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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1924, p. 4

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PAGE F003 Published every Thursday morning at the office. Garatraxa Street, Dur- ham. Ontario, by W. Irwin, Editor and Proprietor. The Chronicle is mailed to any address in Canada at the rate of $2.00 per year, 81.00 for six months, 50 cents for three months. To any address in the Unit- ed States of America. $2150 per_ye_ar. DURHAM cukomcm ~~ w‘vv v- a $1.25 for six months. 65 cents for three months. Foreign subscription rates on application. Member Canadian Weekly News- papers Association. mm. . s“.-- "-1, __ Thi- Standard Dictionary says: “A well-bred and honorable man; a man of education, high principles, com-tosy and kindness: a man of honor.“ "In ordinary usage, any respectable and well-behaved man." Ibis leaves out of the count what in Britain was, and is, by many, still, omisidoi'ml essential. There, he must be a man or the Upper middle dass. or in professional life, he lust he “to the manor born.” Hero. this is not considerml essential anal by many not even important, But. while- heredity isn't the whole thin}: it is important. and they am fortunate who limo: this advantage. There's sumo-tiling in the saying that "if you want to make a poi'i'm't :o'ntlo-mzm _\'m1 must begin with his Lil'aizili'ntlioz‘." No amount. of 'hi'ing- 5m: \xiil mako- a :o-iitlvnian of |,£ ‘Mi'.’ 's“ ~)l' i'or timt intilto-i' a .0 li-‘f... . ;:ui\ nf' lli>1llilllliltill$. siioiiliisli\\'ilo. down 0 wathum \\'U (JIJ'H‘ Luau. Alluv-J .- n... .__-V_-__, an- fur. and if they were oftener wnsultud then: wuuld be a great deal clearer thinking and fewer mis- undvrstandipgs. ' _ II _A ._‘_-,-‘Q .. ‘ A lady was asked this question tho: HUM d:1\ and found difficultv in swim: at! hand “hat (haracter- istics and qualities 5116: considered essoriitial in tho,- make-up 01 agentle- ma11..\ftv-r um: ”1' two rather disappnintin; attempts, she said, ‘hy not cnnrult a dictionary? Good idea. '1_h_ats_ what. dictionaries ~BA~_..â€"_‘ hm: In ham LH‘ l tun Islam to In: hvzxi 1I!M\\llntilkv unhi and [Ms nth :mol wmv Wu “2' twvn‘v 01 ms 4 m-ighlmx-~' tux'm-d nut with their {mums in mask! :11 hauling it hnmv. 'l'lw timber vamc all the wax {rum \‘ancuuver Island. B.C. Tho pc-I'sislo‘nl vry fOI‘ reforesta- tmn is t'\'l(l¢‘llll}' mnw than a poli- tu'izm‘s duy-drmun. and something that will haw to be Lleall. with in tho Vm-y near future. I1 111.- 1vxt i\\:11t\-1‘1\.1 “1:115 3905 :1 .1. 