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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1924, p. 1

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bsucks READ .i IVCII 'sday, June 5. 1924. recnmés at Standard Re- fieriné. at .EANED FEED OATS uded V V :9 0:0 .Zaoto {oéfifiog Fer Bush. mil t0 \nvbody .- em um} \I «f Fm Men, .‘wrson and H H. tl H Ha: l‘iSo. \\ if}! Mr, .' mcuts i~ under ' wciety wâ€"vther Mv pup- nvnt tax 1 m-kets rw'lusive. rum the must be ' A A 5': ml, Nix-Null, ' their )V Miugly mwsea .. mum. nmhoa H: the Mural : )wcu 1 this r 2:; MAY ASKS COUNTY TO TAKE OVER BRIDGE U} ..ce County W'ill Be Invited to ake Over Mildmay Bridge "i“.aw tot-at councir had the county 4“ we: examine. the Absolom street 1- -. with a View to having it ~\v‘:‘t to the county. The bridge \. :21 have to be rebuilt this year and :t.-.-\'e Fedy will bring the matter beioi'e the county council. This 1..:'i.t:.'e is subjected to much heavy traffic. the highway being a con- tiecting link between the provincial and county highways. It. is estie mated that the new bridge will a about $0,000. “.33 It will ho soon that to 110 this there must ho 1-11â€"0111}ration between the '111'111111' 111111 tho Commission. \Vith- 111t it oVoi'ytliing is lost. and it is to 11' lmpool thoio will boa "00d at- tonolam o noxt 'l111151la\ both alter- 11111111 and 1‘\1‘llln‘_" ’llioi'o is no ail- mission ohm-go, and no collection. .\ll it. will cost any ono who cares to :1tt1'111l is his timo. and he will ho woll 1'opai1l for that. Ladies as well is 1111-11 ai'o invitod. $111111 king t'1on1 a husinoss stainlâ€" gwint. tho h1q11i1'1 Committoo can not two said to ho anvgttiin now liiisinossinon 111' all 111111115 Usually moot 1111111 11 mm to 111n1pai'o notos. alk mot' 111111liti011s and mako ar- :;111;.'o1111-11ts l111' tho noxt twolvo 1111111ths. Noai'ly ox'oi'y inolusti'x has 2's annual 1"111mo1 t.i1111 'l‘lio Duh :11"'-1o11111o in tho piosont 111s“ is that . 111 1111\1'1111111'111 hours all ttio oxpon .. - 111 ttio .\:..'1"i1'11lt111al 1111.1111111issi111. 11i11l1- tiio annual mootings of tho .:11li:111 .\la:111l""‘a1t111o1s .-\ss111i1tion '11.‘!:o1 inilusti to s outsido of 113.11 i- flow has to ho linan1'11l by tho 111:1:111i1-s litt‘ll'lSt‘lVOS. it would i111 iiill'icult. howm‘i'l'. l0 1111 annual mo oting 111' agricul- .'-:~t.~ tlioi'o 11":1 so man} of “19111. with s111'1oss this 3' "11' wo fool ~ -- 1:, 111'1'1li1'ti11g that. tho Agricul- ' ' t~.11111131',\' Glnnmiission has CHIRP "UV and. \\'l1ilo possibly not. an .::1i atl'aii. will 1111111 t'ioquontlv mull-:- \\lill t'no {11.11'i111lt111ists ot -' 1-..1-111111 with :1 \io\\ to talking :11.11'_11nolit.10ns of tlio business? ;_ _, \1.1\\ tn 1_)l11_‘I‘lllL' >llkfg'1PSi-itius - 1. 11,1 immowment. 1’1‘1‘8 0111111.". 1-: 111111111111 1‘11n1mission looks ;1_ '_;1 1H! tiling: to 11$. . 1.2.3131“; 111 what sonio 111'111111‘ ::1 :1. 1111111 1111x1‘on1i111ssi011 is an 1:1, , 11 11.111-1011111'11 01'- anization ; :11; .11111 \\ ith tho businoss 1‘n1l - :z:1111i11:.*i111.l1ist1'°.} Tj. INCREASE PROGRAM OF HIGHWAY BUILDING 'l‘hni'w win as well be short specci‘i- Hum mvmimrs 0f the Cummiilce. .. vi Mimi's. At this juncture it is , "i'ilhpS \w-ll to reiterate what, was ~': «i lust work: Tim Commission is .: livi-o- in lecture the farmers or .i\ .- Hie-m any "arm rhair“ advice on : «m‘ In .in their wni'k. 