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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1924, p. 5

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IREAIMENI S KIDNEYS iay, June 12, 1924?. [rated Fruit Juices :tunishmg Results ered at the Mill ' Afternoon MILLS urham, Ont. 'se Flour rur d Oats 'ered with vaith the painin the s. swollen utism and Luau, Unt. Fruita- hc regu- vé their e r'ruxt 1 fruit 19 fi rst If: that gs and could 3' urx ces begin tiers , maid ,H 1'18 .Jjontinued from page 1) Wang“ thing that whiskey should; .m- h..- scarce in Scotland, and Sin-? Hair lamented the days not so very rm: before when good whiskey was Wmiy Ila-penny a glass, and no ,mzi m the quantity. However, the Whig-up expressed the opinion that m ”1; probability the prohibitive :w‘r was the only prohibition Scot- é,“ “Milo! see for some time. lâ€"Zihnkmre, the Scotchman will tell we. is the most beautiful city, not '..,;.\- in Scotland, but. in the Whole renal. Princess street, its chief °;...»:-~:it.viii'are. is lined on one side by tin» shops. en the other a great nat- {'2tl'ix'. with a forest 0!. trees, and mes et' it ill. old Edinbom Castle wwnmiints the gentle hi1] that rises “"“W‘ 3"”: only HIP‘Dlace ol' beau- i\_ Mil the hump of education, Ed- mmz-i. has given to the World many ;:, mind man in academic life, men "if-.0 Elke Carlyle, \valkpd nlillly a weary mile to reach that seat of ='2ti'illll:-T. l-‘rnm I‘lclinhoro the speaker passed on tn Glasgow, the Manchester of St'uiitllld. where more. than half the manufacturing population of Scot- iggnil are in bi? found. Then down lilin the Burns country to Kilmar- nuek. where. the first edition of hirns‘ poems were published and then to Ayr to \‘lSlt such places of lilit'l'l‘fit it) every Visitor. as Tam o' slmnter‘s Tap Room, and the Burns flintllll’llt'llt in the market square. Front here on the speaker took us In [Mints of interest in connection mth the story of Burns’ life and nut-ks as. the. river which flows t'i‘lst‘ to Ayr. the Burns cottage. and ‘ilt' Burns museum. and. further on. strangt M'cl' b‘ flair l; {1.1)}: b‘: a pm}! I In iii-iiulus. fauna! in song: and story. and mm in ruins. 'I‘iivii sin in Stirling «m the road in Lumiun. tiw lwsi-kiimvn mm! ‘tis‘ said. to Sinltfhlnloll Sliilin" the) iizittli-tivicl. not nnly oi lngiish and Switch at. Baiuimiibuin biit alsn the.» St'i'lii‘ ni' HHHN‘I'UUS conilii t: btt\\l_‘f)ll H'iglilmioh‘i- and Lmvluniio-i'. As the Si'nti'hman gamis mi Stirling: Him-0 wmi-s “willing Up in his mini! “11‘ :imughi. that HH‘ iii-st: king of a rmitml England and Si'otlami came ‘x'nm Stirling. 'i‘lwn past. Imch I.A_illii)liii and all iw imzmtii‘ui lilki' country. It takes. “sin ,iwakni saiol. somv timv tn inal- ‘\ iivivin Hlt‘ Lwauh Hi this (oun- \ iii-5.1.) one used to the) granti- ni Hw Rm 1mm 01' the sixtmit ot 'a, \me'iii'v 11 kahuna! i’z'ukS. it ~ ! 2‘ :22 iiisi [H ttx and insignificant. ‘ fiwn gamma“) time c‘somv to - 7122* rvulizatimi that. burn ynu mmmiuin, 111k“. i'i'ag. and '-‘~’. nil in nnc gium'v. smuli, but "Always haunted kirk“ when: Tam 0‘ shame-P‘s curiosity overcame his ruxx'm-clice and he saw the witches mum» at. midnight hour to the pip- 'nr_' Hf UM Nick himself. In vwry casa‘ iiw sw‘akcx' shmvml .