1111 tinn 111 0111111 11.1 farmer: ‘ “00d Infs 11111! IN Mb 111 gmwral comparâ€" 31110 “1211 the last twvntx- m 9 there \\ 111 km 111110 111' no timbe 1‘ left in the 11111111111111! partums ut this Proxince. Rnt'o1'o-stat1u11 is 1110111 than a hobby. It. is :1 duty the 1-11-0501“ generation owes to the generations to come. HIll The Southampton Beacon says that! a walk down to the foot, of High St? in that town will bring surprise to any citizen of Southampton when it is seen how great a distance the water line has receded since last summer even. If it keeps up the people will sonn be able to get Over to Chantry Island without the aid of a boat. The Beacon says further: “Our waterworks tilter basins are being left high and dry inland. and if the Dominion Government is going to do anything in the way of harbor improvements it had better concen- trate its attention out around Chan- try Island instead of the mainland. for at the rate the lake here is re- ceding it will be only the matter of a few more seasons till Southampton will be an inland town.“ TH E DISAPPEARING FORESTS Ml GREAT LAKES DRYING UP? H Thursday, June 12. 2m :uwuymuus (infinitiun rum 2; Ilo_-\\'.~j{v:llu_‘l'2 ".â€"\ man mm mm imith- and out; wx- luuks up in the rich 1101‘ tln- punr; who 'an 1050 upwaling and win \vithuut. \x‘ilu is musiderx'atc 0f :ilch'vn :moinM 1:m;»1rlc;\\'ho m- to lie. tun gcnmwivus to iwlw tnkws his share of the llvts nthcr pcuplc have. trio's Kn; a< is replacing I‘e'm' "1} .iwstxmccl h" s .mm m \\o~.~t Luther up nmx structure. On :1)‘ last “I" timber ur- the' Im-al ERR. station ' tom 02' two-hr of his .» turnvd out with their '~' urn t’iHZL‘IlS of .n wnulal vaT at. winging building Iis‘h (lnlumbia h) n this “'01! wood- lzl. 'l‘hvrc aw yet ’hv l' :‘nx‘vstatinn Pvzul the 10110“- rum laat \\ oaks 1w 1 HI Ull- .illllt' J. In Alluontiil Ali's. liwil‘a‘is l‘.. Migliinn. :1 sun. l)iml.-~-ln lnge'i'snll. «m Friday. me in. mm. Lydia Swulii-w. :igi-i: ‘:;:l yrfll'm Sill Willis. llhzn'lvs Mvtliliix'my. \illmi Alina \lvx. McLIHmb. Usvm- llii': ll‘l' (i. 01';â€" u‘ Blillil‘il. Rubi-vi Vial- l: it. 'llinmas l{«.iil.'ln1n Minni- 1'l'liis‘liv . \\'vs Armpit. All. \ublv anti 'l'lmnias 3291201111), will] Stall Sel‘gl. William Ramagv. and Captain 0. M. Sniilni' “‘11 for Niagara )lzinday mnming and fur tvn or twelve days will be) unilvi' drill. \\'i* i'i‘l'ni'i'ml i'm’ently to ”10? pm- vhusw of the Durham brick yard by Mr. William Black, and we haw plvasni-v this week in telling our wailsvr that negotiations have been i-ttvmplv ml bbixwen MP. Blaik and Mr. \\ 31km of London. a practical . brick maker. win» is highly recom- . nimu‘im‘l. Operations have commenc- ' ml and in a few weeks. a kiln will be ready ft‘il‘ sale. .47.. $2.... 22:257. <1: 7.3.6 3:. 5:2. .5: i. :5 22.? 7. .._:..: :2. 375:; M: 42.1.57: mgr. _: 2:. ._.....L.:::iii... 2; 7.3:: :27: i. Z... .35. 72:31.... I... o: ._._::..1.;=.< i. 51 22.7. 2 5.7.. :E.;...4 :33: :57 22.... 4/57. 2:. :57 32.5. i. :7. 2;:3..; Lustâ€"22.. 27.... :23. 22.7%.... r. 3... >35. >:.r;.v.::. 7...: E. 2:. S: 3:2...1152 2:... 1:13. 3...; 1... W23... .aLTT. .5557: Ex? ”33.; 2:. <...i.::..... 322.: 2:.” .‘dl .lulm Barbour lvl't m-sdm tn sgwnsl :1 WW )Izmitnulin Island. \\' o il ill 412:!5. Mr. \Y‘iHizm‘ Muzl'ct is dawn \x‘ typhtxioi {Mo-1°. ' Hum-win l‘h‘niinck. nu 'l'uvsd .mm- 7. In Munomul Mrs. 