'i‘iic Commit- wi- has Down sr-nt out to confer with .H‘ I'ai'mvl's in the various sections AGRICULTURAL BOARD WILL HOLD TWO ‘i'fgn two meetings of the Ontario xx: wulhn-al Enquiry Committee nuxl Tuesday, promises to be 1 «_.....l ”114‘ and mm that it will pay ~. my agricull urist and busmcss man . utteruol. In the afternoon, the mwvsiuu will ' partake of .i ~ll'll‘Uf lmsinoss nature, but in the mixing lwsitlcS' buinoss, a "God - "Hf-'l'dlll is living ararn god fox, and pa m iulclml attraction, barium ‘ it:- w-n .4 l': ml \\ ill l'CllllPI' M“ oral soloc~ ' "HS. afternoon At 2. P. M., and Evening ‘L O n " ‘_‘â€"‘ ,,.' tiw Pi'm'incc. hmu' their views as. . what. is tiw matter with agricul- :.i'o'. lish'n it) their suggestions as .. tho- pussiblt‘ manner of improving m-su ymulitions, and then. as busi- n-ss mo'n. try and advise with them 3: an vii‘ni‘t to put. agriculture on its ‘5‘! VOL. 57.â€"NO. 297 3. won Government Influenced by .,‘\ :Tj-mditions of Unemployment. At 8 P. M.â€"£venin§ sSésiBiffi‘gi s;des Business, Featured by Good Pragram and Band Music. 112.:11111 Citizen Has Made sav- ='_;e Plogress. 1 .4111) 11' 1111118 of \II'. (I. M. , ~1h11 11:11-11 (1111 throughout :.~';-.1-r “1‘111021311 10111311111131 ~~ 3111111mh improxed to be 1 {11111 t) 1115 home at $011111- “. wwmrds the 0nd of the Week 1111.1 11111111» {11111111. Mich“ 511111- ‘1, Mr. BCm man had been ('1‘1£-' . ’1' hm \\ 1‘0 33.10.1101 his ('011-. 5'13“" impumed. MEETINGS IN DURHAM 37. BOWMAN WILL RETURN HOME THIS \VBEK m- ml In conditions 01 unem- -.t .x Mint; in the plOVinC“ m -Hsun (:mvu'. mom has 3.1.“; hug-tn UV :4]. 250. 000 its ’. mi mpmulitm‘o durin: an ()ntm‘in liigll\\a\:.s mum: to this «Hut “as fly by ”on. Georg S. 11..I‘;i~’[-‘1‘ of higimzus and » Imins of road and I an. Acidificzzxall 25 mil mi rust n!"this work \V hluiwhood of $5,500,000. IIHL‘I {1H ‘l that “w decision in minim-min? an ad- lvs a»!' mad paving. ‘lt‘t 13““. would be p "HU‘S which still the prouucial high- \V original pm- :as thv p_a\'l_ߤf ‘33 miles. work was thb Gambling and Hathematics (Ottawa Journal} Race track gambling succeeds be- cause it plays on vanity. The mathâ€" emtaics of the game are against the public. but what bumptuous youth or discerning lady gives a boot about mathematics? a eetzpi of hours. and after feeding us well brought us back safely to 'l‘orento. We were the guests of the Canadian National, and from similar experiences on former occasions we knew the best obtainable was in store. Mr. Howard and Mr. Riddell had us under their care across the continent. and their genial and un- assuming conduct have forced the publishers to admire and respect them. They are wonderful hosts. Aw. The cdm eatâ€"ion next year “in be held in the cm of 7“ innipeg. On Saturday afternoon the Canaâ€" dian National Railways gave us a fine outing and entertainment. They took us by but from Townto to Port. Dalhousie.\ gave us free entertain- men: in all the amusements there f or ura‘ss “\‘pstsn'e 01 ms sn'lm' m Hm :viiy over which he 1"i'c.?!(1‘_‘tf as Mayan He X'.._*1'c:-x'crl to tho \‘m‘V 31:11-- M gin-"Vt“ and dcvclopnmnt from {ate in the sewcntwnth conturj. when the site Hf the city was sold t'm' $83. In 1833 it was im'n‘rporatmi as a vity with a 1.}017bulatinn of abnut 8,000. Now the population of the city map- cr is about 550,000. Mayor Hilts ex- pz'nssmi pride in the} City sci'xouls. ciu‘ churches. the transporiation system. the harbor, and other indust- Pics. L {in "lhursdav. Friday and Saturday lL11 last \VL1L11L the. editor attended the annual mL1L1ting L11 the Canadian \\L1L1lLl\ '.\'L1\\spapL11's Association in ’lL111L111tL1.'