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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Jun 1924, p. 3

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tr [7 nderwear does not need on the other al- ‘or you wash. [ball board, Durham. Ontario oys’ Furnishings 'rices Are Right. d has a cream- 1:3an 1:1 Ty. Roofing an :rsday, June 19, 1924. ers be used toâ€" .ve finished the galows quickly, Bird’s Combin- w H a t s for store aves of m Lents and 31:?” (3": a 501d fiztoday. IERBNQ ICES ERS fhese n Twén 5 .ing let. Limit HENTS ted \VI H 489 611 fin H218 :1 wins. 8W can- that H. implements fur the simple reason that 'm thnse days there 'were many 13mm manufacturing these machines. W511: the amalgamatiun of these .'_n;»nmanies. however, the competi- tiup was eliminated and the result was tlw [rI'iW‘ went up. B} Inc-ans of a chart. the. Speaker §hn\\ml \\ hat the farmers were up axainst in the matter of haphazard (humping of their produce on an al- l'f'ady H\'¢‘1'l‘)ad£‘d market, and tom ('2' sum“ "f the benefits of (toâ€"oper- atiun. He showed that organized whim: was one of the means , and pravtiratly the only ”DP. that the fzxrmt-rs had at their disposal for the homo-tit nf tt'u-mslees and their in- dmtry. Dumping main and other «'anmm'litivs “n the market when ftww‘ was nu demaml could do noth- ing vlsu hut force theprice down. 'J‘ho- 6'.\huI hitant freight rates were aIu-ttu-I bongo-y tlw farmpr had to light. and the spcakcl said that it was funm that \vih to thv farmers of Ramada paid mm 70 [IL-I cunt (If the twig. 'ht tfhmgvs they haw). not a sin~ :lc 1-(rpI‘Psci1tatix'e Von the Railway .Bnarol. .\lx'. Martin made a comparison of «Wural :u’tit'lvs from a quality point at“ Vivw. With :1 whvat m-mluction 0f smwrim- quality to any other vunnh'y in thv world (No. 1 North- N'H . Iianada could ship nwx' $20.- W0 (.NM in tho l'niind States last, war dvspih‘ :I duh nf 30 cvnls a hushed. 'i" :.I-l nitvd Stains had to [mo :1 (91‘- tain [HHM «In of Canadian “that to mid high standaid PXpUlt ilnui'. huspitn the: far. tihat Canada Iaisod thn whrai. Hm I nitod Stairs. with IlIis samn whvat. was a envious mm- ;wtiinl‘ in the world markvt. for IiHIII'. 'l'ho spoakor rol'orrod tn tho moth- f tuls nl' markoting chooso ancl Showoit whol'P. sold cn-oporativoly. Canadian rho-oso snlit at. Montroal at an ad- \anoo nl' noarly throc points. Had it sum in tho usual way. it is hard in foil what it would havo brought. This was just anothor way of olim- inat ing tho compotition of individual t'armors. tn solling oo-OpQratively tho man who wants tho (thooso, has to huy it from ono man. In tho caso in quostinn thm'o \\'t.‘l't‘ t\\'cllt..\'-t'0llt‘ hurt-rs at’tor this cheeso. and they lit! tho bidding. lnstoait of tho t'hooso hoing pothttoat in tho tl'ado it was suit] omnporativol)’ to tho man who Illath‘ tho highest bill. Mr. Martin tolil tho gathering not in itiilnlt‘ tho miililloman for all thoir iroulilos. 'l'ho troublo was that. tho t'u'mor tiiti nut know valuos and (lid nut umlorslancl grading. In tho choc-so husinoss thoro woro l‘our graclos of oliooso. though most of the rommunity know of unly three. lihooso was grailoit. and any oroamâ€" wry working undoi- tho ou-nporalivo ivlan halt its ohooso graotoil hjv t'Xibt‘l'i :‘t'miors \\'itn know what thoy woro timing. It'. for instant‘o. thoro was anything wrong with tho tiawr ul' :1 z-lzooso output. tho particular rroamâ€" _\ was insportoil. It a rtoan ropnrt. .is rogarcls its sanitary rouililion was turnocl in hy tho ins[‘n‘~otur. thou tho' ofazno for tho pom- ohooso must rosl ‘ \\ ith tho milk I'oroiVNI from tho pat-v runs. 