-w.~ 1m.»\\‘lml;:v of his Burns by quot- ,;.: :smn'npz'iatvly. ' ’hcn back from :‘mwnhill tn 1.)!11111‘1-‘103. with a do- ;g-hti'u! .h'iw alum: Hw hunks of the MM [lust .\i;l.\'\\'.-thn and Castle ibuzxg'lns. imp sh'nnghnhi Hf thv Black The speaker told us 01' William l‘mfl'y and his wondrous herd 0f Sim-thorns. He spoke of the person- :1'1113' of the man. WIN!“ 3111‘9‘9 -l:i’nlr~>n for miles around lovm’l. for 31v know them all by name and had a ml and a word for each as he met, than. Mr. Marshall told us that. :husn men made a life business or t‘nnir work, He spoke of one man who thought. he didn’t know Pnough t.» raise stock and. at middle life en- it‘l‘ml university and studied and I'otm‘ned. to become one of the most successful stockmen of his day and Hon. Duncan Marshall Thursday) Jails 12, 192‘. {H I! H th l‘fo‘t‘ ht‘ D1 he? Hl {wk u< mm'v towâ€" mds. thv country . thv talvs of Sir Smfi‘ w ni‘ that mom- I\. ix! I'itzâ€"Jumvs ch: W; i.\' ll L111 {17. h 11 HF?” Mllull. cattle of W’illiam m and H the must H.‘ m 'dI U- i . lwiil :nn’m- illw season n: 1921 as l'olâ€" 'iw\‘.‘~'.1::~':'thantiweatherpermitting: EEZHNDAY wili lnzzw- his own stable. i Lot 3. Von. l7». i’l'ltlztll. at 12. o‘clock hint-n and prim-coil by way of lioneâ€" \iiln tn the Grand Central Hotel. Dundalk. where he will remain until noon on 'l'nesiim'. li‘iii".>‘l).\\v. \\‘iii ltl‘flt‘i'i‘ii along “it? 'l'ol‘ontn and S}'ti¢‘lliliilll limit to l“li~sln-:~ti_ni for night. . \\'}§I).\'l{>‘l.)_\\'. will proceed to Mark- ilalv for noon. where he will re- ; main until 'l‘hurs«.lay morning. i'l‘lil'ltSDAY will proceed by way of ‘ Town Line. Artemesia and Glen- elg. to the C’immercial Hotel. l’riciwille. l‘or noon. thence along the Durham Road to the Hahn House Stables. Durham. where he will remain until Friday noon. FRIDAY. proceeds south along the Provincial Highway to Varney. then East by way of Pollock‘s Cor- net's to John Nelson’s, on the '18th Con. Egemont, for night. SATURDAY. proceeds by way oi Dromore to his own stable for noon where ho. remains until the follow- ing Monday noon. Old Koenig is bay in color and a grand big horse throughout. He stands 16 hands on best of legs and feet. He. is a capital race horse. and won upwards of 818.000 during his racing career from 3 to 7 years of age. thus proving his soundness and stamina. There has been a great de- mand on the. Jockey Club for suit- able sires. The horse is given free. but a nominal fee of $10.00 is charged to cover expenses. The fee for Old Koenig has never been less than $50. t l i l gc'éuql'ation. We were told of the wondrous hospitalitv of the Scotch homes, and then of a tvpical Sundav at. the home ('11 \\ illiam Duii’x. \ou \\ ent to kirk with the mastel if vou wished, but. one 13“ \\ as supiemeâ€"vou neither Sim 1101 talked about the. cattle on the Sabbath. Then with the words "From scenes liko- thvsv Hld Sq-otia’s greatness springs." 311‘. Marshall (-(‘mclualed his address. At 1111' ('11‘1571) :1 \1111' of thanks was 111mm! In \11'. (11111011 311' Kechnic and >1'1HI1111'11 In D12 (1111111. “111011 “as 1111111111\ 1111111111111! 