.Il1L1 attendance \\ as large. ,L1\L111y [)I‘U\ill((.' in Canada from \'anL..1L111\L111 Island to Neahnnniland i1L1in;.:\\L1il 1'L11111L15L111tL1LI. lhis is a Dominion- xx iLJL1 0111ani2a- “Lin and H111 meetings 1110m year to \(‘31‘ are lLJLLILL1Li fL11'1;11\\a1L1 w in anxiLLns anticipation 01 the annual 1L1â€"L1niL1ns.11s influence is great in 1111L111LIL1ninj: 111L1 LmtlngiL Oi ti1L1 pub- iist1L1's \\l1L1 1L1HL111t ti1L1i1'111L1'L1sL1Li \isiLLn i11 1.1i\i11:.'_ tl1L'1i1 L1'1aL1'tL1s a i1Lt1L111LlL1ss 111 11L1\\s1L111L11s. 11'1L 111 in- L"1L1 'LLsL1Lt 1L11L1\\1L_1Li1_'L1 i11'L11111ht ai1L111ti1\ :‘L: 111:: ! L1L1ntaL" \\ith L1111' 1.11'L1at12111a- Liian l1L11'1ita;:.L1 'l'hu 11L1\\s11:1[111' 1111|1lis|1L111s “fluid 11» lllltliili‘ 1L1L111jL1} those annual nutâ€" inus \\L11L1 i1 11111 1111' “111 L1L1-L111L:11 ration and LL11111L1s1. L11 L11! 01111 Lanadian 1:1ii\\:1ys LinLI :‘iL‘L‘JmSilip linL1s. ’l‘hn 1111111s11L11'tzitiL111 is 1'1'L1L1 ii' ”11‘ pub- lisi1L111s wish tu haw it so. ’I‘L'ans- 11L11'tz11iL111 “'11s :.1'i\'L111 1'11L1L1 L‘LnLt L'hL1LL111â€" !'1111}' to 111L1 man 1'11L1111 \'anL1L111\1L111 island as \\L1ll L1s thL1 man from D1111- 11.1111 11111 tin- s|L1L1L1in1.11 L1L111L1111n1nLia- tiL11'L1nLi 111L1alsi1:LLi 1L111L111aiLt tL11' \Wlilt} in 'l‘é'u'untu Hm publishers enjoymi thv hwspitality Hf the city on I’rniny {‘aning at. Sunuysidc. where a buffet Imwlwou was Set-WM. aftvr \Vhivh )Iayfix' Eliits mach a fine ac!- '.il".‘$$ o‘XpI'e355iVe of his widv in tho Annual Meeting of Weekly PresSmen Largely Attended and Very Suc- . cessfiul.â€"Party Now On Why to V151t England and the Contlnent. Mr. Thomas Henderson and two children, Isobel and Jimmy, will leave early next month for a visit to Scotland. It is twenty years since Mr. Henderson left the old land, and as his mother is now over eighty years of age, he is anxious to see her once again in the flesh. Though he has brothers and other relatives, as well as his wife's relatives, the see- ing of “mother” is the greatest 1n- centive in making Mr. Henderson undertake the trip and expenditure at'thispmtieular time. ' ‘w-wc \ul..l‘._ The boat on which Mr. Henderson and children sail will leave Montreal on the 4th of July and sail for Glas- gow. From here he will go to the home of his mother and brother. Jim. where he will spend the major portion of his time. He will visit other relatives by train and motor , -_..-.‘.., "J ;;\§||L uuu ILL'JDUL car. and in doing so will travel over a considerable portion of Scotland. HP will be absent. t\\'U 01' three months. and our wish is that all tin-m: may have a must. enjoyable t.-1_. C. W. N. A. MET IN TORONTO LAST WEEK trip. LEAVES FOR SCOTLAND SOON TO VISIT AGED [OTHER "A Jew in Ripley. Ont. recently immigrated. but progressing won- derfully in the language and cus- toms of the new world. went. into‘the cartage business. and being in business of course had to render accounts. After doing some teaming for a Ripley merchant. be rendered the following account: ‘10 goes, 10 comes, at. 50c a went. $5. “ Leading a double life may get. you through twice as quick. He.‘s‘rv a pointer for Bile} MtMeek- on and Bob Aloxandex: as taken {mm the Alliston Herald. We unilci‘stanol the Hanowi' man- agomwnt. intent to practice on tho" Uni-ham tl’clil. and. in the course of the summer. intend to' stage a few gamns on the local swat'd. Durham has a tow .goocl players kicking around who would strengthen almost any loam. and we can predict the old town will turn out en masse any old time to see a good lacrosse game. 151111111 111' Hanowr's lacrnssc 111:1:1- 1-1;. 