'i‘hunms Mighmn. a sun. I Hm! __ln hm’nrm)”- nn Fri: Rain has been plentiful during May and (from lpok prqmlsmg. .\ number of UUI' lacrosse boys went to Owen Sound Tuesday and wors- dofpatvd by the “'ellingtons. the scum being 8-0 m favor 0‘ Owen Sound. Rex. Thomas Bolling, incoming minister of the Methodist church, has been elevated to the chairman- ship of_MQuntVI"_orest District. -_ S'nmebody stole a gobbler from Adam \V‘atson. east of the town. on Suggiay night. We are pleased to report the sucâ€" cess of Mr. Archie Hunter. who re- cently made a creditable showing in his second year medical examination at )chill ['uiversity. Montreal. HAD TO HAVE PAPER After a year‘s trial without a newspaper the Board of Trade in Thorold. with a. population of 5,000 has guaranteed Messrs. Thompson Son enough trade to warrant them in re-issuing The Post. Mr. Thomp- son. sr., who is widely known and highly esteemed among the newu paper fraternity, is the father or Rev. W. G. 0. Thompson of Stoney Creek. formerly of Mount Forest, and of Mrs. W'oolly of Gargill. TWENTI‘Y YEARS AGO ,2 001 u. AND PERSONAL From The Chronicle File June 16, 1904. DOLLARS FOR A NEW m was» :mv' ‘ - .Ah 1210;: ~ -.~*<inu.~ Rm; Lw knnt. 31i>< .‘umabvi I [luv \x'mMin: mam-h (moi f»! mound M 1‘s ‘;o‘!lilllt‘l\' \\ H ”I! last “WHI- \\'t‘t'1-'..< 0:: mums l'uwsda)‘ thug“ lll th inn and M 1's. '1'. 1L Hvatll and hub}; Elumvl. Hf 'l‘umnlu. mm vzsnmg the t‘ux'mvr’s snstux’. MI'S.J.1:. valm'sun. Miss Jvtzn Homhurn I'vtln'nmi le 'l‘lmz'sdzly from an vxtvndml \wsn \Vllh I‘vlatn'us :11. North Bay. 521-. and Mrs. N. 'l’. Harding. and }:EI: and Mrs. N. 'l'. Harding. and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Pearce and baby Httiliv. ail ut‘ StI-att'tml. were gunsis ai 311-. E. W. Limin's owr Sunday. .‘zirs. .‘slurmy Huy Hf Stl'atfoml is visiting." hm- parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'i'imma‘zs MNHI'I'. Miss Nt-lliv Mt'Kt‘vlmiv nt' Hw (LN. it. ni'u'lvvs tafi’. Montreal. is visiting: éwr gmwmh: Mr. and Mrs. I). Mr- Wheat ...... . ( mt s ............ Barley ..... . . . . . Ruvk“ heat. ..... Was ............ .\! BUREAM MARKET hr I It of {hu colic 11121111111 (111111111111 is spending a with 1'1'11‘1111‘15 and relatives at. 8111. Mariv, (mt. 11111! 3115 F1111! i1‘01'.~'\t11 111111 1111 411’ P211111 am \isitin: 311s. H174 11111111113. MI. and M1 _. 1.11. :'\\' days \x‘ Smii h. Ill Why Is It? THE DURHAM CHRONICLE U‘ Corrected June 12, 4.924 10H [{6'4‘31 005.73 mofl.) 2m 13. 5:32.? 02m 170 (5.4 marmoz f a mic. Ebb,» - his ate. h SAY FOUR POISONS CAUSE 'n 1min "\\'t-L:ti.1’le-:z’t} «21' mental \\'01"', m; nut sui ”(ivivni. physical work. Then again iruiigrvstiun shows a mz'n'km‘i tvmhwzry tn Hm tln'tmgh families. 2U‘ui MAN “1' lie-«rm‘litnry indimwtinn 21w 1M. im'rwqm‘ut," ho «m hm FREDAYH k X >'% URI) AY \ GLORIA SWANSON BLUEBEARD’SISth WIFE TWO SHOWS :8 and 9.15 PM Buddy Messenger Comedy “REGULAR BOY” U ll June 13-14 ( '3 I; VINDIGBSTION mental work Sr. IV.