111 11V the audi- 1'111_'1-. “1111115.: t'111- 1511111113.: 3113.12 M. 111111111111115211111 51.11111- 1-11 the 0111 \‘11111'11 51111.15 \1'1'3‘ {11"‘11'111 lbl}. '1 11C 1111'1111111: 1'11131'11 with 1er Natitmal -\11th1-111. ”Arminhv-1'kllvinist.iv‘lâ€" got, that? \\'n zu'v mh'am'ing in!” the: realm of inum-asux'uhln px'nt'umiily.â€"â€" Ottawa. .hmrnul. PASSED rum“ 1. Certificate of Enrolment and Inspection. of the Purebred Thoroughbred Stal- lion. Old Koonig, registered in the Canadian Thoroughbred Stud Book as No. 1306. owned by the Canadian Racing .Jgssoqiation of Canada, foaled _ -uA‘1A.~‘ u‘nr‘nn *hb having, o13¢WlUtlvun v- w“-.. in 1913. has been enrolled-tinder the Ontario Stallion Act, inspected on the 12th day of July, 1923, and Pass- ed. The Ont. Stallion Enrolment Board Robt. McEwan. R. W. Wade, anrntarv- Chairman. Secretary. unalr Dated at Toronto, May '22, 1924. he Thamughbred Stallion OLD KOENIG x1306} ENRI‘3LMENT NO. 3 eru‘ CRISP COMMENT It Itnr s fol £21 .3 v ( FORM I. - Chevrolet WESTERN ONTARIO BRIEFS Six-att'ord Hospital Board, at a meeting on Friday night took steps to standardize the institution and adopted a svt 01' rules. A new woman snpm‘intcndcnt and an assis- tant were appointed and a resident dovlm' will be chosen. 'J‘\\'n mun. susmctod of being fake stuck salvsmnn of international I'vpntat‘inu. are under arrest at the rails. chat-god with obtaining money Harm a local woman by false pm:- ltrmws. F111- 1h11 first time in 31) years 1111 111-1linatinn Sl'l‘ViH' was hnhl in Trin- ity 1111111141. Halt. when seven young r'mn 1'111-1-‘1\'1\1i holy 111'111'1'5. {i111 1111121'1lit~' 1.! ('11111'11‘1111missionâ€" 1;. 2' s \11111) 1 11~11'1'1l11\ 1111\‘0111111 111 . 11'51. 1111111151. (21111111. \‘1 nodstfick. T’H' hmly 11f .l. \\'.B1'an1l. who dis- :"1111'1111111 1'1'111'111‘111111111111 011 1‘1; 11111111 1' I'm! \\11~1111>‘111u11111\ 11194111311111 1mm thn 'lh1m11-s Hixm'. H1: 111111 hwvn sul't'm'ing from d1és1:11‘1n1len1:~ Read the Classified Ads. on Page 7. L. will pay you. tf NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE ()ils A. NOBLE, Prop. (:1'."\R.\L\"I‘ICI£I.) REPAIRING Greases ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS Sales and Service H cadquartcrs for BlackShirting. per yd. Blue Sim-hum per yd. Gmghams. narrow, yd. Dates. bulk. 2 Tbs for 25¢ Catsup, large 1 V . Bulk Sodas. :3 . k 25 ‘ Jello P0“ der 3 pac ets c Granulated Sn; Seeded Raisins, 2 lbs for 25c for ....... WM. J. VOLLETT THE HOME OF QUALITY GOODS TI-IE DURHAM CHRONICLE tlia 280 ALLENâ€"TB“?! - A marriage of interest to Durhamâ€" ites was solemnized in St. Michael’s and All Angels’ Church, Toronto, on Thursday of 'last week; the 5th of June, when Miss Winnifred Tew of Toronto became the bride of Mr. Johnston Allen. sonot Mr. and Mrs. David Allen of Durham, but. for the past couple of years operator at the Hyglro plant at Eugonia, A - wâ€" v ‘J-“- v â€""-c vâ€"â€"_.