West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1924, p. 2

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PAGE NO at the Student Volunteer and gloom? BENTIIIGK COUNCIL Pursuant to adjournment, Council met as a Court of Revision; members all present. Minutes of last meeting were read and adoplggi. . ,-______A_‘ ‘l‘ (51 C 1 WW uuu "\Iv -. sneweuâ€"Mather‘l'ftfit assessment of August Lgyg be‘susg‘gi‘nedu v. O-“cVâ€"vv â€"___., Griersonâ€"Shvewellâ€"That, assess- ment of Donald McLean be reduced $100 on land; .- ml ,1 A---._~.-..An‘ '21!!!) U" luuu. Shewellâ€"Baileyâ€"That assessment of James McDougall he sustained on Lot :24, Con. 10, and reduced $200 on Lot 25. C01; --9- "I . ,_-__- - . ”‘4'" ~11. UV... 1! Baileyâ€"ShéwelIâ€"That assessment of Thomas Scales bgyeduced $109; 1 ‘Jl Aluulltuv uuu- "V - - Bailexâ€"Mather-AThat assessment of David Greig be reduced $50. \_â€"V_ Griersonâ€"Matherâ€"«That the as- sessment of Philip McDonald be re- duced $150. Baileyâ€"Shewellâ€"That assessment of Philip Schmidt. bong-pduced $250. A-‘_“‘ .- - 8â€"3.3 {i2334riersonâ€"That assess- :nont of William Schmidt he reduced £150. 'Q‘lvu Matherâ€"Baileâ€"That assessment of H. Messexschmidt be “Minced $50. Bailexâ€"«Matherâ€"Jl‘hat assessment of John Millel be reduced $300. Shewellâ€"Baileyâ€"'l‘hat assessment, of Thomas Brigham be reduced $50. Shexwllâ€"Mathorâ€"That assessment of George Mighton be I‘qdpced $50. Mathe‘xefié‘iet-sm â€"- That assess- mont of Charles Mlghtun be reduced (:;1-iers()nâ€"-She\\'ell â€" That. assess- mnnt of Joseph Porter be sustained. Shewcllâ€"BaiIcyâ€"That assessment of James Sullivan {)3 reduced $1003 U‘ICUIVV IAJAtl uv gum-“V‘s. 7... U1 0. Shewc l-TBaileyâ€"fl‘hat assessment, roll as rewsed be accepted and \tho Assess«.n'_pal_q [133 salgry.â€"â€"szrrmd. ‘ -‘.â€" â€"â€"â€"â€" . Shcwellâ€"Matherâ€"That s h e. e p ciaims be paid : Charles Mighton. one lamb, >58; A. (3.. McDonald. two lambs and unc sheep, $18. Inspectors $1.50 each. w 1;; {llé‘ijâ€"KI-‘éâ€"t-héf;’l;hat assessment of J_. Jagglwgskj‘ be ILQQU‘CEU $5. . -‘___ ant Vqu-u Bailnyâ€"Gt‘inr‘snn-Jl‘hat grants for erecting wirv fenco be paid: Fred Schx‘ienm‘t. 30 rods. $7.50; .1215. Park. 120 rosd, >330; Adan» Fizzcll. 40 rods. $10: Hex-h. Schmidt. 80 rods. $20.â€"C2u' Shmvell-«Bailvyâ€"-â€"-'l‘hat \V. St'alvs In: paid $1.50 for damages to plnwâ€" Ctzx'l'iod. GI'it",l’S(_)Il-â€"-Shu\\'cl1â€"â€"â€"â€"'l‘ll{1l ll..\. Fal- cmwr he paid $6. Robert, Ryan $10. fur mm'e‘ying: (Izuxlchwlls tn ““1150 01' l’wt'ugv, and D. J. Mclhmalm anal Jamvs Maxim-1'32 well Mr inwstigat- mg smuc.-~U"u-ri0:l. ‘ OI Lulu-vs Vâ€"---- lmIlIwmmII“I‘ll-41131 II. want 01 ~30 ho ,2:in l0 1 lIImuml .01 IcpuiI-- in: stIm~tS.â€"~|121IIIMI. The following accounts \\'L‘l‘(-‘ paicl : Contract Record. ail. rc ln'iilgc. $18: ('r. H. Mitchcll. Hart printing. $102.07): Municipal World. stationcry. $15.68; W. G. l’laslio, tools and repairs lo graclcr. $11.3): om: meeting of Coun- cil. $13.75; Rolwrt (iriorson. replac- ing culverts, $2,; H. Slanborough. work, $3.10; F. McGuai". work $1.28: R. Sharpe. 68c.; A. Lunnoy, 68c.; .\'. Mcllzillum. 