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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1924, p. 6

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PAGE 811 'kmmiu szwx'itim-s 30.000 liHlv hulws unoim' unz- _\'v:lx' m’ aw vwry ywm'. Snnwhmly szlhl :limlll HIP ('IHSP 01' HH‘ \\':n' that Hun tro-m'hvs in I’I'am'o' and I’lunoivt-s \x'wrv :‘z sal'vr plan- Mr «lan- zvhzm lil'w than lhv m-zuilvs 01' Canada! “‘03: 1s far mnro' sowinns. this is ab- m-luto-ly tt'uw. Ramada Inst 10.000 nf hvr I‘mv yum: mvn van-II _\'vm' of thc‘ gl-o-at \\':n'. Shw 10505 30,000 of hm' [Ht'w l::|1».~-w\vr'_\' yvzu' ulikv in [warn .937. $5.96 1:: .7. 1.1.5: 2.]. {7:552:17 : :. 1..:_:..:....I.. .7453? 2;» .33, 7:5 ting 5‘1”“ mm H Passengers on the Trans-Canada and other Canadian trains have often admired the tableware with which the dining cars are equipped, but comparatively few of the travelling public appreciate the extent to which electro-plating enters into every day use on 3. Railway. As a matter of fact, practically all metal hardware parts of passenger equipment in- teriors are plated, many of the engine parts, including the copper re- flector of the head-light are plated. and various platings are used on a thousand and one articles which enter daily into the life of a. railroader. The traveller notices the silver plate perhaps more than any other, but many metals are used by the railroad companies. Gold, for inâ€" stance, is used by the Canadian Pacific for plating pepper aster tops and similar articles, copper is used on lighting and other metal car fix- tures. zinc on refrigerator hardware. nickel on kitchen utensils, tin on trainmen’s lanterns, mercury on telegraph elements and aluminum or1 lead on miscellaneous articles. At its Angus Shops, Montreal. the Canadian Pacific Railway Company has quite an eXtensive plant where the most of its electroplating is car- ried on. The method used by this Company is a simple one but none the less effective. . The articles to be plated are first chemically cleanod. after which they are usually hung from a metal bar into a long vat «ha-re they are immersed in a chemical solution which varies: with the metal to be de- posited. The electric current. which is of low voltage, is connected. the positive pole to the metal plate or I‘ll‘.LS. and the negative to the bar from which the articles to be plated are suspended. As the electric cur- H .‘uf “10‘ Lfli‘ti. mu say “Th! say "'l'hv LU shall haw 1 namv 01‘ (km Out 01‘ 0w lw balms. mnmun My mpm'v nu .2' H1» Luz-d"? Assurmil)‘ nut. \\'o‘1'l'hm mm sav "Thu LHM :‘â€"':1\'«*": \\'v vazmut E Ads. my ”'l'hv LHM has tnkvn away." “'0; 1w 2': 41:!!! haw tn say. "(211st [m “within namn nt' thc‘ «'in m: mmmunity." i you Hut ut‘ m-m'y thousand hahos 1mm :my1 m Canada. nwr mm hllndl'o‘dâ€"‘H‘ it. it mnro‘ than mm in tvnâ€"div bpl‘nrmfcw they I‘mwh their first birthday. In' tron; me‘ Zo-aland unly fort}' in a thnu- lars N US {H‘th‘ am imusanol balms musmuvnt o‘pln 1pc. “‘0 mm ~rvz‘ :xtlm: it} H‘SO‘ ll” The articles to be plated are tits: they are usually hung from 2‘. metal be immersed in a chemical solution which posited. The electric current. which is “‘4\‘A A. ‘ ”It THE SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS bly 01' Hum unsamt :. .