay «W'L‘llillg I t and arr:uu:vol I'ui' Hu-ir annual Sun- day sriiHHI [iii‘niif in hi‘ hi'lcl in HIP usual plai'w nu Saturday. June 28. |\\|lo‘ll a most. happy limo is antici- nsiml who-n puhjd 'l'ln- l'umv nf [hr brook trout, in ourl stx-vams and in the: Sangecn River has syn-vac! fur and wide. until all the “lish Imus" in H10 snutlwrn counties :m- nxnlnl'lllz.’ in by llU'IJ'llS. ley haw nu I'vgzu'cl fur lish laws. Sunday lzm’s and low few tln- <).'l'..\. Last Sunday MW at clnzvn curs wuw in NW \‘lt'inily. lnspvvlur Bo)(fil§¢‘tt and “iv Fish luspvclm' \x'm'v \\'ll't_‘(l 11ml mrulo- at n-wml run l'mm van Sound in am llHlll'. but. tlw lmv-ln'vako‘vs :cvl :1 Up l'rnm SUN“) smu'm' and manic vwmly o-xits. Huwr-x'vr. :ll’tm' this. a ‘\ iuilzmt. wrmmittom will lump in (‘tlnsn lHlH'll will: llw aulllnrilivs amul snmv hwzny lu-nulliws am- lmun lu l'nlle. 111er is :1 wry strong 5. . ll’lHll that nwls :m- lwing usml. .\l 1'. and Mrs. .lnlm Millmm and aluughlvx- \Wmn. and Mr. aml Alps. l Marshall of _T__ the framer, it is needless to say that the timbers titted most, spugly and went. toggthey without a mum. Twas -1.‘ (Aah;nnnfl “39" “vent Lwcutlol V‘ DUO-‘7" .â€" ___ _ , reared in he old-fashioned way. Councillor McGrath and Mr. George "‘amphell captainingethe forces. The race was a good one, the witty Goun- cillor‘s men winning by four rafters. Campbell didn‘t wish to injure Jack’s chances for re-election next year, so held his hearties back a little. Inspector B. Wright visited No. 5 school on Thursday of last week and gfound everything progressing Splen- idldl)’ under Miss E. J. Allan’s teach- ing. The trustee board met on Friâ€" !chy and have re-engaged her at an 1 increased salary. Holstein. ‘ (Our own correspondent.) Tlu- Pm‘sbytvrial of the Prnsby-1 tux-ian Chum-h. Sangoon District. met in tlw chum-h horn last Thursday. 'l’herh- was a large- representation from) all parts 01' the Presbytery. Tim-v wm-v morning and afternoon sossitms. In Hm absvncc 0f the presâ€" idnnt. Mrs. Hundm'son 01' Dayton m'o‘sichul. M 1‘s. Lyons 0f Idnore, In- dia. 21 unssinnary in that country for ton wars. adult-955ml the sessions. A [H'Utitabls' timv was Spent. ‘- -- - . 1 1‘ .nl-‘ T h n‘\;lv\ l’l ‘Jlll'ul'lr'. I. Illl‘ n “._.~ -. l’ 1---- . Row. Scott and I’vm‘m. J. R. Phllp and R. T. I_’)m‘ld.§ attendml the Assem- bly movtmg m {)wcn Sound last. “T“ ' The» mmsvng staff of toaphcrs for the Crmtimlatum and Publlc schools haw.- beml engaged for anpther year. Bm‘. Aim-Pf Sivanstnn. former-1y of this placn. but. now 01‘ the \\ est. Spf‘nt. 1| shm't. tlmc I'Ocently with frwmls hm‘n. I“ .. 31.11;.“Til-51361.1. Christie wont to Tor- onto last wook. Mrs. A. B. Patric of Hamilton is the guns! nt‘ )Ic-s«_l:_1111e_-s Pvtrw and Bruce hvrv. I:.I... :. E? 2:... 332.4 1.3:. :5 21:71:: _: 5.52:: I42: 271.. 52.2.7. 72.211... 3.... ”5;. 2E .m..:5::.. ..... . l.... V. Arrangvnu-nts haw boon complet- ml fur Hu- 192-3 park npmling. A full «lay has lwvn arrangmi. In the DV- o-ning Hnlstvin and Listowol will play a \\'.l<‘.;\. fontball match. 'l‘lw Holsto-in \\'.I’..~\. fnolhnll team «Ivi'vilhwi Hw Palm-[stun team in llulstvin lust \leuesda)’, the. score twin: 3-0. 'l‘vn tlwusancl tingm‘lings have luwn plm‘Wl in ”an :lum recently. This makvs a total nl' 18.000 in the last tin-m» yum-s. so we should soon haw gum! tt'nut fishing. 