â€"- “The ceremony, which was of 3 Von quiet nature, was performed by the Rector Rev. Canon W. I Brai11,in the presence of onlv the necessarx \Vitnesses. After a short honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Allen will take up their residence at the Poxxer House, Eugenia. \\ e tender our con- gratulations. A quiet xx edding \\ as solemnized at the Methodist pa1sonage here at 5 .30 a. n1. June 11 when Miss Grace Traf- foul dau hter of Mr. Robert Trafford became tie b1ide of Mr. Harper Mc- Gi1r. son of Mr. and Ms. Thomas McGirr of Lambton street. Rev. J. E. Peters. pastor of the bride performed the ceremony. Miss Elsie Boyce was bridesmaid, and Mr. Clarence McGirr, brother of the groom, assisted the groom. There were no othel wit- nesses. The bride \\ as mariied in her trax elling dress of navy blue trieotine, with sand hat and shoesto match. After a wedding breakfast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Elvidge, Mr. and Mrs. McGirr left on the C. N. R. morning train for Detroit, their future home, where the groom has for some time held a lucrative posi- tion. The Chronicle wishes them much happiness, and in doing so is but Voicing the sentiments of many friends here. "m oral school 11712111111115 \wro 100011th discussing Ull' amusing: and 1"lix111'sit'ic11 {1111131110115 :11 the Lots in 111111 (name as to what 111W 110111) to 1w \xhvn thm {110“ up. .\ 1111111 1101' 111111 (11 111111 1111111 gixl \Um 111 all aimmity mun 111-1' :1 1111111 that \x'asnc'vtvlikvly1111111111113111\‘11111. McGIRRâ€"TRAFFORD The Final Choice Lake.â€"â€"In Durham, on J unc 7, 1924, to Mr: and Mrs. Wilfred Lake, a daughter (Leona Marie}. McGuaig. â€"In Durham on June 8. 19:2 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Finlav McCuaig, 0f Bentinck, min sons. Bo gle.â€"In E gremont, on June'- 4, to Mr. gand Mrs8 William Bugle, a daughter. ‘. Barrisonnâ€"AL Swinton Park, on June. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison, a daughter (Agnes Jean). Morton.â€"In Durham, J une 8. 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. \V‘esley Morton, a daughter. Morrisonâ€"In Durham, on_Juuc S. 1924. to Mr. and Mrs. Mom-15011. a danghter. Customerâ€"I want a couple at pillow cases. Clerkâ€"What size? Customerâ€"I don‘t know, but I wear a size 7 hat. THREE-ROOM ED HOUSE FOR SALE. with good cellar; west, end Lambtun SL, with good acre ground; will 5011 cheap to quick buyer. Apply David McGarrcll. 1pc! THE ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING of the Red Gross Society will be held in the Armories Tuesday, June 17, at 3 ('r’clock. Officers will be (elect- ed for the ensuing year. All inter- pstod in our work are asked to join nur fcu‘cos. . FOR FIRE, TORNAIX“). AITTOMO- bile insurance and guarantvc bonds, nun. upply t0 Lucas Henry. Dur- ham. 6 13 H‘ 'J‘lw acijmn'nvt'l rum-Hm: of 11m 0mm. 01' RM'isirm i'm' Hm 'l‘cwin MI” Durham will ho 110M 011 'I‘nosday. Hm 23th (In): Hf me. 21t.7.:3<) gum. for Hm purpusn Hi' adding in 01' striking HIT Hum thu ns'svssnu'm. mll. I’mmms into «Mm! wéll gmw‘l‘n tlmmslevs zwchIngIy. (Too Late for Class'ficafion.) CLASSIFIED ADS. COURT OF REVISION Help Any? BORN \V. B. \TQHJJC'I‘. ('Ilcn'k _ She cénsidered . him and then replied. “Oh. no, Indeed, but you're a trifle 01d." The boss was dictating to the new, pretty and sophisticated stenog- rapher. Suddenly he stopped. “Am I too fast fox you?“ he ash d anxiously. Read the Classified Ads. on Page 7. It will pay you. if Durham McFadden’s Drug Store The Rexall Store His Only Drawback PAGE m Ontario

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