'l‘his. tun. was invostigatoit. inol tho party nr partios rospnnsihlo :yx' lhoir insanitary illt‘i-ilOtiS of z-amlling milk. woro oliminatoal. Is it purl-wot. nx' i‘irnpi‘l‘ thtlt- uno un- vToan l'armor should ho tho moans ot‘ w-sing monoy for a wholo oommun- Q") “as a qnostifln :lsoki‘t hy tho spoa‘xor. tn huying and solling oo- win-rati\‘oi_\‘. it. was possihlo t0 haw- :znthing hut. grartoil (‘tim"'so OH tho maria-t and in tho grailoil prmluct :ho puiilio would know oxactly what it was buying. 'l‘ho soiling ot' chooso in i‘lntarin as prartisod toâ€"alay dos- hm not tho markot. horauso ono taslo -~l' pum- rhooso ruined a man‘s appe- tito for that commodity for months. _\I r. Martin showed how Now Zoa- itllht. by strict grading. has ousted ilanacta amt tho rost of tho world 3'!" ill tho markots Hl' (iroat. Britain. 3 t t t 1 ’rnflaa- ~.1 44 L235? :._ 22.42::n I 1.22.1... 9:: in». 5.2.1. 3 :1. ....r..§..T. 3:52.21 U. P. 0. Political man ‘Iw 80111111! is thoroughlx equipped 1 > tako up the fnllmxing courses: (I JuniorMatriculation. (2 I nuance In Noxmal School. I ach mombm 11f the Statl‘ is a I] ni- vezsit} I-Iadnato and experienced 'I‘mchM'. Intending pupils should plepare to ontel at bnginning of term. Information as to Lonrses may be obtained It om the Principal: ‘ ‘~ IW‘- uâ€"v _____ in the past. \\ 111111 it hopes 10 main- tain in the future. Durham is an attractive and heal- thy town and good accommodation can be obtained at reasonabke rates. J. A. M. ROBB. B. A... Principal. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL (Continued from Page 2) Thursday, June 19, 1924. JOHN )WWRRISON. Chairman. THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR at the present time selling the moth- 0r laud eightyâ€"four per cent of her consumption. - In fruit. it was the same way. The Ontario farmer would not or did not raise his fruit properly for either home consumption or export. Ontar- 10 apples could take seventeen out of twenty-one prizes in England last year from British Columbia and the rest of the e ire. yet right here in Ontario Britis Columbia apples, al- though much inferior in flavor, were; sold at an advance in price over the home-grown product. Why? There was only one answerâ€"coâ€"operation. The. British Columbia apple-growers believed in and practised co-opera- tiun and at present are signed up for live years for their whole output or fruit. The British Columbia apple- growm-s are building for the future, and they are doing it by the only manner in which it could he done~ by t‘u-llpfil'lllloll. r Referring to the woollen industry ms it ail’wts farmers, the Co-Opera- tive Company had made it possible for ()ntario woollen manufacturers lto use nearly all the Ontario wool v.-- .vvwv vwâ€" ." 1:1'n\\‘11.li1i$ \\ as made pussible by MW 11.1111111tional prupuganda carrieil 011 b} tlw asswiuatiou amonrr its 11111n1gb1 is in Um manner 01 preparing fur 111111 kot. I111alingnith the bacon hog situ- al11111.th11 speaker said it \\ 115 a fun- 11}.b11t tr.1111 coincidence that it was Canadian grain that fed the Danish hogs that cromied the! Can: 11iian pro- 1111116 1'1ti the market. 'lhe Canadian bacon “$11” “as 110t.r(18ponsihl11 for the present condition 11f affairs. '1‘ he r11ai trouble1 \\ 11‘ that some 1i1~r 1(111- iahlt1 1111\111'3 had purchased Unar- i1'1n baron and 3011'! it in Britain as t'.anadi:111., Touching 1111 tho roront raising of tho 11mi'1arg11 on Canadian cattlo in tho 1111i land, Mr. Martin said that at tho t.in11' there wore in Canada owr 300.0(1011ligihl11 'attlo. The farmurs 1111111111111in wantmi to ship thorn all 1 in 111111 work. Mr. Martin statmi that. tho {111 111111‘ of Ontario had 111-1111 sax- 1111a 1:11'g11an1111111t ot‘ mom-V in 11113111: iiissnaih 1! from ti1isi11'1'11ti111_.1 T1111 Sprakor 5111mm! that tho (311-1111111'11t- i\11 \<.<111'i:1ti1111 at Toronto 1111!