â€"â€"D0nald Young, Vera Mountain, Christene Goodchlld, Jean Baird, Lizzie Hind. _ Jr. IV.â€".-John Dunsmoor. Eric Clark, Helen McAulifl’e, Donald Smith, Thomas L. Brown. ., â€"â€"John A. Graham, Principal. Sr. III.â€"Elsio Willis, Norman Mc- Ilraith and Raymond McGirr (equal), Leonard McCombe, George Hahn, Or- ville Saunders. er V'IlIt.â€"Clen Rowe. Gordon Mc- Crae, Dorothy Pickering and Caro- line Mitchell (equal), Elizabeth Harding. Elsie Ledingham. â€"Annie C. MacKenzie, Teacher. Jr. III. A.-â€"Acla Chapman, Albert Ngcholson. Sam Glaser, George Hay, leet McLean. Jr. III. B.â€"-â€"E\'elyn Ba.i1‘d,'N0rn1an Becker, Cyril Becker, Anna Ritchie, Grarce Becker. -â€"Sadic F. MacDonald, Teacher. Sr. II. Aâ€"Jack Innes, Alex. Cald- well. Norman Dean, Mae Miles, Harâ€" gld Glenholme. v- -1; n-I._-1_ ’ Sr. II. B.â€"Ret.a. Willis. Jack Schutz. Ruby Willis, Maude Stormy, Isobel Heniierson. LLLA-LAKAVL lelo â€"Annie Macdonald. Teacher. Jr. II. A.-â€"Annie Campbell. Helen Young and. Lulu Mills (equal), Jean Grant. Louise Jamieson, Genevieve Saunders. â€"â€" A- - A. uunnuu; w Jr. II. §.â€"â€"I{elso McCawley, Clarke Lloyd, Abbey McLean, Gerald Fal- coner, Ina McDonald. â€"â€"Mary E. Morton, Teacher. Sr. I.â€"Margaret Sibbald. George Ashley, Elsie Pinkerton. Margaret Chalmers, May ABraithxyajte.‘ ‘18-“..-‘V‘v‘ â€"â€"â€" Jr. I .â€"-E11nie Glaser, Robert NeaV cs, T ommy Lowe. Margaret Erwin. Charlie Nicholson. â€"Edna A. Bro“ 11in". T cacheL. '1 1111, Primary Classos : 811. A tâ€"Clara Jack Arthur Koch. Susin Boll. (1311111111111 MU Cawlex and (:ladys Ritchie (equal), Nathan Bit- 1 M11. S11. B. â€"â€"Mar\' Pi1k1111i11;._'.l£lsi11 Hun- 111.1 and Shiilm Mrinixrn (aqual (3121111. l1.11ki11;._1112,1niail\ (1133111111 (Liam '11111111115011. -â€"â€"D011ah_ia Mriiache11111. '.l‘1,1acln,111. 1 (ll'. \.â€"\\'1i1111ii'11(111114111111111 Joan ii(1\\'11.}£1ti\ HPWH‘I‘SHH and “(111111111 3111111111111 (11q1,1:1.l‘:.]3111t'111aiior;.d Flâ€" Iizaiwih .\'ic|11‘1i!<. ’ Jr. liâ€"(fx'nzjyhnxf (indium. Gw‘u‘go Hulmv. Amt. L:1\\'I'«~ncv.‘ Rnta. Imus. \‘vlnmlwan. ‘ .h'. 4'). Mary Firth. DUPOULV MPâ€" I)nnal<l and Katl'llevn I‘Jcl’adclen (uquali. Edith Miles. 1,)vll‘n31‘t Mttnfn'o. Hubert, Nuhlo. No. 2, Bentinck and Glenelg. I\ .â€"-â€"-\llist01' I mx'rencr‘. BGQII'ICI‘. (“(1151)‘. II.Iâ€"â€"U:1t11('1 11111 Md 02111. 111. III.-â€"Ioa11 (.Imk Malgamt Mc- Lean. (1111411110 Lawrence Durham Public School. THE PEOPLE’S MILLS Bran Shorts Feed Flour Oat Chop Crimped Oats Mixed Chop Mixed Grain for Poultry Food Blatchford’s Calf Meal Pig Meal and Poultry Feeds Our Feeds are of the Best Quality, and our Flour is Guaranteed. . Prices right for Cash Highest Price Paid for Wheat delivered at the Mill Goods Delivered in Town Every Afternoon Phone 8, Night or Day. The People’s Mill â€"â€"Li'/.7.iv Schaol‘m', 'i.‘cacl'1mf Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour White Lily Pastry Flour Wheat Cereal and Rolled Oats JOHN MCGOWAN AT Sr. II.