'l'hc- I'I‘llH\'2ltiH:.' nl' tlw Mvthmlisl ('hm'vh is p1'«_»gl°vssixx;: very favnr- ably. 'l‘hn 1'1_*-O[Hfllillg will take place «m Sabbath. 22ml inst" the) Rev. JAY. Mamvnml. :1 I'Hl'nwr pastor. 114M 0! Stra'lH'mul. l-nnalucting tlm services. Mrs; H. l". Slim-1w has hovn quite l” and has I'm-n H‘InHVPd t0 the Mt. Fnrvst. Hnslntal for (l'tfgltmfnt. 1m .': 1l1l121th. 221111 il1.<t.. the R1?\'.J.\\"‘. M 21:_'\\11111l 21 1'111'm1'1' [121510121111w 1i)! 511-1111-21121. 111111l111' ting: “1115131111305. 'H11' l\\11 [121t1'uns 111' the l3.:._:_"_111 mont 1'11 211111-1\ 11111111211“ <1111lin;: in tho nighwst 1111111!“ 1' 11! 11111111115 111 1111111113 1:11. 1"111 U11- munth M May 2111.*' \\1'>'- l1gv H21Hi1l21)‘. 280.93 1115.; I):1\i1l HI'HH‘. 171.33 “'5'. Aberdeen. (0111‘ mm correspondent.) 311155115. 11111121111 211111 Hugh 3113121112 11111 k. 211111 Bliss ls2111111. 211(‘1‘f1n1112111i1‘111 11_\ 3115.11 \1111112111111 1111115011 l’13t1‘I‘. 2111111111111 11111 1’1115111111112111 .1j\551n1111\ 211 (Mm 811111111 1-111 '211111'1121\ \\'1-2°111-.~‘1>1'1_\'11111'111111111h2.11 3118. 112111 .\11-.1112111 is 11111111111111 doctor's 1-:‘11‘11 211 11111513111. 11111 11111111 1.11 5110 111.11‘ 11111 21;.221111 5111111. [10 ”Cl IUUO Inw- -__ _ _ Sorry to hear of Roy McLean being so poorly from a severe attack of tonsilitis. Miss Aldcorn, R.N., is In attendance. We hope to see Roy around again soon. Miss Jessie Livingstonis visiting friends near Markdale this weeli.‘ f 31155 Eleanor McArthur is VISItmg with her mother, Mrs. M. J. McArthâ€" ur. .in our village. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Karstedt are l spending a few days in the city. Mr. lxarstedt is leading our yillage .in havmg a fine new electric range 111â€" stalled. __ n " ,, ‘â€"A s __ ”n73" nf mp" SLEIHCU. . Mr. F. P. Reiley has a gang of men shingling his fine residence on Dur- ha mstreet. A The contractor for the heavy hill above the Glen on the good roads is getting m'aterial assembled to start. work. Mr'. Thomas Nichol; gOOd roads foreman. is busy again and we hear that he has a fairly good gang already at. work. A number of Our 'young men have taken work with him. There seems to be a scarcity of work in big ti.)wn_s_and cities. as man. 4n llllll. J.nn\,;\. wv~-â€"-~ _- work in big towns and cities. as some have returned home unable to get work. ‘ Another young man has declared! himself tired of haehelorhood. Mr. Andrew Hincks of the second Conâ€" cession. N.D.R.. last week took to himself a wife in the person of Miss Florence MeCannel. The young cou- {ill} will settle on the old Henry farm now owned by Mr. Hineks. Every good wish is extended to the young ‘people in their new undertaking. Mr. John Jones of our fair Village has treated himself to a car. Everyâ€" lllfllily is doing it now. Good luck, . or <. (Our own correspondent.) Burnâ€"AL River, Man., on May 12, to Mr. and Mrs. C._ A. Apeal‘. a son. 1“- Messrs. Edward and Elmer Fee, Mrs. Thomas McNiecc and Mrs. John Murirr. and Mrs. Thomas Stewart Iimlrwml in \Villiamsl‘ord lasl. Wicdâ€" unscilay to attend the funeral of Mrs. Evans. a cousin of the former. Mrs. Evans was formerly Mary Ann Fee of .\'«;»rmanhy. a sister of William and the late Frank For, 01‘ Dauphin, \Ian. She leaves one «laughter, Sarah (Mrs. liummg ill Whose home She died. Bulls haw l'm- contm‘ics been 118ml on lun'sw traffic. and more recentlv on cyrlvs. Tu herald the approach ”1' :1 mottn' cm', with its. greater SIHHHI. some distinctive sound was nmulml. Extra 1111111 l11~ll.