} 11 1'11111' 111.111 hml sawii tho 111ark11t at that 1'it\ trom going 1111\111 11111i111 a supply that 11\"111.s‘llai_h1\\11ii tho 1111- 111111111 by 1ii\111'ting several 1'211' 11121115 it” 11lh111' points. 'l‘ho- Slwakel’ told of [mt‘ntws in tho Strathmy district hc-ing shimwd to 'I‘nrnntn. and them being; reshilmml hark tn lissvx to buyers in that part Hf Hntm‘in. [Iv tnhl Hf :1 buy-:- rrum Nc'vx'lllm‘n ()ntarin who \vanlml a mu- ul’ apple‘s. Um- car was at Rm!- nv)‘. nvm- Lake: Erie. and thv HHH'I‘ cm- was at. (Ire-vnmrv. almost half \\‘il}' in its nh'stinutinn. Both \WW ur mum! quality and valuv. ()u heing askml which car he \Vznnlml. tho- mzm 52ml, "Uh. I ciun'l. ram-I" .â€"\ him" way ”1' dwing husinvss." said Mr. Martin. H. was in (-nsvs sm-h as Um mm just ('ith that ”In lwnvlil. Hf t'O--H|wi'u- tiun \wrv must uppm'c-nt. If l'al'mvrs m' Hn‘il' ('1!!le \\‘HUM kvt‘l» homi- iquxu'to-rs 1H 'l'nt'nntu informml Hf iwhzlt. tho-y had in 50“. thvsu m'mlut'ts ,vnuM I]t‘ill’l}' always 1w mm‘kvtml ;\\ ilh thc- minimum vhzu'gv l'ur tram- ‘gpurtzuinu nr' rushipn'n-m. J’l'vighl vhzu-gws tnâ€"«lay \vm-v nun uf thv hi; vas with whit'h Hw <himw1's ni' gumls 1::le tn ('nntmul and it. was well tn know who're? ynm' 3;!"le \W‘l‘t' K”- in:_' lwfnl‘v Hwy wwI‘c- hillml. Ship- pin: pl-mlm-v In Tux-(min uno' \ka uml llwn rv-shipping it hark in pus- sihly within a l'mv miles M‘ whurc it was fJI'HWn Hw m-xt. was Iji‘i‘i‘h‘dh' hm! husinvss. and this was «one- Hf tlw i Bakery Provision ‘ Store Pastry Flouur, 24 1b 75c Goods Delivered Anywhere in Town The Finest Manitoba per bag Baker 8: Confectioner ROWE’S E. A. Rowe Flour $23.20 places in which the co-operatiop of the farmers along shipping hubs would save them a good many dol- lars in the course of a year. Mr. Martin said that sometimes the I co-operative end of the farmers"? business was not just what it might be, one or the contributing factors being found right in a good many of the clubs. He said the association. like many others of its kind, had crooked secretaries who sometimes took the farmers’ subscription mon- ey and faile‘d to turn it in. There were good secretaries as well, and he urged the farmers to organize on a sound basis with the object of get- ting the most for their produce and the cutting down of overhead by the- use of intelligent shipping methods. He also urged the farmers to make. use of their brains mere and their hands less. get the co-operative idea, which meant more to the farmer for his money. as well as more to the consumer, at. a stabilized and fairer Hit-ice. One i-ei‘nark made by the Speaker caused quite a lot of amusement in the gatl'iex'ing. He advised lhe var- ious organizations, to use the secret; ballot. He urged that it was not wise to elect Bill Jones to otl'ice “just be- cause he was a good fellow." Bill might be a whale of a fellow. but a mighty pOol' ¢_iil'icial.. \\"'.ill1 the se- cret ballot. everyone could vole more intelligently and with a lot more inâ€" telligence. In this manner any local Biltl Joneses could be eliminated from the. list of oil‘ieials a lot easier than with the open ballot. Being a good fellow. Bill Jones always got the. job. iand, of eourse. the club always suf- fered in consequence. Mr. Martin also urged the election of the club stoekshim’ier by secret ballot. ‘ Another suggestion made by thol sin-lakor was that a thorough canvass lw made) for now momhnrs. In Wrat- vrloo county tlw mmnlmrship hall licnn «louhlml in this way. The speakvr urged all l‘armers’ clubs to appoint a rrop census committee to c-stimalv tlw kimt and amount of crop lwing grown in the district. Smut in thisnstimatc to hoadquart- hrs and tlwy may tw ahln to help in gutting thv surplus to \VIIF‘I't‘ it is most. needed at the minimum ex- pi-nsv. 