â€"-â€"Myrtlc McLaen. Sr. I.â€"-â€"Clarnnce Ritchie, Herbie Miller. â€"- A. . “Tr Iâ€"Muriel Brown, Rhona Clalk Chester Mille1. Sr. P1.â€"Archic McLean. Jr. Pr.â€"â€"Johnny Vessic, Ewen Rit- chic. No. 9, Glenelg. IV.â€"-â€"M. Hargrave, R. McFadden, A. Arnett. . Sr. IlI.â€"â€"â€"D. Arnett, 0. Hopkins, R. Hargrave, M. Hopkins, L. ngtqucs, K- Dunsmnor. ' .Ir. III.â€"â€"M. Cullinson, G. Hopkins. B. QMcNallx. II. -â€"I. B‘IcDunald, I. Collinscm. I.. Lmvmmmo ‘.‘n.11.â€"â€"-M. Dunsmoor R. Dunsmon: C.H31_‘gl"d\(‘ -- A .1 V 1'. S. (lh‘ébnwood, I“, Arnott. D Lawrence, G. .) acguus, .I.‘A(joll_1_nson. A _ Jr. I’mâ€"L Golli‘nson, D. Aljoe, 0. ILHmsn‘luur. (J. Mam”); U. Lirecn- wood, E. Invmsn'lmn‘. P12 A.-â€"â€".:‘.‘I. Brown, H. Lawrence, D Dunsmoor. 1-)1‘.IB.Tâ€"â€"I)n. Lmvronce, A. McGirr M. Ham'lson. ' While the \wdding mmmony “'2. going (In a habv of (mo of the wedâ€" «ling- guests (rim! muwdntlx "Wasn’t that crying terrible?" ex- claimed the maid of 11011013. “When I got married I‘m going to have en- grawd on my invitations. ‘No habic.~ (PXIH') Led’. ’ - Read the Classified Ads. on Page 7. It will pay you. t Anyone who has sufl'ered with. Weak or Irritated Kidneysâ€"with the accompanying miseries of pain in the back, splitting headaches, swollen hands and feet, rheumatism and constipationâ€"ought to try the Fruit Treatment for their trouble. To those who use intensified fruit juicesâ€"“ Fruit-a-tives”â€"for the first time, it seems almost impossible that the juices of apples,'oranges, figs and prunes combined with tonics, could relieve Kidney Trouble. A -Plln..__:l_ A IUIIC‘DL uuuuu _..-._ But a short treatment of “ Fruit-a- tives” gives quick relief and the regu- lar use of these intensified fruit juices or “Fruit Liver Tablets” prove their marvellous virtues. " _“_1 1.--:â€" “lad VDIIVuu v o. -w--- Get “Fruit-a-tives” today and begin the Fruit Treatment. At all dealers; 25c. and 50c. a box; or sent postpaid by Fruit-afiives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. concentrated fruit Juices Give Astonishing Results Thursday, I!“ 12. ”I“ Did She Mean All This? ,Durham, Ont. --‘Mary Lamb, Teacher. -F. Kerr, Tcachel‘ lion. Duncan Marshall (Coqtinued from page 1} strange thing (hay whiskvV 92mm ever be scarce m Scotlandfanel Sn _. Glair lamenth “IQ d:l}'$ Hut, 5., \va,‘ long before when gnmi \\~}n.~1\-..\ m; avpenny Ila-Denny a mu»; mg; limit to the quantity. n..\\-..\..§. :i» speaker. expressud thq- ”pm”: ' m all. DPObability 1“" io]'-«‘ 1, price was the (‘me Inmhlfn; ;~ \ land would SP". fur sun“. gm“ EdinbOI'O, ”It" Srnlvlgyua; ' you, is the INNS! thlifif‘fl ‘. . only in Scfltlallli. MM. 4. 1‘,- world. l’l‘incvss \11'.-.~'_ g thoroughfarn. is linmi w ..; ,. _ fine ShOI)S. f”! ”I" “Hwy ;. “2 ural park. with :1 1mm: ..: , b36k or it 3”. (Old 1.}. .. U SUFmOUlHS HIP malty El'i' “.1. ' “hi“(i. N‘” ”HIS Hzo‘ E.;;Hu Ly. hllt UH' Ilumq- n2 Him-1‘ "inbom has gix'un 1.. 