West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1924, p. 8

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Mr. and Mrs. Aitken and Miss Pin- der. of Holstein, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glen- cross. w..... v a. nun qu‘. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Edge were up to __nw en Sound on Saturday on recernr additions tn the equip- ment. MP. and Mrs. W. McLeod and fa- mily hf Top Clin‘ were guests of the Mchm-ald [@111in on Sunday. Inspector \Vriuht \ School on 'l‘hm-sday. The of the pupils is quite and the trustees wow m. on recernr additions to ment. omxr own corms; or dent .\h~'. Allan Bmun 11"}nllnf-I E- "irenlnnt \is: ted 3 f9“ dax- her palo‘nts. MI. and Mrs . Mchlh'. a M The trustees have re-engaged Miss Corner Concerns (Our own corresyondent.) st. Joseph Lonnox spent the “m '; m .um last with ho'r sister, Mrs. “‘ iih an: i-‘x'vvman. at 'I'mrswato-I'. Mam I io-rl xwtumml humo: with h"! 3“" 51M” last “'ka amund the} ‘ “I” 1' 1" Mr. Thomas Wilson's homp was enliwnmi over Satm'aiiay and Sunday by U.» presence of their daughter. Ella. of 'I’omnto. who was accompan- ied by Mr. and Mrs. \Varbrick, Miss Hnliand. and Mr. M. Hickvy. They motnrml up. 'I‘lic-y 8150 had the ph-asm-w of a visit fI'Um Mrs. D. Mc- Korchniv and Ali‘s Irornp \Vhitmore. Durham. Bliss Nwiliw McKechniP. of Mnntwnl. and Mr. Leathers of Tur- antv. (in Sunday. Mrs. liiirl Mead had a meeting of tlw Varno-y Ladies" Aid on Wednes- vlay. .\ number of St. Pauls' ladies juinml tlwm. It is always a step tuwni'ol church uuiun. An I-njuyable llnll' was spout. Ui'uin set-(ling was linishcxul last wigs-k, sump of it was: sown a sec- wiid “mm 311'. Jamo-s .lnhnsnn‘s horsps trio-d 1.. 5pm"! up SNrdln‘f a bit in [un- mm: 1mm with tho: ihill who-n it, llmrhml in!” u min-l huh' and knock- ml tho- tum. m9 nut at the 11+»(ku1nkv William l.a\\i':'svnw ' [inflow-hump t am tun mil with thv (ultixatnr .Villit' hr was husx gi-tting; ( attln int” t n ii i'iL'ht tivll. Bnth chill and LUI- t'x'ului- sull'o'x'wl smo'lo: (lamagu. l‘m' tho- past. two 01' throw- yuan; thcm- has how“ a suspicion that, a. “lull! fit? hunt in Hw hush “”hst of \ m hwy. hut .lm- Li-nuox was tho- first 3" 26'! in «low tnurh with it 21 mm- M" “1' \\‘Wks ago. .\t tii'st glimpso- nf it ho- {u'mmi himso'li' with a gum! Huh in i'o-aclirwss t'ni' ('luso-x' lunch. ”v is nut nno- Hf lhnso- l'o-lluws win» is always hlnwing that, ho mm tight his Mr. diorux'gv Ilawrence was so un- {uriuuato- as tn [use his bruod mare at fnalim: on Saturday. uwn Wright in wild cats; but In mu! hmu'oi o-nnuxl: (u ('uzn'im-v that. 1w wa< nut. mistaken. Mr. William fihapm'm nt' (in! Mm spun! Hu- winh-I' ho-ro', wa mun: tho- lwsf, \x'hvn her 10“. “until 14- "‘ bar}: In Hz“ 1': {'hysirizm l'ux' c'nnsullaliMI. \\' .nt‘!‘)‘ in Ito-:1!“ h“ fuuml it much w'rinus Hmn :‘K‘guw'h-tl. Hu- h“ m HPnZio M Hr Emmo' “1‘ \ln h ill In th :m M m :ntw'vsh-ol has 3. HM Hr \\'ul'k In h» ml Hw kiwi nl' hml My Hm; ’1'}! n! :I r‘u‘u‘vz'xms' nuhm‘. ’l ho- v-fl'nrt h» gm? Magrio-u'mn! (mm- o-ry in hm’hw vumlitinn nu 'l'lzo-sday as \‘o'lV «H 1 vsst'u as Uu-u- “as :1 «HI c [MW n! hum swxvs [nt's‘e‘llt and gun] Inf H) \\"'n[ { liltlll‘ KW l \ “('1'- 4! mt» UNh'ol has :1 gum! M1 :1 n! ”14' NM n! “ch tn kw oinnv nmt \‘M? It! Hun 1mm n! hmls tn fining. PH ntl 2: 22% 2A 55.