'l‘he ('Pntral ott'icc was always ahlv to art. as a. c'lnaring house. The ‘l'armvrs‘ rluhs must hi: primal-ed to Him this. and t’armvrs must. he prepar- ml to pay thnir annual duos. 'l‘hny ('Ulliti not. t‘XlN'('i to got. something: out. Hl’ nothing. The basic industry of tho country hail llt"\'t‘l' boon fi- n'lnrml propnrly and it. was high tinw tlw l'arlnvrs injnclml a little husinvss hrains into llmir business and run it, as a iiuslnvss illSit-Pi‘dtl or in tlw haphazard mannnr ot' the past. Following." Mr. Martin‘s a:l«lrnss a lot of liisrtlssiml runlrwl on tho plarn amt maniwr ul' tlw nth annual Illt‘t‘iâ€" ing. It was full that. thorn was too tnurh lmsinvss twin}: atlnnmtml unâ€" itit'l' llw [irusvnt systl-m for our short al'to'rnnnn amt it was tinally agrmul that. tlw no-xt annual niwtiiu.r would lw held in l’ririwillu on tho St‘t'tlllti Friday in Juno ('nmnwnring‘ at "10.30 a.ni. .\t‘lo-r lhn l‘llUl'lllll: sussion it, wa< thought. a short. noonâ€"linw [lir- niv might ln- lwlol. mill with this rus- pitl- l'rnnl lmsino-ss thv :atlwring." wnulol l'w'l morn inrlinwl l'or tlw O 9 u 0.0.? 9‘. 0:. .N. + +++++++++* ++++++++++++++++ Wfi Window Screens, «mod hardmmd frames each 400. 5 Screen Cloth, in 211\ \idths. Screen Doors $1.98 nvvgrf Essen Rape, No, l quality, per 11). 9C. I in'rhtu‘ and 1x ttcr than a 691 01“ Price on P01118011 s111ncl 1m wardcninw 1.49 '~ Cement. Hardware and Seed Merchants ’TlS EASIER TO KEEP FLIES OUT ' THAN T0 CHASE THEM OUT Dwarf Essen Rape, No, l quality, pcr THE DURHAM CHRONICLE SPADING FORKS @275 . S. Hunter 8: Co. Rev. Mr.. Graham, late of Domoch has received and accepted a unan- imous call from the congregation at Franklin, Man. We have just learned of the death of Mrs. Thomas Grasby of Glendale, Manitoba. Nineteen years ago she was a resident of this vicinity where she was well and favourably known. She was 73 years of age and besides her husband leaves eight children three sons and five daughters, Mrs. Aardn Vollett, Mrs. H. McDonald and Mrs. Timothy Grasby reside in town and vicinity. ‘ Owing td'changes being made in the. basement of the Presbyterian Church a partition that ran under the‘ main supporting beam of the auditorium war removed. As the. Foresters tiled into the building Sunday morning a crash was heard indicating that a stay had given way. Willing hands made a temporary support after which the. remainder of the congregation was admitted. 'l‘wo metal supports are being put in this week and the. structure will be stronger than eyer. :- [~4- Mrs. Michael Burke of Gleuelg' «limi nn Sunday morning last at the' Gmntral Hotel. tho home Of her hmtlmr. Mr. Michael McAuliffo and brother-in-law. Mr. McGur'ath. She umilm‘wont an ommtiun for appen- dicitis on Friday. but, owing to the m-nrtifiml condition of the intes- tines no hnpn was held out for hm‘ rncnwry. Intm'mont. was made. at St. Johns. R. (1. Church. Tuesday mm‘niug. Mmumy morning. Juno 6. was the m-casinn 01' a prutty wmlding at St. .l«,»seph’s Church. Mzn'kUalo, the mutt-acting partivs being Mr. 'l‘hns; Ryan 01‘ Nnrmanby and‘Miss M’Iary Dillnn nl' R/lal'lu’lnlv. A few days agu wv rocivwd an1 intvrvsl ing: lottm' from Mr. Jas. Edon 01' Indian Head. Hv likes the countâ€" ry Wu]! and may mow thorn porâ€" mannntly. He has purchased 480 HCI'PS of land, a half snct.inn.(320j from the (,1. P. R. an” lonk up a humbstnad 01‘ 160 acres right along sidv of it. The lucatinn is a few milns from Ltlm‘sdcn. It looks as if TWENTY. YEARS AGO hmn’ivl‘ walk of Hm afternoon 'lakt'n altnm‘thm' the meeting \\ as I'DL’.111“(IHI as 21 big success and the Hum] dispmscd about flu) Oclnck aftor tho singing of the National An- Hmm. Water! Water! Water! H.1i. N0 Prom Th9 Chronicle Pile of June 23, 19M What Is Good Health Worth? \\ 1111 take 11 (211111100 and use \V11111-111at is polluted and 1111111. 