\lm°v us in nu \\‘-o- \\‘M' .32; 2.52:2. : twinâ€"132.1. .2; .L. .24?! 12:. #2.; m” 2.7:: "742.4. 77.1.1: In .A. .3 7:; a: . 5.? z. a 2 ma: 7:...â€" a _.._,_.._ 2: :12. ~52. 1.1.23 2:55 E»..â€" EE... . it is ”w p: Snmvtimo mi. |\\‘ ix’o‘s wn' Hfh'n it Sum n: Wilh‘l' [u [w ml unv humh'o H, Shfim'm uiltx thv inmmmts? pzm-nts Hu'nugh “‘5 doctors or through blun- it is thn fault of m-tiw mmmun- mm! W \\'«- \w-I'v \HUWQ‘I! HIHM‘ in with impunity M'UH‘S Hr hundâ€" 'ht'nu;:h xwrmit- clean-plating operations at the Angus Shops, - A - â€"-- “m, 1m- f-IEIVO tin‘nllgh :2 am yuu say Illl H (h (‘Hy OI‘ alluwmr.’ supplio-o! u! ur um‘ «W by impm‘c- -l'n{'o‘ tn vi! \' nr I.22:2.i‘ 2:222 22222 habit of 1222‘22kr2g 022.222 (2222“ 22.22222? $222211 t'hlssit'uui \2ii.~. 022 page 7. \\‘22 H222222 mm 1222 22222222)\ 222 it. Small 222. 22222 \212‘. 22222 late 2222' 22:2»2222'2t222n “ill \\ 22 1222 2222222 22 2222 2222:2212 12‘ \2:221 haw an}- .2 22.2 “H2222; 222 $2211 a Small Ad. ma} bring V2222 :2 1222\22212 \‘022 “ant. to bUV 12222‘22; 2222221222212. 1222 21222 public knmx about 221-»222; it 222 “2222 i.22'022icl2_2 An outlax of a 222222;2r22 20.“ 2222225222223 .axe V022 a lot of 122:22‘02212122 and make YOU :2 lot of d01- i"lt \wm- lwttm' fur him that a great. ixnillstnm- \wrv hangml about. his gnowk and hv \wro- uit'uwnml in the? :«vafhs nf Hw sva." Ho“ 3150 $21M. 1"So-v that _\'c~ «lvspisv nut ”no of thosn Hittlv “nus. t'nr thnix' :mgvls «In alâ€" ‘xxzu‘s lwhuM thn fan-n nt’ my father :ill Hun'o‘n." and ”He“ that. I'vcvivvth ‘vmo- sm-h littlv mihl in My namv rum-hr!!! Mu." .\nol yvt 4min Ho Lsu'nl. "lnusnmvh as yr did it 11% t0 #:111111111-11111'111211111111's1111'1111 \1111' 111' 11111. 111111111111 1'1111 1111\11 111111 1111:4111 10 1111111115 111\\'1111 111111111 111111'1111113' 1'1111‘ 115 N11“ 7.11111111111. '1'111'1111111 11115 111 11111 111M 11111 .Wllf'é 1'1111111'1111 11s 111111111. 1‘1‘1111'111111V 1'111‘11 1111111 1311 111 1371. 310111-- 11111 11-;11111’.'11)111 1'.'_.11 1.1111111111.1Z111g111'y 111111 1111111' \1'11s'11111 1'11111'5 1111\'11_1'111. 11111-11 111111111 1111'11'111111x'1'11111 111 two. \\_11\ 1111:;1111111511111111111'1111111'11\'11'\' rt!) 111' 1111111 1'111111111111111'111 1111111111- 1111112) 11 is [1115511110. 11 1511111 11111.1). 11 \\1ll 11111 1'1151111 113’ 1'1111111'1'. N11111- 111:: 11111 111-.11\1~ 11111111151 1'11-1111111'1111V11 11111111\111' 1111 11111 111111 111 11\111'\111)11\ \1111 111111.: 11.1111111111111<11.~' 511111. "[1 is 11111 11111 \1111 111 \11111'1'11111111' 111 l1111\'111 111111 111111 111 11111511 1111111 011115 8111111111 11111'5'1311 1111 111511 511111 111 1111 11111s11\\11111'1111.