111111 «11111 1'11 11mm(11131113101411: \\1'1'}{ 1111111111.: 111'1'311;._'11111e1115 1111 (111‘ 43411111; 1111 01 31111113 01' the «50011 local 111111-1111] giving to \Vastc 111111) thi.~ _V1'111'. ()11 11w 411119111 of what WC 1111\11 111131.11 it }.< more than likelv that mo 01' three juniors and some inhwmm Hates \V 111 \\ "1111' the H11110V er 1'111111'5 this season. ' Annual Business Meeting of Deanem Takes Place in Trinity Churchâ€"l Large Number of Delegates Ex- pected to be Present. :524- 1(0le 1.11“!!!) MM 1114? iahlv with the wsult. that. ahnut half thn contents of tiw lit'lllt‘ splaslmi nut and strurk him in Hm fave. smrmw‘ly burmng him. hut. lm-kily. «Wing 1m put-man- (-m injury {0 his uyvs. )l 1’. Alvfilnck- 1m says that hv ('nnsidvrs himself wxix-vnwly husky in gutting HIT as \WH as lw did :11ch wilh ammt'mltly nu «lamauw dnno- in his natural tummy. GREY DEANERY MEETS HERE NEXT WEEK has! ’l‘hursday 11110111111111 Mr. E. D. \11'1‘1111'kli11 had a clusn c1111 from pussihh serious i11j111'v “hen hit in 1111' 111011 in sumo hailing “3101' hc “115 1'111"1\i111: in 11 111'_.ttl1' it “as at his 11111111 111 tho Rockx H1111 H111 110141111111 111'1'111'1'1'11 111111 \\ as 1111111'1111111' Sinlph. Mi'. Mcijlocklin [1111] s11m1' liniliiu: \\'11[1-1' 011 the stme in 11 10111101110 “i“! 11 111051). 1111111110. that. by “11' “11}. 111' had [won threat- 1'11i111: 111 1'1'1111‘11' {111' 511111.1- limv. I11 1-111111Vi11g it. 11-11111 lli1- ii1'1' “11! other 1'1111 111' 1111: £111111il1' 1:111111' 1111‘ 111111 lot .\'11\L 31111111:1\' \\111 11:1 21 1111.“ 111w \\1111 1111111 \111111122115 111 1-111111W111111111: 11111 11111113411115 1111111 :111 MW (11' 1)’ 1111111111}. \11111 \\111 111- 11111'11 1'1'11' tho 11111111211 11111111111:.'. Th.) xmwting ugwns at 10.30 am. \\ith huh ('hnummiun .1 'tv “him lho- surmun \\iH kw philt’hml hv Hm Rm .l. I). .\l. Naughtnn. 1...)“ .\l [£13 11qu hmm \\ i]! he) <¢)x\m! ' HM) 1112): tin: ml the Ummm \ (hapâ€" tM' “ill 1:4) mm {mm 1 tn- ' p.111“ \\iHI ths- businvss :lttathml tith'tn. and tho: Hm" m» In .3 «.ulm'k wilt bu {alwn up with gmxm'al husiucnxi. During this Sc'ssiem Ham?) Will Do an mldx'vss by HM) Right Rev. \\'. L. \Vhitl'. “.13.. Bishop nt' lgtnnan. China. and :tlsn unhh'vssvs h) Yimxs‘. \\'. H. Urn'Hr-y and J. H. \thalvn. Hanover Moguls Visited Town First‘ of the Week With Ohiect of Si gn- :: 3 Up Any LOOSe Pla) ers The committee is to be congratu- latod on putting «m such a varied program and it is to be hoped that a. big ~1'()\\'¢.l will turn out. Local Butcher Escaped With Minor Injuries When Struck in Face by Boiling Water. ! DURHAM LACROSSE PLAYERS 1 MAY PLAY W'ITH HANOVER E . .._-__-â€"-_-c vu-v Vl’" 55555 c thL/IIIUIIALO. A full afternoon's and evening proâ€" gram has been arranged for. In the afternoon there will be a baseball match betwen Varney and the Maple Leafs, a school football game be- twu rival teams in the Public school. a tug-of-war, calithumpian parade if it can be arranged, and a full pro- grammer foot races and lather sports. \_ _____ __ -vvv -“v\.u ungun LIL-sub QIJUL DC. In the evening at 6.15 Listowcl and Holstein W.F.A. Football teams come together in a league: fixture, and at night a big concert by the Fax Fun Company will close an altogether su‘o‘oessful day. HAD NARROW ESCAPE FROM SERIOUS ACCIDENT 'l‘hv Yunnan‘s Aux-{Mary alsn mot-ts at 1.31) p. m. and at 2 p.111. thew is a juint mowing m‘ Hw Auxiliary and hwmwz')‘ Hmptvl' {‘HI' HiSIIfiH \‘s'éh-ihé'g .