311.. a noted man in :nunl‘ ,f, .. WhO “k“ (lill'h'iv. \\;1.l-..-.. weary milv 1“ mm. 1:1} M ,fi learning. From Edinhnl'n Hnw ~; .41.. on to Glasgmx', inn ‘.|;.;,. Scotland. \HIPI‘U mmw- ‘fuy * manufacturing [mpniuiw :. , [and are in 1w fumui. I‘m into Um Burns «:Htmn'x : ‘ nock. whm'v 1hr 13%: Burns, [HN'HL‘ \\«‘!‘o' {INI'ZE‘L then t0 ANI' tn Hui MW}: 5 interest in t'\'«'!'_\' \1‘I:"I'. .‘1~ Ihantor‘s Ta]. HHHIII. irni tr monumont, in W" Hun‘nw' u; From hm'v un ”w w. (10 [Willis 01' mtvrmt « with tlw shnfiV «'1' I‘m works as. Hu- rixm- 61080 to ;\.\'!'. ilu- Imm- the Burns 1nn~«-nn:. :m “Always lmunlmi ixi Shantvr‘s 4‘111'!¢~~'a1_\‘ coxx'm-diw :Ilui ll" danco at. I'llhill!:.'§l§ ing “1' HM Nit‘ix P: 1 .In OVOry I'il hi8 knmx lmim ing levl'n;|:-m Thmllhili in lighthz! «2': n. \ith I :N M D(’\};.'l UK. ;{.:| . DH1.'.:I;1~'. 21.3w and Item :I: r'! said. tn lmIHvlivl‘ St'nh'h at N'UW‘ “1'1 Highland Sm '11‘hllli Neutvmnam (-Hxnvs‘ \\‘~‘1 thmwht HI unitmi 1",“: from NH} Tlh‘ll IN the lwzmti 11w sgu'uk‘ izo \\ iIe-rv try livs. our nl‘ HM our Am» chms' at i but. film} one HI" I“ can 51‘" ‘ fnl'e'SL H31 ahsnthh 3H mm iv “'21“. Gram h} 31,1)1‘1'11 G ranu‘v i heath hills ‘~ marw \x‘hmw' staJui. Skye : am- of trips : Then In 13:- Shil'v. Haw ::1.'. Scotland. \\ Speakm- sum. 01' Um HM Luz. 0f O\'M‘}' invlu DOC‘kCtS Hf L'iw rock. and :im- a pox‘mlatmn n trol ()er Hwâ€" Um warm. 1". x a Britishm‘. :1! derstamiing .. far the pinup." out. a “Vim: n It is Hi“ low that in Uw lu‘u were IiVu tinw G101] alunc'. :m. Structiml. «imp I‘CSt. all mm d" a share 01' thw ill MI‘. Marshal} thvn" Prince of \Vah-s' smug a: 2 wall and ”I“ HM“: through \Vlm'h mm fix. little thl‘m‘â€" HI' hm?â€" * ‘ fields DiN'mi twp-Hp” Quilt. Thou havk tn .115" dusk wasf:1llin::.h» \ :~-\\ rose in tho pain mwniagu t0 Abbottsfnx-d. Hu- hwm With all its “much-m1; lln‘l! uvâ€"v --_ A,nd last M 811. 11 home and (PHH‘1‘ 111 :111‘ raising industn H111 111‘ true mm1 SUHM X'o‘\1 :(11 1. other things 111111 \\1111. 11 Were 11101110111315 1111-11-1 1~ Summvr h11li1lax. 11111 311‘ heart and 511111 11111 “1-1111: stockraisimr. 'l11l11111:1~ was to 1111151- 1111111 111 1111 111 is not 11 1111111» 11:1.<.<111.. 1:1111 greatest. hu>111v<s :1 1111111 1 in. ‘The S])Pak¢‘1‘iuld H~‘ DUfi)’ and his \\u1uh'mz~ in Shorthm‘ns. H6" spukw ut‘ H3" ality 0f thv man. \x‘iwm Children for “liloN Mummy: 1-- he knew thom It“ by mm.- 3 Bat and a wnrd fur war}: ::~ them. Mr. Marshall ivhi these men nmdv a m- ium their work. No spukw ut‘ .. who thought 1w didn't Rum." to raise stock and. at mzciliiu bered university and stmim returned. to become «m.- uf' 1 successful stockmen of his W Thursday, Juhe 12, 1924. .11 m 1 I ill {am llll“ h hm szm' hm: ll dn‘t, knuw o-nmmu at. middlv Hf" unâ€" .nd studiml and :e om» Hf Hlv mus! en of his day and \\h \Vh 1k 1h: n in Ix M H \\ 1H ’Hl \\ h 11’ n It H a H OH pi

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