552.25; '1‘. Hopkins. $51.35; (‘1. Bailey. grading account. Division :5. $38.62; C. Bailey, commission and phonin". $23.20; G. Noble. work. $2.25; J. Burns, 5322?; D. Burns, $10.25; J. \\'. Mather. work, 551: J. Bailoy. $2.50; ,Tliomas Slicwoll. grading account. ,Division 4. $151.20; J. Yandt. under- :brushing. >33; A. Becker, work. $2; J. \V'cicilcndorf, _ $1.12. will“ adjoumcd to meet on Mon- day, July 7, at 9 o’clock. â€"â€"J. H. Chittick, (Elm-k. GLBNBLG COUNCIL Council met in 'l‘uwnship Hall for regular lglminpss nu“ Saturday, Juxw -wC- ------ 7. 19211. Members of the board were all present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of May meeting were read and passed. Atl‘idavits were taken and claims tiled by the following parties for sheep killed by dog“ : F. Meaghei', for sheep. $15; James Haley for 1 sheep. $12; .Iohn McKechnie, 1 sheep. $12: It. J. Ii'eton, '1 lamb, 5.3"; .Dth‘. Young. three sheep, $30. i It was moved by Aljoeâ€"Black that the above claims for sheep destroy- ed by dogs, as certified by ins[.)ect.ors be paid, and that Colin MeArthur be paid 95:5 for two inspections. and 8.11. Wright $4.50 for three inspections of said Shi_‘,ep.â€"Can'_ied. Claims in dvtail fm‘ winter work in tin» several wards were tiled am- ounting in the aggregate as follows : \V‘ai'd l. Alnx. Aljoe. Commissioner. 88. 00; \\ aid" -. John Mch‘nath. $41.60. Ward 3, M. Black.“ 37; \\ an! 4, ’l‘. J. :Brmlin. 552.5“) On motion of Mc- .(ii-zithâ€".\1j00 payment was authoriz- Fed {up the ammo amounts. Petitions “"1110 111'11511nt1111 101' 11111 f111111wg111 parties 1111' \111'11 11111611 110- 11113 (11' V1 1111111511111'11:~1111 1).)1cD011- 3111.1111'40 1'0113 111111111111 1111 Sidm'oad 111'. $31: Amaham 11111111111. 60 rods, 011 8111111011115 30 and 2.11 2 91.1..)R. 31:1; Archie 111011111 108 111113.111“. 8. (1011. 12. $3’~;'1.1.81‘111111_1.:1:1 1'0118.14019. 11cm. 13, 2113 7") 1'£Ia(:k;â€"Â¥;Xl.i(‘)t‘â€"'l‘ hat. the above \Vil'o ff‘nce bonus {as (fortified m by petiâ€" th-I‘s b9 pantâ€"Earned. The 1".)llowing accounts were urâ€" (lijirm‘i paid : Contract Record. adverâ€" tising bridge. Lot 15. Con. 5.9515130: Pricovillo Police Trustees. SpPOial Hydm rates. $30.80; Troasurrr, half (13} adjusting tmm line arrnunts with Clerk and Treasurer ()1 Kg, 19- mnnt. $1.50: the Clerk. $1.50: Clerk, on salary. $125.00. postage to date $4.80. telephqning 309. .~. . - ' Council- adpouVrned to Saturday, July 5 gt 10.39 3.11).. m The Council met in the Tuwnship To Everywoman Durham Branch, - - - - John Kelly, Manager. Branch also at Priceville. amounts, accumulated grad , in an emergency. Hall on Thursday, June 5, and or- ganized as a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll. In all, twenty ap- peals were filed, the assessment be- ing sustained in all cases but the following : Angus Campbell, reduced 8125; Roy McDermid, reduced on account of house being burned; W. J. Ritchie, action deferred;.An- drew Walker, action deferred. T he Counr then adjourned to regu- lar Counc11 meeting day, June 7. I“ The Court then adjourned to reg â€" Revision after adjournment of Coun- cil and on motion. both cases held over from first sitting were consid- ered and assessment sustained. a -‘r CL ku unsu uu v---___, BI‘Odieâ€"Blackâ€"That the Court of Rexision no“ adjourn to Fmday, June 9" at ’ oclock p. m. I ~ 9 ‘l n»..