\t arlrh‘ Holstein’s celebration next Wed- nesday. in which their beautiful park will be declared officially op- ened for the 19:24 season, should draw a big crowd. For years the Holstein Park has been used by the surrounding countryside for church and school picnics, and it is no more than right to expect these institu- tions to reciprocate next “Wednesday by attending the opening ceremonies. BOISTEIN PARK OPENS NEXT WEEK Big Time Expected Next Wednesday 1n Egremont Metronolis at Annual v - vâ€"‘ -“v U-“J in Bgremofif fiefiipofisvé‘i Annual Opening Cerq‘monies. he FIFTY CENTS A WENT :13 LT”. :t-u \\ lil In: M \\ ill 1m ;_'§\«‘I‘. h; uthmlmui. and H; l..:!_\‘mzm‘s Assnvizzt w. sm'Vud. and In' His Honor t 'ilzlixmn‘ tinn -At the present there is quite a lot of work being done in ballasting the C. N. R. line'from Paisley to Guelph. and. with six or eight work- trains on the move, the company’s freight service has been somewhat disar- ranged. This, however, does not mean any inconvenience to the pub- lic. merely that; freight schedules haye been changed so as to permit of the ballasting‘ program being in- terfered with as-little as possible. Lot of Work Now Going On Between Paislex and Guelph. WORK TRAINS INTERFBRB. WITH FREIGHT SCHEDULES Too Much Water Wasted, According to OWner of the Local System. \\'n haw hcvn rcquvstcd to ask the \miwr uscrs 01' HH' town to cxm'cisc a litth mun-u cm‘u in thcir lavish use oi“ water. which, in many instances is wastml. Bcsic'ics; being careful of tho" dnmcstic supply it is mintmi out that owxwrs of lawns must not. 1180 it for that purpose except. from G to 8 o‘clock in the evenings. Some rcsicicnts, ag.ig;:arently. turn the water nn the lawn any time it suits them, but this practicg must be stopped. ; WATER USERS REQUESTED _ T0 CURTAIL REQUIREMENTS WALKERTON TALENT GOOD, BUT PLAYED TO SMALL HOUSE “'1"l111 .\'11l1l11 ()1'111381." a 111m [1111 1111 1111111111>1 lh111s1lz1y111:.:_l1tl1\ 13111111 1111111 \\ 1111111111111 111111111' 1111 111.1S11l1 1.15 111 11111 11111111 Urangv 1.1111211. was (1111111 32111111. 11111. 11111}' :1 small 11011311 1111'111111 111.11 111 1111:11' 11. 'l'l111vs11 1111911111. 1111\\'- 111'111'. 1.1111 us it was 11111111 1111 1111111- 1151111;: 111'1111111'111'111 {11111 well 11111.. 1111. '1‘1111 lack 111‘ 111111111111111' 11 111111 1111 11 1111111 311111151 1111'111 1h \\11 11111111\11 111 111111111'k111 1111\1_11'1i.<111::. A1'1i11111l11 111 1111111111111 11111111111115 is 11111. 111111111411 11111111111111. 111111 11 “1111111 1111 111' 11111111111 1111111111111111111111 1111 MW 811111110 r'r'ason 111111 11111}' 11111111 k111m that 1111\1111111: \111~ 11111111: 1111. r1141 mim‘ 21111011110511 that \\ 011M be 311' {11111111 tO-Llav S1) far ‘15 “1), mm loal n the citizens inwli1at111l am all 11111 enough 10 knmx hottm‘ and should haw mm» 11511011. 101' thomsvlw; and ll111i1~ fa- milivs than to mam around like :1 launch 0| 1l1111lli1‘1ls nmking l'1111ls 11111! nuisancvs nl llmmsleos. The Chronicle’s police court N‘- [I01 “‘1‘ “as not IIII Ihltx that night and missed the slum hut \w are tIIlIJ it “as good. As “0 112m! boon 1mâ€" ahlII to find tho mag isti‘ato at homo sincn Mundax. “I: hmc 110 wav 0f gvttin” in IOIICh with anvono “110 mm giw us an} aI'I'IIuIIl of the case 1mm :III I‘II'liI ial \ imprIint. \H}\\ av \w IIIIIIt think “In! missed much Lack of Adve tising Blamed for the Small Attendance Last Thursday B"9T\1qg ya.- 111191111155 in g1211111'aI. 111111 Iim :111111512111111111:1111111 in [1111111111111’ 11-â€" 11111111 11118 of publicity in these days 111 211.