~'11 111'111'111\ 111'1111551\11- 1_\ 111111 111111 1111l11 1111111 111 stumble. HIH' 5‘1le! IIIHO‘ I'm'viVo'th Mn." $21M. "lnasnmt'h HIH' HY Hh- lo‘zlsl m»! In Mr: ”W “1" HM HIS. Thvy Ell'o‘ wk and lnwly .h m In lwax't. Made by Amos Holden Tire 8: Rubber Co. Limited, Kitchener, Ont. Test them with any other tires under any condition and LOOK THEM OVER Ho‘ vhihl in .\I_\' namv .\nol yvt 4min HP M: as yo did it nut [0 ‘118‘ Of Iht-s‘t‘. }'0‘ «H1! it thwrul‘m-n. «lvxuu't. from mj." 'l'ho-sn aw tvl‘x'ihlo‘ \' m'v thn \vmwis Hf Hm wh' .lvsns. Lvl Us takt‘ rampart fle‘TI/ear" SMITH BROS. Durham’s Leading Tire Shop S HOLDEN TIRES Positively the best tires at any price The- as: below No. 1 shows the tanks in which 3 exploins the other photographs fully. rent flows trom the plating metal to the suspenm carried through the solution and deposited in the over the entire surface gt the pequired article. 7.. ‘7- O m‘ HANG BLUEBEARD’S SEVEN Paramount Director Overcome-3 Dxf- ficulty in Making of “Bluebeard's Eighth Wife.” npvratimx fur the (Mast, studin. hem-.1 fm- somu-s in "Rlunhvaml‘s Eighth With" m-mwl tn 1w a costly lthjâ€"W’H UH nu, "In u; u.“ . vau ut‘ Hw mus! 1mm! ii‘ul girls in I-Inllywmul are Sven as In“ sewn win-s in lhv nnuim-11imgwl version Hf tlw mu‘icnt fabln'. \\'llit’h was adaptâ€" ml in tlu- scwmn by Sada me'zm from Hh‘ play by Alfrml Suvoir and which mmvs tn Hw \"vtm-an Star ‘I‘hnatrn Friday and Saturday nights of Hus \\'¢-U}{_ ’12.: : 5.9.]. $637.84. 3 3:? 2.... 15:1,]. 3. 2:. 7.3.3 27...,“ 5:5:n 74 2:5. :27. Crfiéé 1.5: 5 0:; :.....::.. :...:m::.E. FEmSm. 13.1: Water! Water! Water! ILR. N0. 4. Durham anging thv swwn \vix'ns ol‘ Blue What Is Good Health Worth? \V'hy takn :1 Chance and 1180 \mtur that. Is polluted and unfit for IhflInDSth_IISP_. xyhpn 131-112;» -1\"211517b1111 1w had by 11min: :1 “011 «1x'illm:.1 “'0 11311111 * Pumps and Pump Reâ€" [131152 Satisfaction Guaranteed ED. J. PRATT s l)‘ llI' :mmun t. \V articles Phone 98â€"12 an bail: for [’1an and No. 5 the lacquer 1‘01 Paint Manufacturing Friday Saturday, June 13-14 Ihis Moxinu Picture shows how paint is manu factured. Each step in the careful preparing 01 is shown, Keep these dates in mind. This picture is shown extra. free 0f cost. GARDEN HOES 750. MARTIN SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT $1.98 . S. Hunter 8: C0. There are q few old fgshjoned girls left and you fmd them Sitting against the W3 11 at a dance. of ROUND POINT SHOVELS 49c: Thnrodu. 1.5" '13. 1m- Frost Heavy Galv. Fence Eight Styles to choose from One of our specials is an 8-strand fence at 50c . . DRS. JAMIBSON 8: JJMVIIIESSOYV~ Office and residvmu- :: , ance east of tlw Hutu: { Lambton Street. lump, l ham. Ofl’icc lmurs 3 1., j, I .. 8 Dan. (except, Sunday: . J. .1» SMITH, M. 13., M. 011300 and :‘vsidvpr Countess and Lamhm. s“; site Old p081, ()ITix'w. :th QtOHa.m..1.3(HH “1:13;” (Sundays and 'I‘hmawi11jc éxc,ept0d) - DR. BURT. Late Assistant 11m 11 I . - malmic 111031111.“ 111:1: 11 1. .11 Golden Squaw l"l-;11..11 111111 _\ pit81.Sp00131iS121Cj.1-1--1 _ and Nose. 0111111: 11-111».-- Owen Sound. G. G. AND BESSIE McGlLL1\'1.;'1‘1 Chiropractors Du11lam.011111 , The Science 111:1L:1111~ 31‘.