1111' domestic use when P1111! Wan-1' (2111 1.10 had 113' Inning :1 “011 111‘111011.\\'0 1111111110 Pumps and Pump 11(1- I‘zlilfi. i: §- 3.0-: in-“' lino-\‘ID IOIE| '7 ‘ 3‘. - "JFu .'.'=E;=ih;== ‘.°Qr [‘1‘0‘ . "UB3IDII' O 'C'QOQC. fl Satisfaction Guaranteed FROST FENCE Always in stock ED. J . PRATT Durham . (’11 9.4 - Durham ' «we :fifigm Plume} 98-12 it is going to be a case of “good-by J im" as he is likelly to settle there.‘ He comes east this fall and will likely go bag and baggage in the spring. We are pleased to learn of his success buthate to lose a good c1 nzen. WORLD’S SMALLBST SALARY DRAWN BY RALPH CONNOR The parson described by Gold- smith. who was “passing. rich on 40 pounds a year,” will hardly be envied by many modern clergymen, but even to-day there is at. least one minister of religion whose salary is considerably less than this amount. ,Imlee‘d, it is. probably the smallest salary in the wlorl‘q. --. n -\ In -‘ O This pastor is the Rev. Dr. C. W. Gordun. béttvr known as “Ralph Connor," the author of "The Sky‘ Pilnt" and otliei" famous novels. H0 is minister 01‘ St. Stephen‘s Presby- tcl'izan (Ihuch at \Viinnimg. but finds 5” much iimv takon up with out- siilu oiig‘ag._'0n1viits that an aSSUCizltt‘. clv "731mm has hmn appointed to czun on “hile hv is a\\av from homo. This assm iatc gots tho lions share (it the salai._'. the iiowlist being content with lht‘ modest sti- pcmi 01'- a «lullar a )‘(Bal‘ffll‘ his isviwiccs tn the ('lllli‘t'h. Still, it. is Quito proliahlo that tho assistant would 1’°l1:ang111|113 lion‘s Sllill'c‘ for his 11111: dollar lii'olhm' if h1- could haw “11‘ 3‘30 000 i11111m1‘ a \11111' f1om mmie fights 211111111 that rumor sax» is “w sum 110111 “111 lilm Voraiuns oi tllt‘ popular ministox 5 books. Authorâ€"I \c cnme here to find in- spirati0n._ ‘ (31011;: \\ a1, Im a la“ -abiding citizen mvself. but I think the hotm has some at eight dollzus :11 (11.11111 ~â€" ++++++++4‘++++++++++++$+++++++++++++ W THE PALM CREAMERY COMPANY PALMERSTON, ONT. ATTENTION 0F We are in the market every day in the year for No. 1 Chuminlar Cream. We have an unlimited market for Palm Brand (Vlreal‘nery Butter, and must have good cream to make it. On and after june Ist, we will grade all cream received at our plant. No. 1 cream must test 25 per cent. or better, and be of a good, clean flavour, and not too sour. If you produce such cream send it to a Creamery where it will be paid for (m a quality basis. If you think this is the right way to buy cream gix‘e us a trial. We supply either 5 or 8 gallon cans. and pay «rash for ever) van received. WRITE FOR YOUR CANS 'l‘(-)â€"l’).\\’. CREAM SHIPPERS “‘Treat ‘em honest, but treat ‘en firm.” That is the motto of the wild west. At least, so some of our more bloodâ€"curdling authors would hawe us believe. Ginger Jeff had been brought up before the locab court charged with some minor offence, and, as there was practically no evidence against him. Jeff was rather surprised when the Judge exclaimedz‘ V' ‘Ye re guiltv. I reckon Ill fine yo 3. dollar.” “Right, Jedi, re. ’ ieplied the Ginger gentleman “5an [11 11am to borrow igt, 0_ffen_ye. ” I 11.,, i____1l-__ "Great. snakes!" cried the worthy upholder of law and order. “It was only to git a dollar that I was fining Y0. Git out! Ye ain‘t. guilty anyway.“ You are sure to need some handy remedy for Sunburn. Insect Stings. Thorn Scratches. Sore Places. Z_nn1-Buk bus been ”Vlw 5 lwvvâ€"v w..- _ ,_, groved to bezhc best. Take a box with you. K 50¢ box. all Dual-b and SUP. We Probaly Will! Queer Justice K“:

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