~'I1 111111 \\1i"'111v 111111 H10 I111si11115s 1111111 “1111 1I011511t. 1111\111tis1- should I11111111- unhme but himself if his. 1111.:- incss isn't 1111 I1) what. I111 thinks it sImuM I111. T1112 11M ‘111‘Iag1'. "II. Iakw‘ mmn-y In 11111111- 1111111111232" in thew days 121' hustle 11111411 \anI 11" 1*!z1111g._1~1I I11 11‘2111I. ' "\1111 1111151 9111111I munm' In 111111111 111111111}. 'â€"'L} â€"â€"'â€"â€"--.. The sequel took place last Satur- day night. before Magistrate Laidlaw, wlwn three 01' the celebrants \wro lined $25.00 apiece and costs, while the fourth was dismissed on account of not sufl'icient evidence. ' ‘\ .11 1.14". is in both" 1111111111" 111â€"111.) NW“? 1.111111 111 1111, {,3}! and has at 1215' 51ICL(“|1NI 111 lunmng‘ (I COUIN“ 10113111: 11111111 mussagn “1601\1'11 11019 V .'w' «‘11; announced as inning 130m: svcuiul l‘z'u DI'. .:.Iiniicsnns pail; at Wilder's I “lie haw bebn a long timn Coming. but, 1in the turtoise, they were SIL'W but. sure. 'I'llt; CIII'OIW‘I‘? {lll’Y'i‘aucmi Lhi‘ii‘ exiicctcd arrival This same evening three other of our citizens after getting a steamer trunkful of the same or similar sac- ramental fluid, commenced a sort of n14;*1'I‘y-go-r0und and midway on the from. streets about the time church was. coming out, and, despite the warnings of the police force, contin- ued the mem‘iment to the annoyance of ehm'chgoers returninghome. II'VI __._ â€"_ v ‘â€" “n n-.. We have heard about certain kinds of liquor making a man feel so good that he could go straight home and love his mother-in-law, but this isn’t the brand purveyed in Durham. or at least, it wasn’t the kind sold in this town last week. This was an altogether different variety, and when one of our citizens last Sunday week absorbed a certain quantity or this so-called joy-water, he started out to bite the bottles 011‘ a few of the town telephone poles, finally ending up in the Chinese restaurant, where he scared the residents of Durham‘s local Chinatown so badly that Constable Falconer says they were showing white through the yellow. DR. JAMIBSON’S ELK ARE BEING SHIPPED TO-DAY «mu iimv last fall {Him the estate cf Sir ”rm-v Pvllat. but we later learnâ€" MJ that {hwy would not 513ng [1191; for UN: VOI‘F hood I'QQSUH 111M. Um." L'Oquld not catch H‘wm, “1‘1”\"Q\'0!‘. {Sir Henry. like the IVE? One swallow may not make a spring, but two swallows of some of the bootleg thirst quenchers offered for sale around town seem to make" the man at the receiving end of the decoctjon awfully darned drunk. t.- LOCAL BOOZBRS FINED IN :IN POLICE COURT SATURDAY Po'gr 0! Elle Lqpal {ghnpy Walkers Up â€"Before the Magistrate, and Three Paid Fines. they SUMMER HALF HOLIDAY HERE AND ELSEWHERE 'Following is a iist 0f the towns and villages; in this district and the day they are observing as a half holiday. closing at 12.30 noon : Mondayâ€"'I‘oeswater. Wednesdayâ€"Hanover, Wingham, Owen Sound. _ Thursdayâ€"Durham, Brussels, Kinâ€" cardine. Lucknow, Port Elgin, Rip- ley. Wagkerton, ‘Mildmay. Tuesdayâ€"Mount Farest. Hi5 place here is being tékewn tem- DOIarilx bx \Ir. Erben Elxidgc Since ron'iing to Durham. .\lr. Moon has become one of the pepular young men around town and will be missed by the youi'iger circle lu-re. Civil. mmrleaus, and obliging. he was a young man with whom it was a liileaflll'c’} to do business and this obliging manner made him many friends among: the Durham business men. BPSidOS being a good railroad ma'n. Mr. Moon was a valued addition to the Durham Band, who regret very much to lose his services. ~W-A â€"_ M. EMPLOYEE PchZOTED; GOES To PALMERSTON 311‘. A\\'. Munn. I'm' the Mic-t. your 3: the‘wlnml (J..