-1,: n‘nn‘? Read the Classified Ads It will pay you; 7 NORMANBY COUNCIL Council met in the Clerk‘s office on Wednesday. May 28 at, 10 am. All the members present, except Richard Btarper. T he Reeve was in the c um. UH: UL'DLIILL. u. .u- v--__e _ ness that. James H. Ellis be Clerk prol [emâ€"Carried. l W. Millerâ€"H. Millerâ€"That the minutes of the. last regular meeting as read he adoptedâ€".Cal‘ried James H. Ellis. gave the oath to each member of the Council for the Court of Revision. The Reeve was chairman. There were five. apepals against. the Assessor‘s Roll. namely: Henry Nicholson. John M'ulqueen, John Bugle. (i. B. Smith and Joseph Mor- ris. No action was taken on Henry Niel’iolson and Joseph Morris. John )lulqueen and John Bogle were each lmverell $200. and George B. Smith $50. .-\ few other minor elmnge‘ were made. 0' the absence of U1}; Ovensâ€"H. Millerâ€"What, owing to (Tl‘l‘e‘ljk ‘tln‘oug‘h ill- Ovensâ€"H. Mi1101‘â€"-Tl'lat the AS- svssnwnt R011 as c.(‘u‘1‘oct.cd and a- n'wndml 1w ace-0pm! by the Court of RM'isinn. loss. mlmxhlo prrot's.â€"-Car. , i,-_-_ ‘ [\('\ lFl‘lll. n g.) ‘_yu.l_.u-,.u v__ _ W. Mil1«Irâ€"4)\'(_*Ilsâ€"â€"7l‘llzlt. .By-law :3 Hf 192-1 1w now read a third time, svulml will: thv svzll Hf the) corpora- tiun and mgmssml in the by-law hm”(râ€"(1211114311. \\'. Miilvr-â€"â€"l-I. Millvl‘ That, Rem-'0 lw instl'uctul tn advertise. for tenders fur m-hlgvs.â€"â€"--Llan'imil. 'l‘hc folimving accounts were paid on mutinn 01‘ W. Miller and Ovens: Jnhn Birl’, winter work on Base Lien, Lot 31, Con. 15, $7.00; J. Wihitefocd, rep. culvert. and using drag, Norâ€" manhy and Bentinck, our share, $2.60; .I. Whiteford, 120 rods wire fence, and using drag, $34; J. Rowan, :ittmnling Court. of Revision 353, de- livering dog tags $2; total $5.00; W'. \ It 11:11 \\ 11x 1111111 110111 Dmid \1- 12111 \xitii :1 \icxx to 71011111111511 1111111iâ€" 1(Ill \v 131; ‘., '“_ n ‘v "â€"â€"â€"_-r k! cipul associatitm m‘ the 011101313 0f Hm dill'm'ont. munwiyalitiogwithin tlw (-uuuty of (,ircy. 2w when was lulu-n. THE To Sell Summer Residents City people in the country for the Sum- mer can be sold gro- ceries and meats by Long Distance. Some grocers (and butchers) call up out-ofâ€"town cus- tomers once a week and get their orders. Deliâ€" veries are made by truck or express. Some grocers arrange with their customers before they leave town, to give this service. They say they can well afford to pay for Long Distance calls on weekly orders. Let us work out With you a plan for the sur- rounding district. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station. â€"iif'fi7315i56hald, Clerk. on Page 7. tf $36 hchROpr, The Haw Gent’s Furnisher In the Following Men 5 and Boys’ Furnishings Paroid Roofing has earned its enviable re- putation during a quarter century of use becauseâ€" 1. It pays big dividends in wear and satisfaction for years and years! 2. It is distinctiveâ€"comes in three colors, slate red, slate green and bright gray. 3. It is extra heavy and pliableâ€"will not crack in cold weather. 