}. 3. 13:21.51. :71 52......53 :7. 5:. T. 1:5; 2.2. .1: a i...:.::.n 2:. EL +253... :1. 2:; :7. .2727. 53.3. 1.2: x 3;: 2.7. 2:: 2:. 5:3 Lt? :7 2:; .57.. 4 .\l M a! \xm-K \HH illh‘KUIl famih \l: and MD cm- children. ‘HI'S IN 311'. o' tiny Hm {it's ”I HM .\l with (Our own am! Mr Sunday v H: 'izm I'm tn ho-ar s 23;?!) Rock y Szzugeen PAGE EIGHT Art ma! Sum-lay “UMP." and Mrs as wow-l 11H HHH' t'lau'lw-H. of Dutl'Oit. ! Mr. William MvalaM of niinvk. span, 2m o-VE‘IIiHQ with Hu-ir mmsins, the \\m:ht \‘isitml our mzsdav. Hm [unlit u-nvv is Is“ quitw satisfactnrv te es \wro complimentvd - 1"- H h :m Uh Ebenezer. Mr. :m I r‘mmiy 2y Mill. cru‘rcspondcnt ~‘, livnl'gor- Tl Wk at Mr. .Ini H I'f a fog“ aims “i!!! and Mrs. Joseph HP.“ .lm l'HUplO.‘ IHI'IHWI :m up .atiwrinv Mr! 0113115. Thvv .\l first glimpso- nf W” with a gum! fur ('lnst-I' much. 50- t'o-Iluws win» is It 1m rm fig. ht his 1 cab but ho- szm In cum in: v him .\\'i.fh hi M 1's (1:11;: \\' 21$ 'um i I). 0 ar. mum i'.-“ 110: but Armetta McKechnie as teacher in No. 3 at a salary of $1.100 a year. This is Miss McKechnie's third term in our school. "l'lw. Misses Mortley 0f Latona Vis- itm‘l owr the week-end with their Slsii'l‘i. Mrs. Greenwood and Mrs. \\‘i ll in. ms. Th» mvmlwrs of tho Edge Hill beef rim; will i'ccviw tlwii' first beef on Thursday mnrning 01' this week. Mr. John D. McFayden and sisters )1 issvs Mary and Kate, spent the first 01’ the wow}; with friends at Owen Sound. 311‘. and Mrs. (‘imx'ge Ritchie and Family Visited their daughter, Mrs. 1.0;: and 311:5: Brg‘wn, uf Egrgmont. A Mr. and 3115. Thomas fiddle and ('“hiMxon of Walkertnn were guests vr Um .\_l.i.~‘ses fizdflg 0n Su_nrla)'. Rants and cum. and summer fal- low, form-vs. shingling. roadwm‘k. \vals. all combim‘: to make: the days fly withuut tho» “divarshuns” "f Piunivs. conventions and agents‘ mnm-tunitivs. a... 7.2:.7. 2.34: ms; :7, $13. $ E: ii; .I.:::...J. p: 3?. .37: C. 553.2. 5. 7.. Traverston H0111" own cusrrespondOnt; 'erv ir‘ still a hustle ”11 UN: farm. Human 'tls Juno... Mrs. Esther Millmm Spent. last wwk with how brothers. Messrs. Gt"). E. and J. .|. Pen“. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay \\'hite and mum baby. u!’ Arthur. \wz'v guests at Mr. H. E. l’c-art‘s on Sunday. Mi?! hvll “I'M 01' Liloeu‘lami urn \' hill“: at Mr. \ incomt Paylm' s. :1. 2:; .57.. ’5: .Eszézw: 2:; .23. 3:21.? 2:. a... E... 9:71 .77.: 1.. ._.$.::__.../. i. (fixer... ’42... 2:. 57.1.? i. 2:. Z...~...2.x:: :05... 2.: :71... :H. I... x357. Mr. and Mrs. Will Timmins Spent Hm lit-st Hf Um week with Vandcleur x-o-latiws. Mr. and Mrs. Jamus Marshall of I-sz'o-mozxt \wrr: visitors over the “\f'f‘k-t'lld with Mr. and MI'S. James MvNally ml Hm 9th C(‘nlL‘DSSiUD. the framer. it is needless to say that the timbers fitted most snugly and went together without a hitch. Twas reared in he old-fashioned way, Councillor McGrath and Mr. George Campbell captaining the forces. The race was a good one. the witty Coun- cillor‘s men winning by four rafters. Campbell didn‘t wish to injure Jack‘s chances for re-election next year. so held his hearties back a little. Inspector B. Wright visited N0. 