\'.R. depot, how". ‘Wft l'hi' i’aimo-i'sfon un Monday, whm'u in; “Mm-.5 cm his duties with the (30m- pz-my at that Mace. succeeding 171. If. «junk. another old Durham and Travâ€" M'st‘on bc’fvy. who has been promoted to UN" Asistant Supm‘inlemjcnt‘s of- 110.0. 131'11\\'11.'\11111111j1} 311:,1’11111'51111. 1i. (1. .12111.11'1Ja\ n1111'11111;.18.<1r1111 2111 1111111 111111: 21215. 311111111 111 1.1510\\'1,11 Countv (1111‘.1111111' 1H 1121\11 11111. 11111.1\ 111’ 1111.1 121.111 1111121111111.111.11111 111211 111\\11 11x11um1111. .111. 111111.11s 111121111 1.111'1'111'1111 011 \\ 1111- 1111511211 May 28. 211111 1111 was 10111111 11112111 \\'1111 211'11\'1.1i\'111' by 111:; 511111. 1.11'.1.)..\.1\'11111. 111' 1.15111\\'1.11, who 21111111111111. 11111111111! 11111 112151: was 5111'1'11'11111113' 11111211' 211111 1111 11111111151. \\'215 111.1111. A11 11111111151, will 1.11: 110111 :11. 3111111111111. I‘Je-wly-nppnintmi (ivnH-al Parts and Sm'x'ivn :‘Jam-lg‘l-r 01' (immoral Mo- tors 01' Canada, Limited. ()slmwa. manui'avtu[was ni' (,Liwu'nlot. Mc- l‘augmin and uthw curs. Mr. Mc- 'l‘a\'ish is a sun 01' Mr. Dan. Mc’l‘nvish ut' l"i4,-slu‘~rlt=n, 1m“ ‘w\'3animl of (in-0y County. Mr. Mt"!‘:1‘.'isl] was burn in Floslwrlon. ‘ LISTOWEL MAN’S BODY VJILL BE EXHUMBD Perth County brown Attorney Sus- pects Foul Hay and Will Have Investigation over Body of William Hone. anm- l>1~.l).A Kidd (-f! Atwuod sun 1w has kmmn Hun: hi many ymn's and is run'inmui Hm! 1w tank his nwn lii'v. Hv lmswi his («unit-- tinns (m a linn‘.\'lml;.'v hf thv man and slzttml that (m unu 4‘u'vzlsiu11. whom Irvaling him. iw was uhligmi in takr‘ 2‘. I'w\'«')l\'v1' away from him. . .\n i11(‘11u-.~'t.\\'ill in: lwlcl :at thiaton Hn June 17. CALLED TO LEASKDALE THROUGH MOTHER’S ILLNESS D. C. Town Received Hurried Call to Attend Mother’s Bedside. Mr. D. '3. Town. ,imw'llvr. roomvml a val] '1‘1wsalay inhinrming him that his mnthwr was 5.1110115le in :11. H10 lmmo: of 31W <32111;;‘!1¢~I' at Lmlskdale, MM 1w lmpv‘was WM nut. fur ht-r I't’CHVM‘y. Ml'. l‘mvu EON immediatn- IN by mntm'. 311's. '.i‘0\.\'n. \.hu ‘.> uiwmt eight-x \‘wms of 32:3. hae been ~ufinim" 1m smut) time 11 “Hm .u-zit Lloubln, {Lina} H'ia. \xiii ! ligxii 1"»100d Ii““‘1'f‘ .ms in Mp hm (:unclitiun quitn ciitimi. i”. (11111“:‘3'W‘i‘i hi; \\ 1_";‘._-r0 \ 35L i‘iil' \ l H‘nii :diiiS mntini ‘hmuil (U vhx ..'.-.; . x. "wake “as still Hung. but that iiwf m ‘Irlch innit?“ l'} dime. 101' 1101“ in I“): 1.1 awn! <‘aniiiim1. Hon. Duncan Marshall’s Lecture , Best Heard Here In Years Moon Transferxed to Palmerston‘. Office .â€"Left Last Monday i '4 MR. C. E. MCTAVISH $2.00 a Year in Canada; $2.50 in U. 8. _ __ _ 'â€"‘ â€".-v- I. '1-â€" Thermometer readings made each morning at 8 a.m., and are for the preceding 24 hours. The following are the maximum-minimum tem- peratures for the week : TEMPERATURES FOR LAST WEEK 3.331333” ("2'33‘335'3 'i'im first aiflSiinmmn \3'aS Um 3:1:- I“i(_‘lllilll'al S'huw at I‘oiinimiu. HM'P 1333 {1133‘ 1313.113 (31' ”H.‘ 233331 Sim K I'aiSM'S. in particular. Mr. (3330120 Simlair larm manage: tn: the Kari «3f Husvhm-n. Um thing: that Seommi notii-uahlo aS tin-3' sat «103311 to 3 mm] 33aS ihiS. that on Hm 33aIIS 3313173 m-rtain Signs that 533331113331 33313 strange: As whiskey iS Scaum in Scotland. the!“ is only «me grade 3W3 hau- to MN». and it iS: t3343 Shillings tho {:laSS." Some of the 3iSit33iS 13?