4. It. is waterproof and sparkproofâ€" gives complete protection. Paroid Roofing is made by Bird Son, Limited (Est. 1795). manufacturers of Ncponcet and Cmdinn Twin Shingles, Bird’s Art Craft Roll Roofing, Neponset Block Building Pnper and Combination Wall Board. There’s a Bird product for every tort of building. . “Good Old Paroid!” Our Stock ls Complete.-â€" Our Prices Are Right. SPECIAL PRICES Men’s and Boys’ Suits Men’s Odd Trousers Men’s Khaki Pants Men’s‘and Boys’ Summer Underwear Men’s and Boys’ Straw Hats Don’t Overlook These A. S. HUNTER 8: CO. D. M. SAUNDERS W c an headquarters for Bird': roofi building papers, and wall board. Thursday, June 12, mm UVFHS W, UuuL-vw -Tvâ€"â€"- . , . " " ° Council meeting at. date, $13.- gglf.;l)\(l)i’1nicipal Wlorld, stationery, $1.. r’l‘hc‘ Council adjourned to meet in I ' Township Hall, Ayton, on Mon-‘- tiltfy. June 30, at 10 am. for general business. 1‘ 1' nnn‘.‘nn (“nul- MWWM Durham. Ontario is always r tea. Try it river, ,Lo_t .5, Coy. . “4.: la!“- 613 1d fashioned qu‘um- 1-...-. the summer \‘iHitO;‘. Luau.“ Without intention. so to '30. ,1, ldvertising 111011 \VOI'}. SO “15!“; 7 Interest angle. “'le Illl He has something in him ways. To family life. 1.0 1 hand-plough ; to the scylhv. 1 ters and boys of all ( gws Im the changes of the smmns And yet there soms to 11¢ hurry. none of that driwn r. ptlssvd :m‘nx Smuhmnpm Very hitâ€"'hl} at. “In ($1M Durham 11 Uf ”10 1,211! whvn quit Quebec is natural. sirnplv, 10'. living we of the Citivs 1mm 1' with every action in summix::.m But in Quebec the habx‘mm And so when we get in; freedom of spirit. The: away as We come onn- 1 simple and the funddnle-l pal'unts 1 \\'lh*l'¢‘ hi 'I'ln- Mm: Here by the road aw Old France and once i1: abroad in the fields. carts still hold the road And nothing is more humanl} dog carts Of the Quebec hizhwnfi ders" has won his way to publh these “chiens” 01" Quebnc link I; do them justice. And yet. what a part Univ 1 Province, far Luger in cxtcr dogs fill niches-'- in tho hons‘ mated from our scheme of dog carts as a matter of (-c the family break their hand mg, unharnegsi g, driving “1 Maw 1H 5mm“: “W‘dnvsmLV :11'1 SQ'I'Vil'U was llc' church. mmiuv paslm'. and 1h.- aml frivnds I":- Thumas and {1 sish'r. Mrs. \\'. Mrs. .h‘us‘e-pil Hi \V. MHHI'P. .‘JI'. vhrisl. MI“. :nu W'illiam .luhm! and Mrs. (Mn-,2: Christ. aml .Iulm ‘ 311'. (NH Rivhmwlsm MI'. and .\l van Sun ivnciin: HI Jnsvlvh .\I« huSpilHl H was m M N'ntlancl 1101‘“ Mr going: in H\\ Indus! ri« ms man. Mr. Hn: huw. Susk his pm'vnt lax: and .. slwnl his nnu‘t h_\‘ 2H \fh “These ‘chions' of Our-bet hnh- 110 Jn-‘Yr [)SV Thursday, June 12, 1924. (H1 8mm u-nnls H'um n. = and {ivllzml .‘ll'fi'. \\. \VHVH )svlnil Hlukt'l}. m‘v. Mr. and M Mr. and Mrs. 11 .lulnl~‘!«m and 's. (hmrg‘u (2mm and .‘lulm Mt'ln” (h'nrgv Mih'hc lisnn. Ml'. .\. \\ .1 “m; (L \\'_ 1’! 'l‘hc hl_\‘ Singlnnn Flesherton II h _\l Ill M It THE FAMILY .\'I H \\' \\ in into C. hous'molds joh 1e of life. are n of course. in Q hand in from bu ing “1e chien." t! Mr}. it 19 ma 3': Old Er .\1 01' the 10 ( .\I ir \\ I’lan 1):: 101 perm W ll Th

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