5 school on Thursday of last week and found m ervthing progressing splen- didly under Miss E. J. .‘Xllans teach- ing. The trustee board met on Fri- day and have re-eugaged her at an inereasmj salary. Holstein. (Our own correspondent.) Thu Presbyterial nf the pl‘t‘5b)’â€" 111111111 Church. 83113111111 District. 11101 111 11111 011111111 111111 last Thursday. 'l'hm-c- was a la1'::1' 1'11111'03011tati1111 {rum all parts 111' the? P1'esbytc:11'y. Tharp wvm n1111111111'a1n1i afternoon so'ssic111s.111 11111 31151111011 of U10 111‘115- 1111-111. 311‘s. H1111cl111'51_111 C11 Dx'avton 111'1-sido11! Mm Imus 01 Idnore. In- 11111.21 missiunan 111 that countrv f111' {1‘11 VPBX‘S, acitllt'ssml HH' SPSSith. A [untitahlo' 111111- “as 51111111. Mrs. \. B. Pvtric of Hamilton is the fuvst Ht Mvsolzzmns Pvtx'iv and Bruce “‘1'“. Paws. Scott and I’crrin. J. R. Philp and R. T. Doc'hls :lttomlm‘i ”If? Assem- bly 1'114';u"ti:1;_._: in (Men Sound last. WN'k. ’4. x. :z... 2:; 332.4 1.3;. 2:, $......w-..:; .: 5.33.: 2:: 374. .1327. _..,:..._:.1.. Z... 2:; any. .mz.‘_.:2.. .\x~mngmnmts haw lwnn v0mplvtâ€" ml fur tlw 192’; park (>1..n_‘11i11g. A full day has hwn arrangc-ci. In tho PV- o-ning Hnlstviu and Listowvl will play a \\'.l"..~\. fonthall match. 'l‘lw [nu-Psvnt; stair of teachers for tho: Umtmuatuim and Pubhc schools have how} engagmi for annthel‘ year. --‘.- - nu Cuâ€"‘-"-£ ‘ ’L “I 'u l‘al Jul 0 Rm. ”\liwrt 5“ ans om. fc-Pmerlv of this placo- but now «ft the “est. spwm u shmt. time) I'vcontly with t't‘ii'nds hm‘c'. Mrs. Robert Christin wont. to Tor- onto last, wm'k. hwillf.’ 'l‘lm HHlstvin \\'.F..\. fnnthzlll tt‘am 'lvt'vntmi Ihe- ’ulmvrstun tr'am m Hnlstmn last. \\"miuosday, the SCUPC 3-0. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE (Our own correspondent.) _ Weather promises some improve ment now; the leaves are coming nicer and the crops are beginning to move upwards. We hear reports of frosts these mornings but hope that no serious harm has been done. Sorry to hear of Roy McLean being so poorly from a severe attack of tonsilitis. Miss Aldcorn, R.N., is in attendance. We hope to see Roy around again soon. .. mg; E.l§5}16t:v_l\lc.~\rthur is visiting with her mower, Mrs. M. J. McArth- Miss Jessie Livingstonjs Visiting friends near Mapkdalg t-h15_ wgelg.‘ ur. in our Village. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Karstedt are Spending a few days in the city. Mr. Karstmilt is leading our village in having a fine new electric range in- Stalled. a l \W I )11’. F. P. Reilox has a:â€" ang of men shingling his fine residence on Dur- ha msti not. _ ‘ OI. t- A11otl1111‘ Young man has declared himsen tiréd «.11 bachnlorhood.1\1r. Andnm Hincks 111 11111 5111,0n11 Con- cessian. .