â€" marked 3311 the fact that it -3385 a. (Cantinued on page.) ' 3“...â€" Timso \11‘111 11113111 H111 1d1h11ss are n11__11‘11 than saiisli1..1d and “111511 who did 11otn1issc1ia treat 11 11m an 11.1111111- tainmont, standpoint, and at H111 same tim11 missmi 31111111311 1.1111111111111itv 0f l11a111i11g s11m1:tl1i11;:decidcdlv inter- 11sti 11g 11f 11111.1 of U111. most impuriant 11111111111118 in tl11.1\11'111'l1i 31111111111 111 the sh'ongvsf, (11111111111011! pails 111. the Biitish Empiw.‘ ()n being introduced by Mr. Charlvs Ramage, who acted as chairman r: the absence 01‘ Mayor Smith, Mr. Marshall said that. he himself would not, dare to form what he had to say a Ivvilll‘tu. allhmlgh sumv Hf the gontlvn‘wn of the press had hm: kind r'nnug‘h tn call it so. 11v vxplaim'd how he first camp to speak on this suhjvct. It, had been at the Live Shwk Show at, Chicago. \\'h¢,‘l'c he had hwn acting as mm 01' ”w judgns 0f Shnrihm'ns. ()n Um Sundav Ov- vning: lwi'nru‘ the slum' upcnm]. a «linnm- was giwn tn ihu l’uruiml ,jmlg'vs. Mr. Marsl'nall n-max'le m HH- vhah'man. "\\'4-H. as it. is Sunday (\\'l‘llill;.". thc-H' won't. hr‘ muvh spawn making." But the (ehaiz'man said, "Ynu aw mistakvn. and. mmwwur, Lhu Svhlrh judge: is sick.‘ the judge ‘1 \“L..' y "W hat huLLLn- ”1111:: coulL L l spLLaLi LLf Lhm Scotland and m\ IIIIHIL“‘I"IL3 L11 1L"H1i.~' \\ [S HILL. L11 Lain. “LL'H H! U!“ aLJLJILL». J’Lrl'lmps flu: hLimm'alLlLr ;.'L"HHL‘D]21L1 has giwm it. many Limws sinw. LLu L1< L'LnLr {at and liis‘LLanLl LLL him in his 11“" and DIL'L‘/\ \\L‘.~‘LL}111 SIV'L.‘ it almosL seemed as if he \\L:1‘LL Lenin: his (_PX[LL‘I‘i(Il(3L3 101‘ L110 first “1110 Lu one of the. most interesting. and. at the same time. most informative speeches delivered before a Durham audience in a long time. While the hall was not crowded, still a gt‘iodly gathering had assembled and for in- terest shown and attentiun paid. we have Mr. Marshall's word for it, that. it, was one of the most, appreciative audiences he has had the pleasure of addressing. As a result of the lee- ture. the Durham Red Cross Memor- ial Hospital treasury will he eonsid- erably enhanrml. as this deserving institutim received the gross pro- ceeds. Mr. Marshall coming at his own exuense Lo deliver the lecture. :1'q1n1p ”111v1snlufl frh:nds. It kufli~ «altln-1naxk~ nlzu:zuhnni1 1u<H1u5~ lllat nlul{«> 1H1H1_dc:sl1V 11w1n1 th11t1n111 1111 111111. :11111 11 111 111111:s 1111: 5111'Zilid‘l lapsed n1h31n115b31d 01a101x hw saw: 1111111111111 11:11 1; \V it 11 21 (\V 1111114? 111 11 1s vVn intu thv 0\n1VdaV langturwy .J 11111 (-111111111111 1111111 2111(1 >11111111 «11 rsl1c111 - hu1n~ 1n (1}1h3: or bl:1ck- facvd shgpp. "Ynu urn mislukvn. and. nun'mwr, Uu- Str'uu'h judge is sick.‘ the judi," frnm Hw Argvntinu can't talk Jim:- lish; ynu will haw. tn luau-«350111, the (‘atllvnu-n and smak fur thum. Mr. Marshall said his Prvsllvtvriuxz Mum! I‘l‘ht‘ilmi against spuukin: H‘f anything tun friwst un Um. Sal;- hath, but sudden” the) tlumghl, camp, nn“ 'I The address of the Hon. Duncan Marshall in the 'l‘own Hall last Fri- day night mqre than lived up to its advance notices. and has been pro- nounc‘edby those in attendance as Former Native of Bruce County and Recently Minister of Agriculture for Alberta, Delivered Outstanding Address on His Impressions of Scotland as It Appeared to Him in Trip Through That Picturesque and Historic Country. ‘ June 6 10 11 12 Max. Min. 60 47 .‘ l- {H - sl'ncc. "wax (u‘ IN NO]' 'Hg Lundin:

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