<. it is true, such :18 {111‘ 1‘11111111x1‘1l 1111 1'i1‘13-L1’1g'ines, might ham 1) hm 11 used but the] 1:1111111â€" 1111111111111 111 :1 11-1;';)1\\1l11'1 5111:13l]\\°_1111111 1111\11 1111111 unbearable. The {water 01' claxon. llmrel‘ore. lhn [H‘él'l'N‘lml (lcscendcnt. Of the Old pnst-lmy’s lmrn. was [he (-vl_.l\'i0us.~ instrummt. and DOSSUSSUI in all- «lition. tlw advantage of Ll‘n'oxx'ing its 501““. l'ni'wal'll instead of all round, as :1 lwll 11005. so by (.‘UStUIn we came it.» accept tlu- claxlon as the distinctive warnâ€" ing: of a mulm'. In parts 01' Nm'lh Arnol'ii'a. indwd it, is illegal to affix a (-laxlon lu any other kind of \‘L‘lllt‘lc. Northeast Normanby BELLS AND HOOTERS During this week belng held the members of the 0. A. C., Guelph. The local office will be open as usual, although the representative and assistant W111 be absent until June 19." Third Sh‘orthorn Sale. The third annual Shorthorn sale under the‘ auspices Of the Grey County Shorthorn Breeders’ Associa- tion was held on June 5 at Markdale. Prices were not high when the fashionable breeding is considered. It was a wonderful Opportunity for young farmers who wu'e starting into the pure bred business. - -|-,._. AP llnnlrald‘n lnLL’ LIIU IJLILU UL bu Nuv‘--v~wv Dr. J. S. Shepherdson of Markdale, assisted in the ring by Messrs. Clark and Haslam, wielded the hammer to the satisfaction of all. 1f Bramptnn Conservator? 0n Septemtwr 5. 1922, a deputaâ€" tion approached Hon. James .Murâ€" duck. Minister of Labor, tp dl§guss the unomploylm‘rnt._ Sllua'twn. .1 hey spent. somn tiny: ‘(hscussmg Without _ ?-_1-.L 1L.“ R‘:r\;n‘nn “TlJl ALL: cw 5 .---._. reliex ing it and at night, the Minister im itod them (11 din1111r.”lhe auditnr generals. 1-11111‘11‘1sh11xxs “hat that dinner 1051., 1111i \11. 1\111r1l1)1k,but the country: Dinner. 60 covers .. ...... c3311' " ()rchosl 1-21. ................ 6 1. 00 Special trullvy car ........ 271.00 Total ........ SOLVING UNEMPLOYMENT week the Semi-cen- ing held. Consequently, of the local branch of at of Agriculture will Ulster Premier Willing to Exchange Citizens With the Irish Free State premier Craig of Ulster. told the County Down Orangemen yesterday that as PreSIdentfiosgravc of the Irish Free State.d1d.not want, un- willing citizens inexther Irish areas he was quit? Willing to swap Cath- olics who Wl_Shed Fun" Slate rule for Protestants 1n Monahun, Gavan and Donegal whq wantmj t0 jnin their old Ulster friends. llv [H‘Hnlisod the [latter his hearti‘st. \wlmnm. Read the Classified Ads. on Page 7. It will pay 3’011- tat To Whom it May Concern The Special Committee app0inted to enquire into and report on agriâ€" cultural and other economic condi~ tions in the Province will hold ses- sions in place and time as fololws : DURHAM, Tuesday_, June 17, Town A Hall, ’2 pm. 3an 8 pm. WALKERTON, Wednesday, June 18, Town Hall, 2 mm. THORNBURY, Thursday, June 13. Town Hall, 2 p.m. WIARTON, Friday, June 20, in the Town Hall, at 2 pm. All who-desire to supply informa- tion or make pcpresentations usefut to the Committee concerning any branch of Agriculture and industries related thereto are hereby cordially invited to attend. Hon. Dr. Jamieson, P. F. Cronin, Chairman. Secretary. Agricultural Enquiry Committee NOTICE Thanh”, June 12, 1924. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO “oh rno'rns'rm'rs AGRICULTURAL BOARD WILL HOLD TWO MEETINGS IN DURHAM 311d chM‘S. A1 fhu .perhaps “'le 1n 1.. q .3‘ i'i'n said last. \VN-k : 'l‘l...‘ L up! horn in lm-tmw- n. .zn'c them any “mm "in how to do UH'H' \xuy‘h, Lee has bm-n sum Hut 1 the farmers m tho x.- 0f the PI‘OVle'. Mount .10 what. is Hw mzmm ~. tm'e. listvu 1n Hm:- in UN? [WSSINP 111mm.»- Hnese vondihnns. :mi lwss men. try and mm. 9 in an PITUN in in}? .112 fflet. VOL. 57.â€"NO. «1 .0 0 vv . 'llm txw mwtmgs u! m. Agricultural llnqmm 4. here nvxt, 'l‘uvseiuy, lung“ 3 gomi 0111' and um Hm; 'evot'y agrimlhm~t mm ;. .- O program Is “0112;: :22': as an addvd 312212.222.” .zen‘s Band will :‘w: 2 tions. There will as \VwH 22 vs frnm mvmlwr.~ and nthnrs. M 2.2m (.0 attend. [11 session \\' i H :a strictly Imsinu- evening. lwsuiw- 111‘02'1'3111 is boil! about $5,000. [ternoon At 2. P. M., and Evening At. 8 P. M.â€"Evening Session Be: sides Business, Featured by Good Program and Band Mum. must be (-u-«qu-x-u: farmm' and MW 11”: out. it. PVPI'SHHH: hP llnpod HIM"' \\ iPIldan(‘°v nvx1 'l'w norm and M'vHiIm. mission (-Iu:u';.-«~. :4 All it will rust um attemd is his 11w well I‘opaid fur H1; as men 31‘“ im 11m Speaking hwm Ijmint. tlu- linqmr Speaking; Hun paint. “in 1'21qu not 110 said tn Businessmn-n u?” meot. 0mm 1| yw: talk OVOI' «‘Hmh‘. l‘angennmts t'n: nmnths. Nun-h its; annual wvx' «'lifl’m‘onw- in HI. the (50\'<'-1'nm~-n'. $05 of tho» Aux-z. Whilv lhc- um» Canadian 31mm: and othvr Huih‘ culture has 1.. ~tfl)n1palliws 11M: It. wnnlci 1w « have an annn‘! tllI‘iSiSâ€"â€"~1hmw- : but. with sin-m S3“? in [H'HH'W tux‘": Enquiry ‘ tn stay and. \\ annual afl'uir. to confur with tho pl‘HVinvv \\ «Nor Iln' cund: with a \‘imx' 1. as to its innw. 1119 Agx‘irnlhn like a and nu Contrary in absolutvly Ian: and deals nub Hf the fun-mm; so-om l’u 11m TO INCREASE PROGRAEI 0P HIGHWAY PL It Will h" SW'H 111:1? Fexguson Goxegmzu.1 'al Conditiom 0: I’m-1;,” Inf lucmw pluymvnt. 11w I’M": docide‘d in t'nntc'nuvizl. the sumxw Anmvumwm Iliad" 1H-‘i HUHH. min public _\\u21 Mr Hv'm') had 1mm 11 ditionul 7" The work. cal‘l‘iml “M fOl‘mm! fâ€"':li' ways $51M 1“)“ (hfl gram fur 2 i of sumv H5 aiming ”1' The prujw" in llw nvi'. Well-known Citizen a arable PrOgress. 'l'ln- mun} H'It'lhi- Buwnum in [Durham :1: this distriv! “'1“ M :1m 1w has snfl‘irivntly in :11an M l'c'turn tn Ins In ammun 1H\\';||‘ci_~' th.- m; l'mm Hw Baitlv tlx'wk tarium. 311'. Bowman 1 ivally ill t\\‘1|\\'t'¢‘k~'2i2‘ ditinn is greatly mun-u _A._‘-_ The lm'al 1‘1111111'1'1 11411 1111- 1* . ;0ngin001' (‘Xalllilu‘ HI" 3115141111; sin-M bridge, “111111 \'11_'\\' in 11:‘1\111'_' : revert 10 1111‘ 1'11111113. 'Hw 111'1«1:."o-' "will have to 110 1‘1‘1v11111 111'» §'-*:11';11:-. Reeve chy will 111111;: 1111‘ 111111111 \begore the county mnmvii. 'l'11;~ bridge is suijclml 1H 11111111 1n~:1\§ traffic, the highway 1111115.; :1 cunâ€" ‘necting link between 1111- mm inviul and county highways. 11. is vsti- C will cost mated thagthe new bl‘idg 1- fl ' . 4 c. M BOWMAN my RETURN HOME 1, In the will 1:13 I] Ml II ('11 1103‘".v 1g :1 mmâ€" prnVinCiaI t IS QSti-f QLEAVE Local pect M H

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