\'.D.R.. last week took to himsolf a “1111 in H111 111315011 01' Miss 11101111100 \Ic( {11111111 The mung cou- 11111 \\ ill settle 1111 11111 (1111}Ic111‘\?131m 111m mumd by 311°.Hincks.E\eI'\' good wish is (1x10111191! to the young 11111111111 111 their new 11111.1e1‘t‘aking. LIL‘ Ll ‘- ml‘lie contractor lor the l1ea33' hill abo3e the Glen on the good ioads is getting material assembled to start 33 01k. Mr. Thomas ;\icli11l good 111:11ls foreman is busr3 again and we hear that he has a fairly good gang aliea1l3 at 33111'11‘1 number of our young men 11330 taken work 33 1th him. There seems to be a scarcity of 33ork in big to33ns and cities. as some have returned home unable to get 33111'k. M 1‘. .lnhn Juncs 01' our fair \‘iflage Ins mjatod _llln}$01f to a car. Evervâ€" hmly 15 «10111;; It. now. Good luck. Jilt'k. Messrs. Ethvarcl and Elmer F 00, Mrs. 'l‘homas McNiccc and Mrs. John MHI‘im". and Mrs. 'l‘homas Stewart mnlnl‘ml tn \Villizunsl'nrd lust. W321]- nvsday to attend the funeral of Mrs. limns. 11 011118111 01‘ the former. Mrs. limns was fqin'nmrly Mary A1111 Fee «11‘ Nun-111111111): a, sister of William and tlw lulu Frank 1’01», of DaUphin, Man. Shh loavus 0111: daughter, Sarah (Mrs. Lummj. ul whose home she died. (Our own correspondent.) 1w! 11â€"â€"â€".\t Rimts Man“ 011 31le 12 to 311231111 MIS. (1A. \near. a son. Northeast Normanby During this week the Semi-cen- tennial is being held. Consequently, the members of the local branch of the department of Agriculture Wlll be absent. Agricultural Representative Conference. During the week beginning June 16, the Ontario Representatives will meet in annual conference at the 0. A. C., Guelph. The local office will be Open as usual, although the representative and assistant will be absent until June 19. Third Sh‘orthorn Sale. The third annual Shorthorn sale ‘under the auspices of the Grey County Shorthorn Breeders‘ Associa- tion was held on June 5 at Markdale. Prices. were not high when the l'ashicmable lime-ding is considered. It was a wonderful Opportunity for young,r farmers who were starting into the pure. bred business. Dr. J . S. Sllcpl‘wrdson of Markdalc, assistmj in the ring by Messrs. Clark and Haslam, wielded the hammer to the satisfaction of all. SOLVING UNEMPLOYMENT 13131111111111 (‘11.111sc1-1'v11101'7 ()11 8111111111111111' 1'1. 1922, 11 1.1111111111- 111111 111.1111'11111'111111 H1111. James Mur- 11111'.k 3111119111111 111111111' 11.1 1115131135 11111 1111111111110v11111111 311111111011. '111131 91111111 51111111 1111111 discussing without 11"111111\111;:it 111111 111. 1111,1111 1111.1 Minister 1m 111111 1111.111 1111111111111‘. 1111) auditor 141111111 11'115 11111111'1 slums what. 111111 1111111111 1-1151. 111.11. 311'. 311111111011, but 11111 1"1’1111111'3': To! a] Dinnvr. 60 mwrs Urchvsi m. ... . . .. Spucml tl'nllvy v2 (‘le QV131. $347.20 ($5.00 . 