- . , and years to 11111 111.111.1311., In Durham 1111. Maw 11. \ . Saturdays. 1 , DR. W. C. PICKERING, DENTBT Ofl'icc 0m: .1. ..1 11:1m-z \ Durham, ()ntarm J.F.GRANTDDS LDS. Honor (1131111211: Inn: um! 1 onto, Gladuutv 11:93:11 :‘:.i;.- _- 1:.” Surgeons m Untmin 1»: ~91} at! its 11"":11111105, 1111:”: H‘H'I‘ 1‘ TO“ns.h-'\\011:-:x S1: 3.; Barristurs‘ sumnms. her of thu firm will 1w Tuesday of curl: \x‘m-k. may he made with Un office. f‘oouh Licensml Auctiunwr for iluumy .. Grey. Saiist’actinn unanmtvmi. Hm so’nahle H‘l'ms. huh-s ul' sulw‘ mmt at The Cln'umvlc «mu-u ur with imn self. ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. My, June 12, 1924. MOdCl'alv M'ms. .\I“.‘:m'.:~~1 for sales. as in «him. “ha. mm made at. The filnmm-lv thw, ham. TPrms nn :urgalavntwn. dress R. R. 1.1)m'ham. ;’ l'a LOT 7, CON. :31. l«:¢:m-..\1n.\"r. HHXâ€" tax ing 100 :mw's: 83 mww mny on tivation. halam'v Inu‘dxx‘nmi 1mm: ponvenient 10 schnulz «m tho- pruniâ€" lses are a framn 1mm arxur. H. v: 1': stone foundatihn: rum-114w mm”: also hav barn 30x30 “'3”! dnzn- kmw-‘ ment; h0g5 pm 20x1“: 1\\‘u3\wâ€"2'i2'v!11 brick house. furnaw homo-.1, .i frame \x'oodslwd: dHHo-«i m-l‘. rm” to house. with windmm: « water tanks; 30 arm's sunimi 1n Max 1.0 acres 10 vact (flmm': HH~ hm ls well fencmi and in a gum: sm‘. ‘ n1 cultivation. For infnr‘mn‘lw': M'i'i.‘ to WaLSOIYS Dairy. RM. 4. Durham Ontario. 10:32:;1 IOR’I‘H PAR'I‘ [MM 7 \ 22, Egremmd. mm:m~; ; acres cicarmL hulznwv bush; in good stuh- n'i tame barn ‘5-'3X7v1‘. Mum concrete stablvs: duh-.1 cement tank at ham. cement tank at ham. \éw and 7, Can. -’4. SILK" him» hming HO acrvs; N“ :1! :‘u and in good shit“ Hf -':‘;:‘.;‘\;. me premises MO 3 Mimi '2 ~ Dining SUW'H I'I'Hln~,_ .' tame \K'OOdShc-«i Miran..- WQH at (1001‘; m-xw-z' M? '-..‘ this farm. mum;- n. -‘ " firm. This wmwrflv ‘ -- I cjght to quivk 1 tlculars apply [1,3, 4, Durham DOMINION my M": 1.; ‘r Owen Sound. ‘.:.' Band Com-wk, Sports. Hun.“ 11:: Acrobatir 13mm l Julv i. Rv m4 min-1' M15,22.J 4\\ THE DYRHAM hU } are hHMim." a lnhm‘. Park. Blum' shun-1 M day. Junv 2”. 1933. evening. All numb cordially innh-d. COURT IH'RHAM \‘ will l’mld the-11' :mzm Vice (m U!" PVHIHH: . brethren} askml 1:. 2n Bournt‘. C. R. THE DIS'I‘RICI' .\.\'.\'1 \l. ‘ 0f U10 \X'hnwn‘s‘ Indzfizw ~ Grey will In» led m :!:.- 2' brary, Durham. nu Tip 17, at 10 am. :m-d 1.37- pm program is twin; 1‘1“;-:tf'~‘ hoped that a” “I" {H’HlE-‘ltl represented. ospm-x:my ::- ti Cpnvention is hum; huh] 11-. net shortly and plum \\ 212 f0? that moctinu. harm WI“ please providu m m. On Tuesday.â€"â€"M. Mclh'unh. . I‘v, fifD’nLEBRoz SPBREMAN 5: MInanBaO' Barristers, Sol_ici_tor.<. Etc. Smrcvssm's to FARMS FOR SALE Licensvd fludz'mzm Dental Directorv COMING EV 1‘1 LUCAS 8: HENRY nhddlvhx'u. jg Durham mm gal ‘Dz’raciarv DAN. MCLEAN 1m H NH H .\x H AND h'. r 66 361' ENTS 1'! U. Ml H U of Grey \V mu m. 111 th * PRO ll [11 1'15“” ”00..“- Q...“ Jidii \\ iw H 1f PR .\l HH w \\ [Ht \\ 51

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