25.00 ‘swzu cunomcs premier Craig of Ulster, told the County Down Orangemen yesterday that as President Gosgrave of the Irish Free Statefiidrnot want un- willing citizens _m.mther Insh areas - ~------ “-1! I‘ll-c v-vâ€"â€"___- he was quite willing to swap Cathâ€" olics who wished Free State rule for Protestants in Monahan, (figvan and Donegal who wanted to .1011} their old Ulster friends. He promised the latter his hearticst gvelcome. Ulster Premier Willing to EXChangg Citizens With the Irish Free State Read the Classified Ads. on Page 7. It will pay you. tf To Whom it May Concern : The Special Committee appointed to enqui1e into and 1eport on agri- cultural and ot11e1 economic condi- tions in the P10\1n(‘e will hold ses- sions in place and time as fololws : DURHAM-t Tuesday, June 17, Town Hall, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. WALKERTON, Wednesday, June 18, Town Hall, 2 p.m. THORNBURY, Thursday, June 19. Town Hall, 2 p.m. WIARTON, Friday, June 20, in the Town Hall," at 2 p.m. All who desire to supply informa- tion or make representations usefut to the Committee concerning any branch of Agriculture and industries related thereto are hereby cordially invited to attend. Hon. Dr. Jamieson, P. F. _Cronin, Chairman. SOCI‘OUII‘V. Agricultural Enquiry Committee NOTICE Thursday, Juno'. {2, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 'i‘bix Pno'rnsnms , AGRICULTURAL BOARD WILL HOLD TWO MEETINGS IN DURHAM Th0. Meal ('nxlm'il hmi 39w , engineer examim- HIP .\h.~«»iwu; ~w bridge, with :1 \'i«-\\' In lm‘uu: revert to tlw ('Hlmt}; Tha- loud-" Will 11850101“) “MU“ Hm \m.‘ '27" Reexe FodV \Vill mm;- (In nmtfs' before the countV Mum 'Hs» bridge is sulrjw:(i.cl tn mmh hum traffic, the higlmm In 111;. :1 (W11â€" nectlng link bvtwvcn lhv mmmt :U and county highwavs. It 1~ INH- mated that the new brid‘g “£1005: aMt $5,“. €93 Afternoon At 2. P. M.. and Ex’czm; .1 At. 8 P. M.â€"~Evenmg Semen, 5,- sides Busmess, Featured by Gum: Pragram and Band Mum: Well-known €111.12; arable Progress. 'Hu- 1mm} . anman m INA-hum 1111511151111! “1531:.- he has 5111111 :1 mix 8])11?11111111111m 111‘ an11111'11111\\:111.~ Hun from 1110 Ham.- «:1» tarium. M 1'. H0“ 111:1 wally I” 1\‘.'n\\'1'1'1\~: dition is L:l'1‘ilH_V 11m .evm'y :Iul‘n'nil m to attend. In session \\ H a Stricll} Mm evening. 1w» pmgram 1's in as. an addmi at 29115 “and \'.‘i Lions. Thm'v will :1 gm frum Invml and HHH‘I'S, 1.0”]:qu “‘4‘“ said last \w-wi 1m! lu'rv In i {:ch- me :my 110\\' In «In 1hr MILDMAY ASKS COU NTY TO TAKE OVER EiE-if’;.~a§} Bl‘uce County Will Be 122x11. :‘ Take Over Mildmay BI‘iC‘lgH 331k UV: mnu‘vm mum!» its um 'j‘lw twn INN-h: Agricultural lim new m-xt 'I'Ho‘wln a gumi UHI‘ mu! HI 100 has lit-"H Hu- l'armvr» Of HI:- l’I'mi in what is I turn listvn in ch' IH'SM} HIPS:- rum“! Muss mm. H m an c-fl'ur: fN'L It will must lw l'm'n’wr ; «ml H. m 1'“ “Up“ h‘lhimlw nmm mu missinn .\H it \\_i All it ' aancl Annunnw 11de in anr)’. Ill public m MI‘ ”(‘1‘ had 1mm diliunul The \\'M' tarriml .. i'm‘mml a; ways syq Thu (h HI of sum 2‘ "mini; MR. C. M. BOW-J23???" RETU RN: whil llama HVHI‘ ”I" with it. \ :15 in Its TO INCREASE PROGRAM 0? HIGHWAY I- Iiw l‘c'l' duridmi I. mmvmplu the 511mm h H1 Y Ferguson Govel‘mnem 1 Condltions of Unezxapi The p in (In In 111“ like «lnnn‘m'j swm In H a}.v:~'nllltc-ly and «finals VOL. 57.-â€"N0. 2' illHUil m' m! m H ullu f tho fm'n mu It ,1\ t' 1T Influnm HVnwnt \\ \\ H H ll f in m 1mm. Ir ”I" ma III}! \\ 1| “‘1‘ ROM? 2973. I] LEA ah I'll

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